Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3

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Aksleuth, I didn't see evidence of more than one. As for the time, if he were using the birth time of each he would have been using a diurnal chart but that isn't what he was doing. It isn't sunrise either, that was 7:07 am that day. Kennedy was born at 3pm at Brookline, MA as far as I know. Oswald was from New Orleans but didn't find a birth time. Kennedy died at 1pm. Oswald was killed at 11:21 am on the 24th. I have no idea where that time would come from. Maybe he had a different birth time for Kennedy and was using that.
Sorry Pink -- I'll shut up now. lol Looks like I'm stepping all over myself today. Maybe I should've stayed a lurker. lol
OMG. I just spent 15 minutes answering you, tried to post and it went "poof". No. Please don't stay a lurker. What you have to offer is interesting! I was merely suggesting that perhaps, a separate thread might be in order. But you know, what do I know!
Thank you very BIG, magic-cat! That's all I need to know.:)
My questions weren't answered that I could find, so I'll put this out there again.

The most important parts of my post are bolded and the questions I'm really curious about are underlined. Can someone help?

Last night, I happened to be reading the book, Forensic Astrology, suggested by our astrologers. The author, Dave Campbell, believes Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter. Do others here agree? Also, in looking at the charts he did, he used for JFK, 8:37 am, Brookline, MA for the day of death. For Oswald, he used 8:37 am, New Orleans. Why? I understand he used the places of birth for each man for the day of assassination, but why? And why did he use 8:37 am instead of 12:30 pm, the time of the actual shooting? Why not use Dallas as the place? If he said so in the book, I missed it. Any thoughts?

Most important questions are about the time and place for the day of the event.

Thanks so much.

bumping ...that's a great question.

Wonder if any of our Astro Ladies are familiar with his methods. Hope someone chimes in on this.
aksleuth, I did take your q. seriously & I saw it first thing this a.m. I have seen students do this sort of progressed chart by hand. Instead of using an adjusted calculation date, they want to make the chart as exact as possible. Bringing it up to the day that = the year and then the month doesn't satisfy them. They want a progr. birth time also, on the birth day. ( I would use the Key Cycle if I were seeking precision.) That appears to be what Campbell is doing via software. So he is progressing the horoscope of birth at the birthplace and leaving the Dallas transits to tell the story of the assassination.
I'm not sure why he used the birth places. Perhaps because that is where our "soul imprint" is embedded and that energy follows us wherever we go on earth - so maybe he overlaid the death chart onto the natal charts/birth place. Not sure why he used New Orleans for Oswald either. That's the place he was living when he plotted the assassination? Don't know where he was born. I haven't done any work on the JFK case - long time ago looked at Jackie & his natal charts, just out of curiousity....but no detailed analysis. Maybe somebody else??
Agree Tuba. I also do my annual progress and solar returns for my birth place and also relocate them to the city where I now live. In the years that I have experienced major events - the birth place chart seems to always be better for timing the event. I have natal intercepted 1st house - so the rising sign is different by at least 5-6 degrees between the birth place and relocated city. MH is different by about 2-3 degrees.
Most people I know have great faith in the relocated progressed chart. But like you, I prefer the birth place. Hey, you never really leave that imprint behind.
Beckaroozie, the address ZG gave on her statement to the police was Motel 6, which she also listed as her place of work which I thought very strange, especially since she has 6 children. But, that address you show is 16.9 miles from the Anthony home, to the NW as I was seeing. Now, Moon, at 3Sag43, to Jupiter at 20Cap12 is 16*29' difference, ignoring the signs. Jupiter would rule Caylee, and Neptune Casey, I believe in the chart for when George last saw her. 16.5 is pretty close to 16.9. Jupiter is quite close to the cusp which would represent either an intersection or border of some kind. This address on Rosamond Dr is quite close to the Northern border of Orange county, 2.5 miles. Now, in part 4, I believe, of George's interview with the police he says that after the gas can incident on the 24th, he spotted Casey on highway 408 with Cindy's car and tried to follow her but she was going too fast. She had borrowed it and left her car behind at their house. (I wouldn't think if there had been a dead body in it at that point she would leave it unattended, but, what do I know) Anyway, this highway is part of the path to the address you give. What does anyone know about this area? 408 contains two very karmic numbers and add to 12, the number of reversal or Rx, describing the state of all three significators in that chart. Could this be the area that needs to be searched? I was expecting to see something connected to Lilith, such as a lot of lilies, Lily in the name, maybe a Day's Inn close by, a red sea of sorts, or swamp, something connected to an owl, perhaps something that looks like the Hebrew glyph for her name, etc (BML glyph is a black crescent Moon sitting atop a cross and the asteroid glyph looks like a rounded wy. There is a crescent shaped body of water, the reverse of Lilith's glyph, just up the road from this address. Usually, though, I see a measurement from the significator to the cusp of an angle rather than from one significator to another. But, could be....


The 408 has been the focus of our tentative searches. Back several pages in this thread, I wrote of several places I "looked" at using 4.5 miles WNW and ESE. The WNW spotting brought me along the 408, it also brought Cocoamom (can't remember how she spells her name) to a church about 1/2 mile north of Goldenrod and 50, which is just north of 408 (there are two threads about this). We've looked at several areas along 408 including Lake Underhill, Greenwood Cemetery, Executive Airport, Demetree Park, and not to mention the Sawgrass Apts and Tennessee Lake which are also in the vicinity.

Lake Lucerne has a shape nearly similar to a crescent. It's just southeast of 408 and I-4. Lake Lancaster has a more crescent shape and it's southeast of Lake Lucerne, and slightly southwest of Greenwood Cemetery.

So many lakes, so many places to search, and no witnesses! :furious:

I'm thinking if I ever need to dispose of a body, I'm going to bring it to Orlando. I used to think our swamps and marshes were a good place but I'm rethinking that. Florida is looking better and better. :eek:
aksleuth, I did take your q. seriously & I saw it first thing this a.m. I have seen students do this sort of progressed chart by hand. Instead of using an adjusted calculation date, they want to make the chart as exact as possible. Bringing it up to the day that = the year and then the month doesn't satisfy them. They want a progr. birth time also, on the birth day. ( I would use the Key Cycle if I were seeking precision.) That appears to be what Campbell is doing via software. So he is progressing the horoscope of birth at the birthplace and leaving the Dallas transits to tell the story of the assassination.

Tuba, OK-the part about using the Dallas transits to 'tell the story' would make sense. So how or why does the time change when figuring out a progressed chart?

I'm merely a student here and if the answer isn't too complicated and time consuming, would someone give me an idea as to the 'progressed' time determination or how it's arrived at? thanks
Aksleuth, I didn't see evidence of more than one. As for the time, if he were using the birth time of each he would have been using a diurnal chart but that isn't what he was doing. It isn't sunrise either, that was 7:07 am that day. Kennedy was born at 3pm at Brookline, MA as far as I know. Oswald was from New Orleans but didn't find a birth time. Kennedy died at 1pm. Oswald was killed at 11:21 am on the 24th. I have no idea where that time would come from. Maybe he had a different birth time for Kennedy and was using that.

Thanks again for responding. The reason I asked the question and specifically brought it here is because our astrologers here recommended the book, so I thought someone had insight to his method.

He does have the birth charts posted with times, but his day of the event (assassination) charts were the ones with the unusual time and places. Oswald was born in N.O. 18 Oct 1939, 9:55 pm. That's why I was wondering. He used Kennedy's correct birth information, too.

This is how he listed it:

22 Nov 1917
Brookline, MA
3 PM

Assassination Chart for Kennedy
22 Nov 1917
8:37 am
Brookline, MA

18 Oct 1939
New Orleans, LA
9:55 PM

Assassination chart for Oswald
22 Nov 1963
8:37 am
New Orleans, LA

My note: Kennedy was shot at 12:30 pm and pronounced dead at 1 pm.
Thank you again.
Sorry Pink -- I'll shut up now. lol Looks like I'm stepping all over myself today. Maybe I should've stayed a lurker. lol

No, no, no. She was simply asking you to begin a new thread where the subject can be fully discussed. She didn't mean to scare you away, really she didn't.

Tuba, OK-the part about using the Dallas transits to 'tell the story' would make sense. So how or why does the time change when figuring out a progressed chart?

Thanks for the answers, Tuba and KAITLAND. What FifthEssence posted is actually my puzzle, too. Okay, so if he's using the birthplace footprint which is understandable, why use 8:37 am? I thought maybe it was the time JFK's airplane took off to get to Dallas or the time it landed, but that doesn't seen right unless they had some sort of hoopla before getting into the motorcade to go downtown.

Was it the time Oswald entered the book depository building? How would they know that? Did he punch a time card (no computer set up to record his movement in those days).

Maybe I should write to the author and ask him? I understand about progressions and such, it was that odd ball time that really threw me. He does the same with all the charts in his book: Laci Peterson and her murderous husband, Robert Blake and Bonnie Lee Bakely, Polly Klaas, 9/11.....I guess it stood out to me about the JFK charts because I knew where he was killed (imbedded in my brain forever :eek:).

Thanks so much for the help, Tuba, AqEssence, KAITLAND.
Hey, I am over on another thread and jbean said the documents had Cindy's birthdate wrong...I am wondering if WE have it wrong.
That would not be good. I feel I know her so well!
I was just reading an incident report from 18 September. Trespass and battery with DOB for both Geo. & CA just as we have them. I have seen mistakes in the police reports. At first Caylee's birth was incorrect. Since this is a confirmation though, and not our original source, I think that we can have confidence in our dates.
I was just reading an incident report from 18 September. Trespass and battery with DOB for both Geo. & CA just as we have them. I have seen mistakes in the police reports. At first Caylee's birth was incorrect. Since this is a confirmation though, and not our original source, I think that we can have confidence in our dates.

Oh good...That scared me when I saw that and I thought OH NO! But good!:)
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