Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #3

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I may get stones thrown at me on this one!:truce:

Do you think the Dad could be responsible? Since he is a non registered sex offender (having relations with several teenage girls). My gut feeling from day one has been the Dad and GF. Just wondering if he falls into the SO profile on the charts.

Thanks for all your input!


It is not the Dad and not the GF, at least not directly. However, their lifestyles/ behaviors and choices of friends/acquaintances likely had something to do with it. See my post 911 Call Chart Revisited - Part 4 a couple pages back.

O/T -- If anyone is finding Post #1 on this Thread (a comprehensive listing of charts and astrological discussions in this case) as helpful as I am finding it, please run right over there and click on the THANKS icon to let FifthEssence know how much we appreciate her!!

Fifth, I can't tell you how many times I've been referring to that post to answer a question/ refresh my memory, etc. Thank you so much for creating, maintaining and adding to it.

I may get stones thrown at me on this one!:truce:

Do you think the Dad could be responsible? Since he is a non registered sex offender (having relations with several teenage girls). My gut feeling from day one has been the Dad and GF. Just wondering if he falls into the SO profile on the charts.

Thanks for all your input!

I have a different opinion than other astrologers here of who is most likely responsible. I just went back and looked at the 911 call event chart again just to be sure of what I think I saw there. The Asc is 22 Sag. Sag represents law. Pluto is in the 1st house. A crime is what is being reported to law officials. Jupiter rules the Asc and is in the 2nd house in Aquarius. There is confusion in the 911 call as to what actually happened. Jupiter is conjunct Mars (a malefic) and the North Node. The confusion will carry on into the future.

LE has said that they don’t know what crime occurred or when it actually happened. So I then looked at the 8th house which rules crime and criminal activity. Cancer is on the 8th house cusp and the Leo is intercepted in the 8th house. The Moon rules Cancer and the Sun rules Leo. Therefore, the Moon and the Sun are the co-rulers of the 8th house of crime. The Moon rules women and the Sun rules men. Also, the Sun is a signifier of the father while the Moon often signifies female caretakers and/or mothers.

The Moon has just changed signs from festive and party-going Leo into dutiful Virgo. It has been said that Misty had just been brought back home after being AWOL for 3 days of partying. The Moon is exactly on the cusp of the 9th house so she can be read as being both in the 8th and the 9th house. The 9th house represents the law. In the 911 chart Misty is dutifully calling 911 as she was told to do in order to report the crime.

The Sun is in the intercepted 2nd house in Aquarius. Aquarius shows Ron was upset and shocking and changeable in behavior during the 911 call. The Sun is exactly conjunct Chiron—the wound that never heals. The Sun is also conjunct Neptune indicating Ron may have not been there or perhaps he is hiding something. Neptune can also represent alcohol and drugs. Neptune rules the 3rd house of communication. Things said in the call were either not accurate or not true.

Venus in Aries (in her detriment meaning Venus is not in good condition) is in the 3rd house. Venus rules the 5th house of the child. They were communicating to LE that something had happened to Haleigh. Venus is separating from a square to Pluto (a crime) in the 1st house. The planets have separated by 3 degrees. This might tell LE when the crime occurred but I don’t know how to estimate time from aspects. All I can say is the crime happened some time before the call was made.

The Sun makes no aspect to Venus but the Moon is applying to an inconjunct to Venus. Misty will not be helpful to LE in communicating what really happened to Haleigh. The Sun in the intercepted 2nd house cannot make much movement. Ron is locked into what was said on the 911 call.

The South Node (unfortunate circumstances) is in the intercepted 8th house of the crime in Leo which is said to be the sign of the father and is opposing Jupiter the ruler of the 911 call chart. It will be very difficult for LE to solve this crime whatever the crime is.

Obviously I’m suspicious of Ron and Misty but that doesn’t mean I’m right. This is just how I read the 911 chart. I’m not saying that any other astrologer is wrong. I very well could be the one who is wrong. I’m only saying I read the chart differently and have a different opinion of who is most likely responsible.
The KEY word here is RESPONSIBLE. Directly? indirectly?

It has been noted repeatedly, that pieces are missing in the story for that evening. It appears the 'caretaker' was not focused on the welfare of the children, preoccupied? distracted? The stellium of planets in the 2nd House are striking. What's hidden? What information purposely was not disclosed early on? Something to do with 'visitors', the comings and goings at the house earlier. Many questions remain.

I respectfully refer to a post by TUBA:

All the charts have repeatedly shown a family connection in that R & M's lifestyle, behaviours, choices of friends are key to finding out what happen to Haleigh and locating her. So in this sense, the 'responsibility' does fall on the parents in that house.
Asker...based on your post, who do YOU feel is responsible? I didn't think it was clear. Are you saying you don't believe it's a pedophile? Also, are you saying you don't believe she was kidnapped?

Thank you.
The KEY word here is RESPONSIBLE. Directly? indirectly?

It has been noted repeatedly, that pieces are missing in the story for that evening. It appears the 'caretaker' was not focused on the welfare of the children, preoccupied? distracted? The stellium of planets in the 2nd House are striking. What's hidden? What information purposely was not disclosed early on? Something to do with 'visitors', the comings and goings at the house earlier. Many questions remain.

I respectfully refer to a post by TUBA:

All the charts have repeatedly shown a family connection in that R & M's lifestyle, behaviours, choices of friends are key to finding out what happen to Haleigh and locating her. So in this sense, the 'responsibility' does fall on the parents in that house.

I agree's all in how RESPONSIBILITY for the crime is defined. Responsible for ALLOWING her to be kidnapped through the IRRESPONSIBILITY of the caretaker? or RESPONSIBLE for the actual kidnapping and whatever else happened to this poor child.
I just wanted to point out that the marriage doesnt give Ron or Misti spousal exemption from testfying against each other because the crime occurred before the marriage and also because the crime was committed against a child .
Reading Asker's post, Fifth's response and going back to read Tuba's post - I'm thinking: Misti lied about being home and Ron knows it. The inability to make a "responsible decision" during the 911 call makes me think Misti told Ron she had stepped out. AND this is PURE speculation/theorizing here - Ron covered for her because of the custody issues.

Of course many other things could be happening but it is apparent not only from the charts but from body language and 911 call analysis that Misti is lying, either directly or by omission. RC's proposal is a stunner and I put merit in the finding in the chart that there is a "secret agenda."

Does anyone think it would be worthwhile to do a chart on the presser yesterday? Maybe compared to Haleigh's natal and the 911 call? I think I could run the chart using one of the free astro programs, but I would have NO idea what the chart told me :)

The KEY word here is RESPONSIBLE. Directly? indirectly?

It has been noted repeatedly, that pieces are missing in the story for that evening. It appears the 'caretaker' was not focused on the welfare of the children, preoccupied? distracted? The stellium of planets in the 2nd House are striking. What's hidden? What information purposely was not disclosed early on? Something to do with 'visitors', the comings and goings at the house earlier. Many questions remain.

I respectfully refer to a post by TUBA:

All the charts have repeatedly shown a family connection in that R & M's lifestyle, behaviours, choices of friends are key to finding out what happen to Haleigh and locating her. So in this sense, the 'responsibility' does fall on the parents in that house.

I don't believe this 911 chart can answer whether or not it was a deliberate misdeed or it was due to negligence but negligence would make them both responsible from a moralistic point of view although perhaps not from a legal point of view.

Like I said, I read the chart differently and do not see evidence of an outsider coming in the home in that chart. The facts as currently known back that part of my reading up. LE has said that they failed to find evidence left behind (whether DNA evidence or any other forensic evidence) of an outsider being in the home that night. LE has also said they found no evidence of forced entry.

Also, like I said above: this is my reading of the chart and it differs from others to some degree and I'm not maintaining my reading is the only reading or even the correct reading. I'm just saying I looked at it a bit differently. I'm not asking you or anyone else to agree with my reading and I respect the readings done by other astrologers even though I'm not in complete agreement.
Asker...based on your post, who do YOU feel is responsible? I didn't think it was clear. Are you saying you don't believe it's a pedophile? Also, are you saying you don't believe she was kidnapped?

Thank you.

No, I personally don't believe she was kidnapped. It doesn't mean she wasn't is only my opinion.

I first look to Pluto to signify kidnapping in a chart because of the mythological story of Persephone. But Pluto doesn't only rule kidnappings. Pluto also rules all crimes and criminals, rape, murder, death, sexual abuse, violence, burial, investigations, detectives, jealousy, trash, and almost anything not valued in general. In the 911 chart I don't see enough info to choose which of those things applies. It could be any one of them or a combination of several.

However, Pluto is in a separating square from Venus (Haleigh). That tells me something terrible did happen but not precisely what. Venus is in her detriment and on the cusp of the 4th house which rules the End of the Matter which can signify death. The 4th house represents the home and so IMO whatever terrible thing happened to Haleigh happened in the home and not somewhere else.

The chart has the father (the Sun) and the female caretaker (the Moon) both ruling the 8th house (the house of the crime...whatever LE eventually determines the crime to be) and IMO that points suspicion on Ron and Misty. Again that is only an opinion of mine based on the way *I* read the chart and nothing more. I will be delighted to be proven wrong about this including the part about something terrible happening to Haleigh.
Reading Asker's post, Fifth's response and going back to read Tuba's post - I'm thinking: Misti lied about being home and Ron knows it. The inability to make a "responsible decision" during the 911 call makes me think Misti told Ron she had stepped out. AND this is PURE speculation/theorizing here - Ron covered for her because of the custody issues.

Of course many other things could be happening but it is apparent not only from the charts but from body language and 911 call analysis that Misti is lying, either directly or by omission. RC's proposal is a stunner and I put merit in the finding in the chart that there is a "secret agenda."

Does anyone think it would be worthwhile to do a chart on the presser yesterday? Maybe compared to Haleigh's natal and the 911 call? I think I could run the chart using one of the free astro programs, but I would have NO idea what the chart told me :)


Since you are focusing on Misty's actions and behaviors I don't think a chart for the presser will shed any light because Misty was not featured at the presser...only Ron and Crystal spoke.

However, since it doesn't cost anything to run a chart and read it and also you never can be sure without looking what a chart has to offer, I'll look at the chart for the presser if you can provide an accurate time for the start of it.
Asker - thank you. I'll go look for a time right now. I'm not really focusing on Misti's behavior, it is just that at this point, she is the only I feel certain about. I do feel certain that she is lying - about exactly what, I don't know. As for RC - I'm just not sure what is going on with him. I'm not sure if he knows something, or he thinks Misti knows something and he wants to get it out of her, or if he thinks he knows who took Haleigh and where she might be and is just waiting for an opportunity to go get her without LE? I don't know........

Enough of that - let me see if I can find a time for the presser yesterday.

According to this article - the presser was scheduled for 2:00 p.m. FL time, in Putnam County.

I'm thinking they were pretty much on schedule based on the times of follow up articles. I'll see if I can find one :)


ETA: According to our time stamped documents, this article was created at about 2:38 EST, so they must have started right about 2:00 p.m.

Parents Make Emotional Plea for Haleigh's Return
Created: 3/10/2009 2:38:10 PM
Updated: 3/10/2009 6:01:46 PM
SATSUMA, FL -- Haleigh Cummings' parents had to fight through tears Tuesday afternoon as they made yet another plea for the return of their missing 5-year-old.
At a news conference hosted by the Justice Coalition, Ronald Cummings told his daughter, "You'll always be daddy's little girl; I love you." He then said, "Please, if you have my daughter, bring her home."
Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, echoed that. "Bring her home, please," she said, crying.

Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy, who is heading up the search for Haleigh, thanked the family and the community for their patience and cooperation.
Following the news conference, a local musician sang a song and people released balloons into the air.

Thanks Asker!
Hello Money Girl,

#1 RSO Suspect - Donald Lee S.

Quoting myself:

To above list of RSO suspects, I will add RSO S., who, among other things, has natal PLUTO smack exact on little Haleigh's natal SUN at 24 Leo. I don't even want to think about what may have happened to her if this had gotten his hands on her......

I would like to remind everyone once again, despite the disturbing
connections, we cannot be certain an RSO is the perp, for it could have been someone operating under the radar screen and not on the Registry.


William Martin C , when i look up in rso file he did not have update address.
(Respectfully snipped for relevancy)
I gave RSO Chad Reynolds's chart another look. Unfortunately, like many other of the RSO charts, his show disturbing connections to Haleigh's natal chart. However, when I place this chart in a tri-wheel showing Haleigh's natal as Inner, Reynolds's natal (Sunrise, Ocala, FL) as Middle, and either the LAST SEEN BY G-GMA or the 911 Call charts as Outer, it just doesn't "click" into place to the degree other RSO charts do.

Therefore, while I won't discount him as the potential perp, he is not at the top of my list.

Soulscape, a question: Is it possible that the RSO have disturbing connections to Haleigh's natal chart because 1) RSOs have significant things in common in their makeup that manifest astrologically; and 2) Haleigh's natal chart shows that her own path crosses an RSO?

Not an astrologer myself, but very interested in your work. Thanks for posting your insights here.
Asker - thank you. I'll go look for a time right now. I'm not really focusing on Misti's behavior, it is just that at this point, she is the only I feel certain about. I do feel certain that she is lying - about exactly what, I don't know. As for RC - I'm just not sure what is going on with him. I'm not sure if he knows something, or he thinks Misti knows something and he wants to get it out of her, or if he thinks he knows who took Haleigh and where she might be and is just waiting for an opportunity to go get her without LE? I don't know........

Enough of that - let me see if I can find a time for the presser yesterday.


Salem, I have read some, but not all, of this forum. I have bolded most of your above post.

I would like to ask you if you feel there is any way that Haleigh's disappearance is a hoax or planned event?

I just have this gut feeling that both Misty and Ronald know where Haleigh is. Could Haleigh possibly be in Arizona? The Kim Savage that had set up a website very early on is from Arizona. She was asking for donations 'for the family' and there was even a news article about her site being a scam. I saw her website early on and she really did have quite a few pics of Haleigh that came out later. I feel she has a connection with one of the families.

Now the 'plan' has not worked out as intended. Could Haleigh have been in Arizona and has been moved now that Kim Savage' website was declared a scam? The website has been cleaned up now and even tells you to call authorities if you have seen Haleigh.

Do you get the feeling that Haleigh could be with another little girl approximately the same age such as the one that Haleigh is pictured running on a beach with?

I know I sound absolutely crazy, but I have such a strong feeling about this. Is there any way that this scenario would fit in with any of the charts? Thanks so much!

****Soulscape, could you comment on this also? Thanks so much!
Good morning everyone. Soulscape, Housemouse, or any other Astro that may have an idea with charts: Please see this link from the Friends Family & Locals thread -
Tfrohnig posted it. It says specifically that the child wasn't sexually assaulted, though. It made me think of something, and I sort of recall that Housemouse might have said something about a repeat offender - please forgive me if I remember incorrectly. My question to you all is this - Could this be a repeat offender or serial killer? Or maybe somebody that started out smaller but has moved onto bigger and badder things? Would the charts suggest something like this scenario? Please advise, this has me really creeped out and thinking of so much more now. Thanks so much.

Here's the official link to the article:

Victim: Amanda Mandy Doughtery
White Female, 5

Now I feel as though I should post this: I believe Danielle Van Dam's murder was a copycat of Amanda's murder. Please see this link:
:eek: I'm am starting to lean towards something serial. What is your take on it all? :eek:
snipped for relevance...Like I said, I read the chart differently and do not see evidence of an outsider coming in the home in that chart. The facts as currently known back that part of my reading up. LE has said that they failed to find evidence left behind (whether DNA evidence or any other forensic evidence) of an outsider being in the home that night. LE has also said they found no evidence of forced entry.
Can you please provide a link as to where LE stated, "that they failed to find evidence left behind (whether DNA evidence or any other forensic evidence) of an outsider being in the home that night."? I cannot find anything that backs that statement up.

snipped: My question to you all is this - Could this be a repeat offender or serial killer? Or maybe somebody that started out smaller but has moved onto bigger and badder things? Would the charts suggest something like this scenario? Please advise, this has me really creeped out and thinking of so much more now. Thanks so much.

It appears, whoever is 'directly' responsible for her disappearance is not a 'stranger' to R & M. Whoever it is, is somehow related to associates, friends, friends of friends, someone known to the family/extended family of R & M.
Asker - thank you. I'll go look for a time right now. I'm not really focusing on Misti's behavior, it is just that at this point, she is the only I feel certain about. I do feel certain that she is lying - about exactly what, I don't know. As for RC - I'm just not sure what is going on with him. I'm not sure if he knows something, or he thinks Misti knows something and he wants to get it out of her, or if he thinks he knows who took Haleigh and where she might be and is just waiting for an opportunity to go get her without LE? I don't know........

Enough of that - let me see if I can find a time for the presser yesterday.


The presser took place at 2pm..
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