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Just writing to say I always read this thread and appreciate your work on it, Tuba.

Glad to meet Pluto enthusiasts. Astrologers know Pluto is ignored at one's peril! The above is a photo of the planet appearing with vermillion tint to the complexion which change in color is of recent date.

I will add Pluto in action occulting the Mega Star, just beneath.

Just to the left of the hand printing in the middle of this observatory photo, you will see a slender curve of bright light that looks like a waxing crescent Moon. It is the big 11 magnitude star 2UCAC24920649 as Pluto occults or eclipses it, which is why we only see that sliver of bright light. Please click on the photo to enlarge it, so that you get the full effect.


Your picture of Pluto looks like my countertop. Now I know why I picked that particular one. LOL Thanks Tuba.
I view my natal chart daily and have watched for months as transiting Pluto has slowly creeped toward my natal Capricorn ASC. It is now almost conjunct. So while I pay attention to dear Pluto (who is a Planet, IMO) I wonder what effects one should prepare for in anticipation of this. Please pardon the question if not ok to ask this question. I'm just trying to learn from all of you.

Also, does the upcoming Tiger Moon bear any good news for LE in Omaha NE for solving cases?

thanks astros!

"Super Earth" May Really Be New Planet Type: Super-Io

Most Earthlike planet CoRoT-7b more like volcanic Jupiter moon, study says

Victoria Jaggard
National Geographic News
Published February 5, 2010

Oceans of lava might bubble on its surface. Hot pebbles may rain down from the sky. But the extrasolar planet CoRoT-7b is considered to be the most Earthlike world yet found outside our solar system.

A recent study, however, suggests that Earth might not be the best basis for comparison. Instead, the authors argue, CoRoT-7b is the first in a new class of exoplanets: a super-Io.

Like Jupiter's moon Io, CoRoT-7b could easily be in the right kind of orbit to experience what's known as tidal heating, according to study co-author Rory Barnes of the University of Washington in Seattle.

More at link above, including a stunning photo of Io, taken by Voyager 1.
Hi Guys - I have a request for information.... I'm wondering why we have so many little ones being hurt/killed by their parents right now. There must be 5 current threads in the Crimes section, and probably 5 current threads in the missing section. It just seems like little ones are especially vulnerable right now, and for the past month or so.

Any ideas what's going on?


Remember the January solar eclipse as it fell on the United States? The eclipse conjoined our Pluto opposite the national Mercury, which ruled the House of children. A warning accompanied the post on that eclipse. Mercury is children in mundane charts. The chart included a warning about teachers as well. Aside from that, we had a Full Moon in late January conjunct Mars, in Leo of children (30th of the month). The New Moon chart for Orlando included Mars opposite Mercury. Many locations along the coast would have the same House 4, House 10 placement. For all points in the nation, Mercury was opposite Mars in Leo. Gang violence breaks out in some areas west where Mars falls in House 11. Accidents are a danger there too.
Tuba - now that you remind me, I do remember there being a warning about children in the eclipse chart.

Gangs I can handle as long as they don't hurt innocents, I don't worry so much about them, they make their choices. But all the babies - weeks old to 2-3 years, UGH.

I'm ready for the planets to do some shifting.....


PS - thank you!
the mention of gangs reminds me of the thread I was reading lastnight, in the Crimes in the News furom, about a mob of kids in Philly yesterday.
:eek: Thanks, butterfly. I've been trying to decide if I should go to Philadelphia this Spring instead of New Mexico. I think you've helped me make my decision. :snooty: Even though I have research to do there, I may instead head elsewhere that houses the records. WTH!

Thanks, Tuba, for the insight into current trends.
We have looked at some charts recently that told us action was already underway. In some manner or other, we were playing catch-up because the matter at issue was seated, had foundation, was established, with a goal in mind. One such chart was the Tessman Road Landfill Search. Aquarius was rising and that is a Fixed Sign. That is the signal that the matter being acted upon was in place and installed, had taken hold and we were late to the party.

Televised news reported that, indeed, the earth moving and refuse shifting to a sort location had begun the night before launch of operations was scheduled.

When the Anthony defense faxed objection to the State's request for an ex parte hearing in chambers, Leo was rising. Leo is another Fixed Sign, so we are alerted to the same message: this matter was already underway. And the reality of the situation confirms that the State had already filed its request to defer delivery of new discovery. A clock runs on the transfer of discovery from prosecution to defense. The time limit is seven days but the motion, duly submitted, stopped the clock. Nevertheless, there was all this action in the background before Defense objected. The matter was underway.

After an injury, a shooting, an invasion, Fixed rising Sign for the occurence indicates the damage is not fleeting or superficial. Fixed Signs show persistence and determination. They deliberate long & hard and follow through stubbornly. Fixed Signs, as we have seen before in this thread, are SLOW. They change slowly and the change can be drastic. They tend to center around ideas and values.

There are two more Fixed Signs: Taurus and Scorpio. Along with Leo and Aquarius, that is the quadrature. Look for one of those four Signs on the Ascendant of any chart. Where you see that, the undertaking is entrenched.
Let's pretend we are sitting around in more clement weather, talking philosophy. Humour me for a few minutes and imagine that.

Some time back, at least as far as 2009, it was posted in this thread that tipping over your bucket of mop water would not be the stimulus for an event chart, no matter how hard you cussed and turned the air blue. A sonic boom that blew out & broke all the windows on your block would incite an event horoscope, however.

To qualify as an event, a happening must provoke general interest or rise to the level of intense personal importance. In other words, if you watched a skulking figure trespass into your backyard and dig up some treasure buried there beneath the elm, even though this never made the papers and others never learned of it, we have an event. It is of intense personal interest to at least you and more essentially, it is not an everyday occurrence. It is in no way ordinary. Even dog bites man is too commonplace but man bites dog and gives him rabies calls for an event chart.

Astrology and newspapers do not have a lot in common. Well, maybe the daily Sun Sign column. The reason we cannot do event charts for anything & everything does not have to do with what sells newspapers or what subscribers would read. But there is that nexus of man bites dog and that, in the case of astrology, is for reasons having to do with the cosmos and the Universe. An amazing synchronicity occurs between the elements of life and matter and it registers. The airplane breaks the sound barrier, exceeds that speed, and unexpectedly, there are consequences on Pine Street. All the windows are casualties. You are going to see causal factors in the planetary alignment and the horoscopic wheel if you look.

Now if Aunt May travels from Lo Questo to Springfield on a successful flight that arrives at E.T.A., the same oddities in configuration are not going to be there if you look. You can readily reason that thousands and hundreds of thousands of actions are taking place during the 3 hours and forty minutes Aunt May flew. People are heating and slurping soup and washing up, walking the dog, repotting the Aspidistra, taking pepto bismol, changing bandages at Charnel Hospital, doing 3rd grade arithmetic, and so forth. Not one of these activities and their consequences calls for an event chart. If you cast one, the revelations would mislead you and qualify as gobbledygook. Why? There simply are not those angles that are meaningful to an event analyst. They are lacking. The time passed without incident in that particular place.

Our concerns are not the center of the Universe. Even when we are trying to help, to solve a case, to find a body or a missing person, to catch a killer. What is a vortex of energy is something awry like the head on collision of two trains. That registers! That is reflected in the firmament. Yes, in a very intense and also deep way. So if Cassius Evans left work at 5:10 Friday night, the night of the murder, he is definitely not the makings of an event chart unless he is the murderer or the victim. If he is peripheral to the crime, he is not to be charted and to do so muddles the case. Think about it. Human activity is buzzing with busy-ness all the time. To even consider charting all of it is folly of the silliest sort: what you would find is that Maude doing her knitting looks exactly like Simon shaving. Net net--zot and zero.

Therefore, we have to restrain ourselves, to impose limitations, to believe in the value of discrimination. Is it WOW! how could this have happened!?! Or is it the pizza delivery man. Once you have narrowed your suspicions to Cassius because he has defensive wounds on his hands and arms the next day, his phone was off the hook for the four hours it takes to get to Lawrence, Kansas where the killing occurred, and he left work at 5:10, then we start thinking about doing an event chart for the moment he was first questioned.
That was to open the discourse. Please address this with your own thoughts and contributions. Not a sparrow falls that God does not witness that and care. But no meteor accompanies it.
Chili quake 8.8 at 3:34 a.m. (1:34 a.m. EST, 0634 GMT) and Full Moon tomorrow. Could this have had some effect on the whale killing it's trainer in Orlando the other day?
This full moon will be in Virgo.
It is a perfectionist, very analyitical,
signifies completion, meticulously processing what happened in the last 2 weeks.
As this is written, we are going under a Full Moon, which is the Harvest Moon. Any Full Moon is a time of reaping. Emotions run high and matters come to fruition: what one had hoped for---or evident disaster. Acting in haste now leads to failure. It is a period of unrest and the expression of deep feeling, whether ardent and loving or passionately hateful. What was begun at the New Moon arrives at culmination, completion; the ideations from that time are now mature for good or ill. The big round Moon which rises in the east illuminates what has come to be during her growth phases, the accumulation of that reality. If passive negativity took over the during the phase between new and full, the harvest will be calamity. The Moon and the Sun are opposite one another and the Sun's rays fully illuminate the Moon, a stand off. Because feelings are at a pitch, severe conflict menaces.

We will be making assessments and adjustments and dealing with fall-out now. On August 11, 2008, Roy Kronk phoned police from Suburban Drive where he had discovered a suspicious sack. Richard Cain's response to the calls was an example of the passive negativity noted above and this response occurred during the phase when action was imperative, between the New Moon and the Full. We are dealing still with the results of his failure to act and his dismissal of vital and sought after evidence.

Two posts later is the discussion of Full Moon's period of influence. Just as a pool of light illuminates people and objects surrounding it, which is looking at space, the Full Moon casts her light and her considerable energy over days before and many, many days after, which is looking at time.

If a mystic looked at this lunation, instead of a sleuth or an astrologer, he would go HMMM. The Moon is bringing endings on the last day of the month. That smacks of sure and definite finality. Mars is showing me in this book (an ephemeris) a big ZERO. That means back to nothingness. HMMM. Looks like somebody is throwing away an old clock....done! Where's that blues album, "It's Over, Baby. It's Over"?
TOday show has an interview in the 3rd hour with the scientist responsible for downgrading Pluto to a dwarf planet. He will be defending his decision. Set your Tivo!

TOday show has an interview in the 3rd hour with the scientist responsible for downgrading Pluto to a dwarf planet. He will be defending his decision. Set your Tivo!


I missed it. Can you give us an update?
I missed it. Can you give us an update?

Hi LambChop, The scientist (sorry I can't remember his name, will check my TiVO) was promoting his new book The Pluto Chronicles.

The interview was very lighthearted, as though Pluto were being mocked for being little and called a dwarf planet. (I feel Pluto's pain as I am a person of small frame and stature. But you know what 'they' say...'the smaller the Scorpian, the deadlier the sting', LOL!)

The thing that he did stress in favor of our dear underestimated Pluto, is that even though Pluto was downgraded to dwarf status, the fact remains that he is still a planet. His analogy was to think of all the other planets as large automobiles/SUV's and think of Pluto as an economy car. Then Al Roker said "like a Mini Cooper?" And the scientist/author agreed with the comparison. But the fact remains that Pluto is indeed a planet! However, it gave me pause to reflect on how our fellow humans who are labeled and set apart from others must feel.

I will watch it again and take notes and post additional details when I slow down a bit. Have had a busy day!:woohoo:

All MOO and sorry if my assessment sounds 'deep' but that is how Pluto is....Deep!

That's it The Pluto Files! My bad........I gave the incorrect name of the book. I'm still tarp as a shack, LOL! (I was distracted with house cleaning yesterday, our dear chesterp drove up for a visit last pm) apologies for the incorrect info.

Thank you for clarifying coastal!
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