Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Remember ''Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc du Barry"? Beautiful painting and tapestry, celestial and astrological. President Chester A. Arthur's nephew was a serious astrologer and his home here has twelve floor to ceiling panels circling the living room, each depicting a Sign of the zodiac. A friend of mine owns the property and rents it out! Not sure that's a chance he should take.

If you don't know Les Tres Riches Heures, I bet you can find in on the web.

Yes I am....It's amazing & one that you can look at for hours on end. Wow! Your friend is taking a chance renting. I wish I could see it upclose. I'm an alumni from the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, MI & had the honor of the DIA across the street. My close classmates & I would spend all of our free time spending hrs. there when we ever we could. No matter how many times you look at a painting/sculptures etc. one can find something new about them.
Did you know they are no longer directly on the Caylee Thread pgs.? They have thier very own new home with WS's on the complete forum pg? Bumping won't bring it to the 1st pg. of Caylee's Anthony's main forum. They graduated with top honors with a section devoted to forsenic astro charts!
:clap::clap: Look at PattyG's post a few above yours.

lol. i do! i guess i should have said...bring this back up... :)
Soulscape It sure is coming back to bite them back. I remembered your reading right away when I seen the news report! You all got another one right! :clap: All of you amaze me with your charts & readings. Thank You! :blowkiss:

Others posters are thinking that it is possible that the PI's bugged the A's house & not LE. Do you see that a possibly of why they were there in Nov.?

It's Judge Strickland presiding over the 1:30 hearing tomorrow according to media reports. Is it possible that a new judge isn't taking over the criminal case? I'm getting confused now! LOL

Tomorrow is a busy day for JB! Of course I have my apt. for wry neck tomorrow in the afternoon but my Dr is fast & never behind. My luck he'll be busy.

Judge Rodriquez is for the ZFG case:
Orange County Circuit Court Judge Jose R. Rodriquez set the hearing for Thursday morning. He will hear arguments from attorneys for Anthony, who don’t want her to be deposed because of a pending criminal trial, and attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez, who is suing Anthony.

ishouldbworking OHHHHH! Now I understand. :crazy:
do you guys use programs to make the charts?

i know this is OT but i have come to a crossroads in my life and would really love to see what the heavens have to say about it. i don't know what else to do..

any help would be appreciated. and thank you as always for continuing to decipher these events for us.
It appears Dominic C visited KC aug 15 at the jail would this chart tell us anything about what she spoke of ?
do you guys use programs to make the charts?

i know this is OT but i have come to a crossroads in my life and would really love to see what the heavens have to say about it. i don't know what else to do..

any help would be appreciated. and thank you as always for continuing to decipher these events for us.

Here's one they recommend:
Free astrology software:

A couple of sites they recomened:
Beginner's Astrology

Horoscopes and Astrology by Astrodienst:

Horary Astrology:

Skyscript: Horay Astrology Pages:

I believe they have a thread with more recomendations, but this should get you started. I'm a 101 beg. too these will keep you busy for now! :blowkiss:
Here's one they recommend:
Free astrology software:

A couple of sites they recomened:
Beginner's Astrology

Horoscopes and Astrology by Astrodienst:

Horary Astrology:

Skyscript: Horay Astrology Pages:

I believe they have a thread with more recomendations, but this should get you started. I'm a 101 beg. too these will keep you busy for now! :blowkiss:

you are truly an Angel! thank you so so much :) :blowkiss:
I am sickened tonight to think that the A's knew months ago where precious Caylee was.

I cannot conceive that grandparents could have that info and not do anything! All in attempts to save their daughter, the one that killed Caylee.
Let's see if I'm successful in turning the FORENSIC ASTROLOGY FORUM art into a live link. Go ahead and run your mouse over the art below, click and hopefully you'll end up in the Main forum.

It works beautifully Fifth Essence. It is amazing how far this thread has advanced so quickly, I wonder if Housemouse envisioned any of this when she got permission to start this. Truly wonderful and thanks to all who has worked to put this together.
Well, thank GOD I found you all!! I must have missed the announcement that you were taking this out of the Caylee threads. I had to go through several pages to find the thread with the link. I am very sad that page 1:blowkiss::blowkiss: no longer has Amateur Astrological on it, but now I will know where to go. I will just save it to my favorites....otherwise, I will be too frustrated to keep looking. You all are so amazing in your knowledge, and I am grateful to have your insight into the case. Perhaps I will now venture into other cases to follow your reveals. Thanks for all that you do....from a true supporter!
Hoover and his lawyer sat down with Eyewitness News minutes later and revealed some of the information Hoover shared with the detectives. They said Mr. Casey called Hoover on November 14 and asked him to come to town and meet at Mr. Casey's office on the morning of November 15. That's when Mr. Casey told Hoover that Caylee was dead and that Mr. Casey knew where the remains were.

If true, so much for the **JH snuck up on me** comment by Dominic C.

We previously looked at the chart for the news announcement on 12/29/08 and I discussed it here:

Tonight I took another look at the 11-15-08 chart we discussed a few pages back, for comparison to the 12/29/08 chart.

The 11-15-08 chart agreed with the 12/29/08 chart, that the videotaping actually took place (JUPITER Lord 3 rising), and also gave testimony that the PI's did not find the body (VENUS Lord 5 of Children in 12th House, with no Ptolemaic aspect to SATURN (PI's) or the taping equipment (MERCURY as naturual ruler, JUPITER as Lord 3).

Looking at this 11-15-08 chart again, I see MERCURY (videocamera) applies semisquare (not a Ptolemaic aspect) to VENUS (Caylee). The PI's got pretty close -- application within 48 minutes of Arc.

Guess it was close but no cigar.

On the other hand, it would seem that videotape came back to bite them in the butt....


*Ptolemaic aspects = conjunction, sextile, trine, square, opposition

Since one of the PI's are confirming they knew where Caylee was located and the chart confirming a video took place that day on the 15th ...does it show possibly any of the Anthony's knowing also, because I am remembering Cindy looking as if she may have been heavily medicated during interviews around that time..She appeared to be completely out of it actually.

If this has been discussed already, please point me in the right direction so I can read what was posted. Thank you for all that you do for us :blowkiss:
Since one of the PI's are confirming they knew where Caylee was located and the chart confirming a video took place that day on the 15th ...does it show possibly any of the Anthony's knowing also, because I am remembering Cindy looking as if she may have been heavily medicated during interviews around that time..She appeared to be completely out of it actually.

If this has been discussed already, please point me in the right direction so I can read what was posted. Thank you for all that you do for us :blowkiss:

if my memory doesnt fail me...i believe this was right around the time the MB started as the spokes person and CA was incoherent during at least one interview...

...would make sense that the A's could have known...:bang:
Keith Mitnik has said that a sworn affidavit from the prisoner that Z.F.-G. did not kidnap her child would satisfy him. Not sure what sort of extraction equipment would be needed for that concession but real satisfaction would come from her answers and non-answers to the deposition.

Jim H. was worried, distressed and depressed at his meeting with John Allen, although his lawyer should have reassured him and did a beautiful job of representing him. It may have been conversations earlier with the FBI that put the wind up Jim. At common law, what the two Pinkertons did was misprise a felony. Ts. L weighed in with a Florida statute, failure to report a crime. He was a prosecutor for years before taking up the cause of defense work.

Even if Jim H. had venal motives in taping the scene (resale to highest bidder), he has come clean whereas Dominic C. continues to cover, which includes mistruths. Jim H. is in a much stronger position now, much. Furthermore, his tape proves the two were there mid-November and had zeroed onto the location, while Dominic continued to press his Caylee sightings. How very duplicitous.

Now that you draw att'n to it, shouldbe, that was the period of drugged behavior from CA. Who's zooming who?
Keith Mitnik has said that a sworn affidavit from the prisoner that Z.F.-G. did not kidnap her child would satisfy him. Not sure what sort of extraction equipment would be needed for that concession but real satisfaction would come from her answers and non-answers to the deposition.

Jim H. was worried, distressed and depressed at his meeting with John Allen, although his lawyer should have reassured him and did a beautiful job of representing him. It may have been conversations earlier with the FBI that put the wind up Jim. At common law, what the two Pinkertons did was misprise a felony. Ts. L weighed in with a Florida statute, failure to report a crime. He was a prosecutor for years before taking up the cause of defense work.

Even if Jim H. had venal motives in taping the scene (resale to highest bidder), he has come clean whereas Dominic C. continues to cover, which includes mistruths. Jim H. is in a much stronger position now, much. Furthermore, his tape proves the two were there mid-November and had zeroed onto the location, while Dominic continued to press his Caylee sightings. How very duplicitous.

Now that you draw att'n to it, shouldbe, that was the period of drugged behavior from CA. Who's zooming who?

Thank you for putting it all together for us. To all of you Super Astros and Angel : :blowkiss: :blowkiss:
You are just so fascinating.
I am sickened tonight to think that the A's knew months ago where precious Caylee was.

I cannot conceive that grandparents could have that info and not do anything! All in attempts to save their daughter, the one that killed Caylee.

Yes, the implications of all of this are just so, so sad to me...

I certainly want the truth for Caylee and am at least comforted knowing she is now in Heaven with God's Love and protection. That to me is powerful!!!
if my memory doesnt fail me...i believe this was right around the time the MB started as the spokes person and CA was incoherent during at least one interview...

...would make sense that the A's could have known...:bang:

Yes it surely does seem that way..Nejames having stepped away from the A's also during the same time and with his statement to the media in which he included " there will be a lot of shocking things that is going to come out in this case"
It could be that the A's, along with Nejames, found out some very disturbing information during that time concerning Casey's activities too i guess.

The Astro's here have seemed to expose the fact that truths will be revealed.. I look forward to every one of their posts. This new forum is amazing and very much needed and deserved. Thank you to all who work so hard and for sharing your gifts and talents.
Thank you Angel. I was looking around to try to narrow the time frame somewhat, but can't find anything. I am sure we will be hearing more about this incident in the coming days. Last night on NG, LP said he saw the video by JH.

I ran a chart for 10:30a.m. on 11/15 (meet & greet was from 9-12, I chose the midpoint of time). Just took a cursory look to see if anything made sense. Here is what I found.

The capricorn ascendant indicates seriousness of the job at hand (looking for remains), and the chart ruler is Saturn (death) in virgo placed in the 8th house of death. Virgo is ruled by mercury and we find it placed in Scorpio (conjunct the sun; sun conj mars) in the 10th house of profession, in the sign of investigators. Sun had just passed over that communicative & secretive merc in scorpio. Did the info come from documents (aries on 3rd house cusp; or from friend scorpio on 11th house cusp?)
Mercury also rules Gemini; we find the moon (ruler of 7th house indicating the 2nd PI) in gemini (duality) in the 6th house of employees. It is opposite Pluto in Sag in 12th house of secrets. 12th house is natural ruler of Pisces/photography.

The first house also holds Jupiter in Capricorn, in exact trine to Saturn in 8th. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is is on cusp of 12th house of secrets and what is hidden . Inside the 12th house is Pluto 29th degree of sag conjunct venus 3 cap. We find Taurus, ruler of venus on the 5th house of the child.

There is more, but since we don’t have an exact time I wasn’t go to dig any deeper. This chart does seem to give us at least a leading description.

Thank you Soulscape and Tuba for the more in depth reading on the videotape chart. I had an intuitive feeling that the chart would reveal a lot to us, even if the timing were not exact. I think we can expect some more definitive info with the FM energy across the ascendant-descendant: could be more "he said", "he said".
I think FBI will be looking into phone records to see if DC did make a call to JH to meet him at the scene. DC has the most to lose (and puts the defense at risk!). So my question is - is DC truthful when he says JH "snuck up on him"? Can we tell from that chart?

If , as JH claimed, he was "invited" to the scene then we can look at him as 7th house partner: cancer ruled moon is in mercurial Gemini in 6th house of "service/daily work" making opposition to pluto in sag 12th house of secrets (next to venus the child) and forming a very wide mutable grand cross (moon/James:pluto & uranus:saturn/Dominic) putting them on the see-saw dance across the 6 & 12th h and the 2nd & 8th h. As moon aspect is separating square from saturn, maybe this is not the first time? Moon also inconj mars (ruler of house of friends) - aha, an argument?

DC = saturn/virgo(mercury). JH = moon/gemini(mercury). So look at mercury(duality/communications) in scorpio(investigators) in house 10. Makes multiple nice aspects:

merc in scorp conj sun = communication is about the investigation
merc sextiles saturn (DC) = serious/responsible
merc sextiles jupiter (truth) (also give this to DC as it's sign of asc) = but it does seem possible he gave out an invitation
merc trines uranus = hopeful of discovery & w/Pisces on 3rd h. neighborhood = hmmm, a surprise visitor arriving at the scene?
also merc squares neptune (of course it does! what would this case be without an active neptune???) So what happened to the truth??

Neptune (photography) in aquarius is in 2nd house (money) in mutual reception with uranus in Pisces (photography) also in the 2nd house (money). So, follow the money. LP states that JH was looking to sell video/pix to an NBC representative who was down in "Or-lawn-do" at the time. Saturn (DC) in yod (fate) formation with neptune & uranus taking a dim view of money making.

Saturn (DC) very active in the chart w/multiple soft aspects, the chart seem to "belong" to DC.

Moon (JH) makes the fewest aspects, and they are harsh - the inconj to brazen mars and the opposition to ruthless pluto/venus child. Was he late to the party? An unwanted interloper? Looks that way.

But, as they are both tied to mercury (DC is Saturn found in mercury ruled virgo; and JH is Moon found in mercury ruled gemini) maybe merc should have the last word. Mercury makes no aspect to moon (JH). It does look like he tried to spoil it for DC. Even though given from a different angle, this analysis supports the reading by Soulscape.

I will issue a caveat: as Tuba commented how could DC not know he was being tailed?? Definitely arouses suspicion. AND WE DO NOT KNOW THE EXACT TIME OF THE VIDEOTAPING. Time will tell us. And so will results of FBI checking phone records between the PI's.

Took another look at the chart for the PI's first visit to search for Caylee's remains on 11/15 (estimated time 10:30am). The approaching FM at 21 cap:cancer will conjunct this chart's jupiter in the 1st house It comes along with militant mars at 11 Capricorn smack on the ascendant. Publicity and much more information forthcoming on the heels of this moon's spotlight. Jupiter rules the 12th house cusp (secrets); inside are venus (the child) and pluto (death,secrets). The cat has been let out of the bag. And the bag is not empty yet.

We now know that JH was "invited" to the scene by DC (and on more than one occasion!). (Jupiter in Cap (DC) trine Merc = "the invitation". So, we can assign the 7th house cusp (ruled by moon) to JH.

Gemini Moon in 6th house opposes Pluto in Sag in house 12 (secrets); Jupiter found in 1st house in Capricorn. The moon (JH) definitely "outed" the secret.

Both PI's fall under Mercury (communication/information) 17:47 Scorpio in the chart. Mercury (communication) squares Neptune (lies) and is inconjunct Saturn (karma). Saturn the taskmaster has had the last word here.

We also now know that DC called JH on Nov 14th to set up the meeting & search on Nov 15 (as well as Nov 16th). If anyone can find out time frame for that phone call, it might give information as to where DC got the tip from.

Are there any clues in this chart? Mercury (communication) is conjunct Sun and Mars in Scorpio. This points to strong male/scorpio energy.
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