Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8

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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 7
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3
[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #2
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Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1
[ame=""]Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #1 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Thank You Fifth For Everything You Do! :blowkiss:

Good idea with more motions submitted by Baez & even the Orange Co. Jail then add in the hearing tomorrow. Still waiting to hear if the Anthony's finalized the private & public memorial for Caylee too!

I heard on FoxNews Orlando Live that they are claiming it's the state holding up her funeral because of unreleased medial examiner reports. The Anthony's do need to delay until George gets all the help he needs & no sooner until he does get it no matter how long it takes.

I'm glad he didn't leave too early & I pray he stays as long as needed for him to get better. We don't need another tragedy in this case. Caylee is already in heaven so there really is no need to hurry until George is better.

:praying: for George!
In the chart for prisoner's request to be excused from Friday's hearing and in the chart for the recusal motion, it is evident an employee of the prosecution wants out. This individual appears in H. 9 of the court and lawyers as Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars, not a good fit for the job and miserable. In the recusal chart, the person is in the H. of the prosecution as an employee, coming from Prosecution's II Sixth House.

The employee strongly afflicts the Baez Sun, Saturn and Mercury and is responsible for the anonymous complaints to the bar. In mutual reception with Saturn, ideally the employee would leave but Saturn does not turn direct until mid-May and is therefore a planet unwilling to make this exchange, as Mercury retro is reluctant to do also. There is no safe place for this gov't servant to land.

This lawyer is not high profile, so his story may not make the news but astrologically, it is interesting to look at his or her predicament. He has created some heavy weather inside the office and over in Kissimmee, Baez has made his reactions known.
Tuba This post from you I find very interesting:

It's a good thing KC is in solitary confinement! :eek: I bet her and Baez have had some quite interesting jail visits to say the least! :crazy:

<snipped from your post>
Her hair is standing on end & her eye glittering, sextile to outspoken and harsh Mercury Mars. Do not rattle her cage or run rulers across the bars.

Tuba do the charts show how Judge Strickland will rule today about the emergency motion put in by Baez?

I have the gut feeling, & looking at everything that has been posted/charted that out unhappy jailer will have to appear tomorrow! She would rather stay in her make believe world that she is falling deeper & deeper into, if that's even possible, she has been living in it long before her new home in jail! MOO

<snipped from your post>
The worldwide distribution of her image in prison drabs with lank hair and Guilty written all over her is mortifying to Casey and her dread of Friday is real. These appearances prevent her indulgence in a make believe life.

To all the astro's I've looked to see if I could find an updated jail visit log to give all of you a clue if they are still working on the civil deposition but have been unable to find them yet. I'm sure they will use the full 31 days with all of KC's lies that Baez has to do to try & cover-up in the answers. That isn't too far away they should be due back to JM by around Feb. 9 2009. I will keep looking to see if I can find an updated jail log.

Thank You All for all of your hard work and time. :clap: :clap: :clap:
This is my favorite thread with so many kind & caring posters. :blowkiss:
Baez was offended and indignant over what the complaints were doing to his reputation and Kenney-Baden saw strategic damage when she wrote the motion. The ruler of the ASC for the recusal motion is the Moon conjunct Neptune and in mutual reception with Uranus in H. 9.

House 9. is planning for the future and concerns over present publicity. She, the Moon, was with the ruler of that sector. The mutual reception with Uranus, ruler of the House Baden holds, indicates she first researched to learn who was spreading the rumors and complaints. Are these verbal attacks damaging? They are serious, yes. Look to the House of rumors, H. 3 and you find Saturn the greatly emphasized planet of the Sling Formation, a bundle of planets with one apart.

The strategy asteroid, Pallas Athena, is 4:45 II trine Jupiter, so she countered the bad publicity by calling loud attention to it and holding its source responsible--nevermind the fate of the motion.
Taking note of your post from your charting that Lovejac & myself has been waiting to see what will come from it is just around the corner "The Span Of Truth"!


All of this activity should bring a sharp turn, a change, significant news, espectially with the lunar node on that midpoint from February 7 through 25. Somehow, like a light ray piercing a black cloud, some truth will win through.

Thank You Tuba I see it there now! Thanks for pointing out where to look. :blowkiss: Question answered!!!

So we will be hearing the rattle of her chains as she walks into the courtroom tomorrow & on many more courtroom entrances!
Night before last, as I hit the tick, I was praying that Jose Baez scrutinize the prisoner while he assists with her answers to the written deposition. It would be easy to mark questions 9-17, "refuse to answer" and not put her through the facial and oral examination. He really needs to look at her contortions & twisted thinking so that he fully knows what he is dealing with.

The jail has asked for clarification and Judge Strickland will give it, as to which appearances are required. She has to show up Friday because the motion to excuse her will not yet have been heard.
But January 27 was a harbinger of exposure to come and now we learn that the toy plastic horse at CSI matches such toys inside the house. I think we all knew already that the Winnie the Pooh blanket was hers.

When it comes to items from the Hopespring house, there is not a question that Z.F.-G. entered the house to do this to Caylee and handle her belongings. If there were such a nanny and she did have a key (that came up in a jailhouse video), Casey would not have gone searching stores and Blanchard Park when Caylee and the nanny failed to appear. She would have looked for them at the Hopespring house or at the very least, phoned there. She did not. The jail statement reminding her mother that Z.F.-G. possessed a key to the family home was probably not a reminder at all, just another lie of convenience usable to impute the crime to this woman or to raise such questions about her ability to invade the premises.
Angel, was there a time listed for JB showing up to teach the law class today. Why would he agree to teach a class when he is in the middle of getting ready for such an important trial. Shouldn't he be going over evidence, getting that deposition answered for JM and getting it back to him. What is the purpose of him going off track with this law class. If I were JM, I'd be steaming!!!!!!
Angel, was there a time listed for JB showing up to teach the law class today. Why would he agree to teach a class when he is in the middle of getting ready for such an important trial. Shouldn't he be going over evidence, getting that deposition answered for JM and getting it back to him. What is the purpose of him going off track with this law class. If I were JM, I'd be steaming!!!!!!

ITA: With you LambChop!!!! Sorry No time nentioned maybe we can find it in the college listing of classes? If I have time I'll see if it is listed in the college courses...unless another super sleuther can find it!
He was hired just recently believe it or not the article is in this post LambChop:

Individual Post:

Found the class schedule for FAMU but I saved the Spring Schedule & I don't see Baez listed as an instructor! Now it won't let me go back & choose the Fall Schedule could someone else go to this link to get the time of what the course is that Baez teaches? I know it's a morning class, upper-level classes on "How To Prepare For Trial"! LOL
As LambChop said this makes it even more odd with him handling KC's high profile case!

Here's the link to it.....on the left select Class Schedule.....but pick Fall morning scheduled classes. (I have the other schedule saved & will look again at it but I didn't see his name unless he replaced someone else for the class. It has 2 listed called Trial Prep!
In the chart for prisoner's request to be excused from Friday's hearing and in the chart for the recusal motion, it is evident an employee of the prosecution wants out. This individual appears in H. 9 of the court and lawyers as Mercury retrograde conjunct Mars, not a good fit for the job and miserable. In the recusal chart, the person is in the H. of the prosecution as an employee, coming from Prosecution's II Sixth House.

The employee strongly afflicts the Baez Sun, Saturn and Mercury and is responsible for the anonymous complaints to the bar. In mutual reception with Saturn, ideally the employee would leave but Saturn does not turn direct until mid-May and is therefore a planet unwilling to make this exchange, as Mercury retro is reluctant to do also. There is no safe place for this gov't servant to land.

This lawyer is not high profile, so his story may not make the news but astrologically, it is interesting to look at his or her predicament. He has created some heavy weather inside the office and over in Kissimmee, Baez has made his reactions known.

Tuba You got it right the part bolded by me! :clap::clap::clap:This was just released in an article:
Local 6 News has confirmed that someone working for State Attorney Lawson Lamar sent paperwork about Baez to The Florida Bar, which investigated Baez for possible ethics violations.

I have the spring 2009 schedule but didn't see his name but what I wanted to open was the Fall 2008 to see if his name if there. Being I opened & saved what you did it won't let me choose the Fall schedule??? Don't know why it won't let me open the Fall now???
There are 2 classes called Trial Prep in the Spring 2009 that I had already & my guess it's got to be one of those but he took over the class for one of the names listed maybe?

What do you think Spitfire do you think he took over one of the two but they just didn't update it?
The two classes listed for Trial Prep #6363 are listed as Thurs, 1 to 3:40 pm and Fri, 8 to 10:40 am. Are we sure he is teaching and not just attending??? How is it you prepare for this high profile murder case by teaching a class right in the middle of it? Sorry judge I cannot attend today's hearing I have to teach a class??? What could be his motive???
Forgive e if I'm out of line. It is my first time posting on this thread. Someone on the main forum stated he was possibly teaching in trade for law students help in preparing cases. This is hearsey I believe. It was also stated that JB might be forced to take a marketing class due to his website. By the charts is it saying the person in prosecuters office did not tell fellow collegues (SP) they were filing a complaint? This is such an interesting thread.
Just posted today's ruling by Strickland in our TimeStamp thread...

"Being duly advised in the premises, the defendant's Notice of Objection is overruled, and the defendant will be required to appear at each and every court hearing with the exception of those matters previously noted." (no time stamp noted)
But January 27 was a harbinger of exposure to come and now we learn that the toy plastic horse at CSI matches such toys inside the house. I think we all knew already that the Winnie the Pooh blanket was hers.

When it comes to items from the Hopespring house, there is not a question that Z.F.-G. entered the house to do this to Caylee and handle her belongings. If there were such a nanny and she did have a key (that came up in a jailhouse video), Casey would not have gone searching stores and Blanchard Park when Caylee and the nanny failed to appear. She would have looked for them at the Hopespring house or at the very least, phoned there. She did not. The jail statement reminding her mother that Z.F.-G. possessed a key to the family home was probably not a reminder at all, just another lie of convenience usable to impute the crime to this woman or to raise such questions about her ability to invade the premises.

We won't be surprised when they fail to find ZFG's DNA anywhere. Or fail to find any "unknown" DNA. Let's see her lie her way out of that one.
Forgive e if I'm out of line. It is my first time posting on this thread. Someone on the main forum stated he was possibly teaching in trade for law students help in preparing cases. This is hearsey I believe. It was also stated that JB might be forced to take a marketing class due to his website. By the charts is it saying the person in prosecuters office did not tell fellow collegues (SP) they were filing a complaint? This is such an interesting thread.

Hello KageyKaren, You are always welcome here!:)
Until we see a confirmation as to Baez 'trading' his teaching skills in exchange for law student assistants (currently a rumor), we would not be discussing that here, and if that is verified I am sure there will be a thread for that on the Main Forum.

Perhaps when Tuba returns later today, she'll comment on the person in the Prosecutors office.
There is a photo on the web of Baez at the law school, either coming or going. I just ran across it by accident last night or this morning and did not press the link myself. I will try to relocate it.
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