Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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Leomoon80, I would like to read your earlier post on Jno Hemingway but the search engine is not helping me, probably because he was "missing man" at that time. Can you give me a page and number? This wife apparently had another man in her life, based on the phone call chart.

LeoMoon posts # 551,552,553:

Natal Sunrise
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]

11:54 call to 911 Jonathon Hemingway

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]
I think I found it. Post 523 page 21 on the Case Request Board
Jon Hemingway seems to start there.

I really should have titled the 8:AM Event chart, "KH makes Phone call to a Friend" instead of
mysterious phone call FROM a friend!

It does get a bit confusing who called who, but as I re read Crocus message, I see that indeed, it appeared that
KH made the initial phone call to the "friend" who Crocus says the entire thing including the friend, is "mysteriously" silent
both by the Media as well as the police investigators. Not a word, who this friend is. Rather strange.
re: post 523 in CASE REQUESTS:

They speculate he fell overboard while relieving himself. There are many discrepancies and a friend even reported to the wife and police that he spoke with Jon early that morning and seemed fine, but later recanted the story.

Suggest you also take a look into the main Missing Forum for Jonathon.
This particular link has a timeline. Some of the posts that follow leave one 'curious'.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - MA MA - Jon Hemingway, 36, Overboard, Nantucket MA 03-17-10[/ame]

story about boat activity approx 10-10:30 pm night of 3/17 (this would be an interesting time to chart since the Coast Guard DID confirm this activity)

A Coast Guard review of the boat's satellite tracking device showed the vessel slowing down at around 10 to 10:30 p.m. nine miles north of the island, about two-thirds of the way through the trip. After that, the boat began going in circles until it hit the beach.

At that point, it began to take an erratic path, doing slow circles until it hit the shoreline, Malvesti said.

*** sorry can't get the capecodonline links to work
Coast Guard verified through navigational records that the boat began going in circles between 10-10:30pm on evening of 3/17/2010

An overabundance of Fire planets, Moon,Mercury (critical degree both) Venus in Fire
All ruled by Mars with Mars in Leo 0 deg. Square the martian Moon.

Saturn is critical at 1Libra rx opposing Sun & Mercury. Sun may be representative of Jon and Moon and/or Venus his wife (both in firey Aries.)
Sun conj. Uranus conj. “Scheat” the drowning victim Jon.

Pluto square everything……a potentially murderous scene of violence (all that Fire) directed towards him .

North Node 18degrees 20 minutes Capricorn, a material sign and in the degree that happens to be in the natal of Jonathon. His Ceres, his Chiron and POF are all the 18th degree. With KH, it’s her Sun at 19Capricorn conj. Juno at 19Cap.

The Vertex (fated event or person) in the House of Death the 8th, and in the degree for
Self’s own undoing.

Of some note is the Black Moon Lilith in the same degree as the North Node, but in Aquairus, and eccentric here, as it conjuncts Uranus, wanting freedom perhaps at any cost.

Crux "the Cross" rises in this chart at 11Scorpio!
Then she will be eclipsed in the strongest fashion at the total solar black out on July 11, 2010 precisely opposite her Sun. Meanwhile, evidence is mounting.

reference is made to the 10:30pm chart of 3/17/10-boat starts to circle

A MAJOR upheaval/out-of-control/fight occurred on board. This was no romantic journey.

Conflicting personalities at best, something physical erupts and Jon goes overboard. His mother said he had a bad shoulder that was supposed to be operated on and we understand the waters were near 40 degrees, so he could not have survived more then a couple short hours with those conditions.
ALSO, great possibility, when he fell in, he could have been run over or struck by the propeller.

Note the intercepted houses as well, many 'secrets' are held by the Mrs.

The painfully inflicting Pluto in House2 of liberties, possessions, all tangible assets has much to with some of the interests & part of the 'reason' all this went down.

I like what Tuba noted:

she will be eclipsed in the strongest fashion at the total solar black out on July 11, 2010 precisely opposite her Sun. Meanwhile, evidence is mounting.
Louise Huebner always said that planets at zero degrees have a will of their own, are on automatic pilot. With Mercury at 0° Aries, that is literally true of the boat sweeping circles minus human navigation. Since Mercury rules House 8 and opposes Saturn, someone at the helm was crucial to survival and the lack of that someone led to death. Leomoon has already taken up the Plutonian facet of this.
Did she commit suicide or was she abducted and murdered that night?
The family does not believe that Kelly would have killed herself even though there had once been an attempt years before.

The B.F. claims he saw a will that left him everything of her assets, but thus far, no will was produced.: waitasec:
THIS person claims Kellie is his wife on this forum 4 days after her disappearance,
(but found a new G.F. on another thread in 2010)

From the Case Request Board. We examine the various last seen charts and contrast with Kellie's own Sunrise Natal chart



Kellie's Sunrise Chart of birth:
Kellie Hall missing from the Waffle House
Various times seen, b.f. says near midnight on 4/25/09

Did she commit suicide or was she abducted and murdered that night??

The Midnight Chart last seen shows:

Pt. Of Mind and Captivity was at 26Virgo opposing Uranus in event chart
Pt. Of Murder (1) 4Libra opposing Mars in event chart
Pt.of a Swindle 26 Virgo (the same as part of captivity of mind)

(this tells us she was vulnerable to same

POF 12th square to Saturn
Pluto in the 1st square to Mars
Pt. Of Deceit Sextile to Venus (in harmony then, with her love life)_which is sad
Actually the Part of a Deceit is also in the same degree as Algol or 26Taurus
Which makes the Mercury in the chart sextile to Venus & Algol too. i.e. in league or harmonious with the b.f. or a lover?

Is this suicide or murder?

You will need to decide here, with the weight of all: There are indicators for both.
Remember, she left everything she had (keys, phone pocketbook etc. in her locked car
but how and where would she have walked off too, IF it were a suicide?) Seems inefficient in a way.
The "friend" is acting suspiciously from all I have read (see the Case Request thread on this)

I’m leaning towards possible murder but caveated with her own subconscious mind
Setting a potential stage for same:

Part of Strife in this chart is 16deg.46min. Scorpio which conjuncts her Natal Uranus\ potentially coming to her from outside sources
(a natal promise) and of course in a very critical degree here

Part of Life is 18 deg.Cancer squaring her natal Pluto (destruction of the life) near midnight

Part of Imprisonment is 6Pisces conjunct her natal SN and is conjunct her Natal Saturn (two malefics together in the natal and the POI stations over them?)
(a relative term which is easily seen as our own way we may imprison ourselves mentally I would surmise as it relates to the Natal chart),

PO Suicide = 1 Taurus 17minutes in the event chart which Trines her natal Ceres 1Virgo (conj. Regulus) a tragic and rapid fall that was a natal promise.

I cannot thank you enough for the confirmation I hoped not, but needed, to hear. Though Kellie did experience a previous suicide attempt, it was reportedly wholly different to this scenario. Previously, she'd left notes for several people and made it as simple as possible for those she loved to find her body so they would have closure. She was obviously unsuccessful in her attempt and maybe, just maybe, it made her more determined to keep her plans this time a complete secret...

But I DON'T buy that scenario. Something, or rather someone, as you pointed out in your post on the Case Requests forum is just SO, SO hinky.

I know of him and read all his posts and concluded the same. I'd left him out of my post, by and far, just to not confuse the situation further. However, if I can come up with a DOB for him is there anything you could do with it? Will Kellie ever be found?

In reading her online journal, her online and RL friends accounts, I come away with feeling a deep heaviness in my heart over this lady. Kellie was a truly compassionate soul who'd been given a rough deal in life and was desperate to be happy. IMO, she was taken advantage of, and both verbally and psychologically abused, by someone she trusted. She felt, from what I understand, that she wasn't good enough for 'him'. I've been there myself, so it created a bond of sorts.

Sorry for rattling on - this is just one of those cases that breaks my heart over and over and I so hope for a conclusion for the people that knew her bright smile in real life as well as the ones who have come to admire her since she went missing.

Thank you so, so much for your work. I truly appreciate it!

I cannot thank you enough for the confirmation I hoped not, but needed, to hear. Though Kellie did experience a previous suicide attempt, it was reportedly wholly different to this scenario. Previously, she'd left notes for several people and made it as simple as possible for those she loved to find her body so they would have closure. She was obviously unsuccessful in her attempt and maybe, just maybe, it made her more determined to keep her plans this time a complete secret...

But I DON'T buy that scenario. Something, or rather someone, as you pointed out in your post on the Case Requests forum is just SO, SO hinky.

I know of him and read all his posts and concluded the same. I'd left him out of my post, by and far, just to not confuse the situation further. However, if I can come up with a DOB for him is there anything you could do with it? Will Kellie ever be found?

In reading her online journal, her online and RL friends accounts, I come away with feeling a deep heaviness in my heart over this lady. Kellie was a truly compassionate soul who'd been given a rough deal in life and was desperate to be happy. IMO, she was taken advantage of, and both verbally and psychologically abused, by someone she trusted. She felt, from what I understand, that she wasn't good enough for 'him'. I've been there myself, so it created a bond of sorts.

Sorry for rattling on - this is just one of those cases that breaks my heart over and over and I so hope for a conclusion for the people that knew her bright smile in real life as well as the ones who have come to admire her since she went missing.

Thank you so, so much for your work. I truly appreciate it!

That's okay, it's a good thing to care about a complete stranger in this world, a VERY good thing! Too few do, and that's why I like this forum because most do care.

Kelllie was a very vulnerable young woman according to her natal chart.
She was also extremely brilliant in many ways,
(Aldebaren is a sign of genius, at 9GEM conj. her Mars) and the ancients dubbed this star and those who vibrate under it, as "Honor in intellligence" for the most part it seems to be so.
However, even with some bit of genius in the more intelligent as she was, the emotions can also overcome a person in life. For her, life was hard, not an easy childhod etc. She was drawn toward the goth-type of folks, those who gave her life more meaning, as she deemed it to be, or perhaps just a generational thing that many younger people take on, when trying to find themselves.
I need to read her dreams and have not yet done so thus I may have more to say about her later.

But in the main, her Moon,(no time of birth known), appears to be with the Sun Mars & Mercury all in line with great intelligence, much adventure to her spirit (if the Sag Moon), or even the constellation itself in Sag.)
a great amount of spirit and adventure is the best way I can describe seeing her.
Coupled with a Cancerian potential for depression and great mood swings as I read she had.

These then are in line with her natal chart.

BUT, even so, her weak part and not the strength in this chart is her Venus and inability to choose carefully, rather a trusting nature in a world that may have far more less then trustworthy people (her peer group she chose to be with)

Sure, the ex b .f. was quite intelligent himself, many rambling thoughts, etc. online, and I do have his dob I found by following the avatar somewhere HOWEVER, cannot yet and shouldn't speak of him in any pin pointing way because he was not the only b.f. or ex.
And many of them would be deemed "questionable" I think.....
Not to mention that this chart suggests her natal Mars opposite the Moon, square to NN and square to Saturn shows me that even though she had aptitude that was brilliance itself, she showed less then brilliance for self-discipline in her life or decidedly lacking, when it came to that "weak spot" i.e. Venus in a critical degree, and therefore, easily may have trusted the WRONG stranger, (a new person is possible too)
We just can't tell at this point.

I'll be looking at the ex chart (one of them, whose dob I found), and IF the LE who supposedly is still keeping this case open, and only recently took DNA samples from her family in January I think, decides to charge him then we'll talk openly about his chart too on the night she went missing. (many deviations from the story) does of course make me quite suspicious of him now.

Do keep us updated on the case that way as we can easily loose track with so many requests.

Although my understanding is the Ex B.F.(s) were not there that night at the
Waffle House where Kellie loved to read and hang out, the Midnight Chart (11:56PM does show that she entered a moving vehicle when she parked her own (3rd house of short travel) and the planets there, appears to suggest an abduction of sorts., i.e. Uranus and although Uranus in the 3rd may also indicate an unstable mindset, with Venus and Mars there as well, it seems to lean in the direction of another being present with her, if not two other people.

Keep us updated on any new developements that are meaningful, I'm sure you will.
Missing 15 yrs old at the time in 1997 disappeared without a trace.

Charley Project gives a few more additional details:

She was last seen at her parents residence at 1 PM in Lexington Kentucky. Friends reported seeing her in the vicinity of her home on Rugby Drive. Her family reported her missing within a few hours. She has never been seen or heard from again.

She was known to stay away from home without permission but she rarely went outside of her neighborhood.

The exact circumstances of her disappearance are unclear.

Lydia's Sunrise Natal Chart:

Lydia has her Sun posited in the 29th or Anaretic degree (last degree) and therefore, critical in Sagittarius the sign of adventure and being more an extrovert. Her Sun is conjunct Neptune, so no doubt she was a trusting person in many ways moreso then not, even though her Mercury is in practical down to earth Capricorn as is her Venus, the Sun & Moon with Neptune would mitigate this practical nature into something else.

I see her Mars is 8Aquarius, and square both Saturn and Pluto, two malefics. This doesn’t auger well for being alive and well in the world, especially Mars square Pluto which inclines towards violence in the life, either bringing it to her or having it forced upon her.

Curiously enough here, when she disappeared, Transiting Mars & Venus were both within only minutes of each other, and impacting via the transit her natal Neptune, suggesting a deception from a man or otherwise, a male figure.

Pluto was transiting at 4 SAG over her natal Uranus. (a deadly combination) her life would be inextricably altered forever!…….Pluto tends to destroy or tear down, and Uranus is the erratic unexpected event.

No, I don’t think this one will be a happy ending for the family as was the case with
the more recent one in the news, that of kidnapped Jaycee Dugard.
I don’t think she is alive any longer I am sorry to say.

Lydia also had not one, but 3 planets in the 29th or Anaretic degree, the Sun, Jupiter & Neptune.

Points of comparison to contemplate:

Jaycee had an enormous amount of luck (astrologically speaking) in her natal chart that this young woman does not have.
Jaycee did not have Mars square Pluto (injury to the physcial body through violence)
Jaycee DID have Neptune sitting on her Ascendent and opposed to her natal Venus
Jaycee DID have Jupiter conj. Mars (within only 18 minutes to exact orb at 0 degrees Virgo) conjunct “Regulus” and conj. the NN. A very very lucky position for her that kept her alive all of those missing 18 years.

Jupiter is the “benefic” to Mars, and Pluto is the destroyer to Mars!

For Lydia, she had the destroyer (Pluto) to her physical (Mars) inharmoniously present in her natal chart. Jaycee had the opposite, good luck (for the physical body to endure, via Jupiter ) .

Note: The part I'm not clear on, is what time the parents actually reported her missing? .....AND if it was just as reported a "few hrs. after 1PM" WHY? For a teenager, that would have been ridiculously early to expect a teenager home wouldn't it?
Before the street lights came on? Perhaps they were just very strict OR Lydia had a habit of running away or other problems such as questionable friendships.
This was a Saturday (daylight) when she disappeared from their lives.

Last Seen Chart:

Appears to be either a runaway or abduction via trusting the wrong people. Neptune in the 1st House conj. Uranus both in Aquarius


Neptune in the 1st House conjunct Uranus seems to suggest she was lulled into a false sense of security with someone or others.
The 3rd hs. contains the Ruler of this Chart and Saturn the day Ruler for she went missing on a Saturday.

Saturn on the dark side of the 3rd house seems to restrict her movement by those found in the 11th house.

Mars in the 11th conjunct Venus suggests two people a man and woman possibly here in the house of strangers and/or beyond the boundaries.

Pluto squares the Moon and Squares Ceres, (seems to be a woman involved here)

The Vertex is in a degree of Murder 25Leo and the Ruler of the 7th house is the Moon
Which is found in the 8th house of death quincunx to Jupiter in the 1st and in the same degree.
The North Node the same degree as Mars in the 11th, brings a feel of fatedness to this chart.


Request from BoxerMom:

3 have been convicted of the murders and the last Defendant, Vanessa Coleman is on trial now. Coleman claims that although she was present in the house while the rape, torture and murder of Channon Christian were ongoing, that she did not participate and was herself a hostage in that house. Note she was staying there with her boyfriend, who has already been convicted.

First the Phone Call, which happened to be the very last call Channon ever made and she made it from the captor's house to her father:

Ascendent at 13Libra for this phone call is conjunct “Algorab” a very critical star known for lying, falsity, loss, dishonesty, etc.
So whether or not Channon knew at this point in time what lay ahead it is very probable, since they were hijacked, that she had a gun held to her to “lie” to her father so no one would be the wiser, and she did, so this degree Rising. She was told to lie to feign
ignorance of her captors wishes and she did. The chart shows this. No doubt, she was being told her B.F. would be tortured and killed if she slipped up as well. Just horrendous!

The Ruler of the chart is Venus
found in the 4th and conjunct Chiron (the inner wound) she felt.
The Sun Cazimi (within seconds) to Mercury shows the melding force of the “coerced” lie in the telephone call to her dad , the absoluteness of this horrendous event that was going to take place in this morning that eventually ended in torture and her death.

We see the intercepted houses of 4th & 5th, both ruled by Saturn and Neptune in the 5th actually opposing their ruler Saturn in the 11th conjunct a very critical Moon ending at the 29th degree, foreshadowing the end of her life.

The extreme violence in this chart can be seen in varying symbols, not the least of which is Jupiter in 9Sagittarius, conjunct “Antares” the star of Violence and inner rage. .
Jupiter happens to be the Ruler of the 3rd house where Mars and Pluto are posited
Mars in the critical 22nd degree of self-undoing, conjuncting lethal Pluto in Sag.
And the Black Moon Lilith in the 12th of bondage, presages Death via the star connected to it, Vindiamiatrix (commonly referred to as the Widow Maker)

Q: Is Vanessa Coleman innocent or guilty as charged and which way do the planets indicate?

My opinion is "Guilty as charged" based on the following indicators:

Inclinations of being able to be part of such horrendous deeds and friendships?
Moon is in Detriment in Capricorn in her chart with Mercury and Venus in Gemini.
One who craves excitement, and gets bored rather easily unless stimulated outwardly by others.

Saturn opposing Sun opposing Mercury square Mars quincunx Jupiter
all the same aspects as Saturn because they conjunct each other by only
15 minutes and both are RX in the natal.

Easily bored Venus squares Mars in weakened Pisces. Although Mars is not in detriment in Pisces, always weaker here in this water sign. She easily gives in to her boyfriend and his wishes by sacrificing herself for him.
Mars square Saturn and square Uranus. Craves excitement…..

This very weak Mars is square absolutely everything except for the Sextile to Jupiter.
Mars square Venus, Mercury Moon, Mars square Saturn Uranus Chiron just an example of how weak this girl truly is.

Although the only exception to Mars squares would be a Sextile to Jupiter, Jupiter is conjunct Algol…so mitigates any helpful nature to this person, and rather creates an opposite effect.
Jupiter semi squares the Sun and quincunx aspects to both Saturn and Uranus.

So, yes I think she was easily seen as complicit in the crimes.

Her Venus is also BiQuintile to Pluto……creative sexual expression may go totally
Overboard as in “bondage” or other manners of warped sexuality.

Saturn conj. Uranus within minutes! Alan Oken says about this aspect:
“This aspect usually is very difficult to control, for it’s much like nitroglycerine –
it can blow at the slightest pressure”

Transiting Pluto and Mars triggered this “nitroglycerine effect” over her planetary alignment here during this unfortunate event she and her friends participated in.

For Channon, the victim in all of this?

Algol opposes her natal Saturn which was RX in Scorpio.
Mars in the Weeping Sister constellation
And Sun conjunct Hamal
With her natal Pluto quincunx to Mars (destruction of the body by suffering)
Is almost a promise of a potentiality to occur.
In this case, perhaps aided by that Saturn opposing Algol it did.

Pluto opposing her Sun virtually promised again, that someone from outside of herself, will attempt to control and manipulate her at some time in a very serious manner, and this occurred as well.
Another natal promise.
Retrograde in Channon’s natal: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto.

Her South Node is conjunct the so-called, “Evil Degree” that Charubel talked about conjunct the star Serpentin, “nothing good will come of it”….and of course, it’s her SN so very important indicator here.

SN, Algol 18 Scorpio, the Pluto factor, the Yod , it all added up… disaster for Channon
Thank you so much for your posting Leomoon. I have long wanted to ask this forum about this case. The cruelty and brutality of the crimes against this couple are just unimaginable. I have followed every trial, as each defendant blames the others and denies any personal involvment. The last phone call made by Channon has been a big ? in the trials because are parents did not detect that she was in trouble but the phone records reveal pretty clearly that she was in trouble at the time. So, I have long wondered what the stars said about that issue.

It is also very interesting that you mentioned Vanessa as easily bored and craving excitment because her journal was revealed in trial on Friday and in it she describes her visit to TN as "an adventure" and proclaims that her life is "interesting" ..hardly the words you would expect a normal person to use to describe the torture and murder of 2 people. Her statements to police also revealed that she was jealous of her boyfriend's rape of Channon, which she observed. The prosecution believes that she inflicted some of the injuries to Channon's genital area out of jealousy.

It is believed that Vanessa will testify today. If she does, will a chart for the time of the testimony reveal whether she is being truthful?
LeoMoon thank you so much for drawing up Lydia's chart. I have spent countless hours, days and weeks...years trying to find anything about her by assuming she ran away and started a new life.

Now I can dedicate the same to looking at UID's that are listed in databases to try to match her and to keep my eyes out for UID females in case she is found at a later date.

I won't stop looking. She is a stranger to me but she deserves to come home.

Thank you so very much!
Thank you so much for your posting Leomoon. I have long wanted to ask this forum about this case. The cruelty and brutality of the crimes against this couple are just unimaginable. I have followed every trial, as each defendant blames the others and denies any personal involvment. The last phone call made by Channon has been a big ? in the trials because are parents did not detect that she was in trouble but the phone records reveal pretty clearly that she was in trouble at the time. So, I have long wondered what the stars said about that issue.

It is also very interesting that you mentioned Vanessa as easily bored and craving excitment because her journal was revealed in trial on Friday and in it she describes her visit to TN as "an adventure" and proclaims that her life is "interesting" ..hardly the words you would expect a normal person to use to describe the torture and murder of 2 people. Her statements to police also revealed that she was jealous of her boyfriend's rape of Channon, which she observed. The prosecution believes that she inflicted some of the injuries to Channon's genital area out of jealousy.

It is believed that Vanessa will testify today. If she does, will a chart for the time of the testimony reveal whether she is being truthful?

Yes, her testimony with a time place and date should show something of her veracity I would think as it relates to that moment time and place and her (compared or contrasted to the natal)
LeoMoon thank you so much for drawing up Lydia's chart. I have spent countless hours, days and weeks...years trying to find anything about her by assuming she ran away and started a new life.

Now I can dedicate the same to looking at UID's that are listed in databases to try to match her and to keep my eyes out for UID females in case she is found at a later date.

I won't stop looking. She is a stranger to me but she deserves to come home.

Thank you so very much!

Your welcome, but I do not do "absolutes" well. Keep an opened mind, but whatever she was either into or out of, would have those vibrations connected to it.
Meaning, Pluto square Mars and Algol may even point to prostitution, or other nefarious as well as "in a vulnerable" position of being brutally assaulted or involved herself in some fashion or others.

In other words, not good vibrations to have in one's natal chart, and we do not have her time of birth, to work with either here.

I did the best I could with the last seen chart, but I'm sure that others can add if they wish to, as we often see what the others do not as Astrologers, as well as see the same types of inclinations being pointed towards.

We certainly could tell more which way the chart leaned with a time of birth.

However, with the Sun in the critical 29th deg. conj. Neptune, taking into consideration Mars square Pluto, and the South Node
conj. her Sun, the vibrations don't add up to any type of "luck" here.

She is either (imo)
a) a Runaway with a lot of distorted values (Mars square Pluto) and Algol opp Jupiter
b) One who is no longer on this plane.

I don't do absolutes with death well, although I know I've stated same when the chart seems so inclined in that direction. But life is about probabilities as is each moment in time as well as choice .

Astrology is the Art of reading the probabilities.

Stay opened when looking for her then, until the body is found, there is still hope. Although after a certain number of years certainly the hope diminishes for all concerned.
The parents should also know their daughter's inclinations as well, which we do not know. She may have resolved to run away often in her past growing up years and should consider this.

Perhaps another will give their feelings about this case, I hope so!

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