Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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The death of her brother was ruled accidental, so I assumed there was only one shot which was the one to the chest. I also heard it was a shot gun, if what you are saying is true that three shots were fire that is NO accident because she would have had to reload. So basically just like many others this could have been avoided had LE locked her up along time ago.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Yes, you have to PUMP the shotgun for it to go off EACH time.

It helps when your mother holds a position as an official for the County.
"He said that Bishop’s mother was a town official at the time, possibly on the personnel board." ( page 2 of 3)


COPY of the District Attny report on the 12/6/1986 shooting of brother.

(also note- the DOB they are listing under subject - seems to be inaccurate ( can't be the brother's DOB because according to the police records in the current Madison Sherrif's Inmate search, they indicate a 2/4/1968 DOB for Amy)
It does list a TIME the police responded to the 911 call: 14:22 on 12/6/86


CURRENT INMATE INFO - Madison County Sheriff's Office
ID Number: 0064007
Date of Birth: 02/04/1968
Sex: F
Height: 5 feet 08 inches
Weight: 171
Race: W
Location: MXBK -- MAIN BOOK


Tonight the airing of the hour long show Smolinski case~~~ most people do not know about the case information is being surpressed from the Woodbridge, CT area. Please watch~ come forward if you have any knowledge of the case. PLEASE!!

[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]There is a new series called :Disappeared" that premieres on the Discovery ID Investigate Life channel every Monday night at 10:00 PM
Each episode will concentrate on a missing person and the circumstances that surrounded their disappearance.

Billy's case will be aired tonight @ 10:00 PM.

I hope "Disappeared" becomes popular so it will encourage Discovery ID to become involved and film more cases. Someone knows something in each case and it is important to keep the faces in the public eye.

Please pass this on to your contacts Thank you so much one day my prayer is there will be improved education and better laws to give families more hope of a better tomorrow.

Trailer clip below click to see preview
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]
[/FONT] [FONT=Monaco, Courier New] [/FONT][FONT=Monaco, Courier New]<>
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]Always Hope,
Jan Smolinski
Mom of missing William (Billy) Smolinski
Missing since August 24, 2004 [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]
[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]
Comparing the transits against natal planets for Amy Bishop, the fit is tighter than paper on the wall. Talking about the two pipe bombs that came in Dr. Rosenberg's mail. The Sun and Mars at 28° Sagittarius were square her Uranus at 28° Virgo. Mercury squared her Mars, the node squared her Mercury (at same degree), Jupiter in Scorpio was quincunx her Saturn, Pluto was on her Neptune 26°-26° and transit Saturn at 26° Aquarius squared her natal Neptune.

Apparently she had issues over a pending negative evaluation from this professor and she did not get on with him either. The mailing could well be a revenge surprise package.

How about that draft for the great scientist/killer novel in her computer? ! Thank you for bringing that to our thread. Few people would consider scientific inventions or discoveries meet redemption for murder.
I just heard an update on CNN that said she was also a suspect in a mail bombing but was not charged.

This definitely could have been avoided this woman should have been in prison along time ago. If were the family of these victims I would be looking at law suits against the people who investigated this woman early on.

Thanks! To both you and Tuba. After reading the article (link above), all I can say is :eek:

Can't believe she's gotten away with so many vicious actions. Did she really 'accidentally' shoot her brother three times? :eek: Oh my!
I am in Huntsville for a few months, and it was very sad seeing parents running out of the offices of a large defense contractor to get to the University when the news of the shootings first broke. At that time, there were no details available.

As more information becomes available about Mrs. Bishop-Anderson, it makes me wonder about people who may be missing in the areas where she has lived - Boston and Huntsville.
A time of reckoning for the colonel as he has a Mars return, Mars being the aggression raging through his life. He was born with Mars in early Leo conjunct the Moon and Mars has returned to its natal degree. Col. Williams harbored intense rage at his mother but it was displaced onto the Venus in Aquarius he had opposite because he had no fear of retaliation from those women. His life was also marked with a broken engagement that wounded him (& his pride)

He was born with Pisces Sun exactly trine Neptune, allowing him to dissemble convincingly but once found out, he has no defenses due to his Saturn - Neptune square. He simply never prepared for that, despite his cleverness--and he is clever. Luck carried him a long way but Uranus has hit his Jupiter, exploding and disintegrating his horseshoe.
A time of reckoning for the colonel as he has a Mars return, Mars being the aggression raging through his life. He was born with Mars in early Leo conjunct the Moon and Mars has returned to its natal degree. Col. Williams harbored intense rage at his mother but it was displaced onto the Venus in Aquarius he had opposite because he had no fear of retaliation from those women. His life was also marked with a broken engagement that wounded him (& his pride)

He was born with Pisces Sun exactly trine Neptune, allowing him to dissemble convincingly but once found out, he has no defenses due to his Saturn - Neptune square. He simply never prepared for that, despite his cleverness--and he is clever. Luck carried him a long way but Uranus has hit his Jupiter, exploding and disintegrating his horseshoe.

Thank you Tuba, for creating this profile so quickly. I'm intrigued by a past engagement (a previous love) that wounded his pride. I also believe he harbored intense animosity against his mother. I wonder if his chart shows evidence of crimes against women from his deep past (20 years ago) ? I wonder how long his horseshoe has worked for him? He is being investigated for possible links in the disappearances and deaths of women from the areas where he has previously lived.
When the Part of Find is calculated for a chart, there is someone or something missing and (F) is meant to direct us to where the missing is. It does not come with guarantees. You can also calculate the Part of Marriage between two people. That does not mean they will marry but it does describe the marriage if they do.

In the case of Crow, under the chart I wrote that the position of (F) in House 10 makes it easier to find her. Did you read that? House 10 is an area of high visibility and prominence, unlike say House 2. In the Cantu case, the body was found in a piece of luggage. That would be one instance of Part of Find in Taurus. Taurus is also a pasture or meadow that has been worked.
As one would expect, the trauma shown in Aja's planets is to the Moon. The Moon always represents the mother. However, during early childhood the child also lives through her Moon. Aja was born with an Aquarian Moon conjunct Neptune trine the lunar node. At the time of the mother's murder, Mars opposed that Moon and shortly, a Full Moon augmented and amplified that Mars violence by conjoining it. We can only pray that the little girl was spared by this man who was said to loathe her.

What little information we have focuses on Tonya Hobbs and it is that connection to mother in Aja, her Moon, that is endangered. Pray!

Could you give us any locations to search? Towns, type of you see Lester & Aja together? Do you feel what type of structure Aja is secreted in? Any insight is appreciated. TIA
The chart does point his travel in the direction of Walters and that he is with Aja. Remember, his need for cash will help in apprehending him. He knows the area & is familiar with Lawton, Tinney, Duncan, Waurika. As to structures, all the chart yields is that they were initially in a residential tract.
Child's natal chart (cast for sunrise, Grand Rapids MI) shows severe afflictions suggesting brutality and child abuse (physical, emotional, psychological, sexual --- any or all) from both parents/caretakers.

'Noticed Missing' Chart (2/23/10, 9:00 am) points to abysmal caretaking and suggests possible involvement of both mother and mother's BF --- I need mother's DOB if anyone can provide.......

Based on initial work with the charts, I do not think this case will have a good ending...

Ayeeeeeeee Soulscape - I was having that hinky feeling about the mom :( Just some of the things she said......

The chart does point his travel in the direction of Walters and that he is with Aja. Remember, his need for cash will help in apprehending him. He knows the area & is familiar with Lawton, Tinney, Duncan, Waurika. As to structures, all the chart yields is that they were initially in a residential tract.

Tuba - there was a press conference for Aja today at 2:00 p.m. in Geronomo, OK. Would that qualify as an event?


Tuba - there was a press conference for Aja today at 2:00 p.m. in Geronomo, OK. Would that qualify as an event?



The press conference was actually held in Lawton, Ok.
Tuba - thank you for your quick response and OkieGal - thanks for getting that location right. It is good to hear something may come of this.

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