Forensic Astrology - AMBER DuBOIS missing 2/13/09

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Amber's mother's stalking JAG was 100% mother's intuition.........she was correct!
holy freaking ! I am having a serious *thud* moment right now
It was apparent from the beginning, certainly astrologically, a tragedy had occurred. Nonetheless, no one can/should blame a parent, a mother, for choosing denial.

Now that the truth is revealed, we see tortured and heartbroken eyes silently crying at the news podium. This mother, these parents, desperately in need of our love, compassion and prayers for healing. Please send. That is one of the reasons we are all here.


Oh, I'm not faulting her mom. No way. I know she had to believe to keep going. I know she told us she knew her daughter was alive because she had to keep telling herself, to continue on. It must have been terribly difficult for almost 13 months to keep saying "my daughter didn't run away, she wouldn't do that" and have LE say it didn't appear that way to them. She used the best way she could to keep fighting to find her daughter.

Trust me, this case has really upset me, like Chelsea's, and I feel horrible for all four parents, the families, and all their friends. My sincerest sympathies are with them. I just wanted to give Amber's parents a big hug today and let them cry on me. That's all I'm saying. No fault, no blame on mom and dad. They were in survival mode for a long, long time.
:rose: "Rest In Peace Amber!" :rose:

:prayer: "Many Heartfelt Prayers To All Of Her Loved Ones!" :prayer:


does anyone else find it curious that they drain the water on friday night into saturday morning on the hair tip and than her body is found earlier saturday morning in a completely different location? (before it was reported that the search of the park was completed without any evidence of note? a coincidence? I think more like a cover?)
Nurse, I think it could have been that everything lined up when they finally began a real search for her. Kind of like a celestial parting of the obstructions that covered the location. Something like when you have something nagging at you, then you mention it to someone, and before they can response, the answer comes to you. You give it to the universe and the universe brings you the answer. That kind of thing.

Tuba said a few weeks ago that many things would be happening around the same time, secrets would be revealed, some missing would be found. I think the loss of Chelsea and her discovery somehow opened the way for Amber to be found. Like with Morgan and the others on the east coast who were found around that time, and when Haleigh's relatives were all locked up.

Perhaps Tuba can explain it more clearly. I don't think it was some sort of strange police cover up to drain a lake while looking elsewhere to distract people. Talk about be in trouble for wasting public funds that way!
Nurse, I think it could have been that everything lined up when they finally began a real search for her. Kind of like a celestial parting of the obstructions that covered the location. Something like when you have something nagging at you, then you mention it to someone, and before they can response, the answer comes to you. You give it to the universe and the universe brings you the answer. That kind of thing.

Tuba said a few weeks ago that many things would be happening around the same time, secrets would be revealed, some missing would be found. I think the loss of Chelsea and her discovery somehow opened the way for Amber to be found. Like with Morgan and the others on the east coast who were found around that time, and when Haleigh's relatives were all locked up.

Perhaps Tuba can explain it more clearly. I don't think it was some sort of strange police cover up to drain a lake while looking elsewhere to distract people. Talk about be in trouble for wasting public funds that way!
sorry if I wasn't clear... I was just thinking that this was a 'delayed' and 'coordinated' release to the public.

For example, two hours before the official search at kit carson, le did an interview with the media saying that they were at kit carson park to clear debris and brush to prevent any possible predators from hiding. two hours laterthey are reported as an all out search for Amber based on the hair tip. Furthermore, Saturday reports (and those of very early Sunday which were mostly copycat reports of the original story) say that the search was fruitless. At the exact same time however Amber's remains were discovered in a rugged area not related to the park search. Thusly I think they were operating on multiple tips... and one possibly being from the piece of excrement, Gardner. The timing just speaks. ((not to mention that the search at her remains location was never reported on)) IMHOO 'hush hush' seems to be the operative here. MOO
I like your description of the way things unfolded aksleuth " a celestial parting of the obstructions". Chelsea's case and then Amber's, talk about divine intervention. I know it's early in the investigation, but I do feel JG is responsible for Amber's disappearance and had it not been for the DNA in Chelsea's case ... My heart is breaking for both families, had the Psychcologist's warning been heeded over five years ago, we would not be discussing these two beautiful young ladies right now. When are lawmakers going to see how dangerous these guys are and change to a mandatory sentencing edict?
Oh, I'm not faulting her mom. No way. I know she had to believe to keep going. I know she told us she knew her daughter was alive because she had to keep telling herself, to continue on. It must have been terribly difficult for almost 13 months to keep saying "my daughter didn't run away, she wouldn't do that" and have LE say it didn't appear that way to them. She used the best way she could to keep fighting to find her daughter.

Trust me, this case has really upset me, like Chelsea's, and I feel horrible for all four parents, the families, and all their friends. My sincerest sympathies are with them. I just wanted to give Amber's parents a big hug today and let them cry on me. That's all I'm saying. No fault, no blame on mom and dad. They were in survival mode for a long, long time.


Please know I was not attempting to insinuate you were faulting Amber's Mother; to the contrary, I completely agree with your analysis, and I apologize if in my eagerness to comment on Amber's Mother's state of mind it sounded that way.

sorry if I wasn't clear... I was just thinking that this was a 'delayed' and 'coordinated' release to the public.

For example, two hours before the official search at kit carson, le did an interview with the media saying that they were at kit carson park to clear debris and brush to prevent any possible predators from hiding. two hours laterthey are reported as an all out search for Amber based on the hair tip. Furthermore, Saturday reports (and those of very early Sunday which were mostly copycat reports of the original story) say that the search was fruitless. At the exact same time however Amber's remains were discovered in a rugged area not related to the park search. Thusly I think they were operating on multiple tips... and one possibly being from the piece of excrement, Gardner. The timing just speaks. ((not to mention that the search at her remains location was never reported on)) IMHOO 'hush hush' seems to be the operative here. MOO

Ah, yes, quite possibly. I understand. Quite possibly. Kind of a spread the wings kind of searching perhaps. It worked, thankfully, if that's how it happened.

Soulscape, no offense was thought. I just didn't want you to think I believed Amber's dear family was an Anthony clone. Far, far from it. They were only thinking of Amber.

Yes, Knox, divine intervention is exactly right.
Dubois tip didn't come from Gardner, source says
P.I. says the accused killer of Chelsea King didn't lead authorities to Amber's remains


Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 5:58 p.m.

Accused killer John Albert Gardner III had nothing to do with the tip that led law enforcement to Amber Dubois’ remains, according to a local private investigator who worked on the case.

Bill Garcia, hired by Amber’s family shortly after she disappeared, said he was told by a person with first-hand knowledge that the tip about the location of the remains did not come from Gardner, who was charged Wednesday with the rape and murder of Chelsea King, 17, of Poway.

“The entire Chelsea King event emotionally pulled at somebody who had this information,” Garcia said. “They’ve seen the community in a lot of pain. Someone who had been afraid to say something finally came forward.”

Much more info at link:
I tend to think this is candy coated and partially based in reality. I do NOT see someone holding out crucial info for this long. Than again, there are many living their life in a bubble and until it hits home they don't see the connectivity.

I still think the timing is off.. esp in light of the recent kit carson park search, denial that anytihng was found there... etc...

The searches were literally simulaneously... I see a connection. MOO
I have heard that Garner was being looked at in 7 missing person cases, Chelsey is 1 Amber is two who are the other 5?
Part 2B:

Remains ID'd as Amber Dubois
The remains of the missing Escondido teenager were found near Pala

Updated 4:45 PM PST, Sun, Mar 7, 2010
The remains were found early Saturday in an area described as very rugged and remote area of Pala, in northern San Diego County. With the help of dental records, investigators were able to identify Amber's body. Escondido police and San Diego County Sheriff's investigators were following a lead in the case when they made this discovery, said Escondido's Police Chief Jim Maher. Media packed the briefing room at the Escondido police department on West Grand Avenue at 3:30 p.m. Sunday after news leaked that there had been a major development in the case.

John Albert Gardner III pleaded not guilty in the rape and slaying of 17-year-old Chelsea King. After the discovery of a body in the King search, the search for Amber intensified.

Amber's father has said he can't help but draw connections between his daughter's case and Chelsea King's and that he's spoken with investigators with Escondido police as well as the San Diego County Sheriff's Department.

Even the television program "America's Most Wanted" has profiled the case. The family told producers of the show that Amber sent four texts to her grandmother before leaving the house that morning for the roughly mile long walk to school. Amber&#8217;s family says Amber was a model student who never talked about running away and they believe she was abducted.

Raw Video: Amber Dubois Remains Found

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Amber's friends take the news hard
They get the news on the way out of 'Avatar'

Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 6:05 p.m.
Amber Dubois' closest friends took the sad news hard Sunday.

&#8220;Even if she was in another country, like maybe as long as she was still alive, it would have been OK,&#8221; said Hailey Kosinski, a 15-year-old Escondido High School sophomore. &#8220;I was telling myself she&#8217;s not dead, she&#8217;s somewhere else, she&#8217;s somewhere, she can&#8217;t find us. But I guess I was proven wrong.&#8221;

Hailey got the news as she was exiting Avatar, a movie she said Amber would have loved for its message and nature scenes. &#8220;She was always so kind of connected with nature, sort of the whole circle of life, balance, everything,&#8221; she said. &#8220;I think the graphics would catch her, the lush green forests and the creatures. It would be something she&#8217;d be into.&#8221;

She&#8217;s been missing so long, Hailey said, &#8220;It&#8217;s hard to even remember how she acted around you.&#8221;

Tomorrow will be a tough day at school, she said.

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Amber&#8217;s mystery
With no solid clues since the Escondido teen disappeared a year ago, family and police remain frustrated and heartbroken over &#8230;

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 12:04 a.m.
On a dresser in Amber Dubois' bedroom sits a pile of neatly folded clothes. For the longest time, Carrie McGonigle, Amber&#8217;s mother, was unable to make herself clean her daughter&#8217;s jeans and blouses. Just last month she finally washed the items, almost a year after Amber went missing.Saturday marks the anniversary of her disappearance. She was 14 at the time and would be 15 now, if she is alive.

&#8220;I never want to say it, but I would rather lose a child to death then to have a child missing,&#8221; said McGonigle, 42. &#8220;I have a friend whose daughter died. She said she would rather know that (her child) was in heaven than not know where she is at all.&#8221;

The school is less than a mile from where Amber lived on Fire Mountain Place with her mother, her mother&#8217;s boyfriend, David Cave, and her younger sister, Allison. A few months after Amber disappeared, McGonigle felt she had to move out of the house. &#8220;I couldn&#8217;t be a mom to my 5-year-old; she&#8217;s 6 now,&#8221; McGonigle said. &#8220;I would just go up to Amber&#8217;s room and cry and yell at her if she would come near me. I isolated myself. I just couldn&#8217;t function in this house with the memories and everything.&#8221; Allison has been seeing a counselor since the second week. At first she was angry and said terrible things, such as that she hated Amber, McGonigle said. &#8220;She just didn&#8217;t know how to deal with it.&#8221; She&#8217;s much better now, her mother said.

When McGonigle moved from Cave&#8217;s house to another home in Escondido, she took with her the small futon that Amber slept on. When she returns to her boyfriend&#8217;s house now, she said, she usually curls up on the floor where the futon had been and cries. Amber&#8217;s books, including the Harry Potter series that Amber, a voracious reader, read in its entirety in three weeks, are still in a bookcase. The posters and photographs of wolves that Amber loved so much still adorn the walls. A cat named Robin that Amber got on her 10th birthday cries at night to be let in and sleep like she did before Amber went away.

Last summer, dogs from Texas hired by the family appeared to have traced Amber&#8217;s scent to the community of Pala, specifically to the Pala library. But no one in Pala remembers having ever seen Amber. Bloodhounds used by the FBI smelled no hint of her in Pala several months later. Police think the most likely scenario is she willingly got into a vehicle with someone. &#8220;Whatever happened after that is anybody&#8217;s guess,&#8221; Benton said.

Police doubt she was forcibly abducted off the street because it was too crowded with students heading to school and someone would have seen it. Two witnesses who knew Amber saw her walking on North Broadway near the football field north of the school&#8217;s entrance with a tall, dark-skinned, but not black, sort of &#8220;doughy&#8221; boy who has yet to be identified, Benton said. Security cameras near the front of the school show Amber never made it that far.

McGonigle said her life has changed dramatically. She said she has become obsessive about certain things yet at the same time has trouble focusing on tasks at hand.

How people react to her has changed, as well. &#8220;Some of my friends that I thought would really have my back and really be my support system, not a thing from them,&#8221; McGonigle said. &#8220;And the ones I never would have guessed to be there have been there through everything.&#8221;

There is a $100,000 reward in the case. An additional $30,000 has been raised, money spent largely on the printing and distribution of fliers and the production of glossy pamphlets sent a few months ago to every law enforcement agency in the United States.

&#8220;As investigators, you go by your gut feelings,&#8221; said Russo, the Escondido police sergeant. &#8220;But over the course of the past year our gut feelings have taken us in a dozen different directions. We have nothing to base a gut feeling on.&#8221;

*Much More At Link!

Carrie McGonigle, mother of missing Escondido teenager Amber Dubois, spoke about how her life has changed dramatically in the past year, from her behaviors to her friends to her home.

Amber Dubois: Complete coverage

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Amber's remains found; father thanks supporters
Police say discovery near Pala ends 13-month search for Escondido teen

Originally published March 7, 2010 at 9:15 p.m., updated March 7, 2010 at 10:45 p.m
The remains were found west of Pala Temecula Road, about three miles north of the historic Pala Mission &#8212; the same area where the remains of 7-year-old Leticia Hernandez were discovered 15 months after she disappeared from her Oceanside home in 1989.

Amber&#8217;s mother, Carrie McGonigle, appeared disconsolate and did not speak to reporters at the news conference. McGonigle had granted dozens of interviews since her daughter went missing in the hope of generating clues by keeping the case in the limelight.

In the Amber case Sunday night, Escondido police had perimeter tape set up west of Pala Temecula Road. Pala Creek runs to the east of it.

Investigators have openly questioned whether Gardner might be responsible in Amber&#8217;s disappearance. Bill Garcia, a private investigator hired by Amber&#8217;s family shortly after she disappeared, said he was told by a person with firsthand knowledge of the case that the tip about the location of the remains did not come from Gardner.

&#8220;The entire Chelsea King event emotionally pulled at somebody who had this information,&#8221; Garcia said. &#8220;They&#8217;ve seen the community in a lot of pain. Someone who had been afraid to say something finally came forward.&#8221;

Garcia said he has long suspected the remains might be in the Pala area, because any abductor would have wanted to get away from high-traffic areas quickly, and many of the back roads out of Escondido lead into the Pauma Valley area. &#8220;We&#8217;ve spent a lot of time in the past year, working that canyon,&#8221; Garcia said. &#8220;It&#8217;s no mystery to me that&#8217;s where she was found.&#8221;

San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis has consistently refused to discuss the case against Gardner since he was arrested Feb. 28. Dumanis&#8217; spokesman declined to comment Sunday on any possible connection between Amber and Gardner.

Legal experts say it would not be out of the question for a defendant facing the death penalty to cooperate with prosecutors and divulge key information in exchange for a life sentence. But those deals usually take longer than a few days to work out.

&#8220;It&#8217;s possible but it&#8217;s not likely,&#8221; said San Diego defense attorney Kerry Steigerwalt, who has followed both cases but is not involved in either one. &#8220;There are so many variables that would have had to come together in a short period of time.&#8221; In the hours immediately following Gardner&#8217;s arrest at Hernandez Hide-A-Way in Del Dios, authorities said the suspect was refusing to cooperate with interrogators.

Last night, the woodsy site where the body was found was guarded by a lone Escondido police officer who declined to comment.

Authorities gathered Sunday night at the site of the discovery of Amber Dubois&#8217; remains, about three miles north of the Pala Mission.

Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher was joined by Amber Dubois&#8217; parents, Carrie McGonigle and Moe Dubois, at a news conference Sunday where officials announced the remains of the teen, who had been missing 13 months, were found.

Scott Pfaucht (right) was among the volunteers who gathered in May to search for missing 14-year-old Amber Dubois in an area north of Escondido. Amber had vanished a few months earlier.



Video:press conference about remains of Amber Dubois found in Pala 3:27

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Teen loved reading and animals, large and small
Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 10:27 p.m.
As a young girl, Amber Dubois would read under her sheets with a flashlight when she should have been sleeping. Later, she would lose herself in books as her teachers taught class around her. It was the closest she ever came to trouble. &#8220;She was the person who would be caught by the teacher for reading, and the teacher would be like, &#8216;Put that book away,&#8217;&#8201;&#8221; said Hailey Kosinski, 15.

Sunday, family, former teachers and close friends shared memories of Amber, the Escondido teenager whose remains were found near Pala in North County more than a year after her disappearance.

She was last seen shortly after 7 a.m. Feb. 13, 2009, on her way to Escondido High School, where she was a 14-year-old freshman. She had planned a happy day, evidenced by the Valentine&#8217;s Day gifts she carried for friends and a $200 check to buy a lamb for a National FFA Organization project.

As much as she loved reading, Amber adored animals and the lamb would have been the newest in her beloved menagerie. She had decided on a French name for the lamb, Annette, after consulting with her paternal grandmother, Eugenie Dubois, who lives in La Mirada. Her father, Moe Dubois, lives in Buena Park.

The walk to campus was less than a mile from where Amber lived with her mother, Carrie McGonigle, her mother&#8217;s then-boyfriend, and her little sister, Allison. Along the way, she sent a text message to her other grandmother, Sheila Welch, about the bag of handmade Valentine&#8217;s Day gifts she had given 5-year-old Allison.

Her poetry reflected her love of nature and animals, said Pat Gross, Amber&#8217;s eighth-grade English teacher at Rincon Middle School in Escondido. Amber, her mother and sister had moved to Escondido from Los Angeles County before Amber started eighth grade. She had previously attended Nazarene Christian School near Paramount.

*Much More At Link!

Amber Dubois adored animals and had looked forward to the animal husbandry program at Escondido High School.

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UPDATED: ESCONDIDO: Skeletal remains of Amber Dubois found near Pala Reservation
Police say 13-month search for missing Escondido girl is now a murder investigation

Posted: March 7, 2010 2:29 pm
Police said they found the skeletal remains of 14-year-old Escondido High School freshman Amber Dubois in a remote area Saturday near the Pala Indian Reservation, bringing a tragic end to a 13-month search for the girl who was last seen walking to school on a drizzly winter morning. The grisly discovery transforms what was a missing person's case into a murder investigation, Escondido police Chief Jim Maher said Sunday during a news conference at the Escondido Police Station.

"I'm extremely sad," Amber's grandmother, Sheila Welch, said when contacted by telephone at her Los Angeles-area home. "I don't think that thoughts really describe what happens when you find out someone you love so much was murdered."

Amber's aunt, Nicole Elsbernd, struggled to stay composed. "We are having a difficult time putting anything into words right now," Elsbernd said during a telephone interview. "We are all just taking this in. It's a very, very difficult time for us." Elsbernd said her teenage daughter, Kelly, is "very much in shock." The weekend before Amber disappeared, she and Kelly went to a movie and played in the rain.

More than 1,000 tips
Numerous searches organized by authorities and Amber's family have taken place over the last year. Searchers have fanned out throughout the region, and police departments nationwide were blanketed with fliers. Private investigators, FBI agents and lost-children advocacy groups helped in the search

Amber's parents also said that police were slow to respond to what they believed was an important scent trail to the Pala Library picked up by a team of highly trained East Coast search dogs brought in by the family in August. No one connected with the library remembered seeing anyone matching the girl's description.

Plans to buy a lamb
On the last morning Amber was seen, she ate a bowl of cereal, slipped on a hoodie and jeans and left for school, family members have said. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary that drizzly winter day. Her mother awakened her to say goodbye. They spoke about a lamb that Amber was looking forward to buying and raising as part of the school's Future Farmers of America program.

A couple of neighbors told police they spotted her on her way to school. A boy was seen walking next to her minutes before she went missing. On Feb. 14, 2009, Amber's cell phone was turned on briefly and then went silent, police said. A neighbor who had dropped his son off at school said he noticed Amber walking on the sidewalk as he drove north on Broadway.

The next day, Amber's cell phone was turned on when someone attempted to check the phone's voice mail, police said. The signal was picked up by a cell tower on Amber Lane in northern Escondido. The tower covers a 5-mile radius, which means the phone could have been just about anywhere in Escondido.

*More at link!


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America's Most Wanted host speaks about Amber
12:41 AM PST, March 8, 2010
The Amber Dubois case has received national media attention and the host of 'America's Most Wanted' believes there's a link to the Poway teen, Chelsea King, murder case. John Walsh of 'America's Most Wanted' (AMW) believes that John Albert Gardner III, the known sex offender arrested in connection with the murder of Chelsea King, could be responsible for Amber Dubois disappearance.

Walsh said, "He probably had something to do I say...he's the guy that probably took Amber Dubois." He also said believes Gardner should have never been released from jail. "He [Gardner] should have been stopped on the first rape that they're accusing him with. Not out there until they got little Chelsea King and murdered her so it makes people angry. It makes me angry. That's why we still try to change things," Walsh explained. Walsh is using his television platform to push for tougher laws against sex offenders.

Photo Gallery» Remembering Amber Dubois,0,5247380.photogallery

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Amber's parents' emotional journey
8:14 PM PST, March 7, 2010
Grieving parents of Amber Dubois faced the cameras Sunday in Escondido, fighting back tears to thank all of the people who never gave up on finding their daughter. It's been a long year for Maurice Dubois and Carrie McGonigle, parents of the Escondido teenager who went missing February 13th, 2009. The pair put in countless hours and showed a spectrum of emotions since the search began to the discovery of their daughter was announced Sunday evening.

They described emotional rollercoaster at the press conference Wednesday, days before the Amber's skeletal remains were found in Pala area. Wednesday, Maurice said, "my frustrations are immense we've had a long, long year."

Both Carrie and Maurice had intuitions that news of their daughter's whereabouts would surface with the death of Poway teenage, Chelsea King, and the arrest of John Albert Gardner III. "When I heard about it Thursday night, my first thoughts were that it was connected to Amber," said Carrie.

The heartbroken parents plastered their daughter's picture all over the media and county, hoping for leads to her disappearance. They went on countless searches with thousands of volunteers. The pair never gave up hope.


Video: Police: Search For Amber Is Over 2:48

Video: Location Of Amber/'s Remains 1:44

Video: Community Mourns Amber 1:29

Video: Private Investigator Bill Garcia Talks About Amber Investigation 3:15

Video: Timeline Search For Amber Dubois 1:26

Video: Local Businesses React To Discovery Of Amber 2:01

Video: Amber's Parents Speak At News Conference 0:49

Related Links:
Search for Amber one year since disappearance,0,6708958.story

Video: Amber Dubois parents interview one year after she disappeared,0,7603508.tivideo

WEBSITE: Megan's Law,0,5917572.storylink

Anguished dad writes Father's Day letter to missing daughter,0,2373362.story

Parents of missing Escondido teen frustrated by search,0,978536.story

Video: Dogs Brought in to Pick Up Trail of Missing Teen,0,3160467.tivideo

Photo: Maurice Dubois and Carrie McGonigle speak about discovery of daughter,0,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Video: Amber Dubois Update
Human skeletal remains found in Pala were positively identified as those of missing 14 year old Amber Dubois. 02/07/2010

Video: Gardner Attorney
Did John Gardner play a role in the murder of Amber Dubois? 02/07/2010

Video: Amber Dubois Found Dead
Entire news conference announcing the search for Escondido teen Amber Dubois has ended. Amber's father also comments. 3/7/10
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Amber Dubois candelight vigil set for Monday night in Escondido
Monday, March 8, 2010
A candlelight vigil will be held Monday night at Escondido High School for Amber Dubois, whose skeletal remains were found in Pala more than a year after she disappeared while walking to the school when she was 14 years old. The vigil is set for 6:30 p.m. at the high school at 1535 N. Broadway, Escondido.

Despite a prolonged search by law enforcement, her family and volunteers, her body was not found until Saturday.


Dubois tip didn't come from Gardner, source says
P.I. says the accused killer of Chelsea King didn't lead authorities to Amber's remains


Sunday, March 7, 2010 at 5:58 p.m.

Accused killer John Albert Gardner III had nothing to do with the tip that led law enforcement to Amber Dubois’ remains, according to a local private investigator who worked on the case.

Bill Garcia, hired by Amber’s family shortly after she disappeared, said he was told by a person with first-hand knowledge that the tip about the location of the remains did not come from Gardner, who was charged Wednesday with the rape and murder of Chelsea King, 17, of Poway.

“The entire Chelsea King event emotionally pulled at somebody who had this information,” Garcia said. “They’ve seen the community in a lot of pain. Someone who had been afraid to say something finally came forward.”

respectfully bolded by me...if this person was responsible for the police finding Amber's body...did they know where she was all along, I wonder?

Much more info at link:

Respectfully bolded by me, if this person is responsible for the police finding Ambers body, did this person know where she was all along?
Respectfully bolded by me, if this person is responsible for the police finding Ambers body, did this person know where she was all along?

They had to have known, with out knowledge of where she was this person wouldn't have been able to lead them to her.
Part 3B:

ESCONDIDO: Amber's walk to school went past homes, crowded streets
Posted: March 7, 2010 10:13 pm
On a regular day, Amber Dubois' mile walk to Escondido High School was a relatively short trek through her neighborhood of manicured lawns and along usually busy streets.

On Feb. 13, 2009, the 14-year-old freshman vanished at some point between her home and her school.

And on Saturday, one year and three weeks to the day she disappeared, investigators found her skeletal remains in rugged Pala terrain miles away.

The path to school would take her down to Paradise Street, where she would have turned north.

Paradise Street ends at Vista Way, a wide, busy street where she would have swung left.

The next leg of the walk, to North Broadway, is two-tenths of a mile.

The route goes past the entrance to Calvin Christian High School, a private school.

At the corner stoplight, Amber would have turned right and headed south on North Broadway for the final half-mile stretch of her walk.

The walk would take her by walled apartment complexes to her right and cars parked along the street on the left, with only a small width of sidewalk.

The final stretch goes past fencing around the school's athletic fields.

*More at link!

Map of Amber Dubois' path to school

Amber Dubois lived in a home to the left of the top of Fire Mountain Place, a cul-de-sac looking west toward Paradise Street.

The corner of Fire Mountain Place, where Amber Dubois lived, and Paradise Street, looking north. Amber would have turned the corner from Fire Mountain to walk northbound on Paradise Street. The blue ribbons of awareness were replaced on the anniversary of her disappearance.

Looking north from the corner of Fire Moutain Place and Paradise Street. Blue ribbons for awareness were replaced on the anniversary of Amber's disappearance.

Corner of Paradise Street looking northwest at Vista Avenue. School is Calvin Christian.

On Vista Avenue right in front of Calvin Christian school, looking west.

Looking west on Vista Avenue toward Broadway. A "Find Amber" banner has been up at the corner.

A banner and fliers have been posted at the corner of Broadway and Vista Avenue since the Feb. 2009 disappearance of Amber Dubois.

Looking south on Broadway.

Looking south on Broadway.

Looking south on Broadway.

Looking south on Broadway.

Banners for Amber hang on the fence at the edge of the Escondido High School campus on Broadway. The building in the background where the school buses are housed.

On Broadway looking into the EHS campus. The athletic complex is to the right.

On Broadway, the EHS electronic message board still scrolls messages about Amber's disappearance.

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ESCONDIDO: Family, community mourn Amber Dubois
Posted: March 7, 2010 10:25 pm
After more than a year of rallying the public to bring 14-year-old Amber Dubois home alive, her family on Sunday retreated in grief at the news the missing girl was found dead. The community began its mourning, too.

Several Amber Dubois memorial pages also had been added to Facebook by Sunday evening.

Escondido resident Michelle Tuckerson said she and her husband became friends with Maurice Dubois after stopping off at the Amber Search Center last March to help. She said she cried Sunday when she learned of his new grief. "You want closure for the family, so they can mourn, but at the same time, I just know the pain is unbelievable," Tuckerson said. "He believed it with all his heart she wasn't dead"[/U]

Amber's mysterious disappearance has haunted people in Escondido and beyond, with thousands putting up posters or getting involved in weekend searches, fundraisers and vigils.

Mourners stopped by Escondido High School and put up makeshift memorials Sunday evening. School officials Sunday made preparations for a hard day at the school. Ed Nelson, superintendent of the Escondido High School District, said crisis teams were being readied to provide counseling to adults and students on Monday.

"We will make sure our counselors are prepared to deal with anything that surfaces on any of the campuses," he said. "In light of the King case and now this, the concerns are magnified. What a devastating and tragic end for both families."

Carmen Tatman places a candle at a memorial set up at Escondido High School Sunday for Amber Dubois, whose remains near the Pala Reservation Saturday.

Candles have been placed at a memorial set up for missing Escondido High School student Amber Dubois, whose remains have been found over the weekend, in front of Escondido High School on Sunday.

A note has been placed at a memorial set up for missing Escondido High School student Amber Dubois, whose remains have been found over the weekend, in front of Escondido High School on Sunday.

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Associated Press Video: Police: Missing Calif. Girl's Bones Found 0:47
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Calif. girl&#8217;s remains found near recent killing
&#8216;We know the possibility is ... strong there is a connection,&#8217; victim&#8217;s dad says

updated 43 minutes ago
"This is an ongoing murder investigation and any details, no matter how slight, would be inappropriate to reveal at this point in time," he said.

Authorities found Amber's skeletal remains early Saturday in a remote, rugged area of Pala, a small town in the Pala Indian Reservation, which stretches more than 12,000 acres in north San Diego County, said Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher. The county medical examiner's office confirmed the remains were Amber's through dental records, he said.

Police did not say if the discovery was linked to Chelsea's accused killer, John Albert Gardner III. Maher did not answer questions during a brief news conference Sunday.

Today Show Video: King's alleged killer tied to another slaying? 1:30
March 8: The body of missing teen Amber Dubois was found in a Southern California park days after Chelsea King's body was discovered. Now police are taking a look at the man charged in King's killing. NBC's Janet Shamlian reports.
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Today Show Video: Remains ID'd 2:20
March 7: Escondido Police Chief Jim Maher confirms the findings.
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Today Show Video: Is alleged killer tied to other missing teens? 7:03
March 4: Police in San Diego are trying to link the suspect in the Chelsea King murder case to the disappearance of Amber Dubois. Amber's father, Maurice Dubois, speaks with TODAY's Meredith Vieira.
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GMA: Discovery of Amber DuBois Body Sparks New Fears
Remains of 14-Year-Old Found Less Than a Week After Chelsea King's Body Discovered

March 8, 2010
The discovery of the remains of a second San Diego area teenager has raised more questions about a sex offender already in custody for the death of 17-year-old Chelsea King, but police aren't confirming the two cases are connected.

The skeletal remains of 14-year-old Amber DuBois were found in Pala, an Indian reservation north of San Diego, more than a year after she vanished on her way to school. Her remains were identified by the coroner through dental records, authorities said. DuBois' remains were found less than a week after King's body was found in a shallow grave in a park where she was last seen jogging.

The discovery of the girls' bodies has taken an incalcuable toll on the community. Outrage has continued to mount that Gardner and other sex offenders like him are allowed to roam the streets. And parents say they are afraid to let their children play in parks.

WATCH: Amber Dubois' Body Found 1 Year Later 2:12
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Friends Mourn Amber Dubois
Updated 7:42 AM PST, Mon, Mar 8, 2010
Just hours after news of Amber Dubois' death was made public, a memorial with notes, flowers and ribbons stood outside Escondido High School. Skeletal remains were found early Saturday in an area described as very rugged and remote area of Pala, in northern San Diego County. With the help of dental records, investigators were able to identify Amber's body and inform the family late Saturday.

On Monday, the high school brought in extra counselors on site to help students cope with the news from the weekend. As students arrived and stopped by the memorial, some say the news has reopened old wounds. &#8220;Amber has been lost to us but she will live on in the memory of our staff and students as we try to move forward during this time of healing,&#8221; principal Rich Watkins said in a prepared statement.

On Sunday, friends and fellow students of the teenage girl left flowers and candles beneath Amber&#8217;s missing poster. On one of the cards, &#8220;You are in a much safer place now Amber. May you rest in peace." Another read, "Amber, God bless you and your family." Holding back tears, Nathan Pederson, 17, walked to the memorial with his parents and younger sister Sunday. He knew Amber well and still can&#8217;t believe his friend&#8217;s life had such a tragic ending. &#8220;Whoever did this, he can&#8217;t hurt her anymore,&#8221; said Nathan as he wiped tears from his eyes. &#8220;She&#8217;s in a good place now.&#8221;

Amid the grief of Amber&#8217;s death, the pain and disbelief of some Escondido High School parents quickly turned to outrage. &#8220;Something has got to be done,&#8221; said Judy Pederson as held on tightly to her daughter. &#8220;[Authorities] need to protect our children&#8230;this just hits too close to home.&#8221; On Monday at 6:30 p.m., a vigil is planned for Escondido High School to honor the memory of Amber Dubois.

Video: "This Has Got to Stop:" Friend of Amber Dubois

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Video: Skeletal Remains of Missing California Teen Found Early Saturday
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Amber's Mother 'Crushed' by News
The remains of the missing Escondido teenager were found near Pala

Updated 7:36 AM PST, Mon, Mar 8, 2010
Skeletal remains found on the Pala Reservation east of Interstate 15 and bisected by state route 76 have been positively identified as Amber, according to Escondido police.

Amber's parents, Maurice Dubois and Carrie McGonigle, thanked supporters and searchers after the discovery was announced Sunday. Privately, Maurice Dubois said that the number one thing that he wants to do now is to change the laws when it comes to sexual predators.

Amber&#8217;s mother was described as &#8220;absolutely crushed.&#8221; She had hope that her daughter would be found alive. McGonigle said that she had believed in her heart her daughter was still alive. It was that hope that was the driving force behind the months and months of searching for her.

Map: Key locations in the Chelsea King and Amber Dubois cases,0.145912&z=12&source=embed

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King parents console family of other dead teen
Posted: 03/08/2010 12:43:15 AM PST
Updated: 03/08/2010 10:21:53 AM PST
The parents of Chelsea King are consoling the parents of another teen found dead in San Diego County.
The remains of 14-year-old Amber Dubois were found Saturday, four days after the presumed body of the 17-year-old King was discovered in a shallow grave.

King's parents issued a statement Monday saying they spoke with Amber's family and share their "indescribable grief."

John Albert Gardner III is charged with murdering King and is being investigated for any links to Amber's death.

Investigators comb area where bones found
10:50 PM PST, March 7, 2010
A locked steel gate separates the public roadway from the area where Amber Dubois's skeletal remains were discovered Saturday in Pala. Beyond the gate is a private road where the investigation continues for any clues to who is responsible.

The area that's blocked off by police tape sits on a winding road just five miles north of the Pala Casino. Sheriff's deputies at the scene described the area as a remote and desolate part in the outskirts of San Diego County.

"We want to show the area where Amber's remains were found," Stacey Humphrey said as she stood near the scene where authorities discovered the skeletal remains of Amber. "Sheriff's deputies have put up this yellow tape and it's down this private road in a rural and desolate area where Amber's skeletal remains were found."

The deputies at the Pala scene told Fox 5 News that they are expected to be investigating the area through Monday.


Video: Private Investigator Bill Garcia On Link Between Amber And Chelsea 5:55

Video: San Diegans React To Amber Dubois On Line 2:35

Video: Candlelight Vigil Planned To Honor Amber Dubois 2:12

Video: Matt Johnson With The Latest On Amber Dubois 2:51

Video: The Grieving Process 5:11

Video: Police Search For Amber Is Over 2:48

Video: Location Of Amber's Remains 1:44

Photos: Remembering Amber Dubois,0,5247380.photogallery

Photo: Location Amber's remains were found,0,

MAP: Locations where Amber Dubois went missing and where body was found Photo,0,


what is your thoughts on JAG being the perp (in re: to the event of her remains being found)? tia
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