Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3

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Please feel better soon Housemouse. :blowkiss: We all miss you.

I miss all of you too! I now have a major rib problem from my cough. Probably damaged it or the cartilage. What a royal pain it is, first I couldn't sleep cause of the cough, and now can't sleep because of the rib pain.

Must be that nasty Saturn/Uranus opposition. But, it will pass, i am sure.

For the rest of the astrological info, please remember I do not do personal/psychological astrology. I am more interested in event-mundane astrology, and therefore do not have much to say about interpreting the personal charts of others involved in this horrendous case.

All I can say to those of you interested in astrology as it pertains to the family of Caylee, be very careful. Do not accept the notions of psycho-analytical astrologers, for while they are expressing their opinions, they are not always right in their judgements.

I started these threads to pinpoint the probable times of when the event could have taken place. Others have given you the best of their judgements of motives and personalities. Do not accept anything an astrologer says as the gospel truth, for we do not really know.

We just see through a glass darkly, and we are not given any special knowledge, just because we study the language of astrology. We can misinterpret it, according to our own biases, predilections, and opinions.
Fellow Astrological researchers, I haven't forgotten you. I have been laid very low with "adult croup", and am slowly recovering, but exhausted from all the unproductive coughing.

Carry on, and when I am back to myself, I will chime in again.

Dear Housmouse-
I have missed your extraordinary insight and kindness. I've thought about you often and am sorry to hear you have been so sick.
Please take good care.:blowkiss:
Hi everyone - back from visit to beautiful Michigan to see DD and GS...wonderful time had by all. Can't believe how much I have to catch up on! Need to go back and read soooo many posts. Did manage to catch NG a few times.. Of interest today was a website I found under WS Daily Update 10/31 (Murtwitness Ustream)......not familiar with this guy at all...but they are doing extremely detailed timeline of phone calls/texts etc for June 16th...going to further narrow time the actual time of death (how it hurts to write that down), so ya'll might want to take a look at that.
I am having some concerns about the newest report of physical contact between JB and KC....very very inappropriate....think he will end up getting his hand smacked by higher ups. And this feeds fuel to the fire from earlier complaints (by public) about him seeming to be "too familiar" and many tasteless jokes about what KC was doing 6 hrs a day at his office.
Now - off to catch up and read all the old posts!
i meant that she will be found guilty and sentenced to time inside but that apart from that ......

Just uploaded the horoscope for the $70 order kc placed today in jail, in honor of kaitland who has not returned from her visit. We like to examine the point of view from the defendant. The chart is at

thanks tuba!
Hi Kaitland, is there an actual timeline document on the site - I only saw videos and user chat. Would you direct me to it - I'd love to take a look at the timeline.

And on the Baez thing...I hope someone at a higher level will mandate he step down as her attorney. Otherwise, I think it's gonna be an open/close case for KC to get a new trial. KC will claim ineffective council...not only on the fact he's a dork but that "he wasn't representing me/he wanted to date me...even the guards witnessed it...not that I'd need them to tell you that...I've had this problem all my life...everyone wants me-KC mentality.

Hi everyone - back from visit to beautiful Michigan to see DD and GS...wonderful time had by all. Can't believe how much I have to catch up on! Need to go back and read soooo many posts. Did manage to catch NG a few times.. Of interest today was a website I found under WS Daily Update 10/31 (Murtwitness Ustream)......not familiar with this guy at all...but they are doing extremely detailed timeline of phone calls/texts etc for June 16th...going to further narrow time the actual time of death (how it hurts to write that down), so ya'll might want to take a look at that.
I am having some concerns about the newest report of physical contact between JB and KC....very very inappropriate....think he will end up getting his hand smacked by higher ups. And this feeds fuel to the fire from earlier complaints (by public) about him seeming to be "too familiar" and many tasteless jokes about what KC was doing 6 hrs a day at his office.
Now - off to catch up and read all the old posts!
Hi Kaitland, is there an actual timeline document on the site - I only saw videos and user chat. Would you direct me to it - I'd love to take a look at the timeline.

And on the Baez thing...I hope someone at a higher level will mandate he step down as her attorney. Otherwise, I think it's gonna be an open/close case for KC to get a new trial. KC will claim ineffective council...not only on the fact he's a dork but that "he wasn't representing me/he wanted to date me...even the guards witnessed it...not that I'd need them to tell you that...I've had this problem all my life...everyone wants me-KC mentality.

you mean Casey might actually speak?????? That alone might make it news worhthy!

I had to go to Walmart today close to the airport and look what I found. The yellow flowers and pine trees are everywhere.

Heavens ... these photos send chills right up my spine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to go to Walmart today close to the airport and look what I found. The yellow flowers and pine trees are everywhere.


That's what a lot of the areas look like. I think some of that flora is sawgrass. I'm still not sure what the yellow flowers are called. They *are* everywhere.
That's what a lot of the areas look like. I think some of that flora is sawgrass. I'm still not sure what the yellow flowers are called. They *are* everywhere.

Yes, they are "everywhere". They are across the street, they out behind the buildings. I mean everywhere. lol I can't even tell you how shocked I was when I saw them and what Tuba said about Pines and yellow flowers.
Yes, they are "everywhere". They are across the street, they out behind the buildings. I mean everywhere. lol I can't even tell you how shocked I was when I saw them and what Tuba said about Pines and yellow flowers.

Thank you, Sparky. It's good to see the real thing. I am getting shivvers too--is it partly the cloudy sky or is it the resemblance to the "grave"?
Tuba - If the boards are any indication, everything is quiet at the moment. At least to us, if you're willing to set aside Baez's hugs...Can you give us an indication of when we can expect additional information to be released? Is there any way that you can look at that based on the dates that the last two major information releases have occured?
I agree, news is slow right now. I did examine the coming November days and what I see favors action, like the TES and the pre-trial hearing. The Sun in Scorpio, Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Virgo, Uranus in Pisces are very well aligned to produce happenings and acts. Mars is part of that line-up today.

Away from the glare of public spotlight, investigation of physical evidence is being conducted by the defense. LE and prosecutors continue to probe case materials and gather more. Unending detective work is a signature of Mercury in Scorpio. Further spills of information under this influence would be premature.
I agree, news is slow right now. I did examine the coming November days and what I see favors action, like the TES and the pre-trial hearing. The Sun in Scorpio, Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Virgo, Uranus in Pisces are very well aligned to produce happenings and acts. Mars is part of that line-up today.

Away from the glare of public spotlight, investigation of physical evidence is being conducted by the defense. LE and prosecutors continue to probe case materials and gather more. Unending detective work is a signature of Mercury in Scorpio. Further spills of information under this influence would be premature.
So...Everyone is busy Tuba?!!! I hope so. I also hope that we hear something about it soon. Thanks for answering. :)
Hi Kaitland, is there an actual timeline document on the site - I only saw videos and user chat. Would you direct me to it - I'd love to take a look at the timeline.

And on the Baez thing...I hope someone at a higher level will mandate he step down as her attorney. Otherwise, I think it's gonna be an open/close case for KC to get a new trial. KC will claim ineffective council...not only on the fact he's a dork but that "he wasn't representing me/he wanted to date me...even the guards witnessed it...not that I'd need them to tell you that...I've had this problem all my life...everyone wants me-KC mentality.

The website is ...some interesting stuff on there. I am hopeful we will get a closer time line than ever.
I agree, news is slow right now. I did examine the coming November days and what I see favors action, like the TES and the pre-trial hearing. The Sun in Scorpio, Jupiter in Capricorn, Saturn in Virgo, Uranus in Pisces are very well aligned to produce happenings and acts. Mars is part of that line-up today.

Away from the glare of public spotlight, investigation of physical evidence is being conducted by the defense. LE and prosecutors continue to probe case materials and gather more. Unending detective work is a signature of Mercury in Scorpio. Further spills of information under this influence would be premature.

Tuba - I am also awaiting Neptune's return to direct motion, hoping this will bring about some clearing of the fog, and allow a strong Scorpio mercury to plumb the depths. A sigh of relief to the culmination of the saturn-uranus opposition.
Tuba - I am also awaiting Neptune's return to direct motion, hoping this will bring about some clearing of the fog, and allow a strong Scorpio mercury to plumb the depths. A sigh of relief to the culmination of the saturn-uranus opposition.
Ah. And when might that happen for those of us not yet indoctrinated? :)
NEptune goes direct on Nov 1st, and the saturn-uranus opposition reaches its peak on Nov 4 along with Mercury entering Scorpio.

Just heard that JB will be investigated by the bar for repeated breaking rules by hugging KC. With his sun in affable libra in nice sextile to moon in leo he is a genuinely warm, affectionate person. But harsh square between neptune/venus (there's that fog again!) in scorpio to that leo moon shows propensity for indiscretion. Natal saturn (authority) opposite his sun will make him toe the line. Transiting saturn in virgo is all over his mars, pluto, and jupiter - hence got caught with hand in cookie jar. Every move he makes will be judged (harshly, especially by the public) and he will have to keep on the straight and narrow every single moment. Bar Assn. will probably issue a letter. Don't see him off the case.

I had to go to Walmart today close to the airport and look what I found. The yellow flowers and pine trees are everywhere.


It's hard to tell at this distance, but that looks like goldenrod. That blooms here in the fall, not anytime during the summer.
Thank you for that identification, gardenhart.:thumb:
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