Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #3

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It appears, whoever is 'directly' responsible for her disappearance is not a 'stranger' to R & M. Whoever it is, is somehow related to associates, friends, friends of friends, someone known to the family/extended family of R & M.

Thanks so much Fifth. The reason I questioned it is b/c the authorities said the same thing in all of these cases. Lolype reminded me of Trenton Duckett. Now there's another update that Tfrohning posted:
I also found another case a Coral Fullwood 6 year old missing from her home. last seem at 2 am. in 2006 found murder 2 block from her home Catabash.

very interesting pert was caught go to link

Coralrose has a website that also has prayer for Haleigh

This is all just making me wonder... Thank you, Astro's, for all that you do.
Respectfully snipped for length ~
I would like to ask you if you feel there is any way that Haleigh's disappearance is a hoax or planned event?

I just have this gut feeling that both Misty and Ronald know where Haleigh is.

Do you get the feeling that Haleigh could be with another little girl approximately the same age such as the one that Haleigh is pictured running on a beach with?

I know I sound absolutely crazy, but I have such a strong feeling about this. Is there any way that this scenario would fit in with any of the charts? Thanks so much!

****Soulscape, could you comment on this also? Thanks so much!

Hi LaLaw2000 - I understand about those "feelings." I get them sometimes myself. Intuition can be such a good thing. In this case, NO I do not think this is a scam. I don't know who KSavage is, I have not followed that part of the discussion on Haleigh so don't have much insight there.

I really believe the charts here are very accurate. Understanding that they can not predict what will happen, they do give us a lot of information on what has happened. The charts and my intuition tell me Haleigh was taken. And to back that up I look at all the players. There is no doubt in my mind that Misti is holding back or deliberately misleading in the the information she has given to LE. What I have not been able to get clear is how much of that RC might know about? The grandparents are genuinely heartbroken, both grandmothers and grandfathers. I believe both RC and CS are genuinely heartbroken and they want Haleigh home. I do not believe that RC or CS would concoct such a scheme and hurt their parents in such a devastating manner. I just don't see that happening. I could be wrong - but in this case I don't think I am. Both RC and CS have supportive, loving parents. They may live a hard life, but it is evident their folks love them.

As Fifth Essence pointed out a few posts above this one - the charts and the evidence as we know it right now, strongly suggest that Haleigh was taken by someone familar with the family and the home. How familar, I don't know, but definitely familar enough to know the back screen door is creaky (I'm not sure I believe the "bricked" story), where the kitchen light was, where the children were in the house, etc.

William Martin C , when i look up in rso file he did not have update address.

Hello Tfrohning,

Correction: I have birth data for the person to whom you refer in your above quote, and, to be depressingly repetitive, there are "disturbing" connections between his natal chart (relocated to Satsuma and cast for Sunrise) and Haleigh's. However, the Event Charts do not seem to "trigger" his chart against Haleigh's to the degree where I would put him on the "Short List."

Regarding RSOs in general, I have been informed that the Mods are frowning upon discussions/accusations until/unless one (or more) of them are "fingered" by LE as POIs or suspects. Therefore, I will refrain from discussing RSOs by name for the time being.

Soulscape, a question: Is it possible that the RSO have disturbing connections to Haleigh's natal chart because 1) RSOs have significant things in common in their makeup that manifest astrologically; and 2) Haleigh's natal chart shows that her own path crosses an RSO?

Not an astrologer myself, but very interested in your work. Thanks for posting your insights here.

Hello Pittsburghgirl,

While each of the RSOs I have examined in connection with this case has his own chart, I note several similarities among the aspects, and I believe it is accurate to say that, in general, particular aspects appear to be common in RSO charts.

Haleigh's natal chart shows abuse potential, the key word being "potential." It is always unwise to "predict" a person will become an abuse victim based on an aspect pattern; however, such patterns are always "red flags" to a forensic astrologer.

No matter how "disturbing" any connections between an RSO's natal chart and Haleigh's natal chart, we must also look for the links to both charts coming from a valid (i.e., timed) Event chart. It is the Event timing that triggers (sets into motion) the natal aspect patterns/ connections. There were several RSO charts "triggered" into action by what I believe to be the valid Event charts: LAST SEEN BY G-GMA and the 911 Call charts. That is perplexing, to say the least, for surely they couldn't all be responsible for Haleigh's disappearance, and it is just as possible that someone other than an RSO could have been the perp.

The charts repeatedly pointed to kidnapping, rape and death, and the charts repeatedly suggested a "family connection." By that I mean, the perp appears to be someone connected to Ronald and/or Misty, whether by blood or assocation is not so clear. Another thing the charts repeatedly made clear was a strong element of "incompetent" and/or "inadequate" caretaking on the part of "parents/guardians" that contributed to the event being able to happen in the first place.

I have stated in previous posts and repeat here: this was an abduction and I do not believe, nor do the charts support, direct involvement by Ronald or Misty.

Hope this helps,
Thanks to Angelwhocares......

Cummings Marriage Postponed?
March 12, 2009
Last Update: 12:44 pm
SAN MATEO, Fla. -- The San Mateo church, reportedly the site for the wedding, says none are scheduled for Thursday.
A family friend says that Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin are now looking for a location, and someone to wed them.

Dunns Creek Baptist Church emailed a statement to our newsroom stating that there is no wedding scheduled to take place on Thursday, March 12, 2009. The statement provided by Associate Pastor David Dixon asked that any announcements made regarding the Cummings-Croslin wedding at the church be retracted.
Jamie Watts, funeral director of Watts Funeral Home, 720 U.S. Hwy. 17 in San Mateo, says the couple originally asked him to perform the service; however, Watts says his notary status has expired.

Statement from Dunns Creek Baptist Church:
To Whom It May Concern:
There is no wedding scheduled to take place at Dunns Creek Baptist Church on Thursday, March 12, 2009. Pastor Terry Wright is out of town and the other full time pastors (David Dixon & Chad Perry) are not performing a wedding today. Please retract any announcements you have made regarding the Cummings / Croslin wedding taking place at Dunns Creek Baptist Church.
Thank you,
David Dixon
Assoc. Pastor
Dunns Creek Baptist Church

Can anyone provide the time the search started today?

100 Deputies, Officers Search New Area For Haleigh
Missing Girl's Father Plans To Get Married Thursday Afternoon
POSTED: Thursday, March 12, 2009
UPDATED: 12:39 pm EDT March 12, 2009
About 100 police cadets, deputies from Putnam, Clay, St. Johns and Marion counties and people from other agencies were searching a wooded area along U.S. Highway 17 and neighboring railroad tracks. The search area stretched almost 13 miles from Satsuma -- where Haleigh disappeared from her father's home before dawn on Feb. 10 -- south to Crescent City.
It has been 29 days since 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings disappeared from her home in Satsuma.
"The search is not a result of information received, but is being conducted to be sure that all areas are covered," Putnam County Sheriff's Office Capt. Dick Schauland said.


IMAGE: About 100 officers from nearly a dozen agencies searched a 13-mile strip of woods stretching from Satsuma to Crescent City.



<snipped for relevancy>

Thank you,
snipped for relevance...Like I said, I read the chart differently and do not see evidence of an outsider coming in the home in that chart. The facts as currently known back that part of my reading up. LE has said that they failed to find evidence left behind (whether DNA evidence or any other forensic evidence) of an outsider being in the home that night. LE has also said they found no evidence of forced entry.
Can you please provide a link as to where LE stated, "that they failed to find evidence left behind (whether DNA evidence or any other forensic evidence) of an outsider being in the home that night."? I cannot find anything that backs that statement up.

No. Heard it on TV. Not even sure exactly when but recently. I realize that may be incorrect reporting but I personally find it credible and our own opinions are pretty much all we have to go on at this point.
Can anyone provide the time the search started today?

<snipped for relevancy>

Thank you,

Hello Soulscape. Please accept my appreciation for all the work hours you and the other astrologers have put in to finding Haleigh. Since I saw your request earlier today, I have been looking for a start time for today's search.

I have not come up with said time. This link is from a live 12pm eastern news update. In it the reporter talks of the gathering search effort all morning, then reports on the area that WILL BE if anyone else is looking, it appears to be after noon. I realize you need more, but it's a start. I will keep looking.

Thanks again.
Hello Soulscape. Please accept my appreciation for all the work hours you and the other astrologers have put in to finding Haleigh. Since I saw your request earlier today, I have been looking for a start time for today's search.

I have not come up with said time. This link is from a live 12pm eastern news update. In it the reporter talks of the gathering search effort all morning, then reports on the area that WILL BE if anyone else is looking, it appears to be after noon. I realize you need more, but it's a start. I will keep looking.

Thanks again.

Thank you very much, Lilac.

The earliest time I have found so far was an article published online at 10:55 am by (That does not mean the search started at 10:55am, rather it's the time WESH posted the article to their web site.)

I looked at the 10:55 am chart anyway and about fell off my chair...


CAPUT ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, rises, partile exact ASCENDANT, 26 Taurus. That immediately tells me they are looking for a dead child. PLUTO (death/kidnapping, etc.) posited in 8th House of Death confirms. The NODES straddle the Midheaven/IC axis, showing what comes before the Public Eye.

MOON at 11 Libra is posited in the 5th House of Children, trine JUPITER Lord 8 and applying opposite its dispositer VENUS in detriment (bad shape) and Retrograde (not coming back) at 14 Aries conjunct the radix 12th House of Kidnapping Cusp which is the 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child. MERCURY Lord 5 the Child separates sextile from PLUTO (the death has already occurred). MERCURY is in Pisces (water). SATURN (natural significator of death) sits in the 5th House of Children, highlighted by its opposition to SUN exactly conj. URANUS at 22 Pisces. Notice MERCURY (Haleigh), SUN & URANUS all in Pisces disposited by JUPITER, Lord 8 of Death.

If anyone finds a reliable time for the start of the search I will look at the chart. In the meantime, the chart cast for the earliest moment the media posted the news of today's search on the Internet is worth our consideration...

According to this article - the presser was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. FL time, in Putnam County.

I'm thinking they were pretty much on schedule based on the times of follow up articles. I'll see if I can find one :)


ETA: According to our time stamped documents, this article was created at about 2:38 EST, so they must have started right about 2:00 p.m.

Parents Make Emotional Plea for Haleigh's Return
Created: 3/10/2009 2:38:10 PM
Updated: 3/10/2009 6:01:46 PM
SATSUMA, FL -- Haleigh Cummings' parents had to fight through tears Tuesday afternoon as they made yet another plea for the return of their missing 5-year-old.
At a news conference hosted by the Justice Coalition, Ronald Cummings told his daughter, "You'll always be daddy's little girl; I love you." He then said, "Please, if you have my daughter, bring her home."
Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, echoed that. "Bring her home, please," she said, crying.

Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy, who is heading up the search for Haleigh, thanked the family and the community for their patience and cooperation.
Following the news conference, a local musician sang a song and people released balloons into the air.

Thanks Asker!

Salem, thanks for the time of the presser and I’m sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. I ran the presser chart for 2 pm.

March 10th was the Full Moon and in this chart I see the Sun (father) representing Ron and the Moon (mother) representing Crystal and since they were the main focus of the presser they are what I focused on in looking at this chart.

The Asc of the chart is 10 Cancer. This means the Moon rules the chart. The presser was about family. The Moon positioned in the 3rd house indicates the presser was about having the family speak.

The Moon also represents Crystal. The Moon is in Virgo in the 3rd house of communications and the Moon is conjunct Saturn which is retrograde. This defines Crystal as somewhat emotionally guarded and perhaps even fearful not to mention emotionally depressed. The Saturn retrograde might also indicate her recent hiring of professionals (Saturn) to work (Virgo) with her on various matters some of which were not handled well in the past (retrograde action).

Because it was a Full Moon the Sun and Moon are in opposition in this chart. The Sun in Pisces represents Ron and rules the 3rd house of communications. The Sun in Pisces often displays (the Sun) suffering (Pisces). The Sun is conjunct Uranus which indicates something may be off or odd or unusual in reference to the Sun’s behavior. The Sun may seem detached or nervous as well.

The 8th house rules the investigation and the investigators. The 8th house has Aquarius on the cusp. The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus and the traditional ruler of Aquarius is Saturn. So the investigators are watching both Ron and Crystal closely but perhaps in slightly different ways.

The Full Moon often brings things to light. I think the purpose of the presser was for the investigators to get another look at both Ron and Crystal in the hopes something would come to light.

The 4th house is the End of the Matter. Virgo and intercepted Libra rule the 4th house. The ruler of Virgo, Mercury is in its fall in Pisces in the 9th house. The ruler of Libra, Venus is in its detriment in Aries and retrograde in the intercepted 10th house. Either LE did not find what they were looking for or they are keeping what they learned very close to their vests.
Respectfully snipped for length ~

Hi LaLaw2000 - I understand about those "feelings." I get them sometimes myself. Intuition can be such a good thing. In this case, NO I do not think this is a scam. I don't know who KSavage is, I have not followed that part of the discussion on Haleigh so don't have much insight there.

I really believe the charts here are very accurate. Understanding that they can not predict what will happen, they do give us a lot of information on what has happened. The charts and my intuition tell me Haleigh was taken. And to back that up I look at all the players. There is no doubt in my mind that Misti is holding back or deliberately misleading in the the information she has given to LE. What I have not been able to get clear is how much of that RC might know about? The grandparents are genuinely heartbroken, both grandmothers and grandfathers. I believe both RC and CS are genuinely heartbroken and they want Haleigh home. I do not believe that RC or CS would concoct such a scheme and hurt their parents in such a devastating manner. I just don't see that happening. I could be wrong - but in this case I don't think I am. Both RC and CS have supportive, loving parents. They may live a hard life, but it is evident their folks love them.

As Fifth Essence pointed out a few posts above this one - the charts and the evidence as we know it right now, strongly suggest that Haleigh was taken by someone familar with the family and the home. How familar, I don't know, but definitely familar enough to know the back screen door is creaky (I'm not sure I believe the "bricked" story), where the kitchen light was, where the children were in the house, etc.


Thank you so much for your answer, Salem! I appreciate it very much!

Thank you very much, Lilac.

The earliest time I have found so far was an article published online at 10:55 am by (That does not mean the search started at 10:55am, rather it's the time WESH posted the article to their web site.)

I looked at the 10:55 am chart anyway and about fell off my chair...

CAPUT ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the Heavens, rises, partile exact ASCENDANT, 26 Taurus. That immediately tells me they are looking for a dead child. PLUTO (death/kidnapping, etc.) posited in 8th House of Death confirms. The NODES straddle the Midheaven/IC axis, showing what comes before the Public Eye.

MOON at 11 Libra is posited in the 5th House of Children, trine JUPITER Lord 8 and applying opposite its dispositer VENUS in detriment (bad shape) and Retrograde (not coming back) at 14 Aries conjunct the radix 12th House of Kidnapping Cusp which is the 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child. MERCURY Lord 5 the Child separates sextile from PLUTO (the death has already occurred). MERCURY is in Pisces (water). SATURN (natural significator of death) sits in the 5th House of Children, highlighted by its opposition to SUN exactly conj. URANUS at 22 Pisces. Notice MERCURY (Haleigh), SUN & URANUS all in Pisces disposited by JUPITER, Lord 8 of Death.

If anyone finds a reliable time for the start of the search I will look at the chart. In the meantime, the chart cast for the earliest moment the media posted the news of today's search on the Internet is worth our consideration...


Thank you, Soulscape. It is a disturbing chart and you laid it out perfectly. I noted one more minor point in the chart that further confirms what you already have read. The 4th house cusp (the End of the Matter) is 10 Leo and the South Node is 8 Leo indicating an unfortunate ending.

Thanks again.
Does anyone know if this trip to NYC has been canceled due to the wedding being canceled?
Hi asker! First of all, thank you for your chart on the presser. It was very interesting and just the way I, in fact saw it myself on a gut level if you will.

They are married.

~~snip~~~The family told WESH 2 News that Ronald Cummings, 25, married 17-year-old Misty Croslin in a private ceremony. The couple is schedule to appear on NBC's Today Show at 7:30 a.m. Friday~~snip~~~
A commentator on NG just now stated that the marriage did indeed take place today (a Mr. Harris I believe). Has anyone seen a confirmation of this, and do we have a time for the wedding? I haven't been able to find anything yet. Original article time stamped 10:55am, updated 7:17pm EDT with marriage info.
I read on the 'welcome family friends etc.' forum from stormy (a local) the marriage took place this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in Weleka (sp?) FL. Not sure if the 'marriage' charts will be affected by this event or not.
I read on the 'welcome family friends etc.' forum from stormy (a local) the marriage took place this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in Weleka (sp?) FL. Not sure if the 'marriage' charts will be affected by this event or not.

The video on First Coast News also says 4:30 p.m.. I'll go get the link.


comment about 4:30 is somewhere towards the middle. Sorry I didn't check the numbers while I was watching. This wedding just gets me right in the stomach for some reason :(
Thanks for the kind words and the update and link, Nurse! I wish they'd have given a time for the wedding.

Asker - looks like it was at 4:30 p.m. See my post above and someone else's also regarding info from a local.

Thank you for your chart on the presser. I am still feeling uneasy about it and the wedding. Not sure why, but Soulscape's recent chart on the search today just reinforces my belief that LE has something - they just aren't admitting it.

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