I may just have to eat my words on asteroids having no power - they may be more than mere sign posts. Last night I put in "Child", "Cosicosi", and "Munchausen" in the prisoner's chart. They all reside at 22 Aquarius.
On Feb. 25 & 26th 2008, Neptune transited her natal asteroids at 22 Aquarius.
The prisoner has "Medea" conjunct Mars 25 Sag. - they were being transited by "Medea", "Cosicosi" and "Caylee" exact on Feb 25 & 26th.
Caylee has "Cosicosi" 11 Aquarius, which was being transited by Mercury & Venus on Feb. 25th & 26th.
It seems to be all of a piece for a perfect storm, for someone with a fevered brain! On or about this date, Feb. 25 & 26 is where it all began. The idea began fermenting, Neptune being the catalyst.
Cosicosi is Italian for indifference. Mark Andrew Holmes says this about it: Apathy, aloofness, inattention, unconcern, lack of feeling, passion, interest or curiosity. Even cavalierness or callousness. Impassiveness, like you or someone or something else just doesn't matter at all. Cosicosi lends a special quality of self-interestedly not giving a damn to whatever it touches, in your natal, by transit, by direction or by progression.
He describes Munchausen as " the telling and/or believing of lies, especially big ones told repeatedly and routinely."
Medea murdered her children.
And don't forget, her natal Uranus 22 Sag is sextile to anything at her natal 22 Azuarius.
If she has a late Sag rising, her Mars & Medea would be in the 12th house. Unseen - operating behind the scene.
Posting a chart just doesn't work for me - never comes out right!