Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

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We are all given the freedom to choose. Casey chose to murder her daughter =( - GOD did not choose this fate for such a precious angel. He does however, know the choices that we make before we ever act upon them. I know that it grieved the Lord to watch this poor child at the hands of her mother and that a choir of angels greeted Caylee as she arrived in the arms of our Heavenly Father. No more pain or suffering for this little girl. She is safe at last. As Merc so beautifully stated - Caylee's life has and will continue to be reminder to all of us as to just how precious LIFE is! :blowkiss:

I agree but would add that while God knows the choices we will make, he always provides an opportunity to act differently. That is why we have brains to complement our souls - he meant for us to use them. I truely believe he is sad when we fail to see that there is another way. To demonstrate - KC could have walked out of the Hopespring Dr. house at almost any point between the computer searches in March and the act she took in June, leaving Caylee with G&C and never looked back.

Would someone help me understand something. When you are doing the chart readings for a future date, etc., does it mean what ever is present in the chart is fixed and unchangable? Or, is it something the person attached to that date can change?


BTW, I'm new here but have been reading this thread for a while. I'm amazed with your accuracy and talent!

We are getting into theology here, and the question is about "predestination", I think. Or it is about fate vs. free will. I can only give my opinion, and take it as just that.

The energies represented by the planets at the time we are born, and the transits to these as our lives progress do not "fate" us to any particular kind of action. These energies can be used by the individual in any number of ways.

How an individual will choose to use, or experience, these energies is the mystery. Why some have a sudden accident, such as a fall from a high place, an unexpected operation, win a long distance marathon, or give birth with Mars/Uranus leads us to wonder about fate vs. choice.

I do not have the answer, and this is why I believe we astrologers should be very careful about "prediction". God alone knows the plan for our individual lives, and we are warned in the Bible not to be fortune tellers.

For that reason, I hesitate to do "psychological analysis" of people's charts. Who am I to define another person's innermost being?

I try to stick to understanding events as they unfold in time, and to anticipate the pressures an individual might be experiencing at a point in time. How they deal with those pressures is at best just a guess.

Astrology is much better used after an event, and is very poor at predicting events. Again, that is just my opinion. Lots of other astrologers will totally disagree with me.

I have been reading this forum and this thread since around August. I am very impressed and thankful for all that you astros are doing and all sleuthers too. Regarding the "predestination" question, I believe there is a book that everyone on the forum should read: The Shack by William Young. It is a very poignant book and, I believe, would help anyone who has these questions. You could also plug-in the people of this case in place of the people in the book.

Again, thank you for all you do!
I just finished reading The Shack, and it is definitely worth reading, and thinking about....
We are getting into theology here, and the question is about "predestination", I think. Or it is about fate vs. free will. I can only give my opinion, and take it as just that.

The energies represented by the planets at the time we are born, and the transits to these as our lives progress do not "fate" us to any particular kind of action. These energies can be used by the individual in any number of ways.

How an individual will choose to use, or experience, these energies is the mystery. Why some have a sudden accident, such as a fall from a high place, an unexpected operation, win a long distance marathon, or give birth with Mars/Uranus leads us to wonder about fate vs. choice.

I do not have the answer, and this is why I believe we astrologers should be very careful about "prediction". God alone knows the plan for our individual lives, and we are warned in the Bible not to be fortune tellers.

For that reason, I hesitate to do "psychological analysis" of people's charts. Who am I to define another person's innermost being?

I try to stick to understanding events as they unfold in time, and to anticipate the pressures an individual might be experiencing at a point in time. How they deal with those pressures is at best just a guess.

Astrology is much better used after an event, and is very poor at predicting events. Again, that is just my opinion. Lots of other astrologers will totally disagree with me.

I appreciate these comments, Housemouse.
"Fox (tv) just reported that the identity of the remains is to be announced at any moment and they're live in Orlando waiting."

I just snagged this from another thread, just so no one would think I am nuts, and so I wouldn't either (even though I am not normal, lol!) post #121

eta: okay, now it is gone. I am loosing my mind. (Nope, it is post 121, not 123).
Another thought. Perhaps the A's attorney decision to seek immunity for them (even thought LE has announced they are NOT seeking to charge them!) is related to the upcoming deposition. They don't want to dig the hole any deeper. Any time/date of immunity deal would make for a most revealing chart.

This would be some fancy legal work. There is no "immunity" in a civil case and anything that comes out of the case can be used in a criminal trial if the information is provided through a sworn statement. This is very dangerous ground here for the A's.

If they can pull this off, I want to know how!


I believe Kaitland is referring to immunity in the criminal matter, because the Anthonys attorney knows there is no immunity in a civil matter, ergo Brad Conway wants criminal immunity for the Anthonys re: any criminal wrongdoings BEFORE they have to spill what they know in the civil case depositions.
First I want to say congratulations to all the astrologers who have spent countless hours on this case, for the recognition!
Second I want to thank all of you for your time and effort. Having dabbled in charts, I KNOW the work that goes into this and the emotional investment.
You are all amazing!
In my first dream before the BOND hearing, I was told Red Azaleas, and this was stressed to me. I do think when all is said and done, red azaleas will be mentioned.

Hmmm... most all red azalea varieties are not blooming in zones 9 and 10 here in the south this time of year... so I wonder how that will happen?
Baez filed another motion

Casey Anthony's defense team filed another motion in court on Wednesday, requesting access to examine all the debris from the crime scene before it is discarded.

Because the motion was filed after the Orange County Clerk of Courts closed, the motion is not yet available to the public.

Doesn't he have a trial to prepare for instead of taking up the courts time on issues that I feel have already been addressed? JMO

Isn't this a 'little too late" to ask for? I mean, wouldn't they put the debri that held no evidence back in the area they searched?

I would think so. Don't you think the court in going to get fed up with all of these frivolous motions JB is filing? :confused:

For one, the state/LE has NO duty to preserve "non-evidence" and, therefore, if anything they have collected is deemed "non-evidence," they do NOT have to retain custody of it. The thrust of J Baez motion is that he is afraid that LE won't do their job, which includes keeping all inculpatory AND exculpatory evidence. Judge S will slap him again for presuming that LE is or would violate their duty.

Practically speaking, it makes sense: can you imagine the warehouses more of junk they'd have if they had to keep "non-evidence?"
For one, the state/LE has NO duty to preserve "non-evidence" and, therefore, if anything they have collected is deemed "non-evidence," they do NOT have to retain custody of it. The thrust of J Baez motion is that he is afraid that LE won't do their job, which includes keeping all inculpatory AND exculpatory evidence. Judge S will slap him again for presuming that LE is or would violate their duty.

Practically speaking, it makes sense: can you imagine the warehouses more of junk they'd have if they had to keep "non-evidence?"

Thank you very much. I appreciate and agree with every word you said. :)
If one were to look at it this way, I would say God chose Kaylee's short life for a much higher purpose. Her life will lend a lot more information to future missing children or murdered children's cases, so that they may be handled more efficiently, accurately and quickly. Also it will shed more light into the criminal mind via the perp's words and actions, and dysfunction in families that often goes over looked.

KC made the CHOICE/decision to be destructive.

quoting myself from an earlier post:

The world weeps as we are reminded of the magnitude of heinous acts & crimes against children. I honor Caylee for bearing light on the horror of these abuses and those unnoticed. She has made such a contribution to Humanity by speaking for all children. A sweet little Messenger of God's. Mission accomplished Caylee.

Hmmm... most all red azalea varieties are not blooming in zones 9 and 10 here in the south this time of year... so I wonder how that will happen?

I hear ya....
But that is what I was told.

paragraph from an article about Azaleas

Spectacular flower masses and colors, plant form and evergreen foliage are among the reasons for azalea popularity. Azaleas in Florida bloom from late February to early April, depending upon cultivar and seasonal variation. Many azalea cultivars grow well in north and central Florida, but fewer are recommended for south Florida.

My Guide did not tell me if they were blooming... I guess I need to be more specific when I recieve info.. LOL
KC made the CHOICE/decision to be destructive.

quoting myself from an earlier post:

The world weeps as we are reminded of the magnitude of heinous acts & crimes against children. I honor Caylee for bearing light on the horror of these abuses and those unnoticed. She has made such a contribution to Humanity by speaking for all children. A sweet little Messenger of God's. Mission accomplished Caylee.


Very eloquent Fifth!
Yes, I see the Orlando county clerk site doesn't save the session information. Here is the main page. You can choose name search and find the various ZG's that way, along with all the details.

Thank you AquaEs for the above info. I do believe most recent discussions are based on the depo 'date & time of filing' info provided by the courts noted in link below.
I hear ya....
But that is what I was told.

paragraph from an article about Azaleas

Spectacular flower masses and colors, plant form and evergreen foliage are among the reasons for azalea popularity. Azaleas in Florida bloom from late February to early April, depending upon cultivar and seasonal variation. Many azalea cultivars grow well in north and central Florida, but fewer are recommended for south Florida.

My Guide did not tell me if they were blooming... I guess I need to be more specific when I recieve info.. LOL

The time from late February to early April is spot on! That's when all of our azaleas bloom! We in Louisiana have them all blooming in beautiful masses inbetween those months, but now, in December, here, in zone 9, none are blooming as of now. Maybe in zone 10 some are still blooming...calling Floridians!!!

The time from late February to early April is spot on! That's when all of our azaleas bloom! We in Louisiana have them all blooming in beautiful masses inbetween those months, but now, in December, here, in zone 9, none are blooming as of now. Maybe in zone 10 some are still blooming...calling Floridians!!!

Just a quick note, I have Dwarf Fashion Azaleas in light pink that bloom here on the west coast of central FL about every 3 months.

they are blooming as we speak!
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