Forensic Astrology - BETH BENTLEY last heard from 5/23/2010

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For someone who was born on December 19th, 1989 I'd find and give a general description of certain "inclinations" which may or may not be applicable, depending upon one's true time of birth and own self-evolved skills......but using a more generalized indicator of astrological aspects only, I find the following:

Pluto 16Scorp. Squares the North Node .

Uranus opposes Jupiter (hair trigger temper ) and Jupiter opposes Saturn (lack of self control with Bi-Polar tendencies) Jupiter opposes Neptune (wild eyed dreams not based in reality) Jupiter opposes the Sun and Jupiter Quincunx to Venus.

Jupiter is supposed to be a spiritual planet
and we are supposed to (as souls) spiritualize ourselves to gain the vibration high enough, that it would then be shown in the harmony or harmonious aspects in the natal to Jupiter between the planets, involved, especially the outer planets like Uranus , Saturn and Neptune.
The inner planets (Sun, Mercury,Mars, Venus) are more ego oriented and not as important in this regard except for the more mundane or egocentric things in life.

With all of these very inharmonious aspects to Jupiter, the opposite is true for this
Person born on this date, except if the Ascendent gives us more hope .
The gains have not been made nor do they show up in the life.

He may even hate women deep inside….(the Quincunx to Venus)
But if not, certainly with Venus in Aquarius, isn’t one to relate on a one to one close
Personal basis with women very much.

As for relating to Beth? Well, there is clearly a 20 yr. age difference here, so I don't know what in the world she'd have in common with this person, or someone born 20 yrs. her junior anyway.

BUT if such a person were with her when she disappeared?

Then, I'd worry because Transiting Pluto was sitting atop Natal Uranus in someone's chart born on this day (hair trigger responses)
and Transiting Jupiter/Uranus was squaring his natal Ceres (nurture) exact square.
With his natal Ceres opposed to the Sun may have had a "reaction" to mothering instincts he never felt he rec'd from his own mother or father.

(just generalized of course)....
Like I said, in the quote, IF anyone has the dob/place for NR, I'd be gald to look at the chart in relation to the transits and the disappearance of Beth.
Or even a "true" time of last seen would be nice too. Not just, "oh, I dropped her off sometime...."

in responce to this request I can give you the "last known" location of Beth
Please excuse me if I don't do this proper I don't mean any disrepect to how things are done here.
Anything I state as "fact" I either got directly from speaking with the Detective on Beth's case or AGM. With this being said.. I apologize I have no link because I called with intent of getting these exact times and dates for you.

Beth was at the Ridge family home Sunday May 23 @ 4:15pm

I can also give you a second known location if this is helpful

Beth was @ The Frosty Mug at 11PM Friday May 21
1113 Salem Rd
Mount Vernon, IL 62864

Thank you in advance I hope this information is helpful in your request.
The friends & family of Beth Bentley also thank you for your efforts
Maybe I misunderstood? I thought this "last known" information was needed so Leomoon could chart Beth's possible information? Did I need to request this as well, sorry I am still learning WS and how things are done :)

Is it possible to chart where her location now might be? I wish I were more knowledgable about Astrology, I have read so much information about it, but it is so vast I am still but a child learning.

TY all your information has been very helpful and quiet accurate I might add :)

In the Last Seen 4:15 PM chart (you may notice too that I once posted a Last Heard from Husband telephone call Chart at 4PM that was brought back to my attention )
My readings are based upon not only the planets but what I "feel" at the time I'm doing the reading! Hence, the language may be different for each chart, yet the planets may be in the very same houses! As I am reading the chart, the planets come together to form a story for me and of course this is just, "imo".

For this chart:4:15PM

Perhaps related to drugs or something untowards that happened to Beth the one in question at the 4:15PM chart. This is a good timetable really for seeing that something bad happened to her, and she is no longer on the earth, imo.

I do believe that drugs were involved, as Beth has Neptune transiting her Sun that day and this chart for this point in time, gives us the Black Moon, POF, Neptune and Chiron all in the 5th house with the intercepted signs, Aquarius and Pisces, hence, the house of
Recreation and because of the location of Neptune , probably drugs were involved.

There is both a Grand Square as well a Yod in this chart, which points to rather disturbing events taking place, as Saturn, Mercury and the Black Moon as well as Pluto in the Grand Cross all play a role at that time.

The Sun is located at 2 deg.Gemini, on this Sun’s Ruling Day and it also forms an inconjunct (harsh aspect) to Pluto from the 8th to the 3rd houses.

Then, there is Beth herself, the object of this discussion and the time frame, I’d see as the Rising sign in Libra, 17th degree – and the Ruler of Libra being/Venus (Beth) at 4 Cancer, is exactly Opposed to Pluto in the 3rd at 4 Capricorn . This sounds to me, like destruction of Beth.

Then there is Saturn sitting in the 12th as testimony as well the 11th house cusp of friendships, at the 22nd degree of Leo, conjunct Mars at 22nd Leo. The 22nd degree is the degree of self's own undoing.
This went for the friends as well as Beth's choice of acquaintances that weekend, imo.

That’s not sounding to me like friends having a nice get together over tea.
A goodbye Brunch!

It sounds and more importantly, the chart looks rather serious at this time.
I can also give you a second known location if this is helpful

It may be, hard to say until we look at it.


At the Frosty Mug Restaurant, we have at 11PM, Capricorn rising, so Saturn is the Ruler
And found in the 8th house or the dark side of the 9th house cusp opposing Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces conj. fixed star Scheat.
Since this is the cusp of the 3rd where Jupiter and Uranus are found in the 2nd the chart reflects then, the comradarie, friendship of just “hanging out”. Mercury is in Taurus at 6 degrees and the only planet found in the 4th Hs.

Mercury overall, has harmonious aspects here, so I think they were all having fun, just hanging out.
If we take Venus to be Beth in this earlier chart, then found in the 6th Hs. opposed to Pluto (not yet exact, that will take 2 days), and part of the Grand Square (see Link)

Although I see nothing untowards in this chart, for harm to her, I do note that the Sun just entered the Weeping Sisters at 0 Gemini and fatefully enough, is just entered the 5th house for this point in time chart.

Neptune the illusions we are under, is found in the 2nd house between the Black Moon and Chiron, so augering her mindset perhaps, blissfully unaware.

Neptune however, ALSO makes a quincunx to Saturn in the 8th of death and obsessions,
And Saturn conjuncts the Part of Fortune here, as well, a part of the Grand Cross for this chart.

HELP, we need the absolute CORRECT confirmed birthdates for RR and brother. I see someone posted 4/7/1983 but we were given 1973 earlier.

The chart for RR using a 1973 year of birth will be removed until such time we receive a confirmed DATE of BIRTH.

How about the time she was reported missing? Not sure if this link will be good, so I snipped and abbreviated the original content. The link if it works, prompts you to open or save the pdf file.{59338FB1-36FC-4D84-9A22-AD8358190535}.PDF


I chose Woodstock instead of where she disappeared from because the call was made by her husband and her final destination. It makes a difference by a few degrees in the Rising sign, which is ruled by Saturn found in the 8th House of Death, and other’s Assets.
The concern then, of strong responsibility lay with the telephone call, a Saturn event of grave import.
I liked this particular choice for the location because it puts the SN into the 7th house of the spouse., and of course, conjunct to Venus, (Beth) and the love and concern it conveys here.

But Pluto in the 12th, the Hidden house, also shows us in the opposition to Venus that Beth is no longer alive in my opinion.

We see that the Moon which in this case also rules the 7th house \cusp of Open Enemies (those we know of or are known to us), is also making a quincunx to Uranus and Jupiter which lie on the cusp of the 3rd (the telephone call) to report her missing (Uranus is often about a missing person) taken quickly and without notice .

There is a consistent theme with all of these charts, which tell the story of the Sun
In critical degrees, and in this chart the Sun conj. the Hyades in Gemini, (within 2 degrees) is also critical in the 5th house of recreation.

The Part of Fortune, conjunct the Vertex and Atropos, shows she was with others
When her end came (Mars in the 8th Hs.) and those, she knew.

She may have called these people friends, (cusp of the 11th at 27Scorpio), but they were more the underworld types. (Scorpio ruled by Mars in the 8th and Pluto in the 12th)….and her body is hidden (12th house Pluto conj. Ceres, from view.
Here is the Event chart for the "Last Phone call home to Husband" 4PM
on the 23rd of May 2010

See post #2 for brief synopsis

RR Sunrise Chart:


Major transits that day seems to have been between Transiting Pluto which is Rx, separating from natal Neptune 29th degree thus, anaretic and rx in the natal chart. With a Transiting Ceres 2Capricorn rx over this natal Neptune. This shows then, the effect that a separating Transit may still have within orb to a natal planet and in this case, it is ALSO his South Node at 28Sagittairus being triggered, within orb to the separating Retrograde planets that impinge here.

I cannot tell whether one with such a natal chart did harm to Beth, but I can see the inclinations of one with a natal such as this is for lies and to be a “bad dude” imo, no conscience more then likely, Aquarius Moon, Mercury in the Anaretic degree in Aries, 22nd deg.Taurus Venus, NN 28GEM
Inclinations for someone with such a generic chart as this, shows to be potentially, a bit crazy when high and can be dangerous imo.

Mars in the natal 1 Taurus (conj. fixed star Mirach) is opposed to Pluto.
This star in Parans is seen as creative and even as beneficial,however, I have noticed and observed over the years, that this star when in the natal connected to the planets, actually operated the opposite then written about especially in regards to marriage and the like.

Fritzel Josef comes to mind! His marriage was anything other then a harmonious one,
His daughter aka, the concubine in the basement, below the marriage home, who bore him many children, has this Star rising conjunct her ASC and his own natal has this star conjunct his Uranus at the 0-1 deg.of Taurus. This is just one extreme case but I have many others not near as extreme, I’ve observed.

This then, is a good reason to observe them for yourself, and how they may operate in the natal charts, and not take just a blanket (I read it in a book somewhere) statement about the Stars too. I love B. Brady’s input with Parens however, but I like to do my own research too, because otherwise, it may be misleading not to, I have found.

Suffice it to say, I do not see Mirach as contributing to harmony & love., especially when connected in some way to the aspects of more potent or explosive planets like Mars and/or Uranus.

Mars opposed to Pluto? Is not good…….for stability and long term staying out of harm’s way.
Both to himself or to others violence can be part of the life.

The Sun was transiting that day in the Weeping Sisters constellation and squaring Transiting Chiron exactly at 0 Pisces 54minutes. Someone was bound to get hurt.
Someone was bound to have “something to weep about”.
Perhaps I'll post the progressed charts later on, unless someone else gets to them first which is fine too.

Meanwhile, here is the Synastry of girl friend and Beth which we might ponder:


There is actually quite a bit of synastry going on between Beth and her friend.
They really liked each other, and got along great.....appealing to Beth's desires and appealing to her
hidden side,however, there was equally a synastry for Beth's ultimate destruction with this friendship too.

For instance:

Beth's Chiron conjuncts her NN which ultimately suggests that the life's purpose is tied to an inner wound which she is in need of healing...very strongly for her.
Her North Node & Chiron both 0 Aries
Her South Node is 0 Libra

JW's Pluto is 6°Libra conj. Beth's South Node (a past affiliation) but to her own self's destruction
A very very strong attraction and force here because of the Nodes and Pluto being attracted magnetically

JW's Sun is 28Scorpio conjunct Beth's Neptune at 28Scorpio so, a bit mesmerized by JW and conj. Beth's Mars at 23°Scorpio.
Quite strong attraction, but unfortunately too, more darker and sinister ones (Scorpio) ruled by Pluto god of the underworld in mythology.

JW has Venus 15°Capricorn - a very material sign. This conjuncts Beth's asteroid Karma position as well
as her Ceres both 15Scorpio

ultimately made her feel good about herself (Ceres & Venus) combination....a nurturing feeling

So there was a strong friendship or at least a strong attraction here, but what went wrong?

I think probably an accident of some kind or anger which may have exploded into rage.

Some of the company had less then desireable transits and natal (traits) positions which could have triggered less then positive results for Beth on her (supposed to be ) fun weekend away.
Your chart as well as your 'feeling' are amazingly accurate, as much as I wish it to be wrong I know it isn't. I am sure you understand that statement. I want to thank you again for all of your help and the time you have devoted here to Beth's case.

Ok question here, but I believe RR, NR & BB all to be born in Mc Henry Co IL which is basicly Woodstock area would this make a difference on your chart? Or is location based on where you believe them to be when BB went missing? Baby steps I am learning here :)

One more question, if there was a location thought to be where Beth is now out of view, could this location be charted for probability?

Thak you again leomoon, words don't really find the expression I need here, but it really means a lot.
(respectfully shortened)
Ok, question here, but I believe RR, NR & BB all to be born in Mc Henry Co IL which is basicly Woodstock area, would this make a difference on your chart? OR,is location based on where you believe them to be when BB went missing? Baby steps I am learning here :)

One more question, if there was a location thought to be where Beth is now out of view, could this location be charted for probability?

Here are a few pointers.

Nothing is better to work with then exact times and confirmed locations.

***The #1 important chart(s) in a case is the Event Chart.(s). This tells the story of what occurred, the conditions at that moment in time.***

With Event Charts ( Last Seen, 911 Call, Police Report, Last Phone communication ), it's necessary to have the correct location and precise time in order to extract the most useful forensic details.

In the case of Natal (birth) Charts, beings we're not privy to having someone's actual birth time, we typically use the Sunrise time for that date in a particular town. This gives us a fairly good overall picture of the planetary activity that day, although we can't be sure what the Ascendant is (or the Moon position/Sign in some instances). The interactions (=aspects:distances & locations from one another=energy exchanged) of the planets in this type of chart along with the Sun & Moon pretty much remain the same and may only change the planet in the zodiac sign it's transiting, by a few degrees.
In some instances, could be critical, but I'm trying to keep this as basic as possible.
Similarly, if we're not sure of the birth place, we can do a relocation that serves our purpose sufficient enough for a Natal prospective.

Your 2nd question refers to the location where Beth may be.
Astrology does not work like your example. It would be wonderful if we astrologers came upon a formula that was consistent in providing this information. We've tried several methods, occasionally they work out, other times not at all. Because we all come from different backgrounds and disciplines, broaching the subject of 'where are they', may return differences in compass direction & distance.

Hope this helps you out.

It may be, hard to say until we look at it.


At the Frosty Mug Restaurant, we have at 11PM, Capricorn rising, so Saturn is the Ruler
And found in the 8th house or the dark side of the 9th house cusp opposing Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces conj. fixed star Scheat.
Since this is the cusp of the 3rd where Jupiter and Uranus are found in the 2nd the chart reflects then, the comradarie, friendship of just “hanging out”. Mercury is in Taurus at 6 degrees and the only planet found in the 4th Hs.

Mercury overall, has harmonious aspects here, so I think they were all having fun, just hanging out.
If we take Venus to be Beth in this earlier chart, then found in the 6th Hs. opposed to Pluto (not yet exact, that will take 2 days), and part of the Grand Square (see Link)

Although I see nothing untowards in this chart, for harm to her, I do note that the Sun just entered the Weeping Sisters at 0 Gemini and fatefully enough, is just entered the 5th house for this point in time chart.

Neptune the illusions we are under, is found in the 2nd house between the Black Moon and Chiron, so augering her mindset perhaps, blissfully unaware.

Neptune however, ALSO makes a quincunx to Saturn in the 8th of death and obsessions,
And Saturn conjuncts the Part of Fortune here, as well, a part of the Grand Cross for this chart.


Leomoon, thank you for doing these charts! My eyes are filled with tears for Scott and for her poor sons. Is there a way to tell astrologically if Beth will ever be found?
The presence of Neptune in the Fourth House in charting for 23 May means we are dealing with a puzzling mystery in this disappearance. However, the Moon was close to our rising degree in the phone call with Beth's husband. Therefore, she will be found.
(respectfully shortened)

Here are a few pointers.

Nothing is better to work with then exact times and confirmed locations.

***The #1 important chart(s) in a case is the Event Chart.(s). This tells the story of what occurred, the conditions at that moment in time.***

With Event Charts ( Last Seen, 911 Call, Police Report, Last Phone communication ), it's necessary to have the correct location and precise time in order to extract the most useful forensic details.

In the case of Natal (birth) Charts, beings we're not privy to having someone's actual birth time, we typically use the Sunrise time for that date in a particular town. This gives us a fairly good overall picture of the planetary activity that day, although we can't be sure what the Ascendant is (or the Moon position/Sign in some instances). The interactions (=aspects:distances & locations from one another=energy exchanged) of the planets in this type of chart along with the Sun & Moon pretty much remain the same and may only change the planet in the zodiac sign it's transiting, by a few degrees.
In some instances, could be critical, but I'm trying to keep this as basic as possible.
Similarly, if we're not sure of the birth place, we can do a relocation that serves our purpose sufficient enough for a Natal prospective.

Your 2nd question refers to the location where Beth may be.
Astrology does not work like your example. It would be wonderful if we astrologers came upon a formula that was consistent in providing this information. We've tried several methods, occasionally they work out, other times not at all. Because we all come from different backgrounds and disciplines, broaching the subject of 'where are they', may return differences in compass direction & distance.

Hope this helps you out.

TY FifthEssence this was more than helpful I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. I knew the last question was wishful thinking :(

Then with this "Event" chart was from last phone call? The time of 4:15 @ the Ridge home?

The Synastry was also most helpful because if I am understanding all of this, I think it is confirming what I have suspected in this case all along.

I also wonder are charts available here online, say if we thought 'someone' was a psychopath. Is it possible to compare a case of a psychopath's chart to look for simularities in the chart?
TY again this was all most helpful you all are wonderful :)
The presence of Neptune in the Fourth House in charting for 23 May means we are dealing with a puzzling mystery in this disappearance. However, the Moon was close to our rising degree in the phone call with Beth's husband. Therefore, she will be found.

TY Tuba this is good to read :)

You did the chart by hand correct? Which type of chart was that.. the symbols lost me but not the message.
Paschein, Leomoon80 cast the chart for the time and place you inquire about. It is chart #24 in this two page thread.
It is an event chart. Up in the left hand margin, at the top of the page, you will see the identification for each chart I do. This one was "Last Seen at the Train Station." There is nothing unusual about the charts I produce; I simply don't relate well to computer charts. As I cast the chart, I put work into it, I study it, in a very kinetic way. It functions like a mandala.

The trouble with my event horoscope is that it is based on a statement from her "friends" and the validity of their report later came into some question. However, the police are still quoting that as the time when she was last seen, saying no one knows whether she boarded the train or not. All the charts point to responsibility for the disappearance in her female friend.
I also wonder are charts available here online, say if we thought 'someone' was a psychopath. Is it possible to compare a case of a psychopath's chart to look for simularities in the chart?
TY again this was all most helpful you all are wonderful :)

Here's a start, it provides a decent foundation to consider whenever you have the time to do studies about the psychological aspects of a person.

As noted on the page, we are reminded that, quote:
'It is all too tempting to discover the "illness" in the horoscope, especially when dealing with such extreme states of the psyche. However, once these states are manifest, the chart can help to better understand the inner structures and patterns of personality.'
An accumulation of certain astrological signatures can point to difficult psychological structures or patterns which can suggest a tendency towards psychopathy ("illness of the soul"). However, the astrological signatures by themselves do not suffice to recognise the potential for becoming a psychopath or to explain such a development of these "sufferings of the soul". As always, the environment, socialisation, family patterns and history play an important role - and not least: the level of awareness and the free will of the person concerned.

You could even type 'psychopathy in astrology' into your google search bar and many sites will come up offering input and opinions on the subject.

***Since we are a FORENSIC ASTRO forum specializing in crime investigation & resolution, we should stay focused on the crime itself and the clues provided in the Event charts.
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