Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3

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No I didn't see it. I'll look back for it. Thanks very much. Question -- was 1:30 - 2:30 in the afternoon included in the time she turned off the cell?
They were done prior to her disappearance. Which shows premeditation, I guess. But this ZG that DetMom found the info on fits in with KCs statement of a DOB to LE. Just thougth it was coincidental info? Or not?

Tech -- that's really weird then. if CA did the searches. Because KC told the police (saw that on a site (topix dot com)) that Zenaida's DOB was 10-1-70, and that coincides with the info that was found by DetMom...very strange indeed. Wonder if Cindy gave that info to KC? Or if it was actually KC finding her scapegoat on the puter before she was arrested?

See my post

The searches were done after. Probably CA trying to get info.

Also: people tend to go off on tangents when it comes to ZG. There is no ZG, except for the poor woman who has been drug into this thru no fault of her own. I think the one you're referencing has been discussed already into oblivion. If you look at the myspace thread you'll find it.
Family connections can be seen in their natal charts. For example, Casey's Sun is the same degree as Cindy's Mars. Grandparents are said to be represented by Uranus. I've seen this true in my chart as well as others. Caylee's Uranus is very close to Cindy's Uranus but, inconjunct, which could be that servant position I mentioned. Since it is the same planet we can't say one is applying to the other, exactly, but Cindy's Uranus is in this position to Caylee's, Leo making the waxing inconjunct to Pisces. If I were to compare the natural 6th house ruler, Mercury, Caylee's is at 11Leo, conjunct Cindy's Uranus at 8Leo. No, Cindy is her caregiver, not mother figure.

Regardless of what people want to think about Casey, I've never met anyone, male of female, with Cancer Moon that mother and motherhood isn't important too. I have yet to hear one statement from those that know her or see one picture that doesn't support that. No one has said she wasn't a good mother and its written all over her face that she loves that little girl. If she accidentally killed her and is covering, she has split from physical reality in order to bear the pain.That is one way she might try balancing that t-square she has. Cindy, on the other hand has Moon in Aquarius, quite good at nurturing with a detached, objective emotional bond, potentially quite good at caring for other people's children. It is possible Cindy has very late Capricorn Moon which is still not as nurturing and protective as Casey's Moon. Cappy Moon is quite the disciplinarian, although potentially quite responsible and patient.

If she "accidentally" overdosed her on sedatives that were never meant to be given to a child, then that is GROSSLY negligent, even if she did not INTEND for her to DIE, she was still the hand that brought the death about by administering drugs to her when she should not have. Her departing from reality may be because she is afraid to admit that the "accident" was her drugging her own child...:mad:
Family connections can be seen in their natal charts. For example, Casey's Sun is the same degree as Cindy's Mars. Grandparents are said to be represented by Uranus. I've seen this true in my chart as well as others. Caylee's Uranus is very close to Cindy's Uranus but, inconjunct, which could be that servant position I mentioned. Since it is the same planet we can't say one is applying to the other, exactly, but Cindy's Uranus is in this position to Caylee's, Leo making the waxing inconjunct to Pisces. If I were to compare the natural 6th house ruler, Mercury, Caylee's is at 11Leo, conjunct Cindy's Uranus at 8Leo. No, Cindy is her caregiver, not mother figure.

Regardless of what people want to think about Casey, I've never met anyone, male of female, with Cancer Moon that mother and motherhood isn't important too. I have yet to hear one statement from those that know her or see one picture that doesn't support that. No one has said she wasn't a good mother and its written all over her face that she loves that little girl. If she accidentally killed her and is covering, she has split from physical reality in order to bear the pain.That is one way she might try balancing that t-square she has. Cindy, on the other hand has Moon in Aquarius, quite good at nurturing with a detached, objective emotional bond, potentially quite good at caring for other people's children. It is possible Cindy has very late Capricorn Moon which is still not as nurturing and protective as Casey's Moon. Cappy Moon is quite the disciplinarian, although potentially quite responsible and patient.

Pleanty of people have said she was not a good mother. She was said to bring Caylee into a "party" atmosphere and put her to sleep on the couch in the midst of these parties. She was said to have had her in the bed CONTINUALLY with her lover Ricardo on an ONGOING basis. She has NEVER provided for her child or made any effort to provide for her child. Let's not forget the party girl she BECAME after her daughter was missing...She has never BEEN the mother, she has been more like the sister. Casey herself admits this when she says that if it had been Cindy that Caylee were speaking to she would have been crying, why? Because CINDY was her mother figure, not Casey. What exactly would constitute "not being a good mother" to you if these things that I have mentioned do not suffice?:confused:
Pleanty of people have said she was not a good mother. She was said to bring Caylee into a "party" atmosphere and put her to sleep on the couch in the midst of these parties. She was said to have had her in the bed CONTINUALLY with her lover Ricardo on an ONGOING basis. She has NEVER provided for her child or made any effort to provide for her child. Let's not forget the party girl she BECAME after her daughter was missing...She has never BEEN the mother, she has been more like the sister. Casey herself admits this when she says that if it had been Cindy that Caylee were speaking to she would have been crying, why? Because CINDY was her mother figure, not Casey. What exactly would constitute "not being a good mother" to you if these things that I have mentioned do not suffice?:confused:

I think there are 2 KC's: One she presents to the world, and the other one others don't see, if that makes sense.
We could look at when the video/picture of Caylee was taken the day before, which I have looked at. In looking at this photo, I think I see her God light still present. But I'm not as good as others at seeing. If so, it would indicate she hadn't left her body and if she died soon after, it was an accident. (snipped)

ok I've pretty much been able to follow this thread up until now, so I'm feeling quite dense and have to ask: why would Caylee's God light *not* be showing in the photo --- why would she have left her body since she was clearly quite alive at that point??? (in laymen's terms please!!) TY!
Oh yes, and let us not forget the first year of Caylee's life when Casey was PRETENDING to go to work everyday and leaving Caylee with first Lauren and then Jesse and the Grunds. How does THIS show what a good mother she is again because I just can't see it?
Oh yes, lest I forget, how about the fact that she was continually stealing all the money out of Caylee's piggy bank and also robbed the entire balance out of the bank account that George started for Caylee's future...what "good mother" does these things when it was obvious she did not need those funds to eat or to pay bills and she was NOT spending them on Caylee...How can you say that nobody has said she was not a good mother, when everything that anyone HAS said and all of her own actions demonstrate exactly that fact? Smiling for the camera does not a good mother make.
Excellent points Magic-Cat. CA was the "real" parent for Caylee...purhcasing all of the life sustaining needs of the child, stability, nourishment, emotional connection. We have to remember KC's moon in cancer is opposed by neptune in capricorn forming t-square to selfish aries/venus. She was faced with a constant tug of war between being a responsible PARENT (the cancer-caparicorn axis) and her need to be young, carefree, and "me first" (aries!)....resolution could have been found in the libran sector (which incidentally holds Caylee's moon and jupiter), which would have allowed a reasoned balance. Moon opposition neptune coulds the emotions/judgements.....KC acts on impulse. Mars in sagittarius conjunct uranus, square her sun/mercury in Pisces. Emotionally, KC tripped up all over herself. Perhaps had her own parental guidance, she would have found a more constructive outlet to deal with her challenges. KC was very ill prepared to become a parent and we see the results of that now.
There is that old verse:
"Actions speak louder than words" and in this case, I do believe that it is not necessary for anyone to voice the words Casey was not a good mother because ALL of her ACTIONS scream it out LOUD and CLEAR...
Interesting about your comment "smiling not make good mother". Prominent neptune/pisces in KC's chart has allowed her to hone skills as a deceiver. On the surface she appeared to be a good mother by virtue of "no physical/verbal abuse" was ever witnessed. She "appeared" to be a good mom on superficial glance. Like hollywood movies (neptune/pisces) all that glamour is orchestrated....not real. Photographs can indeed deceive. A few posts back about JFK....all the word was enthralled and mesmerized by the beautiful photographs of "Jack and Jackie with the kids"...smiling, photogenic, rich, powerful, benevolent. Well, we all know the backstory on Jack.....there was never really a camelot. Interesting to note Jacqueline Kennedy had neptune conjuct her midheaven.
Casey had some talent with a camera & considered herself a crack photographer. This would have made up part of her kit, necessary to the Casey way of life. Stage and set up photos for the way you want your life & your interactions to look, record that and embed it. Publish those pictures and videos. Make it seem real.
beck, I checked and the cell phone was silent that day from 1:11 pm to 2:05 pm. Then a text came in to the phone at 2:11 and another at 2:42.
ok I've pretty much been able to follow this thread up until now, so I'm feeling quite dense and have to ask: why would Caylee's God light *not* be showing in the photo --- why would she have left her body since she was clearly quite alive at that point??? (in laymen's terms please!!) TY!

From my observation, being with a couple of people through out there last days/weeks, and from what a couple others very good at seeing the aura, the spirit leaves the body, most of the time, a few days or more before physical death. But, in my personal observation, that tight white band of light closest to the body is absent when a person is about to die, even if they are going to use an "accident" as their exit. Some, though, I think are a true accident, not planned. My friend observed that Princess Dianna still had her light in the Photo taken of her the night of her death and her conclusion was she didn't plan to go at the subconscious level. When my mother was passing, there was a void or darkness surrounding her body for most of her last week even though she did talk some and was still physically alive.

I said my statements weren't going to be popular. I read what I saw in the charts. As for the other comments about her as a mother, I was referring to what all of her friends said about her as a mother. If she were neglectful surely her parents or friends would have witnessed something. She obviously wasn't the most responsible as far as earning an income to support her. Yes, she may have robbed her piggy bank, but I've had to do the same once or twice. That clearly doesn't make me a bad mother. My children have slept with me, especially when I was nursing them. I won't apologize for that. George said they were fully clothed. What is the difference between laying on the floor of the living room watching tv together or laying on the bed? Everyone has their own sense of what is right and wrong. Apparently George didn't approve even though they were engaged and Jesse G thought of her as a daughter. George A has his right to his moral code and to have that respected in his home. But, George seems to be quite suspicious of Jesse in his interview. The trip to the hospital seems really strange too.

Everyone has Pisces somewhere in their natal chart. That is the part of us that is necessary to understand that there are things that may not be physically tangible but are, never the less, real. Love and compassion are two of those things. Sure we have tangible ways we can try to show that but Pisces is where we have the potential to see beyond what is illusion or apparently the truth in order to see the real truth, without preconceived notions. Pisces is a beautiful, sensitive sign and energy. Some of the most wonderful artists have strong Pisces energy. Just because one has a Pisces Sun doesn't mean they are automatically a liar. Every energy has its positive and negative potential. It is energy, pure and simple. It is up to us how we use that energy. Some of the most accomplished people I know have squares, t-squars, even hung t-squares in their charts. In fact, it was that energy that gave them the kick in the pants necessary to accomplish. Someone with a mess of trines wouldn't have the same motivation. Life seems to hand them everything on a silver platter quite often so there isn't motivation to work extra hard. Pisces' most common crime is having a beautiful ideal come crashing down around them when they find out the real world isn't as beautiful and loving as they had envisioned. Look at how the protesters have been treating that family, simply because of their association with Casey. Do they deserve having rocks thrown at their house day and night? I'd hoped we'd evolved beyond Hammurabi's code by now. But even that law was directed at the actual law breaker, not the parents of the suspect.

About her not graduating, according to George in the interview, she was missing 1/2 credit since her junior year and they never let them know until time to graduate. I would have been furious with the administration at the school for that one. I played my way through my senior year with art and choir because I had all my credits. If the parents weren't notified, likely she wasn't either. But the school had a responsibility to notify her guardians.
CA has lost so much wt. that it is frightening. She is a husk of her former self. George is so close to her anguish and agony that I do understand why her protects her at the risk of seeming like the driveway doesn't make it to the front door.

She now confronts her yearly low, when the Sun, not to mention Mercury and Mars, opposes her natal Sun. Everything goes awry and we also put our worst foot forward. Our judgment is at its weakest. Since she's already achieved a new record in these matters, where do we go from here?

I think one key is her progressed Mercury now conjunct natal Pluto but square natal Mercury. Pluto handed her the bull horn but the double Mercury affliction doomed the presentation. I've gone into great detail regarding the progressed Mars opposite Neptune and how that marked the treachery by her daughter, so I won't belabor it.

Back when the baby came, CA's progressed Sun was in Cancer while her Moon was in Libra along with natal and progressed Jupiter. Of course, she shares those Libran placements with Caylee. What a bond!
Beckaroozie, the address ZG gave on her statement to the police was Motel 6, which she also listed as her place of work which I thought very strange, especially since she has 6 children. But, that address you show is 16.9 miles from the Anthony home, to the NW as I was seeing. Now, Moon, at 3Sag43, to Jupiter at 20Cap12 is 16*29' difference, ignoring the signs. Jupiter would rule Caylee, and Neptune Casey, I believe in the chart for when George last saw her. 16.5 is pretty close to 16.9. Jupiter is quite close to the cusp which would represent either an intersection or border of some kind. This address on Rosamond Dr is quite close to the Northern border of Orange county, 2.5 miles. Now, in part 4, I believe, of George's interview with the police he says that after the gas can incident on the 24th, he spotted Casey on highway 408 with Cindy's car and tried to follow her but she was going too fast. She had borrowed it and left her car behind at their house. (I wouldn't think if there had been a dead body in it at that point she would leave it unattended, but, what do I know) Anyway, this highway is part of the path to the address you give. What does anyone know about this area? 408 contains two very karmic numbers and add to 12, the number of reversal or Rx, describing the state of all three significators in that chart. Could this be the area that needs to be searched? I was expecting to see something connected to Lilith, such as a lot of lilies, Lily in the name, maybe a Day's Inn close by, a red sea of sorts, or swamp, something connected to an owl, perhaps something that looks like the Hebrew glyph for her name, etc (BML glyph is a black crescent Moon sitting atop a cross and the asteroid glyph looks like a rounded wy. There is a crescent shaped body of water, the reverse of Lilith's glyph, just up the road from this address. Usually, though, I see a measurement from the significator to the cusp of an angle rather than from one significator to another. But, could be....
Hi everyone - I just deleted a post I made about "new" DNA evidence found in the case. Evidently soeone bumped up the old thread from the original release of DNA evidence and I didn't even notice the dates on it (from August!). Oh lawdy, scared me self senseless. Sorry if I got everyone all riled up! (Blushing) Kait
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