Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12

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Darn it! So the state gets the transcript but the media will not b/c the grand jury secrecy will still apply. Right?

Yes, but that's okay. I'm sure we'll eventually hear all about it. We just have to be patient. Right? Secret or no, GA is going to have to testify and with SA holding his GJ testimony, surely they'll ask questions related to it.

Tuba, thank you for your wise insight. I do remember how drastically JB's demeanor changed last December after Caylee was found. To me, he appeared to be a beaten man, all his grand illusions faded, both personally and professionally.

I'm thinking JB wants a plea deal, but the prisoner does not. After all, a plea deal for him would give him some sort of success, whereas a conviction of LWOP and the DP would not. A plea deal for the prisoner would mean she has to admit to some culpability for Caylee's death, something she refuses to do.

Just wanted to point out something else regarding Caylee's time of death, and that is Casey's own words in her written statement to LE.

Casey is very vague about what time she dropped off Caylee at Sawgrass. She writes that it was between 9am and 1pm - a surprising 4 hour window. Even more oddly, she writes this twice, being very definite about something very vague.

"(WORD "around" crossed out) between 9am and 1pm, I, Casey Anthony took my daughter, Caylee Marie Anthoy, to her nanny's apartment."

"between 9am and 1pm, I took Caylee to the Sawgrass apartments,"

Casey places herself elsewhere (at work at Universal) from 1pm until 5pm. Despite her vagueness regarding what time she last was with Caylee, she is very specific about what time she left work at Universal - around 5pm. No 4 hour window here. At 5pm it was safe for Casey to place herself back where Caylee was. Casey knew by 5pm, Caylee was dead.

"I left work around 5pm, and went back to the apartment to pick-up my daughter."

Because she placed herself away from Caylee in her story, until, very specifically "around 5pm", I believe that's the time of Caylee's death.

Casey *could have* even said she left Caylee at Sawgrass overnight - or for a few days - or for a few weeks for that matter, but 5pm was on her mind so much, she could not resist writing it down in her vague story.

Thanks. I do remember we discussed that day ad nauseam as we do with everything in this case. :wink:

Her vagueness with 9am to 1pm has always been a point of contention. How could she not know when she dropped off her child at least to say "between 11am and noon" or something similar. Then her exactness with 5PM was curious, too. I could see this is she stuffed Caylee into the trunk so she could run around, but not if she was dragging her around in public! Could the 4PM witness be incorrect? Could it have been another day or an earlier time? Is the witness's testimony time-stamped? I need to go through the records again. I'd love to know how accurate is this testimony, not that I think a lie is involved, just a faulty memory. If it's accurate, it means KC was snuffing Caylee and hightailing it to Tony's and Blockbuster within the hour!!!!
Yes, but that's okay. I'm sure we'll eventually hear all about it. We just have to be patient. Right?

Tuba, thank you for your wise insight. I do remember how drastically JB's demeanor changed last December after Caylee was found. To me, he appeared to be a beaten man, all his grand illusions faded, both personally and professionally.

I'm thinking JB wants a plea deal, but the prisoner does not. After all, a plea deal for him would give him some sort of success, whereas a conviction of LWOP and the DP would not. A plea deal for the prisoner would mean she has to admit to some culpability for Caylee's death, something she refuses to do.

OR, it is Ms. Lyons that wants that plea deal so it does not ruin her perfect record. I know, aksleuth, it is a stretch, but I can dream can't I. And that would be without all the evidence released yet. So what say you, it real, or is it Memorex?

This filing has the unmistakable mark of success, Sun trine Part of Fortune, Sun ruling the letter of the law, House 9. In addition, it is an effort to put paid to notions of magically banishing an indictment for murder, Neptune as stem of a huge Y with Mars in the murder House sextile Mercury ruling the jurist and indeed, the Moon is void of course, ending the matter. There is a second mutual reception, that between Moon and Mars. If that reception is exercised and Moon goes to Cancer where she belongs with Mars then in Aries in House 5 where he belongs, we have a new Y or YOD. Mars and Neptune would form the necessary sextile of the Y arms and Mercury - Saturn make the stem from House 10. That is the insufficiency of the evidence argument but Uranus shocks and upends the wheeled cart.
The "plea deal" is unreal. It has not been put forward at this time. It was just the question of an excited, sensational host who is friend to the lead attorney (sorry, Ms. Lyon).
Thought this was interesting & didn't want anyone to miss this part from today's article in WFTV!

Also this week, the state is expected to release more documents in the case.

Eyewitness News has learned they are releasing every document the state has received to date that hasn't been released.

VIDEO REPORT: Testimony Must Be Handed Over


Actually, iirc, the new witness's timeline is that he saw them around 4pm .....

Am I looking at the wrong thing? I just re-read his statement and it says on Page 4, line 9, (actual page three of his statement) he saw Casey and Caylee a second time, the day after Father's Day, this time in the Casselberry WalMart, "around lunch time".

Or is there something else I'm missing?

I'm glad I re-read this because the first time this didn't sink in: the part about KC's anger over the Beanie Baby, how Caylee struggled with the door at WlMart, and how KC and Caylee walked out of his store separately. It's chilling.

No time given on this statement, just the date, 22 July 2009, notarized. That's a very long time after the events in question!

Originally posted by LambChop:
OR, it is Ms. Lyons that wants that plea deal so it does not ruin her perfect record.

Could be, could be. A plea bargain would save face for all the defense attorneys. BC, on the other hand, would be left with dripping egg all over his face. A plea might even send Cindy over the edge.

We know it's speculation, Tuba, but it's fun to think the defense is squirming. :wink:

This filing has the unmistakable mark of success, Sun trine Part of Fortune, Sun ruling the letter of the law, House 9. In addition, it is an effort to put paid to notions of magically banishing an indictment for murder, Neptune as stem of a huge Y with Mars in the murder House sextile Mercury ruling the jurist and indeed, the Moon is void of course, ending the matter. There is a second mutual reception, that between Moon and Mars. If that reception is exercised and Moon goes to Cancer where she belongs with Mars then in Aries in House 5 where he belongs, we have a new Y or YOD. Mars and Neptune would form the necessary sextile of the Y arms and Mercury - Saturn make the stem from House 10. That is the insufficiency of the evidence argument but Uranus shocks and upends the wheeled cart.

Are you saying the court sides with the defense in this motion? I had to go back to the document and read the thing again. If this is so, what case would be left? Please tell me I'm misinterpreting this.
If KC pleads will the State release all of the information to the public? I love this site so much. Thank you all for all your hard work!
Asksleuth, the witness did say in his statement that he saw them around noon, but then he was interviewed by media yesterday and they reported he saw them around 4pm.
aksleuth- I believe the witness said "lunchtime" which if one is working until 9pm, when the store closes, may mean around 4pm to the witness. After that was suggested in the thread about the new witness a WESH report came out suggesting that the time was around 4pm.

As for the motion under discussion in the chart and interpretation so kindly provided by Tuba, unless I'm mistaken, I believe it's the motion to strike the motion to dismiss, rather than the motion to dismiss itself. Notice in the handwritten interpretation at the link, Tuba wrote, "This Motion to Dismiss by the prosecutor..."

This filing has the unmistakable mark of success, Sun trine Part of Fortune, Sun ruling the letter of the law, House 9. In addition, it is an effort to put paid to notions of magically banishing an indictment for murder, Neptune as stem of a huge Y with Mars in the murder House sextile Mercury ruling the jurist and indeed, the Moon is void of course, ending the matter. There is a second mutual reception, that between Moon and Mars. If that reception is exercised and Moon goes to Cancer where she belongs with Mars then in Aries in House 5 where he belongs, we have a new Y or YOD. Mars and Neptune would form the necessary sextile of the Y arms and Mercury - Saturn make the stem from House 10. That is the insufficiency of the evidence argument but Uranus shocks and upends the wheeled cart.


I think Tuba is telling us that the state's argument against the Motion to Dismiss will win the day, whether or not the Motion to Dismiss is actually stricken.
aksleuth- I believe the witness said "lunchtime" which if one is working until 9pm, when the store closes, may mean around 4pm to the witness. After that was suggested in the thread about the new witness a WESH report came out suggesting that the time was around 4pm.

As for the motion under discussion in the chart and interpretation so kindly provided by Tuba, unless I'm mistaken, I believe it's the motion to strike the motion to dismiss, rather than the motion to dismiss itself. Notice in the handwritten interpretation at the link, Tuba wrote, "This Motion to Dismiss by the prosecutor..."


I think Tuba is telling us that the state's argument against the Motion to Dismiss will win the day, whether or not the Motion to Dismiss is actually stricken.

Oh, thank you. I was afraid I was going nuts on both counts, "lunchtime" and the motions. I realize that "lunchtime" means different things to different people, and I was thinking "between 11:30am and 2pm" just to give lots of leeway. I didn't realize the guy gave a specific time on another occasion.

OK, so this is the motion to dismiss the motion. :crazy:

I think I need a rest.
Sorry Lin, that is true 'lunchtime' is what the witness said in his statement, not noon.

I guess you can tell what time I eat lunch.
Orange Circuit Judge Stan Strickland will hear the arguments for the motions at 9:30 a.m. on Oct. 16. Strickland will also preside over a status hearing in the check fraud case against Casey Anthony on the same day.

About 40 pages will be released to the defense. Most of those will be forensic entomology investigative reports, the state's court filing said.

The documents are being released to the defense as part of the discovery process. The items will later be released to the public.


No mention yet about the hearing noted in the clerk dockets for Oct. 12th...I'm begining to think this hearing was canceled earlier in the case maybe. No mention of it anywhere in any article so far. If I come across anything about a hearing for the 12th I'll let you all know asap.

Oct. 16th the Judge is hearing the motions & having a status hearing for the check fraud case on that date.

Yes, aksleuth, the State chart also had a title on it, no need to fret. The chart for the defense motion to compel bench notes and the chart moving to dismiss were done first because they came first in time. Defense motion to dismiss chart is listed in Fifth Essence's summary on page one.

I've been thinking about that month long period so adverse to the prisoner. Her disposition, always fractious, was at its worst. It strikes me that she may have prodded The Team to file some of the recent drastic motions. Her dad did remind her that she was the C.E.O. here, and that these people "work for her". Desperate to be liberated and full of herself, she may have incited action.
Tuba, thank you for the clarification. Angel, thanks for the link to the Addendum. What are those attorneys doing? Could they be fined for wasting the court's time? As we say in N'Awlins, "Lawdy!". :banghead:
Has a chart been made on the new witness J.T. dob 1-17-67 on 7-22-09?
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