Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Hello friends! I'm just stopping by to read more of your fascinating work. I'm a fan. :)

O/T Anyone that would like to try and explain the Astrology thread, please go to the Parking Lot and defend what these wonderful astrologers here are attempting to do. I saw 'red' when it was referred to the occult. I ranted, now please go give your two cents and defend our astrologers there! Thank you.

It is not necessary to rally the troops so to speak.
I hope I'm not just cluttering ur thread with info alrady known to all you wonderful people.....I'm only on thread #3 @ 1/2 done reading from 1st thread....A ? was asked @ any info from KC's Myspace before it went private....I have some of her messages wrote done & I wish I had done screen captures of them. I do have a few wrote down with the date & time. A few I only wrote the date down.

1: Caylee had her own myspace pg. before June 15th & KC posted a message to her on June 21st sorry no time.....didn't write the message down for some reason. I was watching my grandson at the time of writing these notes & thought I would have time to go back to write more but the pgs. went to private.

2: June 20th 2008 12:46pm Message from Casey to Alex: You're on-line!!! Come out to Fusion tonight mandatory attendence.

3: June 23rd 2008 To LA: " Is the windy city always windy?"

I have more that are comments left by her friends to each & some of hers but my notes a scattered on many pgs of notes...with exact time of her 1st arrest, etc. I don't want to be a pest so if you want me to post more feel free to PM me. I really hope I'm not bothering any of you all. As I posted earlier I am very impressed with all of your talent here! :blowkiss:
Just putting this here for meena in case she gets back from what has turned into an overnight jog. Judge Sprinkel, b. 5 October, 1941. That way, no need to go looking. I wonder what has become of Aksleuth!

If we were ever to chart the progress of our thread from its birth, housemouse, you would hold the secret knowledge of when it came into being. Was it a good day?

I miss AKSleuth too! Maybe on vacation for the holidays? As for Judge Sprinkel, I think I mentioned earlier in this thread (after someone found the b'date) that I saw an article that said he was retiring at the end of the year. He may not be the one to make the decision? just said he was retiring at the end of the year and there is another judge filling his seat. It didn't say if that judge was taking over all of his active cases. Just thougth I'd reiterate.
Sorry to bother you all yet again but was doing more sleuthin & found screen captures of KC's deleted Myspace & Facebook:

Deleted myspace comments left by Casey Anthony:

Casey Anthony Facebook Myspace Photobucket Photos:

Casey Anthony Facebook Screen Captures:

I will search for more sorry if you have already been given this info already.:blowkiss:
Good morning all! Well, I am not caught up yet, out for a few days of the Holiday. Hope everyone had a wonderful one. I will try to get caught up on the all the posts if the boss' didn't leave too much work for me today. If not, I'll get caught up this week, lol! Keep up the good work. I love reading everyone's interpretations, to have all contribute gives us non-Astro's a more complete picture. I look forward to reading what all of you gleen from this tool of understanding. Keep up the good work!
Just bumping so we don't get lost in the shuffle. :)
Thank you, Angel Who Cares. I examined every page of the acc'ts you brought us. I also made a note that the prisoner wrote about just acquiring her Blackjack, 9:13 a.m., 2008. She certainly guarded the information in it with her life. The Case of the Missing Blackjack.
Any light shed on the "Case of the Missing Blackjack" Tuba?
Did anyone notice the picture of Caylee and KC, the first one in facebook-myspace photos, where her phone is? Could easily drop out if bending over or pick up an odor maybe if around decomp long enough. Or did she get a new phone?
Thank you, Angel Who Cares. I examined every page of the acc'ts you brought us. I also made a note that the prisoner wrote about just acquiring her Blackjack, 9:13 a.m., 2008. She certainly guarded the information in it with her life. The Case of the Missing Blackjack.

Your welcome Tuba! :blowkiss: I have more info if needed just let me know.

To let you know in the link @ the Facebook screen captures to the right of the pg. it shows links to other docs...the one that says more Facebook if it opens & shows it with her middle name....that is the fake acct. that someone opened with her name. That is the one I brought to her attention in my e-mail to her about. She didn't use her middle name (Marie) on her Facebook. I really hope this helps with you all out as they do show the date & time.

Some of the ones I posted before the link post are not in the link I gave but from my notes. I started reading her Myspace on July 21st way before her 1st release from jail & it being set to private. I wish I had done screen captures of her Facebook but just in the last week they closed the acct. If only I had known how useful this info would have been for you all. I have the exact time to CA's blog too. Just let me know if you need anything else that I have found.:blowkiss:

Did you look at the posts I put before the links too? Post #272 & #325
Again you all are amazing!
Thank you Tuba, HouseMouse and SoulScape for the chart on this thread and its interpretation. It was quite informative. In my opinion the two most important aspects about the chart are

this thread is for Caylee
there is a warning that this thread could be used as a disservice to the public (which of course is not its intended purpose).

When we post here we must as HouseMouse points out, try our hardest not to speculate using astrology about the private lives of the key people in this case. I started to do that and HouseMouse provided the appropriate guidance.

Thank you Tuba, HouseMouse, Soulscape for not only being so generous with your time and talents but also for being such great guardians of the truth.
So happy to see my favorite thread is peaceful again.

I thought I was going to have to burn some sage in here after reading yesterday!

My admiration for all of you grows stronger every day.

One parting thought, my older and much wiser sister aka "southcitymom", once said to me:

*Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean*

I continually try my best to do just that!
To keep you all up with the transits to KC's natal chart, she is having some slightly positive ones in the next few days.

Tr. Neptune will sextile her Natal Uranus between today and Jan. 13th.

This isn't a very strong influence, but I wouldn't be surprised if KC doesn't "suddenly" (Uranus) find "spirituality" (Neptune).

Tr. Venus is sextile KC's natal Mars today and tomorrow.

I would expect KC to have an opportunity to turn on the charm, and to take advantage of an opportunity to play a role, in an effort to appear "cooperative".

Tr. Jupiter sextile KC's natal Sun, beginning today, exact tomorrow, finishing off on Jan 1st.

Another opportunity for KC to "shine". If a chance doesn't come along for her to expand her influence, or exert her will, she might try to create one. Wonder, considering the Neptune influence, if we will see some "positive" reports from jail.

Tr. Mercury sextile KC's Sun, beginning tomorrow, exact on the 31st

Will KC have a chance to express herself and exert her personal influence on others? She will have a chance, perhaps to take advantage of or use the ideas of others to her own benefit, but she should be careful to give them credit.
Housemouse you are on to something this was just released:

Baez Files Motion About Investigator In Casey Case
UPDATED: 3:43 pm EST December 29, 2008

He is asking the judge to appoint a "special master" to oversee any questioning of the private investigator by law enforcement.

The private eye is a familiar face to insiders. He's Dominic Casey, who early on worked for Baez. Then in October, George and Cindy Anthony hired him to follow up on live sightings of Caylee Anthony.

Baez said law enforcement is now showing an interest in questioning Casey Anthony and he wants to make sure they don't get any privileged information he may have learned while working for Baez.
Am I missing something here?

I know the Hearing is scheduled for 1/15/09 @ 9:00 am, but what is this *Trial* scheduled for 1/5/09?? Wasn't that dismissed/postponed?

Event Date Event Time Description Location



To keep you all up with the transits to KC's natal chart, she is having some slightly positive ones in the next few days.

Tr. Neptune will sextile her Natal Uranus between today and Jan. 13th.

This isn't a very strong influence, but I wouldn't be surprised if KC doesn't "suddenly" (Uranus) find "spirituality" (Neptune).

Tr. Venus is sextile KC's natal Mars today and tomorrow.

I would expect KC to have an opportunity to turn on the charm, and to take advantage of an opportunity to play a role, in an effort to appear "cooperative".

Tr. Jupiter sextile KC's natal Sun, beginning today, exact tomorrow, finishing off on Jan 1st.

Another opportunity for KC to "shine". If a chance doesn't come along for her to expand her influence, or exert her will, she might try to create one. Wonder, considering the Neptune influence, if we will see some "positive" reports from jail.

Tr. Mercury sextile KC's Sun, beginning tomorrow, exact on the 31st

Will KC have a chance to express herself and exert her personal influence on others? She will have a chance, perhaps to take advantage of or use the ideas of others to her own benefit, but she should be careful to give them credit.

Oh, thank you housemouse. I was needing some insight today after the Holiday break. I am most interested in the new attitude from KC and how long this will last before she shows her true self to those whom aid her at this time.
Am I missing something here?

I know the Hearing is scheduled for 1/15/09 @ 9:00 am, but what is this *Trial* scheduled for 1/5/09?? Wasn't that dismissed/postponed?

Event Date Event Time Description Location





what is this hearing scheduled for?
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