Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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I think the prosecution has done a great job laying out their case so far and I bet they will end very strong. However, we need to fasten our seat belts, imo. The defense starts their case right at the Summer Solstice, when the Sun enters Cancer, and Mars enters Gemini.

That tells me they are going to be very aggressive and forceful. The emphasis upon Gemini/Cancer says they may be focussing a lot upon Casey's childhood and the family dynamics within the home. George is far from perfect, and his shortcomings are going to be highlighted, spotlighted and dissected. [Tr Pluto in Capricorn is conjunct Casey's Neptune in Capricorn]

I am concerned that one or two of the jurors might be convinced that George had some involvement.
So far the state has done a great job proving that the child was decomposing in the trunk of the Pontiac. But now they need to show who exactly placed her there.

I think that this is where the MUTABLE signs on the MC / IC axis come in. Things are nebulous, twofold, and there are conflicting 'realities' for a time. We will need to steel ourselves through the defense case because they are going to be brutal and may do some real damage to George, Cindy and Lee. And Casey will look on approvingly, imo.

In her natal chart Casey has Neptune in Capricorn,[ illusions concerning father] which is squaring her Sun/Venus midpoint. According to Ebertin= An untrue feeling in love,love torment, disappointment in love, wrong ideas about true love.

This Sun/Venus= Neptune is being afflicted by transits of Uranus and Pluto, the most brutal of transits, and Venus is being opposed by Saturn. So I do not see her walking free, but I do see her doing some mighty damage to those she once loved, although her concept of true love may leave something to be desired.

I know the charts are speaking of this but it's really hard to imagine at this point that the defense can come out with anything that makes sense. I would say that if the charts still indicate a guilty verdict in the end, it will have no withstanding power.
I know the charts are speaking of this but it's really hard to imagine at this point that the defense can come out with anything that makes sense. I would say that if the charts still indicate a guilty verdict in the end, it will have no withstanding power.

But we have not seen them lay out their case yet, all they have done is react to the state. I do believe they will present a case that will make the jurors wonder a bit and that's all it takes.
I just mean thus far and in doing so, they have made themselves look very uncredible.
There's NO POSSIBLE reason to duct tape a childs mouth after she already drowned...regardless if they say it was GA and not KC, IMO, that still is jibbirish
No link, but Judge P just stated to the jury that he expects the Defense to begin presenting their case on Wednesday, June 15 or Thursday, June 16.

The SA is calling their LAST witness tomorrow, June 14.

Wondering if it makes a difference concerning the start of Summer Solstice.
ASTROLOGY is the focus, let's not start sliding into unrelated opinions or personal non-astro related observations.
A one-liner might be OK but anything more is going to go ' puff '


* If you've read through other forums inside the WS site, particularly at this time with the daily trial proceedings, it's evident emotions are running high and the anxiety of not being able to gauge an outcome has many thinking out loud. You'll note the WS MODS are working over-time keeping threads ON TOPIC. The same Terms of Service/TOS apply to this Forum.
respectfully shortened
I missed the exact time Judge Perry said the state would be finished by tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday morning, so the defense should be ready to go on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning.

It will be interesting to look at the transits for the TIME the DEFENSE begins their rebuttal process. Will have to wait this out since we don't know if they will start on Wednesday. or Thursday.

WEDnesday, @ 4:12PM (time provided by we have a FULL LUNAR ECLIPSE. It'll be full Sag Moon accompanied by the NNode in opposition to the Gemini SUN conjunct the SNode and it's own ruler, Mercury.

Lunar eclipse=EMOTIONs run HIGH.
Defense starts presenting their case on Thursday AM.
respectfully shortened

It will be interesting to look at the transits for the TIME the DEFENSE begins their rebuttal process. Will have to wait this out since we don't know if they will start on Wednesday. or Thursday.

WEDnesday, @ 4:12PM (time provided by we have a FULL LUNAR ECLIPSE. It'll be full Sag Moon accompanied by the NNode in opposition to the Gemini SUN conjunct the SNode and it's own ruler, Mercury.

Lunar eclipse=EMOTIONs run HIGH.

FifthEssence, I just wanted to share a sincere "Thank You" for all of your hard work keeping this thread up to speed! With Tuba and housemouse absent, this thread needs you so very much. You are doing a great job!! :takeabow:

The FULL LUNAR ECLIPSE this afternoon is at 25 degrees Sagittarius...
Sagittarius is the truth seeker sign. Justice, foreign countries, treaties, higher education, teachers, legal system & proceedings, writers/publishers/publishing, and ministers are just a few that will be touched by this eclipse in Sagittarius. The Moon at 25 Sagittarius is in opposition to Mercury and quincunx to Mars. Feelings and thoughts may be in opposition, creating a tug of war or a realization. Did I mention Sagittarius is a fire sign? Eclipses that occur in fire signs can bring sensational and unexpected events. :crazy:

I agree... It will be very interesting to look at the transits for the TIME the DEFENSE begins their rebuttal process on Thursday. Early Thursday, the Moon will be entering Capricorn where it will remain all day. This would NOT be a good time for the Defense Team to push the limits or take high risks. :eek:

Again, FifthEssence,I just want to say... :gthanks:

FifthEssence, I just wanted to share a sincere "Thank You" for all of your hard work keeping this thread up to speed! With Tuba and housemouse absent, this thread needs you so very much. You are doing a great job!! :takeabow:

The FULL LUNAR ECLIPSE this afternoon is at 25 degrees Sagittarius...
Sagittarius is the truth seeker sign. Justice, foreign countries, treaties, higher education, teachers, legal system & proceedings, writers/publishers/publishing, and ministers are just a few that will be touched by this eclipse in Sagittarius. The Moon at 25 Sagittarius is in opposition to Mercury and quincunx to Mars. Feelings and thoughts may be in opposition, creating a tug of war or a realization. Did I mention Sagittarius is a fire sign? Eclipses that occur in fire signs can bring sensational and unexpected events. :crazy:

I agree... It will be very interesting to look at the transits for the TIME the DEFENSE begins their rebuttal process on Thursday. Early Thursday, the Moon will be entering Capricorn where it will remain all day. This would NOT be a good time for the Defense Team to push the limits or take high risks. :eek:

Again, FifthEssence,I just want to say... :gthanks:


WEll said. I really hope the DT does not begin their case on Wednesday. I like it still being the state's day to rest their case. There is a lot of power just prior to the full moon eclipse. I like it staying with the prosecution.

And yes, Thursday's energy reigns them in. Tightly.
Defense starts presenting their case on Thursday AM.

at exactly 9:25 am, Wednesday, June 15, 2011, CM begins speaking to the court about his motion for aquittal.

ETA: 3 years ago today, this was Caylee's last day to be alive. :( I am so glad she spent the day with someone who truly loved and cherished her.
WEll said. I really hope the DT does not begin their case on Wednesday. I like it still being the state's day to rest their case. There is a lot of power just prior to the full moon eclipse. I like it staying with the prosecution.

And yes, Thursday's energy reigns them in. Tightly.

Well, whatdyaknow, the DT begins tomorrow. :denied: Acquittal denied at 11:35:45 (or so). Court in recess until 9am Thursday. I do hope this bodes well for the state. Should we be out thanking the full Moon eclipse? Or just wink at it for now? :seeya:

I'll be posting my log later, right now, I'm heading for a nap. :bedtime:

Have I mentioned lately how much I love astrology?
Well, whatdyaknow, the DT begins tomorrow. :denied: Acquittal denied at 11:35:45 (or so). Court in recess until 9am Thursday. I do hope this bodes well for the state. Should we be out thanking the full Moon eclipse? Or just wink at it for now? :seeya:

I'll be posting my log later, right now, I'm heading for a nap. :bedtime:

Have I mentioned lately how much I love astrology?

I held back in my earlier post, just in case any spies from the DT were lurking. But I really did not want them to start their case on Wednesday so they could not tap into the power of that applying Lunar Eclipse. And they didn't. It was actually the state that got another chance to reiterate their case just before the DT was denied their request for acquittal. SCORE 1 for SA.

The Moon will be exactly squaring Uranus when the Defense begins to present their case. So things may be shocking, upsetting, but will not turn out as planned, imo. After lunch recess there is a Moon conjunct Pluto aspect. Things should be intense and down and dirty as court returns from afternoon recess. Whatever they try to establish in their afternoon testimonies may end up being crucial to their case. Moon/Pluto is the bottom line, the core, so that conjunction should be very revealing. Also, Mercury is changing signs from Gemini to Cancer @ 3:09 pm. So we may see a shift from what we thought their case was going to be, attacking forsensic details, to attacking family dynamics and relationships.
Here's my 1 liner allowance:

Although Cheney Mason noted numerous times his hearing has declined with age, he made it abundantly clear in his Acquittal argument, he has no problem scoping out the imaginary bullseye covering Geo A's heart....because it's his fault his daughter is in trouble.
Here's mine:

That bullseye was formed after Geo's Grand Jury testimony and his meetings with LE were revealed to ICA and JB.
I am tentatively encouraged by this chart. We're using the the 9:00AM time Judge Perry approaches the bench and says, "you may be seated."


With Cancer Rising, Lord 1 is the Defense, signified by the MOON, which at 03 Capricorn is peregrine (unable to act) and in detriment --- very weak.

End of the Matter Lord 4 VENUS 08 Gemini is in Grand Trine formation with Lord 7 the Prosecution SATURN 10 Libra and the Arabic Part of FORTUNE 06 Aquarius --- with FORTUNE posited in Prosecution's 1 House. Further, Lord 9 the Jury JUPITER 02 Taurus, posited in the 10H of Judgment is disposited by End of the Matter Lord 4 VENUS!

Additionally, Lord 9 the Jury JUPITER squares the ASCENDANT (Defense), and squares FORTUNE, suggesting Defense may possibly be "acting against itself," to its own detriment.

Co-Lord 9 the Jury NEPTUNE at 00 Pisces conjuncts CHIRON and squares End of the Matter Lord 4 VENUS and squares Lord 10 the Judgment MARS. Lord 10 the Judgment MARS 26 Taurus partile conjuncts the malefic Fixed Star ALGOL, suggesting a most unfortunate ending as far as Defense is concerned...

So Mercury is entering Cancer now, and Mercury rules the chart of the DT opening statement. I wonder if a family member[ Cancer] will be called after the break?

ETA: Nope. He called Robyn Maynard, who found the hearts sticker at the dump site. He is trying to discount the heart sticker on the duct tape.

ETA: And then Mr. Murdoch, forensics, and again, more about the heart sticker.

Mr. Baez must be very concerned about this Heart sticker. :heartbeat:

ETA: So I am going to say that the accusations about Lee being seen as the potential father of Caylee is the energy behind the shift of Mercury entering Cancer. The family dysfunction revealed could be signified by Mercury @ 0 Cancer.
Does anyone know what happened to Tuba? It's very concerning to me that she hasn't been here in so long. She was with this case from the beginning but now she's just disappeared? I appreciate everyone's input on this thread but I really miss her posts!
Does anyone know what happened to Tuba? It's very concerning to me that she hasn't been here in so long. She was with this case from the beginning but now she's just disappeared? I appreciate everyone's input on this thread but I really miss her posts!

jojomonkey, it is a mystery to me. I just hope Tuba is okay.


Our dear TUBA is taking care of personal business and currently isn't available.

She certainly has spoiled us and it's understood why we'd miss her so much.

Let's allow her this time.
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