Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #8

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I see what you're saying Tuba w/the validations you've set forth and that's why we are seeing the new Defense TV campaign w/ L.K-B. dismissing the forensics to date on the case as 'not science or not scientific'. They've dealt w/KC long enough to be well aware she was reckless and never gave a second thought after she dumped her baby.They know what's coming.
'Mercury in Capricorn formed a mutual reception with Saturn in Virgo and does not provide a way out'

L.K-B. will be trading her Restalyn injections for oxygen as her work is cut out for her.

My hope is the Prosecution will pass just enough of the Quantico findings to the Defense on Monday 2/9 so they can be distracted the day of the Memorial, and then do the public document drop on Wednesday 2/11.
Before we lose Mercury in Capricorn, remember that Capricorn is the flesh, the tissue, the skin. Remember that Mercury is the finger, the print from the finger, the evidence. Mercury in Capricorn has been trined, sextiled and semi-sextiled. We are going to get some prints, never fear. And when Mercury was conjunct Mars at the occultation, it was in perfect sextile to the Mercury in Pisces of the prisoner, her:croc: fingers, her prints, the evidence.

Very interesting. I noticed in the last motion to recuse by JB - that included the JG DNA, TES Doc Request etc...he mentioned 18 prints lifted...i have not heard another word uttered about them since i read it in his motion. i dont believe that the judge has ruled on everything listed in that motion because it included JG's DNA and im sure a decision would have been discussed.

18 prints...

This is for you, shouldbe. I was able to find a minute time stamp on his office document at Kissimmee. Certain of the prints refer back to the Pontiac. Where and when the others were lifted will be seen in the discovery as it is released. However, the prints in question here are relevant to proving the identity of the perpetrator because they are disposited by Saturn, which rules the homicide. Sun in H. 8 of homicide rules H. 3, the EVIDENCE House.

H. 1 and 2 are read together as they share a Sign. The ruler is in Pisces, so money is indeed becoming a problem. Moon ends by conjoining Venus, however, so this att'y will be paid. Venus is in the Sign of photography and rules H. 5. Enough said.

This is for you, shouldbe. I was able to find a minute time stamp on his office document at Kissimmee. Certain of the prints refer back to the Pontiac. Where and when the others were lifted will be seen in the discovery as it is released. However, the prints in question here are relevant to proving the identity of the perpetrator because they are disposited by Saturn, which rules the homicide.

H. 1 and 2 are read together as they share a Sign. The ruler is in Pisces, so money is indeed becoming a problem. Moon ends by conjoining Venus, however, so this att'y will be paid. Venus is in the Sign of photography and rules H. 5. Enough said.

Here's a thought about prints we haven't discussed: the only prints they're going to find on the backpack belong to KC or her mother...the ones who refreshed it daily with her backup clothing, diapers, sippy cup etc. Caylee suppossedly was w/a nanny and wouldn't she have to access the items inside leaving prints on the straps? the closure? a zipper?exterior material? Good possibility prints outside of the immediate family members will not be found on any items collected at the site.
Am praying they lifted prints off the tape and or matched the tape to a roll found in the A's house. The heart sticker as well.
Wouldn't it be ironic if the heart sticker turned out to be the kiss of death for KC.

Venus in the sign of photography and rules House 5(Caylee). The criminal sells (H. 2) photos of her victim....DISGRACEFUL!
Yes, the straps, good thought. There are significant prints that tie the prisoner to the crime, fer shure. But we are all tired of waiting for either documents giving this evidence or at least an announcement of this evidence. The reporters are on the case like a bloodhound today. Television node in Aquarius is on a determined degree and Moon trined Uranus earlier.

Uno's reign as #1 Dog is coming to a close and I'm morose. His photos are all over my Vista gallery. Crazy for that dog!
Thanks Tuba and all the astrologers on this forum. I read it daily and it's my first post but as a veterinarian Uno made me.

I love that dog!!
Thanks Tuba and all the astrologers on this forum. I read it daily and it's my first post but as a veterinarian Uno made me.

I love that dog!!

Welcome RORY!:wave: don't be shy.

I'm starting to feel left out. I've been here through thick and thin...don't you think I'm as handsome and lovable?


On a more serious note: , WS's brilliant and colorful techie Administrator Moderator has announced:
"We're going to move on the morning of Sunday, 2/8/2009. By "morning" I mean when I get to it that morning, so it will probably be around 8:00 Pacific time. "

As indicated earlier, the transition will take about 4 hours so please be patient.
OH WOW!!! I am finally here.. As you can tell I am a newbie to posting on WS (and thankyou so much to chicoliving for getting my email addy acceptable) but I have been reading and following forever and I just wanted to say how wonderful you guys are and the amount of work and accuracy in that work is amazing.. I so look forward to learning astrology and I hope housemouse, tuba, kaitland, fithessance and SS and and and everyone That I can't remember names for is still willing to teach us want to be astros the or some of the basics... I even went out and bought "The Complete Idiots Guide to Astrology" I thought with that title I might be able to figure out some of the langauage but I am even below the idiot level..hahaha..

Anyway , I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and I so look forward to becoming a small part of this wonderful family and hopefully I will pick up smething by osmosis if all else fails... I will be off here for a while but like I said I could not wait to say Hi to all here...JMO...sweets
Welcome SWEETS! Just so you know, outside our core gifted Astrologers-HOUSEMOUSE, TUBA, SOULSCAPE and KAITLAND, we are all STUDENTS:baby:. Get comfy and make yourself at home.
Stroll on over to our LIBRARY, there are many resources there including links to sites that are very informative

Yes indeed, I have long admired Blinkers.
You don't have to be crazy to post here, Sweets. We'll train you.

If you have questions about the astrological terms or about what the planets are doing, feel free to graffiti the board. We get almost no questions, strangely. I have one myself, however. The link to the Memorial chart seems not to be working right. I have not seen Soulscape to mention it. Maybe we can fix it.
Happy Span of Truth!!! I miss you gals. I am in Asheville for our annual "Sisters Weekend" with my 2 sisters. Having a blast, but internet is limited, so I just got caught up today.

So happy the upgrade went well, sounds like this coming week will be a real eye-opener!

I will be heading back to SC tomorrow afternoon and will check back in!

PS: I thought it would be nice for all of us on this thread to join in prayer together on Tuesday during Caylee's public memorial, specifically for swift justice for our angel Caylee. :blowkiss:
hi i have a qustion, i know

casey is guilty as sin, will the finger prints off the duct tape tie

her to the crime? i hope so. hope you all are haveing a great weekend

just got home from seeing my new grandson who is 5 days old.

oh love reading this thread itsw awesome
hi i have a qustion, i know

casey is guilty as sin, will the finger prints off the duct tape tie

her to the crime? i hope so. hope you all are haveing a great weekend

just got home from seeing my new grandson who is 5 days old.

oh love reading this thread itsw awesome

Many congratulations on your new family addition! What a blessing.

If the FBI forensic lab in Quantico captures prints on the tape, neither KC or her Defense team will be able to find their way out of THAT incriminating evidence.
Thanks Tuba and all the astrologers on this forum. I read it daily and it's my first post but as a veterinarian Uno made me.

I love that dog!!

Welcome, Rory,

I lurked a looooong time here too. It's fun to finally post and be a participant, even if I can't contribute like many others do. I'm certain we will both find our niches and help in some way. I just love dogs and two cats are Liliana (sealpoint siamese with an attitude) and Sophia (flame point siamese mix Hemingway with 7-toes on back feet). They are quite a pair :)

This is for you, shouldbe. I was able to find a minute time stamp on his office document at Kissimmee. Certain of the prints refer back to the Pontiac. Where and when the others were lifted will be seen in the discovery as it is released. However, the prints in question here are relevant to proving the identity of the perpetrator because they are disposited by Saturn, which rules the homicide. Sun in H. 8 of homicide rules H. 3, the EVIDENCE House.

H. 1 and 2 are read together as they share a Sign. The ruler is in Pisces, so money is indeed becoming a problem. Moon ends by conjoining Venus, however, so this att'y will be paid. Venus is in the Sign of photography and rules H. 5. Enough said.

As always - Thank You Tuba! i figured most would be "expected prints" but have hoped that there would be a handful of unexpected prints as well! i have faith!

Might we be able to tell from the Trial Chart (once we have a date) if Baez is still on the case? I have a hard time believing that he will stick this one out till the end...
OH WOW!!! I am finally here.. As you can tell I am a newbie to posting on WS (and thankyou so much to chicoliving for getting my email addy acceptable) but I have been reading and following forever and I just wanted to say how wonderful you guys are and the amount of work and accuracy in that work is amazing.. I so look forward to learning astrology and I hope housemouse, tuba, kaitland, fithessance and SS and and and everyone That I can't remember names for is still willing to teach us want to be astros the or some of the basics... I even went out and bought "The Complete Idiots Guide to Astrology" I thought with that title I might be able to figure out some of the langauage but I am even below the idiot level..hahaha..

Anyway , I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and I so look forward to becoming a small part of this wonderful family and hopefully I will pick up smething by osmosis if all else fails... I will be off here for a while but like I said I could not wait to say Hi to all here...JMO...sweets

Welcome, Sweets,

It is so nice to meet you! I'm also a newbie, so we can learn together :)
We have great teachers here. Sweets, I look forward to seeing your posts. :)
Happy Span of Truth!!! I miss you gals. I am in Asheville for our annual "Sisters Weekend" with my 2 sisters. Having a blast, but internet is limited, so I just got caught up today.

So happy the upgrade went well, sounds like this coming week will be a real eye-opener!

I will be heading back to SC tomorrow afternoon and will check back in!

PS: I thought it would be nice for all of us on this thread to join in prayer together on Tuesday during Caylee's public memorial, specifically for swift justice for our angel Caylee. :blowkiss:


Joining together in prayer during Caylee's memorial is a great idea, thank you. :clap: That is a positive action we can all take together.

Continue to have a wonderful time with your sisters and travel safely home to your family. I'll bet you're a riot to be with: I can tell from your posts! :crazy:
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