Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3

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:eek:Under the chart at the above link is some interpretation of the horoscope. The Part of Fatality, marked (F) is 26:07 Scorpio square Neptune in Aquarius at 26:08, Neptune representing the chloroform poison in the air of Aquarius. Another part commonly used, the Part of Death, is found in the House of the Child at 29:09 Capricorn, marked (D).

Mars rules the H. of Death and is conjunct and at the same degree as the mean node of the Moon, south. Caylee's natal ASC is on the Cusp of Sorrows & Something to Weep Over. Her heart action is arrested (Leo of the Heart). Inside that House are planets that denote hidden horrors (usually referred to as 'skeletons in the closet' by astrologers). The Moon is square that Saturn of stoppage: Virgo health of constitution relinquishes life. Moon in H. 3 is our breathing, particularly in II or Sagittarius and it has stopped. It is a Moon Day, so we have to pay careful att'n to the Moon.

It is the Hour of Venus (uses standard time) and as has been much discussed, Venus and the Sun are tragically afflicted by Uranus and Pluto. On June 13, Casey slept over for the first time at AL's and that was 3° before the solar position here. It marks the beginning of the Uranus, shocking habit (ruling House 6) of drugging with chloroform, when the Sun-Uranus square was exact.

Ascendant Significator Casey is found at 13II17 on the north node of the planet Uranus as she tries to plot her way out of the predicament in flagrante delicto. She is making an effort at inventive solutions. The Sun, however, rules the House of Disastrous Consequences & Self Undoing, and he is found blazing away in the most prominent angle of any chart, the 10th House. What is covered will be uncovered.

The Sun opposes the very notion of hidden knowledge, knowledge withheld, Pluto at 29:56 Sagittarius. Sagittarius always examines our values. I value my child; she is missing; but I will not speak about it? Within a month Casey is arrested.
Tuba, I love viewing your charts. I've started studying astrology again after putting it on the back burner 10 years ago due to my christian upbringing. I'm at peace with it now thanks to our dear Housemouse and her gentle explanation. I'm grateful to all who post charts here as it is time consuming. Am looking forward to one day being able to contribute and at the very least ask intelligent questions.:)
I'm glad you can take them in. I'm now looking a chart I cast for the Tx EquuSearch to begin on 8 Nov. The ASC is the same as the ASC for Casey's initial arrest. One of the searchers is like Diana the Huntress (or Artemis). She is like the point woman or lead for a group that includes several women. An important find before the close of daylight, when Moon meets Uranus. Fortuna is square Pluto, however, not sure what they have happened upon. Part of Find is 6:02 Pisces trine Mercury at 6:17 Scorpio. That Mercury is a friend of the group & a part of the group in that sense and quite young! "...and a little child shall lead them."

Thanks for taking the time to review the possibilities.

This is the coming all in search one week from today. The ASC is the same, 2° Sagittarius, as the ASC for Casey's initial arrest. Both Uranus and Neptune are in equidistant parallel to the House 4 Cusp. Spiritual guidance is shown by these outer planets controlling the outcome.

The Moon is separating from the parallel to Uranus & the contraparallel to Saturn. (Sorry about the ink blot on Uranus). This has more to do with who searches where and some changes in that.
My mind is just not "getting" this today.
Will she be found by the searchers ?
Define for a victim of a milld stroke.....:blowkiss:
How we wish Caylee was laid to rest in a sealed casket in a properly dug grave marked with a proper memorial or at least a cross. Unfortunately, it wasn't that way. What I believe TES will come upon is something more like a remnant of her "burial" but it will provide needed information and a realization of what to do next.
I don't know if this matters or not but I am posting this just in case it does help. I love this thread.
Anyway, there is an article I put in today's daily updates and the article tells the date AND time Leonard Padilla's plane will touch down as he arrives to rejoin with TES in Orlando.:blowkiss:
I have examined the TES Resumes Search chart from a slightly different (but I believe compatible) perspective than Tuba, and am guardedly optimistic.

As Tuba did, I have cast the chart for 8:00 am, Saturday November 8, 2008, using the coordinates of Orlando Florida. I am looking at the chart in the Regiomontanus House system (I believe Tuba used Placidus).

You can view the chart here:

02:01 Sagittarius rises, making Jupiter chart ruler. Using the Regiomontanus house system, Sagittarius also owns the 2nd House cusp, which is both the House of Near Future and the natural house looked at to locate lost items. Because TES initiated the action, Jupiter symbolizes TES and the search & rescue team. The 4th House End of the Matter is Pisces, also ruled by Jupiter (using traditional rulers). This tells me TES (1st House), the Near Future/ Lost Items (2nd House) and the End of the Matter (4th House) are all connected because they all are ruled by Jupiter. So whether success is portended depends greatly on Jupiter’s condition, position and aspects.

Unfortunately, as Tuba has already told us, all that could be reasonably expected to be found at this point, 20 long weeks after probable death, are “parts and pieces” and bones….

Before I go further, please be reminded that our precious angel Caylee, in essence and spirit, is with the Heavenly Father where nothing and no one can ever harm her again. She is perfectly safe and protected within the loving arms of the angels. What is left here on earth is simply “the packaging,” the earthly vehicle which housed the soul during its short sojourn on this planet….

But packaging or not, we, as well as TES, are single-mindedly committed to recovery of our beloved, innocent angel, to give her proper respect and burial, and bring closure and healing to our wounded hearts and souls…

Now back to the analysis:

“Parts and pieces” are ruled by Mars, which owns the 5th House of the Child and the 12th House of Hidden Circumstances in the chart. The 12th house of the chart is also the 8th House of Death of the Child (8th from the 5th), so it reconfirms the child (5th house) is dead (ruler of the 1st in the 8th). Bones are ruled by Saturn, which owns the intercepted 2nd House of Near Future/Lost Items and the 3rd House of the Near Neighborhood (Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius). Notice Jupiter (TES) is intercepted in Capricorn and trine Saturn (bones) located in Virgo in the 10th House (what is visible to the public eye). This suggests that TES (Jupiter) will find the hiding place (interception in the 2nd house of Lost Items) and recover the bones (Saturn in 10th House of Public Eye). The bones will be found “in the near neighborhood” because Saturn (bones) rules the 3rd House of Near Neighborhood. Jupiter (TES) closely sextiles Uranus 51 minutes applying. Uranus is the modern ruler of the 3rd House of Near Neighborhood, so the opportunity (sextile) for TES (Jupiter) to make a startling and perhaps unexpected (Uranus) discovery is surely there (Jupiter sextile Uranus).

Another reason I am guardedly optimistic is because Jupiter (TES) is closely applying trine (1 degee 16 minutes) to Saturn (bones), which again, is located in the 10th House of What Is Visible to the Public. Additionally both Lights (Sun and Moon) are in benefic applying sextile aspect to Jupiter (TES). All this support for Jupiter (TES) gives me hope.

While Mars (parts and pieces) is hidden away in the unfortunate 12th House, Sun does apply to conjunction in slightly less than 8 degrees. Might the search take 8 days?

The final reason I am guardedly optimistic is that The Part of Success in this chart (not shown) at 20:26 Virgo tightly conjuncts Saturn (bones) in the 10th House of the Public Eye. Saturn (bones) conjunct Part of Success trines both Jupiter (TES) and Uranus (sudden finds), another hopeful indicator that TES will have success.

I believe TES and LE may do follow up on 17 and 20 November, also. We will have Sun and then Mercury at 26° Scorpio and this degree opposes the Part of Death from the initial arrest chart. These will be productive days in this quest.
26° Scorpio is the Part of Fatality in the horoscope for the homicide posted above at#81.

Thank you, Miracles, for the LP time. We have done nothing on him and if we want to check his influence on the search, the arrival time will reveal that.

I have been looking at the photos of goldenrod from gardenhart and Sparky. The photo from Iowa and the photo from Wal Mart Orlando show a truly golden flower and the others are lemony yellow.
I believe TES and LE may do follow up on 17 and 20 November, also. We will have Sun and then Mercury at 26° Scorpio and this degree opposes the Part of Death from the initial arrest chart. These will be productive days in this quest.

Thank you, Miracles, for the LP time. We have done nothing on him and if we want to check his influence on the search, the arrival time will reveal that.

I have been looking at the photos of goldenrod from gardenhart and Sparky. The photo from Iowa and the photo from Wal Mart Orlando show a truly golden flower and the others are lemony yellow.

You are very welcome, Tuba.

I was getting nervous that I had cluttered the place with old news...kind of relieved.:)
Tuba, you'd mentioned you believed TM and LE will do follow up on 17/20 - do you mean they'll resume their search on one of/both days?

Soulscape had included...might the search last 8 days. Very interesting if it did and resulted in Caylee being found (bones) as this brings us to 1 day prior to check fraud charges trial. Would be a terrible reminder to KC of what follows beyond being found guilty on those charges.
Thank you, Miracles, for the LP time. We have done nothing on him and if we want to check his influence on the search, the arrival time will reveal that.

<<Respectfully snipped...>>

Have any of our excellent sleuths been able to track down LP's date and place of birth? It would be very interesting to check his natal chart...

<<Respectfully snipped...>>

Have any of our excellent sleuths been able to track down LP's date and place of birth? It would be very interesting to check his natal chart...


How old does he look? If you go to

Leonard has been a Bounty Hunter for over 32 years:

* US Air Force 1957-1963
* Law Degree, Lincoln Law School, 1980
* President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Lorenzo Patino Law School 1982-present.
* Bounty Hunter 1975-present.

Using the 1957 Air Force reference: figure he was 18 going in. Subtract 18 from 1957 and you have 1939. That would make him, by my estimates, 69 years old.

Also, anyone ever hear of a middle name or initial.
How old does he look? If you go to

Leonard has been a Bounty Hunter for over 32 years:

* US Air Force 1957-1963
* Law Degree, Lincoln Law School, 1980
* President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Lorenzo Patino Law School 1982-present.
* Bounty Hunter 1975-present.

Using the 1957 Air Force reference: figure he was 18 going in. Subtract 18 from 1957 and you have 1939. That would make him, by my estimates, 69 years old.

Also, anyone ever hear of a middle name or initial.

Okay guys! I went to his website listed above and sent him an email I will post below. Hopefully, he will answer!
Hello, Mr. Padilla,

First, let me thank you for all of your efforts to find Caylee, as the whole world is captivated by this lovely childs fate. I believe that you and your nephew, Tony, have a heart of gold and I respect and admire both of you tremendously.

I am a proud member of, my screen name is Lovejac. We have conversed with your nephew on several ocassions during the course of this case and appreciate his time and insight.

Thank being said, I will get to the question I hope you will answer for me. We have a thread on Websleuths title, Astrological Info. We have several knowledable astrologers on our website that study Forensic Astrology. They do not tryito "predict" the future, rather they use specific times and dates and use them to see how the stars and planets were lined up during key dates and times. They have been "right on the money" with everything they have charted and, if you have the time or interest, it is very good reading.

Currently, our astrologers are working on charts for the much anticipated search with TES and yourself begininnig Nov. 8 to see how the planets and stars are lined up for hopefully success. It would be very beneficial for them if they know your date of birth and city and state you were born, as you are one of the 'key players' in this search effort.

I understand completely if you have reservations giving us that information, however, I want know if I don't ask!

Again, thank you for all you have done and continue to do. You are a true hero to alot of us at Websleuths!

God Bless,

Catherine ******
aka. Lovejac
That should work. Thanks for your effort. All I could find was his birth year, 1939 and his divorce from "Rose".
That should work. Thanks for your effort. All I could find was his birth year, 1939 and his divorce from "Rose".

Geez, I feel like I need to contribute something to this thread since it is my very favorite and the reason I joined Websleuths!

I am sooooo interested in studying this and I will after the trial. Maybe then, I could contribute more. You guys are awesome!!!
I was thinking about that. However, I'm a chicken. Thanks!

Haha, I am usually the chicken! I guess lack of sleep, coupled with sick kids, can make a women crazy!

Plus, several people have actually called him on the phone :eek:, now I would be way too chicken for that!
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