Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7

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Happy Birthday Lovejac!!!




i could not get on ALL DAY yesterday. total withdrawls.
Happy Birthday Lovejac! I always enjoy your posts:) The forties are fabulous!
(we get more wisdom)
So much information under review by everyone, including lawyers, law enforcement, crime shows and us, of course. This is appropriate with the retrograde of Mercury but there are new happenings too, so our personal processors are running over.

On another very good thread here at WS, members are discussing the prisoner's lies at length, just as we are. They fastened, for one, on her statement, "whatever way it happened". I remember her saying that but forget the context and that was not repeated in the whole thread. She had to have been referring to the circumstances of Caylee's disappearance though. And these sleuths rightly feel she gave herself away in those very words.

We are fully into Aquarius, the Sign of abrupt changes and about face, truly unexpected after so long. This is emphasized in a way that cannot be overstated by the backward motion of Mercury and its conjunction to Mars, the planet that had so much to do with this murder. There is a shock (complete with waves) coming and soon.

Angel Who Cares has a feel for the act of handing the deposition papers to the prisoner for her challenge, which she will approach as always with supreme confidence and sang froid. I have a dim memory of Mitnik talking about his expectation of delivery and Morgan & Co. were going to move swiftly. Between her and me, we might be able to find out when those papers passed hands. At least, like good bloodhounds, we are pointing and our ears are pricked.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum this morning. I caught sight of Lovejac hung over near a wall. We kept her up too late last night and now need to come bearing refreshments so as to revive her for the celebration, which is already beginning. I saw you, shoudlbe, clearing the groaning board for the great luncheon feast. The orators will begin the toasting soon.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our beautiful friend LOVEJAC !!!

. Wishing you a fun celebration and a kazillion happy, healthy and rewarding tomorrows.
Shake a leg girl....know that it only gets better


Oh what gorgeous imagery FifthEssence!! You are forever blessing our forum with wonderous delights!! :blowkiss:

Lovejac - may you dance by the light of moon for many, many years to come (that's a phrase from a song that was popular when I was just a little girl....and let me tell you, I haven't seen 40 in a long, long time, heh heh heh!).

:blowkiss: :blowkiss: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:
So much information under review by everyone, including lawyers, law enforcement, crime shows and us, of course. This is appropriate with the retrograde of Mercury but there are new happenings too, so our personal processors are running over.

On another very good thread here at WS, members are discussing the prisoner's lies at length, just as we are. They fastened, for one, on her statement, "whatever way it happened". I remember her saying that but forget the context and that was not repeated in the whole thread. She had to have been referring to the circumstances of Caylee's disappearance though. And these sleuths rightly feel she gave herself away in those very words.

We are fully into Aquarius, the Sign of abrupt changes and about face, truly unexpected after so long. This is emphasized in a way that cannot be overstated by the backward motion of Mercury and its conjunction to Mars, the planet that had so much to do with this murder. There is a shock (complete with waves) coming and soon.

Angel Who Cares has a feel for the act of handing the deposition papers to the prisoner for her challenge, which she will approach as always with supreme confidence and sang froid. I have a dim memory of Mitnik talking about his expectation of delivery and Morgan & Co. were going to move swiftly. Between her and me, we might be able to find out when those papers passed hands. At least, like good bloodhounds, we are pointing and our ears are pricked.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum this morning. I caught sight of Lovejac hung over near a wall. We kept her up too late last night and now need to come bearing refreshments so as to revive her for the celebration, which is already beginning. I saw you, shoudlbe, clearing the groaning board for the great luncheon feast. The orators will begin the toasting soon.

Tuba, that quote "Well, however IT happened...." was Casey's remark during her initial interview with LE, and maybe took place at the office space in Universal. I think they were specifically grilling her about how she dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass Apt's and that it could not have possibly happened as she described it. LE was also commenting about "everything you have told us is a lie....." and then she replies "well, not EVERYTHING I have told you is a lie".

Those remarks have remained fresh in my mind, and I also believe this was a freudian slip on her part... so revealing.
Once the part is calculated, look to other planets aspecting the part and examine the Sign the part lies in.

The tricky challenge is finding instances where the prisoner is speaking or writing directly without an intermediary. We have the letter she wrote to Sheriff Beary but there was no way to misrepresent any part of that, it was a straight request. I think I found a couple of charts where she was the speaking party or the writer.

The first jailhouse phone call to home, (the where she was areested on an "effing whim") seems to be her speaking on her own. Would this be an example you could use? If so, I can try to find the details on it. The theme of the call is her wanting TL number and nothing else.

Yes, that would be an example of direct speech from her. I some instances, there is no opportunity for her to begin her jive but in that call, from what you quote alone, there was.

Something we all observe from time to time: people who are totally innocent become indignant and outraged when accused but people who are filthy-guilty also react. Some, like Casey, go Richter. A friend of mine walked in on her husband while she was supposed to still be out of town. He was with another woman in flagrante but he broke my friend's nose. Maybe there is nothing like the rage of unmitigated guilt.

I wish you much more luck than I had searching for the delivery of the deposition papers. Thank you for offering.
I can't find the time for the call. The things I found were the areest affidavit noting 4:33, which I am assuming is am because Chris S. reports getting a jail call from her between 11:30 and 11:45 am. I will keep looking. Oh, I will do a search on inmate phone logs? Wonder if there is such a thing.....
On the solar eclipse, the prisoner submitted a written waiver of appearance at the pretrial discovery motions hearing coming on Friday. Today, Judge Strickland issued a denial. The attempt to waive defied his last order to appear, Prisoner! The word was released today to the press at 1:02 E.S.T.

I meant to describe an interesting factor in the opposition of the prisoner's strategy at 3° Cancer (her natal Pallas Athena, asteroid) to present day Pluto 2°10' Capricorn. Pluto is hidden knowledge and this has appeared as such in many charts to date. Now he comes into conflict & challenge with her notion of alibi, alternate perp and self-defense: in short, her strategy. If at any second in time, for instance while answering questions in a deposition, she seems to know something that only the perpetrator would know, she's a demolition fragment. This also affects any prior statements revisited in which she holds guilty knowledge and it leaks or spills out.

It is also true that this same Pluto is repository for hidden knowledge of law enforcement, facts and matters that they hold in trust, but that the prisoner is unaware of. Just for an example, if the police had video of her on TonE's balcony when she says she was at Sawgrass--any discrepancy like that. So, whether it is her guilty knowledge of something she ought not to know or LE secret evidence, Pluto is poised to trip her for a major splat.
On the solar eclipse, the prisoner submitted a written waiver of appearance at the pretrial discovery motions hearing coming on Friday. Today, Judge Strickland issued a denial. The attempt to waive defied his last order to appear, Prisoner! The word was released today to the press at 1:02 E.S.T.

I meant to describe an interesting factor in the opposition of the prisoner's strategy at 3° Cancer (her natal Pallas Athena, asteroid) to present day Pluto 2°10' Capricorn. Pluto is hidden knowledge and this has appeared as such in many charts to date. Now he comes into conflict & challenge with her notion of alibi, alternate perp and self-defense: in short, her strategy. If at any second in time, for instance while answering questions in a deposition, she seems to know something that only the perpetrator would know, she's a demolition fragment. This also affects any prior statements revisited in which she holds guilty knowledge and it leaks or spills out.

It is also true that this same Pluto is repository for hidden knowledge of law enforcement, facts and matters that they hold in trust, but that the prisoner is unaware of. Just for an example, if the police had video of her on TonE's balcony when she says she was at Sawgrass--any discrepancy like that. So, whether it is her guilty knowledge of something she ought not to know or LE secret evidence, Pluto is poised to trip her for a major splat.

Then let the splats begin!!!

Thank you Tuba!

So much information under review by everyone, including lawyers, law enforcement, crime shows and us, of course. This is appropriate with the retrograde of Mercury but there are new happenings too, so our personal processors are running over.

On another very good thread here at WS, members are discussing the prisoner's lies at length, just as we are. They fastened, for one, on her statement, "whatever way it happened". I remember her saying that but forget the context and that was not repeated in the whole thread. She had to have been referring to the circumstances of Caylee's disappearance though. And these sleuths rightly feel she gave herself away in those very words.

We are fully into Aquarius, the Sign of abrupt changes and about face, truly unexpected after so long. This is emphasized in a way that cannot be overstated by the backward motion of Mercury and its conjunction to Mars, the planet that had so much to do with this murder. There is a shock (complete with waves) coming and soon.
Angel Who Cares has a feel for the act of handing the deposition papers to the prisoner for her challenge, which she will approach as always with supreme confidence and sang froid. I have a dim memory of Mitnik talking about his expectation of delivery and Morgan & Co. were going to move swiftly. Between her and me, we might be able to find out when those papers passed hands. At least, like good bloodhounds, we are pointing and our ears are pricked.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum this morning. I caught sight of Lovejac hung over near a wall. We kept her up too late last night and now need to come bearing refreshments so as to revive her for the celebration, which is already beginning. I saw you, shoudlbe, clearing the groaning board for the great luncheon feast. The orators will begin the toasting soon.

Part bolded by me. Can we please have a splat with those waves?
I would like to thank you all for your hard work on the charts, and for your explanations. I know absolutely nothing abour reading the charts, but trying to learn.Again, thank you all, and have a Blessed day.
So much information under review by everyone, including lawyers, law enforcement, crime shows and us, of course. This is appropriate with the retrograde of Mercury but there are new happenings too, so our personal processors are running over.

On another very good thread here at WS, members are discussing the prisoner's lies at length, just as we are. They fastened, for one, on her statement, "whatever way it happened". I remember her saying that but forget the context and that was not repeated in the whole thread. She had to have been referring to the circumstances of Caylee's disappearance though. And these sleuths rightly feel she gave herself away in those very words.

We are fully into Aquarius, the Sign of abrupt changes and about face, truly unexpected after so long. This is emphasized in a way that cannot be overstated by the backward motion of Mercury and its conjunction to Mars, the planet that had so much to do with this murder. There is a shock (complete with waves) coming and soon.

Angel Who Cares has a feel for the act of handing the deposition papers to the prisoner for her challenge, which she will approach as always with supreme confidence and sang froid. I have a dim memory of Mitnik talking about his expectation of delivery and Morgan & Co. were going to move swiftly. Between her and me, we might be able to find out when those papers passed hands. At least, like good bloodhounds, we are pointing and our ears are pricked.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum this morning. I caught sight of Lovejac hung over near a wall. We kept her up too late last night and now need to come bearing refreshments so as to revive her for the celebration, which is already beginning. I saw you, shoudlbe, clearing the groaning board for the great luncheon feast. The orators will begin the toasting soon.

Tuba, I will be & have been keeping close tabs on the depo papers & anything else filed in the case by either side! I haven't checked today yet to see if any updates are posted. I was helping with my dad off and on today & have only checked a few things out. Catching up now & will look into it for you. Unless one of our other super bloodhound sleuths posted an update...I haven't finished reading the rest of todays posts yet!:blowkiss:

Here's to Lovejac "Happy Birthday!" Drinks served...:Banane35::toastred::40__s::toast::partyguy:
When I checked the calendar, what we have is audio but when I watched the videos of the jail, it seemed like a clock white print was running on the top of the video. I also remember July 22 for a communication.

The delivery of the depositions is really a private matter between the attorneys, so my pursuit is probably futile.
On the solar eclipse, the prisoner submitted a written waiver of appearance at the pretrial discovery motions hearing coming on Friday. Today, Judge Strickland issued a denial. The attempt to waive defied his last order to appear, Prisoner! The word was released today to the press at 1:02 E.S.T.

I meant to describe an interesting factor in the opposition of the prisoner's strategy at 3° Cancer (her natal Pallas Athena, asteroid) to present day Pluto 2°10' Capricorn. Pluto is hidden knowledge and this has appeared as such in many charts to date. Now he comes into conflict & challenge with her notion of alibi, alternate perp and self-defense: in short, her strategy. If at any second in time, for instance while answering questions in a deposition, she seems to know something that only the perpetrator would know, she's a demolition fragment. This also affects any prior statements revisited in which she holds guilty knowledge and it leaks or spills out.

It is also true that this same Pluto is repository for hidden knowledge of law enforcement, facts and matters that they hold in trust, but that the prisoner is unaware of. Just for an example, if the police had video of her on TonE's balcony when she says she was at Sawgrass--any discrepancy like that. So, whether it is her guilty knowledge of something she ought not to know or LE secret evidence, Pluto is poised to trip her for a major splat.

my bold

Here comes da Judge....I love this man!

His expression in this picture makes me think of Robert DiNiro he's saying, " YOU talkin to me?!#!? ". Am sure her request didn't sit well with him, AGAIN. Sorry KC, no brownie points. She's doing a fine job of making herself look uglier.

Why do I feel excited about Pluto :clap:and the prospect of her tripping herself up? :woohoo:Bring it on. She is so worthy of the punishment that awaits her.
i just posted the link to the investigation discovery "catalog" of audio clips pertaining to this case on the document thread...

...i dont know if they are timestamped because they are blocked at work.

i thought it was a neat compilation...for what its worth.

carry on.

TUBA, are you looking for the date & time she said the infamous & revealing remark, "however it happened" ?

If so, that was said at Universal the first day Det. Allen & Yuri took her there to find her blackjack in her phantom office.
Ok, I was wrong with the arrest affidavit time, I think. It was 4:33 pm? I cannot find the time of that first call to home.
TUBA, are you looking for the date & time she said the infamous & revealing remark, "however it happened" ?

If so, that was said at Universal the first day Det. Allen & Yuri took her there to find her blackjack in her phantom office.

Yes Tuba what exactly are you looking for?

I have the transcript to the jail call from July 18th....It's not time-stamped but has clues in it. I believe it's late afternoon after the news on TV @ 7Pm. KC mentions CA's cameo on TV later on pg. 8 she tells Christina that she heard her mom on the news just before her phone call.....that she hasn't slept in 4 days. That she hasn't talked to Tony since early in the morning...etc. Pg9 is where tins part is.

Page 8

Page 9

As far as the depositions for the civil case the clue will be when they stop meeting everyday her & Baez. That'll be in the jail visit logs. I tried to look at the Clerk records to see if anything is there but the site is down right now. THE ECLIPSE is causing electrical/internet & many things to happen! Just as our site here had problems yesterday. I hope that is a sign of how rough of a day KC is having.......let alone she upset Judge Strickland with the motion to waive his motion for her to appear from now on. She does seem think we are all fools!
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