Forensic Astrology - JENNIFER & ADRIANNA WIX Missing since 3/27/2004 - TN

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It has been a year since the initial chart briefing.

I understand how busy all the forensic astrologers are, but
if it all possible, could the chart for Jennifer and Adrianna be completed?

The 7 year anniversary of their disappearance is coming up in two months.

Working on it!...........I found their times of birth, so that helps. Just need the dob for the Ex B.F. JB.
Jennifer’s natal Sun in the sign of Leo fell in the Decante of Aries also a fire sign but ruled by Mars, Hence, Jennifer was fiery perhaps even militant in her nature not one to shy away from an argument and would most definitely fight and defend both herself and her child anytime. With the Moon in Cancer, she was a mothering type, very much involved with her child and very defensive of Adrianna.

Her Sun however did square the planet of extremes “Uranus” while opposing Chiron and squaring the Vertex. This suggests that something akin to an “extreme” event in life (the Vertex) or a person who espouses extreme reactions would come into her life and cause her much pain or upset (Chiron)
No doubt this is the event and person we are speaking of on this thread.

The Ruler of Jenn’s 8th house is Mars and found in Scorpio in the 2nd house of Values.
Feisty, strong and combative when she is threatened, again she is not a shy one, although having had her Sun hidden away in the 12th of karma and captivity, the Sun often doesn’t shine well here, especially for a Leo whose own ruler is the Sun itself.

Because of her 4th house Juno conjunct Neptune, and both in the same 24th degree in the house we know as our early home and foundation house, we can see she’d be susceptible to being fooled in life by a man or men.
Neptune often undermines us this way, and here in the home life and a significant other (Juno) when she was taken away, Pluto was transiting over this duo and house.

Pluto is the transformation, and in this chart, from the earth to the spiritual life.
Yes, I think she was murdered by someone quite well known to her, perhaps someone she loved (Juno) or thought she did.

She trusted him or the wrong people (Neptune) and this was her end (Pluto)

Take note that her I/C cusp, of the 4th house is also in a severely critical 17th degree of a mutable sign of Sag, and Transiting Hades (the worse of the worse) was transiting opposed to Pluto within one degree.
The life came to an end over this house. The place that she trusted the most turned into a Hades (living hell) for her.

It was said about Lachesis (a Greek Fate that cuts the thread of life) – which (btw) I posted about this on the Titanic Launch with a chart on the General Thread for any who are interested in learning about the Greek Fates see that thread and chart……but it is said that when Lachesis is RX then the opposing force cannot be stopped from it’s goal.
Jennifer’s natal Lachesis is not retrograde, but direct, however Lachesis in transit and over her 1st house of self-interest, did quincunx (a harsh aspect) often denoting issues for the health and welfare of the body), to Transiting Moira (the Greek Fate) I’d say that this aspect of the two fates is showing us her death.

One being over the 8th in Transit known as the death house , one over the 1st of self-integrity or ego i.e. the Id (personality)

The soul however, of Jennifer came in with the North Node in Cancer, (sign of motherhood) in the 10th house conjunct asteroid Moira (fate and purpose) as the NN is about our purpose in life. Both near or in the 13th degree of Cancer a critical degree in a Cardinal sign such as Cancer is.

There is no doubt and I hope her family can take a small measure of solace that she fulfilled her soul purpose in becoming in this lifetime a mom, and the soul takes that purpose on with them to the next level.
I know this isn’t much, but I can see that she did this and this was her fulfillment in this lifetime to be a mom to Adrianna which she did admirably, before opposing Transiting Toro (brutality rage,violence) conjunct to Juno (significant other or attraction to the other), took her away from this life by triggering natal Moira (conj. the NN purpose and fate) via Transiting Ceres (her nurturing and concern for her child)
With Klotho (rx) over her natal Uranus, the Greek Fates once again show they are reliable in the death charts.

Note: Jenn's Part of Fortune at 13degrees Leo quincunx the DC cusp, is (to me and the tools I use) saying that this is the same as having Algol on the cusp of the Descendant, and she was killed by a lover or committed partner! The 13th degree is conjunct a fixed star that is very inharmonious and downright evil often in the charts.
That is why I compared it to the evilness of the star Algol (as a vibration) and unfortunately for Jenn, it fell in her 11th house of "Hopes, Dreams and Wishes" severely affllicting that house for her in this lifetime.,other then her little girl.

Thank you for doing this. I know it means a lot to KHolloway, Jenn's mom. She's always told me that Jenn was a good mom. :) She loved Nina very very much. :rose:
Part one:

Natal Reading:

The way I proceed with the reading of a natal in such a profound way as in a potential murder case, is to let it “flow” and then come back when I see more, adding, perhaps to the story as it unfolds to me.

In otherwords, I am emotionally overwrought to some extent and it’s hard to be objective when it’s a child such as Adrianna, a little child who I may pronounce as dead, I’d prefer to be on the fence until I’m absolutely sure this is so.

There are methods in Vedic Astrology to see the death houses, but I’m still learning and it will be awhile if ever to be proficient in that regard when it comes to the natal charts for me to be as certain that her chart from birth gave a short life potential, or seeing a future that may predict from one’s birth an ending in younger life. But I know it can be done in the Vedic realm of Astrology.

There are methods they use we do not have at our disposal in Tropical Astrology. However, I am trained (self-trained) in Tropical, so I’ll proceed erring on the side of caution for the start of this reading until I gain more information as I go along .

Adrianna came into this world via the Soul’s attraction which we all do, at the MC or 15Cancer, in this case, ruled by the Moon.
Thus, she was a soul that had come from the realm where emotions play a major role from prior lives. There was a strong attraction vibrationally to the mother (or astrologically, the Moon in the 4th house conjunct Mercury) and actually these two (the Moon and Mercury are Combust each other) meaning, “merged as one”

I think that this may be a “literal” merging, as well, that she was merged (as a soul) to the mother (symbol of moon) in the subconscious thought processes and the mother to her the same way.
What I’m trying to say is that Adrianna came into this world for Jennifer and vice versa. Their fates are tied together, not just in death but in life and now in the spiritual life once again after this short journey.

Edgar Cayce the great prophet as well the great Vedic writer/Astrologer B.V.Raman written about in a book by the Tropical Astrologer Ryland Redd and learning from Raman, how to plot the soul’s entry via the Cayce readings in the natal charts…….suggests that the MC is the place we need to look to when we plot this entry and it’s vibrations from the MC to the birth time via the ASC.

In otherwords, it is said the soul plots the path, via the vibrations from the 9th house the house associated with conception (soul attracted to mother and overall conditions) to enter (the MC) until the birth or first breath (the Ascendant)….
Tad Mann the great visionary Astrologer also agrees with both Raman, the ancient writers and Cayce wrote extensively on this.
Therefore, suffice it to say the MC is paramount in importance to any soul gaining entrance in this material world.

When we look at Adrianna’s natal chart we see no planets near the ASC. And we may see the formation of a locomotive with Jupiter “pulling the train” or the locomotive.

From the French astrology site Astrotheme, we learn about the Locomotive this way:

In this planetary pattern, all the planets are gathered in a portion measuring a maximum of 240 degrees, i.e. the whole Zodiac minus four signs.
In this pattern, possibly the most frequent one in asymmetric charts, two planets are emphasized: the planet leading the locomotive in the natural order of the signs (counterclockwise), which plays the role of the leader and somehow pulls the personality. Its assessment is carried out according to the sign and the house where it is posited, as well as its dignities and its aspects. The other emphasized planet is the last planet of the locomotive, or trailing planet. Its energy is expressed in less powerful and more passive ways.

The native's energy is potentially more intense here than in the splash pattern, but the empty part may bring about problems. The evolution challenge is to try to fully integrate the weak areas in order to benefit from the additional strength provided by the concentration of energy, particularly by the leading planet, instead of undergoing its drawbacks.

Before I end this post, I'd like to say that Jupiter is in the sign of it's Exaltation in Cancer,hence, this was a very special soul in more ways then one.

Attracted to the mother for the "potential" of the "conditions overall" .......even as they unfolded in the short life.

Tad Mann method explained: by Mary Plumb at Mountain Astrologer Magazine
Using the Tad Mann (see link posted prior post) methodology, Adrianna was due for the registration of Pluto in her natal chart at anywhere from 1year 8 months to 2 years and perhaps up to 2.5 (I do not read it exact)….as Vedics who employ theirown methods would, because as a Tropical astrologer I believe heartily in free will both of the conscious selves and the soul working in unison on varying levels.

This being the case, still she would have had Pluto register at this age or time period .
Now we know Pluto means life altering situations, control that often is outside the self, anywhere (with such a young child) as death, murder, or even change of a home (life altering) abduction, etc. Something serious and not trivial is what Pluto is about.

Even so, for Pluto to then “Register” in the child’s life, there has to be a corresponding “Trigger” to convey this energy into the consciousness and life. We can see that the stellium over the 8th house (of death) starting with the North Node (just past the Vertex) may be one as it made a quincunx to her natal Pluto in transit.

We can also see the Transit of the Black Moon Lilith at 15degrees opposing her natal Pluto.
This may actually had been the trigger. Transiting Jupiter does also make a square to her natal Pluto at the same time.

I usually see Jupiter as a very spiritual planet, especially in one’s death, taking the soul back home., regardless of the sinner or sin. The soul’s “essence” as I think of it…..and again, I do not want to declare her dead yet, but I pass this on to contemplate on later.

Transiting Jupiter is also at this time conjunct fixed star Zosma, a portent of murder at 11 degrees Virgo.

With Transiting Lachesis (rx) at 25Virgo over her natal Part of Fortune (12th house within minutes) I’m afraid this is looking more and more to me like she met the same fate as her beloved mother. :(

We have to understand the baby’s Part of Fortune (termed misfortune I understand from this forum) when found in the 12th house …….is ALSO natally, opposed to Mars and Lachesis “cuts the thread” to this material world.

With Transiting Atropos (the 2nd Greek Fate mentioned) with Neptune over her 4th house (mother) and conjunct Moon (mother) and Mercury (the merging I mentioned earlier), I think she died with her mother. (remember, I gain momentum as I read outloud what I'm seeing in the chart esp. when it's a hard one like a child to be objective for me) :(

Transiting Moira and Mercury complete the Fates as she travels over the baby’s natal Lachesis at 21Aries which is square the Sun (life) and Venus in the 4th house.

I hope they keep this cold case going, and don’t give up until he is brought to justice!

Justice delayed is justice denied, but not for God’s justice. That’s the true justice, imo.

What is it the old Testament promised? “Justice is mine, saith the Lord” and nothing is missed …..

Eventually there will be severity of justice eeked out I promise you. Edgar Cayce tells us that the mind (the oversoul) is like a recording a phonograph needle making a “scratch” each time in the skein of time and space. Everything done that is important to the oversoul is then recorded.
You cannot escape your own doings…….NEVER!!!
If the killers of this mother and child are reading, they are better off to give up their truth now then later. It’s always worse when we cross over to wait until then.

Note: Both Springfield and Cross Plains Tn is the same Rising Degree of Libra i.e. 15 deg.Putting Venus as the Ruler of this chart and the Missing person Report called into the Robertson County Police.

Saturn is the Ruler of the Day for it was on a Saturday.
The gravity of the situation is shown with Saturn exalted in Libra.
Note that Saturn also trines (is in harmony) with Uranus (abduction, accidents, erratic happenings) in the 5th house conjunct “Persophone” (abduction)

Please take note also that Persophone opposes Jupiter in the 11th which conj. Zosma and Persophone also squares Mars, the Ruler of the “other”…..this was an act of violence towards the child

Saturn is square the Sun
(the focus of the missing persons report) and semi-square to Venus the ruler of Libra the chart’s Ruler.

Vesta , Atropos and Neptune are all intercepted here in Aquarius, no doubt pointing to the young child. (Vesta)

Pluto posited in the 3rd house is showing us the mother’s exteme concern that true harm has come to the focus of this chart, the missing girls. Pluto does suggest death here.

Pluto is opposed to the Moon with an array of seriously serious planets and asteroids,TNPs, such as Saturn (the LE) the authority, such as the Moon surrounded by Hopi , Kronos Hades, all showing us the gravity of the situation, as well, Ceres the nurturing of the grandmother and mom at the MC.

The LE felt this nurturing concern for these missing girls, and took this all to heart and it did not pass them as to the gravity of the entire scene.

However, the Part of Fortune in this chart found in the 11th does not aid the missing persons report at all, at this point in time. It is square to Mercury and Moira in the
7th of the ‘others” or perpetrator.

POF is also opposed to Chiron in the 4th, semi-square Jupiter in the 11th and any luck (Jupiter) becomes dissipated immensely by this particular POF position.

Lachesis rx found in the 12th or hidden house, is also showing the dead bodies, (Lachesis is the symbol for cutting off the life) and the 12th shows us the “hidden nature” of the chart’s position for this asteroid, puts Lachesis quincunx to Mercury in the perp’s house 7 , square to Pluto in the 4th and square to the 4th’s natural ruler the Moon and co-ruler of this chart…..

This is why there has been no luck in finding the bodies all of these years. The alignments gave over any luck in this direction to the perpetrator.

Jupiter conj. Zosma in the 11th shows there may have been help to hide the bodies, but I do think the actual killings were done by him alone (Aries on the DC cusp) a singular enraged mad man perhaps aided by others

No luck in finding JB's BD yet. I'm still snooping.
J.B. or anyone having this Sunrise Chart (tob unknown)

We do not know the houses in the Sunrise Chart, but we can see the aspects the planets and asteroids makes to each other telling us what area one’s buttons may be pushed, or what area one has excelled in to make these areas of life more harmonious then not.
In this chart, we see that the Moon in Cancer is opposed to Mercury and square to Jupiter and Saturn. These can actually be very afflictive aspects to one who is "on the edge" as it were, lack of self control and "touchy".

This means, we are looking at a very touchy, individual, for often for a man with a Cancer moon, the emotions can be quite all encompassing, not allowing the man to get out of himself or his emotions. Not knowing his exact time of birth, his Moon near the Sunrise position I have used , the 1st Decan of this sign from 0-10 degrees Cancer is ruled by the Moon itself bringing to mind the old term when the moon is full, “lunacy” can occur.

This Moon in Cancer is square to Jupiter and Square to Saturn meaning going overboard, overreacting, and lack of self-discipline in the emotions.

This Moon person in this chart, I am maintaining, does NOT have control over his own reactionary emotions in this life, but rather gives them over to extremes. There are too many harsh aspects being made to the Moon (thought to be the archetype of the mother as perceived by the child) and often can give us hints into insight into the actual mothering received or at least as the child perceives it to be if not an objective reality.

The person with this type of chart, did not receive what he craved and instead, had a potential mothering that lashed out verbally abusive, and chronic in erratic behaviors as he perceived.

The father (archetype) is not faring much better in this chart, as the Sun (father) is square to Pluto (control and authoritarian to excessive levels) Sun square the Black Moon in Scorpio, (double or triple this theme) and IF there is actually a Moon in Gemini, in the decan of Uranus, born before the Moon entered Cancer that early morning, then, I’d say the mother herself is mentally off.

(note: I cannot see that the Moon was in Gemini, it definately was in tropical Cancer that day , all day long )
However, Sidereal Gemini .

Thus you can see there was a receipe for disaster brewing in the family and it had to come out eventually no doubt with one who is born to carry the vibrations to fruition in a destructive manner unique (Uranus) in his own way.

Natal Saturn in the 9th degree of Libra, mitigates this exalted planet into one of potential murder for it is conjunct fixed star “Vindiamiatrix” we see often mentioned on this forum as the star of murder (dubbed Widowmaker)
It gives falsity, disgrace, stealing, wanton folly and often causes its natives to become widows. [Robson*, p.215.]

Thus the Jupiter connection gives expansiveness in Libra, yet with Saturn conjunct gives a restrictive nature, the commonly known Bi-Polar condition is very possible with this connection of planets.
Jupiter expands and Saturn contracts.

Add Vindiamiatrix, and you have disasters brewing as we now know probably occurred.

This Moon person, also had an opposition to Venus and Venus is conjunct fixed star FACIES in Capricorn, creating ruthlessness in a less evolved person.

Venus often seen as the archetype for the type of woman a man would be attracted to , is square to Jupiter and Saturn.
With Saturn, Venus can be testing love and holding back a classic aspect for love with expectations. Venus with a square to Jupiter is often seen as a wastrel, one who is extravagant and wasteful.

Transits on the 25th of March 2004

Transiting Zeus transits over natal Jupiter- a recipe that promotes force and forceful violence, as transiting Black Moon Lilith on this day was over his natal within one degree in Gemini.

Is it then possible or probable astrologically speaking that someone with this type of natal chart and transits, did harm to Jennifer and her child? I’d say yes,…..with TR Jupiter opposing his natal Moira and Transiting Neptune over his natal Mars along with Tr Atropos over the same, it appears to be a psychotic episode, perhaps caused by drugs or some other means, (alcohol?) and this lunatic “lost it”.

Added note: (just as I suspected, by January 19th,1981 - the Moon appears to be actually a “full” moon )

Thank you Leomoon! That does sound about right! :( Sure wish we would have known this in January 2004, ya know?
Thank you Leomoon! That does sound about right! :( Sure wish we would have known this in January 2004, ya know?

I agree Kim, and you have been there for her all along.
It is simply a heartbreaker.

Year New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter Delta T

1981 Jan 6 07:23 Jan 13 10:10 Jan 20 07:39 n Jan 28 04:19 00h01m
Using the Tad Mann (see link posted prior post) methodology, Adrianna was due for the registration of Pluto in her natal chart at anywhere from 1year 8 months to 2 years and perhaps up to 2.5 (I do not read it exact)….as Vedics who employ theirown methods would, because as a Tropical astrologer I believe heartily in free will both of the conscious selves and the soul working in unison on varying levels.

This being the case, still she would have had Pluto register at this age or time period .
Now we know Pluto means life altering situations, control that often is outside the self, anywhere (with such a young child) as death, murder, or even change of a home (life altering) abduction, etc. Something serious and not trivial is what Pluto is about.

Even so, for Pluto to then “Register” in the child’s life, there has to be a corresponding “Trigger” to convey this energy into the consciousness and life. We can see that the stellium over the 8th house (of death) starting with the North Node (just past the Vertex) may be one as it made a quincunx to her natal Pluto in transit.

We can also see the Transit of the Black Moon Lilith at 15degrees opposing her natal Pluto.
This may actually had been the trigger. Transiting Jupiter does also make a square to her natal Pluto at the same time.

I usually see Jupiter as a very spiritual planet, especially in one’s death, taking the soul back home., regardless of the sinner or sin. The soul’s “essence” as I think of it…..and again, I do not want to declare her dead yet, but I pass this on to contemplate on later.

Transiting Jupiter is also at this time conjunct fixed star Zosma, a portent of murder at 11 degrees Virgo.

With Transiting Lachesis (rx) at 25Virgo over her natal Part of Fortune (12th house within minutes) I’m afraid this is looking more and more to me like she met the same fate as her beloved mother. :(

We have to understand the baby’s Part of Fortune (termed misfortune I understand from this forum) when found in the 12th house …….is ALSO natally, opposed to Mars and Lachesis “cuts the thread” to this material world.

With Transiting Atropos (the 2nd Greek Fate mentioned) with Neptune over her 4th house (mother) and conjunct Moon (mother) and Mercury (the merging I mentioned earlier), I think she died with her mother. (remember, I gain momentum as I read outloud what I'm seeing in the chart esp. when it's a hard one like a child to be objective for me) :(

Transiting Moira and Mercury complete the Fates as she travels over the baby’s natal Lachesis at 21Aries which is square the Sun (life) and Venus in the 4th house.

I hope they keep this cold case going, and don’t give up until he is brought to justice!

Justice delayed is justice denied, but not for God’s justice. That’s the true justice, imo.

What is it the old Testament promised? “Justice is mine, saith the Lord” and nothing is missed …..

Eventually there will be severity of justice eeked out I promise you. Edgar Cayce tells us that the mind (the oversoul) is like a recording a phonograph needle making a “scratch” each time in the skein of time and space. Everything done that is important to the oversoul is then recorded.
You cannot escape your own doings…….NEVER!!!
If the killers of this mother and child are reading, they are better off to give up their truth now then later. It’s always worse when we cross over to wait until then.


Leomoon, this chart brought tears to my eyes. For this poor child and her mother, for the poor grandmother who is still hoping, and for you having to put into words something so abhorrent as the death of a baby.

I did love the part about Jennifer completing her life's dream by having Adrianna, and I hope that gives her mother peace. Her life had meaning, and she felt fulfilled. That is huge.

I also agree, it's better for the murderer to admit it now. He will face judgement in the end, no one truly escapes justice.

Edited to add: I'm sorry I have nothing of astrological value add. I hope my post is ok in this thread.
Awww Leomoon80 Thank you so much.. So sad for Kathy and her family.
I pray that no one else falls victim to this family. I hope and pray that some day the truth will come out and justice will be served.
Wow,had not been on this link in while. Thank you sooooo much for doing the charts. Looks as we suspected all along sadly though. As I did read the charts,a question arose.........Do you think their bodies will be found?
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