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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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9:00 – judge enters, jury enters
George and Cindy in court today
9:03:50 – witness sworn in, Dr. Neal Haskell, Professor Forensic Science and Biology, and consultant, entomologist, expert witness
JA direct
entomology – study of insects
(lots of bug talk, which I missed, computer kept dropping sections)
bugs in paper towels, some in white plastic bag
explained the phrases of decomposition and bugs, which ones arrive and when, flies lay eggs, ford flies are tiny, gnat-sized flies which arrive later in decomposition
a body 3, 4, 5 days in heat in car time to trap ford flies
JA asking about heat – bugs are cold-blooded, environmental temperature dependent, heat speeds up decomp process
Dr. Haskell came to Florida Dec 16th, 2008 after remains were found, to check the truck, spoke to manager of the of impound yard, examined remains, specimens from scene and from medical examiners office

9:36:10 – decomp & insects are temperature dependant species and groups expected at advanced stage of decomp
body initially placed elsewhere, body possibly out in the woods many, many months, since June or early July, deposited as decomposing body not skeleton, partially decomposed with soft tissue
body not in trunk very long, 3 to 5 days

Casey listening, watching witness, with a scowl on her face during this portion of the testimony

9:44 – JB cross – asking about 1st contact with Dr. Vass about this case, came up when talking about another case, has known Dr. Vass 25 years since they were at the Body Farm in Tennessee, doesn’t know how OCSO got his name
asking about coffin flies
1st received trash bag from trunk of car, ford flies gnat-size flies, Mr. Michael Vincent thought they looked like fruit flies, Witness says flies were found in trash, more trash vs. garbage talk

9:49 - Casey laughing at the trash talk and she kept laughing and smiling through most of the testimony

JB brought out his easel with the BIG tablet began drawing on it
Witness saying majority of ford? Flies on paper towels, decomp fluids on towels
Can extract human DNA from certain bugs, like mosquitoes
Doesn’t know which tests Dr. Vass did
Many flies, can even be found in some houses on window sills
found one fly leg
(missed a great portion of this testimony because live feed kept stalling)
filters, vacuum cleaners found a few more insects from decomp fluids, 3 years later?

10:03 - Post –mortem interval, how long person deceased, how long insects there
on 16 July 2008 live insects could have been traced to a range of time, not a specific day

contacted in Sept 2008 – didn’t check for flies before then ?
Dec 20008, in witness’ 30 years experience, the Suburban crime area was the best cleared scene he’s ever been to, best scene collection, OCSO and FBI were there
Body began decomposing elsewhere not in woods

(I had trouble hearing JB’s questions because he wasn’t near microphone)

10:15:15 – JB crossing arms after JA’s objection – sustained
asking about water washing away blow? Fly evidence
JA objects – sustained

Witness wrote 3 reports, two were signed off on 22 Sept 2009, these were the reports from Sept 2008 & Dec 2008
10:20 - JB asking witness how much he is being paid for his services: $20,000 – $23,000
hasn’t been paid by Baez for the deposition
$400 for testimony, $150 travel & other

10:21:44 – JA re-direct
difference between trash and garbage?
Garbage consists of decomposing plant, organic materials
Trash is non-organic stuff, paper, boxes, etc.
Significant difference – bugs go to organic materials
In the Pontiac’s trunk was trash, non-foodstuff, flies on paper towels, some flies loose in bag, flies picked up by towels when absorbing decomposing fluids, no plant decomp in bag, flies at scene (woods) and in trunk
Body 3 or 4 days decomposing in 1st location

10:29 – JB re-cross
showing two pictures of trash
did witness inspect trunk to check for access? No.

10:32:03 – JA shows picture – do you see? No (I missed part of this)
JB asks with picture, extent of decomposition found needs a lot of garbage

10:34 – Recess until 10:50

10:50 – judge enters
10:51 – jury enters
10:52:05 – witness, Jennifer Welch (Welsh?), CSI
LDB – questions again, photos of Suburban Drive, on scene for 10 days before its releasee, about 50+ people were at the scene searching/working
Set up baseline, search lanes, grid, items flagged & photographed
Area of dense vegetation, fallen palmetto trunks, roots, larger roots, difficult to walk on surface, vegetation even after clearing, difficult to maneuver
picture near the street outside of tape machete and sheaths on grassy area near roadway, issued to CSI, may belong to OCSO

10:58:55 – picture – surface after clearing, palmetto trunks & evidence flag indicating item of evidence
pic – flag indicates bone

11:04 – 390 pieces of evidence found, bottles, black plastic bag, duct tape, duct tape near area of skull

11:07 – duct tape shown to witness (JB standing right there hovering)
11:13:35 – LDB ends direct

11:14:05 – JB cross
picture of woods & street edge (same machete pic), witness guesses about 10 feet from edge of street to wooded area across the grass
remains area 19 feet 8 inches south of Suburban Dr. – Ronald Murdock measured
CM crosses courtroom with a measuring device, witness, JB measuring out 19 ft 8 onches on courtroom floor toward defense table

11:20 – JB showing pics of stones
JB ends cross
No re-direct
Witness excessed

Recess until 11:30

11:34:17 – judge calls court to order, asks for jury to enter
11:35:05 – jury seated
11:35:42 – witness Ronald Murdock sworn in, forensic supervisor OCSO, made diagram of the scene on his laptop computer
11:40 – HHJP says wait for train to pass
bones in area, shows diagram on his laptop, JB says he only sees one diagram on screen, LDB shows him diagram
circled areas, densely populated with bones, he’d have to refer to his report to say where each bone was located
11:47 – 19 feet from street to Area A
11:48:35 – duct tape, evidence # D-1 Henkel, D-2 no markings, D-3 no markings
11:51 – picture showing items from Anthony residence in shed
11:52:40 – picture – items in Anthony shed # 2, item collected, red metal gas can
LDB handed package to Murdock
11:56:18 – picture of stickers found in Anthony residence on Hopespring Drive
JB, “May we approach”
Sidebar # 8963 – the jury must love it
12:07:36 – end of sidebar
LDB continues – shows picture of Casey’s bedroom, second picture of Casey’s bedroom taken Dec 2008
JB objects twice claiming it had been seven months since Casey was in that room!!!!
(no, JB, it had only been two months since Casey was in that room, Oct 14 – Dec 11 – two months)
Objections overruled
Showing picture of Caylee’s bedroom of Dec 11th, evening, 2008
12:13:41 – LDB hands item # K-E to witness, Winnie the Pooh bedding from Caylee’s room, K-F Winnie the Pooh items from Caylee’s dresser
12:17:40 – picture of garage – items fon shelf, in plastic bags
12:18:50 – canvass laundry bag
12:20:42 – LDB handing Murdock K-D package, only recognizes outside sticker, opens item – yes, recognize as K-D

12:23:05 – items KA, KC, KB, JY, JX
- black bag from garage inside suitcase
- black garbage bag with yellow handles from garage inside cooler
- black garbage from shelf of garage
- black bag with yellow handles from shed
- 2 black bags yellow handles from dog crate

12:29:16 – picture, laundry bag inside black bag found together in same evidence bag
12:30:54 – JB questions re: duct tape shown earlier was outside of Area A, skull was distance of 6.27 feet from strip of duct tape which was shown in picture
JB stands next to witness to see his laptop
Distinctive duct tape, was Henkel tape found in garage, attic, anything wrapped with duct tape, Henkel tape on gas can, tape only found on gas can

12:37 – showing pic of shed, no items had Henkel tape, unsure if shed was locked, asking about black garbage bag from shed, searched vehicles, no duct tape found there
12:40 – witness excused

12:41 – Gerald Johnston, land surveyor, went to Suburban Drive in 2008, took photos and measurements, LDB direct
12:48:28 – LDB ends direct, JB no cross, witness excused

end of today’s evidence presentation

12:49:50 – recess until 9:00 AM Monday, jury exits

Please pardon my typos, I'm sure there are many in my postings in this thread.
I missed the exact time Judge Perry said the state would be finished by tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday morning, so the defense should be ready to go on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. Closest I could clock was about 12:01. Does anyone have the exact time? I need it for my log. I did check the morning trial thread, but there's understandably a delay between the announcement and the time their posts are logged.

Just want to say, for the astrologers, I expected we'd hear of a change because Friday afternoon, after the judge recessed for the day, Jeff Ashton requested to speak to him "off record" regarding their schedules (JA & J Baez). This was noted in my Friday log. The time was 5:09 PM, 10 June 2011.

Yes, I too clocked Judge Perry's announcement @12:01PM.

(will move this post and Zoe's over to the Courtroom CLOCKED activity log thread.)

9:00:40 – Judge enters
9:01:30 – Jury enters
9:02:23 – Steven Shaw, witness, FBI Lab, qualified hair & fiber examiner/identification, testified in many states & countries, expert witness, conducted FBI study postmortem banding

9:06:04 – hair of Caylee, checked for decomposition, hair from trunk,
JB objects based on previous objections & motions – overruled
Received hair mass, decomposition at later stage than hair from trunk, hair mass not a suitable sample, not plucked by him, hair is not a means of ID?

Experiment, 600 hairs from 15 ante-mortem individuals, hair placed in various locations, 1 week to 7 months, no hairs in vehicles in vehicles & indoors showed decomp, outdoor hairs showed decomp, no death band
Post-mortem hairs – banded hairs, 2 examiners correctly identified post-mortem hairs plus one ante-mortem hair each with banding, later declared error in ante-mortem hairs as not being proper death bands

9:18 – secrets at the sidebar – JA, DCS, JB, HHJP
CM babysitting the prisoner/defendant, witness looking bored & frustrated
DCS really talking, using her hands for emphasis

Did they kick out the jury at this point? I may have missed it if they did.

9:23 – JB wants to proffer – had no knowledge of powerpoint
JA & witness say all photos in powerpoint were given to defense, there’s no narration, no titles on powerpoint
JB saying he got pictures this morning, all pics in black and white, if powerpoint uses color, etc.

9:26 – JB proffer, showing pics and witness explaining

9:47 – JB says no more questions, he talks to DCS, JB back asking if from children or adults? Witness says can’t say if child or adult. Any difference in child hairs? Sometimes thinner. Used two children as test subjects. under same conditions? Yes. Using water? Not in water. Exposed to trash or garbage? No

JB previous motions & objections, conditions different than this case, unfair prejudice, adult vs. child, winter vs. summer, improper bolstering 403

HHJP says not 403, 6th amendment right, JB starts blubbering
Judge asks when state was told about study? In March 2011.
Written or digital given to state? Provided in color. When given to state and defense?
Deposition 3 May 2011, DCS and JA present
Exchanged numerous e-mails, photos sent by e-mail
Defense was to pick up items from FBI field office, this weekend Sims went to pickup, written copy given to defense last week, Sims says photos are blurry
JA gave her 4 additional pics today
Sims claims FBI wouldn’t let her copy color photos
JA says FBI couldn’t release because ongoing but defense team was allowed to go in and view them

JA says not bolstering, his own witness is doing the research, it’s not someone else’s research

JB says he’s been complaining since March, JB hasn’t been able to go to FBI, Sims went, JB claiming last minute
JA says defense didn’t take opportunity to do it in a timely manner

10:13 - HHJP says no objection against testimony, court won’t permit use of powerpoint, but study is okay, Rule 3.220 state needs to supply to Defense Team, not duty of FBI
court sustains JB’s objection to powerpoint, study allowed since there were depositions taken

10:14:20 – recess 5 minutes

– more ping-pong between Judge and JB, JB complaining about study and Judge’s ruling, Judge says ruling will stand

10:30 – witness back on stand
JA asking how did he get interested in doing his own study? Witness read about a similar study, he began his study because of Caylee’s case
JB objects he doesn’t have a copy of this line of questioning – overruled

Difference post-mortem banding vs. other decomposition

10:40:42 – evidence received by court, picture of hair showing post-mortem banding, not seen in live persons

10:43:16 – JA has no further questions
HHJP says motion to strike denied

10:43:56 – JB cross
re: hair mat from Suburban and hair in trunk, root portions different
asking about John Jay College study if hair from living people had banding? Ante-mortem vs. post-mortem
JB asking if post-mortem root banding is only found in dead people? (yes, that’s what he said)
Examiners had less experience than the witness, new to the study, witness had experience first, earlier

Science/discipline established, first time witness testifying on this subject based on experience

Initially received Caylee’s hair from trunk

FBI experiment done August – April in Quantico, Virginia

– JB ends
JA re-direct, asking about Caylee’s hair, band not like from living people, antemortem persons studied? No

– JB re-cross, stumbling over his question
11:03:21 – JA objects – sidebar, more secrets

11:06:49 – camera spanned people sitting in upstairs gallery, many seats were empty

11:12 – JB re-cross continues (missed what was said)
JA asks witness if moving a dead body could pull out hair? Yes
Witness excused

11:13 – Elizabeth Fontaine, FBI fingerprint expert, forensic science examiner,
JA direct, examined duct taape, 3 pieces
JA submitting evidence, JB asking to see package
Separate piece of duct tape
2 pieces of duct tape were stuck together or stacked, examined together & separately
6 to 8 inches in length
glue nearly gone, no longer sticky, plastic with glue & strings left hanging on
checked for fingerprints, there were none

JB objections renewed & previous motions

Heart-shaped, glue or debris, like after wearing a Band-aid, noted
FBI doesn’t require photos of unexpected objects, continued exam, went back to photograph and it was no longer visible, chemicals used to capture fingerprints, black powder
Shape of heart was size of a dime

11:30:30 – JB cross
Who else touches evidence? You’re aware it was contaminated?
JA objects, requests sidebar
11:44:59 – sidebar
JA’s objection sustained
JB resumes cross – not able to find any fingerprints? That’s correct.
JA asked about tapes being stacked. Q63 on top of Q64

Witness excused, JB wants her subject to recall

12:01 – JA explaining his witnesses won’t arrive until tomorrow, Tuesday morning, says they’’ be ready to testify by 1:30 pm Tuesday

Judge saying State many rest on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning
Defense should be ready to take over on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning
Ahead of schedule
Jury may begin deliberations by June 25th or 27th

Sidebar – Judge, JA, LDB, FG, CM, DCS, JB

12:08 - Recess until tomorrow, Tuesday, 1:00 PM

This ½ day session had four sidebars!

(see my Friday log 5:09 PM, regarding schedules, off record)
In the courtroom Tuesday, June 14, 2011:

12:49:29 pm - KC enters the courtroom.
12:59:31 pm - The judge enters the courtroom.

George & Cindy are in the courtroom today.

1:00:27 pm - Sidebar.
1:04:00 pm - The judge returns the jury.
1:05:10 pm - The judge states the SA may call their next witness.
1:05:21 pm - The witness (Catherine Theisen - Chief of Quality Assurance with the FBI in Quantico. Manager of the FBI Laboratory) is sworn in.
1:05:48 pm - The SA (Mr. Ashton) begins direct exam.
1:08:11 pm - The judge accepts the witness as an expert in Forensic Mitochondrial DNA.
1:19:20 pm - The SA finishes direct exam.
1:19:38 pm - Baez begins cross exam.
1:26:50 pm - Baez finishes cross exam.
1:27:01 pm - The witness is excused.
1:27:28 pm - The judge states the SA may call their next witness.
1:28:12 pm - The next witness (Alina Burroughs - Crime Scene Investigator with OCSO) enters the courtroom.
1:28:51 pm - The SA (LDB) begins direct exam.
1:33:58 pm - Sidebar.
1:37:51 pm - Sidebar over.
1:38:17 pm - The SA (LDB) resumes direct exam.
1:46:56 pm - The SA finishes direct exam.
1:47:26 pm - Baez begins cross exam.
1:57:48 pm - Baez finishes cross exam.
1:57:54 pm - The witness is excused.
1:58:49 pm - The judge says to stop the witness before she leave the floor. The SA (LDB) was submitting evidence and Baez objected because he wanted to question the witness more after this evidence was submitted.
1:59:40 pm - The judge states to return the last witness to the stand.
2:00:28 pm - The judge reminds the witness she is still under oath.
2:00:33 pm - Baez begins questioning again.
2:03:36 pm - Baez finishes questioning.
2:03:52 pm - The witness is excused again.
2:04:48 pm - Cindy Anthony is sworn in.
2:05:19 pm - The SA (LDB) begins questioning witness.

2:41:56 pm - Court is in recess until 3:00 pm

3:04:12 pm -The judge states "you may be seated".

The judge says there's a question from the jury. They want to see exhibit 313. They also want a list of all of the exhibits for their deliberations. Baez has a problem with the exhibit and testimony presented. They are searching for the testimony.

3:18:54 pm - The judge will tell the jury he will get the exhibit for them and also find the answer Baez is looking for.
3:20:04 pm - Cindy Anthony is back on the stand.
3:20:18 pm - The judge returns the jury.
3:21:02 pm - Baez begins questioning Cindy Anthony.
3:42:13 pm - Baez is done questioning Cindy Anthony.
3:42:33 pm - The witness may stand down.
3:42:51 pm - The judge is addressing the jury regarding exhibit 313. They will show it on the document monitor for them to see and also pass it around for them to physically look at it.
NOTE: When Cindy stepped from the stand, just prior to passing the Prosecution table, she looked toward KC & 'mouthed " I love you' and dropped her head as she continued to walk out.
KC raised her eyebrows and turned her head away.

3:50 Prosec says there are several stipulations they would like to announce. Linda DB notes 2 pieces of evidence, Defense no objections to the 2 items. ( 1 is pic of poster w/Caylee pic from command ctr & other is a short video of same
She requests the Judge reads some affidavits:
Judge reads” copies of video & pic were taken 7/20/0, they are true & correct.
Affidavit of Professional Journalist confirms pic was taken of Lee A. at command post which Lee manned.
3:56 Pic displayed of Caylee on poster with 'H' tape hanging over edge. Taken 7/20/08,zooms in on to tape.

3:57 Several add’l stipulations added by Prosec.:
1.Cindy employed by Gentiva Health services Jan to July 16th 2008.
Business record certificate, time card history report of her work hours.
2. 2008 Geo was employed by Security Forces from Jan 16 to July 4th 2008. Records certificate and weekly time reports admitted.
(IMO:submitted to prove Geo & Cindy were working/not at home when computer searches done)

4:03 side bar
4:12 Judge back to his bench
4:13 Judge reading stmt from Photobucket from July 2007 to ’08 identifying acct.
4:14 Stipulation regarding identity- remains found 12/11/08 as Caylee.
4:15 Identity of Casey being acknowledge as Casey A. during hearing.

4:16Jenny Welch SWORN IN again (CSI photographer) – on 8/13/09 to photograph tattoo on KC back in jail. Objection overruled.
Shows pic of KC – back of KC in sports T-shirt
Pic close- up tattoo
4:19 BAEZ – no questions
4:19 Witness excused

4:20 Bobby Williams SWORN IN – Cast Iron Tattoos Artist & Mgr. Saw KC 7/7/08 when she came in for tattoo. Bought pizza for everyone there when done. She had made that appt 3/4 days earlier. Wanted ‘Bella Vita” in feminine font.
4:24 side bar ( Baez just renewed previous objections to tattoo pic/overruled)
4:40 Judge returns to bench, announces
RECESS for 5 mins

4:53 Prosec resumes- Defense has same objections. Witness says she made appt for add’l tattoo for 7/15/08 (said Caylee would come with her for new tattoo on the 19th-
4:58 Baez cross examines- both questions he asks, Prosec objects/sustained
4:49 Prosec asks him ‘ was she mournful? Objection by defense/sustained
5:00 side bar and Baez said he has another Motion
5:01 Witness excused

5:01 Judge say will return 9AM – jury dismised
5:02 Ashton stands and ask for sidebar
5:04 Judge returns to bench - reading his monitor

5:06 Defense wants to renew Motion for Mistrial, both from the other day about the superimposed duct tape video, and about the heart sticker today. Upset the Prosec asked witness about remorse and Judge reminds them he sustained their objection.
5:07 Judge asks the Prosec for their thoughts on this motion for Mistrial

5:09 Motion for Mistrial DENIED. Judge says the Court will give the meaning of the phrase 'Bella Vita’ to the jury tomorrow and then State will close.
At earlier side bar, Defense was told to be prepared on Thur. Prosecution will finish up on Wed.

Judge asks the Prosec about the *'Grief Expert' the Defense added and asks when depo will happen. I think? Ashton said by Monday
(expert*never interviewed KC according to Bill Schaffer/legal analyst WFTV)
12:56 – Jeff Ashton rocking in his chair, Frank George talking to him at the State table, JB & LDB chatting at the defense table while Casey looks on & plays with her hair, DCS buzzing with files

12:59:32 – Judge enters
Jose already asking for sidebar to update court on his new witnesses
George & Cindy present, Cindy writing and occasionally looking up toward defense table/sidebar
Casey “working” with files, DCS babysitting

1:03:06 – end sidebar, judge talking to security guard
1:04:31 – jury enters
1:05:40 – Catherine Theisen, FBI, Quantico, Virginia, mitochondrial DNA, DNA analyst, Forensic mitochondrial DNA examiner, her 20th time testifying mostly in state and county jurisdications
JA direct
FBI Lab deals with:
Nuclear DNA, from both parents
Mitochondrial DNA, only from mother
Explained extensively how they examine DNA, can search mitochondrial DNA database when the records are stored, mitochondrial DNA from shed hair or remains when there isn’t enough for nuclear DNA, buccal swabs from Casey Anthony, Caylee’s hair
Mitochondrial DNA type/profile on Caylee & Casey, DNA the same, and would be for Cindy, Lee, Shirley, Cindy’s brothers (the maternal line)
The hair would match not more than 2.6% black population, 1.85% white, 3.9% Hispanic
Hair mass, same as Caylee, Casey, or anyone in the maternal line

1:20:10 – JB cross, witness her job at FBI lab, JB asks if they develop the rules, asking about checklist? No checklist, but is systematic, others check work, profifiency tests, touching on contamination
JA objects 2x sustained
JB asking about efficiency – JA objects – sustained
JB asking about mitochondrial line, did she have info about the family in the case, did you know Lee Anthony had the Sunfire first? - JA objects sustained
Does she read case info before test? Did you know Lee had car?
JA objects sustained
Asking about mitochondrial line, JA objects, vague, sustained
JB asking again if any info about family, Lee? No info re: Lee, didn’t know about Lee
1:27:39 – JB ends, JA no questions

1:29:01 – Alina Burroughs, CSI, OCSO, 7 ½ years, in 2008 on scene at Suburban and inside Anthony home, LDB direct, picture of Anthony neighborhood showing proximity of Anthony home to location of remains, witness circled area remains found, asking about heart stickers in KC’s bedroom, pictures of box with envelopes, sticker on top
1:34 – JB asking for sidebar
1:38:51 – LDB continues direct, where was item located? JB objects previous plus motions – overruled, picture of heart on top of envelopes, not stuck, in box
JB objects, overruled
Envelope, heart shaped sticker backing
JB objects, overruled
Pic, more stickers sheets cut in half among other items
JB objects, overruled
Witness circles stickers on picture
Picture, sheet of red metallic heart-shaped stickers, 3 left
JB objects
1:47:37 – LDB ends

1:48:10 – JB cross
re: postage stamp 37 cents, how long ago? She doesn’t know how long ago postage was 37 cents or how old items in box were, baby shower items, star stickers, heart stickers, Disney characters, scrapbooks for kids, doesn’t remember seeing artwork by child, took pics of scrapbook in Caylee’s room, not in evidence, any stickers in George & Cindy’s room? No
JB showing witness an item, can’t say she picked it up at Anthony house
LDB objects- overruled
JB keeps asking about item, LDB objects sustained
Was there an elementary school near remains? Yes, not sure distance, not directly across street, school not in picture, in vicinity, witness didn’t know about dead end, didn’t go there, JB continually badgered the witness about the street when she kept saying she didn’t know, LDB objected several times, sustained, witness excused

1:59:16 – LDB wants to admit item into evidence from Robin Maynard, JB objecting saying she waited until witness was excused and he can’t ask her about it, re: item
2:01 – witness recalled
JB withdraws objection to admitting evidence so he can question witness about it
2:03:22 – Catherine Theisen opens package, wearing gloves, JB did you find item at Anthony home, item has raised surface? Didn’t find it at Anthony home
2:04:40 – witness excused

2:05:21 – Cindy Anthony, witness
LDB direct, reminds Cindy her last testimony covered up to July 2008
Where was Cindy when Caylee’s remains found? In LA airport waiting to board airplane to Orlando, what items had been removed from home? July 3rd, Caylee’s Teddy
Blanket was missing about end of May
Asking about changes in Cindy’s hairstyle over the years, same as in videos, cuts every 3 weeks, hair grows fast, was longer this winter
Processed hair, color since 2002, was brunette in 2004, highlights, then fully colored
2:11:05 – pic of Caylee, hair length, early 2008, no processing ever, just trimming
Casey’s hair, processing began when Caylee was born 2005, cut short, coloring, natural brown into 2008 processing
Pic of Caylee & Casey on floor, beg 2007, Caylee chunkier, her clothing short curlier hair
LDB asks about Caylee’s 2nd birthday, 9 Aug 2007, deposition p 497, lines 1-6, said before second birthday

2:16:19 – JB objects – no question states, overruled,
picture was taken before Caylee’s 2nd birthday
JB objects, overruled
Lee’s hair short, sometimes shaved, about an inch long at longest, never processed
Shirley lives in Mt. Dora, ever been in Sunfire? Yes, Cindy & George used car to visit Mom and take her out while kids used her car, Shirley in car prior to June 2008, her hair short to shoulder length, gray & brown, her brother in car, short blond hair

2:21:20 – duct tape in home 2008, black, blue, silver – stored in garage, claims her duct tape not used at command center
JB objects re: statement made duct tape used at command center
LDB rephrases: showing witness p 570, line 13, George said he put the duct tape on gas can when returned from Sheriff, broken, line 12, p 513, claiming duct tape was purchased for command center tent

2:27:18 – pic poster of “missing” Caylee at tent, pop-up tent, and in donated large tent, who’s is person in background? Don’t know

showing advertising pic of laundry bags, laundry bag (like bottom one) in Caylee’s room for her stuffed animals, LDB handing pics to CA, similar to items in her home at one time. Top item like tall one in shed with Caylee’s balls, put it on shelf in garage over laundry machines, bottom item formerly in Caylee’s room, moved it, empty, to garage

2:35:50 – made a statement it had been in Caylee’s room, forgot it was moved out, in July 2009 stated it was in Caylee’s bedroom, CA claiming difficulties during that time, her memory has gotten better!
Pic of laundry/garage area, circled locations on top shelves inside trash bags, close up pic
After 11 Dec 2008 LE search never saw items again, picture of plastic items – holds little plastic balls

2:40:18 – pic of Caylee and Casey, pink shirt, big trouble, CA claiming first time ever seeing shirt during depo, CA did the laundry, sometimes George and Casey, CA never saw that shirt before

2:42:50 – Recess until 3 PM

3:05 – Judge enters, jury sent a note asking to see exhibit 313, they didn’t see it, jury wants a typed list of all exhibits for deliberation
judge says pull out document camera so they can see 313, judge asking for a box of gloves sent to jury room for later when they’ll be looking at evidence during deliberation
JB complaining heart sticker no longer stuck to cardboard
LDB thought it was stuck to cardboard, witness can be brought back for questioning, judge telling JB & LDB says law says if jury asks for an item, they must be allowed to see it
JB wants to show pictures of item emphasizing item was altered
Judge says call Ms Peters to check Robin Maynard’s testimony if it was on cardboard
Take a break
3:20:11 – HHJP says will show them exhibit 313, waiting for answer
3:21:06 – JB cross of Cindy Anthony
11 Dec 2008, not home, police search, back home to get dogs
20 Dec 2008, another LE search of home, search warrants, it was a difficult time, confrontation George had to be brought to back of house, LDB objects – Judge asks relevancy? Sustained
Did you say the blanket was missing? CA doesn’t remember, JB asking about Winnie the Pooh blanket – 11 Dec warrant, CA says I don’t know
LDB objects – JB says same line of questions as State, approach

3:25 – sidebar – LDB, JB, CM, with Judge
Casey looking beaten, weary

3:27:47 – end sidebar
Ms Peters enters, approach sidebar, looking a laptop – JB, LDB, DCS, Judge, Peters
JA & FG talking at State table, JB looks pleased, nodding “yes”, LDB & JB talking with Judge

3:30:12 – JB questions CA
when she arrived home after 11 Dec house was a mess, items taken, Caylee’s bedding set, they opened everything, showing CA her depo re: duct tape, what exactly did they ask you? LDB objects, impeach, hearsay
HHJP reads question – did Casey remove duct tape when she was out of jail twice? CA doesn’t remember, JB reads questions again, LDB says “she doesn’t remember”
HHJP called JB on it – JB went to defense table to confer with CM & DCS, bringing CA’s copy of July 2009 depo, Were you under oath at that time? Did Casey remove duct tape from house?
CA says only one roll of duct tape and George was using it
Black roll of duct tape – GA & CA used it
JB says you said only George
Showing same pic of Casey & Caylee on floor
How long have you owned Pontiac – since 2000
How many times have Casey, Caylee, Cindy, Shirley, Lee changed hairstyles?
Shirley’s hair 5 inches at longest
Asking about 24 months shorts Caylee wearing in pic of them on floor, JB says Caylee had grown into larger size, 3T, whoever put shorts on her not familiar with her size (I guess JB doesn’t realize if they were too small, they wouldn’t fit – the person wouldn’t have been able to put them on her)
LDB objects sustained
JB sits
LDB no questions
Cindy excused

At this point when Cindy left the witness stand, people said Cindy mouthed, “I love you” to Casey, Casey shrugged and made a face, then turned to her “team”.

3:43:19 – Judge telling jurorshe will publish exhibit 313and will let them examine it personally
LDB explains cardboard with heart-shaped sticker attached when found at remains site, Judge says now separated, item passed to the jurors
JB reminds judge it was attached, judge tells jurors again sticker was attached to cardboard when found

3:50:20 – LDB places sticker package on evidence table
LDB giving judge stipulations for next 2 items & affidavits
JB no objections
Judge reading stipulation, evidence 20 July 2008 WFTV video, affidavit of document by professional journalist Daniel Griswell, journalist, WFTV (2), signed by JB, LDB, ICA
Lee Anthony at temporary command post

3:55:53 – LDB submitting exhibits (2) photo & video, poster of Caylee highlighting duct tape, Judge reading stipulation
submitting 2008 employment record of Cindy Anthony at Gentiva (1 Jan – 16 July 2008), business records certificate, time card, history report

George Anthony, Security Forces Inc., (16 Jan – 4 July 2008), business records certificate, weekly time reports, not to publish at this time, can go to jury later

4:03:45 – approach – sidebar – JP, LDB, JB, CM
Geraldo R in courtroom, is that why JB keep fumbling?

4:13:45 – with modifications, May 2007 – 16 July 2008 Photobucket, stipulations, identify, JB no objections, identity of defendant, JB no objections

4:17:13 – Jennifer Welch returns to the stand, CSI,
Frank George direct, 13 Aug 2009 photographed tattoo on ICA’s back, left shoulder, 23 photos, JB objects, overruled, pics of tattoo predicate
JB no questions
Witness excused

4:21:11 – Bobby Williams, witness, Cast Iron Tattoos, 8 years
Casey looks angry
Yes, he knows Casey, about 7 years, 2 July 2008 – visited tattoo shop, came for tattoo, made appt. 3 to 4 days prior, Bella Vita, in a feminine-type font, setting an appt lets him have time to get things together, he drew it when she came in
JB objects – HHJP – approach – previous motions & objections

4:24:50 – sidebar – HHJP, FG, LDB, CM, JB, JA joined them later

4:41:19 – end of big secrets/sidebar
break for 5 minutes
FG asks witness to step down

4:49 – back to secrets at sidebar

4:52:11 – end of sidebar, jury returns, witness back on stand – JB same old motions & objs.
Witness says he draws design before he applies tattoo
FG asks how was she acting on July 2nd? JB objs. – overruled
Normal, happy, says she was okay, on phone while getting tattoo, costs $65, paid cash
They ordered pizza, she had some, she paid for the pizza
On July 15th she visited again to made appt for 19th for 2 tattoos, happy, was to bring a friend from out of town

4:57:21 – Casey scribbling furiously and really underlining

Witness knew Caylee, who was not with Casey on July 2nd or 15th, she told him on 15th she would bring Caylee with her on the 19th

JB asking if he does memorial tattoos? Yes. Did he do tattoos for George and Cindy? No.

FG asks “was she mournful” on July 2nd? Witness didn’t understand. FG says was she in mourning?

JB objects
approach – sidebar
witness excused

5:01:59 – Judge says end of day, recess until 9am, jury exits

JA approach, sidebar – JB, DCS, CM, Judge

5:06:12 – CM renewing MOTION FOR MISTRIAL due to Caylee/skull/Casey video, heart-shaped sticker, tattoo and prosecutors trying to introduce remorse, post-behavior should not be admitted

JA says according to the defense Caylee was dead, the tattoo contradicts the Defense’s many versions of the Nanny story. Regarding remorse: JB asked if it was appropriate to get a tattoo in remembrance of deceased loved ones. State was just responding


Judge told prosecutors to get copy of dictionary page they are going to use for Defense and judge. If the judge takes judicial notice, the Court will give the meaning of that phrase. Bella Vita.

JA has two samples, the spare tire covers to be entered into evidence. State will be probably be resting tomorrow

JB says will begin its Case in Chief on Thursday, unable to reschedule witnesses.
CM prosecution needs to rest or not, defense will not be making any arguments until they rest.

Defense will make a judgement of acquittal and motion for directed verdict.

HHJBP to Defense Team - on Saturday, do you want to stop at 1:00 or work longer? JB says 1PM is the max, unless out of town witnesses can stay, but let’s schedule for 1:00pm
Judge say he needs to arrange for food for the jury on Saturday

LDB asks can we believe defense will not be putting any witnesses on tomorrow? Can we have cases defense is going to rely on? CM says they will get it tomorrow morning
LDB asking if they can take the defense’s word about not calling witnesses until Thursday, or will they surprise then tomorrow? State only prepared for acquittal argument. Defense says 'we don't have to answer that.' and LDB says, "Yes, you do!"

HHJBP says the law is the law, the facts are the facts???

Judge asks JA about grief support depos, JA says it’s set for Saturday.

HHJBP tells them another case for consideration "Durbad ? v. State" 2009
Doesn’t deal with grief, but applies to this case re: defendant's calm demeanor following a shooting

5:19:23 - Court in recess until 9:00 a.m.

(All typos, errors, misspellings, and grumblings are my own.)
Wednesday, June 15, 2010

9:25 am CM begins speaking for motion for judgement of aquittal
In the courtroom, Wednesday, June 15, 2011:

It's been interesting so far this morning. George and Cindy are in the courtroom.

9:12:24 am - KC enters the courtroom.
9:13:30 am - The judge states the SA needs to introduce some exhibits.
9:17:33 am - The jury returns.
9:18:47 am - The judge states the SA may continue.
9:19:13 am - The judge is reading stipulation about the meaning of the tattoo KC got on 7-2-08. It means "beautiful life".
9:20:42 am - The judge requests the attorneys and court reporter to a sidebar.
9:21:34 am - Sidebar over.
9:21:58 am - The judge tells the jury there are legal matters they have to take care of outside the presence of the jury and they will be quite lengthy. They (the jury) will reconvene at 9:00 am tomorrow morning.
9:23:22 am - The jury is excused for the balance of the day.
9:24:09 am - The judge states that Baez and Mason have a motion. The judge is not familiar with some of the documents/cases they presented to the judge. Their choice (Baez & Mason), they can begin their arguement now or let the judge read the documents first.
9:26:18 am - The judge tells Mason he may proceed.
9:26:32 am - Mason begins argument for Motion for Judgement of Acquittal. The state has not met their burden of proof in the eyes of the defense.

KC is listening intently. She also looks like she thinks she's going to walk right out of the courtroom today a free person.

10:09:37 am - Mason is done.
10:09:49 am - The SA (LDB) starts rebuttal to Motion for Judgement of Acquittal. Asks the judge to deny the request.
10:27:13 am - The SA (LDB) is finished.
10:27:22 am - Mason is back again before the judge for his rebuttal (not sure if this is the right word) to the SA's rebuttal.
10:33:53 am - Mason is done.
10:34:33 am - The court is in recess until 11:15 am so the judge can read the cases presented to him. He states he has done a great deal of research and has reviewed the testimony in this case.

In recess until 11:15 am.

11:16:41 am - The judge acknowledges the presence of the defendant and counsel.
11:16:50 am - The judge begins speaking.

Here is a good synopsis of what the judge stated for the reason for his decision: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.06.15 TRIAL Day Nineteen (Morning Session)[/ame] (THANKS Mombomb!!)

11:35:11 am - Court is in recess until 9:00 am tomorrow morning.

Justice for Caylee :scale:
8:57 – Casey came out but was brought out through another door where judge had gone earlier. Judge’s chambers? All attorneys and court reporter are there, too.

9:12 – all in court, judge enters, HHJP says JA has items to submit as evidence, FG has stipulation agreement between defense and prosecution re: tattoo Bella Vita – beautiful life (or good life)
JA samples of spare tire covers
JB asking if evidence, not sniff test, then no objections

9:16 – Mason wants to know if jurors were discussing case because of question they asked regarding seeing exhibit 313
JA said he’ll look into it

9:18:22 – jury enters

9:19 – HHJP reading tattoo stipulation

9:20:10 – JA enters two sample spare tire covers

9:20:45 – LDB says state rest

9:21 – sidebar

9:22:38 – HHJP recess jury until 9am Thursday, other business – lengthy, jury not needed

9:24:30 – jury leaves, HHJP talking about receiving memorandum from defense this morning, cases cites, says he’s familiar with all but three, he’ll have to read them, says state submitted theirs on Monday

9:26:55 – Cheney Mason begins the defense’s Argument for Acquittal (standard procedure) In his usual abrupt manner, trying to school the judge on the law and why a trial for Casey is unwarranted

9:41 – 9:42 - Casey trying to cry when CM says she was a kind, loving mother. She cleared up quickly when CM changed his line of speech.

9:46:56 – Judge crossing his arms tightly across his chest

9:49:40 – HHJP covering his mouth with his hamd

9:50:25 – HHJP asks CM isn’t argument a little late in the day? It’s a little late for that. Go ahead.

10:04:20 – HHJP asks Mason for record of accidental death. CM says there is none, defense doesn’t have burden to prove anything.

10:10:15 – CM ends his argument

10:10:25 – LDB begins her rebuttal, defendant has signed an agreement to all evidence submitted, in this case, Casey’s statements claiming ZFG took the child, evidence has rebutted her statement, Dr. G. has stated unequivocally it was not an accident, George Anthony has stated accident did not happen

– Caylee died of duct tape suffocation, chloroform poisoning, or a comination of both

10:28:06 – LDB ends

10:28:20 – Cheney M. begins again

10:34:36 – CM shuts up

10:35:36 – HHJP calls recess until 11:15 while he reads case citing given to him by the defense this morning

11:18 – Judge returns – citing Principles of Law
reading cases cited by State, decisions by Florida Supreme Court, State is not required to rebut every element re: circumstantial evidence; defendant was the one last seen with victim with motive

11:23 – JB talking to Casey, Casey not looking good
Judge pointing out case where body was never found, plus cases where defendant was last one seen with victim

11:31:58 – CM & JB not looking well at the defense table

11:32 – Judge stating Felony Murder - #1 aggravated child abuse, regardless of number of acts (as Mr. Mason pointed out in his argument)

in this case:
duct tape
duct tape on nose & mouth
chloroform in trunk
placed inside trash bags or other containers
Casey’s lies stating Casey was alive when she wasn’t

11:35:25 – HHJP, Defense’s motion for acquittal DENIED :denied:

Recess until 9:00 AM Thursday

(Note: I watched My Fox Orlando online, the Casey Camera appeared again of the main camera, with people at the Defense Table standing while Judge was still speaking on other camera. My times may be a bit lagging.)

Late June 15th - 16th, 2011, 3rd anniversary of the death of Caylee Marie Anthony in 2008
In the courtroom, Thursday, June 16, 2011:

The first day of defense witnesses and testimony.

I'm missing some of the sidebars, etc today, but I've got some of the key times. I'm very busy at work the next few weeks (fiscal year end closing) so I'll try to get as much as I can. Maybe Zoe or Fifth can fill in my blanks.

8:55:11 am - KC enters the courtroom.
9:00:37 am - The jury returns.
9:01:39 am - The judge states the defense may call their first witness.
9:02:51 am - The witness enters the courtroom (Geraldo Bloise - originally a SA witness).
9:03:09 am - The witness is sworn in.
9:03:35 am - Baez begins direct exam.
9:24:49 am - Baez finishes direct exam.
9:25:04 am - The SA (LDB) begins cross exam.
9:25:55 am - The SA (LDB) finishes cross exam.
9:26:18 am - Baez begins re-direct exam.
9:26:28 am - Baez finishes re-direct.
9:26:38 am - The witness is excused.
9:28:35 am - The next witness (Heather Seubert - Unit Chief Fire Arms Unit FBI Quantico. Was a Supervisory Forensic DNA Examiner in 2008) enters the courtroom.
9:28:48 am - The witness is sworn in.
9:29:02 am - Baez begins direct exam.
9:37:03 am - The judge accepts the witness as an expert in Serology (the study of blood).

Missed the start and end of the sidebar here.

9:47:53 am - Recess until 10:15 am. There are legal matters to discuss outside the presence of the jury.
10:11:08 am - The jury returns.
10:13:40 am - The judge states "you may continue" to Baez.
10:13:43 am - Baez resumes direct exam.
10:57:45 am - The judge states to the jury there is a legal matter they need to discuss. Please step outside so it can be resolved.
10:58:43 am - The jury is out. Baez may proceed with profer (sp)?
11:05:51 am - The jury returns.
11:07:07 am - Baez resumes direct exam.

This is all I have for the morning.

1:40:14 pm - Baez resumes direct exam of Heather Seubert.
1:47:42 pm - Baez finishes direct.
1:47:54 pm - The SA (Mr. Ashton) begins cross exam.

Missed the start of the sidebar.

2:14:26 pm - Sidebar over.
2:14:52 pm - The judge wants to see the attorneys (Ashton & Baez) without the court reporter.
2:16:47 pm - They are done with little meeting.
2:16:57 pm - The judge is permitting Baez to ask a question regarding the sticky side of the duct tape.
2:22:47 pm - The SA (Mr. Ashton) begins re-cross exam.
2:35:49 pm - Mr. Ashton finishes re-cross.
2:36:02 pm - Baez begins re-direct exam.
2:43:31 pm - The SA (Mr. Ashton) begins re-cross again.
2:43:44 pm - The SA (Mr. Ashton) finishes re-cross.

2:44:56 pm - Court is in recess until 3:05 pm.
George and Cindy Anthony in court

(Note: Casey Camera is ahead of main camera by 15 – 30 seconds at times, My Fox Orlando. No way of knowing until the people at the defense table are seen standing before the judge stops speaking before breaks and recesses. Please accept the times listed as a variable guideline.)

9:00:10 – Judge enters courtroom
9:01:00 – jury enters
9:03 – Gerardo Bloise, witness, CSI OCSO.
JB direct, Inspection of Anthony Lozzaro’s vehicle on Wednesday, 23 July 2008, trunk, stain on carpet, light source test for blood negative, didn’t place car of lift, nothing found in Tony’s car
(Sunfire was put on lift another time)

6 August 2008, search warrant, Anthony residence, Casey’s bedroom, examined clothing for outside sources, checked living room and garage,
JB showing picture of Casey’s bedroom, picture of charcoal grey pants supposedly worn by Casey 16 June 2008, no stains found using light source

JB showing sample picture of stain

Picture of clothing with small stains, markings where stains located, picture taken in forensic lab, work done on suspected stain
He packaged suspicious items, wears jumpsuit, gloves, hairnet – when asked if he was speaking when doing the test, Bloise said no because he was alone in the lab, Jeff Ashton could be heard laughing heartily in background

At the Anthony home with him on Aug 8th were Ms Burroughs and Yuri Melich

9:25:25 – LDB cross
pants worn on June 16th by Casey were washed known to have been washed by Cindy
Did Tony Lazzaro’s vehicle smell like a dead body had been in there? No

9:26:55 – JB re-direct
any trash in TL’s car that had been in it for 3 weeks? No

9:29:10 – Heather Seubert, witness, Unit Chief ? Fire Arms, FBI, Quantico, Virginia
DNA forensic analyst, FBI has 3 DNA units: Nuclear DNA Unit, Mitochondrial DNA Unit, and Federal DNA Database Unit – no samples in this unit, entries into National Database
Formerly with Michigan State Police, forensics, Lansing, Michigan
Serology – bodily fluids
9:37 – accepted as expert witness by JA and HHJP
Issued report 8 October 2008, item labelings: Q = crime scene items, unknown origin;
K = known from known people or known individual source

Items from Sunfire, Casey’s car
Cover of Communication

9:41:00 – JA can only testify to items in evidence, approach
Sidebar # 1 – JA, CM, JB, HHJP

9:48 – judge tells jury recess until 10:10, special matters to discuss outside the presence of jury

10:11:30 – judge returns

10:13:50 – jury returns
JB continues direct – H. Seubert
Items tested
2 swabs from spare tire cover, chemical test by biologist, looking for presence of blooh, negative both swabs Q13 & Q14
Q23 spare tire cover – negative for blood, brown & yellowish stains, neg. for blood
Q24 left side of trunk liner, brown & yellowish stains, neg for blood
Q25 right side of trunk liner, brown & yellowish stains, neg for blood

JA objects – overruled
Swabs not retained when negative results
Other tests – Q22 spare tire cover, Q23, Q24, Q25, no DNA profile generated
JA objects, sustained, rephrase
Generally can extract DNA from all cells of body except red blood cells

10:24:25 – Q33 through Q43 – clothing from Casey’s closet, no blood found through testing
10:29:20 – Q44 & Q 45 piece of spare tire cover, stains, no blood on either, swabs DNA, none

Report of 9 October 2008
Q46 shovel
Q46.1 label on shovel
Both negative for blood, no DNA profile

Generally, Touch DNA limited extraction anticipated, DNA not always left on objects

10:36:30 – JA objects, relevance, approach Sidebar # 2

10:39:30 – end sidebar, objection overruled
JB drags out his easel and big tablet
JB gets wired with a microphone
10:41:35 – JB asks re: low copy number DNA, witness explains enhancing process for limited DNA, touch DNA, swab on contact area, RFU

10:52:50 – JA objects - sidebar # 3

10:57:00 – jury kicked out, brief legal matter

Proffer, no jury present
JB, on shovel, X=Female, 55 RFU found
Witness says FBI uses 200 threshhold
JA asks if X can also be from Male? Yes. Relevance?, JA asks.
JB claims something is there if passes 50 threshhold
HHJP told JA to calm down (JA appeared calm to me)
HHJP says JA can ask in cross exam, asking witness if “peak at 55 at X” is DNA? Witness says doesn’t satisfy reporting criteria, no conclusion
HHJP says JB can ask, then JA can clear it up on cross, jury can make own conclusion
Witness says it’s not in her report

11:07:00 – jury returns

JB continues direct, witness H. Sheubert re: shovel DNA 55 RFU, no sufficient markers (live feed stalled at this point, had to refresh and didn’t hear this portion)

11:09:50 – sidebar # 4

11:12:20 – end sidebar

Report 19 March 2009
Q62, 63, 64 – duct tape, items from medical examiner’s office, silver side of tape, swabbed with water to test, Henkel logo throughout tape, DNA typing, DNA profile,
typing below markers, 6 of 9 locations

JB needs witness to use his big tablet to explain testing to him
13 locations on DNA on 46 chromosomes = 23 from mother, 23 from father
9 locations used in testing – DNA profile kit
DNA on duct tape fell below threshold
JB makes her write markers on tablet, found on duct tape
as little as one marker can possibly exclude someone, markers listed exclude Caylee, Casey, all Anthonys

next step to evaluate staff database of people who worked on case or lab, not from staff, female DNA profile found on tape – contamination from Documents Examiner found

JA objects twice, sustained; objects once, overruled

Witness says her unit was the last unit to receive the duct tape, the fewer handlers, the less chance of contamination, several units handled duct tape
Duct tape was outdoors, in water at some point, less chance of getting DNA
Can possibly get DNA from item underwater depending on length of time, circumstances

11:39:16 – sidebar #5

11:40 – end sidebar
adhesive side of duct tape tested, inconclusive
peak detected 17 at D3 marker

Caylee at D3 is 14,15
Casey at D3 is 15,19 (correction made, originally said 14,15)

Report of 24 July 2009 aka 19 August 2009 (same report)
Q80 shorts, from ME office, no blood or semen
Q81 clothing, shirt, letters, stitching, stretch material, stick, debris – test for possible presence of blood positive – insufficient for blood, DNA – none
Q82 blanket – possible presence of blood, no blood confirmed, no semen
Q84 laundry bag – possible presence of blood, none confirmed, no DNA

Q103 blanket – possible presence of blood, none confirmed, no semen – not in evidence, strike, disregard

Q244 – doll, collected from Sunfire, stipulation, from interior of vehicle, swabbed, no blood (this is doll wiped and sprayed with Febreze by Cindy)

11:57:47 - 16 Dec 2008 report, page 2, profiles of Cindy, George, Lee, buccal swabs, paternity test on Lee
JA request
11:59:29 – jury exits until 1:30

JA says FBI doesn’t normally perform paternity tests, Good Faith, they did in this case, analysis portion sent out to another lab
JA asking witness if ever asked to perform paternity test
Witness spoke to Nick Savage, FBI, about testing – Lee Anthony not mentioned
Neither George nor Lee is the father of Caylee

On 8 October 2008, Nick Savage, FBI, submitted brother’s (Lee) samples with Caylee? and Casey samples, FBI ran test, sent to other lab for analysis

12:07:20 HHJP smiling at JA/JB banter re: paternity tests
HHJP gives case citings to read for “good faith basis”

12:10 recess until 1:30

1:34 – Casey enters, judge standing in doorway watching
1:38 – Judge at bench, JB will rephrase Lee Anthony paternity test question
1:40:40 – jury enters, HHJP says late start due to elevator problems
1:41 – JB asks re: report of 16 December 2008 – page 3– did you conduct paternity test of Lee and Caylee?
Witness can’t find her copy, looks over JB’s copy, says Lee and Caylee are not a match

Q47 carseat, no blood, no other testing
Q48 steering wheel cover from Sunfire – visual test, saw no blood. No other testing done
Swabs on wheel well – no

1:49 - JA cross of witness Heather Seubert
as cells decompose, so does DNA

2:00 – sidebar # 6

2:10 – camera spanned upstairs gallery, few empty seats, one woman was holding a young child!

2:17 – end sidebar – JB clarifies earlier question, asks re: marker 17 on DNA on duct tape sticky side, did she attempt to identify it? Top side 6 locations on low side of scale, sticky side marker 17, all Anthonys eliminated, 5 samples from lab staff, did not draw any conclusion, very limited, someone in lab had 17 allele, D3 at 16,17, only 17 on tape at D3

2:22:57 – JA continues cross
17 is so low its inconclusive, NOT George Anthony, she makes correction to earlier statement saying Casey at D3 was 14,15 but is really 15,19

lack of blood doesn’t mean lack of crime

expectation on sticky side of duct tape DNA would likely be strongest but didn’t expect to find much, if any, because of the conditions the tape experienced and conditions where found

2:28:30 – sidebar # 7
2:31:41 – end sidebar

area described to witness in electronic communication as swampy area with water coming in
cells & DNA on tape and clothing would degrade over time under such conditions

DNA test – from Anthonys, for Caylee’s DNA used her toothbrush, her tibia, powder from her tibia: result, Lee + Casey does not equal Caylee
Lee not Caylee’s father

Only DNA from outside crime scene was from lab staff member

2:36:20 – JB re-direct
what stage can no longer get DNA? She can’t say, many factors involved.
No blood or decomp from trunk
JB wants to know if blood leaks out during decomposition? Bodily fluids seep out during decomp, including possibly blood

JA on duct tape, 17 marker is inconclusive

2:44 – witness excused
2:45 – recess until 3:05 (special recess) – LDB & JB chatting and laughing

3:06 – judge enters
3:09:59 – jury enters

JB calls witness
3:10:17 – Robin Maynard, CSI, OCSO, re: item 313, red heart sticker on cardboard, photo of item, she was in charge of sifting operations, they logged person’s initials, lane #, coordinates when items were found, this item found in lane 6, 45 feet from baseline
JB submitting map as evidence

3:15 – witness made a face at JB’s blundering with publishing pictures
bones sifting locations map, not exact because items found during sifting in general areas

State has no questions
3:18:38 – witness excused

3:20:25 – Ronald Murdock, witness, OCSO, supervisor forensics unit
map on his laptop, heart-shaped sticker, how far? 45 feet from baseline , Lane 6, to skull area? About 30 feet. marks location on exhibit

3:26:51 – witness excused
FG & JA switching seats

3:28:00 – Jennifer Welch, CSI, photo admitted into evidence, Suburban Drive, disposable items, trash, 300 items, didn’t collect some large items at scene, any bones past Lane 6, 45 feet? No
JB showing pictures of trash
(live feed stalled, refreshed, didn’t hear anymore of her testimony)
3:38 – witness excused

3:39:45 – Lorie Gottesman, (her DNA was on the duct tape) FBI Lab Division, Forensic Question Document Examiner, expert witness in Question Documents
report of 22 Dec 2008
3 pieces of duct tape

3:49 – Casey whispering to DCS

Lorie G. charged with examining duct tape for sticker, residue, fragments by use of Video Specter Comparitor (VSC), couldn’t see sticker, fragments, or residue with naker eyes, used VSC, saw no sticker, residue, nothing
DNA sample was requested from her, unknown profile found on duct tape, it was hers, no idea how it happened, items tested in plastic sleeves

Report of 2 April 2009
Received pieces of plastic for overall assessment, plastic bags from residence not a match with bags from Med Ex’s office (crime scene bags), some didn’t match, some inconclusive

4:08:20 – witness excused, asked if she could go back to Virginia? Yes

4:08:35 – sidebar # 8
4:11 – end sidebar

4:12:40 – Cary Oien, witness, analysis chief, FBI Lab, 15 years, expert witness hair & fiber analysis
tested shovel Q46, stickers on shovel, hair and fiber analysis, found fragment of hair on sticker, sent to mitochondrial DNA lab, doesn’t know results
ASCLAD lab accredited

4:21:20 – sidebar # 9

4:22:45 – JA asks about hair on shovel, no idea how it got there? No. Who it belonged to? No, only know it was Caucasian hair

4:24 – jury excused for the day
any others matters? No

4:25:15 – recess until 9:00 AM

4:26:19 – Casey exits
(Timothy Eugene Huntington, PhD. is the only witness today, called by the Defense.)

8:55:57 – Casey enters, plunks down into her chair. Raises her eyebrows at someone, proceeds to groom herself
8:58 – young, dark woman babysitter sits next to Casey and tries to “entertain” her, KC smiling, talking, eyebrows raised
9:03 – different woman sitting with KC

9:04:10 – judge enters
JB says Dr. Huntington is diabetic & needs periodic breaks to check blood sugar, etc.
HHJP asks how long do you expect to keep him up here? JB mumbles…

9:06:49 – jury enters

9:07:55 – Timothy Eugene Huntington, witness, Assistant Professor of Biology, Concordia University, bugs/insects – forensic entomology
JB direct

9:15;35 – JA objects – sidebar # 1

9:17:18 – end sidebar – objection overruled

Huntington received a phone call from LDB in 2008 regarding this case. He looked over reports by Dr. Haskell, OCSO information.
His specialties estimated time of death, forensic entomology, post-mortem interval (PMI)
Bugs are attracted to bodies very quickly, lay eggs that eventually hatch

9:24:50 – JB bringing out the easel and big tablet (how many tablets does he have?)
witness gets a microphone
explaining metamorphosis of bugs, maggots, 3 stage of development, after 3rd stage change into adult flies, mentions exoskeleton, leaves cocoon
can be found 30 to 60 feet away from dead body, sometimes hundreds of feet away
9:37:00 – cold-blooded insects

9:37:55 – sidebar # 2

9:48:20 – jury sent out – legal matter

JB asking witness if he conducted PMI? No
Did Dr. Hasklee? No
Maggots in trunk of car? No PMI? No

JA asking about PMI. Why couldn’t you make assumptions of PMI?
JA says ii’s OK if he talks about car, he mistakenly thought witness was going to discuss the remains scene (woods).
Judge asking if JB filed Huntington’s report? JB says I believe so.

9:54:37 – 10 minute recess

10:04 – NEWS SPECIAL – Vasco Dagama Thomspon says he acquired telephone number in question in Feb 2009. He doesn’t know George Anthony, only saw him on TV re: Caylee case. His attorney says he’s the defense team’s scapegoat. Re: his kidnapping conviction, it involved his girlfriend at the time. He’s served his sentence and is now married. Vasco’s attorney’s firm also represents Zenaida Gonzalez

10:10 – jury returns

11:11:45 – witness explains ages of bugs, insects can tells the difference between a living human and a dead human (well, duh!)
uses pigs for research

10:23:20 – JB dragging out large pictures to place on easel – a car, dead pig in trunk to see if there are barriers to bugs getting into car trunk, experiment took place in September 2010 in Nebraska, cool & rainy

he did inspect KC’s Sunfire for insects

picture 2 – blow fires in back window of car after 10 days – dead
hot – more bugs, cool – less bugs
blow flies show up minutes to hours after death, more attracted to death than eager to escape

picture 3 – decomposed pig in trunk, day 11 – white maggots, disarticulation of skeleton, decomp fluid black looking leaches from body

JA questions about stain, objections, no basis to know about stain – overruled

(Why didn’t JA ask if pig was packaged and if packaging would inhibit fluids from running freely?)

10:40 – sidebar # 3

10:49:51 – kicks out the jury again, brief legal matter
HHJP tells JB the Huntington report is NOT in the court file, expected witnesses to appear, court needs the reports

JB – witness says sniff test for decomp
HHJP – show his opinion in his report or his depo, 2 depos, Dec 2010 & Jan 2011, p 31, lines 9-17, p, 14 -19

JA claims JB is texting at podium
HHJP says he doesn’t care if JB is standing on his head
(everyone is getting testy)

witness says fluid leaks black & leaks into carpet & lining
JA says adding to his depo/report – not entomology
JB says he didn’t say color of fluid, color of stain ???
HHJP asking what did Dr. Haskell say?

11:03 – HHJP says read p. 28-32 in depo in comparison to Dr. Haskell’s testimony
Judge reading depo – pulling up Haskell’s testimony

11:20:57 – JA asks about stain identification, witness says he watched animals and human decompose on carpets – color dark, blackish stain
Any literature supporting this? Witness can’t cite studies, Bennke?
Have you examined Casey’s carpet? NO
Stains feel like greasy texture
How many times body in bags? None
Judge asking what would he expect to see with body in truck? Variations in stains? No method to clean stains.
Have you ever testified on this topic in court? No. No one asked me.
What makes you qualified to talk about stain?

(I lost live feed from My Fox Orlando and had to refresh, lost some testimony)

Witness hasn’t turned in hi report, told Baez his opinion in 2008

Judge telling Baez didn’t get disclosure, known about this since 2008, witness thought he’d be speaking in generalities, not the Sunfire specifically
Judge not worrying about color of stain – witness can’t testify about vehicle in question. Only in generalities

11:40 – jury returns

JB continues direct – decomp & insects in a trunk, maggots burrowing into carpet, dead flies, decomp fluid ring, greasy fluid, carpets needs to be destroyed, not reused

Car in test posed minimal barriers to bugs, accessed death within day or so, within vehicle
early colonizers in Casey’s car? No
1 leg of blow fly in trash bag
flies also in passenger compartment of test car, not in KC’s car (wouldn’t bug have gone out when she opened doors & windows?)
JB did his bug homework, he knows big words, and he really is smirking

11:56:50 – lunch until 1:30

1:26:00 – Casey enters (Casey Camera about 40 seconds ahead of main camera)

1:29:50 – judge enters

JB saying JA may ask witness if he studied under Dr. Haskell, teacher vs. student, bolstering, judge says wait until JB is complete with his direct.

1:35:50 – jury returns
Dr. Huntington back on stand
Re: KC’s car, amount of bugs few
Garbage vs. trash? Interchangeably – paper towels from trash bag had bugs, dead, and empty cocoons, none living – bugs would hide in crumpled paper towels – cans of tobacco spit, saw in pictures!!!

1:48 – JB brings out big pic of items from trash bag

2:00 – sidebar # 4
? end of sidebar

2:26 – JA cross
Casey very interested in talk between JA and witness re: when body was moved, she looks from JA to witness & back to JA
July 2010, no lining in car, garbage had been removed 2 years prior, YES odor in trunk

JB wiping his forehead with hanky at defense table

KC actively listening, doesn’t appear bothered by talk of her dead baby being eaten by bugs & decomposing
Witness inexperienced with bodies in vehicle trunks – none
Casey laughing at JA’s “pig in a blanket” statement

Caylee wrapped in blanket, 2 bags, & laundry bag
(he didn’t ask what if trunk cleaned, aired out, cleaned again)

2:49:07 – experimented with chloroform & colonizers? No
chloroform kills insects? Yes
chloroform must be large amounts, sufficiently high to detract early colonizers

(KC really interested, looks more alert than usual)

no studies on chloroform & insects
what was on paper towels in trash? Fatty acids, grave wax, reported by Dr. Vass p 7
witness didn’t examine paper towels, witness said flies would be attracted to stuff on paper towels
3:03 – JA asks stuff on paper towels vs. tobacco spit? Saw pictures, use items in evidence to see spit in cans

JB objects to using items – overruled – jury says they don’t want a break yet
JA opening box of cans – no not on that one, okay on that one
Witness says bugs attracted to bugs, JA says nothing in can, records indicate cans were empty
Witness says remnants on cans. JA asks which ones?
JA wants to know if tobacco spit ever smells like human decomp? With saliva say witness. JA says saliva smeels like a decomposing person??? No
JA says no food in bag? Photo of salami container, no other foods, JA says let’s pull out container (now we’re seeing what all that evidence on the table is for!)

3:13 – recess until 3:30

3:31 – judge enters
3:32:40 – jury enters – Judge mentions jury had package in jury room

3:34 – paper in salami can, no food in trash
JB wipes forehead with handy
Vacuuming carpet, need to remove to get underneath, days of decomp at high temps

3:40 – JB re-direct – witness agrees with Haskell, body was somewhere else before being moved to Suburban, some decomp would be at prior site, early colonizers were in canvass bag with Caylee, how many? 75 – not a lot

3:45:20 – sidebar # 5

3:47:28 – JB – re-direct continues - this witness disagrees that body was in trunk
(Casey very interested – carefully watching JB & witness)
chloroform and body in trunk wouldn’t see all the flies but evidence argues against it
air samples? Dr. Vass> JA objects- sustained

3:51:26 – sidebar # 6

3:55 – JA’s objection sustained
JB continues – witness reading report, paper towels had fatty acids, like adipocere?
JA objects – sustained
Adipocere byproduct of decomposition
JA voir dire – JA asking where he gets info on adipocere? Experience with animals
How do you know it’s adipocere? Did you test it? Knowledge from what people said, didn’t personally test it
JA objects

4:14 – his work with others tells him, worked with anthropologists
(KC grinning)
JA objections overruled

JB re direct - asks adipocere – last stage of development
Garbage state changed, showing pic of bag of trash, tied strings, bugs were inside bag even though tied
Study down for other cars, not this case, witness would have attempted to duplicate the conditions if studying this case
JB showing pic of stain in KC’s carr

4:27:15 – sidebar # 8

4:30 – end sidebar
JB re direct – witness says not like decomposition stains he has seen

(is he forgetting Caylee was tripled bagged in that trunk, liquids absorbed by blanket and canvass bag?)

4:34:57 – JA re-cross – knowledge of of trash? Don’t know, no food in bag? Correct
re: stain of decomp, adipocere – didn’t study

when did you begin studies adipocere? Age 16 in mortuary
inspect stain? No
first time in court testifying from photo that stain is decomp? Yes
every opinion is to be put in report? Yes
opinion of stain not in report? Didn’t tell jury photo not representation in this case,

JB -
youngest board certified entomologist – American Board of Forensic Entomology
75 death investigations

4:44:55 – JA re re cross – entomologists look at pictures
in 2008 discussed with JB, why not in report? To include on insects. No opinion on body in trunk
boards have no stain certification

4:47:40 – jury dismissed – recess until 9:00 AM – enjoyable evening ahead

4:49 – Casey walks out

(at some point I switched to WFTV because other live feed died)
(errors, misspellings, typos, frustration, and comments all mine)
I'm sorry to say, I don't have a timed log of SAT's court room activities. DAY 22. Was just getting back in to town and only caught the tail end.

*of course video of all proceedings can always be found at, unfortunately real time is not provided.
(Sorry, couldn't bring myself to do this yesterday. Since today's session was cut off early, I'll try to get both days' info posted today. Notice, both days weren't good ones for Jose Baez. Saturday was must-see.)

8:45 - Judge Perry enters courtroom (yes, he began proceedings 15 minutes early)

8:46:31 - jury enters

8:47:28 - William Ceasar Renato Rodriquez III, defense witness, first words out of his mouth were, "I'm an unpaid consultant"!!! Forensic anthropologist, Department of Defense, Medical Examiners Office, Washington, D.C., he and others built a Decomposition Building there, 23 years with the Government, Taphonomy (decay), Entomology - JA objects saying he's not a qualified entomology expert

8:57:30 - sidebar # 1

8:59:50 - end sidebar
JB asking witness re: background, photos of skull and evidence at scene, says it was very good collection at scene, but says LE and ME didn't try to locate original location of where body was first placed in the area!!!! (is he forgetting about Area A?)

9:06:38 - sidebar # 2

9:07:20 - end sidebar
JB asking what to look for to find original dump site? soil changes, vegetation, insects, no evidence of soil changes, not included in report.
witness had numerous prior remains with duct tape - hands, feet, face, skeletonized remains affect adherence of tape

9:11:25 - sidebar # 3 - Judge, JA, CM, JB
Judge says cut the comments out!

Rodriquez only saw PHOTOS and read reports - he wasn't there
Ashton accused defense of soliciting outside of report

9:17:22 - jury is kicked out, JA objects to Rodriquez's opinions, says not in report of 21 Feb 2011, as well as opinions in other cases
JB saying he "thought" what judge was telling him about read court order?

witness says duct tape in two different positions, too decomposed, movement by animals, no soft tissue, can't tell where it was

Judge - when did you form opinion?

Rodriguez - earlier this year before his report, didn't mention it, non-issue, noted in exam but not in report, in telephone calls with JB after report, in February, didn't know expert's had to include all according to court, JB never informed him

JB says sent e-mails, mentions superimposition by Dr. Warren unheard of,
says he informed witness, experts are busy, time constraints, I've never gotten superimposition judge (JB blaming witness and the state)

Judge - don't care about superimposition

JB saying not reasonable to expect experts to write everything down, JB blames state & everyone else

Judge - easy to disclose, even at last minute, they were supposed to be in court today (Saturday) at 8:30 am re: exclusion of sequestration, but weren't. Unfair to punish Ms Anthony, Judge says it wasn't inadvertent, but deliberate choices, contempt, he'll make instruction to the jury regarding violation (info not in witness depo or report)

Witness is told to step down, State told to take his depo this afternoon, and he will be allowed to testify on Monday. State can make suggestions on how to handle Jose, possible sanctions , contempt at end of trial. Judge says "it's not my first rodeo", explains he's experienced in trial.

9:42:45 - recess 10 minutes

- Judge returns - CM asking judge to explain to jury why changes are being made

9:59:30 - jury returns, judge says they are accommodating new witness from out of town, who will now take the stand, Dr. Rodriquez will return on Monday

10:01:52 - enters the very elderly Dr. Werner Sptiz, defense witness
CM direct - Medical doctor, forensic pathologist, Univ. of Geneva, medical school 1946-1950, Hebrew Univ. medical school from before Israel was a state until graduation in 1953, pathology - nature of disease & autopsies,
forensic pathology, pursuant state law, suspicious cases, came to USA in 1959 paid appt. in Mryland, etc.

10:21:21 - how contacted re: Casey Anthony's case, phone call from Jose Baez Law Firm, post-mortem not yet performed asked permission to attend

10:22:51 - sidebar # 4

10:26:04 - end sidebar - denied attendance at post-mortem by Dr. G., better to have 2 people there, able to conduct 2nd autopsy at a funeral home unsure if Dr. G. had completed her report, brought his own equipment but didn't bring a saw, felt 1st autopsy wasn't complete because they didn't open skull, Sptiz holds up skull showing how they open it by sawing it open, showing pics of open skull autopsy

10:34 - Casey looking sicker & sicker when they talk about opening the skull

10:35:44 - setting up demonstration, photo of base of the skull, how everything fits, at base are black flecks, last and permanent decomposition of brain says Spitz

10:39:25 - Casey looking really sick

Spitz saying specks settled by gravity, shows position was left side down for months (we already knew this)
any problems in Dr. G's report?
most of skeleton available, tiny parts missing, no discoloration where ear would be, joint of lower jaw, no fractures, skulll intact, animals chews

10:42 - Casey rocking, looking nauseous
10:45:47 - Casey wiping her face
Spitz says opening of thigh, thought Dr. G opened it for bone marrow but not the case, cause of death unknown listed in both autopsies, duct tape on lower face - no soft tissue, nothing, he needed no protection to touch bones, no contamination

10:48:56 - Casey looking red, ill, wiping face, bouncing & shaking

hair, vegetation, Spitz has problem with duct tape to face because it was loose, held by hair & roots, duct tape should have had DNA, acting like duct tape wasn't on face ante-mortem, but after decomposition to hokd jaw to face!!!! (so why didn't skull have signs of tape?)

10:57:31 - sidebar # 5 - very short
no soft tissue on skull, says he read Dr. G's reports, can't answer what she died from, can rule out some but not all possibilities
manner of death - can rule of suicide (the man is a genius), (other manners- homicide, accident, natural causes), no manner of death known

he's done 60,000 autopsies over 56 years
no further questions

11:03 - 10 minute recess

Jeff Ashton - cross (missed exact time because live feed froze and had to refresh, this is where it gets good, Jeff Ashton at his best, the doctor, not so much)

JA says "Caylee Marie Anthony is the victim in this case"
JA corrects the doctor several times on the victim's name because Dr keeps saying "Casey"
Dr. Spitz having trouble remembering a lot when asked.
Dr G has a lengthy report, did he read it? Yes
Spitz doesn't know when/how Caylee "disappeared", he doesn't remember all the facts of the case, can't remember the Anthonys' name even though he went to their house, he knew there was a pool at the home, and they didn't notify LE the child was missing for a month
Says Dr G's not opening the skull was a violation of protocol - JA wants to know what protocol?
Spitz says opening the skull in any individual for possible involvement, head is part of the body
Says no publication, was trained & trained others, he wrote documents about opening the head. Claimed Dr. G performed a shoddy autopsy. Blamed JA for provoking him into saying it!
Dr. Spitz becoming extremely hostile, combative.
JA says, yes, autopsy in non-skeletonized person one examines brain, is opening chest protocol?

Casey laughing when Ashton said there's a hole in skull to see inside!

JA holding a book, Dr. Spitz wrote several chapters on death, asking where in here does he mention opening of skull?

11:39:43 - CM objects, bolstering - overruled
Minnesota protocols, re: Manual, Model protocols, skeletal remains, Spitz says it was a book written by attorneys, JA says the medical section isn't written in lawyerese
Dr. Spitz says he never saw it
Dr G's autopsy wasn't his protocol, is high profile case, on TV
JA asks if should be done differently? Asks how many media interviews has Spitz done on this case?
Dr says maybe two, JA reads a long list of interviews his did, and recently! Spitz says he doesn't remember.

11:50:59 - when opened skull, JA tells Spitz he broke it, showing him the pictures, Spitz says he didn't know he did it!
Spitz did no chemical tests, no scrapings for possible tests, he was told already tested by the M.E.'s lab

11:54:29 - JA asks if dark stuff is brain dust or dirt? It was in the woods, underwater, is it sediment of dirty water? LONG PAUSE for Spitz. Brain exposed is definitive, doesn't need to be analyzed

11:57:35 - skull on left side, brown sediment on left side, no chemical analysis taken, didn't have it analyzed
showing his skull example and how it was down on the ground, on its left side, neck higher than top of head

12:01 - JA asking where does the hair go? Spitz saying all wrong

12:06:13 - JA showing pic of skull & hair, hair fallen back, not to side
Dr. says hair would be sticky because he examined other hair and knows!
shows photos again

12:12:51 - Spitz says duct tape put on after skin was gone, after body decomposed

12:14:14 - JA asks how did they put Duct tape on skull?
Spitz says roll of duct tape, tear off strip, stuck to skull
JA says it was decomposed, on its side, how?, pick up skull??? Demonstrates trying to hold imaginary skull, the mandible, trying to put on duct tape - quite a convincing demonstration of impossibility, not enough hands

12:17:49 - JA says putting on duct tape on both sides, has to be on both side to hold the jaw, 3 pieces, why 3? 6 to 8 inches long, 4th piece was found 9 feet away
why take it with him and bring it back, why hair stuck to tape if tape put on after skin fell off?

Spitz blaming LE or ME for staging hair & skull in pictures, they look different because somebody arranged it

12:27:23 - CM re-direct - other reasons to open skull? fractures inside that don't show up on outside, hemorrhage at base, middle ear behind lower jaw, asphyxiation, suffocation can cause hemorrhaging
Dr G sent matter to Dr. Goldberger in Gainesville, no poison, no chloroform
how many people moved skull? was it manipulated? yes, it was on brown paper in picture, somebody moved it

12:38:34 - sidebar # 6

Recess until 9 AM Monday
jury exits

Judge tells attorneys to read his order of 6 Jan 2011
be prepared to work next Saturday until 3pm, one witness per day only extends work hours to 5:30 or 6 PM during week.

12:38:20 - recess

(Somewhere in his testimony, Dr. Spitz said he did his autopsy at a local funeral home where he had no access to a laboratory for testing.)
(I missed the beginning)

9:04 - HHJP beginning the start of proceedings when Mason interrupted him asking for sidebar. Judge reminded him attorneys are to bring any issues to bring to court's attention before morning session, they are to contact court by 8:20 so they can be heard at 8:30

9:08 - JA took Dr Rodriguez's deposition for 2 hrs Saturday, would like more time to review it. Ashton says he doesn't think Rodriguez is qualified to give an opinion about others telling difference in stinky smell v human decomp
Dr. Rodriguez is scheduled as Defense's first witness today

9:09 - Judge grants State’s request to delay hearing Rodriguez’s testimony

9:10 - Anthonys are in court. Cindy appears to be reading her Bible
JA wants JB/Defense Team sanctioned, another deliberate violation of court's order, mentioning also defense expert Eichenbloom. No deposition taken, concerned about contents of his testimony. State received only a short report with no opinion, plus 45-page PowerPoint presentation on Sunday! Eichenbloom showed up at JA's office yesterday. JA says Eichenbloom was turned away. No one needs to take depos, but reports do need to be filed.
Ashton says JB and Company are again deliberately ignoring court's order. Ashton says he will depose Dr. Eichenbloom Tuesday evening if okay.

9:14 - When JA stoppped talking, HJBP does not say a word. JB goes to podium. JB gives HIS definition of the court's orders regarding witnesses having to put in record what they intend to testify, JB accusing Ashton and the prosecution of refusing taking depositions, JB saying State at fault for not taking deposition of Dr. Eichenbloom, Baez says State violated same sanctions with no threats of citation or being held in contempt, JB saying witness has been listed for awhile and the state could have deposed him at any time, Baez says Ashton intentionally refused to do depos to narrow scope of defense questioning

9:24 - JB says it's not bad enough that JA wants to omit his responsibilities to take the defendant's life, he wants to go after her lawyer too! JB called JA repulsive! Baez attacking HHJP's accusing him of disobeying court orders, we did not intentionally look at this order and say we won't obey it

JB talked non-stop for 10 minutes!!

9:25 - HHJP said "I want both sides to turn around and look at that clock and tell me what time it is."
JA says 9:25; JB says 9:26 and says they can’t even agree on that
The time was 9:25
HHJP says it shows that both sides will never agree on anything, and the jury's been waiting more than 25 minutes! Perry says the jury has been sitting back there waiting, it's unacceptable.
They will work a full day Saturday because so much time has been wasted. Here forward all attorneys are to be here at 8:30. We will start at 9:00, no more will we have this. Each Saturday we will work a full day. Be prepared to have witnesses to be here ready to testify.

9:28 - :tos: Judge reading his court orders of Dec. 2, 2010 and Jan. 6, 2011 re: experts, their opinions, and grounds, mentioning how state wasn't allowed to use their powerpoint, talking about repeatedly violating court order with impunity, Supreme Court says exclusion would be proper, friction between attorneys, testimony of Rodriquez will be deferred, they will be having a short day on Wednesday because of Judge Perry's plans, tells attorneys to go over reports of experts, make sure their opinions are included in depositions or reports, exclusion may be proper remedy if it continues

9:39 - JB says defense will delay second witness, third witness should be here in 30 minutes
Judge threatens Jose with Florida Bar, saying Florida Bar may look at his repeated violations
Judge allows jurors to leave their jury room where they've been locked in all morning, give them a break until 10:25

9:42 - HHJP saying he's going to begin at 8:30, cut the lunch hour, and work all day on Saturdays

recess until 10:25

(note: recess went way past 10:25 until 10:58)

10:58 - HHJP returns, says per joint stipulation between attorneys, recess until 9:00 am Tuesday

End of Monday's session

per WFTV:

(Please note that I could have missed events that took place on Saturday prior to 8:45. When I tuned it, Judge Perry just calling court into session. On Monday, I tuned in a bit late, so I don't know if there was a before 9 am session.)
In the courtroom, Tuesday, June 21, 2011:

I had a little time today to log some times.

8:46:50 am - KC enters the courtroom.
8:47:45 am - The judge enters the courtroom.
8:48 am - The state (Mr. Ashton) starts with issues regrading cross exam of defense witness Eiklenbloom due to late discovery.
8:54:16 am - Mr. Ashton finishes.
8:54:29 am - Baez begins his response to the states's issues.
8:59:58 am - Baez finishes.
9:00:02 am - Mr. Ashton is up before the court again.
9:00:54 am - Mr. Ashton finishes.
9:00:57 am - The judge is addressing the attorneys.
9:12:46 am - The jury returns.
9:13:54 am - The judge states the defense may call their next witness.
9:14:45 am - The witness (Jennifer Welch - OCSO Crime Scene Investigator) enters the courtroom.
9:14:55 am - The witness is sworn in.
9:15:21 am - The defense (Dorothy Simms) begins direct exam.
9:27:14 am - D. Simms finishes direct.
9:28:02 am - The State (Mr. Ashton) begins cross exam.
9:28:45 am - Mr. Ashton finishes cross exam.
9:29:08 am - D. Simms begins re-direct exam.
9:31:24 am - D. Simms finishes re-direct.
9:31:35 am - The witness is excused....subject to recall.
9:32:02 am - The defense (D. Simms) calls Dr. Jane Bock (Botanist - Plant Anatomy, Forensic Botany) as their next witness.
9:32:55 am - The witness (Jane Bock) enters the courtroom.
9:33:13 am - The witness is sworn in.
9:33:47 am - D. Simms begins direct exam. This witness suggests Caylee was only in the wooded area for 2 weeks. She is quite adamant about that.
9:38:30 am - The judge accepts the witness as an expert.
9:47:16 am - Mr. Ashton requests a sidebar.
9:50:04 am - Sidebar is over.
9:50:31 am - D. Simms resumes direct exam.
9:52:43 am - D. Simms finishes direct.
9:52:55 am - Mr. Ashton begins cross exam.
10:24:42 am - Mr. Ashton finishes cross.
10:25:11 am - D. Simms begins re-direct exam.
10:32:48 am - D. Simms finishes re-direct.
10:33:18 am - Mr. Ashton begins re-cross exam.

Mr. Ashton asks the witness if she knew that Caylee's hip bone was found buried 4" deep in "muck". The witness did not know that. He asked her if it would take longer than 2 weeks for that to happen and the witness states "a dog could have buried the bone. They do that you know." Mr. Ashton laughed and quickly composed himself and said "a dog buried the bone?" With this, he finished with the witness.

10:34:53 am - Mr. Ashton finishes re-cross.
10:35:01 am - The witness is excused.

10:37 am - Court is in recess - 20 minutes for the jury, 15 minutes for the attorneys.

10:56:41 am - The judge states "the court will come to order.

The judge state he may impose formal sanctions. There are 3 parts to this for him to consider.

11:22:06 am - Part 1 - His Honor has concluded the discovery violations were not inadvertant.
11:22:29 am - Part 2 - His Honor has to decide if the violations are trivial or substantial. He has decided they are not trivial, but are substantial.
11:23:23: am - Part 3 - Is there a prejudicial effect on opposing party on presenting their case? Exclustion of testimony used in rare occassions. The court will not allow the witness (Dr. Eiklenbloom) to testify about DNA anaylsis at this time. His Honor gives Baez until next week (Saturday) to file any motions they want for a Frye hearing.

11:27:18 am - Baez is speaking about supposed "new discovery" just handed to him by the state.
11:27:32 am - The judge cuts him off. They will "take up that issue at noon during YOUR lunch hour Mr. Baez."

I missed the rest of the morning, but it sounds like it was very good.

LDB addresses the court about an imate that may have had contact with KC. The inmate's child drowned in the family swimming pool and the grandfather found the child. The grandfather called 911 and administered CPR, but the child didn't make it. One has to wonder if this scenario is not where KC came up with her latest story for her defense.

Also, LDB stated they are going to use phone pings and computer evidence from June 16, 2008 on rebuttal to prove the defense's story is not credible and to prove KC was the only one at the Anthony home at the time Caylee supposedly drowned.

The "new discovery" the state gave to Baez was copies of the Anthony computer hard drive that he received 3 years ago.
If someone can find the link to this part of court today, it is WELL worth watching. I don't have time to type it all out here today.

1:26:44 pm - KC enters the courtroom.
1:34:00 pm - The jury returns.
1:35:40 pm - Baez resumes direct with Dr. Eiklenbloom (sp).
2:06:09 pm - Baez finishes direct.
2:06:44 pm - Mr. Ashton begins cross exam.
2:37:29 pm - Mr. Ashton finishes cross.
2:37:39 pm - Baez begins re-direct exam.
2:38:51 pm - Mr. Ashton requests sidebar.
2:40:56 pm - Sidebar is over. Objection is over-ruled.
2:41:21 pm - Baez resumes re-direct.

3:02:50 pm - Court is in recess.

3:24:34 pm - The jury returns.
3:26:03 pm - Baez resumes re-direct.
Jury brought to courthouse in smoked-windowed van around 8:00 AM
8:30 – prosecutors in court

WFTV says Dr. Rodriguez was NOT co-founder of Body Farm as he stated on stand on Saturday

8:47:22 – Casey enters
8:48:15 – Judge Enters
JA says they completed deposition of Dr. Eiklenbloom, clearly a discovery violation has taken place, Dr. will be allowed to testify, the matter of DNA samples from carpet shouldn’t be mentioned, his belief DNA can be gathered from decomposition material – formulated opinion on Saturday, should have held a Fry hearing
Recommends full sanctions against Defense counsel. Will hold issue of contempt for another day.
Another Defense witness has already testified re: DNA, decomposition & carpet stains, jury has already heard it.

8:54 – Jb reading his list of excuses. Eiklenbloom should testify on degradation of DNA. What he would suggest…!!! Saying JA creates ruse! JB pretending to be cooperative, blaming Ashton for JB’s fault.

9:00:18 – JA will compromise in some respect.

9:01 – HHJP asking about items for sent for testing up north, paid for by the state: shorts, clothing, bag she was found in, JA says witness wasn’t aware what was tested.

9:03:40 – JB says different types of DNA. Witness tests for low copy number DNA, says state refused request, but allowed another test, not low copy.

– HHJP grants JA’s request re: testimony, no DNA re: carpet, will be here ANOTHER TWO WEEKS, so they will schedule a Frye hearing in about a week giving state proper notice.

9:11:56 – JB opposes state’s instruction. He read over it and will have to prepare another instruction. Will call another witness instead.

9:13:29 – jury enters

9:15:15 – Jennifer Welch, CSI, defense witness
DCS asks about report 1 Feb 2009 aka End of Day Observations, 14 Dec 2008
Dec 12 – 14 areas cleared of leaf litter and vegetation, 0 – 4 “ around trees & tree roots, 0 – 10” with tape measure
p. 22 took pictures, cleared away vines obstructing view, but didn’t remove anything from remains took photos after scene cleared
HHJP telling DCS to speak up, JA asking what she said, DCS seems very inexperienced, or at least very rusty or ill-prepared.
Showing pic # 27of scene after vegetation cleared, log near skull, moved by Steve Hansen and Susan Meres (sp)
Pic of scene after hanging veg. removed # 28

9:27:36- DCS no more questions
JA asks for pictures just used, pic # 27, can you point where skull was in pic? No
JA no more questions

9:29 – DCS asking if witness cataloged pictures. Witness says system creates numbers when she uploads pictures.
Do you have call #s? Yes. Do you have # 1838? No. Asks witness to read her call #s.

9:31:57 – Witness excused, subject to recall

9:33:33 – Dr. Jane Bock, Botanist, plants & forensic botany, defense witness
DCS and Defense guy setting up exhibits
DCS asks witness to speak into microphone!

9:39:00 – she looked at photos taken by medical examiners, visited recovery site, read reports by ME, Jennifer Welch, David Hall botanist
Bock visited site on 1 Feb 2009 (7 weeks and one day after remains were found)
Patrick McKenna took photographs of her at the site and her work there on 1 Feb 2009

9:42 – JA suggests putting mic on DCS

9:43 – pic of leaf litter # 29
visited site 7 weeks, one day after remains discovered
claims remains placed in area 2 weeks before discovered!!!
Vegetation under vehicle, bits of leaves from camphor trees – none at the scene in the woods (does she know the car was driven for weeks later?)

9:49 – sidebar # 1

9:50:51 – end sidebar, JA continues
Dr. Bock seems unsure, edgy
Can’t tell how old roots are by looking at photos, too many variables

9:53 – JA questions, she’s from Colorado, how much time spent in Florida as a botanist? Did thesis in 1966, on estuaries, semi-marine areas, food habits of tortoise! a vegetarian 1980-1990, her parents live in Florida, a friend wrote a Florida flora book!, read studies on grasses & grasslands, different area have different ecologies – swamp – hardwood trees at Suburban, some plants require much water
In her opinion, could vegetation grow there in 2 weeks? Yes She says accumulated there. JA asking about roots in bone, 2 weeks in December? Claims she saw pics and bones. Never had experience with root growth in skeleton in place for several years. (her testimony sounds off)
Ref: her depo, p 64 – changing her answer from depo, claims in a group she saw a 10-year-old skeleton, had limited experience with bones (defense should have warned her JA would compare her testimony to her depo)
JA says leaf litter to near eyes of skull? Evasive answer. JA showing pic of skull with leaves. Bock says may be leaf, may be humus
JA wants to know if it can accumulate in two weeks? Pic of skull with leaf litter at M.E. office – leaves of various colors including brown – just two weeks in Dec? Witness asks left or right side? JA describes how M.E. collected skull with leaves from site. He gives witness hypothesis, Yes, longer than 2 weeks.
Basing less than 2 weeks by 1st pic of leaf letter shown, # 29

10:14 – JA putting on microphone, asking witness to step down to look at big pic of # 29
witness says she didn’t measure leaf depth

10:17 – Casey has had head down, in “thinker” position, since beginning of skull talk

10:18 – JA says one side of photo has more leaves than other side, why? Witness says people trampling the area, the wind, animals, semi-tropic plants, some evergreen trees, some trees drop leaves in Fall, she was TOLD where skull was, photographer visited a week before with LKB & expert witnesses

10:21:55 – JA asking if she can render an opinion when Caylee was placed there? No, Yes - JA says, “You’ve lost me”. Two weeks? Witness says, “I don’t remember”
re” depo – when she said “No, can’t give opinion”, depo taken in Feb.
witness says body could have been there two weeks, possible it was there much longer

10:25:41 – DCS asking how long she studied plants/botany in semi-tropical area – 30 years, taught 31 years. Asking root can or can’t grow into bone holes? Witness says no leaf litter on log, did anyone examine log? Jennifer Welch said it took two people to move it.

10:29:03 – DCS asking witness to step down to draw on big tablet – soil, humus

10:30 – Casey popped her head up when JA finished, now she looks bored

10:33:15 – DCS ends re-direct
JA asks if skull sank into leaf litter? She wasn’t aware hip bone was buried on the muck, says a dog or coyote could have buried it.
The look on JA’s face was priceless at this moment.

10:35:30 – witness excused – RECESS – 20 minutes for jury, 15 minutes for attorneys

10:54 – judge in courtroom
instruction by state & one by defense re: Richard Eiklenbloom, he provided an affidavit 21 Jan 2011, one page
HHJP reading his rules for witnesses, JB objects saying he removed objected sections

11:00:57 – Richard Eiklenbloom takes stand
HHJP when were you contacted? 13 July 2010
Ever informed report re: opinions? Only affidavit, nothing else
JP reads his specuifications for witness. Ever informed of this order of the court? No. Not living in USA at time of his report. How did you communicate with defense team? E-mails, telephone, Skype. Main communication with Jose Baez, and some with Michelle. Ever asked to write complete report? On Saturday night, wrote short report. How many times between Dec 2010 – June 2011 were you in contact with defense? Were you ever out of touch? No. Disappear at any time? No

11:10 – JB asking if he’s ever had to write reports on other cases? Yes
JA asked something, didn’t hear what

HHJP reading history of why the rules were established re: wtiness testimonies, responsibilities of attorneys, finds willful discovery violations, substantial prejudicial to opposing party, witness didn’t offer report, should JP exclude testimony re: DNA without Frye hearing

11:25 – HHJP not allowing witness to testify re: DNA, decomp on carpet, must file report by Saturday – will then see if Frye hearing is necessary – remedy short of exclusion

11:27 – JB says state just gave them compact disk, judge says we’ll take that up at noon on your lunch hour
JA asking witness if anything re: DNA decomp on powerpoint.

11:32:40 – jury seated
11:33 – witness sworn in, HHJO reading stipulation to jury

11:33:56 – Richard Eiklenbloom, DNA scientist, 20 years, from The Netherlands, Dept of Serology
JB direct –

- JA wants voir dire of witness – Engineer Degree in Biochemistry, uses luminal light for blood stains

11:42 – JA objects to witness as expert in DNA
JB questions more about experience

11:47 – sidebar # 2

11:53 – accepted as DNA expert – RECESS for lunch until 1:25 – witness leaves for lunch

11:54 – JB saying state gave him compact disk taken 26 June 2008 from Anthony home includes pics of shot girls, just getting discovery after state’s witnesses testified on this subject, asking for Richardson hearing

LDB says recently, last week, a citizen called their office about April Whalen, an inmate who was in OC Jail same time as Casey Anthony (2009), April’s child drowned in a swimming pool [boy, Christmas Day, 2007, per WFTV] at their home and was found by grandfather, unknown if inmate had contact with Casey Anthony or anyone else (items # 1-6 given to JB). JB has had info on disk for years, they gave it to counsel years ago (complete hard drive info), and today gave another copy to defense today in case state needs it for rebuttal as a demonstrative aid (item # 7). State is continually receiving information from concerned citizens.

HHJP says items # 1-6 okay.
JB says copy of hard drive is too much, like handing them 50 phone books, now they give them CD with some info which was on hard drive. Says Defense withdrew its computer expert witness.

LDB says it was computer activity and all data from 16 June 2008 that’s on disk she gave JB.

HHJP says 16th was the last day the victim was seen by grandparents, implicates what activities took place by family, GA, CA, LA, KC, in the 24 hours of 15, 16, 17 June crucial dates. It was given to JB, he chose not to look at relevant dates, it’s not new evidence, what JB chooses to do with it is his business

12:16:55 – RECESS until 1:25/1:30

1:28:12 – Casey returns to court, talking to JB, JB twitching his head from side to side, tapping his fingers & pen

1:32:13 - HHJP returns
JB asks judge to explain to jury about half day tomorrow being due to Judge and not JB/Defense. Wednesday till noon because of state’s trail court budget meeting

1:24:30 – jury returns

– JB direct – Richard Eiklenbloom, witness, explains DNA, factors of DNA being destroyed, disk, powerpoint, demonstrative exhibit

1:59 – talking about duct tape, non-sticky side possible contamination, could it override DNA? Lower DNA masked? Or all DNA gone? Sticky side duct tape, found 17 allele, human DNA, small amount
can extract human DNA from maggots, flies

2:07:05 – JA cross, witness hasn’t PhD., presently student at University of Denver, studying for PhD.
Re: their DNA company in Holland, has 3 people, lab in converted barn, 2008 expanded business to USA, great potential for business, USA lab not open yet, Did you invent low copy number DNA testing? Did you purchase a special kit? New kits on market/

2:24 – JA asks hot, wet, environment is worse for DNA? Yes and bacteria is bad too.
DNA on duct tape placed on human being, dumped into hot swampy area for 6 months bad for DNA, test bone for DNA, don’t swab outside of bone, DNA degradates, no flesh/skin on bones, extremely unlikely? Very difficult
Example: 15 allele only masks identical low profile 15 allele, allele only masks identical low profile allele
Did you ask to retest this test? No
Do you know if any item in this case was retested by the defense? No

2:38 – JB re-direct – asking about his lab & reputation
JA asked to approach, No, asked to approach again, YES

2:39 – sidebar # 3

2:41:51 – when did you first get contacted by someone in USA to work on a case?
The Masters case – body exposed to elements, able to get DNA from clothing
JB asking if state refused to allow further DNA testing?

2:56:34 – JA objects, relevancy – sidebar # 4

3:02:55 – judge calls recess until 3:20

HHJP said he needs to research because delicate balance on side of burden of proof re: JA’s question if witness was asked by defense to retest duct tape

3:26 – JB continues his questioning
3:28:30 – JA re-cross
the small amount of DNA, the harder to relate to the crime, possibility of contamination greater
Possible results for low copy number DNA:
1) found nothing
2) Caylee’s DNA
3) Unknown DNA

Unknown person or contamination – check DNA database of criminals & labworkers
Secondary transfer possible, showing pics of samples of cases from witness files, asking if any were skeletonized? No

3:36 – JB asking if can get DNA from clothing & other items for skeletonized remains? It depends
JB saying 4th scenario in JA’s example, 4) duct tape never on Caylee’s face

JA asking about rotting flesh & duct tape, if it rots, won’t all decompose? Yes
Does it make a difference? In the elements?

– sidebar # 5

witness excused for today

– Yuri Melich, OCSO detective, defense witness
JB direct – 8 Aug 2008 search of home, find any papers, bottles, cloths, products to make chloroform, receipts
11 Dec 2008 search – anything relating to chloroform. Yuri asks to see copy of search warrant. Yes, they looked for chloroform items.
20 Dec 2008 search – didn’t look for chloroform on this day, if found one he would have gotten an addendum to search warrant

3:49 – LDB cross – on 8 Aug 2008, there was no reason to search for chloroform because test results of car not returned until late August, KC was in jail, then out of jail in late August

JB re-direct – KC was out of jail, tests came back, why not search again?
Yuri M said because we were looking for a living child at that time.

Witness excused, subject to recall

3:54:34 – Marcus Bainwise, witness, Research scientist, Oakridge National Laboratory, analytical chemistry, 27 years, research scientist, first time testifying in court
JB direct -
Dr. Arpad Vass requested he test some items
“I don’t remember” 3 times re: questions asked
JA objects saying “items” vague, sustained
Speaks of his machine – chromatogram? – shows peaks of how much
chloroform is a volatile chemical, evaporates like gasoline, decreases over time
depends on 1) temperature of surface, 2) what surface is made from, 3) flowing air
needs to know airflow in trunk, how many days in trunk, too many variables
not surprised sample bags had nothing because volatile chemicals evaporate
some chloroform was there, largest peak in chromatogram, vapor inside can with other chemicals

4:20 – JB keeps interrupting his own witness
tested 95° for a few days, again chloroform was highest peak on chromatogram

4:28 – talking Benzine contamination
4:29 – sidebar # 6

4:33:30 – take 7 minutes stretch break

4:42:11 – HHJP on bench yawning

4:44:36 – jury returns
JB questions witness Marcus Bain Wise
Chromatograph? Air tests, water in air
Related state evidence #122 sample frozen several times

4:51:10 – JB trying to discredit Dr. Vass as a non-chemist, witness wouldn’t bite
no other chemist verified his results
state exhibit # 117 – trash found inside vehicle

(sorry, I fell asleep on this testimony)

– JA cross – asking about air tests, gasoline found, consistent in trunk, not unexpected, considerable chloroform
JB objects 2 times, overruled
Machine set at 1 part per million, didn’t expect to see high levels of chloroform in test, couldn’t find good explanation for chloroform, unsure exactly where it came from, chloroform would have been stronger earlier, not weaker, were testing things coming directly from carpet

5:40 JB re-direct
asking if witness will gain from inventions? minimal gains, belongs to Oakridge Lab, Labrador Project funded project, research project
LE and first responders use the machine

JA re-cross – item used by military, no benefits from Laboratory financially, no royalty from Federal Govt use

Court recessed until 9:00 AM
5:55 – judge saying to attorneys if there are issues be in court at 8:30

Bill Shaeffer, WFTV, saying last witness not favorable for Defense, protected reputation of Dr. Vass

I hope someone else can please watch and take notes on Saturday because I won't be available, especially since HHJP has stated they'' hold court all day.

I haven't had time to make or look at charts for the trial as I'm always exhausted after the sessions each day.
6/22/11 WEDNESDAY Day 25
Note: Judge Perry announced yesterday that today would be a half day because of other obligations regarding the circuit courts/budgets

8:58 Jury enters
8:59 Maureen Bottrell- Geologist Forensic Examiner for FBI
9:14 Ashton cross
9:16 Baez back
9:18 Witness excused
9:20 Madeline Montgomaery- Forensic Toxologist FBI
9:32 Ashton- clarified that choloroform does NOT show up in hair
9:35 Wintess excused
(9:37 Michael Sigman- SWORN IN- U central FL- chemist (was at Oakridge and knew Dr. Vass-left in 2002) he responded to sheriff office who said Dr. Vass asked he’d help acquire air samples(these were the initial samples without Dr.’ Vass equipment he later sent to Orlando) 10:09 Mason done questioning- Ashton asks for recess
10:09 RECESS for 10 min
10:28 Judge at bench
10:28 Mason asks for side bar before jury brought back in
10:32 jury returns
10:33 Ashton crosses:
10:46 Mason re directs
10:48 Ashton re directs
10:48 witness excused
10:49 Baez calls Susan Mears
10:50 Susan Mears SWORN IN- OC Sheriff office/Crime Scene Supervisor
10:54 Witness excused
10:55 Dr. Michael Rickenbach- Forensic Chemist Examiner FBI- begins to ask question about something not admitted into evidence
10:59 side bar- Judge had sustained objection by Ashton and agreed to sidebar
11:02 Baez continues and re the Dr’s report of Dec 2008- she was asked to test for volatile substance chloroform-Chloroform was not found in the particular items. Steering wheel and car seat (only cuttings of those items) Then to report of 7/09: Doll was submitted (sampling) chloroform not identified
11:10 Ashton crosses: when analyzing the doll, there were indication chloroform may be present so he requested a similar doll that may be avail to see if common, therefore was not enough to say there WAS.
11:11 Baez asks for sidebar
11:14- Ashton continues: witness explains his testing and comparison w/the ‘control sample’ doll.
11:15 Baez
11:17 no re cross Ashton asks for sidebar
11:18 Baez up- asks about Gatorade bottle-the liquids in bottle and syringe- shoes pic of the bottle
11:23 Ashton up
11:24 Witness excused
11:25 KarenKorsberg-Lowes SWORN IN - Expert in Hair & Fiber analysis
11:31 Ashton asks for sidebar
11:38 Baez continues
11:40 Ashton objects & judge calls sidebar (sometime thereafter, jury recessed)
11:47 Baez walks back to podium – now speaking w/Ashton going over docs, Judge leaves briefly
11:52 Jury returns
11:54 Baez continues – found unidentified Caucasian hair – made comparisons to rule out anyone who had access to the scene. . Refers to 6/25/09 report- items from scene, some from vehicle and residence. She issued 9 reports in this case
12:00 Ashton - the one hair Q107-
12:01 Baez redirects - was not given other items from A’s home to test
12:02 Witness excused subject to recall

12:02 Judge announces he has other obligations and will see everyone in the morning, extend working hours on Saturday.
(Thanks to mombomb, who took such wonderful notes in the trial thread, I was able to fill in the things I missed when my live feed skipped and finally stalled, forcing me to refresh several times.)

8:30 – attorneys present

8:41 – Casey enters – begins her day of “work”

8:55 – HHJP enters
tells attorneys to approach, no court reporter needed
(I’m not counting this as an official sidebar since court reporter isn’t being used)

8:58:50 – jury enters

9:00 – Maureen Bottrell, defense witness, Geologist Forensic Examiner, FBI, 16 years
BS & Masters Degrees, University of Georgia
JB questions –
Comparison analysis of soils
Debris from trunk & around trunk
22 pairs shoes from Anthony home and transport bag they were carried in
soil from Suburban

9:10 – JA cross - asks for moment with counsel
JA - stipulation soil taken after top layer of soil removed at Suburban site
JB continues - Trunk, mixed samples, not suitable for provenance study, no comparison done for trunk, study for soil on shovel stopped because remains were found – they were trying to locate when soil came from, no need after body discovered

Many shoes unworn, some had minor wearing, 3 pairs with soil, not from remains site, in transport bag found nothing

9:15 – JA asking if test proves shoes have never been to Suburban? No
Witness explains how it wouldn’t show up on shoes, absence of soil means nothing

- JB re-direct - Asking if scenarios mentioned are speculating? No

Witness excused

9:19 – JA wants sidebar # 1

– Madeline Montgomery, defense witness, Forensic Toxicology, FBI, 15 years, George Washington University
JB direct -
tests for drugs, poisons – hair, liver, brain
she does testing for FBI, state, and local

testings on Caylee’s hair mass, state # 271, for alprazolam (xanax) clonazepam, negative, tested for 9 other drugs - Valium, ruffies (date rate drug), and other benzos - also ketamine. All negative.

Not always able to get a positive result from hair tests, even in controlled settings

– JA direct – hair isn’t best way of testing for drugs, even if positive, can’t tell when exposed to drug, they don’t test for chloroform

9:35 – JB re-direct – can test for chloroform in liquids but not in hair

9:36 – witness excused

9:36:51 – Michael Sigman, defense witness, Chemistry Professor, University of Central Florida, formerly worked at Oakridge National Laboratory, knows Dr. Arpad Vass since 1990
CM – direct – was contacted by Eric Walton, UCF police about this case
Dr. Vass wasn’t available and recommend M. Sigman because he was local to collect air samples from vehicle trunk
Used Tedlar Bags to collect air samples
Doug Clark, his lab associate at UCF, assisted, they went to OCSO, pulled air from the vehicle trunk, opened trunk enough to get needle inside and suck air into bags
2 samples: 1 liter bag & 300 ml bag
left the two bags with OCSO
large bag went to Dr. Vass
small bag went to UCF
UCF tests – organic components, gasoline
More micro-fiber samples in trunk = 7 ½ hours
Stronger response than from air bags
Gasoline, chloroform, dimetheldephoxide ?, tetrachloroethylene,
Was human decomposition in trunk? Can’t conclusively determine human remains in car. Does understand there was “garbage” in there.
Took six air samples total: 2 Tedlar bags, two 40- minutes exposures to trunk, two 7 ½ hours exposure to trunk
Could be attributed to gasoline.

10:09 – CM ends - JA asks for recess, 15 minutes

10:28 – sidebar # 2

10:32 – sidebar ends, return jury

10:33:14 – JA begins –
July 21, 2008 first air samples taken, cracked open trunk, inserted 8” needle, didn’t know carpet and spare tire cover had been removed on July 17th.
JA asking size of ml. – small amount of air, asking about chlorine from a swimsuit, and about chlorine, chloroform, et cetera. Was there an odor from the trunk? Yes.
Witness has no background in human decomposition.

10:47 – JA ends
CM up – re-direct
Asking about tests & 3 compounds, unsure of source of those compounds, mostly gasoline, yes.

10:48:30 – JA asks if witness was surprised to find gasoline? No
10:49 – JA ends

10:49 – Susan Mears, defense witness, OCSO, crime scene supervisor
JB showing pics – red plastic Disney World bag, inside was a Gatorade bottle, how far from skull was it found? Seven inches.
No more questions

10:54 – witness excused

10:55 – Dr. Michael Rickenbach, FBI Forensic Chemist, forensic chemistry, defense witness
JB questions – report submitted 6 July 2009
Bottle, liquid, syringe with liquid

10:58:15 – JA objects, items not in evidence, JB says they’re in possession of the Sheriff’s Office

sidebar # 3

Report of 11 December 2008
received items from OCSO, carseat Q-47 and steering wheel cover Q-48.
no chloroform found on either, didn't analyze entire carseat, only took samples from it
Doesn't know why steering wheel cover was requested

Were you informed that chloroform might have been on someone's hands?

OBJECTION, hearsay, relevance, SUSTAINED

Report of 6 July 2009
He was given doll

JA - if item is marked, it should be put into evidence before being discussed

HHJP - he can say what he has seen

Box marked as Defense Exhibit 33 - doll, took a sampling, analysis of sampling showed no chloroform

No further questions.

11:09:30 - JA cross
Re: doll, was there not an earlier indication of chloroform? there were indications chloroform may be present in very small amounts, he asked for another doll, co-worker brought in a doll, very small amounts found. Witness stated there wasn't enough to make a determination.

11:11:18 - JB wants sidebar # 4

11:14:30 - end sidebar
JA - The negative control is usually run with the same sample. Because he got indications of possible chloroform, he wanted a negative control doll. He got it and it gave very, very low indications of chloroform also and therefore, he was not comfortable to say chloroform was present. The negative control was a similar doll. (thanks to mombomb for this)
chloroform amounts were too small

No further questions

11:16:10 - JB re-direct - asking about the dolls
Co-worker has a doll with chloroform on it? Not what witness said
Didn't have enough data to say that chloroform was on either item. Chloroform may have been produced in the manufacturing of the dolls. (blame China!)

11:17 - JA wants Sidebar # 5

Results in report of 6 July 2009

Analyzed liquid in the gatorade bottle and syringe
JB showning Defense exhibit # 32 - a photo of gatorade bottle. The liquid could've been a cleaning product, testosterone products were also identified. Syringe also contained testosterone compounds.
Liquid substance was identified by using GCMS and time of flight MS. (thanks, mombomb)
Detected very low levels chloroform in liquid in bottle, didn't report them because at such low levels, could have come from cleaning product

JA stating testimony was provisional with the items being placed into evidence at some later point.
JA re-cross (missed time)
He did not report out the chloroform because it was in such a low amount.
GCMS can't identify cleaning product, but the components led to possibility it could be a cleaning product

11:24:40 - witness excused

11:26 - Karen Lowe, defense witness, Hair Expert
JB - direct - hair & fiber analysis, clothing from Casey's closet & bedding, looking for hair fibers

Report of 13 August 2008
tested items of clothing from KC's closet, hairs and fibers were tested, no findings of apparent decomposition.

Report 13 October 2008
debris from a trash box from the vehicle,no signs of apparent decomp found

Report 1 October 2008
specimen Q-25.1. This hair examined for decomp, none found, was from trunk liner

6 November 2009 (or maybe December?)
4 items analyzed, no apparent decomp found

11:33 - sidebar # 6

Report of 25 June 2009
trash from Sunfire
12 items from trash
8 items from trunk
found no decomp on hairs

items from the ME's office, fibers from Caylee, compared fibers with fibers found in trunk, no fibers consistent with apparent decomp

Items from the A residence - fabric comparison of duct tape from remains and duct tape found in the residence, woven fabrics - polyester & cotton (res.), only polyester (remains) - not from same source.
Vacuum cleaners from residence collected months later, not examined at that time, did examine them later

11:38:58 - hairs # 217 compared hair mass. One hair found not consistent with Caylee's hair

11:41:55 - sidebar # 7

- Judge says take a 5 to 10 minute recess

11:52:49 - jury returns

11:54:25 - JB - unknown hair collected from scene, had to test individuals who had been at recovery scene (witness lists names of people who were tested) - not list of everyone at scene, that hair is still unidentified
examined items from scene, residence, car - she issued 9 reports
How many hairs? Many
Only one hair with decomposition

11:59:55 - JA cross - re: unknown hair, decomp hair from trunk, witness didn't know if Casey was living at Anthony house where hair was collected

JB re-direct - asks if she would have tested hair from where Casey was staying if it had been given to her? Yes. (duh, JB)

11:02:10 - witness excused

12:03 - recess until tomorrow, will have extended day on Saturday - jury exits

12:05:29 - dismisses attorneys and court for the day until 9AM, 8:30 for attorney matters

I hope someone else can please watch and take notes on Saturday because I won't be available, especially since HHJP has stated they'll hold court all day.

(All errors, misspellings, typos, and comments my own)
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