Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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I know this is not astrological.....................
I am posting this again just as a reminder......
This was not a dream all the info I received about Caylee was during mediation....
My heart does not want to believe this was intentional, but my mind thinks it was, I experienced Caylee's death. Something was over my mouth and it smelled like when amonia? and chlorine are mixed this was put over my nose and mouth and I felt like my lungs were burning then my breathing decreased and I felt like I was dead. I immediately came out of my meditative state because I was afraid I was dying.

I also was told Caylee went to Heaven on the 14th.............but I am satisfied with the astrologers telling me that could be the date her soul accepted she was leaving this Earth. I asked my Guide this specific question what day was Caylee killed, no answer, I rephrased the question what day did Caylee go to Heaven, just as if I was talking to someone, I was given the answer June 14th loud and clear. Just like I was told Red Azaleas loud and clear. And I also saw a faceless man................I saw the clothes he was wearing and he was crying I loved her and I would have done nothing to hurt her. Someone did help her after the fact. A few other details, but I do not think they will come out until trial, I trust my Guide Bobby 100% he has never steered my wrong.
Leonard is an attorney and he knows that what happened does not fall into the class of accidental homicide. As you well understand, he was talking only about the absence of intent to kill. The aggravated child abuse in poisoning your child with result that this child dies is murder: the killing of another during the commission of a felony.

Chloroform is poison and you could see the skull and cross bones from a satellite. Every website searched, emblazoned with the symbol. So we have that cold, in conformity with the indictment and Leonard understands that. The poisoning is all over Caylee's horoscope and the event charts and horaries. Mars on the heart opposite Neptune. Mars afflicting Neptune, even if it does not aspect your chart but is only a formation in the heavens, poisons the body. Refrain from chemicals or drugs of any kind under such aspect. Mars was also on Caylee's Ascendant, the physical body, thus under attack along with her heart.

Saturn ruled the victim's House of routines, treatment, care. It too was natally placed in the heart Sign, Leo. Slow and steady, awful as an i.v. drip, over a prolonged period of time. "Keep your baby quiet with Xanax and chloroform!" But like others posting today, it does seem there was more because Mars (her mother as I've often explained) was square that Saturn, from the Sign of the neck. Mars acts swiftly and square Saturn, with cruel intent.

The FBI labs have only what is sent them to work with. I hope they had sufficient bones to scrutinize the skeletal assembly as well as bones for extraction. A baby's neck is not a stiff and creaking affair like ours. It is very flexible. Detection is difficult. And then, there is the tape. That should give Leonard pause.
Also previously discussed at length, in the chart for the prisoner's first arrest after her interviews with officers, Mars and Saturn were conjunct. Mars ruled the way the child was parented and treated at time of occurence of the crime. Mars was conjunct Saturn on the H. of care, nurturing, treatment. Signature, same signature, of cruelty or sadism. Select one, two or both.
Originally posted by Akslueth

I remember once when housemouse, I'm sure it was, gave us an insight into Cindy and how she came from an area where she had to work hard and appearances were everything. Casey's lifestyle must have been devastating for her. Unfortunately, I believe her upbringing and her pride may have encouraged her to turn away, to turn a blind eye on Casey's actions, even when she was considering getting custody of little Caylee. I just can't believe she didn't know Casey had hatred in her.

I have found comfort in this case and in my own life by Rereading People of the Lie by Dr M.Scott Peck....It is an excellent insight into Keeping of Appearances and human evil. For the spiritual it comes from a Christian perspective and I have forgotten how wonderful of a book it is...If anyone wants to understand this family read this book...
I cannot post any unbiased astro information because I cannot see correctly due to the fact The Anthony's are so much like my family of origin and It is only by miracles by God that I am alive and survived( my older babies too).....My family Kept Up Appearances at All costs, didn't matter they had to almost kill their first born to do it.....
Thanks for letting me add my two cents
I know this is not astrological.....................
I am posting this again just as a reminder......
This was not a dream all the info I received about Caylee was during mediation....
My heart does not want to believe this was intentional, but my mind thinks it was, I experienced Caylee's death. Something was over my mouth and it smelled like when amonia? and chlorine are mixed this was put over my nose and mouth and I felt like my lungs were burning then my breathing decreased and I felt like I was dead. I immediately came out of my meditative state because I was afraid I was dying.

I also was told Caylee went to Heaven on the 14th.............but I am satisfied with the astrologers telling me that could be the date her soul accepted she was leaving this Earth. I asked my Guide this specific question what day was Caylee killed, no answer, I rephrased the question what day did Caylee go to Heaven, just as if I was talking to someone, I was given the answer June 14th loud and clear. Just like I was told Red Azaleas loud and clear. And I also saw a faceless man................I saw the clothes he was wearing and he was crying I loved her and I would have done nothing to hurt her. Someone did help her after the fact. A few other details, but I do not think they will come out until trial, I trust my Guide Bobby 100% he has never steered my wrong.

Two thoughts on the 14th....first,wasn't it the 14th somewhere?different time zone? and perhaps that was the day KC solidified in her mind that she was going to get rid of Caylee.In other words,it was as good as done.
Does that make sense?
Originally posted by Akslueth

I remember once when housemouse, I'm sure it was, gave us an insight into Cindy and how she came from an area where she had to work hard and appearances were everything. Casey's lifestyle must have been devastating for her. Unfortunately, I believe her upbringing and her pride may have encouraged her to turn away, to turn a blind eye on Casey's actions, even when she was considering getting custody of little Caylee. I just can't believe she didn't know Casey had hatred in her.

I have found comfort in this case and in my own life by Rereading People of the Lie by Dr M.Scott Peck....It is an excellent insight into Keeping of Appearances and human evil. For the spiritual it comes from a Christian perspective and I have forgotten how wonderful of a book it is...If anyone wants to understand this family read this book...
I cannot post any unbiased astro information because I cannot see correctly due to the fact The Anthony's are so much like my family of origin and It is only by miracles by God that I am alive and survived( my older babies too).....My family Kept Up Appearances at All costs, didn't matter they had to almost kill their first born to do it.....
Thanks for letting me add my two cents

Sending you :blowkiss: and hugs!
Leonard is an attorney and he knows that what happened does not fall into the class of accidental homicide. As you well understand, he was talking only about the absence of intent to kill. The aggravated child abuse in poisoning your child with result that this child dies is murder: the killing of another during the commission of a felony.

Chloroform is poison and you could see the skull and cross bones from a satellite. Every website searched, emblazoned with the symbol. So we have that cold, in conformity with the idictment and Leonard understands that. The poisoning is all over Caylee's horoscope and the event charts and horaries. Mars on the heart opposite Neptune. Mars afflicting Neptune, even if it does not aspect your chart but is only a formation in the heavens, poisons the body. Refrain from chemicals or drugs of any kind under such aspect. Mars was also on Caylee's Ascendant, the physical body, thus under attack along with her heart.

Saturn ruled the victim's House of routines, treatment, care. It too was natally placed in the heart Sign, Leo. Slow and steady, awful as an i.v. drip, over a prolonged period of time. "Keep your baby quiet with Xanax and chloroform!" But like others posting today, it does seem there was more because Mars (her mother as I've often explained) was square that Saturn, from the Sign of the neck. Mars acts swiftly and square Saturn, with cruel intent.

The FBI labs have only what is sent them to work with. I hope they had sufficient bones to scrutinize the skeletal assembly as well as bones for extraction. A baby's neck is not a stiff and creaking affair like ours. It is very flexible. Detection is difficult. And then, there is the tape. That should give Leonard pause.

Two thoughts on the 14th....first,wasn't it the 14th somewhere?different time zone? and perhaps that was the day KC solidified in her mind that she was going to get rid of Caylee.In other words,it was as good as done.
Does that make sense?

Nothing about this case makes sense to me. I do not want to speculate that KC had this planned because I do not know, however, I do feel Caylee knew what was coming her way.
Leonard is the bounty hunter who put up a bail bond. Casey was released on bond. He spent time with her in order to find the victim. Her behavior in the jail convos with her parents before Leonard made that gesture was so duplicitous. She "just wanted to be family again." As soon as she got home on bond, she refused to tell her parents anything, refused to help in the search and fled to her attorney's office as early as possible every day. She stayed as late as permitted and obtained extensions of time. The jail drama was all manipulation. She wanted OUT and she made that clear over and over. She would do any number, make any emotional appeal for the moment, to achieve that end. "I want to be there when she gets home." Yeah, Casey.
Nothing about this case makes sense to me. I do not want to speculate that KC had this planned because I do not know, however, I do feel Caylee knew what was coming her way.
I agree.I think the soul knows.
Hearing Caylee on that video with Great gran"are you tired,papa?" I always feel like she a very old soul,very wise.
Leonard is the bounty hunter who put up a bail bond. Casey was released on bond. He spent time with her in order to find the victim. Her behavior in the jail convos with her parents before Leonard made that gesture was so duplicitous. She "just wanted to be family again." As soon as she got home on bond, she refused to tell her parents anything, refused to help in the search and fled to her attorney's office as early as possible every day. She stayed as late as permitted and obtained extensions of time. The jail drama was all manipulation. She wanted OUT and she made that clear over and over. She would do any number, make any emotional appeal for the moment, to achieve that end. "I want to be there when she gets home." Yeah, Casey.

sorry--guess I didn't specify what I meant..thought maybe something else happened with him the way I read it...been snowed in like FOREVER, insomnia so I'm a wee bit loopy...sometimes this thread moves really fast and by the time I've caught up....then there are the down times when news really just covering bases---tia :blowkiss:
Just to clarify the Jan. 15th date, Judge Strickland clearly says it's NOT a Pre-Trial day, it's a 'conference' date about the pre-trial. Listen to this discussion @ 5min 08 sec.

You will also note, the Prosecutor asked about the "other case" AmyH/Fraud, and he said he'd "roll that over" until the conference of Jan 15th as he is anticipating a change of venue. I'm hoping that means he's considering hearing this case prior to the murder trial.
Miss James, how about the ice cream video. One minute in, Caylee tries to kiss her mother who reflexively and immediately pulls away. I've mentioned this before but it goes straight to my chest. The prisoner's Moon Venus square is neither loving nor fun to live with.
I agree Tuba, that particular video has always bothered me, because there is such an undertone of anger/aggression to it, even in Cindy. It is subtle, but it's there nonetheless. Also the video of Casey bouncing Caylee on her legs...same undertone - false happiness, false play, smile for the camera please.
Respectfully snipped ~
I'll keep my opinion to myself about that (arresting the As - not Soulscape's expertise).

My thoughts exactly, Fifth. She's already thrown poor, non-existent Nanny under the bus, so I'm willing to bet another real life person who actually did the deed would be under there, too. I can't see Casey spending eternity in prison for someone else!

My bold. I'm wondering if the other astrologer is seeing some male aspect of KC's personality? Don't know if that is possible. Also, at this point in time, if KC named someone else, would anyone believe her? I wouldn't, unless there was hard evidence. Remember KC would lie, steal and cheat to find Caylee. She said so herself. And when she steals to further her search, she shops at Target and buys beer because apparently Caylee was small enough to fit in the beer bottle, when she lies she implicates non-existent people from fairyland?!?.

I'm going with our very astute astros here at WS. I don't think anyone else was involved because as FifthEssence and AKSleuth point out, KC would have already tried to run over them.

I know this is not astrological.....................
I am posting this again just as a reminder......
This was not a dream all the info I received about Caylee was during mediation....
My heart does not want to believe this was intentional, but my mind thinks it was, I experienced Caylee's death. Something was over my mouth and it smelled like when amonia? and chlorine are mixed this was put over my nose and mouth and I felt like my lungs were burning then my breathing decreased and I felt like I was dead. I immediately came out of my meditative state because I was afraid I was dying.

I also was told Caylee went to Heaven on the 14th.............but I am satisfied with the astrologers telling me that could be the date her soul accepted she was leaving this Earth. I asked my Guide this specific question what day was Caylee killed, no answer, I rephrased the question what day did Caylee go to Heaven, just as if I was talking to someone, I was given the answer June 14th loud and clear. Just like I was told Red Azaleas loud and clear. And I also saw a faceless man................I saw the clothes he was wearing and he was crying I loved her and I would have done nothing to hurt her. Someone did help her after the fact. A few other details, but I do not think they will come out until trial, I trust my Guide Bobby 100% he has never steered my wrong.

Your post is very interesting, chesterp. I am pretty sure there is a thread for psychics, and you might consider posting it there.

Some astrologers (including me) are very uncomfortable, even wary, of having anything to do with "Guides". I am sure you understand, that from a Christian perspective, there is no way to tell about these, as they are frequently from the "dark side".

Satan is a great imposter, you know. And, another piece of unasked for advice, please stay away from Ouija boards!
Has anyone compared both KC's chart with LA's chart? I know there are no birth times but they seem so bonded for a brother and sister to the point that each seems to know what the other is thinking.
It must have been subconsciously present that the prisoner is suffused with a good bit of testosterone because I denoted the mother Mars. Unheard of in astrology but there it was. If you want to know the explanation, which I've already repeated, I will find it on the calendar. So, yes, there is some male aspect.

In returning to yesterday's helio chart for the status conference, here is the timing of various sleuths' question about when the change in legal staff will occur. The H. of service in the helio is, of course and always will be, Virgo Sixth. Mercury ruling that cusp is leaving, 29+ °II, opposing Pluto in H. of judicial permission, Tenth and ruling the cusp of murder, Eighth. It is someone who has been occupied with much paperwork and who has dealt with witnesses. Also blatant in the helio, more so, there is a very recent inconjunct between Prosecution and Defense, represented in that chart by Venus and Mars. A situation that was out of joint was altered and restructured and renegotiated under distress; someone climbed down from a biding & waiting perch and committed. It was Defense that made the concessions, not Prosecution. No surprise there.

Cindy will again be quoted in the news. Mercury & Jupiter are visiting her Moon. As though a prod to open wide were needed.
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