Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #13

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Is it possible, that HHJP, upon revisiting already ruled upon motions by HHSS, that the video from the jail the day Caylee's remains were found could end up being unsealed? Please, please, please! TIA
Is it possible, that HHJP, upon revisiting already ruled upon motions by HHSS, that the video from the jail the day Caylee's remains were found could end up being unsealed? Please, please, please! TIA

The rulings that they are asking to be reconsidered are:

1. Defendant's Motion to Compel Production of Tape Recorded Statement of Joe Jordan

2. Motion for the Production of Grand Jury Testimony of George Anthony

3. Defendant's Motion to Compel Tips Gathered by Law Enforcement

4. Defenden't Motion to Modify the Court Order on Defendant's Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum for Documents in the Possession of Texas Equqsearch
I just LOVE reading here! I am sorry I don’t have the same knowledge nor gifts as others on this thread that would allow me to participate. It is with my deepest appreciation that I thank all of you! My contribution is prayer and vigilance so that this lovely little soul named Caylee may have a voice in this case.

I am posting today in response to Tuba’s invitation. So here goes my free speculation even though I am a little late:

The light is about to shine on the dots that connect all the truths and it will not be pretty, especially for CA. I also think that one of the defense’s “expert witnesses” may decide it is not worth it to continue against the glaring truths. KC will be so mad at her defense team that she herself will fire someone or make them so sick they will need to leave. Whoever is left may bring in a doctor to see about her mental abilities and try a new angle of “Casey sometimes has periods of insanity” and that is why she committed the crime, etc. I think that angle will not work…again all the pieces of truths and the connecting dots will not support this.
A few thoughts about her progressed Mercury square Mars with consideration to her natal Sun that squares Uranus.

Merc SQ Mars= she gets angry when her views are questioned or not received well, enough that her team probably argues amongst themselves as to which one of them (drawing straws-the lucky one) is going to make a presentation or suggestion to their client, well aware their direction or thoughts don't fit in with her 'desires' as to how things should be managed. She verbally resists without hesitation blaming others for the predicament she's in including the State she has said 'wants to pin the crime on her'. Any suggestions or thoughts even slightly outside her 'view' provokes instant arguments as she refuses any concessions.

Complicating this is that natal SUN sq. URANUS.
Unfortunately this energy was never cultivated into something positive, directing it toward productive leadership skills. It could have been.
Instead, she wants to be heard & respected yet she does not return the favor. Her lack of practicality and sound realistic principles as a foundation, does not cause her to surrender even if her defenders point out the risks that may effect the final outcome.
Reasonable and/or wise flexibility cannot be found here.

By nature, there is always only one objective and that again is KC MUST get her way.
We witnessed Geo in the jailhouse video saying, 'you're the Boss.' Evidently, her family has dealt with her challenging behavior for years (remember Lee saying 'I think she lies just to lie' in the wired conversation with ToNe), making allowances for her excuses and stories, and in the case of Little Caylee, embellishing her tales in hopes that she gets away with MURDER. Of course they know better but it's hard to accept they brought someone into this world who could commit such a deadly crime. You heard it yourself in the initial interviews w/Geo when he was describing the undisputable odor he recognized in the car.

When someone does submit to her pooh pooh, she loses respect for them. It's a losing battle either way particularly for anyone who goes up against her unreasonable self-serving delusional way of dealing with reality or the reality she wishes it to be. Even though she knows she's wrong, she'll put up a fight just to put up a fight for purposes of 'getting her way'- loves the challenge itself, sound reasoning does not even come into her view in these instances.

In the end ( the TRIAL), her arrogance against authority, against the better judgment of her counsel, will gain her a permanent black X on her forehead, less the horse-faced smile.


"They said they're going to pin this on me if they don't find Caylee." I always thought that was rich. But guess what, they did find Caylee. No thanks to you, Prisoner. And you are pinned tightly in place.
Fifthessence- as usual, what you said is brilliant (and a relief)!

Salvarenga- I guess what I am wondering, and I hope you can follow my scatter-brained thought process, and let me say up front I know nothing of the law, so I may be confusing what goes on in court with how pretrial motions are dealt with... but anyway- here goes... one of the motions (not one the 'revisited' motions that HHSS ruled on, but one that the defense wants heard) is in regards to jail goings-on being sealed... could that then open the door for HHJP to look at ALL of the sealed rulings in regards to the jail and cause him to rule that what has been sealed should be unsealed? Or, if HHJP rules against the jail sealing that Baez is seeking could LDB then request that the previous information sealed from the jailhouse be unsealed???

Gosh, I hope I made some bit of sense! TIA
I have often wondered if Lee were to tell his mother tomorrow that he was going to be a father if CA would do an about face and shut herself off from KC. CA would till support KC just no longer in the same way.
"They said they're going to pin this on me if they don't find Caylee." I always thought that was rich. But guess what, they did find Caylee. No thanks to you, Prisoner. And you are pinned tightly in place.
post of the day! No... THE YEAR!
Since Tuba has requested our opinions - I'll put my two cents in.

I think the defense is going to be hit in two ways:

1. They discover Dominic Casey is telling the State everything he knows about KC AND George and Cindy. The defense may realize that they can't put George and Cindy on the stand in any type of defense for KC and the State can put them on the stand at trial and treat them as hostile witnesses. George and Cindy are forced to tell the truth in order to stay out of jail and avoid perjury charges.

2. The two witnesses (Laura Buchanan and Joe Jarvis if I recall correctly) who came forward to Baez and Co. claiming they searched the area where Caylee's body was found recant their statements when faced with a subpoena from the State for a deposition. I'm thinking forged documents or manipulated testimony/documents are discovered and the defense will have some explaining to do.

I have no special powers to speak of, except for my skill at mixing margaritas, so this is all my humble opinion and guessing! (It's also very wishful thinking!)
I think that the A's will find out the sickening details of how little Caylee died. With the prisoner accusing father and brother of "molesting" her Lee has all but vanished and I think that GA is soon to follow. I think that Casey has and always will blame her mother for all her "bad ways". I think Cindy will snap very soon. They have lost everything and now they are losing the roof over their heads. They can only have so many pictures and videos of Caylee until the well runs dry. Maybe Cindy & George will FINALLY explode on her & do what they should have done long ago let her go. Casey made her bed and Caylee's and now it's time for her to lay down in it with reality slamming her in the head. Granted I dont think that they want to see her on death row but maybe just maybe they will wake up and realize that their precious little angel is right where she belongs.

Then again maybe it will come out that Cindy helped her after the fact cover things up and the state will go after her as well.

My final thought is that Karma is about to rear it's head with fierce justice like an ATOMIC BOMB!
The thing that sticks out the most to me is her sun, and mercury are both in the 12th house. So that tells me that some sort of secret or thing that has been kept hidden will likely be exposed, with so many secrets that Casey has kept it could be any number of things. However if I have to take a guess I beleive that it could have something to do with Lee because of Mars being in the 3rd house or Jose and his little vacation. Its possable that Lee comes to his senses and makes a stand for Caylee, or it could be that CM tells Casey exactly what she is facing while Baez is gone and he is not there to sugar coat it. Whatever it is its definately not going to make KC happy, thats for sure.
The rulings that they are asking to be reconsidered are:

1. Defendant's Motion to Compel Production of Tape Recorded Statement of Joe Jordan

2. Motion for the Production of Grand Jury Testimony of George Anthony

3. Defendant's Motion to Compel Tips Gathered by Law Enforcement

4. Defenden't Motion to Modify the Court Order on Defendant's Application for Subpoena Duces Tecum for Documents in the Possession of Texas Equqsearch

Bold mine.

Regarding #4 above...Oh goody, guess we'll get to see NeJame moppin' the floor again on 6/01! :woohoo:
As butterfly1978 points out, the 26 June eclipse falls across House 12 and House 6. We can see the shadowing of the Moon shortly after dawn but we don't have a spy cam or any optical probe or scope into Cell F-DORML-12. We also know that lunations, i.e., New & Full Moons, cover a pool of time in their influence rather than performing when the stage lights go up. So the question becomes when and where will we see the results of this potent personal eclipse on the prisoner?

There are court appearances fore and aft, so that is one likely time and place for display. Because the ruler of the hidden House 12 and the jail itself is, as Mercury, also housed there out of sight, we can't rely on tattlers. There are no inside reporters either. However, even without the added impact of eclipse, a Full Moon on one's Neptune produces hysteria. We know Prisoner has resorted to calmatives in the past. So that element, O.O.C. emotions, is likely. More than likely. That is where I place my bet.

Pluto in the mix, as discussed within the eclipse topic, registers as obsession and the focus and object of the obsession is the protection of self and the fear others are holding hidden briefs against you. Give Prisoner a black star because she guesses right on that one--they certainly ARE tending such briefs and constantly adding to them.

She will also bring out her Survivor gamesmanship under this eclipse. What were the private instructions she used? Outlast, outwit, outplay. She will be feeling intensely competitive in the arena of mind games and comparing her skills with those of The Team and others around her. Secrecy and withholding, manipulation and intimidation characterise the way she will present herself. She is fixated on self-justification and assigning blame under this powerful Pluto affliction at the eclipse.

Yes, we do know that Mr. Mason is afflicted ten ways from Saturday at this projected time. There is also the square of the lawyer, Mercury to Jupiter, exact for the eclipse. That's the crumpler, the k.o. drop.
Tuba, I guess I have just never let go of wanting to see that tape with my own eyes! The description from the jailers was the next best thing, but certainly not the same as seeing it for myself. I know the charts said we will see it someday... so, I will keep that in mind, and go back to waiting patiently again!
There are so many surprises and revelations ahead of us~like you, I am anticipating the tape of Prisoner's reaction, December 11 2008. Simply because Judge Strickland found it so inflammatory, exposing her guilt, and therefore prejudicial, we are the more intrigued. He did make glancing reference to briefs submitted by at least one media source, so I assume they pled well for public disclosure. In the horoscopes of the time, their arguments appeared as radiant as the sun. And this is a state with Sunshine Laws.

LambChop said she read about the prisoner's Sun Uranus natal square and progressed trine. So you don't have to resort to the search engine, it is at [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12[/ame] It provides background for coming events, including the eclipse and describes Prisoner's unrealistic expectations. Many here have commented on how naive &/or deluded she seems about her prospects.

Always keep in mind that the Pluto to Neptune (+Mars) transit being eclipsed in June exposes lies. The public, law enforcement and the lawyers have been told so many that it is hard to imagine fresh ones or even how old ones could surprise us.
Tuba, I can't thank you enough for dragging me out of lurkdom, because of reading here for over a year, you have changed the way I look at life. I have done charts on myself and my husband. He has been extremely ill the past 2 years and although I am new to this, I have noticed chirons and I can now look back and see how they influenced our lives and gives me hope and know that they too will pass. Also, I had a stroke last year and looking back my charts during that time were uncanny.

Also, I have some case sensitive information to give you regarding Jose Baez. I have read you are having trouble with your email and wonder how is the best way to get you the information.

My husband and I are presently leaving to drive cross country to visit my daughter, her husband and my grandbaby, but I will be taking my laptop and will check in every night.

Thank you again for dragging me out!
I would think that someone on that defense team has told KC by now that SA is planning on doing a graphic presentation on how the duct tape was placed on Caylee's face and that the response from the jury will probably be shear shock when they see it. Given the fact KC did not react too well to JA's verbal description of how it was done she will not handle the graphics well either. Which ever way KC reacts won't really matter as just the thought that a mother would do this to their child will not go in her favor. The taping was personal and viewing a demonstration of how it was placed will send a clear message just how personal it really was. An act of rage. A perp would not have wasted their time on the taping. Let's hope she does not attack CM....he's considered an elder (64, I think).
The chart for the June 1 hearing has been ready for hours but photobucket does not accept my login. This happens every time I suffer a power failure. Worst delay yet, this one.

May 23: Still no luck. I have mailed Fifth Essencethe chart and she is kind enough to post it for us. Saving comment on the chart for that time.

Under the chart, viz. Splash Pattern, which here indicates the defense is using a scatter shot approach. Try on this, try on that, come at the State from all sides. Jupiter at 29° plus, ruling the outcome, means one avenue is closing. No more of THAT pursuit.

The Full Moon this coming Thursday trips off Prisoner's Saturn, her progressed II Moon and squares her Jupiter. She is sitting in a pucker inside cell F in the company of the purple moo-moo. Most of us would not extend a hand through the bars even if we could but never mind, the prisoner would bite it, leaving enormous tooth marks. You have seen the size.

Why is the health cusp at crisis? Hysteria. Noted. What CHOICES are being made now? New, jarring decisions, seen from Uranus at zero degrees. This fits so well with the Aquarian placement of the Moon which brings change with no advance notice but which is erratic and acts to disrupt. The overtones are POLITICAL. This Moon is a rebel and an extremist. Radical. We must watch for surprise moves coming out of the Sagittarian Full Moon ahead of the hearing!
Sooner Fan, I am not able to send you a private message. You or the website has that blocked. If you let our own moderator, Fifth Essence, know about your information, she will make sure I receive it. Thank you!
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