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2011 Eclipses

13°38' Capricorn on 1/4/2011 Partial Solar

11°02' Gemini on 6/1/11 Partial Solar

24°23 Sagittarius on 6/15/11 Total Lunar

9°12' Cancer on 7/1/ Partial Solar

2°37' Sagittarius on 11/25/2011 Partial Solar

18°11' Gemini on 12/10/2011 Total Lunar

Didn't know where to put this question but I have just seen this article saying something about your zodiac sign might not be your true sign because of the "earth wobble"? Astrologers weigh in please. Now I am in an uproar because I thought I was a Leo for 40 years but this pushes me back to a Cancer. :waitasec: Not happy about that. I was proud to be a Leo.

They even added an extra sign to the list.....Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17
Didn't know where to put this question but I have just seen this article saying something about your zodiac sign might not be your true sign because of the "earth wobble"? Astrologers weigh in please. Now I am in an uproar because I thought I was a Leo for 40 years but this pushes me back to a Cancer. :waitasec: Not happy about that. I was proud to be a Leo.

They even added an extra sign to the list.....Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17

It is true however, there always WAS the 13th Constellation, lol.
However, does it matter? Actually no, not for the readings whether a natal or a general one, for the Astrologers already have made a self-correction note.

In other words, the old adage comes to mind:

"A Rose by any other name is still a Rose" isn't it? From Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet:
What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

A " Leo Sun sign " by any other name, is still one with the traits we have been assigning to what we term, "Tropical Leo " and the Vedics will assign certain traits,etc. to the same day of birth but in another "sign"

So, rest assured, you are still smelling,(like the rose analogy) pretty much the same as you always have since time began, or rather the study of the stars and constellations began,:seeya:

From a dead link:
but reprinted on Lindaland:


Why the star signs do not match the sky: And if the 13th sign isn't alarming enough, the 12 zodiac signs you did know about don't match the actual positions of the constellations! The reason is that while the earth spins once in 24 hours, it also has other movements. Just like a spinning top, the earth has a slow wobble (called precession as it spins. It’s really slow - taking 26,000 years to do one wobble. This causes the Zodiac constellations to drift through the sky. The Egyptian and Greek astrologers 4,000 years ago chose signs that more-or-less matched the constellations. But today, because of precession, the moving constellations have left the signs far behind. Today they are seriously out of step (by about 1 sign).

p.s. IF you are in an early degree of the sign of Leo, then approx. 23 degrees (backwards) into Cancer, you will find your "Sidereal" position . But again, what's in a name?
The one reading for you in the Sidereal positions, would already be aware of both zodiacs and read your sign (whatever the name) appropriately. :)
Thank you for your input. It just really through me for a loop that by the "new" signs that I missed being a Leo by 4 days. I was born on August 6th and the new signs don't have being a Leo until the 10th. I think I am going to reject the new way and stay with being a Leo because I am partial to that and it does fit me well. LOL. Thanks once again for the information and links! And I didn't know anything about a 13th sign till I read the article.
Wobbly Earth means your horoscope is wrong
Stars shifted over 2,000 years so horoscope signs are nearly a month off
updated 1/13/2011 4:36:35 PM ET 2011-01-13T21:36:35
Share Print Font: +-If you look to your horoscope for a preview of your day, look again: You're probably following somebody else's supposed fate.

Thanks to Earth's wobble, astrological signs are, well, bunk. (Or even more bunk than you might expect.) Astrological signs are determined by the position of the sun relative to certain constellations on a person's day of birth. The problem is, the positions were determined more than 2,000 years ago. Nowadays, the stars have shifted in the night sky so much that horoscope signs are nearly a month off. [Read: Why Your Horoscope for 2011 Is All Wrong ]

"Astrology tells us that the sun is in one position, whereas astronomy tells us it's in another position," said Joe Rao,'s skywatching columnist and a lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium.


Just wondering what our fine astrologers are saying about this alleged "wobble" of earth and astrology signs not matching, being one month off...JMHO

Justice for all
:waitasec: I don't know about the others, but this changeable Gemini x4 doesn't like that kind of a change. Looking at my astrological library, I realized all my books would be out of date! :eek: Not to mention my astrology computer program. I know quite a few Sagittarians snd Capricorns who won't be pleased to find their sign is this almost unpronouncible addition, Ophiuchus, Nov. 29 - Dec 17. I realize it was once part of the zodiac (so they say) but it isn't in anything I've studied.

Thirteen signs will also make an uneven astrological wheel.

There's been talk for ages how our signs don't match up, plus there's the Eastern vs. Western argument, but I have to say, our astrologers have done very well using only 12 signs, so I see no reason to change.

Who thinks up these new-fangled confusions, anyway? Pluto isn't a planet, we need 13 zodiac signs, the sky is really fushia...... :maddening:

Of course, the new schedule makes me a Taurian, which isn't bad since I already have a planet in that sign, but I have to say, in reading descriptions of Taurus and Gemini, I'm definitely Gemini (additional thanks to my stellium in that sign).

Here's the new list:

* Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16
* Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11
* Pisces: March 11-April 18
* Aries: April 18-May 13
* Taurus: May 13-June 21
* Gemini: June 21-July 20
* Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10
* Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16
* Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30
* Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23
* Scorpio: Nov. 23-29
* Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17
* Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20

This isn't a new concept, by any means. The only new difference is the addition of Ophiuchus. :rolleyes:
Sorry if I sound like a duntz, but I am confused.....

I have always read my horoscope as Aquarius (February 14th). Looking at this new chart, I would now read Capricorn, is that correct?
I may not have been clear in my response above, but astrologers, as well as astronomers, have known about this progression for eons, and have been able to work successfully with the old system. So I don't see a big deal.

I vote for "old style".
Sorry if I sound like a duntz, but I am confused.....

I have always read my horoscope as Aquarius (February 14th). Looking at this new chart, I would now read Capricorn, is that correct?

But, but, but:

Are all of your planets in Aquarius?

Do you have one or two in Capricorn?

In what other signs do you have planets residing?

My point is, unless you have all planets in just one sign, then you are a mix of several signs.

People who have stelliums, like me, tend to be more like the sign of their stellium. Suppose a person's Sun is Aquarius, but his stellium is in Taurus, I'd expect him to have more bullish traits than those of his Sun.

We are more than our Sun sign. The entire natal chart has to be considered.

To answer you question with questions, which sign's description fits you? Are you more Capricorn than Aquarius? Or is it the reverse? Or do neither of these signs fit your personality? Look to your chart. We are more than our Sun sign, remember that. :wink:
Yes, this is OLD, old news. The Ophiuchus argument was put forth in the seventies. My aunt bought a book for me called The 13th Sign, Astrology is an observational study well over 5,000 years old. It was taken up by Kepler and Copernicus and Newton much later, in their day. Those are well respected scientists, not occultists. Observations, especially five thousand years of them, have merit and value. Science is also observation and theory, just like the study of our planets and their influence on earth phenomena and human behavior. How tightly you wish to tie the Signs and their lore to the constellations of stars is your choice. Just make your case.
Yes, this is OLD, old news. The Ophiuchus argument was put forth in the seventies. My aunt bought a book for me called The 13th Sign, Astrology is an observational study well over 5,000 years old. It was taken up by Kepler and Copernicus and Newton much later, in their day. Those are well respected scientists, not occultists. Observations, especially five thousand years of them, have merit and value. Science is also observation and theory, just like the study of our planets and their influence on earth phenomena and human behavior. How tightly you wish to tie the Signs and their lore to the constellations of stars is your choice. Just make your case.

You have to wonder all those years ago without any modern equipment, how did they ever figure it all out?
You have to wonder all those years ago without any modern equipment, how did they ever figure it all out?

I wouldn't worry about modern equipment. Case in point: the pyramids. We still haven't figured out how those were built without modern equipment. Stonehenge is another "mystery".

They observed and made notes. It became more refined over the years.
You have to wonder all those years ago without any modern equipment, how did they ever figure it all out?

The old saying, "Neccesity, IS the mother of invention" comes to mind.

They needed to grow crops at the best time of year, they needed on the waters, to find their ways to navigate back home....hence the North Star back then was not in the same place as today.

Modern Day Iraq was Babylonia, times were tough and the tough invented what they needed to survive and understand the whys and wherefor.

Hammurabi made his god Marduk the chief god. Others were Ishtar the goddess of love and war, Shamash the sun god, Sin the moon god and Nabu the god of scribes. Divination was also important to the Babylonians. They believed that the gods decided the fate of the world and human beings could find out their plans.
The Babylonians invented astrology. Babylonian priests also practiced divination by examining the livers of sacrificial animals.

Further information: Babylonian astrology and Babylonian calendar - from Wikipedia

The Babylonian astronomers were very adept at mathematics and could predict eclipses and solstices. Scholars thought that everything had some purpose in astronomy. Most of these related to religion and omens. Mesopotamian astronomers worked out a 12-month calendar based on the cycles of the moon. They divided the year into two seasons: summer and winter. The origins of astronomy as well as astrology date from this time.

During the 8th and 7th centuries BC, Babylonian astronomers developed a new approach to astronomy. They began studying philosophy dealing with the ideal nature of the early universe and began employing an internal logic within their predictive planetary systems. This was an important contribution to astronomy and the philosophy of science and some scholars have thus referred to this new approach as the first scientific revolution.[16] This new approach to astronomy was adopted and further developed in Greek and Hellenistic astronomy.

for Background of the Babylonian astronomers, Chaldean astrology which then became the study of Ptolemy & the Greeks read here:
You have to wonder all those years ago without any modern equipment, how did they ever figure it all out?

I wouldn't worry about modern equipment. Case in point: the pyramids. We still haven't figured out how those were built without modern equipment. Stonehenge is another "mystery".

They observed and made notes. It became more refined over the years.

Not to sound too ancient, but when I first began studying astrology, I used books, ephemerides, paper, and pencil. And I'm not great with equations. Years later, I was happily introduced to calculators. Later still, along came the home computers and astrology programs (early 1980s, I think, for the astro programs) although I didn't really buy one until a few years ago.

Just think, the ancients didn't even have books or ephemerides! Imagine doing all those calculations on their fingers! :cool:

Necessity, for sure. Right, Leo? :seeya: Thankfully.
This is the date for the official launch of the Titanic, and the shipyard where it was built.

When I first was introduced to this chart, I was astonished when the man put the 3 Moraie (Greek Fates) into the chart using "Klotho".....and I've saved it ever since deciding then, that Atropos & Moira as well as Lachesis, somehow, are very important in our charts.

I haven't yet studied or added Klotho, quite frankly I forgot. :innocent: But now I'm going to start to include it as obviously, all 3 work in unison with each other., or form the "Moirae" (Moira) asteroid name.


Klotho, Lachesis and Atropos .... you very often see the 3 working together in some fashion.... as they comprise a 'team'.

Lachesis – allots the length of life’s thread
- Opposite NN, Opposite Saturn Opp Mercury. Falls into Mercury’s house in Scorpio 13th deg. (2 deg from Acrux?)
Conj. Jupiter (it’s luck?)

The Mars & Pluto aspects to “Lachesis” aren’t favorable either. Quincunx the MC
Nothing favorable here for this conception or launch date!

And worse yet, Lachesis is RX – If Lachesis is retrograde, it is thought, there will be difficulty stopping a bad situation from 'running its course'

Klotho? What had been “set in motion”……conj. Moon & Venus 11th and rx when she
Sank a year later when Transiting Moirae (fate) triggers the natal positions.

5th House ) the House of Rest and Recreation ruled by Leo
is also in jeopardy by the position of Uranus (unexpected events) and separation conjunct to Atropos (cutting the thread or end of life)

Opposing the House of Joy & Benefits -
11th house Moon & Venus which falls near “Klotho”
And the 11th is our fondest hopes & wishes the house of the Collective (or many)

Moria gives clues for it’s been noted, that .... wherever 'the Moria' are positioned and the aspects Moria makes... will gives us clues as to how the impact will be felt long past the actual events or its conclusion.

Look at the Moira transit at the sinking! Hitting the iceburgs and down it goes to it's watery grave.

When we look to the 8th House of Death and we see (as we might even expect?) TR Atropos, "cutting the threads" to these lives and the ship itself.

Klotho: What is set in motion or the actual spinning of the thread……in the chart or life

Lachesis: allots the length of the life – (if rx) difficulty in stopping a bad situation run it’s course. Free will will be seen in conj. Lachesis ability or how life can be altered. IF Lachesis is opposed to key points in the map, the native is dependent upon others to alter the course

Atropos: does the final cutting of the thread. (or some issues in life reach a final conclusion) a “specific event at it’s end” or even a life at it’s end. It cannot be taken too literally as either is possible, as I’ve seen on many of the charts I’ve erected.

Charts noted :

Dana Bailey (murdered college coed cold case ) – natal Lachesis 10Scorpio40 (conj.Crux) transited by Pluto at 9Scor51rx when she was murdered.
TR Saturn 20deg.33min.SAG stationed over her natal Moira 20deg.56min.SAG

Kristi Cornwell: Natal Moira 26SAG conj. Her Sun at 28deg. And square Pluto
Natal Lachesis is interesting in that it sits between and conj. Her Moon & Pluto
At 27Virgo thus Lachesis, so important in the Fates is actually square her Moira & her Sun.
An interesting phenomenon here to observe with Kristi’s abduction her chart was being transited by Lachesis over her Black Moon Lilith and by the transit of the Black Moon over her natal Atropos!

Coral Pearl Hall: Lachesis (Rx) in critical mutable degree of Pisces 17th. Square to Neptune (see summation on Lachesis because it applies to Coral Pearl)
When she disappeared forever, TR Lachesis was 27Virgo over her natal Atropos (26 degrees Virgo) and her natal Sun in Virgo.

Chelsea King (Calif) had TR Mars & Atropos both 1 deg.Leo over her natal “Lachesis” at 0.53Leo. TR Saturn was 2.56rx over her natal “Atropos” at 3.15Libra so not even a one degree to exact orb when she was killed

Shantina Smiley: Had natal Moira at 21Aquarius and when she disappeared , TR Moon was over it at 20.45Aq.

Her Natal Lachesis was 24Taurus conj.”Algol” and when she disappeared asteroid Melpomene was 25 degrees Taurus …with TR Lachesis conj. Her natal Medea & Uranus, exactly. Medea & Lachesis both 19Scorpio
(her son Azrael Carver had similar transits with the Moirae)

Stephanie Spring (Hermann Family friend): Had TR Atropos (23Libra) over her natal
Jupiter (21Libra) when she was murdered and stuffed into a tree with the others.
Her natal Moirae was being tr by Juno within minutes of this event.

** I've seen Juno by transit often in some murder natal chart cases, yet cannot conceive yet, why Juno would be transiting over an important place, so if anyone has an idea on Juno, (other then marriage, commitment, etc), such as with Stephanie Spring's Juno/Moira connection, please let me know what that idea may be.

How can we see Juno acting in murder charts especially, at the victim's death?

I've observed it often and am only now starting to classify these statistics on the Moirae and transits.


Hailey Dunn (Texas) Case (see Billie Dunn’s natal chart, most unusual with her Lachesis conj. Uranus same degree and within 5 min.)of each

McStay oldest son:
Calif. Lachesis conj. Pluto

Gareth Wms UK (Spy): TR Lachesis conj. N Uranus and TR Moirae conj. Natal Moira

Phylicia Barnes Balto.Md.: (see Last seen chart) with 8th house Lachesis conj. NN both same 2 degrees Sagittarius and her natal chart with her own North Node at 1 degree SAG.
Conjunct “Lachesis” at 10 Sag.

Teresa Lewis: Executed in Va. (had IQ of only 79) had natal Uranus at 0 deg.Libra
When TR Atropos at time of execution went over at 0 degrees Libra. Her natal Moira was 0 degrees Cancer when Transit of TNP Hades was 0 degrees Cancer

Morgan Harrington: Natal Klotha conj.her Chiron within one degree. TR Lachesis & Mars transits over natal 3rd house opposing her natal 9th Lachesis & Moira (conj.) in 9th.
TR Klotha goes over her natal Saturn/Neptune conjunction in Cap.
TR Lachesis (20Libra) over her natal BML 18.20Libra. which conj. Her POF.

Adam Walsh
(AMW founder is his dad) kidnapped, sodomized, beheaded – had his natal Lachesis (rx) 0Gem. (Weeping Sisters) Natal Moira in 11th conj. “Uranus” with Sun in the “definite loss” 21Scorpio.
TR of Atropos, Pluto & Juno over his natal Moira (approaching a conj.) with Juno the closest when he was abducted.

Supre thanks for the above!

A few more cases I'm now adding having time to study them a bit more:

(**** still do not have the Klotho location for any of them however)

Beth Bentley: N. Lachesis conj. Vesta & Saturn . TR Juno separating from a conj. To natal Moira (by 4 deg.) in Gemini.
TR Lachesis (conj. Pallas very close) makes opp to TR Mercury conj. Hamal
Natal Vesta also is conjunct to Lachesis and Saturn going into Hamal (late Aries into early Taurus)

Ronnie Chasen (Bev. Hills unsolved): natal Lachesis Aries conj. Hades and both rx in natal chart. And Natal Atropos & Moira are both conj. Pluto in Leo (direct) with Moira near critical 13 Leo.
Transit of : Mercury,Mars,Lachesis and Pallas all go over her natal BML and natal South Node.
Her NN is also conj. Uranus Note that the Fates are all in Fire signs.

Brandi Peters DiQuita : her natal Moira 24Cancer opposite her BML.
Her Atropos at 0Taurus opposed to both Saturn & Pluto (yikes) 0TAU is conj.Mirach

A very large grouping of planets and asteroids going over her natal Lachesis Neptune and Pallas when she was murdered with her children. Pallas may have to do with the law (see Davina Buff Jones below)
This lady was suing in court the fathers of her 4 children and winning large settlements when she was killed. She was due back in court again.

I do not see where the murder has yet been a solved case or an arrest made:

Britanee Drexel (lied to parents about Spring Break and was murdered)
Had South Node 14Scorp conj. “Lachesis” at 9 Cancer. TR Pallas conj. 9Cancer when she disappeared.

Natal Juno was the same degree as her Black Moon and NN the same as Neptune all close orbs in Capricorn.

Another interesting anamoly, is her Venus 0Virgo (Regulus) and her Saturn 0AQ were “inconjunct” to each other.
When she died, Tr Atropos and Moira were in Algol and the Weeping Sisters along with Vesta close by and mercury Transiting.

Carlos Joe 10yr.old on the run with parents and sister :
Is he alive?
Employer wants to know…..for the grandmother, relative.
He was born with a few strikes against him incl. Mars square Pluto. South Node is in the 12th house exactly to the degree, 22nd deg. BML so both are Merged (so to speak)….the shadow of the moon’s dark side, with the South Node of the Moon. Oh my.

Probably indicating the dire circumstances he is forced to live with, including seeing the death of a 4 year old girl in the home, (the reason the family is believed to have taken across the border into Mexico )

for him we know the tob:
His 12th house BML conj. SN also is conjunct to Atropos less then 2 deg.Neptune is conj. His ASC within 20minutes conj. “Lachesis” Juno and Uranus all in the 1st house.

Surely indications here of a strange life, one of vast separations from loved ones, and a true connection to a death (Atropos/Lachesis) and that connection to Juno in the 1st again, as I’m seeing more regularly in death charts.

When he disappeared, Progressed Juno and Prog. ASC were over his 1st house asteroids and planets

Davina Buff Jones: A police officer killed on duty had her “Moira” 20.SAG31’ and had some interesting aspects in light of what occurred to her “fate”. Moira squared Pluto and Uranus., as well as seisquadrate to the Sun and Mercury. So, some harsh fated events to come her way.

As it turned out, Transiting Moira, conj. her natal Mars in Cancer (in Detriment in this sign) and this transit within one degree. Tr. Atropos & Mars within minutes of each other hit her natal Sun and Mercury in Leo
Her natal Neptune itself was critical at 19Scorpio, so were the transits that heralded the end of her life when TR Lachesis (18Scorp 16’rx) could not stop what was set in motion as the rx tells us, with help from TR Pallas (21Scorp a definite loss degree) that was the end of the life.

: There was a lot of controversy surrounding this death on Bald Head Island, Cape Fear having to do with her new employment there and all alone one night.
Many think she was set up by perhaps jealous or high ranking people or person.
I think Pallas indicating law, transiting over her Lachesis (choosing the time of one’s death) is very telling in this particular case. But that is just my opinion of course status.htm

Channon Christian she was tortured and raped before murdered age 22:
Had Mars 2Gemini, quincunx to Pluto and opposite Saturn! That’s 3 Malefics in a bad degree of constellation.
Her Mars was also square to Jupiter (no luck)…..and a tight YOD Neptune,Pluto & Mars all within minutes of one degree.
Her Lachesis was opposed to Pluto and conj. the Sun, apparently a very harmful position to the Sun and in the 29th (Anaretic or critical deg. of crisis)

When Channon was brutally murdered, Transiting Mars 22.46SAG with Tr. Pluto hit her natal Atropos within minutes. Coming up the rear was Tr. Moira, the Fate, at 21.4Sag.Her Natal Moira 21.51Pisces opposed her natal Juno (there it is again in murder episodes) when transiting Lachesis came along at 22Pisces 2min. to reflect the ending
Or cutting with the dreaded sheers of Atropos at 24Libra conj. “Juno” at 23Libra opposing her natal Lachesis and BML.

Claudette Osborne-Winnipeg Canada a prostitute killed after meeting with someone
Sun conj. “Algol”

She has asteroid Lust conj. Juno ; and her Mars in Gemini, opposing Uranus & Saturn.
With Pluto semi-square to Saturn and square to natal Lachsis closing in on the “worse degree of the zodiac” or in this case, 13Leo conjunct a fixed star known for trouble.

When she was murdered, a 3sum of Atropos,Moira & Vesta all were moving between
2,7,8Taurus (conj.Hamal) and opposing her natal Pluto at 8Scorpio!

Easily we can see that the person who picked her up that night , didn’t like prostitutes as people (Vesta was in a very brutal place) and she was targeted. Another interesting critical degree was the one that fell on Pallas in her chart, at 21Scorpio, a “definite loss” degree, coined by Anthony Louis. Asteroid “lust” was moving over Pallas the same time.
Not to sound too ancient, but when I first began studying astrology, I used books, ephemerides, paper, and pencil. And I'm not great with equations. Years later, I was happily introduced to calculators. Later still, along came the home computers and astrology programs (early 1980s, I think, for the astro programs) although I didn't really buy one until a few years ago.

Just think, the ancients didn't even have books or ephemerides! Imagine doing all those calculations on their fingers! :cool:

Necessity, for sure. Right, Leo? :seeya: Thankfully.

Yup. I remember those days. We had to look up everything in books, the latitude/longitude tables, the Time Zones, then the ephemeris. And work out all of the math. Doing someone's Progressions and Solar Returns was quite a task. But back then we could look very deeply and closely at a few solid charts and wring some important info from them.
I think young astrologers have the benefit of having a lot of data instantly available for them, but sometimes it is too much information and not enough substance imo.
Here's the new list:
* Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16
* Aquarius: Feb. 16-March 11
* Pisces: March 11-April 18
* Aries: April 18-May 13
* Taurus: May 13-June 21
* Gemini: June 21-July 20
* Cancer: July 20-Aug. 10
* Leo: Aug. 10-Sept. 16
* Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30
* Libra: Oct. 30-Nov. 23
* Scorpio: Nov. 23-29
* Ophiuchus: Nov. 29-Dec. 17
* Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20

According to this my "updated" sign would be Capricorn...I am an Aquarius and my amethyst that will all change??

I say I like the old style too...I'm too aquarian too change..:floorlaugh:
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