Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 2

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Originally Posted by jessc.
Thank you Leomoon. I can try to find my aunts time of birth. With the info you already have can you tell the manner she died and maybe who murdered her and why?
Here is what I did so far.....but surely the time of birth and location would be most helpful,

This however is what I wrote notes that I could see.

Interesting to see that when the Transit of Pluto came around to station at 20Degrees and 57minutes of Scorpio (a Definite loss degree), then she lost her life, as her Sun was 20Scorp27minutes, thus fulfilling a natal promise but in a way we might least suspect.

Her Venus at 7Capricorn 29min. is conjunct to fixed star Facies, (not a good star for love affairs without much difficulties involved)….it easily could have been a love triangle or jealousy involved.

Her natal Venus is also square to Cupido (love affairs)..and relationships…so inharmonious alignment , and the troublesome Facies for her Venus star.

Another point of interest is when she was murdered, Transiting Moon was at 11 degrees Scorpio, and her own natal Uranus (the unexpected or erratic events) planet was also located 11 Scorpio.

Transiting Saturn was also at 12Aquarius, a negative star associated at this degree too,
And her own Chiron was 12 Aquarius, so Saturn conjunct Chiron.

Speaking of Transiting karmic Saturn conjunct Chiron, (the inner wound) we also see that Transiting Saturn and hence, Chiron were also angled with a square from Transiting
Atropos (marker of death asteroid) at 11 Scorpio which stationed over her natal North Node

A secondary Fate of the Moira, called asteroid Lachesis which accompanies Moira and Atropos in pointing to death, happened to be transiting at 1 degree Virgo conjunct Regulus, the fixed star and conjunct her natal “Zeus” . Zeus is that
Directed energy compulsive force that directs violence onto her.

I think it was provoked by jealousy of someone she knew so this was personal in it’s scope of vengeance or anger displayed.

Cupid and Venus seem to be saying this.

corrected natal (no time of birth):

Such a lovely name Coral Pearl, for such a lovely young girl as she was.

There seems to be a difference of opinion in two extremes from all I have read from the articles and on the WS forum links.
1)That Coral escaped the tyranny of her home with an “adult male boyfriend” and went to LA area perhaps being used there by men .
2)That Coral was murdered not long after that last phone call.

No family member or friends have heard from her in 12 yrs.
The relative she lived with moved and changed her name, and is not easily found
And there is also a question of a lie detector test being given or sought.

3)This is a cold case now, and seems to be quite inactive?

I’ll give you what I see in her natal that may point in one direction or favor another.

Sun is 28Virgo – square to Mars, Jupiter , semi-square Saturn and square to Neptune.
This then is not a good way to start a life,…and the father archetype is severely stunted or non existant in a positive sense for this young girl,…and I say "young" because Coral Pearl was only 14 when she disappeared from the radar and up to that point, had a rather brutal existance.

A quintile to Uranus, the creative aspect may suggest a purpose to the disappearance that she herself engineered.

That’s one consideration we will consider when weighing this chart….Did she or didn’t she go willingly?

When Coral disappeared, there was Transiting Pluto over her natal Uranus, a sure indicator of either abduction or something quite unexpected happening to her that would be life altering.

Her natal Pluto that day was being transited by the Black Moon Lilith, that shadow consciousness, that often indicates transits of horror being visited upon us.

Since we see Transiting Lacheses (the asteroid of a death indication…the length of life being cut), …hovering over her natal Sun or at 27degrees57minutes, coming to within one degree of exact orb when she disappeared.

This then, is now weighing far more weighted towards death rather then creating a new lifestyle and going away on her own.

Coral Pearl had a terribly hard life… is evidenced too, by her North Node (the soul’s purpose) conjunct fixed star “Alcoyne”….entering into the Pleaides star group.

We see her Ceres (nurturing) conjunct Algol and close to Alcoyne and the NN. Very very sad life. This too, is another indication that death may have come early to her, especially because of Algol’s presence.

Transiting Moira (fated asteroid for death) and Uranus (adbuction or the unexpected event) is squaring her natal “Hopi”….(ambush, knives stabbings, etc) and Transiting Hopi with Atropos (death asteroid) are opposed to her natal Jupiter (luck) and spiritual return (breaking the bonds here)

I can see why people liked her and she had so many friends who truly cared about her.
She had Jupiter conjunct closely to Neptune, giving her a certain allure and mystique about her, yet a quality that is hard to capture., a kind and generous Sagittarius happy spirit. In spite of it all, she could laugh.

She had a lovely Trine to Jupiter, an outer spiritual planet with her harmony of this generous spirit to her Mercury.

Sometimes, precious people simply do not stay here long, are taken early and their spirit is rejuvenated such as with this lovely girl.

Her natal Toro (keyword: brutality,rage,violence) is conjoined with her natal Venus.

Venus in the sign of it’s own sign, Libra – yet in the 25th degree (critical) semi-square to Uranus and conjunct to Toro and Pluto, leads me to believe that her soul took it’s flight around this point in time, and she left this earthy veil of tears behind her.

She left this earth when the South Node was square to Transiting Pluto….And transiting Saturn opposed her natal Pluto and Transiting Black Moon.
Her soul was ready and she left …..

It’s so wonderful I think to have such a legacy of so many dear friends who think this well of you as she had.
I’m sure she feels (and still feels) that love and it sustains her until you all meet again.

I Am so greatful that you did this for me, from what I understand my suspicions are correct. Coral is no longer with us. Is there anything else you can tell me by reading her chart in more detail about what happened? I think you did a really good job explaining to me what the chart means but it still is a little confusing.
I Am so greatful that you did this for me, from what I understand my suspicions are correct. Coral is no longer with us. Is there anything else you can tell me by reading her chart in more detail about what happened? I think you did a really good job explaining to me what the chart means but it still is a little confusing.

Hi Melissa:

As I said via PM, we need that time of the last phone call to proceed with anything near clarity.
The Natal stands as it is, with the transits she might succomb to, but of course the other people born on that same day and place are included for the same vibrations, and they didn't disappear, or not that we are aware of.

This then, is the problem without a time of someone's birth. We can only generalize at best.

Thanks for your support.
Ok, I will work on getting Coral's time of birth also, and I called the journalist and left a message asking him for help getting the time she made the call. Hpoefully he can get it for me or help me get in contact with Melissa Pierce so I can ask her.
Very fitting that Fomalhaut is the Rising degree Star of this Ascendent in the Event Chart of "Last Seen on Camera" for Hattie Brown:

The Desert Storm veteran is described as an outgoing woman — adventurous, kind and willing to help anyone.

“She had a beautiful spirit,” Barbara said.

Hattie was the first female sergeant in her platoon. She retired in 1998 and a few years later moved back home to help care for her ailing mother.

I'll post 2 her Natal (no time of birth) so a generic type of reading, and the other - the "Last Seen at Sheetz Convenience store" on Camera Event chart:

Harrie had a midpoint conj. REGULUS between Uranus & Moira- I’m not surprised she died young, but this may have occurred even in the wars she was involved in.
The Gulf War for one. She did have This Midpoint of 27Leo35min. and Regulus opposed to Chiron And when the transit of Neptune,Chiron and Jupiter came over this area of her chart
The fated promise of Regulus was triggered and she metaphorically, fell from the top.
No doubt she was looked up to and seen by her family as a hero figure, but Regulus will do this it’s a natal promise, to cut one down…..but by whose hand did this occur?

The catalyst didn’t have to be a person…..she could have just as easily stepped on a live grenade!

Hattie had her natal Saturn in Capricorn, thus exalted here in the sign of it’s own rulership…and Pallas likewise, conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. She was military through and through…a woman who liked the uniform and code of honor.
When she was cut down, she had a Saturn transit going over her North Node in Virgo
In minutes of an exact orb.
The TNP Zeus was transiting over her Poseidon…a compulsion drive of directed energy and directed at Hattie..perhaps he put her in water ?

Transiting Apollon (the multiplier) …was transiting over her natal Venus & Lacheses (the indicator of death) and the allotted time.
Cupido at 16Sag, over her natal Juno 17Sag (jealousy, revenge) – (more then a passing interest, it appears to have been a sexually driven murder ) or personal enough to encourage some type of inner rage at the woman. The murder was one of abduction to possess (she had Persophone at 15degrees Sagittarius) so likewise, Persophone the asteroid of abduction, rape and kidnapping was also in the mix being transited and is possible here.

The Sun & Mercury were transiting Hattie’s natal Atropos (the other asteroid we use for deaths)…and celestial lineups were there for her passing.

As for who killed her? It was vicious because Transiting Hades conjuncts Vulcanus and Mars in her chart.And her Mars at 0Cancer was already a natal promise, as it’s in a critical degree as well as in “Fall” in the sign of Cancer, hence not working in her favor . As I said, she could have died in the Gulf War, but she did not. (the opposition of Mars to Jupiter the military)

Instead it was this maniac who came about, and killed Hattie and burned her car completely, so that the evidence of perhaps him in the vehicle doing whatever he did, could never be known or seen.

The M.O. doesn’t seem to fit, (the burned car with M. Harrington’s case at the concert that night) but I haven't really considered it yet as for a great in depth study of same.
I did however, look at Morgan's "Last seen" chart posted here, and I found:

ASC 7-8Gemini putting the DC cusp of the other at 7-8SAG (violence)
Pluto was on the cusp of the 8th and the 8th cusp was critical at 1Capricorn
(the 8th was the death of Morgan)
11th cusp is Pisces and Uranus is in this house of opportunity
The cusp of the I/C (end of the matter or 4th house) is 15Leo fixed with Mars at 0degrees Leo in the 3rd house.

IF her nephew was labeled by the LE a “Suspect” which I have read, then why not post his date of birth since he was the last one to see her according to the camera photo?


Nephew Considered Suspect in Woman's Disappearance
07/27/09 1:17 pm

Halifax Co., VA - Police are now calling the nephew of a missing woman a suspect in her disappearance.
Derek Edward Brown was the last person seen with Hattie Brown. Hattie has been missing since mid May. She was last seen outside the Sheetz gas station near South Boston with her nephew.

Police say the reward for the arrest and conviction of anyone involved in Brown's disappearance is now $10,000.
Natal without time of her birth:


Event of Last seen on Camera before disappearing:

Note that the Sun in the 3rd of the communications and conjunct Algol and Mercury and this is why I think at this particular time, her death was in the works...being recorded on the "skein of space and time" as Edgar Cayce termed the records of vibrations.... which is what we are picking up in this chart:


The Ascendent rising is 3Pisces conjunct the fixed star “Fomalhaut” a Persian Royal Star known primarily for the ancients saying it is about “An Immortal Name”
Perhaps it’s fitting for Hattie…to never be forgotten. The planet Neptune rules Pisces, and is found in the 12th house of hidden things, and conjunct this Ascendent. It is showing by it’s aspects (square Mercury and square Sun) that she was lied to in order to get her alone, perhaps taking off with her in the automobile that the killer eventually burned to a cinder. The evidence then, burned up.

Since we do not have Hattie’s time of birth (although sometimes people can go down to the local courthouse and look up the records themselves if they have a mind to and the state allows for it)…and in this way we may see more, such as whether or not a relative of Hattie’s caused her demise. There is a way in the Natal Chart to scope out our relatives, type or relationships they may represent in our lives.

For instance, the 3rd house cusp is the representation of our siblings, and from there we’d count 5 houses for the child of our sibling., or our neice or nephew.
This is called “Derivative” houses in the natal chart sometimes used in Horary work as well.

IF however, there is a suspect “named” by the LE or newspapers, and we have their dates of birth, we can scope them out as well, generically speaking as to the transits on the day Hattie went missing.

Meanwhile for this event chart, we can see a few things easily enough.

1)The communications house, the 3rd is the Sheetz convenience store, so that is easily seen as well Neptune mentioned above in the 12th (hidden house) it’s lies and deceptive quality here because it squares the 2 planets in the 3rd where the conversation was taking place, i.e. Mercury & the Sun.

2) She was lied to, and left perhaps willingly in her automobile….with the perpetrator imo.
3)Hopi (association with ambushings knives, etc.) is here the same degree as Moira (death) with Atropos (death) all in the 3rd house and conj. the 4th house cusp.

4)The 4th house cusp or the house of endings, ruled by Gemini, is dualistic.Says one thing, but does another.
The Part of Fortune here, for this event, is dire as it squares Saturn (her death )

As I said, I’d like to see the named suspects dob, and time if possible… potentially rule him in or out.

Secondary ruler or co-ruler of the Asc. is Jupiter found in the 12th, same as Neptune (primary ruler) found here. The Moon found in the 12th quincunx to Saturn in the 7th or others.

Her death was designed during this point in time.
No question about that.
Thank you, Leomoon. I am still digesting the reading, but am so very appreciative. I sent you a PM.

Will try at my first opportunity to see if additional birth date/time information is available at the courthouse.

I can tell already that I should pull the astrology books down and give them a read. It's been years.

Thank you ever so much.

Leomoon80, Greg Hosmer, the detective on Coral's case, emailed me back. He only had LJ's birthdate, 1/09/1940. No time of birth. I asked him if he could get a copy of Coral's birth certificate, hopefully the time of birth is on it. Do you know when they started putting time of birth on birth certificates? But hopefully you can still cross reference them. Still haven't heard back from the journalist concerning the last phone call Coral made. I am sure he will get back with me soon. He has helped me with her case before.
Leomoon80, Detective Hosmer emailed me back, great news! I got Coral's time of birth, It's 9/21/84 at 10:28 p.m. Still no word from the journalist but sometimes he gets busy and I don't hear from him for a couple days. When I find out the time of the last call and info on Melissa Pierce I'll let you know. Can you please update Coral's chart as soon as you can? I am very anxious to see the results! Thanks for everything, Melissa
Leomoon80, Detective Hosmer emailed me back, great news! I got Coral's time of birth, It's 9/21/84 at 10:28 p.m. Still no word from the journalist but sometimes he gets busy and I don't hear from him for a couple days. When I find out the time of the last call and info on Melissa Pierce I'll let you know. Can you please update Coral's chart as soon as you can? I am very anxious to see the results! Thanks for everything, Melissa

Using the natal chart, they are a little you may need to read the transits (the degree and signs), as they may appear a bit "off-kilter" from where they actually are, but "close enough for government work" as us old timers use to say when things weren't quite right, lol :waitasec:

Perhaps if I get time I will create another chart with Arabic Lots as well.

Meanwhile, we can see this one with the various TNPs (TransNeptunians or Uranians as they are termed) and various asteroids...
So each chart gives us a new perspective on Coral Pearl and her disappearance:

In addition to what I’ve already given for her natal positions, we see now that Coral had her Rising sign at almost 8Gemini which gives her born under the star “Aldebaren” in Gemini, a Persian Royal star said to confer an honor in Intelligence.
I’m sure she was then, quite intelligent a young woman.
Her Ascendent or Chart Ruler is square to Mercury, sesquare to Venus , opposed to Uranus (in fact almost all of Uranus (the unexpected and erratic ) is harsh in their aspects made here), but her ASC is also opposed to Uranus meaning it was likely that she’d be facing some rather weird or strange occurrences in life, and not the least perhaps her own abduction for Uranus often separates us from loved ones.

In her known time of birth chart, we see Uranus sitting atop the DC cusp, meaning, she was separated early on in life, from her loved ones (friends) and very possibly murdered, because Transiting Pluto is coming to conjunct this cusp of “others” in her chart.

Perhaps more disconcerting to me is that Transiting Saturn is making an opposition to her natal Vertex (the fated event or person ) and opposition to natal Pluto in a house we consider in all branches of Astrology as the house of woe and hardships, or the 6th House.
Called the “House of Bad Fortune” by the ancients, and the 12th which is opposite the 6th, and the polarity “The House of Bad Daemon”, they were both considered to be houses that lock the energy within to do harm rather then help.

Perhaps it is because the 6th was considered to have been designated for Mars (a traditional malefic) in Mars said to Joy there, and the 11th, traditionally a house of benefit, was considered to have Jupiter (a benefic) in it’s assigned Joy , whereas the 12th opposite the 6th, was the “Joy of Saturn” :( and assigned this to the 12th house or where Saturn has it's joy.

These were the names of the houses assigned Planets and their Joy (i.e. doing well here) during the time of Ptolemy over 2000 years ago, and have since gone through some change perhaps a few alternative ideas of the joys, over these many years, yet still today, we can see the obvious harm of some of these houses, the benefit of others, and sense that the ancients had when making these remarks. We truly have to respect their knowledge.

What then does Coral Pearl have assigned in her 6th house the
“House of Bad Daemon?”

She had Venus in tropical late degree of Libra and we know how she suffered with Venus in her short life , Pluto in the 0 degree of Scorpio, her Vertex (people and events fated to be) and then Saturn (woe and karma) and all of the last have it’s natural ruler being Mars the malefic planet in the house that Mars Joys in.

It’s no wonder then, that something awful befell Coral Pearl when she was young as we can see Chiron moving over this house as well, Pluto climbing to meet the D/C Cusp, itself in bad or troublesome stead because it conjoins Uranus.

It’s also no wonder to me, that the ancients not only observed these Persian Royal Stars and called them wondrous (Regulus for instance, the “Heart of the Lion” in late tropical Leo has now moved (the fixed stars DO move, every 72 years)..into 01Virgo recently.
But they were considered to be indicators of sometimes, great strength and leadership and other times, great misfortune so we always know even today to watch them in the charts carefully.

We see Coral Pearl had 3 of these Persian Royal Stars in her natal chart. The two I mentioned, (Antares & Aldebaren) and you can read their initials (abbreviations) on the ASC and the DC cusp ……and then the 3rd? “Regulus” was being transited at the time she went missing by the North Node of the Moon. Look for REG and the Transiting North Node. :(

Perhaps I'll be posting on the Library section or General, a chart I found with the various ancient themes from Ptolemy on down the ages that show how the houses were seen. The Houses of course are about consciousness, both personal and Collective, and a man-made construct.

Than you Leomoon, for updating Coral's chart with the new info. I just wish I could understand more of what you are saying. I don't know all the technical terms you use in the chart. Could you dumb it down a bit for me? So that I can get a story of what you think happened to her? I know you can only get so much from the info that you have and without the time she went missing there is not much more you can do. Still waiting for the journalist to get back with me. Hopefully he will call me this weekend sometime.
Than you Leomoon, for updating Coral's chart with the new info. I just wish I could understand more of what you are saying. I don't know all the technical terms you use in the chart. Could you dumb it down a bit for me? So that I can get a story of what you think happened to her? I know you can only get so much from the info that you have and without the time she went missing there is not much more you can do. Still waiting for the journalist to get back with me. Hopefully he will call me this weekend sometime.

This natal chart shows me via the Tad Mann method of psychological timing in the charts

That at age 14, Coral Pearl was due for her Vertex in the 6th house to be (as Mann would term it) “Registered”. What is the Vertex? Some believe it is a point that is indicative of a “fated” person or event to come into the life. Since this occurred in her 6th house, go back to my last reading and explanation of the 6th house (for her)...very maligned for danger.

Now, what is the meaning of the registration of a planet or a place in the natal chart?
A point of recognition? I just posted a link for you that explains what Registration means.

In this venacular, it means that at this particular age, just as all of us are due to be registering as we age the various planets and places we were born to by virtue of the synastry of our births with our own mother’s transits at the time of our conception,
That Coral’s disappearance happens to register exactly with age 14 a time she was “fated” to either meet a person or event that would change her and her life forever.
Unfortunatley for her, it came also when Saturn was transiting over her 12th house .

Look over her 12th house and you will see the figure (green symbol) of Saturn there.
When it’s colored green on this chart that means it’s a transit (red is a progression from age)
Now, the planet Saturn was literally and really in the sky at this time and it then happened to oppose Coral’s own Vertex (look in the 6th house)
You can see the 12th is opposite the 6th.
Now where you see it says (in the 6th house) 2Verte in the sign of Scorpio, then simply follow the imaginary line across to meet up with the transit of Saturn (over the 12th) and check out the exact degrees when you do this.

You will see that the Vertex (a fated person or a fated event) in Corals 6th house in Scorpio at the 2nd degree is exactly opposite Saturn “transiting” at 2 degrees and 28minutes over her 12th house.

What happens then when Saturn (a certain planet which rules timing and also karma) Opposes (by 180 degrees) another place where a signficant planet or point lies such as in this case with the Vertex?

Well, I say that it’s pointing thus far,to her demise.We still have other charts we can study however.
This natal chart shows me via the Tad Mann method of psychological timing in the charts

Saturn is a planet that often is in an important place when we die.

It also can be related to (more often related to) change in the life, and a popular known
Saturn transit is called a Saturn Return (when Saturn retrurns to your birth place where it was in your chart when you were born)
This happens (a Saturn Return) at approximatly age 29 or 30.,then a 2nd Saturn Return about age 58-60 (every 30 years…for it takes Saturn 28-30 years to complete it’s return to where it was when we were born)

In Coral’s case this was NOT a Saturn Return however, but it was equally important to her.
In her case it may have indeed signalled her death as she did not live to her 29 birthday to see one.
Not everyone does.

Now I cannot say for certain that she died at this point in time, (I haven’t looked at the other tools yet that I can and will employ), but I’m pretty certain that she was in great jeopardy of perishing then.
Not just because of Saturn and it’s opposing place to age 14…….and the Vertex, but
Because Pluto is inching up towards her 7th house cusp (of the others)
And opposes her Natal Chiron (Chiron is an asteroid often seen in death charts too) when in transit (such as it’s doing over her 6th house)

We look for at least 3 testimonies
to make an observation in the natal charts one way or another, for pro or con.

As for “pro_death” I’d say that :
Testimony #1 is Saturn opposed to her Vertex at age 14.
Testimony #2 is Pluto transiting at 5 degrees Sag and opposed to her Ascendent and Hades near Hyades.
Testimony#3 might be in the Tertiary minor Progressions….(I’ll post the chart for others to see here)
In this chart we see the transit of Jupiter (I call it the guardian angel, because it’s often in an important place upon the crossing over in deaths) is being transited by the Vertex and by Neptune (rx) in exact orb to her natal Jupiter.
Now can this be a testimony of death? Or is it a testimony of “luck running out?”

Certainly it is showing us that something undermining happened to her as the Vertex remember is a person or event and Neptune usually undermines us.
The reason I think it’s her demise is because it falls over her 8th house of “Death”

What about the “Pro-life” indicators in her chart although with a definite element of subterfuge?

Testimony #1 would be imo, Tertiary Progressed POF conjunct natal VESTA (the virgin)
That is falling over her 4th house near her home life, and conjunct Tert.Prog.Mercury over natal Juno (exact orbs)
What could this mean pro-life?
Probably that she was taken by someone who meant to “use her sexually”….either in a subservient position (such as a pimp would do)…OR someone very jealous of her close to her home (L.J??) and was involved in some way selling her or using her this way or perhaps those men we talked about and she was trying to get away from?

I still do not have a handle on WHO this male b.f. was that was mentioned as possibly going to California to live with?

What do you know about him or that situation? Was it misreported?
As I said earlier, she had a VERY difficult chart and I would not be completely surprised to hear she lived out the past years in coerced type of subservience.

Another potential Testimony (2) for “Pro-life” might be Tertiary progressed Venus (exact orb) conjunction to natal Venus and Tert. Prog. “Persophone” (abduction) being conjunct the midpoint from Venus (sex) to Pluto (control of her)
I’ll be looking further and meanwhile encourage anyone who wishes to help to study these charts as well as others we can look to in the future.

2nd Chart for known tob - Coral Pearl using Tertiary minor Progressions to her Natal chart:

IF we are successful in finding out that last phone call she made time of day, we may see more, like the Ascendent degree. Other then this, it's hard to say anything more.

Coral's Arabic Lots (fate) calculated from her natal chart on my program gives the following:

Part of Fatality: 22Cancer conj. her natal Part of Fortune at 20.41Cancer
Part of (a Killing Planet) or Anareta: 5.58Cncer conj. "Persophone" 7.50
Part of Murder (2): 9Capricorn
Part of Danger & Violence: 6°Leo
Prt of Captivity & Murder (1): 0°Libra conjunct her SUN.
I am very anxious to get that time of Coral's last phone call. I don't want to bug the journalist but I just might call him again and see if I can get ahold of him.
Mars the Ruler of this chart is found at 0Leo appropriately a crisis degree and conjunct Atropos the death asteroid (within one minute) of orb.
The crisis would escalate quickly to their deaths, both mother and son.

The Moon possibly indicating Shatina, is found in the 4th house conjunct Chiron (pain)
And Neptune (the alcohol and probably inebriated from all I have read of the wine jug found, the video capture of buying it, and even the son telling the residents, “my mom fell and hurt her knee”) makes sense that Neptune is conj. chiron here (within 2 min.), and then to the Moon which conjuncts Jupiter (the kindly couple who tried to help her, gave her son a piece of pizza and gave her directions and use of their telephone)

The 5th house rules her child, Azriel, age 8 who soon will drown not far from this home down a deserted dead end road near the water’s edge that his mother took apparently not realizing what she was doing.

The 5th house Sun conjunct Uranus and Mercury either is Azriel himself, OR for those who must believe it was a murder and kidnapping, then we might assign the 5th to a love interest and I have considered this in my delineations as well….but let the logic overcome my initital belief it was an abduction and murder.
The ruler of the 5th is Neptune then Jupiter as co-ruler of the child.

The 8th house is the death, the Vertex here squares Jupiter the luck she may have had at the neighbor home turns into bad luck as she made that wrong turn to the water instead of to the freeway.

Part of Fortune in the 1st house of self determination, is misfortune for this young mother and son, as Lacheses abides here as well the POF squares both Neptune and Chiron.

A close 2nd would be murder of course, and kidnapping, but my logical mind just won’t go there however, I’m open to suggestions and other opinions as to how to read this chart as well as second opinions.
Saturn the planet of karma and woe, is horrendously afflicted in every manner in this chart from the oppositions to Venus, Mercury and the Sun with and opposition to Uranus and squares to Pluto, Ceres and sesquare to the BML.

Without any effort at all, actually relief on my part, I could easily turn this chart into a Murder and abduction event, but logically, my mind requires a motive for such a murder of the child and then of the mother, and I simply cannot find one.

(I say "relief on my part" because that is my 1st instinct that this was a murder case...yet logic as I said, does not allow me to go there)

The transits definitely show her as dead, but the real concern for me, is Leo North Node in the 25th degree which is a degree of murder and Alcoholism , when applicable.
(see Nancy Fenn’s critical degrees/fixed stars site on google search)

Natal chart reveals that her Mercury (mindset) was in trouble , the alcoholism, at 8Taurus for it’s a vibration that is connected to Hamal the fixed star causing issues and problems.
Her Mercury was trine to Mars and Jupiter however, the complications for her arise because of it’s connection to these planets that conjoin Regulus.
That is why she fell off the wagon (so to speak) and wasn’t able to keep on the straight and narrow….Regulus always causes a fall in life.
A rise then a fall and that’s what happened to her aided by Hamal (Mercury) square Moon.

The circumstances of her life probably aided and abetted this fall as well, as I read her own mother had committed suicide (Moon) 4 yrs. Ago, and for sure this must have weighed heavily on her.

It’s always bad enough fighting addictions, let alone having some truly traumatic thing like your own mother’s death by her own hand weighing down on you as it was for her.

I am very concerned seeing that she had the North Node 25 degrees Leo, and so I inserted the asteroid known for kidnappings., or Persophone.
We don’t have her time of birth to use the Arabic Lots, but if anyone does get her records (the birth certificate for instance from the State or the Death certificate) you may then give it here and we can revise the chart gaining the Arabic lots to work with and more clarity perhaps.

As of today, I’m leaning towards a terrible accident, or TR. Uranus conjunct “Scheat”
A drowning due to Alcohol in her system

North Node at 25Leo being transited by Vesta and square to the transiting BAM (gunshot)
Transiting Lacheses (cuts the life off) making a conjunction to natal Uranus (unexpected or perhaps in this case, an accident or kidnapping also possible ) of Shantina.

Asteroid Moira moving to conjunct to her natal Atropos in Cancer and Transiting Mars and tr. Atropos rx, moving over her natal Juno & Persophone…..
What could this be? :waitasec:

My very first inclination when seeing 25Leo was to say a murder and kidnapping,but after reading page and pages of WS background material, various reports on the internet today, I’m leaning towards a terribly sad accidental drowning and assigning the 25Leo not to murder (my 1st instinct ) but rather to Alcoholism and Uranus the accident (my 2nd instinct) based on logical facts as they have been presented on the various links I have read.

I don't think I'd be the first practioner of Astrology to simply say,"I'm torn" on this case.

Note: We do not have her exact place of birth nor time of birth, so the houses should be ignored:

Azriel had a Yod (Finger of God) formation of aspects which pointed to the Apex of Pluto (transformation through a massive change or undertaking) Pluto often associated with destruction then a rebirth of sorts –
Connected to his Moon (mother ) and to Jupiter (luck )

His luck (Jupiter) was harshly aspected (a quincunx of 150 degrees) to Pluto
As part of this Yod.
The Moon aptly shows his mother’s problems with alcohol by it’s square to both Uranus and Neptune and her death (quincunx to Pluto) . The semi-square to the North Node played out in his short life by the troubling parts he needed to endure (estrangement from his bio dad, and his mother’s problems) NN is also opposed to Chiron (the inner wound)

Note that asteroid Lacheses (for death) was transiting at 19Scorpio (the evil degree)
Over his natal and approaching a conjunction to Venus.
Venus itself, may be also a secondary indicator for his mother, which is in a very harsh degree, at 25Scorpio, another fixed sign like Leo and thought to also indicate alcoholism in some charts. In Forensic Astrology the 25th degree in event charts is very critical also for death and even murder.

We see the asteroid Melpomene (for tragedy in an event) transiting at 26 degrees Taurus which conjuncts fixed star “Algol” .

Shantina and son Azriel were discussed and charted back in March of 2009, those charts initially posted around 3/17/09 in our CASE BRIEFINGS Thread # 1.

Remember, use the 'search option' at the top of CASE BRIEFINGS or the REQUESTS Thread to locate the charts and analysis for cases that don't have a dedicated thread in the Astro Forum.

Do have a look at the work that has already taken place on this sad case.

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[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only - # 1[/ame]
Justaparent, who asked for this case on Case Request thread said she could not find it with a Search option.
I tried myself, and found only one on the Forensics Forum a thread had been dedicated to her case, but not a chart thread, but perhaps I should have searched thru more threads then.

Now I see when I search again, with the name itself (not just looking for a thread) I found the following which has many cases:

I often think it's a good idea to have more then one weigh in on the various charts, dates and times, as it's still unsolved as long as her body is not recovered, so I am happy to see that someone else as well, felt the same as my reading delineates , that it was an Accident afterall.

That makes 2 of us weighing in, and makes me feel a lot better about my own reading although as I said, I could still make a case for murder but the "weight of the astrological evidence" seems to weigh more heavily with Arabic Lots in various Events charts with an unfortunate Accident , using only the natal and one event chart as I have used, that of the last seen visit.

I'm glad we resolved this case :) Although I'm still sorry that her body has not been recovered in 8 months. :([/QUOTE]

OK, now I see this chart (we need to do a SEARCH above the Case REQUEST board itself) to find it.
BTW, it is really an excellent reading, but using a 10:10PM last seen chart instead of 10PM, but yields a good reading employing asteroid BACCHUS for drinking.
Wish I had seen this one originally, .......

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