Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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JB already pushing. Motion granted, 14 days given, JB files emergency motion. Don't forget to read the emails attached. You guys are GOOD!

housemouse: wish would not have worried, but I understand. I remember your first post, and have kept reading everyday, first thread I check.:blowkiss:
I had to spit up yesterday when Jesse told us why the prisoner broke their engagement and he said it was a hard break, very antagonistic. She told him he loved Caylee more than her. Casting about for this intensity of Green Jealousy, I found her Juno, 16:57 Sagittarius in Murder Incorporated, her mob. She has Melpomene on Saturn, Medea dead bang on Mars, and Uranus square her mouth. All in Sagittarius, who is bucking for a large throw. Juno demands equity, makes new records in her thirst for vengeance as The Woman Scorned. Mad as a meat axe. And, one more time, here she sits on the SOUTH node of Venus and at the midpoint of her sadistic Mars/Saturn. Love denied.
I had to spit up yesterday when Jesse told us why the prisoner broke their engagement and he said it was a hard break, very antagonistic. She told him he loved Caylee more than her. Casting about for this intensity of Green Jealousy, I found her Juno, 16:57 Sagittarius in Murder Incorporated, her mob. She has Melpomene on Saturn, Medea dead bang on Mars, and Uranus square her mouth. All in Sagittarius, who is bucking for a large throw. Juno demands equity, makes new records in her thirst for vengeance as The Woman Scorned. Mad as a meat axe. And, one more time, here she sits on the SOUTH node of Venus and at the midpoint of her sadistic Mars/Saturn. Love denied.

It was heartbreaking to watch Jesse last night. You can see the pain written all over his face and the tears that were welling in his eyes. I found myself crying as I watched him. It is a terrible shame that the perp had no idea just how good she had it and that her jealousy reigned over the unconditional love that was being showered over her and Caylee. Just a terrible shame!
I have never used Ouija board, tarot cards or any other tools. I only get messages from my husband since he died and Bobby, my Guide/Angel, since I died last April 22nd.

The only reason I posted here is because so many people are asking if you guys KNOW how she passed through astrology. I am NOT psychic..... I was given this info out of the blue and I am very perplexed............... I have never seen anything from the "dark side" and I do not actively seek info.

I watch this thread often, the WS astrology is fun to read :)
And yes chesterp, guides can be lost loved ones, and angels, they are not dark beings :)

I'm sorry for your loss. And always listen to your guide :)
I'd say the Ex-debutante Prisoner's dance card if full.

Why do you all keep calling her a debutante? I'm sure the Anthonys never mingled in the kind of social circles that have debuts for their daughters or the money for it either.

She might have been a deb wannabe but I'll bet she was never actually a deb.
I hope this will be helpful, Tuba, Soulscape, and other astrologers here. It is the heliocentric chart of the "pre-trial".

The position of Mercury (29 Gemini) is interesting. 29 degrees of a sign are considered unfortunate.

And the semi-square to Neptune from Mars. The principal here is irritability, weakness. Another keyword is "activity paralysed, "misdirected powers and energies", "misfortune to suffer from harm or exploitation" (all these keywords from Ebertin's Combination of Stellar Influences)

Venus is approaching a square to Saturn, also. A keyword for this is "irresponsible and unfaithful people".

gardenhart, I wrote about her imposture as a young woman of means with a nanny. We are, I fear, mocking her. (As they say in the sandbox, "But she started it!")
gardenhart, I wrote about her imposture as a young woman of means with a nanny. We are, I fear, mocking her. (As they say in the sandbox, "But she started it!")

Around here we call that putting on the dog, pretending to be something better than what you are - richer, better educated, further up the social scale. She sure does a lot of that. I've said several times a lot of what she says doesn't make sense because she misuses big words that really aren't in her vocabulary. And the whole nanny rather than babysitter thing, which is ridiculous. You don't drop your child off at the nanny's house anyway, whether the nanny is real or imagined. A nanny lives in.

Thanks for the explanation, Tuba.

Why do you all keep calling her a debutante? I'm sure the Anthonys never mingled in the kind of social circles that have debuts for their daughters or the money for it either.

She might have been a deb wannabe but I'll bet she was never actually a deb.

Forgive me, I was feeling disgusted and used the borrowed term 'debutante' in a cynical way...opposite my true opinion of her,
' a plastic shell of a human being '.... nuff said.
I thought some of the posters and lurkers here might be interested in these comments by a professional astrologer.

"Astrologers throughout time have often been asked: “Did you predict this?”

In current times, these same questions come from an uneducated, uninformed, and misinformed society that places astrologers incorrectly into the gamut of entertainment and fortune-telling.

The fact is that Astrology is a very complex and serious study that takes years to understand and an uncanny judgment in order to apply to current times. When done correctly, Astrology becomes a very valuable tool for society in understanding the times we are living in, and forecasting the future times ahead.

Please notice that I use the word “forecasting,” not “prediction.” That is because in its proper use, Astrology is a forecasting tool. It outlines the likely conditions ahead, not the inevitable outcome, as a prediction would.

True astrologers understand that the outcome of anything must involve choice, and choice is an aspect of free will. Astrology, and the Astrologer, is thus a “choice revealer,” not a “choice maker.”

Written by Raymond Merriman, a market forecaster specializing in astrological market timing.
Being reported on another thread, a panel of legal commentators pushing the notion that the defendant was overcharged, considering the condition of the remains. I checked. No toxicology findings have been returned. So these chattering heads are a bit previous. There was hair and quite a lot of it, and long! As Dr. B. said, it is not a matter of levels, it is a matter of presence. We are talking poison here, after all.

On 9 October, 1996, planet 15874 was discovered. My name for it is "Exitus": result.
When Caylee died, Exitus was 26°52'39" Taurus. At Caput Algol. This is where, as Al-Quaida says, you lose your head. I believe there is more to learn from the skeletal remains, duct tape and hair.
Being reported on another thread, a panel of legal commentators pushing the notion that the defendant was overcharged, considering the condition of the remains. I checked. No toxicology findings have been returned. So these chattering heads are a bit previous. There was hair and quite a lot of it, and long! As Dr. B. said, it is not a matter of levels, it is a matter of presence. We are talking poison here, after all.

On 9 October, 1996, planet 15874 was discovered. My name for it is "Exitus": result.
When Caylee died, Exitus was 26°52'39" Taurus. At Caput Algol. This is where, as Al-Quaida says, you lose your head. I believe there is more to learn from the skeletal remains, duct tape and hair.

I have been praying for this, Tuba!
Every stroke of the hammer makes a bang. The chart for the deposition we are hoping will indeed take place as scheduled found 21° Scorpio on H. 9, as cusp. Turns out that's just where the Moon was today!

As has been true of late, in the deposition chart, the ruler of H. 12 of the hidden and the secret is in an angle. Therefore, expect expose of furtive thoughts, words, deeds. How much more can we TAKE! But that is the collateral effect of the probe into defamation here and more than Zenaida's good name is at stake.
Hello. I am a new member but have been lurking for quite some time. I have been following this case for a long time as well.

You folks are great!

I was wondering, and in reading through the previous threads I can't remember seeing it mentioned, would it be helpful/insightful in any way to do charts for Casey 1. at the time she made the long call to Tony after the fight with the A's, 2. at the time her computer shows her messing with the "Love" graphic? Sorry if this is a silly question, and I hope I am not intruding.
Thanks for the suggestion, Khaki. The long call definitely might reveal state of mind and event immediately past.

Right now I am looking for Linda K. B. because I remember the conjunction of Mars to her Saturn by progression is in the works but won't be exact for at least a year. I need to review that.
L.K.B. has the lunar node regressed to a square of her Neptune progressed. Mars progressed to the square of that Neptune last year but is only shadowing her natal Saturn, conjunct but not exact for four years. The connexion I like is her progressed Saturn to the prisoner's Pluto: the worst blend in the book.
Tuba, you are so patient in looking up and analyzing all these charts.

I just don't have it in me. Once I have the crime chart down, and figure out the basics of it all, I tend to lose interest fast.

Then, I am impatient for the trial to start, so I can see how accurate the charts have been. The rest of it seems so tedious to me.
Yes, it's true, I am fastened like a mustard plaster to this case. In fact, I am so intent that I carry almost all the charts &/or planetary positions in my head. I do not have a memory for other things, not at all. Ask me what films came out this year or even what won the Oscar. Zot. Frankly, don't you just love it that Linda K.B. has her progr. Saturn on the prisoner's Pluto? I know what you think of her Pluto. And poor baby had that opposite her Mars mother.

You may remember that I find 28+°Libra a sensitive point, likely a terminal, in KC's chart. Linda K.B. has her Neptune and her Saturn on that and Mars swift approaching, with the Node of the Moon square from Capricorn. Tick-a-lock.
Thanks to all of you, I really love to read this thread. I don't know how you do it, but it sure comes so close!!!
Fastened like a mustard plaster, lol! (I did not think anyone knew what those were but my family.) I am liking think LK Baden information. I have been in fear of the opposite with no real reason why other than Spector, but hey, who can lock up the koo koo cha choo wall of sound? (I actuall mistyped sound twice, I typed wound. Eeeeek!)
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