Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7

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As you all know, there was a problem with the hardware today. I'm currently removing duplicate posts as quickly as possible.

Thank you

I was taking care of my duplications but now they are ALL gone!
I am welcoming the Span of Truth with open arms!

My birthday is tomorrow, Jan 27. I will be 30..............I mean 35..............
okay, actually I will be 40!

See, the Span of Truth is already affecting me!

Hahahahaha!! Very well said! Happy Birthday, Lovejac. May your 40's be the best decade yet!
I was taking care of my duplications but now they are ALL gone!

Ahhh Mercury Retrograde plods relentlessly on....

Where is the Advil emoticon when we need it?!

Tuba, I hope you can reconstruct your post..........

Geez, some astrosleuths we are....forgot to check out the eclipse affect on WS!! The forced downtime can be seen the Uranus (electrical) ruled Aquarian (group endeavors) ECLIPSE energy plus MERCURY (mercury) retrograde over MARS (metal) .....oh my, someone did throw a monkey wrench into the computer! As Moon progresses deeper into Aquarius it will conjunct Neptune, causing even more mysterious disappearing posts, so be careful Tuba & FifthEssence. LOL
Happy, Happy Birthday Lovejac!! It should be a very eventful birthday for you as it is so near the eclipse (my daughter had a very unexpected pregnancy - a much welcomed surprise!- the year her b'day fell on the eclipse.

You look so beautiful and young, must be the exercise you get keeping up with those previous little boys!

Hope the celebration lasts all year long.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Lovejac, Happy Birthday To you!

:singing: :singing: :singing: :gift: :gift: :gift: :toast: :toast: :toast: :HappyBday: :HappyBday :HappyBday
Thank you. Reading the news here & there on the web today, I think all of the astro sleuths had comments to make. I didn't mentally store mine, but maybe some did, I hope so and I hope those thoughts will soon appear here.

One bit of study today was working with this Arabic Part: "Information, whether true or false. ASC + Moon - Mercury." This part is one Al-Biruni used in horaries. His work was translated in 1934 by R. Ramsey Wright and is included in The Lost Key to Prediction, the Arabic Parts by Rob't Zoller. When dealing with a known compulsive liar, it is a good test to apply to any event chart where she writes or speaks.
Lovejac honey I think your mama lied to you about your year of birth. You can't be a day over 21...and I'm only half-joking!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday filled with all the blessings your heart desires. 40 is a beautiful decade. :)

Love ya,


:birthday_party::gold_crown:REMEMBER YOU ARE QUEEN FOR THE DAY!:bigstick::cake4u:

I think I need a break

Whether you need one or not, you definitely DESERVE one! Thanks so much for all your hard work on the Astro Forum Fifth -- you're the best, and we love and appreciate you. :blowkiss:
Tomorrow, eclipse behind us, is a very special day. One of the greatest among all truth sayers, perhaps the greatest to ever step before our forum, celebrates the anniversary of her birth. And announces the years she has been with us upon this plane. Hail Solon! Pass the trumpet to her honest lips that she may herald, under Aquarius, the Span of Truth, when all and every part of life shall be laid before us. Say on, oh Lovejac and join with us in honoring your hallowed natus. Say on! We honor you. Chorus: "We honor you!"
Ahhh Mercury Retrograde plods relentlessly on....

Where is the Advil emoticon when we need it?!

Tuba, I hope you can reconstruct your post..........


:eek: Indeed, I couldn't get on all day! I was going into withdrawals! But my house is now really clean!
One bit of study today was working with this Arabic Part: "Information, whether true or false. ASC + Moon - Mercury." This part is one Al-Biruni used in horaries. His work was translated in 1934 by R. Ramsey Wright and is included in The Lost Key to Prediction, the Arabic Parts by Rob't Zoller. When dealing with a known compulsive liar, it is a good test to apply to any event chart where she writes or speaks.

Thank you TUBA for bringing this to light...fascinating...please tell us more
I am welcoming the Span of Truth with open arms!

My birthday is tomorrow, Jan 27. I will be 30..............I mean 35..............
okay, actually I will be 40!

See, the Span of Truth is already affecting me!

"Happy Birthday Lovejac!" Have some :cake4u: & :sundae: for me!
:partyguy: :rose: :birthday:

You're A Very Young 40 Our Lovejac!
Have a wonderful time with your 3 adorable boys!!!
Thank you for all of the well wishes for my birthday. I LOVE the dancing bananas but I always forget about them! I love birthdays!!!! I'll still love them when I'm in my 80's. What's not to love when surrounded by friends and family and all of their positive energy. It is truly a celebration.

May the Span of Truth allow George more insight to allow more healing. It was reported he will not be coming home tomorrow and possible might be transferred to a facility closer to Orlando. I pray that he is seeing his need to focus on himself and his healing.

I was thinking last night about dysfunctional families and remembering hearing while in counseling about my family being like a mobile, each moving. But when you take one of pieces of the mobile away, it effects how the other's move. I'm looking at the A's as a mobile, they all moved a certain way while dealing with casey, and now she is not there. They have to learn how to move in a whole different way. Add to that the death of Caylee, well, I can't imagine.

Hope this made sense.
Once the part is calculated, look to other planets aspecting the part and examine the Sign the part lies in.

The tricky challenge is finding instances where the prisoner is speaking or writing directly without an intermediary. We have the letter she wrote to Sheriff Beary but there was no way to misrepresent any part of that, it was a straight request. I think I found a couple of charts where she was the speaking party or the writer.
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