Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Here is the chart! You guys go first, since I might not be completely objective about my first thread on Websleuths. And, just so you all know, I didn't even think to cast a time for posting the first comment. But, I did ask Tricia in a PM if I could, a bit earlier.

Munkasey's is my favorite reference material in my library. I seldom find anything I don't see as true in his midpoint book. Most "experts' " material I have to filter.

Asker, very good point which is one of the reasons I don't share a lot of my findings here, even when I do have some free time. Repeatedly I see indications of an accident and a connection to either an employee, a service persaon or public servant. Mars showing up so often points to a male being involved and I would especially think of a gun carrying male if it were a public servant. Now, if I saw this in only one chart I would put it aside. But, these connections show up over and over again, along with certain degrees. I think I have about 85 charts in my database, now, connected to this case. But, there is only one which best shows what happened that day, either the first 911 or the time she was last seen. But neither of these, or any other chart shows her location exactly which leads me to wonder if she wasn't moved there. I've been able to exactly pinpoint the location on many in my studies, but not this one. Either the data is off or something else is going on. Now, I'm still not at the point where I can exactly locate, but getting close so it isn't just that I don't have a clue. I've done very well for my clients with lost objects in general also.


Are there not factors clearly showing in these charts that are of a hidden nature? This has been stressed almost from the very beginning and why many doubted if Caylee actually would be found. There are forces at work of a sinister nature and I believe that has clearly been demonstrated time and again in the charts...Maybe the data is HIDDEN and not so easily interpreted? and not actually flawed at all?

As a layperson, knowing relatively little about astrology prior to becoming a fixture on this thread, I can assure you that Tuba, Soulscape, Housemouse and Kaitland strive diligently to present their interpretations so that readers can understand what their charts mean. They work very well together to help the readers undertand, and to answer their questions to the best of their considerable abilities. I have no trouble understanding it, and if I do, I ask questions and they clarify.

As for reading the charts, I believe that is what laypeople have trouble with because they haven't spent the COUNTLESS hours and put in the CONSIDERABLE effort to learn the ART of forensic horary. Yes, everyone could be an astrologer, if they put in the time and effort to understand it and grasp the concepts. Some people have NO DESIRE to expend that kind of energy when there are others who already have that knowledge and are kind enough to share it with us. I'm sure that all astrologers understand the basic concepts of astrology, as that is the starting ground to learn the art. However, some people understand certain aspects of the art more clearly than others, and have a feel for a certain type of astrology, i.e. forensics...others might stick with other types of astrology that better suit them.

In my respectful opinion, I believe that our seasoned and well-informed astrologers Tuba and Soulscape are QUITE in touch with the realities of this case in are extremely adept in their predictions. Their interpretations fit with the evidence presented thus far, and their findings are based on symbolism that has presented over and over in charts here. In most cases they have proven to be quite correct.

Should one of the other astrological charts presented by the other new astrolgers to this thread prove to have insight and fit in with what we know to be evidence to date, I'm sure they would be the first ones on the bandwagon to say 'that has merit', or you 'have a point'. I'm sorry but I haven't seen that, at all. When charts and interpretations by our seasoned forensic astrologers on this thread are proving correct time and again, I have to give them and their approach more validity, until and unless the other astrologer's charts PROVE to have some merit. Maybe that will come when more facts about the case are revealed, maybe not....until then I'll stick with reading what has been working here.

I'm sure in astrology, as in life, everyone has an opinion, thus the differing interpretations. I don't think the confrontational and frankly abrasive attitudes are going to better this thread or the good work that is being done here. Of course this is JMO :moo:

You took the words right out of my mouth.:woohoo:

It is one thing to come into this thing as far in as we all are NOW and to ADD to what has already been divulged and revealed but quite another to come in at this late stage and throw out wild theories from perhaps the "fringes" of interpretation and without evidentiary back-up and expect them to be received well. Soulscape, Tuba, Housemouse, AKSleuth, Meenamom, FifthEssence and several others along the way have been able to rectify what is "seen" in the charts with the timelines that we KNOW of a fact are true and correct and with the evidence that we have been presented with to date. They have all accurately pinpointed the timeframes of several very important events and have actually told us in advance if a thing was or was not as likely to occur. Of course we have come to trust this as we have seen them proven correct over and over again. Certainly any newcomers are MOST welcome when they would build upon what has already been discerned rather than perhaps making an effort in these very clear waters to kick up the mud. This is not to say that opposing theories are not welcomed but they should certainly at a minimum work FROM the KNOWN evidence and not in dispute of it.
Hi everyone. I've been at work all day and just spent some time catching up on all the posts. Very lively today, I see! I'd just like to pipe in about anyone having concerns about only taking the "negative view" when reading the charts. I'm speaking of my own interpretations - what I have been looking IS the negative manifestation of the challenges found in all the A's charts. Because that is exactly what is happening to them now. They are all in crisis and under the most extreme pressures imaginable - the weakest link breaks the chain. KC certainly was not using the gifts and talents she also inherited in her chart.

Every single sign has a beautiful/good/talented side to it, and like a double edged sword - well it has a down side.

Every single aspect can also be used for positive or negative energy. I've known people who had multiple grand trines in their charts - a very positive aspect. But, when found in abundance....can produce "laziness" and a "lack of drive". It is the hard aspects that give us drive and ambition......and can lead to greatness. God granted us free will. It usually takes a person most of a lifetime to manifest the best that we can be. And to choose well enough to use the gifts and challenges in our charts for constructive growth. Speaking of aspects - the current much maligned mars/pluto capricorn: while the hatred and fires burn up the middle east, somwhere across the world is probably a surgeon (mars) fixated on research (pluto) looking for a cure (pluto) for a deadly bone (capricorn) cancer. His passion (pluto & mars) is unwavering and he (or she) intends (mars) to succeed before he dies, because he is dedicated (capricorn).

There are a multitude of books on the market that provide deep analysis of each sign - all the traits good & bad, as well as exploring the energies released by various aspects.

What I have been discussing in my posts/analysis and will continue to dicuss is about the negative aspects of the charts in question. It is extremely time consuming to present the "analysis" of the day. If everytime we post, we would have to include the positive side about how this energy could have been better used, it would just end up being rhetorical and just plain too much work. We are writing about a CRIME. I think we can pretty much trust that the news is not good.

Glad everyone likes this forum. I am just thrilled to be here with the best! I've been learning from everyone. I've never followed a criminal case like this before. And I have only very limited experience in horary charts, so I mostly write about the natal aspects and the transit aspects. I enjoy doing the deeper personality readings based on the energy patterns of the signs and aspects. I am always open to questions, and have felt free to ask questions of the other astrologers. But I do believe that questions and comments need to be brought up in a respectful manner. It's not a competition, it's a learning experience. And there is a difference between challenging a post vs. asking for clarification to explore (and learn from!) another astro's methods.

Love & Light to all,
Jupiter conjunct the House of the Group or Thread is most supportive. Uranus rising fits the nature of the thread right down to the ground and the mutual reception with Neptune adds some flexibility. The thread is all about Caylee though, otherwise and would not have come into being without her, that is conspicuous.

What of the mysterious Mars ruled First House intercept? Mars also co-ruling House 8 and in the position which gives it that unfortunate meaning: performing a disservice to the public. (From House 6 but in the Sign on House 7)
Jupiter conjunct the House of the Group or Thread is most supportive. Uranus rising fits the nature of the thread right down to the ground and the mutual reception with Neptune adds some flexibility. The thread is all about Caylee though, otherwise and would not have come into being without her, that is conspicuous.

What of the mysterious Mars ruled First House intercept? Mars also co-ruling House 8 and in the position which gives it that unfortunate meaning: performing a disservice to the public. (From House 6 but in the Sign on House 7)
About the original chart, original arrest, I don't want any misunderstanding since my work is sometimes not read before it is criticised. The ASC and the H. 10 Cusp are the same in both Placidus and Campanus in this instance (sometimes the ASC varies). Therefore the statements I made about the present as a new turning point applies to the old chart as well as the Campanus. So does the part of death, which was on Algol in chart #1. I am not shot from guns out into the far reaches of the cosmos to find tiny planets to confirm my work. Exitus orbits very slowly and has been with the Pleiades, was there for the arrest chart and is there now. I depend on him for nothing but astronomers and astrologers have asked that we report our findings on this icy planet. I gave it a name (instead of its temporary number) and the name means result. If the part of death is in the Pleiades, it is significant. So was the fact that the entire star cluster of that name was occulted on December 11.

Tuba-have I told you that I love you? because I DO!:blowkiss:
That is very sweet, magic-cat. I love all magic-cats and you are one.
Hey ladies! I am not sure if you have had a chance to see this thread yet:
but there is an indication that the area that Caylee was discovered is a KNOWN dumping ground in that area...and again reinforces garbage, dumpsters, etc that has shown over and again. She tossed her out like a bag of trash and went and rented movies and slept with her new boyfriend. SICKENING!
Just putting this here for meena in case she gets back from what has turned into an overnight jog. Judge Sprinkel, b. 5 October, 1941. That way, no need to go looking. I wonder what has become of Aksleuth!

If we were ever to chart the progress of our thread from its birth, housemouse, you would hold the secret knowledge of when it came into being. Was it a good day?

Tuba, I asked Tricia is it would be ok with her to put up a post on what I saw in the chart, and she suggested that I make it a separate thread, so those who weren't interested could just skip over it.

I thought about it, and decided she was right, for many are offended by astrology in any form.

But, reading your latest post about the Mars interception in the first, ruling the 8th, I feel compelled to say again, maybe even more loudly and emphatically.

There are many ways to interpret this particular placement, and I hope one that springs to my mind would never come to pass.

We should be very careful in our public assessments of private individuals.
Jupiter conjunct the House of the Group or Thread is most supportive. Uranus rising fits the nature of the thread right down to the ground and the mutual reception with Neptune adds some flexibility. The thread is all about Caylee though, otherwise and would not have come into being without her, that is conspicuous.

What of the mysterious Mars ruled First House intercept? Mars also co-ruling House 8 and in the position which gives it that unfortunate meaning: performing a disservice to the public. (From House 6 but in the Sign on House 7)

I'll add to Tuba's fine start:

As the Thread began (1st House) it wasn't exactly clear (Pisces of confusion on Ascendant) what was going on here, but we were determined to use Astrology (URANUS of Astrology closely conjunct ASC) to figure things out.

Something was hidden: Aries intercepted in the 1st House, ruled by MARS at 18:29 Virgo. MARS is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the Nodes), so what is hidden (Aries intercepted) is a catastrophe, tragedy or fatality. Astrology (URANUS) allowed us to see that (URANUS of Astrology opposite MARS of catastrophe, tragedy or fatality). Was the catastrophe/tragedy/fatality a planned (Virgo) murder (MARS)??

MOON, Lord 5 The Child is approaching conjunction to SUN -- in fact a Solar Eclipse to be exact at 09:31 Leo at 6:12 am 8/1/08, hours from this Thread inception -- and the New Moon, particularly when applying as it is here, is classically malefic (See Anthony Louis, Horary Astrology Plain & Simple). This bodes no good for the 5th House Child (MOON).

Both Lights --- SUN & MOON --- in 5th House of the Child shows exactly what the thread is about --- Caylee --- as Tuba pointed out.

And KC as the mother? Where is she? In traditional horary astrology, the Mother is represented by the 10th House. The 10th House of the 5th House Child = 2nd House 06 Taurus, making VENUS the significator of KC. Notice the mother VENUS is partile opposite NEPTUNE (what is hidden/ drugs/ confusion/ deception, etc.) suggesting KC has something to do with the disappearance of her child. Also notice 8th House Cusp 06 Scorpio is partile conjunct KC's natal Pluto 06 Scorpio; another indicator tying KC into responsibility for death.

Notice Midheaven 25 Sagittarius partile conjunct KC's natal MARS. PLUTO (death) most elevated Planet at 28 Sagittarius partile opposite HADES (death) 28 Gemini square KC's natal SUN 28 Pisces.

If we had looked at this chart back in the beginning, we could have seen there was death written all over it.

Hey ladies! I am not sure if you have had a chance to see this thread yet:
but there is an indication that the area that Caylee was discovered is a KNOWN dumping ground in that area...and again reinforces garbage, dumpsters, etc that has shown over and again. She tossed her out like a bag of trash and went and rented movies and slept with her new boyfriend. SICKENING!

Hello Magic,

Glad to see you back & posting!

Yes, I did see this thread you pointed out --- and HADES in our Thread Inception chart is garbage as well as death, and in prominent position (partile opposite PLUTO, square KC's natal SUN).

So what you can follow what I posted above easier, I am posting Housemouse's Thread Inception Chart showing HADES, BLACK MOON LILITH and ARIES POINT along with the rest of the planetary players. (Still using Housemouse's Placidus house system...)

Notice BLACK MOON LILITH 00 Capricorn in 10th House of what comes before the public eye exactly square ARIES POINT 00 Aries. BML is a secondary indicator of death and the exact square to ARIES POINT is testimony this will come to light.

So what you can follow what I posted above easier, I am posting Housemouse's Thread Inception Chart showing HADES, BLACK MOON LILITH and ARIES POINT along with the rest of the planetary players. (Still using Housemouse's Placidus house system...)

Notice BLACK MOON LILITH 00 Capricorn in 10th House of what comes before the public eye exactly square ARIES POINT 00 Aries. BML is a secondary indicator of death and the exact square to ARIES POINT is testimony this will come to light.


Soulscape, there is nothing particularly holy to me about Placidus. I can post Koch, or any other commonly used house system, and it won't take me long.

Just wanted to let you know I am not "married" to house systems, and find them all interesting to research!
O/T Anyone that would like to try and explain the Astrology thread, please go to the Parking Lot and defend what these wonderful astrologers here are attempting to do. I saw 'red' when it was referred to the occult. I ranted, now please go give your two cents and defend our astrologers there! Thank you.
Soulscape, there is nothing particularly holy to me about Placidus. I can post Koch, or any other commonly used house system, and it won't take me long.

Just wanted to let you know I am not "married" to house systems, and find them all interesting to research!

Actually, Housemouse, the Placidus Inception chart worked out quite well, placing 06 Taurus/Scorpio across the 2/8 axis, with KC's natal PLUTO being smack on Inception Chart 8th House Cusp.

FWIW, I generally use Koch & Regiomontanus when I cast my own charts, but if another astrologer uses a different house system, I have no problem giving that a look-see. In this chart, Placidus worked beautifully IMO.

O/T Anyone that would like to try and explain the Astrology thread, please go to the Parking Lot and defend what these wonderful astrologers here are attempting to do. I saw 'red' when it was referred to the occult. I ranted, now please go give your two cents and defend our astrologers there! Thank you.

I might take a look tomorrow, Courts.

Remember the conjunction between Mars and Pluto is exact today, and even if it isn't directly affecting my chart, I could probably find an arcane easily over-looked aspect somewhere as an excuse to get my dander up!

Just kidding.

It is late for me, and I have an invalid husband to care-take in the morning, so need to get some sleep while I can. So will head out there in the morning, and "lay 'em out in lavender", as the saying goes. and again... Just kidding.

We must keep a sense of humor here.
I know you have a lot of responsibilities Housemouse and need your rest. It just irritates me to no end when someone feels we are dabbling in the occult. You women have made it very clear in these threads your stance on Astrology, and the occult does not enter into it for one second.
Moon, Mercury & Jupiter joined tonight with a 7°Capricorn Sun are wonderfully good for our thread. Mars & Pluto have gone Krakatoa, no doubt about it but we need not integrate that into our forum. Palestine and Israel plus a threat to our own shores.

We need to hold a New Year's mixer, virtual of course, where we socialise and look forward to 2009 and forget about contention for the booby prize of 2008.
I know you have a lot of responsibilities Housemouse and need your rest. It just irritates me to no end when someone feels we are dabbling in the occult. You women have made it very clear in these threads your stance on Astrology, and the occult does not enter into it for one second.

Thank you for bringing this up. What so many do not understand is Astrology is about 'forecasting' not predicting. I'll mosey over and post something Housemouse wrote many months ago.
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