Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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The prisoner has asteroid "George" 10:43 Sagitarius. Today "Humptydumpty" (a fall that is impossible to recover from, shattered) transited Aries 10:43 conjunct BML. Funny how fate works. On the day he testified, his name in her chart trined these 2 exactly!

My take is she will not recover from the testimony of George and especially the view the jury had of her stony face while he was overcome with emotion on the witness stand.

And the June 1st lunar eclipse was at 11 degrees Gemini, so exactly opposite "George" in her chart. Wasn't the eclipse close to Cindy's sun as well?

His testimony today was extremely powerful, he made a great many people proud.
Seek the answers to some of your questions, on the Astro Calendar The varied styles of our astrologers are all THERE and located, with titles, for the convenience of all

Due to circumstances in my own life, I haven't been able to read as much as I used to. Last I knew, Housemouse was back with us, and I was thrilled. I also missed your posts, and I hope everything is ok for you. I have so much going on that I'm too exhausted to go back and read what I have missed. Throughout this case, I have looked forward to your posts, and soulscape's posts, and housemouse when she could.
Thought I'd share this in here just in case our super astros missed it.
They sure do look soooo alike to me. I'll look for TOB. I think Tuba said if someone dies and has they can find out the info. I dont have any of those programs so I'll try and search for it.

The man below is Caylee Anthony’s father… if you believe Michael Duggan’s mother, who is “100 percent certain” she is the dead 2-year-old’s paternal grandmother, and is willing to submit to lie-detector and DNA tests to prove it.

I found this site for his obituary

Michael P. Duggan Plymouth Michael P. Duggan, of Plymouth, by car accident on October 30, 2007

If you have you can search the Social Security Death Index for some information about dead people including their birth date but you won't get a time of birth. I used to have Ancestry but they now want $155.00/year and that is too rich for me.
"The smell of the car & he can still smell it when he closes his eyes, didn't want to believe 'at that time' his daughter could do something like this, there's a difference between trash and garbage.Casey was the last one I saw with Caylee and 1+1 adds up.
I need to get through this...something inside of me...
You're trying to take this little JOY of my life away from me and you can't do that anymore "

Back in January this year, Tuba wrote this about GEORGE

George is blessed with a powerful Leo Mars and Pluto and his dignity is being offended; he has to ready his retort, in order to save himself. If he has gone along to get along due to pressures even beyond what The Team presents, it is overdue to bring this "cooperation" (submission) to a halt.

George did not disappoint. This is about HIS Little CAYLEE
If you have you can search the Social Security Death Index for some information about dead people including their birth date but you won't get a time of birth. I used to have Ancestry but they now want $155.00/year and that is too rich for me.

This is what I found- does this look correct?
Name: Michael P. Duggan
SSN: 027-70-9727
Born: 14 May 1983
Died: 27 Oct 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: Massachusetts (1988)
I would like to say how much I enjoy reading here. I appreciate all of the work by ALL of the astrologers. I hope you all will forgive any shortcomings that you have felt by any of us. Nothing has been intentional.
I did not know that Housemouse is gone again either. I hope alll is well with her and her husband.
When they come back from the lunch recess the Moon will be exactly trine to Neptune. Moon trine Neptune signifies 'magical thinking, imaginative discussions, inventive lies."

MAYBE she will take the stand.

ETA: so the Moon/Neptune trine will be the DT submitting the duct tape records

AND THE DEFENSE RESTING. They rest their case exactly upon Moon trine Neptune.
KC is NOT going to testify. The judge addressed her and she said it was her decision. Approx. time was 1:34-1:36 pm.
KC is NOT going to testify. The judge addressed her and she said it was her decision. Approx. time was 1:34-1:36 pm.

There is one asteroid "Caseynicole" #21700, at 23:28 Rx, Sag exactly conjunct the NN 23:28 Sag, at 1:34 pm in the 3rd house - which conjuncts Caylee's Vertex, 23:15 Sag. (I won't comment on the implication of an identifying moniker conjunct the NorthNode.)

That asteroid "Caseynicole" is 23:15 LEO in Caylee's natal chart - that gives a perfect trine to her NN, 23:15 Sag.

There are 5 asteroids that have KC + a second name which I've used, but until the 1:34 pm chart there was really no way to know which would take precedence. Rarely is there a name without an additional 2nd name. I've found time and again that it still works!
Paulette, is it inappropriate to comment on the moniker conjunct the NorthNode? Can you give just basic interpretations? TIA~ Frigga
I just want to again, THANK ALL who post on this thread for the ‘interpretations’ of all the charts since I have been reading here. And to let everyone know that it was this thread that I came to each and every day for understanding throughout this case. I always found answers to things as they were happening. AMAZING – I still plan to try and study how Astrology charts our paths.

However, tonight I really feel sick. And I still have so many questions as to how this trial was presented and tried.

I have sat on a few trials, seen and sat in on several also, but never have I seen one like this –a Death Penalty. This case, for me was STRANGE for what was NOT SAID. ….but always explained thru the charts.
Who knows what would have transpired if it weren’t for HHJBP’s expertise of LAW on everything since his taking over the case.

I will pray for everyone involved (and that includes US here at WS) for guidance and understanding when this verdict is handed down and that Justice is found for our little ‘sunshine’ Caylee Marie.

Again “Thanks for Everyone’s continued Hard Work …..I so appreciate each and every one of you". Respectfully, TAL.
Seek the answers to some of your questions, on the Astro Calendar The varied styles of our astrologers are all THERE and located, with titles, for the convenience of all

Dear Tuba, this trial has certainly been stressful on all of us here at WS's. Try as we all do to understand why a young mother who had the opportunity to have the "Bella Vita" she desired would choose to ruin her life and the lives of others around her still to this day astound us all.

When those of us who respect astrology but have no clear understanding of how to read a chart come here to find answers to our questions all the astrologers here have bent over backwards to fullfil our need to know. I know I am so grateful for your posts, Tuba and those of Housemouse who originally brought me to this thread with her insightful readings of her charts always reminding us that they are open to interpretation depending on who is doing the chart. It amazes me how everyone can put these charts together and read them and how spot on they are. All our astrologers are respected here by most of our members. Although I have not mentioned all the astrologers who post here I love reading them all.

This has been a crazy year but at the end of this trial I hope we all have a better understanding of what type of person it takes to kill their own child. Too much of this type of behavior is happening and maybe, just maybe the exposure of this trial will help families recognize Mom's who need some serious intervention and get them help. I think the day KC told her friend she needed to go away for some mental health issues was the day someone should have taken her seriously.

I understand your frustration because of all the hard work you have all done to put those charts up there for our viewing. Unfortuately many of the posters just do not understand the way in which looking at the Indictment Chart is important to particular days during the trial. I confess to being one of them. I know as hard as I try to understand astrology some things are like Greek to me, lol. Just want you all to know that I am still trying and I will eventually "get it" thanks to all of you guiding us along. And we all know this is the conclusion of KC's trial but not the end of the nightmare that is happening to innocent children.

I love reading here and can't thank you all enough but when I do you need to know it is from the bottom of my heart. But it's okay to give us a wakeup call because how else will we learn. I was out of the country most of this month and did not have access to a computer (HLN was all I had, ugh) and I'm not sure what has happened but just wanted you all to know I just LOVE you guys and want you all to know you are doing a great service here.

Thanks is never enough.
This is what I found- does this look correct?
Name: Michael P. Duggan
SSN: 027-70-9727
Born: 14 May 1983
Died: 27 Oct 2007
State (Year) SSN issued: Massachusetts (1988)

Yes, that is correct and clearly from the Social Security Death Index. While this information tells me his birthdate, it does not give me times nor where he was born or where he died for that matter.

Even though there is missing data I ran an untimed chart for Michael using Boston as his city of birth although all I really know is that his mother lives in Boston now per news web sites. I then compared his chart to Caylee's timed birth chart.

It is very hard and perhaps even impossible to know from an astrology chart precisely who one's parents really were. Too many other issues can and do pop up such as adoption and step-parenting.

Some aspects I found in comparing their charts were: Caylee's Sun at 16 Leo in her 12th house squares his Sun at 20 Taurus on Caylee's MC and his Venus at 5 Cancer squares Caylee's Moon at 4 Libra.

FWIW there was a Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 9 Cancer this morning that triggered a Cardinal Grand Square in the heavens as follows: The Sun/Moon Eclipse Point squared Saturn at 10 Libra, opposed Pluto at 6 Capricorn Rx, and also squared Uranus at 4 Aries.

Thus this Grand Square activated the Venus in Cancer and Moon in Libra positions in Michael and Caylee's charts as mentioned above. While he may not be her father, this issue is probably something that is still being pursued by his mother.

My own opinion is that it unlikely that he is Caylee's father. With her Sun in her 12th house opposing Neptune in her 6th house--I don't believe we will ever find out who really was Caylee's father.
So today as she was being escorted back into custody people said she was kind of resisting it and acting out a bit. Here is the description of the transits she is having now. The CARDINAL GRAND SQUARE sits atop her T-square.

ETA: other people are saying she was actually laughing and smiling and throwing up her hands in relief. But as she sat at the table at the end she was very animated as she spoke with JB and CM and seemed like she was excited about something. It is a perfect image for a GRAND CROSS because she has the Prosecutor standing in front of her, The Bailiff standing behind her, her Attorney alongside her, and she is sitting reading the judges regulations for the CLOSING STATEMENTS, which she is angrily responding to. She was surrounded and blocked by circumstances beyond her control.

Casey gets angry after court
A Cardinal Grand Square implies being locked into a situation in which things are moving forward quickly, forcefully, in spite of one's personal input or desires. Change is coming and it is out of one's personal control.

One looks at the planets involved to decipher the how's and why's and who's the situation. In this case the Saturn , Uranus and Pluto describe what she is locked into.
Saturn in Libra= Justice, Legal Decisions, Government
Uranus in Aries= Revolution, Sudden Rebellion, Quick Change,Revolt
Pluto in Capricorn = The Dictator, Power, Invisible Forces, Fate


This describes the upcoming planetary pattern which ICA finds herself locked into. imoo
Hi everyone,

I am new here and want to say hello, though I won´t be a regular visitor due to time and etc. Though I want to say that the work here, in using mostly traditional astrology, really impresses me. I hope you can all continue this. I really get good insights and want to deeply thank you for that.

I am not so deep into astrology (transits, trad astr, etc) and therefore use if possible asteroids to get a more detailed picture.

And so I just want to add, that Casey has the asteroid damocles conj Jupiter, which leaves me with the impression that she might get away (from death penalty). Also in the chart from another forum her AC ruler (sun- also father (!) in day charts) (if true) in 8 combusts mercury(ruler2, body) (both pisces- injection).

I also tried the mentioned "skuld" (pls forgive, but I forget who it was) and it is conj her mercury.

Never checked the outcome of this approach.. : / ..
Paulette, is it inappropriate to comment on the moniker conjunct the NorthNode? Can you give just basic interpretations? TIA~ Frigga

The basic interpretation would be mine. I doubt asteroids have power other than as sign posts.

The NN is a point of destiny & she made it know that this decision not to testify & back up the sexual abuse charges is her choice & negates JB's opening statement.

If one had her birthtime, we could look at her arabic parts & determine if there is more to her name being at 23 Sag. conjunct the NN.
read post 453 and 454 on the calendar for October 14, 2008. The Day of the INDICTMENT. It was somewhat important, you much realise.
Another chart I refer to when I am feeling scared justice will not prevail.

It always makes me feel better.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2[/ame]
read post 453 and 454 on the calendar for October 14, 2008. The Day of the INDICTMENT, if you prick your memory. It was somewhat important, you much realise.

Thank you for the jog that was very helpful. One thing that always puzzled me is the night of June 15, 2008 when the neighbors claimed there was a big fight. Lee states CA choked KC. When we see how fast KC changes before our eyes from sitting in front of the jury, sad eyed until the time they are removed and she suddenly becomes a flirty, social butterfly with JB or others on her team I wonder if that "choking" incident was about Caylee. That it's possible on that trip back from Mt. Dora Caylee revealed just how sadistic her mother really is.

I also feel that KC may have been trying that chloroform mixture out on the dogs after hearing CA state on the stand that there was something wrong with the dogs in March. They were sleeping too much and lethargic. Also two dogs mother and offspring died within months of each other while KC was a teen. Too many strange things happened within that family and I feel we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.
I may just have to eat my words on asteroids having no power - they may be more than mere sign posts. Last night I put in "Child", "Cosicosi", and "Munchausen" in the prisoner's chart. They all reside at 22 Aquarius.

On Feb. 25 & 26th 2008, Neptune transited her natal asteroids at 22 Aquarius.

The prisoner has "Medea" conjunct Mars 25 Sag. - they were being transited by "Medea", "Cosicosi" and "Caylee" exact on Feb 25 & 26th.

Caylee has "Cosicosi" 11 Aquarius, which was being transited by Mercury & Venus on Feb. 25th & 26th.

It seems to be all of a piece for a perfect storm, for someone with a fevered brain! On or about this date, Feb. 25 & 26 is where it all began. The idea began fermenting, Neptune being the catalyst.

Cosicosi is Italian for indifference. Mark Andrew Holmes says this about it: Apathy, aloofness, inattention, unconcern, lack of feeling, passion, interest or curiosity. Even cavalierness or callousness. Impassiveness, like you or someone or something else just doesn't matter at all. Cosicosi lends a special quality of self-interestedly not giving a damn to whatever it touches, in your natal, by transit, by direction or by progression.

He describes Munchausen as " the telling and/or believing of lies, especially big ones told repeatedly and routinely."

Medea murdered her children.

And don't forget, her natal Uranus 22 Sag is sextile to anything at her natal 22 Azuarius.

If she has a late Sag rising, her Mars & Medea would be in the 12th house. Unseen - operating behind the scene.

Posting a chart just doesn't work for me - never comes out right!
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