Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12

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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #11
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #10
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #9
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1
[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
COPIED FROM #11 for your convenience so we don't loose continuity

TUBA post #605-thread 11
A good deal of the shine has been worn off Zenaida's defamation suit due to delays and rulings. Now it seems that case moves through a long stretch without hearings.

Meanwhile, on Sunday night, 11 October, there will be an occultation of Mars. It occurs where we had an eclipse in July, right on the composite marriage Sun of George & Cindy and on the Mars of Todd Macaluso. The Anthony Sun is in their House 10 of reputation and the occultation will further damage public opinion of this couple. It is harmful to initiatives from Mr. Macaluso and we saw what happened the last time he addressed the bench. He put considerable steam behind a claim that liberating certain evidence would prove his client innocent and referred to TES searches. The speech was an embarrassment. That Judge Strickland halted him proved to be an act of mercy.

TUBA post #606- thread 11
We don't want to omit the occultations of the Fixed Star Antares, because that star conjoins the prisoner's Saturn. She may lack a conscience but she does know fear. As we began Prisoner's annual trough, Antares on her Saturn was occulted, 27 August, 2009. Slammed again on September 24 and will be once more this year on October 21.

If we had a birth time for the prisoner, we could say House #00 is under a shadow but we can say that everything that is wanting or lacking in her defense is being brought to account over and over by these occultations. She hates having weaknesses in her preposterous presentations exposed but she is facing more glaring light because she comes to court just hours after the next occultation of Mars.

TUBA post #607-thread 11
Rongo Sits Down


The Maori have a fitting name for our ringed planet, Saturn. Maori call him RONGO. On Monday, 12 October, the first of the court sessions devoted to the prisoner's lesser crimes is scheduled. At that date, Saturn, or Rongo, will for the first time oppose the prisoner's natal Sun. Her progressed Sun is at the place of the Full Moon when she was indicted. This means her sense of self and her ego are entirely colored by the true bill our Grand Jury handed down last October.

This face-off with RONGO is a very strategy oriented moment. The urge to control and to project blame or responsibility onto others is never stronger than now. The situation is fated to be humiliating. We've already seen that the prisoner has the brass face to pretend otherwise. She sniffs and collects herself with a humph. But this is a mortification and, internally, she is aware of that.

The named Violent Offender was born with a stationary Saturn, in readiness to turn retrograde. She may not be on speaking terms with a conscience but Saturn does not withhold his chastisements simply because personal guilt goes unrecognised. The present phase of her life may be the first occasion when she has met discipline. The Law is pleased to make the introduction and RONGO has taken his seat. Wrong go, Prisoner, wrong go!

TUBA post #610-thread 11
Yes, celtic, I remember posting about the offer from State. It was on the table in August, 2008 and JB presented it to the prisoner immediately. My opinion is that she did not find the quid pro quo interesting in that she would have been prosecuted despite information about Caylee's location but the precise information or directions she provided would not be used against her in the case. We do not know why JB went to the prosecution seeking this deal and maybe he sought a better bargain than State offered. He may have worded his approach, "If I can get her to tell us where her daughter is or the body is....." and he could do that without the prisoner ever having admitted anything to him.

Also, strictly an opinion, is that JB has for all purposes depreciated the lesser crimes, calling them "economic crimes". When he used to claim all will be understood, he must have had in mind portraying her as out of a home, on the streets and in need of bread for her daughter and herself. We know what she was really doing with the money she stole, however and people will sear that portrait with cynical stares.

TUBA post #611-thread 11

There has not been the expected publicity about this deal that was on the table for a few weeks last summer but it was reported in Orlando and also on a few news services. No lid should have been in place on such important information, IMHO.

TUBA post #621-thread 11
In Orlando, Mercury finally turns direct tomorrow 9/29/09 at 9:14 a.m. Daylight Savings Time. The strategy asteroid, Pallas Athena, is now and as we move into October, opposing the prisoner.

I do agree, LambChop, that the falsity at the table makes for a Halloween horror when you consider its contrast to the hard facts of this murder case. I do not believe her attorneys would mislead the prisoner deliberately but her morale and or her obstructionism may require them to adopt certain coaxing blandishments that get them through their sessions with her. We know from her refusal when Jose Baez obtained that early deal for her and from her attitude when Terence Lenamon went to her cell that she is not cooperating. We also know that from Mr. Baez's statement in December that she is a liar. She had deceived law enforcement and her parents but she continued to deceive him and then the remains such as they were ! gave the lie to statements she had made to him.

TUBA post #647-thread 11

Conclusionary statements are not convincing arguments but the motions to dismiss the murder and aggravated child abuse are an improvement over the motions of September 17, 2009. By the time trial of the lesser crimes commences on October 12, the Moon will be in House 10 of the judge, ready to pose the reaction to the action point of the YOD delineated under the horoscope here. The judge's Leo Moon on October 12 opposes the activity of the Moon in Aquarius seen at the bottom of the chart in House 4 and representing what was filed today.

There is a lot of work in defending Prisoner against her indicted offenses but no work at all if a dismissal were granted. Seeking the easy OUT?

TUBA post #650-thread 11
There is a notation on the chart at #647 above, reading Fixed Star (star symbol) Vertex. I am not in the habit of calculating the vertex of an event chart, which is a point. Instead, in this case, Vertex is the Great Nebula north of Andromeda's head, also known as 31 M Andromedae. It has the nature of Mars and the Moon and is conjunct the Descendant of the chart, which happens also to be a critical degree as mentioned.

There is hustle prepping for the lesser crimes trial, particularly since Prosecution expects Defense to introduce evidentiary issues. You will remember Ashton's response advocating a full blown evidentiary hearing at the lesser crimes trial. That's why everyone is "at crisis".
Ugh! I can't even bring myself to watch it. I have not been able to even open the emails between CA and DC! I just can't stomach it. I have, however, read some of the commentary. I wish NO ONE had shown up for BC's presser and I mean NOT ONE SOUL. He really does appear to be just a puppet of CA's. How can that happen? I will be perplexed by the players in this case for years to come... possibly even decades.
WFTV Discovers Possible Duct Tape Link In Casey Case
October 2, 2009
Eyewitness News found the same rare type of tape that was found on Caylee's skull being used by the Anthony family on a Caylee Anthony poster.

You can't buy the tape from Home Depot. It is industrial-grade duct tape that hasn't been sold it in years.

With the debate over the duct tape evidence intensifying this week, Eyewitness News re-analyzed video that was taken in the months before Caylee's body was found.

The discovery could make it even more difficult for the defense to argue that Casey didn't put the tape over Caylee's mouth. The defense has really been trying to shoot down the duct tape evidence recently.

However, the video taken by Eyewitness News on July 20, 2008 just days after Casey's arrest and one month after Caylee Anthony disappeared, shows that the duct tape on the Anthonys' Caylee posters has the same unique markings as the duct tape on the Anthonys' gas can and the tape found over Caylee's mouth.



Had to bump this here so that no one would miss it! All I can say is WOW! :furious: No wonder LE couldn't find any tape left in the house on a roll....the A's made sure it was used up...od if you ask me to use duct tape to hang missing posters. MOO Any I have ever seen around where I live have always used masking tape or stapled to wooden streetlights etc.

I'll let you know if they post the enhanced video of the left side of the picture I posted showing the tape used the the missing poster!

Of all the TV stations covering the case, WFTV is always on top of it. :woohoo: An added plus is that CA hates them. :wink:

Honestly, I have no problem with the news that duct tape in the car didn't match tape on the gas cans. So what? I'm sure my duct tape rolls don't always match each when I buy them at different times.

The duct tape problem doesn't explain why KC took 31 days to report Caylee missing and Cindy had to be the one to do it! It doesn't explain why the car stunk to high heaven and why KC let her car be towed in the first place. It doesn't explain about the invisible nanny. The duct tape doesn't explain why KC took OCSDs on a wild run through the offices of Universal.

BC and JB are pipe dreamers if they think people are going to be swayed by a role of duct tape. The prisoner could have found it unused stored on the family shelf for ages and she just took it especially for the purpose of wrapping it around poor little Caylee's skull. GA could have used something totally different on the gas cans. Why would one expect the tapes to be the same? I'm thinking the As use duct tape for many things.

Give me a break! JB and BC must think the human race is a bunch a gullible idiots. :furious: I think each time JB and BC get in front of the cameras, they show us how much KC and CA are controlling them. Where is their self-respect?
Here's a new video WFTV just released a little bit ago!

VIDEO REPORT: WFTV Discovers Possible Link In Casey Case

"If the defense tries to advance that, that it was one of the volunteers that took that tape, killed the child, put the tape over the child's face to frame Casey, that strains credibility and it will turn the jury off," WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said.
All the A's have to do is to carry on like they have been in front of the jury & that alone will turn a jury off. They have been doing a good job at that all along......than add in the antics of Baez & his Dream Team. :bang: :crazy:

How can Baez keep claiming that the SA has tainted the jury pool??? They alone have been doing that all by themselves, with all of their national gigs on talk shows everytime there is a doc dump....than bombshell to all of us, they show up again on all the talk shows. We have yet to see anyone from the SA on a talk show! Hint, hint Baez who's tainting the jury pool......Gosh could it be you & your Dream Team??? :furious:

I wonder who they have lined up for next week??? Maybe Garldo At Large??? Baez is due for a fishing trip, a real one that is....he's been doing plenty of other fishing! Fishing for little pieces of evidence that don't really prove KC is innocent. Baez you need to go deep sea ocean fishing to find anything that might even point to KC being innocent.

We all know 31 days missing, & the smell of decomp in her car, all point to one person responsible for Caylee's murder & it's her own mother! :furious: Who Caylee trusted, loved, looked to to protect her from all harm.

No KC wanted to be single & free....I still want to know why couldn't she have just let CA have Caylee & she could have partied her life away. Caylee would have grown up to be such a beautiful young woman, but we will never get to see her do this. :shakehead:

Sorry for the rant just upsets me everytime I see Caylee's pictures or any videos of her! :cry:

One item that has not been covered in the case history: the roll of duct tape Prisoner took from her BFF and never returned.
There was a thread on that(( facebook )comment about duct tape.I went looking at the no clothes party.I did'nt see that tape in the pictures.
Jolynna posted a very compelling theory [ame=]here.[/ame]

I'm wondering if the charts have shown anything to confirm or dispute this theory? TIA

Here's the full post:

The wadded up paper towels found in Tony's trash in KC's car trunk might be as damaging as the duct tape. On them was a substance like pig or human decomposition. The substance was infested with maggots.

There was no fruit in the Pontiac trunk. It sounds like the flies from this e-mail exchange are "coffin flies" which would mean the maggots were baby "coffin flies". There is no mention of any other kind of flies

IF there were only "coffin fly" maggots on the paper towels and no blow-fly maggots, as Dr. Vass said, that is significant. It shows Caylee was probably put in the pontiac trunk alive.

Just putting Caylee into a trash bag would not have kept blow flies away.

In one of the last motions from KC's defense, discovery from the entomologist was specifically requested. Could the entomologist hold the smoking gun that will prove aggravated child abuse and murder one?

ETA: Some of her post didn't come through -- some of the resources cited. Please click the link and view the entire post for best understanding.
I do have a wait and see regard for the testimony of Geo. A. His description of June 16, 2008 does not conform to some of the charts and the information they would otherwise yield. If his memory is accurate, that recollection trumps our speculative times for when what happened, so I'm reserving judgment for now.

The coffin fly theory is amazing and thank you for bringing it to us.
5Stars, I don't believe you would have seen the tape in any of the pictures as I believe the Prisoner used it for one, two or both reasons for the "No Clothes Party".
1. She used the tape to keep the flag up on her body
2. She used the tape to keep her breasts up, and in place (models use it all the time for photo shoots etc.)
3. She used the tape for both purposes
I'm pretty sure this is probably pretty accurate as it has been stated that she had nothing on under the flag.
In February of this year, a National Academy of Sciences report condemned the practices in forensic crime labs all over the United States. In her motion to compel bench notes et al, Miss Kenney Baden relies on the NAS criticism but refers to an ideal that does not yet exist, the model accredited crime lab manned by certified forensic professionals who are following uniform standards for analyzing evidence and exulting in their independence from influence. In fact, the NAS report called for federal agency oversight of all crime labs. Such an agency has not been established but it is the Federal Bureau of Investigation and its laboratories that Miss Kenney Baden singles out to castigate. If and when the federal agency to oversee all crime labs is created, will it just be a matter of time before defense attorneys like Miss Kenney Baden excoriate that agency as being contaminated by police and prosecutorial influence also? For that is what she asserts against the FBI labs.
Oh Tuba, this is wonderful news! It is so easy sometimes to be a little swayed by the back-and-forth propaganda in this case. The charts always help me to feel grounded again... especially charts such as this. Thanks for your hard work- the thanks button just wasn't enough! I certainly wish I knew what the evidence is, but nevertheless, I am grateful that the State has possession of it (whatever "it" is)and that at a later date, all will be revealed, and there will be justice for little Caylee.
I do have a wait and see regard for the testimony of Geo. A. His description of June 16, 2008 does not conform to some of the charts and the information they would otherwise yield. If his memory is accurate, that recollection trumps our speculative times for when what happened, so I'm reserving judgment for now.

The coffin fly theory is amazing and thank you for bringing it to us.

A recent addition to the state's witness list may blow GA's story out of the water.
Lin, Can you elaborate? Thanks in advance!
Jolynna posted a very compelling theory here.

I'm wondering if the charts have shown anything to confirm or dispute this theory? TIA

ETA: Some of her post didn't come through -- some of the resources cited. Please click the link and view the entire post for best understanding.

Thanks, lin. I went to the other post and followed the links and I must say, I couldn't read it dry-eyed. Just the thought of that woman being so cruel to duct tape her child's nose, mouth, and head while she is still alive and pitch her into the trunk is beyond horrible. It's the most gut-wrenching thought, whether she was conscious or not. Honestly, I can't imagine being KC's parents and being there to "support" her. Guaranteed, I'd be the one on trial. :furious:

After getting through those links, quite teary-eyed, I must say, your sig gave me a chuckle (I needed that!). "Casey's attorney said it's not in her best interest to tell what she knows about where Caylee is. "It does her no good to show her cards to give the prosecution any advantage they have to put her away for life," Baez said.
How's that workin' for ya'?"

Obviously JB wasn't thinking when he skirted his way around that one. :crazy: Oddly enough, it sounds just like his usual spiel, though. :innocent:

A new witness? Someone who can set the time? Someone who has more accuracy than GA? Oh, please say this is so! I've never put any stock into his July 16th story.
Lin, Can you elaborate? Thanks in advance!

[ame=""]Witness says he saw Caylee alive around noon on 06.16.08 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
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