Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Being reported on another thread, a panel of legal commentators pushing the notion that the defendant was overcharged, considering the condition of the remains. I checked. No toxicology findings have been returned. So these chattering heads are a bit previous. There was hair and quite a lot of it, and long! As Dr. B. said, it is not a matter of levels, it is a matter of presence. We are talking poison here, after all.

On 9 October, 1996, planet 15874 was discovered. My name for it is "Exitus": result.
When Caylee died, Exitus was 26°52'39" Taurus. At Caput Algol. This is where, as Al-Quaida says, you lose your head. I believe there is more to learn from the skeletal remains, duct tape and hair.

Interesting, don't you think, that little Caylee's stellium and ascendant in royal sign Leo (the lion's MANE, long full and luxurious), opposite neptune of poison at the point of known enemy. King Leo will toss is mane, roaring loudly the secrets entrapped.
After everything that has gone down and everything we have been privileged to know, I still don't like Anthony R's planets. His Venus at his nodal degree, fatality. His Mars at the solstice point of Caylee's Neptune which opposes her Sun, the very degree. His conjunction of Mars & Saturn in the death Sign, Scorpio. His Mercury on the north node of Mars. His Neptune where we now find Pluto. His Uranus which disintegrates the prisoner's inhibitions. His Jupiter inconjunct Sun natal and opposing Moon natal. Pluto on the prisoner's terminal at the end of Libra. His Mercury, Venus, Sun progressed afflicting Caylee's Moon.
You may remember that the prisoner's natal decision point is 1° Aries 18'. The Sun just squared that, forcing her to make a choice. We are not privy to her inner workings or even what her team may present to her. On the day of notification to her at the jail, re: identification of the bones, the Moon opposed that decision point. Of course, there may have been yet one more demand that she come clean. I guess we know what she decided.
I agree with you , everyday cant wait to get on here and read and find out what is REALLY going on, they are allllll amazing arent they?
His lying from the beginning for no apparent reason always bothered me. He was the only one of her contacts that lied to LE (that we know of so far) when interviewed. He says he was 'scared' and that's why he lied to LE in the interview...what could he have been scared of?
Do you think a chart of his first and second interview with LE might shed some light on the subject of why he was scared?
watchinginky my last post was ment for you lol im new here :)
I have looked and looked, but I can't find a date and time for his initial informal talk with Det. Allen where he lied.

Formal LE interview with him was 8/18/08 at 14:53 (2:53pm).
Yes, I read the above interview one more time on the weekend. Nothing of significance in his attitude or answers. I have never seen the original talk or even a summary of the contents. Strange.
After everything that has gone down and everything we have been privileged to know, I still don't like Anthony R's planets. His Venus at his nodal degree, fatality. His Mars at the solstice point of Caylee's Neptune which opposes her Sun, the very degree. His conjunction of Mars & Saturn in the death Sign, Scorpio. His Mercury on the north node of Mars. His Neptune where we now find Pluto. His Uranus which disintegrates the prisoner's inhibitions. His Jupiter inconjunct Sun natal and opposing Moon natal. Pluto on the prisoner's terminal at the end of Libra. His Mercury, Venus, Sun progressed afflicting Caylee's Moon.

Both you and SOULSCAPE discussed him very briefly a while back. Something creepy there. He needs to be revisited.
You may remember that the prisoner's natal decision point is 1° Aries 18'. The Sun just squared that, forcing her to make a choice. We are not privy to her inner workings or even what her team may present to her. On the day of notification to her at the jail, re: identification of the bones, the Moon opposed that decision point. Of course, there may have been yet one more demand that she come clean. I guess we know what she decided.

and none of us are surprised.
Being reported on another thread, a panel of legal commentators pushing the notion that the defendant was overcharged, considering the condition of the remains. I checked. No toxicology findings have been returned. So these chattering heads are a bit previous. There was hair and quite a lot of it, and long! As Dr. B. said, it is not a matter of levels, it is a matter of presence. We are talking poison here, after all.

On 9 October, 1996, planet 15874 was discovered. My name for it is "Exitus": result.
When Caylee died, Exitus was 26°52'39" Taurus. At Caput Algol. This is where, as Al-Quaida says, you lose your head. I believe there is more to learn from the skeletal remains, duct tape and hair.

Interesting, don't you think, that little Caylee's stellium and ascendant in royal sign Leo (the lion's MANE, long full and luxurious), opposite neptune of poison at the point of known enemy. King Leo will toss is mane, roaring loudly the secrets entrapped.

Well, I'm all ears...let the games begin.

This makes me happy for ♥ Caylee.♥
Imagery of her standing on a Lion, reins in hand, protected with armor and sword charging forward w/the TRUTH.

Thank you TUBA & KAITLAND for the visual understanding. It's the best way to learn. You're the best teachers.
Not as easy to flick off is the intense pressure to make a decision the last week of this year. After a New Moon on her Neptune, Mars and Pluto double up to square her decision point with precision. Pressure, pressure, pressure. "Full disclosure is the best defense."_________Jose Baez.
Not as easy to flick off is the intense pressure to make a decision the last week of this year. After a New Moon on her Neptune, Mars and Pluto double up to square her decision point with precision. Pressure, pressure, pressure. "Full disclosure is the best defense."_________Jose Baez.

That's certainly encouraging! Thanks Tuba!
I have always had a bad feeling about AR. In the text messages between him and KC, there was absolute coldness and disdain for Caylee. It was in these messages that KC expressed the greatest frustration with being a mother. AR also stated that he felt like the woman in the relationship, because KC always left after the "date". This was the man she referred to Caylee as "the Snothead".
He seems to be the only man not engaged by little Caylee and her sweetness. He may have felt enough of nothing, to participate in something bad.
KC always said she never trusted LE.
Could he have been the Tony she desperately wanted to talk to????
I see. Apparently a considerable amt. of money was lost in the scam but not a fortune. However, the prisoner's friends quote her as saying she and Lee hated their father because of this bungle and how it cost the family. If you love a family member, I ask you, do you react to his or her blunders with hate? The fact that his losing "gamble" automatically engaged her narcissistic Venus in Aries square Moon in Cancer renders it believable astrologically but it is such an extreme judgment and emotion that I see pathology right there. Her pose as a successful and affluent debutante suffered from the reduced finances. "How dare you fail to support my fraud and imposture!" And of course, George's losing gamble, Jupiter square Uranus, activated Lee's Mars (and Moon) opposed to the Uranus with ferocity and contempt. The interlocking pattern is there amongst them but it is an over reaction of great disproportion. George's Mercury also squares Lee's Venus-Uranus conjunction in Sag. Dad broke the bank and I'm bust. So lets form a circle with Mom, exclude Dad, and work up a real hate. I would say Sissy made a mistake that rather put this in the shade, wouldn't you Lee?

Very interesting. I didn't know much about the internet scam and nothing at all about the fall out GA received from Casey and LA. No, you don't turn your back on a beloved family member just because they made a mistake. Also, Casey and LA are adults and are no longer *entitled* to any financial support from GA. If he wants to burn his money in the backyard it is simply none of their business. This family is very short on personal responsibility, personal integrity, and ethics in general IMO.

This family dynamic regarding GA also indirectly says something about the way Casey could treat Caylee so callously and the way IMO the entire family continues to do so, at least in the public eye. Jesse G. is the *only* person I've seen who knew Caylee well who has shed a tear for her on camera. This is very telling. Does anyone have birth data for Jesse G. and/or Anthony R.?

Also, I note that GA's Jupiter Rx in Aries is tightly conjunct Casey's selfish Venus in Aries. I'm at a loss as to how to interpret that. Could any of the astrologers shed a little light on that for me please?
snipped from Asker:
This family dynamic regarding GA also indirectly says something about the way Casey could treat Caylee so callously and the way IMO the entire family continues to do so, at least in the public eye. Jesse G. is the *only* person I've seen who knew Caylee well who has shed a tear for her on camera. This is very telling. Does anyone have birth data for Jesse G. and/or Anthony R.?

I think if you visit the Astro Calendar, you may find some discussions there.
Anthony R referred to Caylee as 'the offspring'.
I think I have located the times of CA 911 calls. This information was listed on a it's ok to post name) web site. They are listed as follows:

Call #1 7/15/2008 8:08pm
Call #2 7/15/2008 8:44pm
Call #3 7/15/2008 9:41pm

I hope this helps. Thanks again, for all of your great work. Please disregard if you have already obtained the information.
Thank you. Asker wanted the time especially of the first one, which no one knew. I am surfing the news on-line everyday looking for the times of Roy K.'s 911 calls. the one on 8-11-2008 is important. First sighting.

Jesse G.'s chart is a nice one, just four days from Lee's birthday.
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