Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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The chart suggests the sack was definitely there, but hidden.

See chart:

Investigation / investigative matters are ruled by 8th House, here with Aquarius on cusp 8, making SATURN significator of the P.I. We find him, appropriately, in the 3rd House of News reports at 21:45 Virgo. (This is also the House given to recording of all kinds, including videotaping.)

The Child is ruled by House 5, Scorpio, co-ruled by MARS & PLUTO, located in the cadent 6th House. MARS/PLUTO (Child) are partile conjunct at 1 Capricorn, conjunct BLACK MOON LILITH partile conjunct SUN.

So we have a dead child (MARS/PLUTO/BML) who is hidden, not visible and in poor condition --- in cadent 6th House and under the Sunbeams (hard to see), in the "abandoned place/ slum area/ rubbish dump/ woods" (Capricorn).

Further, SATURN (P.I.) makes no aspect to MARS/PLUTO (Child), so the P.I. does not "contact" (i.e., "see") her.

BLACK MOON LILITH partile conjunct SUN partile conjunct Fixed Star Facies (08:25 Capricorn) further describes Caylee (MARS/PLUTO/BML) as a (dead) victim.

I'd say this P.I. can give whatever testimony he likes, jumping up & down alleging no bag, no body, & videotape proves it, to no avail. Professional CSI personnel immediately stated the condition of the bag pointed to both an early disposal (very likely shortly after the crime was committed) and high probability the bag had not been recently placed at the discovery location. Forensics will nail that down, giving close approximation on how long the bag sat in the swampy dump.


It is interesting to note Midheaven just past the ARIES POINT (coming to the Public Eye), making me wonder if the "news" may have been released about 4 minutes earlier (making the conjunction exact).

It is also interesting to note SATURN (the P.I.) is parallel the Fixed Star PROCYON, which gives "short-lived opportunities." In other words, LE is gonna debunk this dude in no time....

BTW, Wm. Lilly said this Star gives "rash tempers...prone to anger, proud, careless..." and Ebertin describes it as a tendency to "want to go through the wall with their head".

With his significator parallel PROCYON (rash temper, proud, careless), I wonder if LE will manage to get some "privileged information" out of this P.I. person, despite Defense's attempts to monitor the "interrogation"....


Great reading Soulscape. Interesting too that the child's remains located in 6th house under heavy influence of Capricorn (bones/skeleton) ruled by Saturn aka "Father Time" and showing delays - the bag of remains left a depth impression to indicate the long length of time it had been present. Such a sorrowful find indeed. Also 6th house ties back to the house of service workers....the meter reader who found her, all in "due time".

Do we have the exact date/time the vido was shot in November(?) by the PI?
Great reading Soulscape. Interesting too that the child's remains located in 6th house under heavy influence of Capricorn (bones/skeleton) ruled by Saturn aka "Father Time" and showing delays - the bag of remains left a depth impression to indicate the long length of time it had been present. Such a sorrowful find indeed. Also 6th house ties back to the house of service workers....the meter reader who found her, all in "due time".

Do we have the exact date/time the vido was shot in November(?) by the PI?

It was a MOST sorrowful find, and I wonder...
I know that it was stated that Casey did DIG in a BANK and this area would certainly qualify as a bank, and near water(the retention pond and the potential for flooding). Here is what I wonder. I wonder, and forgive me but this is technical, if after she buried Caylee in a hastily dug and shallow grave perhaps a bit further down the "bank" if Caylee's corpse may have swollen inside the bags (corpses swell and burst at the stomach ugh) and risen out of the shallow grave just enough that when the least bit of flooding occurred she floated in the water for some time and then after the bursting UGH, she sunk back into the depths and lay in the muck. Then as the rains came and the waters rose she was shifted from one place to the next and the bag finally became entangled in the bushes and heavy undergrowth where the remains were finally discovered, quite whole at that point. THEN, some animal of some sort perhaps got into the remains and moved them about and tore into the bag and then the flooding came up to that level again and carried the tiny bones hitherto over the acre on which they were discovered. I just doubt that she left her THAT close to the side of the road, but I realize that she may have. I wonder if you can see in any of the charts that you had previously done if the location where she was finally found was the same location where Casey first placed her after removing her from the trunk, or if the remains had been "displaced" by natural means?
Great reading Soulscape. Interesting too that the child's remains located in 6th house under heavy influence of Capricorn (bones/skeleton) ruled by Saturn aka "Father Time" and showing delays - the bag of remains left a depth impression to indicate the long length of time it had been present. Such a sorrowful find indeed. Also 6th house ties back to the house of service workers....the meter reader who found her, all in "due time".

Do we have the exact date/time the vido was shot in November(?) by the PI?

Sorry, don't have the time of the video, but LP stated on NG last night the date was November 15. Hope that helps....
Sorry, don't have the time of the video, but LP stated on NG last night the date was November 15. Hope that helps....

(my bold)

Hmmmm.... that would be right around 19 Virgo referenced in Tuba's post #376 at top of this page.

"The expert witness who fails to provide objective truth"


Thanks, Perkiomen & welcome to our Thread.

Update for all you wonderful talented astro posters:
Attorney Advising Anthonys Says Lee May Be Charged
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 – updated: 10:08 am EST December 30, 2008

Thomas Luka, an attorney advising the Anthony family appeared on CNN's Nancy Grace Monday night and said that he thinks the sheriff's office is getting ready to charge Casey's brother, Lee Anthony.

RAW INTERVIEW: Thomas Luka On Nancy Grace

Bumping your wonderful & talented group of asto posters! :blowkiss:
Update for all you wonderful talented astro posters:
Attorney Advising Anthonys Says Lee May Be Charged
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 – updated: 10:08 am EST December 30, 2008

Thomas Luka, an attorney advising the Anthony family appeared on CNN's Nancy Grace Monday night and said that he thinks the sheriff's office is getting ready to charge Casey's brother, Lee Anthony.

RAW INTERVIEW: Thomas Luka On Nancy Grace


I discussed this possibility on 12/21/08, noting it was a *hard call* without birth times. However, the Horary Chart suggested none of the Anthony's would be arrested, and for now, I'll stick with that judgment. See discussion here:

Last night I had an off-line chat with Kaitland about this, and she told me she'd look at future dates & report back to the Thread whether she sees this possibility occurring a little further down the road.

We'll all be anxious to see what she reports!

Hello everyone. Just did a quick search through Thread #1 for links for astro info, help, charts, etc.. someone asked for a few days ago. I am in a rush, so may have missed some, but here is what I have: Don McBroom's "Midpoints"

Avoid, like the plague, any pop astrology book, and any book that promises to tell you how to "tell your future"!

And, most importantly, have your son read these two web pages, so he understands the Biblically proper use of astrology.

Once he has a good solid sense of how to properly study and research astrology, a good book to buy for him is "Forensic Astrology", by Dave Campbell. You probably won't find it in the library, but it is available on Amazon.

For those ready for a professional astrology program for their personal computer (Windows compatible, NOT Mac) many astrologers I know use Solar Fire or Kepler is one of the free chart places

Here is thread #1

Feel free to add, and feel free to add all of the books mentioned in all the threads so we can compile a list. Just don't want us beginners to forget to at least give it a try on the side. (Not that I could learn in 20 years, and then I will be rather old if still alive, but...)

ETA: Here are the other threads to date also, I just haven't had time to do this, did not get #1 thoroughly. Boss keeps coming in.
Thread # 5
Thread # 4
Thread # 3
Thread # 2
Thank you again for all of our more knowledgeable Astrology Friends here!
I discussed this possibility on 12/21/08, noting it was a *hard call* without birth times. However, the Horary Chart suggested none of the Anthony's would be arrested, and for now, I'll stick with that judgment. See discussion here:

Last night I had an off-line chat with Kaitland about this, and she told me she'd look at future dates & report back to the Thread whether she sees this possibility occurring a little further down the road.

We'll all be anxious to see what she reports!


Thank you Soulscape! Looking forward to Kaitland's findings too! :blowkiss:
It is a sometime custom, when a birth time is unknown, to erect a Johndro location chart for the native. Perusing all of the damage done to so many individuals in addition to the victim child, I had recourse to a Johndro chart for the prisoner because the location chart is meant to show the effect of the native (person in question) upon the his or her environment.

I am unhappy to report that such a horoscope does present the north node of the planet Mars at the ASC, most appropriate. Mars also rules her House of confinement and self-undoing. This too is fitting. The Midheaven, however, is held by 3:40 Aquarius and Jupiter will conjoin that high point for the occultation of Mars and the solar eclipse. Of course, this chart is for the location Orlando and Jose B. is seeking a change of venue. I hope he is successful.
I discussed this possibility on 12/21/08, noting it was a *hard call* without birth times. However, the Horary Chart suggested none of the Anthony's would be arrested, and for now, I'll stick with that judgment. See discussion here:

Last night I had an off-line chat with Kaitland about this, and she told me she'd look at future dates & report back to the Thread whether she sees this possibility occurring a little further down the road.

We'll all be anxious to see what she reports!


I appreciate Kaitland & ur efforts (& everyone) for all that you do.:) Thanks for letting me know what post...I believe I seen it but will check to make sure it's the one I read r not. I'll see what I can do to get a birthdate for you all on LA's lawyer & any others that you need.

Let me know which others you are looking for I'm pretty good at finding out info on such things. My cousin is a lawyer & might be able to help me out with birthdates etc. if my sleuthin dosen't pan out. :rolleyes:

I really admire all of you & would love to learn more but my math is not the best subject at all! Drawing, Graphics, & Art History are my specialties. Though I've been learning from all of you! You all have the biggest hearts.:heart: I understand how time consuming ur research takes & can be hard for you to see what ur charts show. KC could have picked a rewarding path but for some reason went down the wrong path.:frown:

Housemouse I hope u didn't lose power last night. I've sent many prayers your way that it didn't.:hug:
Hello CourtsInSession.

I'm still quite new here and baffled why the word "occult" seems problematic, especially to the extent that astrologers require defense if someone uses the occult and astrology together.

"Occult" means hidden from view or secret, and to most people what the stars can tell us is very much occult.

TIA for any help in understanding the issue.

O/T Anyone that would like to try and explain the Astrology thread, please go to the Parking Lot and defend what these wonderful astrologers here are attempting to do. I saw 'red' when it was referred to the occult. I ranted, now please go give your two cents and defend our astrologers there! Thank you.
And another question -- what's are people's opinion of the Astro22 program by Ramara House (based in England)?

Thank you for any input.
Angel, one fact in question is the Judge who will preside over the depositions, if any. One WS reported that Judge Sprinkel was assigned but beck tells us (twice) that he is retiring from the bench now, at the end of 2008. Therefore, before we even look into a new jurist's birth date, we need his or her name.
Angel, one fact in question is the Judge who will preside over the depositions, if any. One WS reported that Judge Sprinkel was assigned but beck tells us (twice) that he is retiring from the bench now, at the end of 2008. Therefore, before we even look into a new jurist's birth date, we need his or her name.

As soon as we know who the judge is verified by fact....I will then contact my lawyer cousin for the information needed. I'm sure he can help us out with that very easily. Until then I'll wait no need for u all to do a chart & waste ur precious time.
I really admire all of you & would love to learn more but my math is not the best subject at all! Drawing, Graphics, & Art History are my specialties.

Housemouse I hope u didn't lose power last night. I've sent many prayers your way that it didn't.:hug:

We didn't, thank goodness. We are getting quotes on a gas generator, so we will have power for his lift-chair, which he has to sleep in, because he can't get up from a prone position.

But, and this is most important, I am no mathematician! I went to Rhode Island School of Design, and in spite of struggling with Algebra, did pretty well with Geometry. I am a knitter, a spinner, a seamstress and quiltmaker, and do my share of drawing.

So, don't sell yourself short!
And another question -- what's are people's opinion of the Astro22 program by Ramara House (based in England)?

Thank you for any input.

I wish I could help you, Luminous. I am a Mac user, because we are in the architectural (building) and graphics business, and can't afford to use PCs. (Too small to be able to afford to pay IT people to keep PCs functioning and make a living)

But I am pretty sure that Soulscape, Tuba, and the rest can talk about their favorites for the PC. Mine for the Mac is from Timecycles, and it has all the options I want. I particularly like their Io Sprite.

Now, about the "occult" perjorative. First of all there is nothing "hidden" about the movement of the sky overhead. We can all go out and look at it at night.

The Bible, rightfully so, warns people about being taken in by "soothsayers, fortune-tellers, entrail readers, etc", who claim hidden knowledge. There is nothing hidden about the stars and constellations in the sky, or the thousands of years of knowledge that has resulted from careful observation and correlation between the movements in the sky and events on earth.

To claim that properly practiced astrology is the occult is like saying that those who do their best to forecast our weather are witches and warlocks.
We didn't, thank goodness. We are getting quotes on a gas generator, so we will have power for his lift-chair, which he has to sleep in, because he can't get up from a prone position.

But, and this is most important, I am no mathematician! I went to Rhode Island School of Design, and in spite of struggling with Algebra, did pretty well with Geometry. I am a knitter, a spinner, a seamstress and quiltmaker, and do my share of drawing.

So, don't sell yourself short!

housemouse Thank You for your encouragement! :)I am the type that once I set my mind to something I don't & won't give up until I succeed. It dosen't stop from there on either. I guess it's the Leo in me.... :blowkiss:

Glad to hear that you r looking into getting a generator & that u didn't lose power. Thanks again to all of you & I am studying all of your threads from the 1st one...just about done with #3. The stars are beutiful to gaze upon it's one of my favorite things to do. Had planned to read more last night but MI weather is being unkind to my FMS & ended up with a severe migriane which I still have.
As soon as we know what judge will oversee KC's case I will see if I my cousin can get the birthdates for you all!

Sorry off topic!
Now, about the "occult" perjorative. First of all there is nothing "hidden" about the movement of the sky overhead. We can all go out and look at it at night.

The Bible, rightfully so, warns people about being taken in by "soothsayers, fortune-tellers, entrail readers, etc", who claim hidden knowledge. There is nothing hidden about the stars and constellations in the sky, or the thousands of years of knowledge that has resulted from careful observation and correlation between the movements in the sky and events on earth.

To claim that properly practiced astrology is the occult is like saying that those who do their best to forecast our weather are witches and warlocks.
Thank you for the explanation, housemouse. I didn't realise it was a religious issue for some people. Does your church/religion use "occult" as a synonym for supernatural or diabolical rather than hidden?

I learned many years ago that occult (meaning hidden) is used for some things both because of the specialised study needed to interpret them accurately (the knowledge is not apparent without the learned ability to "read" it accurately) and because such knowledge needed to be hidden during the Inquisition, etc., rather than because the physical things themselves are hidden in any way.

(In the same way, I don't consider many paranormal phenomena [such as psychic abilities, dowsing, intuition, etc] to be occult, since they don't require specialised study and can be done by anyone.)
Thank you for the explanation, housemouse. I didn't realise it was a religious issue for some people. Does your church/religion use "occult" as a synonym for supernatural or diabolical rather than hidden?

I learned many years ago that occult (meaning hidden) is used for some things both because of the specialised study needed to interpret them accurately (the knowledge is not apparent without the learned ability to "read" it accurately) and because such knowledge needed to be hidden during the Inquisition, etc., rather than because the physical things themselves are hidden in any way.

(In the same way, I don't consider many paranormal phenomena [such as psychic abilities, dowsing, intuition, etc] to be occult, since they don't require specialised study and can be done by anyone.)

I was brought up in the Anglican Catholic church, sometimes called "High Episcopalian", and spent my high school years in an Anglican Convent school (bet you didn't know that there were Anglican nuns!)

Unfortunately, the Anglican church has strayed from the gospel, and now supports homosexual activity and abortion. So, they left me I guess. Now, I just read my Bible, and try my best, usually failing, to be a good follower of Our Lord.

I do not judge others who have different beliefs, please understand. My real life sis, who attended the same convent school has no problem with homosexual activity or abortion. We agree to disagree, and do our best to be good sisters to one another.

Mostly, I think it is the Protestant and Evangelicals who take the prohibition against "soothsaying" the most seriously. They do not differentiate between cheap sun-sign predictive astrology, and serious research. Anything, to them, with the word "astrology"must be the work of the devil.

So, I guess the serious study could be legitimately be called "occult", because it isn't taught properly in our public schools or mainline universities as part of the major curriculum.

This is unfortunate, in my opinion, for properly studied, Astrology leads directly to God.
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