Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16

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Thanks, katydid. I remember seeing that in the chart. Right now, though, I'm done. I'll look at the charts more closely at another time.

I can't imagine how her family is going to welcome her back with open arms and be comfortable knowing what they know. Talk about an elephant in the room! Now Casey and her family can make money on this story. :eek: Charts of the family would be interesting considering the outcome.

One thing for sure, I'm not buying any books about this, not even anything written by the jurors. Unbelievable.

Jose Baez can now become a superstar. Cheney Mason ends with a "victory". Just unbelievable.

That's all I'm saying.
Thanks to all the beautiful people that are still here and the ones that left to who had such passion for Caylee and devoted their precious time and energy and love to her.

I now believe Caylee was a beacon of light (or an angel if you will) to shine light on our hearts. She opened the hearts of so many. She did not get justice in this world perhaps she will at some time. I take comfort that she taught me to LOVE my children more because they are precious gifts beyond belief. Perhaps she taught other mothers to be grateful for they lives of their own babies.
She shined light on the darkness that can be a dysfunctional nuclear family, some may believe KC was born bad and her environment helped fuel her insanity. I am not convinced. It would take more science to convince me this was a fact. Her family IMHO helped create this monster that was allowed to throw her baby away like trash.

Perhaps Caylee's light will teach us to be aware of our family dynamics and rise above them and not create future family monsters.

An astrologer with whom I am acquainted (she has been frequently published) predicted this verdict, she also had another prediction, that an angry person would do her in. Let it be KNOWN I do not condone this at all, but can we see assasination in her chart or do we have to have an exact real birthtime for KC?
KATYDID23: I spent the day studying the two charts of the Opening Statements. I looked at them in terms of the ascendant and the rulers of such, and strength of their co-rulers and of the major angles. I have to say I am bit concerned about the 2 charts at this time.

The Prosecution Opening Statement chart has a 10 degree Cancer rising ascendent. That makes the Moon the ruler of the chart. [and that makes the moon's influence especially powerful as usually the chart will have a co-ruler, which would always be the moon. ] So the Moon has powerful double significance to the Prosecution in this trial.
The Moon signifies the Mother and Child and the protector of family. Thus the state is speaking for the family in this case, and coming forcefully to their defense. They will set out a very emotional message in their prosecution of this case. So we look to the Moon, as the ruler of the ascendant, and see where it is placed and how it is aspected to see what may unfold.

Remember that the moon was in Pisces for everyone that day, however the Prosecution opened their case when Cancer was rising, thus the Moon becomes their 'RULER' or significator. [ As opposed to the DT, whose opening was during Virgo rising, and thus has Mercury as their ruler/]

So we see that the Moon is @ 0Pisces24 and EXACTLY applying to a conjunction to Neptune @ 0Pisces54. We can interpret this conjunction as actually being enveloped by that Neptune. We would say that because they are so close together, they are applying and not separating,they are at Zero degrees, and Neptune is the dispositor of the Moon because it rules Pisces naturally. On top of that, the conjunction is taking place in the 9th house, which is also a domain of Pisces, as Jupiter corules it.

In other words, the Moon, the ruler of the Prosecutions opening statements, is totally enveloped and immersed in Neptunian energy. In other words, lies and deceit and allusions are swallowing the Prosecutions case somewhat. This may be a problem for a little while, however there is a breakthrough that seems to be upcoming. That Moon will pass over the Neptune and semi-sextile Uranus and square the Sun. That is a crisis point and it may be a tough battle, but it at least clears out some of the subterfuge.

That square to the Sun in Gemini in the 11th may be something with the jury as the 11th signifies community minds and the Uranus in the 10th may signify the judge.

The 10th house rules the court and the judge. Having Pisces on the MC is good in one way because that is the same sign as the Moon/Neptune conjunction. So in some ways the state feels like they are on the same page as the judge. However, the MC is 28 degree Pisces, so it is changing signs,and then there is this Uranus @ 3 Aries. That scares me a little and makes me think the judge will have some surprises that do not sit well with the state. That Aries energy may be concerned with preserving their rulings in case of appeals, and not be as concerned with allowing the jury to see everything the state has to offer. The 10th house changing from pisces to aries means the judge may become kind of unpredictable and it may impact the states case.There may be some sudden reversals of their opinion or erratic decisions which do not sit well with the state. However that Uranus also squares the Pluto, which denotes the DT in this chart, so they feel the brunt of it in the end, imo.

As the first house rules the state, the 7th house rules their opponents, the DT.
We can not help but notice that formidable opponent, the Pluto sitting on the 7th house cusp, in Capricorn. Pluto goes to the deepest darkest recesses, and slays the enemy by any means necessary. Interesting that Capricorn rules the Father. Pluto in Cap says ' Slay the Father' if need be. And that Pluto is the midpoint of the Saturn/Uranus opposition. No Holds Barred. This is going to get really ugly. Ebertin says Saturn/Uranus=Pluto means " the desire to overcome a difficult situation through an extraordinary effort." The DT is going to put up a major struggle and may be much harder to overcome than once thought. Possibly because they will go as low as they need to and fight really dirty, Pluto on Capricorn style.

We look to the 1st house to see the Prosecution, the 7th to see the DT, the 10th to see the judge, and the 4th house to see the 'end of the matter.' Saturn is in the 4th in Libra, a sign of it's exaltation. Saturn in 10 libra is exalted because it means balance and justice attained. So I am hoping that in the end, the state will break through the neptunian fog that is trying to cloud the jurors eyes, and will attain JUSTICE for the child they are speaking for. Cancer is nothing if not loyal and devoted. They wear you down. I think the jury and the public might be swayed a little at first by the DT'd dirty tricks. But in the end, the truth will win out. That Moon in Pisces eventually makes a nice sextile to the Taurus stellium and steady wins the race.


So I bolded the parts where I saw red flags. I tries to explain them away but they were there all along. Especially the part about the square to the Sun in the 11th , which is a conflict with the jury.

ALSO, the jury deliberation chart had Virgo rising, the SAME RISING as the DT Opening Statement chart !!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can twelve people agree that she was not guilty of anything?????????????
I also did not interpret this outcome in ANY chart I read. What the HECK is going on??
I am sick.
I want to say a BIG Thank You to all of you who are continuing to analyze the charts and make this a learning experience for all of us. I have been refreshed today to remember we are only interpreting the heavens not predicting. Our quest to get answers, justice, truth has had us held with baited breath for 3 years thinking we know the WHY. When today we are reminded that the creator is the only one who knows the whole story. While we cannot predict we can only seek to understand and that understanding makes us feel better. You all have helped us try to understand and see that there is a great work that is being done on a daily basis.
I didn't expect you to predict the future and I appreciate what insight you gave me. I take the time today to remember why I had Psalms 51:10 tattooed on my arm so that I could remember everyday to "Be Still and know that I am GOD".
I am sad but will still come to study and seek to understand for all of the other missing and murdered who need our energy and light to guide them home.
Thank You thank you thank you Astros.
An astrologer with whom I am acquainted (she has been frequently published) predicted this verdict, she also had another prediction, that an angry person would do her in. Let it be KNOWN I do not condone this at all, but can we see assasination in her chart or do we have to have an exact real birthtime for KC?

That is strange that you posted this because I had said that in an old previous post that Soulscape answered. This is exactly the feeling I had, although not that she would be found not guilty but I knew she would die nevertheless for what she has done. Soulscape said that you need her time of birth to see that.
How can twelve people agree that she was not guilty of anything?????????????
I also did not interpret this outcome in ANY chart I read. What the HECK is going on??
I am sick.

I'm not sure what the charts indicate but this jury did not deliberate with any sincerity. They were not in the room long enough. My guess is they took in the information they heard, decided the family was way too disfunctional and because of that fact it was an accidential drowning that snowballed out of control. Let her go and if she kills another child let that jury deal with her. This is why they will not answer any questions for the press.

KC's life is not over. But she is right. It has been taken away from her by her very actions.

I think JB proved that lying under oath needs to be dealt with inside and outside the courtroom. It makes a mockery of the court system.
First of all, thank you to all of the wonderful astrologers. You cannot imagine what this has been like for all of us in Orlando for three years. I was stunned when I watched the verdict read. Absolutely felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.
But as I reflected an hour or so later, I remembered what someone - Tuba, maybe? - posted predicting a death in prison for ICA. I have not gone back to look and will not tonight. Can't deal with this right now. But, many things can happen and the charts are accurate. I do not think anyone saw her walking out free.

Lots of anger right now in Orlando.

I wonder: if she serves even a few months in prison if she will meet a death there.

I know everyone is exhausted right now. But, maybe a review of charts after the dust settles. I just do not think she will walk out into a new life.
So now the Talking Heads on FoxNews, [ Dr Ablow] are starting to point their fingers at George. "Maybe he walked out of court today because he knows the focus will turn to him now, maybe rightfully..."

O Lord. This is going to get even uglier from here on out. Casey is going to come out swingin and talking and LYING. That Grand Square on her T-Square. I really really thought it was going to block her in, imprison her. But it looks like it is going to give her a FOUNDATION, a bully pulpit, a stage from which to speak her lies. Lord Have Mercy.
(muttering to myself)
Now I understand what was in the cards. A blond woman will help.
Wishes come true. Sailing away.
Death meant Caylee.
Confusion and muddled thinking by jurors.
Then, Justice and The Tower collapses.

Sometimes, it's hard to determine which party will get their wish come true. How can this be?

Thank You to all our great Astrologers. Please know how appreciated you are.
Thank you astrologers you all did a great job. I don't think we are done with the A's by a long shot. GA must be very conflicted because he knows although she is free KC is in a lot danger from the crazies of the world. KC has literally removed the last bit of self-esteem he had. The jury has sent a message to Orlando that they believe her lies. How sad for him. What will he do now and where will he go?
What a shocking & frustrating day this has been. After hearing the verdict I have been trying to read and post here without luck (until now)...

I want to THANK all of the wonderful Astrologer's who have given so much time to this case! It has been an inspiring journey and I have learned so much in the last few years. And, I too, like Katydid and others, have been going back over the charts looking for the indications of a not guilty verdict.

Upon Soulscape posting the Jury Begins Deliberations Chart... [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16[/ame]
...I immediately noticed that the Moon was near opposition to Neptune. For some reason this just jumped off the chart to me. Especially, when believing future aspects predict future events.

It is my understanding, according to Lilly, the moon represents the jury. Also, on the day deliberations began the Moon was 'void of course', since she was not making any more aspects until she changed sign.

Here are some notes I jotted down after looking at the Jury Begins Deliberations Chart yesterday, but did not have the STOMACH to post…

Per Lilly, on the moon being VOC...“Behold the moon if she be void of course, for then it signifies an impediment to the thing in question, it will not come to a good end, nor be accomplished; but the querent shall be forced to desist with shame and loss” and “(moon VOC) signifies that the thing enquired after shall scarce ever come to a good end and not without much labor, sorrow and trouble; unless ruler of ascendant or quesited be in a very good condition, then it may be hindered but not wholly frustrated”.

“This is most usually in the Moon; in judgments doe you carefully observe whether she be void of course yea or no, you shall seldom see business go handsomely forward when she is so.” ~W.Lilly

Additionally, the moon is found in House 11 at 24 degrees and is within 6 degrees of applying opposition to Neptune...
- emotional rollercoaster ride
- difficulty facing reality and hard cold facts
- scandal

Now, I know why I was so ill…
~ MarlaMe
That is strange that you posted this because I had said that in an old previous post that Soulscape answered. This is exactly the feeling I had, although not that she would be found not guilty but I knew she would die nevertheless for what she has done. Soulscape said that you need her time of birth to see that.

Let's hope that more violence isn't in the cards for this family, and that your astrologer friend realizes, we ALL die at the end of the road of our path in life.
That's inevitable.

Best to leave vengeance in God's the Bible teaches us. Only God knows the heart of men (and women) and humans (as St. Paul tells us), only see "through a glass darkly"
What a shocking & frustrating day this has been. After hearing the verdict I have been trying to read and post here without luck (until now)...

I want to THANK all of the wonderful Astrologer's who have given so much time to this case! It has been an inspiring journey and I have learned so much in the last few years. And, I too, like Katydid and others, have been going back over the charts looking for the indications of a not guilty verdict.

Upon Soulscape posting the Jury Begins Deliberations Chart... Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #16
...I immediately noticed that the Moon was near opposition to Neptune. For some reason this just jumped off the chart to me. Especially, when believing future aspects predict future events.

It is my understanding, according to Lilly, the moon represents the jury. Also, on the day deliberations began the Moon was 'void of course', since she was not making any more aspects until she changed sign.

Here are some notes I jotted down but did not have the STOMACH to post on Sunday…

Per Lilly, on the moon being VOC...“Behold the moon if she be void of course, for then it signifies an impediment to the thing in question, it will not come to a good end, nor be accomplished; but the querent shall be forced to desist with shame and loss” and “(moon VOC) signifies that the thing enquired after shall scarce ever come to a good end and not without much labor, sorrow and trouble; unless ruler of ascendant or quesited be in a very good condition, then it may be hindered but not wholly frustrated”.

“This is most usually in the Moon; in judgments doe you carefully observe whether she be void of course yea or no, you shall seldom see business go handsomely forward when she is so.” ~W.Lilly

Additionally, the moon is found in House 11 at 24 degrees and is within 6 degrees of applying opposition to Neptune...
- emotional rollercoaster ride
- difficulty facing reality and hard cold facts
- scandal

Now, I know why I was so ill…
~ MarlaMe

Thank you mucho much for this from Wm. Lilly about the Moon VOC (so good to recall) and this WAS indeed, shown the same on the sequestered jury chart at 11:26AM on July 4th, "Moon VOC in the 12th house" and opposed to Neptune in the 6th conjunct Chiron and BOTH "intercepted" in the sign of Pisces.
Thanks so much for this reminder, it explains the entire scenario quite well.

Good to recall these important observations from a master.
I really believe that another huge problem for the prosecution team was that ALL of the jurors were chosen with one main trait in common. NONE OF THEM READ NEWSPAPERS OR WATCHED THE NEWS OR LISTENED TO TALK RADIO.

In my opinion, that creates an entire jury of people who are not interested in their community or their world. That means they do not care that much about social issues
or protecting society from sociopaths. imoo

And that is shown by the 11th house Mercury in Leo representing the jury.
Last night I read my horoscope for today on and it said I would be highly irritated this afternoon (an understatement, I might add). So when they said the jury had reached a decision I cringed and thought about the horoscope.

I feel bad for our astros who saw this coming. It must have weighed heavy on their shoulders. But as Scarlett O'Hara said, "Tomorrow's a brand new day." And as sure as there is a tomorrow this case will continue with a life of it's own.
I really believe that another huge problem for the prosecution team was that ALL of the jurors were chosen with one main trait in common. NONE OF THEM READ NEWSPAPERS OR WATCHED THE NEWS OR LISTENED TO TALK RADIO.

In my opinion, that creates an entire jury of people who are not interested in their community or their world. That means they do not care that much about social issues
or protecting society from sociopaths. imoo

And that is shown by the 11th house Mercury in Leo representing the jury.

This observation is so insightful. So true. It's as if they have closed themselves off to the "big picture". i.e., life. How can one grow and evolve if not plugged in in some way?

I haven't finished reading all of the comments yet. But I wanted to chime in and say THANK YOU!!! to all of our devoted, hard-working astros -- especially Leomoon who worked so very hard to pick up the slack for Tuba and Housemouse in their absence.... and Fifthessence for your contribution and moderation. The work you guys do, the knowledge and teaching you impart, is a generous gift. You are our "messengers" (interpreters). I appreciate your participation in this forum so very much. I appreciate *everyone's* contribution and interpretations!!! You are all so talented and generous with your craft.

(A special hello/welcome back to Tuba. (waving!) xo)
I suppose I'd say "its a good thing" not to be watching or reading anything concerning this case which has enthalled the U.S. for 3 years especially so, when in a jury room judging another in such a critical way.

Imagine IF they were watching Nancy Grace every night, and her infamous hatred and vitriol spewed, I think that would be doing a ton of damage to folks who may be (not necessarily this group of 12) sheeple or people easily influenced .

That is the problem and why they are not allowed such.

I do recall once when a judge allowed a Football Game to be shown when it was some important enough to the jurors game.

I wonder what the lady jurors did that day? :)

But seriously, changing places for a moment, I can't imagine wanting a jury of my peers (as they are termed), to judge me for a life and death issue while watching Jane Valdez M. or Nancy (not very graceful) Grace.

Can't even imagine it...for a "fair and balanced" verdict.

Note: not saying that I agree at all with this one, because I do not.
There was more then ample "circumstantial evidence" to convict on manslaughter imo.
I truly think justice wasn't served in this case.

But now it's up to Casey to get on with her life, and God will judge her past and future unless like OJ (good grief) .....gets into hot water again and lands in prison.
Her parents likewise, seem to have deserted her so she appears to be all alone except for her team of lawyers.

They may even have to offer to house her after Thursday.
As I sit here tonight, the only thing that I keep thinking is...Casey Anthony....Florida's own Joran Van Der Sloot. She will strike again.
I must comment to you Leomoon I too admire the work that you have done but I must disagree with you by suggesting Casey's parents deserting her... that reason would be for every action there is a reaction, (Casey spewing her lies to get her ownself out of a jam) she lost her parents at this time, a person can only handle so much you know... and Nancy Grace is a victims advocate so that is where her passion comes from,she's a victim of a crime herself and she knows the pain the Anthony's are going thru
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