Forensic Astrology - CORRIE L. ANDERSON

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Corrie Anderson Natal:

Ken Anderson Natal: Anderson/KNANatal.gif

Corrie & Ken Biwheel: Anderson/CorrieandKenBiwheel.gif

Since these are untimed charts, I have cast them for Sunrise (placing SUN on Ascendant). As a result, we do not know the true angles/ house cusps nor MOON positions. Nonetheless, the Sunrise charts give important information.

Both Ken and Corrie have SUN in Aries and MOON in Sagittarius. (No matter what time of day they were born, their respective MOONs would have been in Sagittarius.) You would think sharing the same SUN & MOON signs would be conducive to forming a good relationship, and actually, there are some nice harmonies between the two charts. With VENUS as well as SUN in Aries, Ken is likely attracted to independent, energetic women such as Corrie and the fact their MOONs are both in Sag would seem to indicate they are emotionally in tune with each other.

Corrie has VENUS, SATURN and MARS in close conjunction in Gemini. This suggests communication (Gemini) was highly important to her. She would be attracted to and value (VENUS) a man she felt she could communicate with. SATURN in the mix would suggest she would work hard to make this happen, to keep the lines of communication open. The exact opposition of her MARS to NEPTUNE (05:02 Sagittarius) can (but doesn't have to) point to a partner who may abuse drugs or alcohol.

Unfortunately, the challenging interaspects between Ken's and Corrie's planets are troubling...

I will focus primarily on three planets: MARS, SATURN and PLUTO, which I suspect were the cause of problems in this relationship.

Ken's MARS (Pisces) square Corrie's MOON (Sagittarius):

Actually, Ken's MARS squares his own MOON, as well as Corrie's. This is a friction aspect. A man with MARS square MOON has problems with women. They cause him to get angry. This reaction is inbred because Ken has MARS square MOON natally. Corrie likely felt overpowered by Ken. He triggered heated feelings and it was easy for her to be upset by him. The interaspect gives strong attraction, but troubled relationship. It is a very difficult energy to work with in a marital relationship.

Ken's MARS (Pisces) square Corrie's MARS (Gemini):

This is an interaspect of tension, arguments and disagreements galore. There is a basic conflict in desires. Corrie wants to communicate (Gemini) while Ken wants to avoid any issues (Pisces). There also could have been an element of competing against each other in various ways (one-upmanship).

Ken's SATURN (Capricorn) sesquiquadrate (135 degrees) Corrie's MARS (Gemini):

This is an interaspect suggesting emotional or physical damage, force, brutality.

Ken's SATURN (Capricorn) square Corrie's SUN (Aries):

This is a criticizing, judgmental energy. Ken may have felt threatened by the force of Corrie's personality and have taken a superior attitude in defense. This would result in Corrie feeling threatened, with self-confidence eroded. The relationship became a burden rather than a joy.

Ken's SATURN (Capricorn) sesquiquadrate (135 degrees) Corrie's SATURN (Gemini):

Disagreements over values, lack of common ground.

Ken's SATURN (Capricorn) square Corrie's URANUS (Libra):

This interaspect shows imbalance between commitment (SATURN) and freedom (URANUS). When Ken feels frustrated, he attempts to control (SATURN) Corrie's behavior. He resorts to criticism (SATURN) which undermines Corrie's creative impulses (URANUS) and self confidence. She then rebels (URANUS) and attempts to end/ leave the relationship.

Ken's NEPTUNE (Scorpio) inconjunct (150 degrees) Corrie's MERCURY (Aries):

This is an interaspect of dishonesty and deceit and possibly abuse (in particular, drug abuse). It is an energy of disillusionment and destructiveness.

Ken's PLUTO (Virgo) square Corrie's VENUS (Gemini):

Intense emotional battles, emotional problems. Corrie feels overwhelmed, bullied by Ken. Ken is domineering. There is also a strong sexual component to this interaspect.

Ken's PLUTO (Virgo) square Corrie's MARS (Gemini):

This suggests an explosive relationship fraught with hidden (PLUTO) tension; an emotional battleground. There are deep seated (PLUTO) problems that erupt in an explosive manner. This configuration correlates with both emotional and physical abuse, controlling behavior and a fight for supremacy.

Ken's PLUTO (Virgo) square Corrie's SATURN (Gemini):

This shows difficulty in relating to one another. Resentment builds up causing friction that is difficult to resolve.


The above interaspects lead me to strongly suspect Ken murdered Corrie. When I post the Event Charts, I will point out the connections I see to Ken's natal chart. Sadly, I think he was intent on showing her who was the boss and he took it too far. He was angry and resentful over her new relationship and insanely jealous.

Just my (astrological) opinion...........

Wow they had some fireworks going on for sure. Thank you so much for your hard work Soulscape. I imagine your head is spinning! Your thouroughness in analyzing and presenting the charts is very much appreciated by this layperson. I look forward to the event charts...I'm sure they will be as telling, as you said.

Blessings and Hugs,
Beckaroozie :blowkiss:
Corrie was last seen leaving the car dealership at approx. 1:15 pm [on 10/28/08]. She missed a meeting at 3:15 pm and did not pick up her son from school. This is totally out of character for Corrie.

The police report was filed approximately 3:45 pm on 10/28/08.

See Chart here:

One of the first things I do when I look at a Last Seen or Police Report Filed chart is ascertain where the Lights (SUN & MOON) are, as they usually give good information. In this chart both are in the 8th House of Death, conjunct applying (malefic New Moon, always unfortunate) with MOON in the sign of her Fall, in the Via Combusta (the Burning Way), and peregrine (no essential dignity, thus powerless). This is testimony Corrie is dead.

Part of Death (not shown) at 22 Aquarius is conjunct NEPTUNE in the radix 12th House. NEPTUNE (disappearance; also often prominent in death charts) is in critical degree. Corrie has been reported Missing because no one knows where she is (NEPTUNE). She is dead because the mystery (NEPTUNE) is conjunct Part of Death.

I generally give the Missing Person to the 7th House then turn the chart. This means H7 becomes turned H1, H8 becomes turned H2, etc. around the wheel.

The 7th House cusp is Virgo, making MERCURY the ruler of the turned 1st House and significator of Corrie.

MERCURY (Corrie) sits at 19:19 Libra in the radix 7th House Portal of Death, close to the radix 8th House cusp. MERCURY as Lord turned 1 squares JUPITER Lord turned 4 the Grave. This is testimony of death.

MARS as Lord turned 8 (radix 2H) is involved in the nasty SUN/MOON conjunction in Scorpio in the radix 8th House of Death. This is testimony of death.

Here are some secondary markers (not shown in chart):

19:17 Libra Part of Assassination conjunct MERCURY (Corrie)
17:40 Libra Part of Violence conjunct Assassination and MERCURY (Corrie)
16:25 Cancer Part of Catastrophe square MERCURY (Corrie)
19:28 Leo Death Point sextile MERCURY (Corrie)
20:54 Capricorn Part of Disaster square MERCURY (Corrie)

Parts in aspect to SUN/MOON lend more details:

06:20 Scorpio Part of Head Injury very closely conjunct SUN/MOON
06:39 Leo Part of Assault closely square SUN/MOON
06:07 Leo Part of Brutality closely square SUN/MOON

Before MOON leaves her sign she will square NEPTUNE (disappearance, mystery, possibly death), oppose Transneptunian ADMETOS (death) and ALGOL on the radix 3rd House of the Neighborhood/ Immediate Surroundings. These are testimonies for death.

I suspect the murder took place between 2:15 - 3:15 pm. Corrie was already dead by the time the Police Report was filed.

It is interesting Ken's natal MARS/SATURN midpoint is partile conjunct the NODES of the Police Report chart. Additionally, his natal SATURN at 18:18 Capricorn is partile trine both SATURN and the VERTEX (fated encounters) in the Police Report chart. His natal PLUTO at 03:48 Virgo is partile conjunct the Police Report Chart 7th House cusp (turned 1st) signifying Corrie.

Is this astrological *proof* he did it? No. But if I were LE, I'd be checking him out very, very thoroughly because the Stars are pointing straight at him.

Thanks very much for the info's sad. Her kids are going to be without her. I hope LE gets to work on this one and makes an arrest. She and her family deserve justice. Any idea from the chart as to a vicinity her body may be (i.e. mileage, direction?).

They must not have searched his house PRIOR to the Van find although I suspect her family pointed LE in that direction early on-probably when they filed the missing persons report.

Last Edited: Friday, 31 Oct 2008, 4:20 PM EDT
Created On: Friday, 31 Oct 2008, 11:50 AM EDT
Jericka Duncan
BUST!, N.Y. (WIVB) - -
State Police recovered the van of Corrie Anderson.
And they tell us they are searching the home of her ex-husband

There was no good reason for Corrie to have been at his house or for her personal items to end up until we get absolute confirmation, I would continue to hold that a rumor. IF they found her shoe and wallet at his house, they would have immediately arrested him or at a minimum would have taken him in for questioning. None of the news reports thus far indicate that kind of interrogation.
There was no report of her house being the probable place the crime was committed.

My take-sorry to say: violent fight, rape, murdered with his own 2 hands although I believe a gun (possibly a knife)was visible and used to coax and threathen her when she first saw him. I refer to Soulscape's observations in Post #23 above: MARS as Lord turned 8(radix 2H) is involved in the nasty SUN/MOON conjunction in Scorpio in the radix 8th House of Death.

Link to MAP from the FindCorrie site:
Hiya Fifth -- who said her shoe and wallet was found at his house? I must've missed that. (NVM - I see that Karen stated that in an earlier post - local news info)

This is what I found on ID site dated Nov. 2, 2008 (David Lohr):

On October 30, a hunter discovered Corey's car abandoned at a gas well off of Kortwright Road in the town of Busti.

<<<snipped out part - repeat>>>>

State police recovered the vehicle from the field, and sent it to Batavia for forensic testing.

That night, investigators searched the Celoron, N.Y. home of Corrie's second husband, Kenneth Anderson. It should be noted that several outlets are reporting that the Andersons are divorced; however, neighbors with whom I spoke said that their divorce had not yet been finalized.
Investigators reportedly questioned Anderson for several hours; however, what &#8211; if anything &#8211; they learned is unknown. Police have not called Anderson a suspect or person of interest in his wife's disappearance.

Thanks :)

For full article see:
KAREN in NY- above post #17 mentioned a 'rumor' of her shoe and wallet being found at his home.

NO local news reports indicating husband is a POI or that he was taken in for questioning...they could have done that while doing the house search. No details at all on the findcorrie site as to ANY clues or progress in the case.
What is also interesting is that her job at Jamestown Community College (JCC) is very close to the dealership where she visited her boyfriend for a few minutes. It could be possible that something happened at JCC or someone followed her from JCC to the dealership and waited for her.
Her car was found really close to her house - almost like someone tried to hide it and could have been in a hurry.
While the charts from Soulscape indicate Corrie's earthly life has been completed (wish I could think of a more gentle way to phrase that thought:confused:); I AM encouraged that she (Soulscape) doesn't feel this is the work of a serial killer.

Although I haven't returned to Jamestown since mid-late 80's, friends of our family have said the town has changed dramatically and not in a positive way. I've been very concerned over the high number of missing/murdered single moms cases (some still not solved to this day).

On a side note: Corrie's website info (created by her family) contains a picture of her ex, Ken. I'll be the 1st to admit, I'm awful at "reading" people clearly but know that other people DO have that gift of discernment. It might be helpful in some way, to look at the photos posted of Corrie, the ex, Ken, as well as one taken of Corrie with guy she was dating. I believe I read on that site somewhere, that they (Corrie and new beau) planned to marry in the coming year.

Not sure if any of this can be of help. I'm in awe of what y'all can do, regarding the astrological charts. Just reading it sounds like a foreign language to me and I'm amazed at the info one can obtain from this gifted resource.

I tip my "hat" to all of you engaged in finding the truth for Corrie and her family.
What is also interesting is that her job at Jamestown Community College (JCC) is very close to the dealership where she visited her boyfriend for a few minutes. It could be possible that something happened at JCC or someone followed her from JCC to the dealership and waited for her.
Her car was found really close to her house - almost like someone tried to hide it and could have been in a hurry.

I was trying to find out which elementary school her son would attend so I could pin that on the map too. She would have stopped somewhere in between the dealership and the school sometime between 1:20 and 3:00 to burn some time before she had to be at school for 3:15. IMO

Personally, I was wondering if maybe someone saw her park at the dealership and hid in her van and attacked her after she left there? Or maybe at the stop she made in between the dealiership and the school.

Another thing that puzzles me...why would someone go PAST her house in the van and leave it abandoned on the corner there instead of leaving it at her house? They had to be disposing of her somewhere around there, I think. It also had to be someone she knew IMO because it was so close to her house.

I've read several purposes for the school meeting, one of which was a parent/teacher conference. Was Ken going to be at that parent/teacher conference too I wonder? She was a room mother and another report said it was for planning a halloween idk.
What is also interesting is that her job at Jamestown Community College (JCC) is very close to the dealership where she visited her boyfriend for a few minutes. It could be possible that something happened at JCC or someone followed her from JCC to the dealership and waited for her.
Her car was found really close to her house - almost like someone tried to hide it and could have been in a hurry.

If someone followed her from JCC to the dealership & waited for her, it was, IMO, the ex.

There are too many *hits* between his planets and the key planets in the Event Charts for me to think anyone else is responsible. Recall his natal PLUTO squares her natal VENUS. That is a very nasty interaspect where the PLUTO person (Ken) is obsessed (PLUTO) with controlling (PLUTO) the VENUS person (Corrie), particularly, sexually (PLUTO square VENUS). This is the *if I can't have her, no one can* mentality.

I cast Ken's Solar Arc for the date & time of the Police Report. His Solar Arc directed PLUTO is closely conjunct (within 1 degree) Police Report MERCURY --- Corrie's significator. Also recall Ken's natal PLUTO at 3 Virgo was partile conjunct the 7th House cusp (turned 1st) of the Police Report Chart, signifying Corrie.

There are just too many connections for me to think it was anyone other than Ken.........

Respectfully snipped:
Before MOON leaves her sign she will square NEPTUNE (disappearance, mystery, possibly death), oppose Transneptunian ADMETOS (death) and ALGOL on the radix 3rd House of the Neighborhood/ Immediate Surroundings. These are testimonies for death.

Soul does this mean that she died in her neighborhood or immediately surroundings? Or is buried there perhaps? What does the part of the grave say? Water, earth, area description maybe? Has to be trees right? LOL She lived in the boonies. Her car was discovered near a gas well...I saw a white tank there. Any other clues about her whereabouts from the death chart?
I'm going to see if I can find out any "info" regarding the ex; problem with that is- half the people living in Jamestown (surrounding areas too) have the last name of Anderson. At least when I was growing-up there, that was the case. The other 50 % hailed from Italian decent. But Anderson is still most likely to be in greater number than any other last name... makes it all the more difficult.:confused:

Respectfully snipped:

Soul does this mean that she died in her neighborhood or immediately surroundings? Or is buried there perhaps? What does the part of the grave say? Water, earth, area description maybe? Has to be trees right? LOL She lived in the boonies. Her car was discovered near a gas well...I saw a white tank there. Any other clues about her whereabouts from the death chart?

I would say, yes, she died in her neighborhood or immediate surroundings. A quote above that you provided:

On October 30, a hunter discovered Corey's car abandoned at a gas well off of Kortwright Road in the town of Busti.

In the Car Located chart, MERCURY the car recently separated from a trine to NEPTUNE (gas). This was quite descriptive of the car being found at a gas well. NEPTUNE at 21 Aquarius was in critical degree (21 Fixed) and if you recall, Part of Death was conjunct at 22 Aquarius in the Police Report chart.

See chart here: Anderson/CarLocated.gif

If we take this line of reasoning further (and please note this is very speculative!!) then we would want to look at the planet representing Corrie and check the aspects and see what deductions we might make.

In the Car Located chart, Corrie is signified by VENUS at 14:40 Sagittarius in the 8th House of Death. VENUS does not separate from any planet, although she does separate from a trine & sextile to the NODES. Notice VENUS is in Fateful degree --- same degree as the NODES --- so this is important. It confirms we have the correct significator for Corrie because we know a catastrophe, tragedy or fatality has occurred. Notice NORTH NODE is in Aquarius, same as NEPTUNE (the gas well).

If I look to the closest applying aspect VENUS makes, it is a sextile to CHIRON at 16:03 Aquarius. All these Aquarius connections make me think she may be in same general location where the car was found. There are about 7 degrees from NORTH NODE to NEPTUNE the gas well and about 5+ degrees between NEPTUNE the gas well and CHIRON, the possible location of Corrie. Since NORTH NODE, CHIRON and NEPTUNE are all in the same sign (Aquarius) I think it is possible Corrie is in the same general area, and possibly in some unit of 5 to 7 from the car. For example, 5-7 feet, 5-7 yards, 5-7 miles.


Another way to determine where she is located is to look at her significator (VENUS) in relation to the car (MERCURY). Using this method, VENUS (Corrie) could be either SOUTH and slightly WEST of the car or conversely, NORTH and slightly EAST. The degree difference between MERCURY the car and VENUS (Corrie) is about 8 degrees. The degree difference between MOON and VENUS is about 14 degrees. This suggests she could be found within 8 to 14 units of something --- feet, yards, miles --- of the car in either a SOUTH-SOUTH-WEST or NORTH-NORTH-EAST direction.

From what I understand, further searches are on hold until the spring. If TES gets involved, perhaps this information could be relayed to them, however, I can't stress enough, this is purely speculative.

Soulscape!! Thank you so much for speculating!! It's more than speculation in your case though -- it's more of a 'hypothesis', a VERY educated guess. That's all that anyone can ask for. I'll bet you an emailed Coca-Cola that you are pretty much on target! This info will be very helpful to TES this Spring. We have a boardmember of TES on our forum - her handle is 'Friday'. Maybe we could pass this on to Friday to pass on to Tim?

Ok -- can we speculate a little further then? Math and logic kicking in...

Respectfully snipped:

There are about 7 degrees from NORTH NODE to NEPTUNE the gas well and about 5+ degrees between NEPTUNE the gas well and CHIRON, the possible location of Corrie. Since NORTH NODE, CHIRON and NEPTUNE are all in the same sign (Aquarius) I think it is possible Corrie is in the same general area, and possibly in some unit of 5 to 7 from the car. For example, 5-7 feet, 5-7 yards, 5-7 miles.

The units of measurement would be the same with the car as they would with the remains, because both are measured here in degrees. So if the car is 7 degrees (yards, feet) from the gas well...and Corrie would be five units (yards or feet) beyond that? That equals twelve degrees total.

So could we speculate that from the second method of evaluating her location that you provided 8 - 14 units from the car in a north-north east or south-south west direction, that 12 units would fit right in there?

Meaning the gas well is most likely between the body and where the van was located? I have seen a photo of the gas well, with the white tank, but do not know which direction it was located in relation to the found van. I did see some flags that indicated where the car was found and I'll attempt to locate that photo, and the gas well photo. I think yards, hundred yards or hundred feet would be the most appropriate measurement units, based on the photos, but we'll look at them and see. Also - Corrie was not a small lady, so he would have been limited to how far he could drag her.

Do you see her buried in the earth or in a container or something, or does the chart show?

Thank you again for your hard work and answers. :)
These are photos taken by David Lohr ID website:

Gas well near where car was found:

Flags that show where van was found:

I think the photos were taking in opposite directions (well from one end of where car was found and flags in opposite direction maybe. We could verify this with David Lohr - he's a member of WS site too.
Where her van was found - was really close to her house - if you walked through the woods. So she could have been taken from her home in another vehicle and then her car dumped where it was. Her ex has permission to hunt in those woods. That makes it seem like someone who knew the woods. She may have gone home first. I heard both, too. But someone said it was a parent teacher mtg to plan the party.
Soulscape!! Thank you so much for speculating!! It's more than speculation in your case though -- it's more of a 'hypothesis', a VERY educated guess. That's all that anyone can ask for. I'll bet you an emailed Coca-Cola that you are pretty much on target! This info will be very helpful to TES this Spring. We have a boardmember of TES on our forum - her handle is 'Friday'. Maybe we could pass this on to Friday to pass on to Tim?

Ok -- can we speculate a little further then? Math and logic kicking in...

Respectfully snipped:

There are about 7 degrees from NORTH NODE to NEPTUNE the gas well and about 5+ degrees between NEPTUNE the gas well and CHIRON, the possible location of Corrie. Since NORTH NODE, CHIRON and NEPTUNE are all in the same sign (Aquarius) I think it is possible Corrie is in the same general area, and possibly in some unit of 5 to 7 from the car. For example, 5-7 feet, 5-7 yards, 5-7 miles.

The units of measurement would be the same with the car as they would with the remains, because both are measured here in degrees. So if the car is 7 degrees (yards, feet) from the gas well...and Corrie would be five units (yards or feet) beyond that? That equals twelve degrees total.

So could we speculate that from the second method of evaluating her location that you provided 8 - 14 units from the car in a north-north east or south-south west direction, that 12 units would fit right in there?

Meaning the gas well is most likely between the body and where the van was located? I have seen a photo of the gas well, with the white tank, but do not know which direction it was located in relation to the found van. I did see some flags that indicated where the car was found and I'll attempt to locate that photo, and the gas well photo. I think yards, hundred yards or hundred feet would be the most appropriate measurement units, based on the photos, but we'll look at them and see. Also - Corrie was not a small lady, so he would have been limited to how far he could drag her.

Do you see her buried in the earth or in a container or something, or does the chart show?

Thank you again for your hard work and answers. :)


The chart suggests Corrie is in the same general vicinity as the car. Since Corrie's significator VENUS is in a succeedant house, it is possible she is *between* something. She is not out in clear view because if she were, her significator would be in an angular house. She is not hidden to the degree she may never be found because her significator is not in a cadent house. Being in a succeedant house, the searchers will have to look for her a little harder, but I am very hopeful she will be found.

The car MERCURY is only 59 minutes past the trine to NEPTUNE (gas well), just shy of 1 degree or 1 unit of distance. So hypothetically, the distance between the car and the gas well is the unit of distance searchers need to work with, whatever that may be.

Because Corrie hasn't been found yet, I think we need to look at VENUS's first applying aspect rather than separating, because discovery is in the future. VENUS's next applying aspect is the sextile to Chiron in 1 degree 22 minutes, and Chiron at 16:03 Aquarius is 5 degrees 24 minutes from conjunction to NEPTUNE (gas well). 1:22 + 5:24 = 6:46, or about 6 3/4 units of distance. The searchers could try multiplying 6.75 x however many feet/yards between car and gas well to get the distance Corrie is from the car.

A second possibility is to subtract 14:40 (VENUS) from 22:27 (MERCURY the car) = 7:47, or approximately 7 3/4 units of distance. The searchers could try multiplying 7.75 x however many feet/yards between car & gas well to plot location of Corrie.

A third possibility is using MOON as the planet from which to measure. 29:31 minus 14:40 = 14:51 or approximately 14.8 units of distance (remember when doing the math there are 60 minutes in a degree). So using this possibility, the searchers would multiply 14.8 times however many feet or yards between car and gas well to plot location.

The direction suggested by the chart is NORTH NORTH EAST or conversely, SOUTH SOUTH WEST.

Respectfully snipped:

The direction suggested by the chart is NORTH NORTH EAST or conversely, SOUTH SOUTH WEST.


Hi Soul,

Just to clarify -- NNE or SSW of where the vehicle was found? Or from the gas well? <---not clear question, sorry. When they get the distance, where should the beginning point be? From the car or from the gas well?

Thanks very much!
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