Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1

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Tuba, if there could possibly be an additional person involved, does the chart show it? If so, male or female? Would this person maybe be a love interest or simply platonic? Further to this question, I believe he's deceased since I've read these charts since the beginning...however, I do wonder if maybe it could be interpretted another way - like, could Kyron be deceased "to Terri" such as she wrote him off & doesn't want the responsibility anymore? Could she have gotten rid of him, or had him taken away, to get him out of sight therefore since he's no longer in her life, he's dead to her? I'm not trying to confuse anybody reading this, only attempting to cover all ground...that's all. I think Kyron was strangled in some way...but does the chart show how? Ie: hands, rope, pressure, etc. I wonder about the rope picture. I think if the rope was actually related to Kyron, it would have been released by now...then again, maybe not?
Does anyone have Kaine's birthdate/time of birth?
i want to read his natal chart for my own personal reasons.
I am not sleuthing him just want to run a chart between him and TH.
I apologize if it's been posted previously I am not finding it now.
i find this thread utterly fascinating and I appreciate all the work everyone who contributes to it.

I've used Feb.9 1974 with a Sunrise of 8:30AM in Portland. (see next post says Seattle)
I just had the day/yr. from Facebook when it was public
But honestly, I have no idea if this is correct, or the time of birth.
Seems to fit however.

Mercury conjunct "Skat" much misfortuned fated in the life. Sabian Symbol 9Pisces for "Self-Quickening"
and I would think the self of course is the unconscious mind.
Does anyone have Kaine's birthdate/time of birth?
i want to read his natal chart for my own personal reasons.
I am not sleuthing him just want to run a chart between him and TH.
I apologize if it's been posted previously I am not finding it now.
i find this thread utterly fascinating and I appreciate all the work everyone who contributes to it.

7am sunrise chart
and Seattle, Washington because thats where his family lives and lived back during that time.
The question of symbolic or metaphoric death has been asked before, I think in connection with Gabriel Johnson but maybe also Steve Koecher: could he have assumed a new identity and be dead to his old self. The death signatures in astrology do not work that way, however. It is not that such a shift doesn't occur at times but you would find the indications in and through Neptune, not through tragic marks like Sun° = Node° or (D) aspecting the victim Significator.
I've used Feb.9 1974 with a Sunrise of 8:30AM in Portland.:innocent:
But honestly, I have no idea if this is correct, or the time of birth.
Seems to fit however.
Mercury conjunct "Skat" much misfortuned fated in the life. Sabian Symbol 9Pisces for "Self-Quickening"
and I would think the self of course is the unconscious mind.

Thank you!
7am sunrise chart
and Seattle, Washington because thats where his family lives and lived back during that time.

Thank you- I thought he was from Shoreline or Seattle, WA. Thanks.
I had a dream that matches what you describe. An arrest and total psychotic break from reality. Either suicidal, detached from reality, delusional, confesses but has no memory of committing the actual crime or stand-off with police.
I do feel arrest is eminent.

Hmmm. Your post caused me to look at some of my favorite "crazy" asteroids that I apply to my mother.

Orcus #90482 Orcus was named for the Roman god of death, whom the Greeks called Thanatos and who is sometimes identified with Pluto. SWMNBN has it natally at 18:01 Cancer. Remember Venus was at 18 Cancer in the 12th house of the Last Seen chart. The Sun is at that degree on July 11th.

Orcus, 0:33 Virgo conjunct Venus, 0:35 Virgo on the 11th.

Whiterabbit. From "Alice in Wonderland" Alice followed the Whiterabbit down a rabbit hole into a surreal world, from which she nearly didn't come out of."

It's transiting SWMNBN's Jupiter 5:10 Scorpio.

There's one more that Jupiter is transiting, "Madhatter" at 4 Aries. Madness. He has many asteroid explanations & examples at his site.
Remember, the later chart for that day of havoc showed an arrest. Since the above chart has Moon approaching square to Mars, which not only rules her estranged husband but also the cusp of the law enforcement House, we can anticipate an arrest. The total solar eclipse this Sunday, July 11, squares the notorious Arrest Degree and lands on House 12 Venus with all fours (Farewell Chart).

I found this article about the upcoming eclipse.

A total Solar Eclipse occurs on July 11th at 3:41 PM EDT at 19 degrees and 24 minutes of Cancer. Its effects can be felt up to six months after the actual date of the eclipse. In the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, domestic issues, family, personal popularity, the public, women's interests, safety, security, food, support, our past/roots/heritage, and emotional issues will be a strong focus on a personal level. This eclipse is about new beginnings regarding all of these matters.

The article is very intresting, and from what I read and compared it to what we know of this case. I am hoping the eclipse will lead to a conclusion in this case.
Hmmm. Your post caused me to look at some of my favorite "crazy" asteroids that I apply to my mother.

Orcus #90482 Orcus was named for the Roman god of death, whom the Greeks called Thanatos and who is sometimes identified with Pluto. SWMNBN has it natally at 18:01 Cancer. Remember Venus was at 18 Cancer in the 12th house of the Last Seen chart. The Sun is at that degree on July 11th.

Orcus, 0:33 Virgo conjunct Venus, 0:35 Virgo on the 11th.

Whiterabbit. From "Alice in Wonderland" Alice followed the Whiterabbit down a rabbit hole into a surreal world, from which she nearly didn't come out of."

It's transiting SWMNBN's Jupiter 5:10 Scorpio.

There's one more that Jupiter is transiting, "Madhatter" at 4 Aries. Madness. He has many asteroid explanations & examples at his site.

Thank you for your post.

Would you mind telling me who is SWMNBN? I can't for the life of me figure it out.
Thank you for your post.

Would you mind telling me who is SWMNBN? I can't for the life of me figure it out.

siesta, this is just my opinion and I am not an astrologist, but since it appears that asteroid is Venus, and Venus is my understanding is Terri. If I'm wrong, someone please correct. I might not have stated that correctly but the bottom line is I think its Terri.
Not asteroid Lillith, not Black Moon Lilith but Dark Moon Lilith was at 13° Pisces 29' on June 4, 2010. That squares the 13° II Sun and shares degree with the 13° Capricorn node, conjunct (D). The Moon reached that degree shortly after Kaine arrived home. Dark Moon Lilith is a temptress that beckons and then denies or withholds whatever was the enticement. That she was so active is interesting because crisis Mercury this day was on the Intrinsic Degree of "Heeding a Voice".

All of this reminds me of a Websleuth's suggestion that Kyron was promised or offered something attractive to draw him away from the exhibits.
siesta, this is just my opinion and I am not an astrologist, but since it appears that asteroid is Venus, and Venus is my understanding is Terri. If I'm wrong, someone please correct. I might not have stated that correctly but the bottom line is I think its Terri.

Yes, Venus in the 12th (hidden house) is seen and believed to be someone (a woman) behind the scenes directing the show in front of the camera or the chart itself.

According to the latest Video interview, it appears that the Biological parents believe and say, that the LE has "a plan"...and they need to just go along with that plan.

I suppose the hope of all, is that Kyron somehow, someway is still alive and with the one who Venus passed the boy onto.

(REMOVED and corrected below)

(REMOVED and corrected below)

We all hope and pray with the family that Kyron can make it home....and that
this case will be resolved successfully very soon.

Here are the Videos posted today:

MARS is the Ruler of the 5th house of the Child - Mars is not in the 1st of self or the personality but in the 2nd house in this chart.
I see Mars as representative of Kyron, because the 5th is ruled by this planet.

I also see the Vertex located in the 5th House as representing the actual kidnapping of the child himself.
In other words "The EVENT" itself.

Hope this clarifies better my intention, as the house location was brought to my attention via PM to correct.
Thanks guys.

A BOLO was issued by FBI in Charleston WV for Kyron tonight there was a sighting of him at an Advanced Auto, and the BOLO was also for a 1994 silver ford van with no windows. This is a pretty desciptive BOLO and I dont think the FBI would put this out if they didn't feel it was credible.....
Tuba, LEOmoon, Paulette anyone who knows how can you please run a chart for this and see if it is possable it may be Kyron.......
OH Lord I pray it is true and they find him alive!!!
here is the link:
A BOLO was issued by FBI in Charleston WV for Kyron tonight there was a sighting of him at an Advanced Auto, and the BOLO was also for a 1994 silver ford van with no windows. This is a pretty desciptive BOLO and I dont think the FBI would put this out if they didn't feel it was credible.....
Tuba, LEOmoon, Paulette anyone who knows how can you please run a chart for this and see if it is possable it may be Kyron.......
OH Lord I pray it is true and they find him alive!!!
here is the link:

Praying someone is awake to run a chart for us this evening....
I see Leomoon's Green light ...
I'm trying to find a time of evening or day that they spotted this vehicle with a child?
Anyone have a time to work with?

What time was the call made?
I'm trying to find a time of evening or day that they spotted this vehicle with a child?
Anyone have a time to work with?

What time was the call made?

I am looking Leo, and I am following the thread along with facebook to see if any new info comes in about a specific time, is it possable to do a sunrise chart for today in Charleston WV, would that work at all.

Dang I wish I could read event charts better :banghead::banghead:
Leo, from what I have read so far, it appears this happened sometime today (Saturday, 7/10)
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