Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Regardless of whether Ms. O'Connell was Last Seen at 1:30 am or 3:00 am, the charts are ominous.

Note: Between the time I first posted (4:34 pm) and now, news sources state she was Last Seen at 3:00 am (not 1:30 am), so I am editing this post to focus on the 3:00 am chart.


Scorpio rises, never comforting in a Missing Persons chart. The 'cursed degree of the cursed sign' SERPENTIS 19 Scorpio is posited in the 1st House, an extremely malefic and chilling testimony, made more so as it conjuncts the EQ (a secondary ASCENDANT) and partile squares the sinister stationery retrograde MARS the Perp at 19 Leo.

Transit PLUTO 02 Capricorn exactly opposes Katie's natal SUN 02 Cancer and transit SATURN 04 Libra squares that natal SUN.

Event MOON 10 Aquarius sets off a Yod formation in her natal chart: MERCURY 11 Gemini as focal point inconjunct PLUTO 12 Scorpio on one leg and NEPTUNE partile conj. SATURN 11 Capricorn on the other. MERCURY rules her natal sunrise 4th House of Endings and SATURN rules her natal sunrise 8th House of Death.

The malefic SOUTH NODE of the Event Chart 22 Cancer exactly conjuncts Katie's Secondary Progressed SUN 22 Cancer. Additionally, Event URANUS and CHIRON are at Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES), 22, foretelling catastrophe/tragedy/fatality. Recall the 22nd degree of any sign is the 'kill or be killed' degree, according to research by noted Serbian Astrologer Nikola Stojanovic.

The Part of FATALITY 11 Leo close opposes MOON, Katie's co-ruler. FATALITY trines Katie's Tertiary Progressed MIDHEAVEN 10 Sagittarius and Event MOON 10 Aquarius sextiles same.

MERCURY at 18 Capricorn is Out of Bounds and partile opposed Katie's Secondary Progressed MERCURY 18 Cancer, suggesting a very, very bad decision on her part. This is because MERCURY applies parallel 20 minutes to VENUS (Lord Turned 1, Katie).

The SUN at 28 Sagittarius is Void of Course and conjunct PLUTO, which as mentioned above, is exactly opposed Katie's natal SUN, and the MOON at 10 Aquarius will oppose Event MARS (Lord 1 the Perp) which is stationary retrograde at 19 Leo. This MARS semisquares Event SATURN, which as mentioned above, squares Katie's natal SUN.

(Mis)Fortune at 23 Virgo squares Event VENUS (Katie), inconjuncts her Tertiary Progressed ASCENDANT, and opposes Event URANUS (in Fateful Degree).

With the transiting triggers to progressed as well as natal planets, I have a bad feeling about how this might turn out for her. Since I don't have her true time of birth, the calculations could be off, particularly as far as the natal & progressed MOON, ASCENDANT and MIDHEAVEN placements are concerned, so there might be a smidgeon of hope...


[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - IL. Katie O'Connell 20-missing (last seen leaving Chicago night club) 12.20.09[/ame]

some clarification on the timeline from the article and my post above that I cross posted here.

she felt tired and left the friends (do you see any drugging in the chart????) She was LAST SIGHTED outside the bar (more aptly titled club). I will bring over the links to this club that I found. It is HUGE. Could someone have stalked her, slipped something in a drink and followed her out thus a bad decision?

link to club review... at the top of this link is also a link to the club itself. It is a four am gig with lots of music, multiple dance floors and types of music, and advertises itself as a provider of celebrations (birthdays, bachelorette/bachelor parties, etc) She was there for a birthday party per her father. She went out and bought a new outfit to wear to the party earlier that day and went tanning for the bday party.

why I am I getting a Morgan Harrington moment with Katie O'Connell?

where is Katie? She spent the entire day before she went out with her father shopping for her outfit... then goes tanning for the event... then POOF she is gone! Where IS SHE?

if I posted this already.. sorry.. but this alleged friend posting says that her phone was dead or off the entire night!

fwiw Katie headed out to the club with a group in a limo for a birthday celebration.. one news outlet claims it was hers but we already know her bdate. Could it have been a half bday celebration?

I doubt it but was just wondering...

Either way wanted you all to know she headed out that night, after shopping for clothes with her dad and tanning, in a limo 40 minutes away downtown to party and celebrate a birthday and now she is MISSING.


KATIE is SAFE, contacted family early evening Tue. 12/22/09
What a relief that she has been found safe! The charts for her looked rather ominous. As always, when I am mistaken about something, I go back and check for what went wrong. This helps with the ever ongoing learning process and any future interpretation. It has been posted here in this forum, many times that the stars do not lie. This is an absolute truth. There are times, however, when the truths they speak are misinterpreted by an astrologer. It happens in cases where there is not sufficient natal data for the person in question.

I will post a part of a message I sent to a friend and fellow astrologer, in retrospect, with some added explanation in itallics:

There probably is not significant natal promise for tragedy with her. (Always a risk when there are no birth details.) There is the natal Sun - Uranus, which alarmed us, being harshly transited as it is by Pluto and Saturn. Followed up with the Saturn and Mars transits to her progressed Mars-Venus conjunction that look ugly (like rape, esp. when you consider transiting Pluto’s involvement). Well, what happened is an ugly situation for an average person. She may have been persuaded, or compelled (Pluto) to "hook up" with somebody. (Remember, too, that Pluto is lord of the underworld – “Underground”) We see the indicators for passion (progressed Mars conjunct Venus), and for a rash and/or impulsive decision/action - Mars in harsh aspect to Sun and Uranus. Saturn may represent her father and LE putting the kibosh on this situation – as Saturn will! Uranus is an indicator for the press and the national attention this case had. Uranus is also rebellious, as you know... The chart you cast showed an unsavory situation - but you said yourself that it didn't necessarily indicate death!

However - we don't really know what happened. We may never know what transpired, as her family will probably try to protect her from further scrutiny. She's very lucky. It so easily could have gone so very badly.
Sarah Foxwell was born with SUN conj. MARS widely opposed PLUTO. It is possible the MOON is involved as focal point of a T-Square, particularly if she were born considerably later in the day. The MARS-PLUTO-MOON connections are often seen in the charts of victims and perpetrators.


At birth, CAPUT ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, was sandwiched within Sarah's MARS-SUN conjunction. At the time the children were put to bed on 12/22/09 (9:30 pm according to news reports), ALGOL was on the MIDHEAVEN, afflicting the natal configuration.


Event SUN conjunct Event PLUTO trines Sarah's secondary progressed VENUS, as does Event ASCENDANT. Event MARS at 19 Leo likely opposes Sarah's natal MOON.

When SUN- MOON- MARS- VENUS- PLUTO interconnections amongst natal, progressed and event charts are brought together with ASCENDANT and or MIDHEAVEN (both in this case) involved, an event of a sexual nature is likely to take place.

so is there any chance that she is alive? there are reports that she took her toothbrush - is there any indication that she was tricked into leaving?
Soulscape-Bless You!!!!!
Nearly 3,000 searchers met at 7 a.m. today (25 DEC) to assist in the search for missing Sarah Haley Foxwell in Salisbury, MD. Praying they find her and prayers for the kindness of all searchers today, Please protect them from harm and bless them for their efforts!
An arrest has been made, sibling saw this POI in the home. He has been charged with burglary and kidnapping, is not talking to LE. Another SO urghhhhhhhh! :furious:
Dear astrologers, on this most holy of days, you remind me of the three wise men who gazed at the stars and traveled from far places to be at the birth of our Savior. We appreciate what you do!
Four year old Marc Anthony Bookal went missing while in the care of his mother's boyfriend, Cory Byrd, who alleged he last saw the child at approx. 1:00 pm on Monday, December 14, 2009.

Byrd alleged that the boy had slipped outside while they were getting ready to visit relatives. He alleged that when he followed Marc outside just a few minutes later, he found that Marc had disappeared.

The next day Byrd was arrested on misdemeanor child endangerment charges and violation of parole. He lawyered up and refused to submit to a lie detector test. Byrd has a violent criminal record, including the brutal abuse of his own infant son.


The Last Seen chart, unfortunately, suggests that little Marc Anthony is no longer with us.

1. The Arabic Part of Assassination exactly conjuncts the chart ASCENDANT, to the minute, while the Part of DEATH at 07 Aries close opposes the VERTEX (fated event resulting in death).

2. MARS, Lord 1 (Cory Byrd) is posited in the 5th House of the Child showing that trouble came to the child. The 5th House Cusp at 01 Leo is a homicide degree.

3. The SUN, Lord 5 the Child, is partile conjunct the Arabic Part of VIOLENCE and square the Part of MisFortune times 2 (in Pisces, in the 12th House) --- compounded by the fact that SUN is in the 'kill or be killed' 22nd degree, along with CHIRON, URANUS and the NODES --- foretelling a catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality.

4. SUN (Marc Anthony) square URANUS in the 12th House suggests a sudden, hidden attack --- i.e., unobserved; no witnesses. Notice SUN (Marc Anthony) has separated trine MARS (Byrd) suggesting the attack had already happened prior to the time of the (alleged) Last Seen.

5. The MOON, Marc's co-ruler, is posited in the radix 8th House of Death. MOON rules the 4th House End of the Matter, which at 08 Cancer, is partile trine Marc's natal SUN/MOON midpoint (based on a sunrise chart, thus, symbolic only).


6. The Event Part of MURDER1 at 15:29 Cancer is square Marc's natal SUN 14 Libra.

7. Event Part of MURDER2 at 17:49 Capricorn opposes Marc's natal (sunrise) MIDHEAVEN 16 Cancer and is partile conjunct Byrd's natal sunrise MIDHEAVEN, 17 Capricorn, tying him into the Event.


Byrd was born with a MARS - PLUTO opposition, a difficult energy that is associated with violence (either as victim or perp). It is also possible his MOON opposes SATURN, suggesting possible difficulties in the nurturing department/ inability to nurture. His natal SATURN is in quindecile aspect (165 degrees) to CERES, only strenghthening that possibility.

Unfortunately, little Marc Anthony's natal SUN at 14 Libra was badly afflicted by Byrd's MARS - PLUTO opposition --- notice in the tri-wheel Byrd's MARS opposes Marc's SUN while his PLUTO conjoins it. Additionally, Byrd's TORO (Asteroid of brutality) at 15 Gemini trines Marc's natal SUN, making it 'easy' for Byrd to be cruel to him.

Another purely symbolic yet chilling observation: Marc Anthony's natal (sunrise) Part of DEATH at 23:33 Pisces is partile conjunct Cory Byrd's CERES at 23 Pisces, indicating that Marc indeed died while in Byrd's 'care.'

Soul - any indication where Marc may be found? TIA.

The Last Seen positioning of Marc's significator SUN and co-ruler MOON suggests he may have been taken in a southwest (or conversely, northeast) direction, 6-20 miles from home.

Scorpio on the Death House 8th with Cancer on the 4th House cusp suggests water generally, with Cancer = rivers specifically. (Note Pisces is on the 12th which is the turned 8th House of Death of the 5th House child -- another water sign --- so I am leaning towards suspecting he is in water, especially since Event 12th Cusp 00 Pisces close squares Marc's natal sunrise MOON 01 Sagittarius.)

Soulscape, Thanks for your tireless pursuit for answers in the Stars. The Thanks button just wasn't enough!
If you haven't already read the posts by 'Bubba' (Sarah's husband, confirmed by Tricia) on the regular Sarah Rogers thread, you may wish to do so, particularly posts #288, 308 and 330 (excerpt of #330 below, respectfully snipped & bolded).

your not listening to me, as nor did the cops. There was no tire tracks and foot steps indicating she got a ride...

The tow ruck driver was first on seen he said there was only foot steps going into the woods non coming up the other side...

... Again the tow truck driver also thinks its possible she is still in there prove me wrong.

I can tell you this if Sarah was alive she would have called me by now, we have not been apart since she was 17 and I mean we were a 24/7 couple. I am getting sick of you ppl saying we should not look in that woods why am I haveing dreams she is in there why has she not used any money or bank cards why has she not called anyone she knows why is she not in a hospital why why why because she is no more and this is fact, you will all see I am right and again no one did **** and my wife lays on the side of a road because no one will pick up there butts and go look because you all want to think that because it says we think a passer by picked her up ( god I hope so) but then again why has she not called anyone she nows I mean anyone? thats not like her even out of her mind. Please stop thinking she is any place but there and search for her with me

The nightmarish scenario painted by Sarah's husband is mirrored to a great degree in the Car Found chart.


The malefic SOUTH NODE of the MOON conjoins the ASCENDANT. The SUN, as well as URANUS, JUPITER, CHIRON and MisFORTUNE* are in Fateful Degree, same degree as the NODES, foretelling catastrophe/tragedy/fatality.

*FORTUNE, in addition to being in Fateful Degree, is posited in the 22nd degree of Leo, the degree of being one's own worst enemy.

Sarah's significator, Lord 1 the MOON, is greatly debilitated, being peregrine (helpless) and in Fall. MOON trines ASCENDANT to the minute: 23:02, emphasizing the dire circumstances of the 1st House Person (Sarah) / condition of her body (ASCENDANT).

Sarah's major break with reality is shown in the chart by MERCURY, planet of the mind, being Out of Bounds (i.e., out of control). MERCURY the Mind (also the Car, as Lord 3) is partile conjunct the Arabic Part of PERIL with both partile square the Part of DEATH, which itself is parallel URANUS in Fateful Degree. Parallels act as conjunctions. The aspect pattern suggests that whatever happened that afternoon happened because of or through Sarah's own actions/ unfortunate state of mind, rather than in being accosted/attacked, etc. I do not believe she was picked up by a stranger.

The chart suggests that, in a state of delusion, for whatever reason, she apparently decided to stop the car (MERCURY) and abandon it.

Chart placements indicate she (MOON) may be somewhat north of the location from where her purse (VENUS) was found (purse found approx. 30 feet from MERCURY the car), "in the bog," as her husband has indicated (significator MOON in Scorpio of bogs).

In post #288 on the Sarah Rogers thread, husband 'Bubba' stated that at the time of her disappearance, Sarah:

...was dressed in fla beach shorts a tank top and a lite spring jacket and flat open shoes with no socks on.
He went on to describe the area where her car was found:

...thickly wooded area marshy ground with ice holes that when i was there some were 6feet deep, and small river drainage through them

As far as distance from MERCURY the car / VENUS the purse, how far could she have potentially walked, underdressed as she was, in the cold, brutal weather, before being overcome by hypothermia or falling into an ice hole??

I wish I could state something more positive but, sadly, I just don't see much in the way of hope in this chart.


ETA 7:37 pm to add chart and further commentary
According to news reports, at approx. 3:30 am, 1/8/2010, University of Oklahoma senior, Julia Gilbert age 21, left a party at a friend's house in Edmond, OK to drive to her parents' house approx. 7 miles away.

She apparently never made it. Police are searching for her car, as well as for Julia herself.


The Last Seen chart shows 21 Scorpio rising, a critical (21 Fixed) and also Fateful Degree, since it is in the same degree as the NODES. This suggests crisis resulting in catastrophe/tragedy/fatality, possibly involving rape/ crime/ death because Scorpio which rules these matters is on the ASCENDANT.

I assign Julia to House 7 (turned House 1), ruled by VENUS.

VENUS at 17 Capricorn is posited in the turned 8th House of Dire Circumstances, Crime & Death (radix 2nd House) partile conjunct and combust the SUN, re-emphasizing the critical nature of the Event. She may have been incapacitated in some way and not in full control. (Combust planets are 'burned by the SUN' and have difficulty expressing themselves.)

Notice MARS within the Turned 3rd/ Radix 9th House the Car, retrograde and intercepted. MARS is co-Lord Turned 7 (radix 1st), and symbolizes either the trouble that came upon her, or the perp.

The placement of MARS in the Event chart seems to suggest that someone was either hidden (interception, retrogradation) in the car as she left the party, or that, possibly, she was intercepted/way-laid while attempting to drive home.

VENUS (Julia) applies partile (same degree) inconjunct MARS the Trouble or the Perp, a disturbing aspect, at best suggesting an unavoidable and not easily resolvable situation. Julia's co-ruler the MOON at 29 Libra is about to enter Scorpio, the sign of her Fall, where she will soon sextile PLUTO, co-ruler Turned 7th/ Radix 1st, showing 'opportunity' for contact.

Natally, Julia has MERCURY and VENUS both retrograde as well as severely afflicted and partile conjunct each other at 25 Gemini. This suggests possible difficulties involving decision making (MERCURY) and who/what she tends to attract (VENUS) into her life. The Event chart MARS/PLUTO midpoint at 25 Libra partile trines her afflicted natal planets, suggesting a possible 'easy' (trine) violation, particularly with Arabic Part of RAPE partile conjunct Event chart MIDHEAVEN.

** Please note: MARS makes no aspects to URANUS and while I won't rule out an accident, I am not seeing that signature in the Event chart. When I look at the tri-wheel showing Julia's natal and secondary progressed charts as well as Event chart, however, there are MARS-URANUS connections, making an accident theory more of a possibility. Either way, it doesn't look too good for her.


ETA: Apparently, it was indeed an accident. Julia's car was located in/near a ravine, her body as well. R.I.P., dear Julia.
Hello. This is my first post in the astrological forum, but I have been reading here for some time, with fascination at what you all do.

There is further information regarding times for the Sarah Rogers case. I thought I'd post it in case it could shed different light on the chart.
Shutterfly was helpful in sending us this news article quoting Sarah's father as to a time line including the 3 times Sarah went thru the same GARDINER Toll Plaza that day 12/13/09.

Bob Rogers and Coulombe spoke on the phone for four minutes and at 9:19 a.m. Coulombe called 911. Rogers said he reviewed cell phone records, hence his knowledge of the exact times. At some point during the phone calls, Rogers said, Sarah left her husband and son at their Barrington home off Route 4.

After leaving Barrington, records show that Sarah Rogers drove through the toll plaza in Gardiner, Maine, heading north at 12:56 p.m. She then went through the same toll plaza heading south at 3:57 p.m. and went through heading north again at 5:07 p.m., Bob Rogers said.

Her car was then found between 6:15 and 6:30 p.m. along the side of the road in Clinton, about 35 miles away from the toll plaza, he said. He said the car was located near mile marker 140.5 about 10 feet off the road. The car was still in drive and the engine was running, he said.
This is just so very sad... my prayers go out to her family and loved ones, what a shame.
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