Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

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Crap, while looking for the above information I found this:

Also new in the case, the attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony says his clients will not sit down with attorney John Morgan for a deposition in the Zenaida Gonzalez lawsuit that should happen on Monday.

John Morgan was interviewed on the local news last night and said that if the A's refuse or do not show up for the deposition, he will file a motion to have them held with contempt. John Morgan is not someone to be messed with. He's a no nonsense, does not make idle threats, kind of lawyer.
Hello, all. I wasn't going to participate in this thread after the unjustified disrespect I was shown....but for the sake of the astrologers here, I wanted to share this.

Orlando county clerk has more than one ZG. The date of birth listed for one is Jan. 11, 1986. Casting a chart for Orlando at sunrise puts her Moon at 4AQ, the same as Venus, trine Moon when the remains were found. I'm sure no one wants to hear there might be a connection to a real zanny but this possibility needs to be considered. The offenses for this person is only 2 traffic violations, May 24, 08 operating without a valid license and failing to yield on the same date. They were filed on June 2nd and 3rd, satisfied June 10 (close to June9). Have these dates come up in the transcripts at all? Her Sun at 20 Capricorn is just too close to where the asteroid Cayley was when the remains were found, to ignore. Caseyfreeman was at 4Aries51 on the 11th also, at the midpoint of Venus and Moon, partnering with Caylee's sunrise Moon.

Another ZG listed without a birth date could be the one in the news as she must be older, 12 cases going back quite far. This may also be the same as the one listed as being born in 1970.

OMGosh! Way back, early on in this case, I was reading about all the psychic tips and the several references to yellow flowers and just flowers in general. I had a dream that night that KC had PLANTED the flowers. They were not just wildflowers - she wanted something pretty there :eek:

I just sluffed it off thinking it was just about all the other stuff I had read that day. I think I did post the dream in the dream thread though. I'll have to go look.


The Astro charts pointed to a yellow flower as well. Isn't that something? Could be...we'll have to wait and see.
Nothing opens for me Just the front Page maybe my computer settings.

I tried it last night too Luv, and only the front page would work. That's why I searched for the info Tuba wanted elsewhere. Think Salem nailed it though from the visitor records. Good job Salem :)
Hello, all. I wasn't going to participate in this thread after the unjustified disrespect I was shown....but for the sake of the astrologers here, I wanted to share this.

Orlando county clerk has more than one ZG. The date of birth listed for one is Jan. 11, 1986. Casting a chart for Orlando at sunrise puts her Moon at 4AQ, the same as when the remains were found. I'm sure no one wants to hear there might be a connection to a real zanny but this possibility needs to be considered. The offences for this person is only 2 traffic violations, May 24, 08 operating without a valid license and failing to yeild on the same date. They were filed on June 2nd and 3rd, satisfied June 10 (close to June9). Have these dates come up in the transcripts at all? Her Sun at 20 Capricorn is just too close to where the asteroid Cayley was when the remains were found, to ignore.

Another ZG listed without a birth date could be the one in the news as she must be older, 12 cases going back quite far. This may also be the same as the one listed as being born in 1970.


I respect your persistance and I mean no disrespect to you personally.....There is NO Zanny, just a Mom who killed her child and threw her out like trash...There is NO Zanny the babysitter just a poor poor woman who has had her life totalled by the lies told by KC and her family.
Have you looked at the charts posted since your last Post? You may find them fascinating.....Have you seen the article done by the Miami examiner? I direct you to it you may find that very interesting...
meena, the charts done yesterday on ZFG and court date do suggest there are associates in common with the perp, etc. I think everyone is working on the real ZFG and the law suit, therefore trying to find her birthdate. So Aquarian's info goes right along with the charts done yesterday.
I would think so. Don't you think the court in going to get fed up with all of these frivolous motions JB is filing? :confused:

I don't think these are frivolous motions. This could again become a capital case possibility and even if not, it will certainly end up going up on appeals if Casey is convicted. I believe JB is just trying to cover all bases and make sure all i's are dotted and all t's are crossed which is what an attorney is supposed to do anyway when preparing cases.
meena, the charts done yesterday on ZFG and court date do suggest there are associates in common with the perp, etc. I think everyone is working on the real ZFG and the law suit, therefore trying to find her birthdate. So Aquarian's info goes right along with the charts done yesterday.

If the ZG is all about the lawsuit then you should be using the 1970 info, since she is the one filing suit, correct?

Crap, while looking for the above information I found this:

Also new in the case, the attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony says his clients will not sit down with attorney John Morgan for a deposition in the Zenaida Gonzalez lawsuit that should happen on Monday.

If this turns out to be what happens it doesn't change my reading of the December 22nd deposition chart. The Ants will continue to hang onto ZFG as their favorite suspect but ZFG will prevail in the long run in her civil case.
I think the difference is the reason a person is looking into the ZFG info. ok to find associates in common in an effort to see how she came up with ZFG's name, but to suggest a ZFG was actually involved seems ludicrous.
I respect your persistance and I mean no disrespect to you personally.....There is NO Zanny, just a Mom who killed her child and threw her out like trash...There is NO Zanny the babysitter just a poor poor woman who has had her life totalled by the lies told by KC and her family.
Have you looked at the charts posted since your last Post? You may find them fascinating.....Have you seen the article done by the Miami examiner? I direct you to it you may find that very interesting...

I agree there is no Zanny who cared for Caylee or kidnapped or killed her. But there *is* now a real Zaneida Gonzales involved in this case via the civil suit she filed against the Ants. It is her birth data that I was originally interested in getting.
ok, Meenamom. But Casey did say on day one that this ZG in the lawsuit isn't who she was talking about. That fact on record will be key in ZG's suit. But have it your way. I give up.
Hello, all. I wasn't going to participate in this thread after the unjustified disrespect I was shown....but for the sake of the astrologers here, I wanted to share this.

Orlando county clerk has more than one ZG. The date of birth listed for one is Jan. 11, 1986. Casting a chart for Orlando at sunrise puts her Moon at 4AQ, the same as Venus, trine Moon when the remains were found. I'm sure no one wants to hear there might be a connection to a real zanny but this possibility needs to be considered. The offenses for this person is only 2 traffic violations, May 24, 08 operating without a valid license and failing to yield on the same date. They were filed on June 2nd and 3rd, satisfied June 10 (close to June9). Have these dates come up in the transcripts at all? Her Sun at 20 Capricorn is just too close to where the asteroid Cayley was when the remains were found, to ignore. Caseyfreeman was at 4Aries51 on the 11th also, at the midpoint of Venus and Moon, partnering with Caylee's sunrise Moon.

Another ZG listed without a birth date could be the one in the news as she must be older, 12 cases going back quite far. This may also be the same as the one listed as being born in 1970.


Very, very interesting. Oh and your links don't come up.
ok, Meenamom. But Casey did say on day one that this ZG in the lawsuit isn't who she was talking about. That fact on record will be key in ZG's suit. But have it your way. I give up.

Honestly, you have to realize that kc couldn't even provide a phone number for a zanny. from day one. Not in any phone records. not a real address. from day one she has made a mockery of her family by trying to make this into a game of clues where she can't give them any info, they have to find it. now that Caylee's remains have been found, she should be singing like a canary don't cha think? It's no wonder CA is still trying to make sense of this little game of clue kc has sent her on. As much as CA wants there to be a zanny, there is not.
John Morgan was interviewed on the local news last night and said that if the A's refuse or do not show up for the deposition, he will file a motion to have them held with contempt. John Morgan is not someone to be messed with. He's a no nonsense, does not make idle threats, kind of lawyer.

I want them held in contempt.
I want them refused immunity.
If the deposition of the grandparents is held on the scheduled date, there will be alarming statements out of their mouths. Mercury is parallel Mars. These may be characterised as misconceptions, mistakes, equivocations or deceptions although they swore off deceptions this week. The hemp rope that ties their nanny allegations to the plaintiff sports so many shaggy and twisted threads that they cannot tease out their accusations without snagging & invoking her identity.

Mercury of December 22 is on the solstice point of ZFG's Uranus, the blow to her life when her name is taken in vain as it has been steadily since 16 July. If BC postpones the depositions, the pregnant appointment persists as a scheduled event, registering its meanings in time and on the unseen record.

I hope BC rethinks this and saves the grandparents even more jeopardy. They would probably like to get past this. We have seen recent photos and video of them. They are in mourning and not waiting for further announcements or confirmations. Apparently word is out in Quantico because the VA news is reporting on findings that do confirm.

If plants were taken from Hopespring, I would be surprised if meticulous gardeners who love their yards would not have alerted to the disturbance.
This is MORE trouble for them.
aksleuth, we aren't drawing up charts on Z.F.-G. because we haven't established her DOB. Working from her legal axn filing and the official time and date of the deposition instead. On other threads and in the crime shows, this age problem has troubled people for a long time, partly because the prisoner made adjustments in her description when contradictions arose. In any case, I agree wholeheartedly that the plaintiff looks quite a bit older than what is in google news. If you happen to find a date you think reliable, I know you will post it here.
Many profuse apologies if this has already been covered and is considered OT, but I have a question for our esteemed astrologers........Caylee apparently died sometime on June 16th, Brooke Bennett was abducted on June 25th and presumably died on that day. Both cases very convoluted and gruesome. During that time period in my life, I was undergoing some very tense circumstances which could have become violent if everyone had not remained respectful. So, what exactly was going on astrologically during that time period that was driving everyone to the edge? I am familiar with Mercury retrograde and know that full moons do funny things to people but this seems to be beyond the pale. What gives? TIA
I don't think these are frivolous motions. This could again become a capital case possibility and even if not, it will certainly end up going up on appeals if Casey is convicted. I believe JB is just trying to cover all bases and make sure all i's are dotted and all t's are crossed which is what an attorney is supposed to do anyway when preparing cases.

I understand what you are saying but until they "officially" say that it is indeed Caylee I think he is wasting the courts time. JMO :)
Would someone help me understand something. When you are doing the chart readings for a future date, etc., does it mean what ever is present in the chart is fixed and unchangable? Or, is it something the person attached to that date can change?


BTW, I'm new here but have been reading this thread for a while. I'm amazed with your accuracy and talent!
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