Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1

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Just out of curiosity, is there anything in Casey's chart that is good? Anything that says she has deep love for her child?

It is hard to be sure of that, wallflower. Because I do not have an accurate, verified birthtime for Casey, I do not know the exact position of her natal Moon.

This would tell me more about her ability to Mother Caylee, about her relationship with her own mother, etc... Children in the natal chart are generally ruled by the 5th house, and again, without an exact birth time, I do not know within which house her Natal Moon is located.

Her Moon is probably in Cancer, which is a nurturing sign, and would explain why people who didn't know her well would see her as a good mother. But, it all depends on house location and aspects.
I am researching the aspects on June 24th and 25th.

The transiting (moving) Moon has come around to Casey's difficult Mercury position, and it is exactly conjunct (same degree) on the 25th, late morning.

I doubt this was the day anything happened to Caylee, but according to my calendar, the 25th was a Wednesday, and not a weekend. So, it is another possible date, but I still like the 18th better.
I think my next research will be to look for possible dates for some resolution to this horrible situation. But, I must take a break for dinner and husband care...

Perhaps later on this evening, I can do some more chart checking...
Most possible DOB for Cindy Anthony is 06-05-1958. Hope this helps? :)
Given Casey's propensity to lie and to embellish those lies, she may have needed to put the phone down for a minute to do something else and said something about Caylee getting off the table just because she wanted him to think she was doing something entirely different than what she was actually doing.

When I am on the phone, I will often tell people that the dog needs out, but I really have to go pee. Maybe it was something like that and he just assumed that Caylee was there and told LE that.

My question--WHY would they remain friends and go to the beach together when she led him on to believe that this was his child? It's one thing for him to still hang around for Caylee's sake, but would he really be high-tailing it to the beach with her, minus the kid? Seems like to me she was still stringing him along with the long list of others and she was speaking with him to establish an alibi.
Could be but he said he heard Caylee's voice in the background.
Most possible DOB for Cindy Anthony is 06-05-1958. Hope this helps? :)

Will get right on it. I will assume Warren, Ohio. Is that correct?

And, could clever Casey have played a recording of Caylee's voice?
Could be but he said he heard Caylee's voice in the background.

You know, I have really gone over and over that in my head. If she said it to cover herself, he may have just assumed that she was there and told LE that. If My hubby is on the phone with me and he puts the phone down and says something to his daughter, I just assume she is there. If I was asked later, I may say "Yes I heard her" just simply because later I couldn't remember hearing her but I assumed she was there. He may just be mistaken and said that he heard her? Or he could have just been in denial not believing that she could have done something like this and covered for her hoping that Caylee would show up. I dunno. This case is stranger than fiction. Nothing makes sense anymore.
I'm not sure about the city/state but I'll speculate that is correct.

I haven't figured yet if there was a recording of Caylee in the background or not.

If I'm on the phone with someone and I hear them talking to a child-I hear a child respond, my mind doesn't question that. It would perceive it to be their child. You know what I mean? So I think Jesse's mind may have been playing tricks on him. Possibly... Unless the other time line is correct that we've speculated that something happened June 24 - 27.
Here is Cindy's natal chart, using a noon time, and Warren, Ohio as the birth place.


Now, what I see.

Venus square Uranus, Venus opposition Neptune
Excitable in love interests, sense of rhythm, nervousness, moodiness, sudden attractions, upsets through young women, a person easily influenced, dreamy nature, easily seducible, sudden separation in love

Mercury square Pluto
Restless thinking, sharp criticism, crafty subtlety, slyness or cunning, irritability, impatience, over-estimation of self.

In Cindy's chart set for noon, the moon is heavily involved in the major aspects listed above, and really emphasize trouble in these areas. But, we do not know that this is anywhere near close to her birth time, so it isn't proper to include the Moon aspects in considering Cindy's temperament and events in her life.

That said, it seems pretty clear that Casey could probably get away with all sorts of stuff, disappoint her mother time and time again, and be able to talk her way out of it. This is easy for Casey to do, even though it upsets her mother, makes her unstable and nervous.

Wow, Cindy's Mars is right on Casey's Sun... I bet those two did a fair amount of fighting, or "energizing" one another...

There is so much more, but all I can say is that Ann Rule should be paying attention to this tragedy, for there is definitely a good book about the complicated relationship between Cindy and Casey!

Off to do some more studying...
Taking a look ahead at when there might be a "break" in the case?

I am wondering if something will happen around August 4th. I am watching the Moon move around to oppose Casey's Mercury and transiting Uranus. The typical signature for that is "sudden, surprising news"

Mars is slowly moving closer to the opposition point to Casey's Mercury, and a square to her Uranus, but is still 2 degrees short of exact.

This time period in August will be very interesting. Barack Obama's chart shows some problems around this time, somewhat similar in nature to the risk he faced with the problems on his plane earlier this summer.

I love to find the "event" signatures", then see what happens, and how closely these correspond the the "language of the planets and signs.... I am just a curious little housemouse!

P.S. just did some transit search on Cindy's chart... I am more and more interested to see what happens around August 4th and 5th. Cindy's chart shows the potential for an event on the 5th.
Taking a look ahead at when there might be a "break" in the case?

I am wondering if something will happen around August 4th. I am watching the Moon move around to oppose Casey's Mercury and transiting Uranus. The typical signature for that is "sudden, surprising news"

Mars is slowly moving closer to the opposition point to Casey's Mercury, and a square to her Uranus, but is still 2 degrees short of exact.

This time period in August will be very interesting. Barack Obama's chart shows some problems around this time, somewhat similar in nature to the risk he faced with the problems on his plane earlier this summer.

I love to find the "event" signatures", then see what happens, and how closely these correspond the the "language of the planets and signs.... I am just a curious little housemouse!

P.S. just did some transit search on Cindy's chart... I am more and more interested to see what happens around August 4th and 5th. Cindy's chart shows the potential for an event on the 5th.

Hi housemouse,

Thanks so much for your hard work on these charts.
I've been fascinated by your posts
I had studied astrology many years ago, but pretty much gave up on interpretation.
You inspired me to search for an online ephemeris and am trying to follow along.
I did notice that on July 15th when Cindy called LE the moon was right back there in SAG.
as it was on June 17,18.
How about that!! Must be something to this stuff. LOL
Keep up the great work!
You are on the right track, Mystery.

Don't worry about the "what", for that is way too complicated. And, if you read the Bible's instruction about astrology, we are not to guess at what.

But, we are able to understand the "when", and to see how God uses the celestial clock to teach us about the wonders of His plan.

Most get discouraged when studying astrology because they are too much into pinning down the "what". All we need to do is to take a good close look at the "when", and then use that for our growth and understanding.

He is in charge, and we can only "see through a glass, darkly".

I can see the set-up, by the outer planets, as these aspect sensitive points in the natal charts of Cindy, Casey, and Caylee. All I am doing now is watching the moon as it makes the monthly rounds, and contacts these.

I use the hard aspects, which are those divided by 8. That is the conjunction, opposition, square, for these are the primary hard aspects. The secondary ones are the semi-square and the sesquiquadrate.

Ignore the sextiles and trines. They do not point to events or actions.
housemouse- what is Caylees chart implying around the 4/5th?

I didn't use Caylee's chart for the 4th and 5th. I used Casey's and Cindy's.

But, you have a good idea there. I am going to go see what (if anything) shows up in Caylee's. Her chart is harder because of the lack of a verified birth time. I am guessing that whatever happened to her needs her ascendant, midheaven, and moon. This is because she is so young, unfortunately.

Maybe a more experienced astrologer than I am could do better. I know my limits, though, and won't go beyond "just the facts at hand".
I didn't use Caylee's chart for the 4th and 5th. I used Casey's and Cindy's.

But, you have a good idea there. I am going to go see what (if anything) shows up in Caylee's. Her chart is harder because of the lack of a verified birth time. I am guessing that whatever happened to her needs her ascendant, midheaven, and moon. This is because she is so young, unfortunately.

Maybe a more experienced astrologer than I am could do better. I know my limits, though, and won't go beyond "just the facts at hand".

Just a thought--

Doesn't the birth announcement in the newspaper usually list a weight, time, date, etc?
Ok, looking at the transits to Caylee's chart for the next week or so.

Mercury makes a contact, by transit, to her Sun on August 3rd. The Moon, by transit, opposes Caylee's natal Uranus a bit earlier that same day. Also, Saturn (delay), by transit is opposing transiting Uranus (surprise!) right within conjunction to the Tr. Moon.

My wild speculation? Maybe the LE gets some info back then, or gets some surprising information that helps tie together the pieces?

But, we may not hear bout it until the 4th or 5th?

Who knows. All we can do is pray, watch, and then analyze after the fact. That truly is when we learn the most from astrology. With apologies to all those wannabe prophets out there. I speculate, then watch to see what happens, and what we can learn from it all.

How cool- thank you for sharing your gift with us and taking to time to explain it to us in a way we could easily understand!
Hi HouseMouse,
I've always gone to astrodienst,com for a little insight. I do agree that moon and planets and gravity might play a part in how we react, i.e. our general response to situations which result in situations as opposed to fate a la what is in our future.

Totally interesting and tomorow when I am not so sleepy I will take a better look. Thanks!
Thank you so very much for posting this information. I did a quick natal on Caylee and agree that it is impossible to determine the 8th house without the birth time. I did see the possibility for trouble on the 18th moreso than any other day. Hopefully someone here can find out a birth time.
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