Forensic Astrology - GABRIEL JOHNSON last seen San Antonio, TX

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I think Raymond Russel County Park may have a lot do with it. She stated she gave the baby away to a couple there, thus hiding the fact that she killed the baby there. The baby's death sign is water, so he may be in water in the park, possibly the lake. I feel he will also be found near water, trees, brushes, and the baby being blue may indicate she saw him turn blue when she drowned him. Can someone do a chart on Raymond Russell County Park? Is that where he is? Unfortunately.... his death is associated with water.. My God,evil exist in the world....
The Moon in Aries is approaching the Part of Fortune in the Second House. This indicates a helpful item will be found and before long. The Part of Fortune is not, in this case, describing a body or body part. But what is that square to the Moon's node at 19:03 Capricorn? That occurs before Moon reaches the Part of Fortune. It is tragic but in what way? That could represent Gabriel because the Moon rules the House of the child and the baby.

As said earlier, the police are pursuing this on two tracks: locating a body or locating evidence. You refuse to give up hope and so do I. This landfill search chart is not the one that frightens me and gives me pause. That would be the chart for Elizabeth Johnson's bus trip away from San Antonio. The analysis for that event horoscope is in the thread. It is possible that Pluto, found with the baby, is an underground cartel for so called adoptions but why is that Pluto the ruler of House 8? That is key. One hope is that she did receive payment of a sort but that it was not in money and therefore does not register as cash coming in, income. No money payment is shown.

Would it help if we could find out what day & time the lg pizza order was delivered to EJ at the hotel? I'm not sure if I can get this info, but I can try to see if it can be told or is known!

The Moon in Aries is approaching the Part of Fortune in the Second House. This indicates a helpful item will be found and before long. The Part of Fortune is not, in this case, describing a body or body part. But what is that square to the Moon's node at 19:03 Capricorn? That occurs before Moon reaches the Part of Fortune. It is tragic but in what way? That could represent Gabriel because the Moon rules the House of the child and the baby.

As said earlier, the police are pursuing this on two tracks: locating a body or locating evidence. You refuse to give up hope and so do I. This landfill search chart is not the one that frightens me and gives me pause. That would be the chart for Elizabeth Johnson's bus trip away from San Antonio. The analysis for that event horoscope is in the thread. It is possible that Pluto, found with the baby, is an underground cartel for so called adoptions but why is that Pluto the ruler of House 8? That is key. One hope is that she did receive payment of a sort but that it was not in money and therefore does not register as cash coming in, income. No money payment is shown.

I have read alot, so I can not link you to where I read this at but, I read that EJ had a $20,000 ring on her when she was arrested.

Would it help if we could find out what day & time the lg pizza order was delivered to EJ at the hotel? I'm not sure if I can get this info, but I can try to see if it can be told or is known!


EJ had one medium pizza delivered (to the Homegate) on December 21 and two more pizzas (a medium and a large) delivered on the 24th.

The larger order, on the 24th, left Papa John's at 7:01pm.

A screen grab of the pizza receipts can be found here:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Evidence? Pizza Delivery[/ame]
Tuba--IS it possible that this was staged to look like a Cartel related Underground Adoption in hopes that LM would give up searching?
My own thought on this is that since Elizabeth Johnson was still indicating to Logan as she began her bus trip out of San Antonio that she killed their son, she wanted Logan to believe that. She told him that on the phone and then, on the bus trip, texted the same message. All the involvement with the shadow figures that we know about from a variety of sources was clandestine rather than displayed. None of it was for Logan's benefit and she would not even be aware that any of it was noticed.
In fact, she led him to believe a search of the "garbage" would prove her horror story to be true.
I should of added more....What I meant to say was so Logan would not search....I was just wondering if maybe it was to appear to be cartel related, but was an underground adoption, but not through an actual cartel.
Okay, I see the distinction you are making. Unfortunately, what that chart on the trip out shows is that she either committed the act as recounted or that she dealt Gabriel to an underworld cartel. There are certainly shades of legal innocence and guilt in secret adoptions. The adoption that would have come about here used a broker who did this as a business which flouted the law. Any such outfit, operating illegally on a regular basis, would also have fortifications in place and that spells big trouble.

It has been confirmed by MissingGabe that AU babysat G on December 21, 2009 beginning at 11:45am.

Is there any way we can get a chart?

It has been confirmed by MissingGabe that AU babysat G on December 21, 2009 beginning at 11:45am.

Is there any way we can get a chart?

Can you please provide us with the link that 'confirms' the time the sitter arrived?

Early on, there were so many different dates and times quoted in the news and on NG. I know SOULSCAPE did 4 different charts using a few of the times. See post # 24 but none are for 12/21 @ 11:45am.
The 12/21/2009 @ 11:45 am chart is quite similar to the 'Possible Arrival of Babysitter #4' chart (12/23/2009 @ 11:45 am) I discussed in Post #24 on page 1 of this thread, and most of my previous commentary applies.

There are some subtle differences in the 12/21/2009 chart, however, which I will note below:


1. ASCENDANT degree = 13 Pisces, exactly sextile Gabriel's natal SUN 13 Taurus.

2. The MARS/NEPTUNE midpoint (poisoning from drugs) as in the previous 'Possible Arrival' charts, remains at 21 Taurus, partile conjunct Gabriel's Tertiary Progressed SUN 21 Taurus. In the 12/21 chart, however, Gabriel's natal MARS/NEPTUNE midpoint (17 Pisces) is exactly on the chart's EQ (a secondary Ascendant).

3. SUN at 29:59 Sagittarius brilliantly describes both the 'late arrival' of the Babysitter and the imminent change in the situation (because SUN changes signs entering Capricorn in literally two minutes). Consider what Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson has to say about SUN in CAPRICORN/ 10th House:

This is the house of official business as well as private and commercial enterprise, all conducted without feeling as a matter of expediency... the SUN here with a malefic means unfavorable public notice....

This gives an interesting insight into Eliz.'s upcoming plans and supports the theory she was planning a 'business deal' --- to give/sell/trade Gabriel / exchange him for money/something of value (SUN conj. PLUTO in Capricorn, in the 10th). It also clearly foreshadowed public dismay several days later, upon the public's notification that Baby Gabriel was missing and possibly murdered.

It also gives a confirmation Eliz. had no maternal feelings whatsoever for this child; he was simply a business deal. An interesting, multi-layered testimony, especially in light of the $20,000 ring she supposedly was so concerned over when arrested.

As Tuba reminded us, there are really only two things that could have ultimately happened: either Eliz. did exactly what she said she did in her text and call to Logan, or she delivered the Baby to/ through some underground connection (Pluto), likely in exchange for the $20K ring. All the charts are testifying to these two scenarios; the earlier charts more strongly towards the 'selling the baby' angle.

But back to the initial reason for the analysis of the Babysitter charts: had Gabriel been medicated? This chart, so similar to the other 'Possible Arrival' charts we explored in Post #24, certainly suggests he had been.

Notice in this chart, MOON 27 Aquarius has recently separated from the JUPITER-NEPTUNE-CHIRON conjunction (22-24 Aquarius). JUPITER & NEPTUNE co-rule Pisces, the sign on ASCENDANT. Pisces and NEPTUNE are highly associated with drugs/ medication, and JUPITER expands everything it touches, thus over-medication. CHIRON wounds, thus the over-medication hurt the baby. Other testimonies applicable to this chart as well as the 'Potential Arrival' charts were previously discussed in Post #24 on page 1 of this Thread.

Note also:

1. CERES as Babysitter, posited at 00 Sagittarius in this chart, shows the new situation (zero degrees): Babysitter's first (and now we know only) introduction to baby Gabriel, confirmed by the square to MOON (Gabriel) which shows contact and not anything evil.

2. SUN as Babysitter (Lord 6 of caretakers) sextiles MOON (Gabriel), so Babysitter's two hour interlude with the child was helpful/beneficial to him. Only in her care a short while, she managed to comfort him. MARS RX in the Babysitter's 1st H (radix 6) shows major trouble ahead but because MARS is RX hiding his motivations/actions, Babysitter, at that time, did not realize how dire the situation was becoming.

MARS rules the radix 2nd House, turned 10th of the 5th House Child -- in other words, Gabriel's mother, Elizabeth. FORTUNE is with her. Lord Turned 10th of the 5th House Child MARS RX is posited in the Babysitter's 1st House (radix 6th House) showing Eliz. sought the babysitter out/ contracted her services.

There are two more things I want to point out about MARS in this chart as significator of Elizabeth:

1. MARS RX at 19:41 Leo is on retrograde degree one minute of Arc from exact and, going forward through March 10, 2010, will be (apparently) traveling backwards, away from 20 Leo, the degree of the Part of Death in Gabriel's natal (sunrise) chart. Could this possibly be a subtle indication she did not kill him?

2. The Antiscion of MARS is 10 Taurus, partile conjunct the Part of FORTUNE in Eliz.'s 1st House (radix House 2), emphasizing that luck was with her. 10 Taurus, however, is also partile square Baby Gabriel's natal (sunrise) Part of PERIL 10 Leo, highlighting, perhaps, just how much danger the poor child was in...

I thought the sitter came that night not during the daylight hours. Tks Soulscape.
I think December 27 at 8:00am might be a very revealing time for a chart. It is at that time that Elizabeth was under the impression that she had to give Gabe to Logan for his joint custody time.

Note that time falls within the window in which Gabe disappeared, which was between approx noon on December 26 and sometime during the morning of December 27.

December 26th was a build-up of pressure and frustration for Elizabeth, as she was receiving phone calls telling her that her plan would not work, that she had to return to Arizona, that she had to deal legally with Logan, facing him in a court of law on December 28. This headstrong girl, prone to fits of extreme rage, was being told that she could not do what she wanted to do, what she was determined to do.

As Elizabeth's frustration mounted during this time period, if we seek a time at which it was most likely that she'd have herself, Logan, and Gabe on her mind, I believe it would have been at that moment at which she was to do that which she least wanted to do - hand Gabriel to his father.

Whether whatever act that separated her from Gabe had already been enacted, or was immediately impending, I think at that exact time, 8:00am, would be when her emotions were most raw, and she was most open to exposing her deepest inner feelings.

If a chart could be done for that date and time, I would be most interested in seeing it and the related interpretations.

Thank you,
BeanE, did an actual Event occur on 12/27/09 at 8:00 am? If it did, the chart produced suggests the baby had already been murdered. If this date and time does not reflect a valid Event, we may be needlessly further upsetting ourselves...


In a Missing Person case, the critical Key Charts are the Last Seen and Reported Missing to Police. In this case, most unfortunately, we do not have a Last Seen time and only know that Gabriel was Last Seen on Saturday 12/26/09 at a San Antonio park. The lack of a valid Last Seen Time frustrates us to no end and hampers our work.

Logan reported the death threat to Gabriel / Eliz.'s murder confession (text and phone call from Eliz.) on 12/27/09 at 1:05 pm. That chart perfectly and chillingly mirrors her 'story' that she murdered the baby.


The 'story' is represented by House 3, Gemini, ruled by MERCURY at 21:39 Rx Capricorn, exactly conjunct the Arabic Part of FATALITY and posited in the 10th House of What Comes Before the Public Eye. MERCURY the Story is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES) indicating a catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality, and HADES, a death marker is posited within the 3rd House of Information/Fact/Rumor separating quindecile MIDHEAVEN (a death aspect).

MARS Lord 1 (Eliz.) is found at 19 Leo Rx in the 5th House of the Child, one degree from the Part of DEATH in Gabriel's natal sunrise chart. MARS (Eliz.) inconjuncts MERCURY (the 'story') which could suggest the 'story' is not true, particularly in light of the fact that we have a mutable (lying) sign on the 3rd House and Lord 3 MERCURY is in a cardinal sign (rather than fixed).

SUN representing Gabriel (Lord 5) separates from SATURN & PLUTO afflictions (death) and separates sesquiquadrate MARS (Eliz.), seemingly confirming past contact of violent nature.

MOON as Gabriel's co-ruler at 13 Taurus is besieged (trapped) between URANUS and MARS (sudden violence). Note this MOON position is partile conjunct Gabriel's natal SUN. MOON (Gabriel) squares MARS (Eliz.) and separates from a square to BLACK MOON LILITH, the murdering mother.

While the statement I have bolded in red above gives me a shred of hope, unfortunately, the severity of the death markers makes this chart, for this astrologer, 'too close to call.'

BeanE, did an actual Event occur on 12/27/09 at 8:00 am? If it did, the chart produced suggests the baby had already been murdered. If this date and time does not reflect a valid Event, we may be needlessly further upsetting ourselves...


In a Missing Person case, the critical Key Charts are the Last Seen and Reported Missing to Police. In this case, most unfortunately, we do not have a Last Seen time and only know that Gabriel was Last Seen on Saturday 12/26/09 at a San Antonio park. The lack of a valid Last Seen Time frustrates us to no end and hampers our work.

Logan reported the death threat to Gabriel / Eliz.'s murder confession (text and phone call from Eliz.) on 12/27/09 at 1:05 pm. That chart perfectly and chillingly mirrors her 'story' that she murdered the baby.

The 'story' is represented by House 3, Gemini, ruled by MERCURY at 21:39 Rx Capricorn, exactly conjunct the Arabic Part of FATALITY and posited in the 10th House of What Comes Before the Public Eye. MERCURY the Story is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES) indicating a catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality, and HADES, a death marker is posited within the 3rd House of Information/Fact/Rumor separating quindecile MIDHEAVEN (a death aspect).

MARS Lord 1 (Eliz.) is found at 19 Leo Rx in the 5th House of the Child, one degree from the Part of DEATH in Gabriel's natal sunrise chart. MARS (Eliz.) inconjuncts MERCURY (the 'story') which could suggest the 'story' is not true, particularly in light of the fact that we have a mutable (lying) sign on the 3rd House and Lord 3 MERCURY is in a cardinal sign (rather than fixed).

SUN representing Gabriel (Lord 5) separates from SATURN & PLUTO afflictions (death) and separates sesquiquadrate MARS (Eliz.), seemingly confirming past contact of violent nature.

MOON as Gabriel's co-ruler at 13 Taurus is besieged (trapped) between URANUS and MARS (sudden violence). Note this MOON position is partile conjunct Gabriel's natal SUN. MOON (Gabriel) squares MARS (Eliz.) and separates from a square to BLACK MOON LILITH, the murdering mother.

While the statement I have bolded in red above gives me a shred of hope, unfortunately, the severity of the death markers makes this chart, for this astrologer, 'too close to call.'


Thank you, Soulscape. I don't know if an event occurred at that time. I am in touch with the family, and I will ask if perhaps there was a phone call or text message or something else that occurred at that time with a verified time.
Thank you, Soulscape. I don't know if an event occurred at that time. I am in touch with the family, and I will ask if perhaps there was a phone call or text message or something else that occurred at that time with a verified time.

The last evidence of Gabe being alive is the hotel pictures that were date stamped December 26. Gabe was not seen at a park or elsewhere on that date.

Whereas we know that Gabe was alive that day from the hotel pictures, if I could provide the last date and time that he was actually seen alive, would that be helpful? Or would that not matter since we know from the pictures he was alive on that date? I doubt we can get it down to the exact minute, but I believe we can get it within 5 minutes or so either way.

Would the time the hotel pictures were taken be helpful?

Thank you for doing this chart, Soulscape. I started several times to post to ask for this chart - that date and time have been on my mind for some time - but I could not bring myself to ask. Thank you for your sensitivity.


Yes! A Last Seen Time of within 5 minutes would be very helpful, as would little Gabriel's true time and place of birth, if that is something the family would be willing to provide...

Thank you for your hard work & commitment,
Elizabeth Johnson.....Sociopath?
Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
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