Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1

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LEOMOON, of course we know your heart is in the right place. We all error and changing real time to military time sometimes can be confusing.
So, an understandable concern would then be 'what time was applied when casting the/any chart.'

Thanks for your post above clarifying what time you're referencing.
ITA and thanks Leomoon! Sorry if I got you messed up with the military time.. I cannot even think of time in any other way LOL... Thank you for the charts...
Tuba: Is this now a 2nd sighting, or is this a correction back to 8:30PM or 20:30??

I saw the Nancy Grace dialogue on another thread saying 8:30PM she was sighted just a few minutes ago.

What about 10:30PM (22:30) as Nursebeme quoted?

Do we know what happened then, or was she long gone by then?

Thanks, :banghead:

I take it that there were two separate sightings. How much either one was verified, not known. If the 8:30 daylight saving chart has any validity, it seems Phuong is no longer in the area. Not only is her ruler in H. 9 but (D) is 22:47 Cancer in H. 9 trine Jupiter. Mars square Phuong's Sun, exact, was not good but people survive that all the time and we do know she was in a stroppy mood after she dealt with her sister. Pluto, however, was also square her Sun Sign ruler, Venus. As you say, Venus going over her Mars is someone interested in her (but perhaps selfishly).
is there a new sighting? I didn't notice that..

Here are the times I know so far (California time):

4:00 pm (trying really hard with the 12 hour time LOL) last seen by family at home

6:00 pm cell phone call to her ex boss/family friend

8:30 pm barrista sighting in B/N

fwiw, I don't see her being in that area either Tuba :-(
is there a new sighting? I didn't notice that..

Here are the times I know so far (California time):

4:00 pm (trying really hard with the 12 hour time LOL) last seen by family at home

6:00 pm cell phone call to her ex boss/family friend

8:30 pm barrista sighting in B/N

fwiw, I don't see her being in that area either Tuba :-(

This is exactly the question I'm trying to find out an answer for.
Was she expired at 10:30 or 22:30?
Or at 20:30, as my posted chart shows she probably was gone at that point in time!

Here is what I found on the Request Board (note the mention of 20:30)
but Fifth Essence and I both saw 22:30 last night.......
now we are talking 8:30PM? :(

Are there actually 2 sightings of her, or is the 8:30PM sighting the ONLY one and the other information was erroneous?

I originally went by your post but it was changed this morning to accomodate the 22:30PM time frame as you can see by my chart.

Thanks for any and all updates , btw.

Last Name: Bichphuong Le

First Name: Phuong

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 3"

Weight: 105

Ethnicity: Asian

Date of birth: 04-30-1985

Date of last contact: 4-25-2010

Scars, marks, tattoos: Unknown

Phuong Le is a 24 (she turns 25 this friday... the flyer is wrong) year old woman who recently graduated in December from nursing school. She just took and passed her state boards this past April (this month). She comes from a large family of 7 (6?) sibblings and lives at home with her older brother and parents. Described as shy, Phuong had a "minor" argument with her older sister over passing out fliers for the sister's hair salon. She left her home at 4pm on the 25th. Never home later than midnight, at 3am on the 26th her brother went looking for the two usual places she goes: the gym and barnes and noble (where she is known to spend hours reading). When he could not find her car at the gym he headed to Barnes and Noble and found her car there with her backpack, cell phone, and other belongings in the trunk and the windows down. At barista inside B/N reported seeing Phuong at 2030 on the 25th but CCTV footage that LE pulled had no trace of her.
I take it that there were two separate sightings. How much either one was verified, not known. If the 8:30 daylight saving chart has any validity, it seems Phuong is no longer in the area. Not only is her ruler in H. 9 but (D) is 22:47 Cancer in H. 9 trine Jupiter. Mars square Phuong's Sun, exact, was not good but people survive that all the time and we do know she was in a stroppy mood after she dealt with her sister. Pluto, however, was also square her Sun Sign ruler, Venus. As you say, Venus going over her Mars is someone interested in her (but perhaps selfishly).

Thank you, (I just saw this reply) Tuba, and so now the confusion may end. I hope. (fingers crossed)
BTW, is Mercury retrograde? (LOL)

I agree, it's possible but unlikely she either ran away (as did the young student from Tempe or fell into a funk and bunked at friend's house) Neptune shows some hazy thinking as we compare the two charts now, the earlier sighting and the latter one.

The question remains however, did she sit in the Cafe at B & N for two full hours or more?
Leomoon, I edited my post but not this morning so I don't know?? And what I edited was more clarity on the phone call and her age (which I put "eta" next to). Sorry for all the confusion!

The sighting at the coffee shop at B/N was by a barrista at 8:30 but there is no video to corroborate it... as the cameras in that part of the store are aimed at the employees.. So could the sighting have been a fluke??? who knows???

She left home at 4pm, called at 6pm (we don't yet know where the call pinged from/what location she was in when she made the call), and the alleged sighting was at 8:30 pm. I am seeing no 10:30pm and I just went over all the articles again. I will pose the question on the main thread.

eta: tuba are you seeing the second sighting on the face book page??? tia, friend
I personally only know of the time I used but my reference to two times was due to the chart you and Leomoon80 were working on. It's too bad there is no surveillance footage. The time for my chart was from an eyewitness inside the store.
I think the 10:30pm time was a fluke... I just asked on the main thread and have looked.
As to the value of an eyewitness: what made this person think it was Phuong she saw? Family description of clothes worn that day? The known habit of Phuong to go to B & N to study so that she was familiar to the witness? A somewhat informed guess? We just don't know.

I did check Phuong's progressions. Last year her Sun had advanced to the natal Mars. There is a hold over effect, of course but she would have been in more danger last year--unless whoever she went with is someone she knew a year ago. Her Mercury has progressed to the placement of her lunar node. Mercury is neutral, not malefic but it could rule her Ascendant, if we had an actual time of birth. Her Venus and Mars by progression are in opportunity sextile, again the male-female interest and that is exact, by the way. Her Jupiter and Uranus have always been in mutual reception and now they are also in exact sextile and so, likely to be exercised. That aspect is a sudden lucky break, seized instantly but by whom? Could be the predator. One more watch-out! is the progressed Mars opposite natal Uranus but again, this would be someone she already knows because the aspect became exact two years ago. The fact her progressed Moon is in Leo is unhelpful because Mars has been going over it for two months now.

REF: (edited post on the "Request Board") now stands as this:

Phuong Le is a 24 (she turns 25 this friday... the flyer is wrong) year old woman who recently graduated in December from nursing school. She just took and passed her state boards this past April (this month). She comes from a large family of 7 (6?) sibblings and lives at home with her older brother and parents. Described as shy, Phuong had a "minor" argument with her older sister over passing out fliers for the sister's hair salon. She left her home at 4pm on the 25th. Never home later than midnight, at 3am on the 26th her brother went looking for the two usual places she goes: the gym and barnes and noble (where she is known to spend hours reading). When he could not find her car at the gym he headed to Barnes and Noble and found her car there with her backpack, cell phone, and other belongings in the trunk and the windows down. At barista inside B/N reported seeing Phuong at 2030 on the 25th but CCTV footage that LE pulled had no trace of her.

The brother said the last known cell phone call happened at 1800 that day but was not to the brother see snip: (snip)

I did see also last night (and I think Fifth Essence did as well because she questioned me this morning about it).....that
the time was 22:30 and not as (highlighted above) 20:30.

Oh's all gone or edited or don't worry about it any longer.
You know what the old bumper sticker says, "SH-- happens"

LOL :)crazy:

We KNOW now that there is One sighting only.........but hey, unless 5th wants to eliminate the 22:30 chart, that's up to her, but it may show in the future (2 hrs from 8:30PM), a "supposed" true sighting, what actually may have occurred with this young woman.

(both charts) are very ominous symbolically speaking. On this I think we can all agree.

Like Tuba says, "I'm going to bed" :)
For the time being, until we hear or read a confirmation as to a sighting at 10:30pm, the post and chart reflecting that time will be removed to avoid confusion.
As to the value of an eyewitness: what made this person think it was Phuong she saw? Family description of clothes worn that day? The known habit of Phuong to go to B & N to study so that she was familiar to the witness? A somewhat informed guess? We just don't know.

I did check Phuong's progressions. Last year her Sun had advanced to the natal Mars. There is a hold over effect, of course but she would have been in more danger last year--unless whoever she went with is someone she knew a year ago. Her Mercury has progressed to the placement of her lunar node. Mercury is neutral, not malefic but it could rule her Ascendant, if we had an actual time of birth. Her Venus and Mars by progression are in opportunity sextile, again the male-female interest and that is exact, by the way. Her Jupiter and Uranus have always been in mutual reception and now they are also in exact sextile and so, likely to be exercised. That aspect is a sudden lucky break, seized instantly but by whom? Could be the predator. One more watch-out! is the progressed Mars opposite natal Uranus but again, this would be someone she already knows because the aspect became exact two years ago. The fact her progressed Moon is in Leo is unhelpful because Mars has been going over it for two months now.
what I bolded got me thinking.... her nursing program was two years long and she just graduated in December.. Wonder if the 'interest' came from a fellow student?
At Virginia Commonwealth University, a student has come forward to claim that he saw Jonathan Dorey swimming in the James River on March 2, 2010, the day he vanished. There was snow and rain that day, however and the mountain bike is still missing. Parents have been in the States looking over five weeks for their son to no avail.

You may remember that II rose when the video captured him leaving on his bike. He was Mercury at the top of the chart in Pisces opposite the midpoint of Mars-Saturn in Virgo in H. 4.
Sunday Elizabeth Blombergh
Birth Date: 01/25/1982
Born in Tallahassee, FL.

From Knox on the Request Board:

Sunday Blombergh, 28, is missing. She would not just up and leave nor abandon her 7 year old daughter. She was last heard from on the morning of Thurs., April 22nd in which she spoke with her sister about meeting in the afternoon. She also was waiting for her mother in law to come to her home. When her mother in law arrived she said Sunday was not there. Sunday and her husband are separated

Her Tertiary Progressed chart has Prog.Mars and Prog Saturn conj. closely to natal Ceres
17Scorpio as well. Mars and Saturn are two malefics and Ter.Progressed Mars is found in the critical degree called “A Definite Loss” degree.

Usually this is quite literal in life in one way or another. (Literal as in losing something) or the loss of something.
So I tend to pay attention when I see the 21st deg.of Scorpio.

Natal w/Transits:

Sunday’s natal is a study in bad luck and overcompensation . Jupiter the planet of good fortune and benefit is square to many planets. To the Sun the Moon & Mercury semi-square to Neptune (overdid the drugs and other areas as well perhaps) opposes Chiron squares Atropos and opposes Moira.
I wish we had her time of birth, we’d see then the husband or men she would be attracted to somewhat more if we did. She was one who thrived on the unusual, more bizarre and non-conventional with all those many sextiles to Uranus her Sun’s Ruler.

She had many struggles in her short life, Pluto square the Sun square Venus and square the North Node.
People tried to control her and she rebelled when they did, however, it’s possible that men were able to do so more then not or at least for awhile but in many ways Sunday was her own worse enemy. (Venus square Pluto and Saturn) However, I believed I read a comment from a friend who said she was just getting her life on track (so often thats the case sadly when someone goes missing)...we hear this over and over too often it seems.

On the day she went missing the Transiting North Node at 14Capricorn52minutes was opposing Transiting Moira the Greek fates at 17Cancer47min.

Is it worth mentioning, perhaps so, that Transiting Pallas at 17Scorpio (akin to the SN)
And malefic as a degree, is conjunct along with Lachesis her natal Ceres while Transiting Saturn at 29Virgo conjuncts her 0 deg.Libra natal Lachesis., another greek fate symbol for length of one’s life.

As usual without the time of birth, this is a Sunrise Chart:

From Knox:
Sunday Blombergh, 28, is missing. She would not just up and leave nor abandon her 7 year old daughter. She was last heard from on the morning of Thurs., April 22nd in which she spoke with her sister about meeting in the afternoon. She also was waiting for her mother in law to come to her home. When her mother in law arrived she said Sunday was not there. Sunday and her husband are separated

Can the phone call to the friend at Noon on 04/22 in Tifton, GA be used as last seen?

Plans were, Sunshine said, for her to pick Sunday up at 3 p.m. April 22 at her home. She also said that a friend of Sunday’s who lives in Tallahassee talked with Sunday midday April 22, and Sunday told the friend that she had to get off of the telephone because she wasn’t finished with her packing. Sunshine said that none of Sunday’s belongings seemed to be missing from the home, and nothing was reportedly in disarray at the residence.

This is a timed event a phone call with her sister Sunshine; but Knox reports there was a 2nd call later (midday) so far no time available from a friend of her's and she supposedly said she had to pack and could not talk then.
She was supposed to leave for Tallahassee Florida at 3PM, but the mother in law came in and Sunday was not there, (only her packing materials and things with nothing in disarray)

This chart represents the one Phone Call that is verified with Sister
Sunshine at 12Noon the day she disappeared.

The Moon in the 2nd is in a degree of murder, it’s the Chart’s Ruler and conjunct Mars in Leo 1st where Atropos resides in the Noon Chart. We know she was on the telephone at noon with her sister and supposedly a friend talked to her later on but before 3PM when she was scheduled to leave the house. She told the friend she had no time she needed to finish packing.

You would think this phone call with the friend could be a “timed” event that is published or reported by the LE?

Venus is conjunct Algol exact as well as conjunct Juno (a love interest?) or husband in mythology. Juno is 2Gemini51minutes in the Weeping Sisters

Part of Fortune (misfortune as Tuba calls it) is in the 4th the home front, waiting for her fate this day and square to the Sun (vital force) The Black Moon and Neptune are conjunct in the 8th House along with Chiron the wound she will feel or is being inflicted upon her by the perp. who has an axe to grind with her and Chiron respresents this inner

Since Chiron and Neptune are also quincunx to Saturn in a critical degree in the 3rd of communications there may have been an altercation about her move (the communicating of leaving town for Florida and a new job) and the Neptune conj. Black Moon person was not too keen on this idea.

The position of Lachesis and Pallas in Scorpio brings back to me the reminder of her natal and the conjunction of them to her Ceres. Ceres is about nurturing or being nurtured, the 5th of this “Last phone call of sisters” is possibly the sadness of leaving her daughter behind as the 5th rules children…yet the transit of these two, have to do with both Fate and idealism.

This house also rules love interests outside of marriage and is found the Vertex in the intercepted sign of 1Sag. Vertex (a fated encounter) is aspected by many harsh obstacles such as Vertex opposite to Venus square to Neptune and Quincunx the Sun

Who does the Vertex represent or does it only represent the fated occurrence?

I believe the South Node conj. Moira and the Ascendent seals her fate this day.

Was it however, a close lover/friend/drug person? or was it closer to home then this who lured her out of the house?

Looking for progress in this missing person case, not finding any. The Ascendant of Last Seen is within the Fiery Way or Via Combusta, which gives pause even without South Scale on the rising degree (Fixed Star of crime & violence).

That tight quincunx between Moon and Sun turns violent faster than you can say knife. It is unpredictable and fateful and moves suddenly. There is an awkward moment of imposition and the relation between two people re-forms on a less friendly foundation afterward. Indifference on the part of one party means there is dissatisfaction, desires are not wholly met.

Not only was Moon about to afflict Pluto by square, the midpoint of Venus and Mars is found at 5°52' Cancer and Capricorn, right on that Pluto. What did this frustration lead to? Keep in mind that Mars & Pluto represent pouting Phuong. She is doubly afflicted. (By Mercury, by Moon)
A first phone call chart is not a lot to go on for a missing person such as Sunday is. I'm still hoping we get a later phone call that was made for the time of the day so we can more determine the time she disappeared from the house.

Meanwhile I've checked for some background on the Moon's position conjunct "Dubhe" which I said was associated with murder charts but also can be seen in natals as well, and always a concern at least when they are there.
The vibration is harsh in this star but not always for dire circumstance as is seen in the event charts of course.

For those interested, Anne Wright's site is a very comprehensive site for the fixed Stars:

Dubhe is listed currently 15Leo and the Moon (conjunct Mars) at the early phone call with her sister is 14 degrees 17minutes at that point in time so it's within minutes of the conjunction to this star.

Checking the Steven Koecher charts I see that Tuba's "Last Seen" at
11:54AM has the 6th house cusp at 15°Leo (Dubhe)
and in my Horary Chart for Steven "Dubhe" falls in the 8th house of Death conjunct the Part of Fortune.
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