Forensic Astrology - BETH BENTLEY last heard from 5/23/2010

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In the Last Seen 4:15 PM chart (you may notice too that I once posted a Last Heard from Husband telephone call Chart at 4PM that was brought back to my attention )
My readings are based upon not only the planets but what I "feel" at the time I'm doing the reading! Hence, the language may be different for each chart, yet the planets may be in the very same houses! As I am reading the chart, the planets come together to form a story for me and of course this is just, "imo".

For this chart:4:15PM

Perhaps related to drugs or something untowards that happened to Beth the one in question at the 4:15PM chart. This is a good timetable really for seeing that something bad happened to her, and she is no longer on the earth, imo.

I do believe that drugs were involved, as Beth has Neptune transiting her Sun that day and this chart for this point in time, gives us the Black Moon, POF, Neptune and Chiron all in the 5th house with the intercepted signs, Aquarius and Pisces, hence, the house of
Recreation and because of the location of Neptune , probably drugs were involved.

There is both a Grand Square as well a Yod in this chart, which points to rather disturbing events taking place, as Saturn, Mercury and the Black Moon as well as Pluto in the Grand Cross all play a role at that time.

The Sun is located at 2 deg.Gemini, on this Sun’s Ruling Day and it also forms an inconjunct (harsh aspect) to Pluto from the 8th to the 3rd houses.

Then, there is Beth herself, the object of this discussion and the time frame, I’d see as the Rising sign in Libra, 17th degree – and the Ruler of Libra being/Venus (Beth) at 4 Cancer, is exactly Opposed to Pluto in the 3rd at 4 Capricorn . This sounds to me, like destruction of Beth.

Then there is Saturn sitting in the 12th as testimony as well the 11th house cusp of friendships, at the 22nd degree of Leo, conjunct Mars at 22nd Leo. The 22nd degree is the degree of self's own undoing.
This went for the friends as well as Beth's choice of acquaintances that weekend, imo.

That’s not sounding to me like friends having a nice get together over tea.
A goodbye Brunch!

It sounds and more importantly, the chart looks rather serious at this time.

Thank you for these charts, Leomoon80. If you're able to read/interpret into these charts as much, do you feel from these charts that Beth may have overdosed on drugs or do you feel this might be foul play?
Thank you for these charts, Leomoon80. If you're able to read/interpret into these charts as much, do you feel from these charts that Beth may have overdosed on drugs or do you feel this might be foul play?

IF you can give me the time you asked this question (the time of your posted question) as well as the location you are in, when you formulated this question, I can then, post a Horary Chart and perhaps the answer might be gleaned in it.

"Did Beth OD or was it Foul Play?..........

But I'd need the correct time (my time on my computer would not be your time of your post)
and I'd need your location, (like say, it's Palm Beach Calif.) or whereever.

But it's certainly a worthwhile question I'd say, worth investigating further with as many tools as possible.
IF you can give me the time you asked this question (the time of your posted question) as well as the location you are in, when you formulated this question, I can then, post a Horary Chart and perhaps the answer might be gleaned in it.

"Did Beth OD or was it Foul Play?..........

But I'd need the correct time (my time on my computer would not be your time of your post)
and I'd need your location, (like say, it's Palm Beach Calif.) or whereever.

But it's certainly a worthwhile question I'd say, worth investigating further with as many tools as possible.

Thank you Leomoon80, I appreciate it. I asked this 8:52Am central time from Chicago, IL.
Thank you in adavance..
Leomoon compairing all these charts is amazing specially when you step back to see the big picture of it all. It all seems to give support what I have been 'feeling' during this last month
Thank you again you have great talent.. gift.. knowledge for understanding all of this.

Can you give an idea of what point of day Beth is not on this earth.. or would we need a lot of times/locations to see where it changes at? I was trying to figure out how to contruct a timeline of all this information

Fifth.. thank you for posting the additional information, it was most helpful in my investigation of this case.
respectfully shortened
Can you give an idea of what point of day Beth is not on this earth.. or would we need a lot of times/locations to see where it changes at? I was trying to figure out how to contruct a timeline of all this information

A series of charts lose their distinction and merely pace the movements of the transiting bodies of the day.

Unless we get absolute confirmation reported in a bonafide news organization's site of an event happening at a specific time, there is no need to keep reproducing charts of every activity Beth did while she was in Mt.Vernon.

At this time, you're waiting on a Horary chart from LeoMoon, that is different from an Event chart.

The current EVENT charts really tell the story. The Horary may help some with defining an answer to your question, "did she die of an over-dose or foul play."

First, I'm being given far too much credit for what isn't deserved., as anyone can post a chart.
However, not being a certified Horary Astrologer myself, the best I can do, is guess as to the vibrations with the little I do possess of knowledge of Horary and it IS limited!

I deem this chart to be a Radical chart meaning, that is no strictures against it, and should be read by those who can read it properly.

There is no strictures that I can see of warning that it cannot be read. (MODIFIED for one stricture see below)

I do have a reading in mind I started, but would feel better about it, to see what the more proficient astrologers can do with it first.

But I am willing to give what I can but do not wish to mislead either as it's a rather serious subject being questioned, and there are ramnifications.

It DOES appear to have a Void of Course Moon, therefore a Stricture against Judgement after all?

Let's see what the others say about this, and whether they feel this chart might be read properly?

From Celeste Teal:

Void of Course Moon:

If the Moon is Void of Course, the chart is unreliable and nothing will function properly. Void of Course means that the Moon is so late into a sign that it will make no major aspect to another planet before leaving the sign its in. The Moon holds great importance in Horary charts. It rules function and so this absence of a future aspect suggests that nothing will come of the question. It may also denote lack of clear purpose in the mind of the Querent or vacillation on the matter.
FIXED THREAD - all is well.

You may proceed.

Thank you for your patience.
I'm copying this over from our GENERAL Thread. TUBA had written this back in February.

Let's pretend we are sitting around in more clement weather, talking philosophy. Humour me for a few minutes and imagine that.

Some time back, at least as far as 2009, it was posted in this thread that tipping over your bucket of mop water would not be the stimulus for an event chart, no matter how hard you cussed and turned the air blue. A sonic boom that blew out & broke all the windows on your block would incite an event horoscope, however.

To qualify as an event, a happening must provoke general interest or rise to the level of intense personal importance. In other words, if you watched a skulking figure trespass into your backyard and dig up some treasure buried there beneath the elm, even though this never made the papers and others never learned of it, we have an event. It is of intense personal interest to at least you and more essentially, it is not an everyday occurrence. It is in no way ordinary. Even dog bites man is too commonplace but man bites dog and gives him rabies calls for an event chart.

Astrology and newspapers do not have a lot in common. Well, maybe the daily Sun Sign column. The reason we cannot do event charts for anything & everything does not have to do with what sells newspapers or what subscribers would read. But there is that nexus of man bites dog and that, in the case of astrology, is for reasons having to do with the cosmos and the Universe. An amazing synchronicity occurs between the elements of life and matter and it registers. The airplane breaks the sound barrier, exceeds that speed, and unexpectedly, there are consequences on Pine Street. All the windows are casualties. You are going to see causal factors in the planetary alignment and the horoscopic wheel if you look.

Now if Aunt May travels from Lo Questo to Springfield on a successful flight that arrives at E.T.A., the same oddities in configuration are not going to be there if you look. You can readily reason that thousands and hundreds of thousands of actions are taking place during the 3 hours and forty minutes Aunt May flew. People are heating and slurping soup and washing up, walking the dog, repotting the Aspidistra, taking pepto bismol, changing bandages at Charnel Hospital, doing 3rd grade arithmetic, and so forth. Not one of these activities and their consequences calls for an event chart. If you cast one, the revelations would mislead you and qualify as gobbledygook. Why? There simply are not those angles that are meaningful to an event analyst. They are lacking. The time passed without incident in that particular place.

Our concerns are not the center of the Universe. Even when we are trying to help, to solve a case, to find a body or a missing person, to catch a killer. What is a vortex of energy is something awry like the head on collision of two trains. That registers! That is reflected in the firmament. Yes, in a very intense and also deep way. So if Cassius Evans left work at 5:10 Friday night, the night of the murder, he is definitely not the makings of an event chart unless he is the murderer or the victim. If he is peripheral to the crime, he is not to be charted and to do so muddles the case. Think about it. Human activity is buzzing with busy-ness all the time. To even consider charting all of it is folly of the silliest sort: what you would find is that Maude doing her knitting looks exactly like Simon shaving. Net net--zot and zero.
From Celeste Teal:

Void of Course Moon:

If the Moon is Void of Course, the chart is unreliable and nothing will function properly. Void of Course means that the Moon is so late into a sign that it will make no major aspect to another planet before leaving the sign its in. The Moon holds great importance in Horary charts. It rules function and so this absence of a future aspect suggests that nothing will come of the question. It may also denote lack of clear purpose in the mind of the Querent or vacillation on the matter.

The Moon is unable to communicate the force of the aspect it's leaving to the next one. ( like an interruption in a transmission )
And so it appears this Horary chart above- post # 46 cannot be read with any accuracy and remains unreliable.
What parts of the Event charts would give a hint about the environment-surroundings where she may be located? Does it imply, any of the elements that may surround her as she is hidden from view?
Oh no, what happen to that reply about how to find hints in the event chart :(
That link was very interesting book on understanding the charts.
Oh no, what happen to that reply about how to find hints in the event chart :(
That link was very interesting book on understanding the charts.

I know I deleted my post about the Void of course Moon, and my ideas (upon 2nd thought, didn't want to bore anyone):innocent:
that came to me about why that last Horary Chart that I posted for Beth , may indeed have been overworked over time resulting in such a placement for the Moon giving us a stricture.
i.e. the last 3 degrees of Scorpio, or 27degrees in this case.

However, I cannot recall now, any links. :waitasec:

IF you recall what they may have contained , what subject, I might be able to find one for you. I simply don't recall what it could have been now.

I am trying to find a good link with comprehensive info on the Derivatives (Hindu calls them Bhava Bhavam or "House from a House" , and if I find one I can post that for you. Not sure if that is what you are recalling however.

So far I've not found a good one that gives them all together.
I believe the post was about the looking to the 8 house, and the 12 house and something about 4 houses for the clues it might have to her enviroment/surroundings now.
hehe so much goes over my head I am about 35 years behind you on the understanding of all this Leomoon :)
I was just hoping the event chart might have some tiny clues you could tell us to the elements around her now, like if it showed metal, or wood, or water.. etc

I believe it was a google book the author was Anthony? and it was about putting Astrology in simple words. I remember it was linked to page 119 lol. I had it open when I went to bed and dang if Windows didn't update and restart my computer .
I believe the post was about the looking to the 8 house, and the 12 house and something about 4 houses for the clues it might have to her enviroment/surroundings now.
hehe so much goes over my head I am about 35 years behind you on the understanding of all this Leomoon :)
I was just hoping the event chart might have some tiny clues you could tell us to the elements around her now, like if it showed metal, or wood, or water.. etc

I believe it was a google book the author was Anthony? and it was about putting Astrology in simple words. I remember it was linked to page 119 lol. I had it open when I went to bed and dang if Windows didn't update and restart my computer .

Great memory you have Pascein, I'll post in a few minutes on the LIBRARY thread where Fifth Essence wants these books and links to go to so look for it there in about 5 min.

As for the thoughts on the 4th, 8th & 12th, well they all tie into the person themself as well as the other's (assets) in the 8th or commonly called the Death House or House of Inheritance.

Perhaps when I post that book, you may have more insight into the chart then.
As for me and my insight, I'll need to try to look again at Beth's last seen chart.....and comment later, but we truly do not know when she was "last" seen do we?

We only know the little that has been released by the media or the LE.

And already we know that those times are inconsistent with reality or possibly very much so.

Thus, I'm hesitant to go by the times shown already for her location, and I'm sure you can understand, but perhaps others will chime in and lead us to a new understanding of her charts.

What parts of the Event charts would give a hint about the environment-surroundings where she may be located? Does it imply, any of the elements that may surround her as she is hidden from view?

Very good question!!
Then there is Saturn sitting in the 12th as testimony as well the 11th house cusp of friendships, at the 22nd degree of Leo, conjunct Mars at 22nd Leo. The 22nd degree is the degree of self's own undoing.
This went for the friends as well as Beth's choice of acquaintances that weekend, imo.
this is from Post #24

Going back thru reading and this is sticking out to me can you help me have a better understanding of this..

This sugguest to me that at the time of Beth's of 'untoward' or trouble began, that there might be others involve that might be newly known to Beth as well as the other 3 we have profiled with this case.. that it might be possible they could be somehow directly related to Beth's case and why she not of this earth anymore as in ref to the 12 house (if that is correct) with Mar which is often connected with death.
Am I understanding this correctly that this is the feeling. I remember that the sisters weeping was starting to come into the Frosty Mug chart or shortly after.. Maybe Saturday?? Also do the charts suggest a time of day that Beth left us?
this is from Post #24

Going back thru reading and this is sticking out to me can you help me have a better understanding of this..

This sugguest to me that at the time of Beth's of 'untoward' or trouble began, that there might be others involve that might be newly known to Beth as well as the other 3 we have profiled with this case.. that it might be possible they could be somehow directly related to Beth's case and why she not of this earth anymore as in ref to the 12 house (if that is correct) with Mar which is often connected with death.
Am I understanding this correctly that this is the feeling. I remember that the sisters weeping was starting to come into the Frosty Mug chart or shortly after.. Maybe Saturday?? Also do the charts suggest a time of day that Beth left us?

Hi Paschein:
I do so many readings, (a few here) some elsewhere and on my private site and life, that I don't retain the details of every case here.

I'll need to go back and try to look again, at Beth's situation......for a more comprehensive (look/see)....

Usually when I do a reading, it's out and that's it.....
(unless I made an error and Fifth sends me a message and I correct it then and there)

But retention of the details is not my strong point.

There literally are too many to retain.

And of course Beth's case is very very important to her friends and family and I'm well aware of this too.

I "feel" for all the victims and charts that I've done....when I'm doing them and even afterwards, they don't leave my consciousness as human beings either.
Just the details of the charts do.

As for the "Weeping Sisters" any time we have a planet in a chart that goes into the Pleaides, it must be weighted as well the house it is contained in.

It's a difficult place to be, vibration wise, anyplace in this Cluster of Stars.

from 29Taurus to 5 Gemini....all are very difficult.

Usually augers serious crisises.

I think I understand however, what you are getting at. This (the Frosty Mug episode) was when she no doubt "felt" relatively safe and secure.

However the subconscious mind and the "probable path" will be shown in the charts themselves, and NOT what the conscious mind of Beth herself wanted to believe 2 days prior to "missing".....

Fate takes it's course.
Haha I am really just thinking out loud and making sure that I am understanding correctly :)

Thanx for your help and posting that link in library I keep trying to think of a question to ask that is not so over worked in my head.
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