Forensic Astrology - GENERAL

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"I'm still tarp as a shack" Waltzingmatillda, the best! I had to read it 3 times until I figured the play on words. Gonna have to use this quote! Thanks for the morning smile <3
My Phoenix kid just told me she saw a commercial on CBS KPHO that

Allison Dubois will be on the news this evening talking about the Gabriel

Johnson case. If you google KPHO Dubios the information is there, I can't

remember how to link. I'll post this on the main forum if I can find a

thread to put it on.

Yes, I heard she was going to be on tonight. I never heard of her before. Is she good? I was wondering what your thoughts were on psychics as opposed to astrologists or anyone's opinion on this site since all of you are more knowledgeable than I since I am new. I totally believe in astrology even though I don't understand how it works, all I know is that it ends up being true. However I haven't witnessed a lot of accuracy from psychics. Your thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.

I was wondering what your thoughts were on psychics as opposed to astrologists or anyone's opinion on this site since all of you are more knowledgeable than I since I am new. I totally believe in astrology even though I don't understand how it works, all I know is that it ends up being true. However I haven't witnessed a lot of accuracy from psychics. Your thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.

Astrology has nothing to do with anything psychic, dreams etc. Astrology is a science based on the exact postions of the planets and luminaries, the Sun and the Moon in our Universe ( as in astronomy) at a precise time on a specific day/ date.

The powerful energies resulting from the planetary interactions reflect upon us and everything on our planet Earth as well. So when a chart is cast using a specific date, time and location of an event or birth for example, a 'snapshot' of sorts is created. It is the job of the Astrologer to examine, analyze and interpret those aspects.

As I suggested earlier, do take a walk thru our Library. There you will find many links and sources of information.
This square between Moon and Sun demands the release of beliefs which are no longer useful or constructive. Rid yourself of thought patterns that are not directed at the truth as you now know it, patterns that are not helping with the solution of the crime or disappearance. Adjust attitudes and follow new inspirations that arrive at this time. Any plans that do not fit the new blueprint you are creating should be discarded now. It is time to wind down, finish up, reflect and retreat.

The experiences of this lunar cycle have reached a peak. Manage any crises or conflicts which coincide with this lunar-solar 90° angle. It does make an imprint and for that reason, you may want to record it in your notes or on your charts.

We need to pull down old formations that represent our suspicions and notions about a particular case if they have not brought results. We are under the influence of the waning quarter Moon now. Let go of ideas that aren't working, leads that go nowhere. Where your diagram of the case is productive, this is the time to complete all aspects of it, trim it, tie up loose ends.

The orientation is changing from the outer world to inner contemplation. It is sometimes good to admit that we can't come to terms with certain knotty conumdrums. This is the time to acknowledge that.
Thanks, Tuba.

I've been reading former prosecutor Vince Bugliosi's long book about the assassination of JFK. In it, he makes the argument that researchers about that case often make the mistake of trying to fit all the details of a case into their hypothesis. Such researchers, in his view, often miss the forest in favor of a long, stunted tree that doesn't seem to belong where it is. In other words, what looks like a "clue" might be, instead, an anomaly of some sort or a seeming contradiction that is actually not related to the case at all. So this moon phase might be a chance to "come to terms with certain knotty conundrums" and maybe even consider that they aren't germane to the case at all.
Thank you for a wonderful, very helpful post. We have to do some strong arm weeding now, no matter how poignant the regret over our pet theories.
It would be neglectful and remiss not to acknowledge The Direct of Mars. Yes, the red planet is visually back on track. Retrograde since four days before Christmas, Mars was (observationally) diverted away into a channel where he functioned against type or "abnormally".

New starts are now made with vigor and, strange in this time of empty, foreclosed houses, especially new housing starts because Mars turns while sextile Saturn. Of course, it is an optimal time for repairs and remodels too. How I wish ! I could magically drag the McStays back to finish all the reconstruction begun inside their home.

This is a fine time to start group therapy (Leo to Libra) or sign up with Dr. Drew Pinsky or cast a major theatre production. I am sorry to report an opera devoted to the life of Anna Nichol is on the boards.
Open an exhibit of your paintings! Design a new wardrobe. Plan out and plant a flower garden. Launch a sports association. Try your hand at political cartoons. Open the doors of a pre-school for your neighborhood. But this is all straying far afield from crimes (let us hope!)
Thank you Tuba! Today I awoke with a new sense of energy. I had been feeling lethargic and a little melancholy the past several months. Today I felt I can finally face and tackle all those things I have been avoiding. I thought it might be the sunshine today, but maybe it's just Mars back on track :dance:
Thank you Tuba! Today I awoke with a new sense of energy. I had been feeling lethargic and a little melancholy the past several months. Today I felt I can finally face and tackle all those things I have been avoiding. I thought it might be the sunshine today, but maybe it's just Mars back on track :dance:

Me too! Icouldn't believe the affect! I have been feeling so "stuck" lately. I know a lot of my outer planetary transits are contributing to this, including a natal retro Saturn, but today was such a well needed breath of fresh air! I'm alive!!!!

Sorry, O/T.... Just so excited today!
Many of our mysteries remain puzzles and many of our crimes resist solution, so it may be appropriate to talk about the revolving door effect of Pluto even though we haven't noticed this yet in the cases we are working. In other words, we may understand the part Pluto played once we get a line on a particular crime and how it happened.

The transits of Pluto to an individual or an entity's horoscope tend to remove a person that has been a destructive force in the life. Pluto simply takes them out and a freer way of being ensues, notable improvement is felt. Once the individual or the situation has made new ground and strengthened its armor, so to speak, Pluto most often returns that nemesis to the life, sensing new footing and a readiness to deal with it. Matters work out better after the time apart and the reformation.

Since the later months of last year, Pluto in the heavens has traveled with an affliction from Saturn, the square. This means that in many lives we focus upon, primarily the case victims, Pluto re-enters with the worst qualities in the zodiac, a Pluto-Saturn blended bitters that should never be contained in one bottle. It might be a good idea to consider this. Some figure on the prowl may come back into the life only to cause havoc, chaos and disaster. Pluto is returning this figure but Pluto is incapacitated in his normal function due to the Saturn square. The revisitation then surprises the victim who is for all criminal purposes a sitting duck. The returning nemesis is now a wilder, more destructive explosive than ever before.
It's always an joy and delight to click on the FA forum & see that you've given us yet another piece of the puzzle.
Tuba, does this situation, then, explain the seeming explosion of missing persons cases that turn out to be murders committed by family member, friends, etc.? It is getting hard to even keep up with the Missing and Located board.

Are there any general astrological forces that would explain an increase in stranger abductions, as in the Chelea King and Amber DuBois cases?
We had a January eclipse of the Sun on the 15th & material on that eclipse is in this thread. It was synchronous with child abductions. Also weighted in that celestial phenomenon was the menacing presence of Saturn in the national House of children square Pluto in House 8 of homicide. Saturn rules our House 8. Those two planets, when afflicting one another are the worst energy in the zodiac. The eclipse did afflict the axis dealing with strangers.

If we look to victims other than children, the answers are not so simple. Our young women, Venus, are only 2°20' of Cancer, an immature signature that says a lot about little girls but not so much about those who are young adults, unless they fail to take mature precautions. So, we have to look to our 18°06' Aquarian Moon for insight into what is happening to the younger female population. It is a good Moon because willing to defend and fight back, trine Mars. Last December, the Mars overhead (not the one in the national chart) made a station directly opposite our national Moon. That was menacing and now Mars is moving back over all that same ground. That means he will be back into opposition to the national Moon mid-May. He will be coming from the sector of domestic violence and crime on the land plus clubs people think of as home (the Leo influence). Saturn and Pluto are not the problem in May. Saturn opposite Uranus is.
I love studying about Pluto and the effects of Pluto in Capricorn. I am linking to this article which was first posted by our dear housemouse (IIRC) months ago. It was written in 2007 and discusses the effect of PL in CAP on the federal reserve and stock market. Very interesting stuff considering what we now know has happened in our economy since it was written. It is worth reading again!

It seems like there has been increased crimes recently within the professions and the professional institutions in which I was brought up to respect. Teachers, Politicians, Doctors, Law Enforcement, Clergymen etc seem to be involved in alot of crimes lately. As well as the institutions in which they work. Is this a result of PL square SAT in CAP?

Thanks for teaching us about astrology and answering our questions. I've also felt more energetic since Mars has moved direct. Thanks goodness! :~)
We are now operating out of a New Moon on Uranus. The lunation took place later yesterday. This is a whack upside the head. Assertion becomes something more and looks a lot like OBNOXIOUS. People want their needs met yesterday and they also want to separate themselves from the herd. Whatever it takes to declare oneself unique. Rules, conventions and laws are ignored.

It is a New Moon of nervous excitation. Rebellion is rampant. Clever solutions for old problems surprise us. As though we aren't already rattled and shaken by recent crimes neither tidy nor discreet, what happens under this New Moon will shock. Uranus in Water can deliver a jolt like an electric razor in the bath. Hell beginning to boil.

Dramatic events happen suddenly. Attitudes change abruptly and decisions are reversed. We see turmoil and chaos. Things work out differently than expected. There will be upsets and radical alterations in developments.

One feature of the moonlit scene is that we suddenly see what happened in the dark, out of sight, without an audience. Uranus says, SEE! Gave you that whack upside the head for a reason.
waltzingmatilda, if you have been disillusioned by professionals or disappointed in them in recent times, the opposition from Pluto and the square from Saturn to our national Jupiter would reflect that. So would transit Jupiter traveling for so long in 2009 with Neptune while often afflicted by other planets. The professionals are Jupiter. Our national Jupiter is inherently very strong, both exalted and conjoins Venus but these afflictions have taken a toll.

As you know from reading here, transit Jupiter-Neptune is a con and a fraud and a snake oil salesman when afflicted and it often has been. Now you know that professionals are Jupiter.
Thank you for the info on Jupiter, Tuba. I learn much more here than I do from the astrology sites I visit. I have a notebook in which I take notes and believe me, it is filling up quickly!

I'm glad you addressed the effects of New Moon on Uranus also because that was to be my next question. It will be interesting to see how this affects the cases we follow here.

Oh, am I glad you are taking notes. There is so much to retain, otherwise. I hope passionflower visits this thread as she is an avid follower of the moonbeams and she would want to discuss the New Moon on Uranus, or at least read about it.
Oh, am I glad you are taking notes. There is so much to retain, otherwise. I hope passionflower visits this thread as she is an avid follower of the moonbeams and she would want to discuss the New Moon on Uranus, or at least read about it.

Oh taking notes is the only way I'll retain the information and it is helpful having them for reference. However, I cheat sometimes when my arthritis is a-flared and just print off the whole page and highlight the desired post and ten add the whole page to my compilation. LOL! about half of the pages in my notebook are printed from the FA forum, teehee!

I'll send a note to passionflower asking her to check it out. I am interested in her thoughts on New Moon on Uranus.

Thankyou Tuba, that was so kind of you to remember me.
Yes, you are so correct.
With the NEW MOON in Pisces and in conjuction with Uranus.
This will be a phase full of SURPRISES.Uranus is a planet of the unexpected
and going in forward motion.
The Divine Order is in effect also.
Looks like a crazy 10 days.
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