Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #2

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chart by TUBA from post # 158/thread 1

quote TUBA: This is for convening the searching @ 9:30 a.m. Very significant, Saturn took rulership of the hour at precisely 9:30 a.m.

quote SOULSCAPE from post #218/thread 1
I ran your chart thru my software to find SUN/MOON 20:55 Sag parallel BLACK MOON LILITH applying within 2 minutes of Arc, and Part of Death at 15:52 Taurus conj. 2nd House cusp opposite 8th House of Death and inconjunct the MOON, Part of MISfortune in radix 8th House of Death trining VENUS the Child in woefull 12th House, malefic SOUTH NODE in 5th House of the Child.

Regarding Tuba's search chart:

Part of Find is in WATER.

4th House cusp = Cancer = WATER.

8th House cusp = Scorpio = WATER.

VENUS the female child and Part of Find in cadent 12th House of (Kidnapping), Misfortune, Sorrow & Woe - hidden and very difficult to find...

Notice malefic SOUTH NODE in 5th House of the Child, Part of Death inconjunct MOON.

MOON's last aspect before leaving sign is square MERCURY (Perp of the 911 Call Chart). Notice BLACK MOON LILITH at 10 Capricorn partile square EQ (a secondary Ascendant)...

**Tuba, I used Placidus as this is your chart --- the NODES are True, forgot to switch them to Mean, sorry!


That TES Search, prior to the Deputies Only Search, has a critical degree on the ASC and, that search having failed, I think all that follows comes too late.

What I really do not like about the 911 call chart is the emphasis, not on the missing child, but on money and self-protection, House 2. Something worse to report: Venus is on the degree of cruelty and homicide per Chas. Carter. I only just cast this chart due to disgust at the confused times on the night of the disappearance. It is a shockingly self-serving chart considering the life of a five year old ought to be the focus.
Angel just posted this:

Misty Croslin's Tennessee Relative Not a Suspect in Haleigh's Disappearance
Created: 2/21/2009 2:26:20 PM
Updated: 2/21/2009 5:03:16 PM
PUTNAM COUNTY, FL -- The relative of Misty Croslin who investigators had been questioning in Tennessee is not a suspect in Haleigh Cummings' disappearance.
Captain Dick Schauland didn't have much new information to release in Saturday afternoon's press conference, but when asked point-blank about whether the man known as 'Joe' in Tennessee was a suspect or person of interest, Schauland said he wasn't.

Misty had previously said that man was someone she didn't trust and that he had visited shortly before Haleigh disappeared.

Thanks, Angel!!

Here are the objects surrounding VENUS the female child (5 Aries):

929 Algunde 4 ar 9'39" Asteroid
54598 Bienor 4 ar 14'24" Centaur
948 Jucunda 4 ar 26'28" Asteroid
224 Oceana 4 ar 27'31Asteroid
400 Ducrosa 4 ar 33'42 Asteroid
830 Petropolitana 4 ar 38'45 Asteroid
442 Eichsfeldia 4 ar 43' 4 Asteroid
535 Montague 4 ar 58'55" Asteroid
121 Hermione 5 ar 1'43 Asteroid
544 Jetta 5 ar 22'40 Asteroid

Venus 5 ar 34'36" Classical Planet

238 Hypatia 5 ar 39'16 Asteroid
516 Amherstia 5 ar 41'48" Asteroid
2938 Hopi 5 ar 49' 0" Asteroid
627 Charis 6 ar 4'48" Asteroid
848 Inna 6 ar 5'25" Asteroid
HOUSE 4 6 ar 8'23" House Cusp
615 Roswitha 6 ar 8'31" Asteroid
130 Elektra 6 ar 14'55 Asteroid
278 Paulina 6 ar 52' 3 Asteroid


<quoting myself>

I noticed Asteroid HOPI conjunct VENUS the female child. This Asteroid correlates with Native Americans, minorities, knives and ambush.

I am not at all certain whether it is significant here.

That TES Search, prior to the Deputies Only Search, has a critical degree on the ASC and, that search having failed, I think all that follows comes too late.

What I really do not like about the 911 call chart is the emphasis, not on the missing child, but on money and self-protection, House 2. Something worse to report: Venus is on the degree of cruelty and homicide per Chas. Carter. I only just cast this chart due to disgust at the confused times on the night of the disappearance. It is a shockingly self-serving chart considering the life of a five year old ought to be the focus.

Tuba, you nailed it right down tight.
That TES Search, prior to the Deputies Only Search, has a critical degree on the ASC and, that search having failed, I think all that follows comes too late.

What I really do not like about the 911 call chart is the emphasis, not on the missing child, but on money and self-protection, House 2. Something worse to report: Venus is on the degree of cruelty and homicide per Chas. Carter. I only just cast this chart due to disgust at the confused times on the night of the disappearance. It is a shockingly self-serving chart considering the life of a five year old ought to be the focus.

Has anyone looked at the possibility that child was taken because R owed money to someone for drugs (thinking this because of his prior record). They showed up at trailer...Misty didn't have money for them...they took Haleigh to show R they were serious about getting money....R comes home and he and M call 911, but leave out these details because of illegal aspects on R's part. Father's panic would still be very real. Would explain why R nudged her in interviews....etc. Those who took Haleigh would tend to panic when they saw the news, and possibly kill her and run. I am just looking for anything that offers a better understanding of how M could not have heard someone break in and come into the room with her, or how she could leave those kids alone in the trailer. JMO.....
Those Astrodienst charts are horrible, from a graphics point of view. I am going to write to my Software company and see if he can't put together a package just for Forensic Astrology, with some kind of an asteroid package.

OK, I have entered Cummings asteroid and Halley asteroid into Sapp's chart using Astrodienst.

Halley (closest spelling to Haleigh I could find), and **coincidentally** it sits right on Sapp's Mercury. Halley at 23:35 Libra, Mercury at 23:56 Mercury. This is on the day of Sapp's birth. Asteroid Cummings is at 12:24 Virgo.

But, I find the chart so hard to read that I am going to email it to the rest of you, and see if you can do somewhat better with it. I think I see very interesting connections, but don't want to start leaping to the big C.
V.T., in the 911 Call chart, Part of Sex Drive at 19 Virgo is closely conjunct SATURN Rx and Part of Sexual Attraction is smack on BLACK MOON LILITH 20 Capricorn.

Recall MERCURY the thief is in mutual reception with SATURN Rx and BLACK MOON LILITH is in the same 20th degree as SATURN opposed URANUS, tying all together. VENUS the young girl is quindecile (165 degrees) SATURN Rx.

I believe this was a sex crime.

V.T., in the 911 Call chart, Part of Sex Drive at 19 Virgo is closely conjunct SATURN Rx and Part of Sexual Attraction is smack on BLACK MOON LILITH 20 Capricorn.

Recall MERCURY the thief is in mutual reception with SATURN Rx and BLACK MOON LILITH is in the same 20th degree as SATURN opposed URANUS, tying all together. VENUS the young girl is quindecile (165 degrees) SATURN Rx.

I believe this was a sex crime.


Thanks for reminding me. I am so desperate for that NOT to be true, for Haleigh's sake, although I realize the end result is far worst....death, which is also reflected in all of your charts. Thank you and all the others for your dedication to this case.
That TES Search, prior to the Deputies Only Search, has a critical degree on the ASC and, that search having failed, I think all that follows comes too late.

What I really do not like about the 911 call chart is the emphasis, not on the missing child, but on money and self-protection, House 2. Something worse to report: Venus is on the degree of cruelty and homicide per Chas. Carter. I only just cast this chart due to disgust at the confused times on the night of the disappearance. It is a shockingly self-serving chart considering the life of a five year old ought to be the focus.

What bothers me about the 911 chart is Pisces on the 3rd house cusp. Was it genuine confusion or were they hiding information deliberately? Personally I always thought the call was to some degree staged. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces is often prominently seen in the charts of actors.
This has gone thru my thoughts several times -- I shove it out & it keeps coming back (esp. with the mention of black as a color involved). I will mention this & then log off quickly! :bang: Has there been any mention of satanic activity in this area? I sure hope this is a nonplayer.

This has gone thru my thoughts several times -- I shove it out & it keeps coming back (esp. with the mention of black as a color involved). I will mention this & then log off quickly! :bang: Has there been any mention of satanic activity in this area? I sure hope this is a nonplayer.


Ooooh! Old Bird, I never thought of that, but we shouldn't discount that ever. Some of the people in this area certainly need to get out their Bibles, and give up the crime, drugs, and sexual license.
Geraldo is going to be on Fox in about a half an hour. He is giving a preview now.

Not that I trust Geraldo... he is a drama hound.
Is anyone listening to Geraldo? Woah! He seems very suspicious of Daddy Ron, and says that he thought Daddy was, ahem, not quite "sober-sharp" when he was interviewed.

Daddy was very hostile to Geraldo.
Here are the objects surrounding VENUS the female child (5 Aries):

929 Algunde 4 ar 9'39" Asteroid
54598 Bienor 4 ar 14'24" Centaur
948 Jucunda 4 ar 26'28" Asteroid
224 Oceana 4 ar 27'31Asteroid
400 Ducrosa 4 ar 33'42 Asteroid
830 Petropolitana 4 ar 38'45 Asteroid
442 Eichsfeldia 4 ar 43' 4 Asteroid
535 Montague 4 ar 58'55" Asteroid
121 Hermione 5 ar 1'43 Asteroid
544 Jetta 5 ar 22'40 Asteroid

Venus 5 ar 34'36" Classical Planet

238 Hypatia 5 ar 39'16 Asteroid
516 Amherstia 5 ar 41'48" Asteroid
2938 Hopi 5 ar 49' 0" Asteroid
627 Charis 6 ar 4'48" Asteroid
848 Inna 6 ar 5'25" Asteroid
HOUSE 4 6 ar 8'23" House Cusp
615 Roswitha 6 ar 8'31" Asteroid
130 Elektra 6 ar 14'55 Asteroid
278 Paulina 6 ar 52' 3 Asteroid


<quoting myself>

I noticed Asteroid HOPI conjunct VENUS the female child. This Asteroid correlates with Native Americans, minorities, knives and ambush.

I am not at all certain whether it is significant here.


Soul, I don't know if this means anything...but...Ocala National Park is derived from Native American Indians (I believe alot of the parks and towns are indicative to American Indians). Ocala National Park is just South and West the Cummings' trailer. I'm thinking this might fit into the distance and directions supplied by the charts when in reverse. 2 things struck me with the last descriptions of a couple of charts: 1st is regarding wealth or money and the 2nd came from your quote in this post HOPI neing associated with Native Americans. Well, Ocala is derived from the Timucuan Indians and their land was invaded by DeSoto (if I remember correctly) over gold (wealth). Something hit me when trying to pull up Ocala National Park/Forest: I noticed that they have the best dirt trails for dirt biking and atv's...well, now my mind is going a mile a minute. Could this mean anything or would it send us on a wild tangent? Please refer to the below links (try checking out all 3) as this park/forest is directly across the St. John's River from Sapp (I know - I'm getting tunnel vision)!:
The word Ocala is thought to be a derivative of a Timucuan Indian term meaning fair land or big hammock.
Some areas of the Ocala National Forest are open to off-road vehicles. This is one of the best motorcycle / ATV areas in Florida with many miles of trails within the areas designated for OHV use.
Ron seems like the type of person that when he feels intimidated (perhaps by social status, intellect, so on so forth) will become hostile. This is a man probably not used to debate or reasoning. He is used to getting through to people by use of force, which shows he does not have proper social skills. I am sure these high up celebrity types are making him feel beneath them, causing him to become defensive and hostile. JMO
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