Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Anthony attorney sets up new tip line
Associated Press - December 22, 2008 5:24 PM ET

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - The attorney for the mother of a missing Florida girl charged with her murder has set up a new tip line to receive leads that he believes will confirm his client did not kill her daughter.


Our reactions to this announcement: “You’re kidding” … “You can’t be serious” … “Is this a joke?” With Pisces the Illusionist on the Midheaven, we are wary of snake oil salesmen. The announcement takes us off guard, surprises, even shocks us, shown by URANUS in H10 of the Public Eye.

See Chart here:

29:55 Gemini rises and Defense is shown by L1, MERCURY. The tip line is L3 the SUN and Defense’s hope is L11, MARS. Specifically, Defense’s hope (L11, MARS) is to pin this murder (MARS conj. PLUTO) on someone else (L11 MARS in DSC, the house of The Other). But it’s not going to happen because there is no aspect between Defense L1 MERCURY and L11 MARS their Hope.

The Part of Danger or Peril is exact conjunct ASC to the minute and opposite the MARS/PLUTO conjunction straddling the 7H, showing how shaky Defense’s position really is. With ASC at 29:55 Gemini in the *end-of-their-rope* position, I doubt the tip line will give them the ammunition they are so desperately seeking to save KC’s posterior from growing softer and flabbier from 6 or 7 decades of junk food, napping and minimal laps around the inside perimeter of the barbed wire fence.

Note also, as Tuba suggests, the late rising degree points to Jose’s diminishing interest. Since the discovery and identification of the remains, his remarks suggest he is beginning to distance himself from the perp. It reminds me of that song: The Thrill Is Gone…

Oh Soulscape - The Thrill is Gone as sung by Tisiphone.

I also favor the Aquarian Moon position for Cindy (although Lee has a Capricorn Moon with Mars) and I have written about the inheritance in the prisoner of the Moon Venus square from her mother. In fact, I have written repeatedly about that affliction they share. But from Geo., the prisoner inherited the Sign positions for the square. He has Uranus on her Moon and Jupiter on her Venus. Rather than rude, he is unlucky at gambles of any sort, even internet scams.

Tuba, I tried to read all of the preceding posts and I think I did read most of them but I'm not a young woman anymore and my memory is often caput. So I didn't mean to brush off anything you've written prior to now. Sorry if you thought I was doing that. I have an afflicted Jupiter myself and if it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all but unlike GA, I don't ever even attempt taking risks like gambling. It surprised me that a man who'd been in law enforcement could fall for something as obvious as an internet scam. It suggests he is very gullible in all areas of life. I will have to look at his chart again.
I see. Apparently a considerable amt. of money was lost in the scam but not a fortune. However, the prisoner's friends quote her as saying she and Lee hated their father because of this bungle and how it cost the family. If you love a family member, I ask you, do you react to his or her blunders with hate? The fact that his losing "gamble" automatically engaged her narcissistic Venus in Aries square Moon in Cancer renders it believable astrologically but it is such an extreme judgment and emotion that I see pathology right there. Her pose as a successful and affluent debutante suffered from the reduced finances. "How dare you fail to support my fraud and imposture!" And of course, George's losing gamble, Jupiter square Uranus, activated Lee's Mars (and Moon) opposed to the Uranus with ferocity and contempt. The interlocking pattern is there amongst them but it is an over reaction of great disproportion. George's Mercury also squares Lee's Venus-Uranus conjunction in Sag. Dad broke the bank and I'm bust. So lets form a circle with Mom, exclude Dad, and work up a real hate. I would say Sissy made a mistake that rather put this in the shade, wouldn't you Lee?
Silly question, but this bothered me all night. What if someone has some information that links KC to the crime, or something they picked up while walking down that road that could be crucial to the case, and they call the JB tipline (by accident) thinking it was to the Police of Fed's hotline? I worry about the smallest things don't I?
Silly question, but this bothered me all night. What if someone has some information that links KC to the crime, or something they picked up while walking down that road that could be crucial to the case, and they call the JB tipline (by accident) thinking it was to the Police of Fed's hotline? I worry about the smallest things don't I?

Worry not, Merc.

SUN the tipline damages MERCURY (Defense) as MERCURY is under the Sunbeams and both SUN & MERCURY are in the DSC, opposite MERCURY's 1st House. Here we see Defense working against itself.

Additionally, MOON Lord 2 the Near Future is in the Via Combusta (the Burning Way) involved in Fixed Cross: MOON opposite FORTUNE in H11 of Hope squaring the NODES Leo/Aquarius. Notice FORTUNE in Fateful Degree --- same degree as Nodes --- always portending catastrophe, tragedy or fatality.

Curses! Foiled again!!!


(Link to chart above in Post #61)
Thank you Soulscape. I must have overlooked that part in your first post, lack of coffee and laughing about the growing softer and flabbier, lol!
Tuba - I have been away for several days, so I'm sorry if this has already been posted. I just saw on another blog that JM will have Casey under oath on Jan. 12 at 10:00 am. I hope this will help with a chart!
irishinme writes (above) that Leonard may be using his criminal trapping strategem. The B's seem to be engaged in such a plot as well. Linda K.B. said within the last few days that she doesn't always appreciate or like what her pathologist husband publically remarks about a case; his assessments may go to defeat her clients. She doesn't ask him to refrain, however, and his ethics and conscience and natural extroversion impel him to speak out. She has a closing conjunction of progressed Mars to her Saturn. Not a winner. But his own expertise neatly balances the testimony of Defense's hired experts and his words are heard all over television. He is also optimistic about toxicology findings of drugging in the case.

Soulscape's chart looks like the initiative of one who takes offense at bald faced lies and finds his own way to defeat them. Mercury in the Sign of the gov't. Throwing out a II lasso. Who might phone in? The usual suspects?
Tuba - I have been away for several days, so I'm sorry if this has already been posted. I just saw on another blog that JM will have Casey under oath on Jan. 12 at 10:00 am. I hope this will help with a chart!
I'll get right on it! However, we do know that Mercury stations to go into reverse the day before.
Tuba - you're the best! I can't wait to see it....even though I don't know what any of it means!!
Venus at the ASC, Uranus rising in H. 1. That's our twee Piscean, all right, making nice with the big lawyer. Of great interest, Mercury is the exploding Christmas cracker. Right on the notorious midpoint of her natal square of the mouth. The deposing att'y seems inordinately serious with these probes, she puzzles.

I need to put the chart up and transfer it. Thank you very BIG, watchinginky!
You're very welcome Tuba. I love reading yours and everyone else's work on this thread. "Absolutely" amazing!!
Venus at the ASC, Uranus rising in H. 1. That's our twee Piscean, all right, making nice with the big lawyer. Of great interest, Mercury is the exploding Christmas cracker. Right on the notorious midpoint of her natal square of the mouth. The deposing att'y seems inordinately serious with these probes, she puzzles.

I need to put the chart up and transfer it. Thank you very BIG, watchinginky!

My bold - but I can just see the look on KC's face as she wonders "what's up with this guy?"

just stopping in to thank you all again for your hard work and making this info available to those of us who don't have your amazing knowledge!

this is still by far my most favourite thread series on WS!

Please note the Mercury riding Cusp of House of self-undoing. Yes, please, more! This sitting begins with proper etiquette and introductions, Venus at ASC, Venus dispositing Part of Fortune. Any attempt at trade offs, one story for another, fails. Neptune would then be in a lock, on the mat, with Saturn and Uranus squares the H. 10 authority, Judge Strickland. Not permitted.

The defamation axn filed three mos. back seems to represent the final page & finis of a very flawed script. (Moon opposite lunar node three mos. ago)

Please note the Mercury riding Cusp of House of self-undoing. Yes, please, more! This sitting begins with proper etiquette and introductions, Venus at ASC, Venus dispositing Part of Fortune. Any attempt at trade offs, one story for another, fails. Neptune would then be in a lock, on the mat, with Saturn and Uranus squares the H. 10 authority, Judge Strickland. Not permitted.

The defamation axn filed three mos. back seems to represent the final page & finis of a very flawed script. (Moon opposite lunar node three mos. ago)

I was thinking about the courtesy extended to G&CA by JM. We have the Holidays and eventual burial following the 2nd autopsy by the Defense. Between now and the 15th is three weeks and seems sufficient time to allow the grandparents to handle their private affairs without interruption. G&CA will not have any legitimate excuses to further delay the depo. So, your end of the month observation for them may come to pass.
Judge Sprinkle is handling this Zenaida defamation case.

As to our lovely Prisoner, January 15th will be the next pre-trial conference and as Judge Strickland said, the 'other case'/Amy H will be brought up at that time.
We already know the Defense is basically defenseless, scrambling about hoping the calls to their distracting(Pisces on the Midheaven)Tipline gives them possible scenarios to run with; we can expect them to make statements in their continued attempt to bring reasonable doubt by announcing a variety of leads and info they've received which will 'clear the wrongly accused mourning mother'. As you said TUBA, JB will continue to argue motions causing delay after delay of the murder trial. Strickland expects these strategies and may express his disgust by agreeing w/the Prosecution to hear the Amy H case sooner then later. THAT would bring them down on their knees!
I'd say the Ex-debutante Prisoner's dance card is full.

Rest in Peace baby girl, you're being heard loud and clear
Please tell me more about this Judge. With the south node of Venus on his cusp, you cannot nice him. He is hip to all of the details of this case. Also, must add that if this depo is deferred because of Mercury backing off, the chart stands on the truth of the official granted time for it. The moving hand has writ. Speaking of which, the Mercury in this chart is at the solstice point of H. 9, so the matter is already recorded as though a tape had been in the room. Despite Scorpio on that cusp, the word will get out broadly as well due to the nature of that House (broadcast & publicity). The nature of its Fixed Star, Unuk the Alpha Serpentis, is even explosive.
just stopping in to thank you all again for your hard work and making this info available to those of us who don't have your amazing knowledge!

this is still by far my most favourite thread series on WS!

That makes me very happy! And, I was so worried when we started.
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