Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #13

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I am on my Blackberry right now so I can't link but if you go to the Orlando Sentinel site you should find the article.

I received a Google Alert in the wee hours that the Anthony's home is in foreclosure.

I will post the article once I get to a regular computer.

From the article:

George and Cindy Anthony said they did not know that the papers had been filed until Local 6 News reporter Mike DeForest brought it to their attention.

According to the foreclosure filing, the Anthonys had not made a mortgage payment in nine months.

Bank of America said that since June 2009, the Anthonys have failed to make their $785 monthly payments.
Didn't your recent chart show CA having a lot of turmoil this month? TIA

Along with "The Team" showing signs of $ probs....Will there be even more departures with "The Team"? We haven't heard or seen in court LB, Dr Lee, etc. etc. in a long time. Could one of them be the next to announce leaving KC as counsel? TIA

Thanks for correcting me! I edited that part of my post. Wow...Time has gone by quick & slow, since Caylee was reported missing. Yet, It seems like things have dragged on...I guess they have in someways & in on some days it seems that the case has is stalled. I knew it was 08, but it just didn't seem like it has been that long ago already! :wink:

ETA: OT: Is anyone having trouble when they visit CFNEWS13 with it popping to a threat of a virius warning? For the last week since I keep their link open at all times it keeps popping to a different tab with a threat warning! :confused: I scanned my PC twice last week & doing so again right now....nothing is showing for any problems in my pc!! :confused:

Is anyone PC savy???...I woke up this morning & found these messages in a wanted me to take action...but I didn't know if it was my scanner taking care of the threat that I had all of I opened my own anti-virus & am scanning again.

(I copied the message to send to my pc savy b-i-l, but he is at work right now!) TIA
If anyone can tell me what else I should run or do PLEASE let me know! :winko:

NOTE: Edited out by - the report was tripping virus scanners!

Angel, Caylee went missing in June 08 not June 09. Thanks
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Amateur Astrological Info on CASEY and CAYLEE: #13[/ame]

Angel, I think this is your reference. The post was above, on this page we are on. It refers to today and tomorrow. As I said long ago, in no way do I think Cindy & George deserve this. They were superior stewards of their home. Figures from the New Testament did not do better in this regard. I hope they not only retain their home but are relieved of any anxiety about its status. Nor is the media responsible for the predicament. This rests solely at the feet of the prisoner.
I bet KC couldn't care in anyway what they are going through right now. I bet it's still all about Me Me Me for KC. They shouldn't even send her any money for her acct. ever again. You are sooooo right KC is the culprit behind what she is putting all of Caylee's loved ones. I do worry A LOT about George with this added to his already full plate.

I know I would never want to be walking in their shoes. I do wonder though why LA wasn't giving them enough to cover the morgage. That was why he said in a depo that he moved back home to help them out with expenses. That is one of the main reasons that it still dosen't add up....What happened to the $ that LA was giving them? I don't see LA leaving the fridge empty in the home either! :confused:

ETA: Thanks Tuba! :blowkiss:
Sorry about that....I didn't scroll up! :banghead:
I knew I had just recently read & looked at the chart! :blushing:

Do the charts show any change in the 'Trial Date' being changed due to the defense's funding problems? I sure appreciate your dedication to this Thread as well as others. It is so interesting to read all the posts here. Thank You for keeping us informed.
No word yet! about when Jill Kerley will sit for deposition at the Knoxville att'y's office while the State of Florida questions her via Skype. I wrote to Bianca Pietro and Amy Edwards at the Orlando Sentinel and received reply but the desk there as yet has no particulars! I set a chart for 10:30 a.m. Knoxville but I made the time up out of the cold blue air. I would never post a thing like that. However, it does provide the transits to Prisoner's chart for the day and she is cheered immensely by the advent of this testimony against Roy Kronk--even the prospect of it. How can she float off in bliss when her parents have rec'd such threatening notice on their home. But there it is; she's 8 miles high because she may have found the perfect mark. Doesn't she realize Eagles are a protected species?

Astrological references: Sun on her Jupiter, Jupiter on her Jupiter, Moon trine her Mercury and Sun, Mercury sextile her Mars-Uranus conjunction. Mars, however, is exactly square her Nodes. "You blew it, Team! Why didn't you stop him?"
It was at the last hearing, Jan. 25, when Linda Drane Brudick mentioned there might be another year's delay. Would she do that to spare Defense embarrassment? Perhaps, although I don't believe that courtesy would be returned. The chart only shows Prisoner trimmimg expectations, re-forming her concept of defending herself to something more modest. Obviously, this only happened under straitened circumstances, not by choice.

As I'm sure you heard or read, some observors/kibitzers thought the trial was put back because Prosecution lacks convincing evidence. I think you are reading it right or that there is yet a third reason/complex of reasons.
Didn't your recent chart show CA having a lot of turmoil this month? TIA

Along with "The Team" showing signs of $ probs....Will there be even more departures with "The Team"? We haven't heard or seen in court LB, Dr Lee, etc. etc. in a long time. Could one of them be the next to announce leaving KC as counsel? TIA

Thanks for correcting me! I edited that part of my post. Wow...Time has gone by quick & slow, since Caylee was reported missing. Yet, It seems like things have dragged on...I guess they have in someways & in on some days it seems that the case has is stalled. I knew it was 08, but it just didn't seem like it has been that long ago already! :wink:

ETA: OT: Is anyone having trouble when they visit CFNEWS13 with it popping to a threat of a virius warning? For the last week since I keep their link open at all times it keeps popping to a different tab with a threat warning! :confused: I scanned my PC twice last week & doing so again right now....nothing is showing for any problems in my pc!! :confused:

Is anyone PC savy???...I woke up this morning & found these messages in a wanted me to take action...but I didn't know if it was my scanner taking care of the threat that I had all of I opened my own anti-virus & am scanning again.

(I copied the message to send to my pc savy b-i-l, but he is at work right now!) TIA
If anyone can tell me what else I should run or do PLEASE let me know! :winko:

Here is what it said:
Starting malware online scanner...
Favorite Links
DocumentsPicturesMusicRecently ChangedSerachesPublicHard Drive Antivirus scannerLocal Disk (C:) 100%
5 infected filesLocal Disk (D:) 100%
7 infected filesWindows SecurityAntivirus Protection Disabled Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Small.fxf Virus Medium
W32.Benjamin.Worm Virus High
Adware.Win32.Look2me.ab Virus Critical
Trojan Horse IRC/Backdoor.SdBot4.FRV Virus Medium
W95/Elkern F-Secure Virus High
W32.Mypics.Worm.36352 Virus Medium
Trojan Horse IRC/Backdoor.SdBot4.FRV Virus Critical
W32.Yaha.B@mm Virus Critical
SHeur.ZSQ Virus High
W32.Nimda.J@mm Virus Medium
Trojan virtumonde Virus Critical
AdvWare.Hotbar Virus High
Recommended: Click "Erase infected" to erase all infected and suspicious files and make your system protected. Status: Windows Infected, 12 threats detected.
Browser: IE 8.0
Operation system: WinVista

Angel! Don't do anything that box asks you to do!
You did the right thing by running your own virus program instead; that was smart! Often, a malware program will try to trick you into installing it, by confusing you with scary words and threats, or using icons that look like valid ones. They'll pop up in windows just like the real ones do, and if you aren't paying attention it is easy to mistake them for your real system alerts. Rule: if you don't know where it came from, don't play with it.
Some of these are a nightmare to get rid of; one I had erased all of the dates in my system restore program, except for the current date, timed after the malware was installed. It was impossible to clean without a second pc.

You can probably use your system restore program to go back to a time before the this messsage came up. Wait; I'll explain.

You have not installed any malware yet. What you have done, somehow, is accepted the malware's invitation to you, asking you to install it. It can't do anything you don't ask it to do, so it is tying to trick you into asking it to install itself. See?

But, you're smarter than it is! Just use your system restore, to delete the invitation, and you'll avoid the whole problem the malware wants to give you.

Good luck! And good job, too!
Is there any way to find out if this foreclose was something they planned, as an attempt to look like they have no money, so that ZFG could not go after them for money? or do they really have no mone6y?
I will try to find the chart for you. They really have no money. I think I posted on this very question in January as someone had asked about their income.

Okay, here is the answer to kageykaren's old question about whether the couple was pulling down big money.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Amateur Astrological Info on CASEY and CAYLEE: #11[/ame]

There was also finance comment at #229, page 4, Thread 12 .

As you can see, there was no rake up of substantial cash from any source. They are the ones sacrificing. They are not profiting.
The rude refusal of help using spokesman Brad C. brings to mind photos and video of floral and other tributes being yanked off the public parkway, to the trash. Insolent!
The rude refusal of help using spokesman Brad C. brings to mind photos and video of floral and other tributes being yanked off the public parkway, to the trash. Insolent!

BBM....ITA Tuba! They should be very grateful to LP for offering to help them...IMO. How soon they have forgotten that it was him who bailed KC out of jail and allowed them more time with her.
BBM....ITA Tuba! They should be very grateful to LP for offering to help them...IMO. How soon they have forgotten that it was him who bailed KC out of jail and allowed them more time with her.

Maybe LP wants something from them. Something they are not willing to give, such as the truth. Like what happened the night of June 15th between CA and KC. JMO
I will try to find the chart for you. They really have no money. I think I posted on this very question in January as someone had asked about their income.

Okay, here is the answer to kageykaren's old question about whether the couple was pulling down big money.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Amateur Astrological Info on CASEY and CAYLEE: #11

There was also finance comment at #229, page 4, Thread 12 .

As you can see, there was no rake up of substantial cash from any source. They are the ones sacrificing. They are not profiting.

Was this lack of money before or after they took a cruise to the Bahamas?? Wasn't that just a few months ago? Just a question..

Also, not to repeat my quote from a week or so ago but Tuba, I mentioned the new discovery findings from the site where they found Caylee, a syringe, a bottle of gatorade that contained water, chlorine and TESTORONE....all matters to make chlroform...I was wondering about the testerone element.......a man's urine or skin needed to complete the making of chloroform as the research dictates.......are they or did they test this to find out where it came from, did she use an old needle was a chart done on the newly published discovery....sorry but it's really intriguing me since I always thoiught from the beggining that there was a dark man involved in someway with her....
I believe the Bahama trip was a gift. My feeling is that they were in dire need of such relief.

As to the syringe and the solution in the bottle, testosterone is available as are other hormones like estrogen. My question about this strange formula has always been why was that hormone added to the mix? We first found out about this months ago but without the photos. At that time I promised I would ask a friend in the know about illegal mixtures and street drugs, why the testosterone as ingredient? Unfortunately, that individual never heard of such a mixture. I also researched this on the web but found nothing comparable anywhere. Drug users and pushers might be hip to this. Maybe it is a recent concoction--there's always some new way to ruin the human body.

While not certain that testosterone is a new drug habit, it is in the "upper drinks" such as Red Bull, (taurine I think is the label name) and my understanding is the younger crowd thinks it is "cool" and boosts energy. That is all I know on that topic though.
Could the testosterone be used by George (for bones or ED) given by Cindy and KC just used an old syringe (with traces of testosterone in it)for the chorform/mixing the 2 drugs together? Just an idea.
We just don't know. The kit and supplies were supposedly new. I did read months ago (in my search on this) of a drug bust in Big Sky Country where testosterone was found with cocaine together but that in no way means I understand this weird combination and the news article did not explain either.
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