Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1

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"America" in the Last Seen chart (I use this to represent anything federal, like the FBI, etc.) was at 28:58 Aries, exactly trine to Mars 28:39 Leo. Mars represents Kyron but also the Police. So this trine shows the ease with which the FBI got involved in his case.

Asteroid "Carr" (are you sitting down?) was at 18:13 Cancer, exactly conjunct the 12th house Venus 18:35 Cancer, in the Last Seen chart.

Mercury has progressed to 0:10 Leo, the Ascendent of the 9:00 am chart & it's also at the degree of arrest.

Venus is at 0 degrees Virgo tonight, exactly conjunct "Virginia" 0:24 in the Last Seen chart.

"America" is 20 Taurus, almost at the 21 Taurus Mercury of the LSC.

Does that Jupiter in the 9th house of the LSC mean long distance travel? How peculiar to take him to WV...I just can't imagine what the point of that would be.
Leo, from what I have read so far, it appears this happened sometime today (Saturday, 7/10)

Remember the post that Fifth (Moderator) made many times...A chart must be pertinent, (this is), but it also needs a time to go by.
A point in time.

A Sunrise chart is really only good for a person who was born on a particular day to see a pattern or path that person, (along with perhaps a dozen others in that area), might take in life....and of couse without the individual's time of birth, it's a long shot for sure to match up with the transits, progressions, etc.

So, short answer is "no".

However, I'm posting what is called a Horary Chart with the question, "Was that Kyron sighting real?"

I'm not a Horary Astrologer however, but the chart will be valid for future study anyway by one who is qualified to look at it for clues.

p.s. I feel the same way you do Paulette, my reasoned logical mind says it can't be. Not because of the distance, I just can't imagine WHY someone would direct a friend to pick up a child and hold them ...for month, longer or what? What sense would this make?

The longer one holds a child the more problematic and iffy is the proposition to the perpetrator to do so.

Makes no sense to me, but I'll post the chart anyway.
Just a little something to start to narrow the time down, Advance Auto Parts closes at 9pm so it had to be sometime before 9pm.
Okay lets do process of elimination the article states Saturday night. Advance auto closes at 9 pm of course this would be Eastern time. So Saturday night prior to 9pm, I would guess about 7 or 8 pm would be night or else they would have said evening.
Good luck deciphering this one!

I'm not sure we can.

Saturn is in the 7th.

The Hour Ruler is Jupiter. The Ascendant Ruler (Moon) and Ascendant are in Water Signs, Jupiter is in a Fire Sign. No good.

Jupiter does rule the Ascendant and the Moon is in a separating square, so that should be enough to make the chart radical.

Shall we use the 7th or the 5th House? Missing person, I'm inclined to use the 7th with the Moon as signficator. I don't see any applying aspects between the Moon and the Ascendant Ruler or 12th House Ruler. The Moon is in rulership but just about to slam into the South Node. And the Moon is Combust.
I'm not sure we can.

Saturn is in the 7th.

The Hour Ruler is Jupiter. The Ascendant Ruler (Moon) and Ascendant are in Water Signs, Jupiter is in a Fire Sign. No good.

Jupiter does rule the Ascendant and the Moon is in a separating square, so that should be enough to make the chart radical.

Shall we use the 7th or the 5th House? Missing person, I'm inclined to use the 7th with the Moon as signficator. I don't see any applying aspects between the Moon and the Ascendant Ruler or 12th House Ruler. The Moon is in rulership but just about to slam into the South Node. And the Moon is Combust.

I didn't see your post when I posted Mircea and you are doing GREAT!

I'd see the 7th too as the missing person rather then the 5th in this case.
The Moon IS the significator in this chart.

What do you make of that SN or Moon conjunct the South Node ?

This is a chart that just reeks of trying to tell us something for certain!

This is quite creepy too,because it may be speaking of myself....who erected the chart?

Strictures Against Judgement: (from Celeste Teal's site):

Saturn in the Seventh House: If Saturn is in the 7th house, it also renders the chart unreadable.

BUT that does not preclude another more accomplished perhaps like Mircea? from trying to read the chart or does it?

Here are referenences to consider for this chart, to the 7th House and Saturn:

Astrologynotes Wiki

Considerations before judgement (

William Lilly considered an authority on Horary astrology by many practioners, wrote in his book Christian Astrology that not every horary chart is fit to be judged, and laid out twelve "considerations" about the chart that should be looked at to determine whether the chart is fit. The purpose of this was most likely to weed out questions that were asked frivolously or with malicious intent, or questions which the astrologer was not able to judge fairly. If the chart passes these twelve considerations, the astrologer deemed the question "radical" and fit to be judged:
Planetary Hour - The Lord of the hour should be of the same triplicity or nature as the Lord of the Ascendant (most astrologers today consider additional indicators of a connection between hour ruler and ascendant ruler).
The Ascendant must not be too early (0° - 3°). Something has to be learned or decided first
The Ascendant must not be too late (27° - 30°), the querent may already know the answer
The Ascendant, and the planet in the Ascendant, must describe the querent
The Moon must not be in square on opposition the lord of the seventh house
The Moon must not lie in the Via Combusta
The Moon must not be Void of Course
The cusp of the seventh house and its lord must not be afflicted
Saturn should not be on the Ascendant or in the first house, especially if retrograde
Saturn should not be in the seventh house
First house ruler should not be combust
Slow down everyone. First, we don't have accurate times the 'so called sighting' was made nor do we have an accurate time any BOLO was issued.

How can we get any accuracy by guessing times?

Also, just read out in the main forum by one of our Portland Oregon members who is watching TV. She said:

KGW addressed it. They said they have no confirmation yet (paraphrasing) - local FBI not aware, but they are following the possible WV sighting.
(post 242 by surrogatemom)..

appears someone called in a tip only.

KOIN is now reporting, it was NOT KYRON. Read respective thread out in main forum.
Leomoon you sound very down in you posts. I hope everything is okay with you. I will keep you in my prayers.

One thing that I see is that the 9th house is empty and the 9th house is distant travels. I beleive vehicals and cars are the 2nd house if I'm not mistaken, I'm doing this by memory so I could be wrong, but the second house is also empty.

If this was a relationship chart it would be SO much easier to read LOL
Leomoon you sound very down in you posts. I hope everything is okay with you. I will keep you in my prayers.

One thing that I see is that the 9th house is empty and the 9th house is distant travels. I beleive vehicals and cars are the 2nd house if I'm not mistaken, I'm doing this by memory so I could be wrong, but the second house is also empty.

If this was a relationship chart it would be SO much easier to read LOL

Thanks Butterflye, no - it's okay, I get tired of making dumb errors that's all, I think it's the old eyes truly.,

As for the Charts, I did want to point out how much respect I do have for Horary and am learning more about it all the time.

For instance, there was (as Mircea) first pointed to, a "Stricture" Against judgement in this chart and indeed, it was "Saturn in the 7th house" (see above posted strictures .

Now this is for a purpose and we are warned (in advance) when not to read the charts when these strictures appear, or some of them to "reconsider" what we are looking at for the ancients really did do their homework to give these to us.

In this case it appears, just as mentioned, that the entire sighting may indeed have been in error as to being Kyron.

So the "Stricture" of Saturn in the 7th, is very timely indeed if this is the case.
This chart (the universe is telling us) would not give us a correct answer regarding that which we are seeking, i.e. Kyron's whereabouts.

Goodnight, and thanks for your prayers, indeed, I can always use a ton of them for sure as can my dear husband.

And I personally feel this exercise was not in futility, but in learning about Strictures and how the Universe surely guides us as it did tonight, and Mircea was so observant to pick that one up.

She's the Honorary Horarist of the Evening.....
What do you make of that SN or Moon conjunct the South Node ?

Not good. Could be worse. It could be in the same degree.

William Lily said:
The Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon with the Head or Taile of the Dragon, brings damage to the Question propounded; see in what house they are in, and receive signification from thence.

Saturn in the Seventh House: If Saturn is in the 7th house, it also renders the chart unreadable.

I don't necessarily agree with that. You can read the chart, but you might be misinformed, there might be an error that you're unaware of, the subject matter might be beyond the astrologer's understanding (and result in a bad judgment) or the astrologer's mind might be "clouded thence."

FifthEssence said:
Slow down everyone. First, we don't have accurate times the 'so called sighting' was made nor do we have an accurate time any BOLO was issued.

That is precisely what Lily would say and that is what Saturn in the 7th House sometimes shows us.

local FBI not aware

That is a red flag right there.
I did a reading of the Venus archetype in question, and there's a lot of warrior, Arien, Mars energy is her chart. Competitive, strong physically and mentally, stubborn, she has a strong chart for a woman. Her career as a professional body builder would have been the best route. Her chart read of a professional
Athlete not doting mother. I believe it was her calling. I didn't see anything in her chart where I'd think working with children or raising several would be in her best interests.
The thanks button just wasn't enough! That is very pertinent information, IMO, as well as interesting.

Sad, all the way around I guess. All of the Horman's are in my thoughts and prayers over this tragedy- even TMH. All of the talk about PPD out in the main forum just breaks my heart- why can't we help these women.

No offense to anyone intended, but if this was a 'mans' issue we'd be all over it in the medical and insurance fields, as well as in research. It is prevalent, pervasive and very real and the nicest, kindest women in the world can be taken down by it, along with their innocent offspring and loved ones.

I did a reading of the Venus archetype in question, and there's a lot of warrior, Arien, Mars energy is her chart. Competitive, strong physically and mentally, stubborn, she has a strong chart for a woman. Her career as a professional body builder would have been the best route. Her chart read of a professional
Athlete not doting mother. I believe it was her calling. I didn't see anything in her chart where I'd think working with children or raising several would be in her best interests.

Thats an understatement if I have ever heard one. Have you ran her chart against Kyron's yet? Its very telling if you ask me there are many powerful squares which led me to suspect her from the start, especially the Saturn square Pluto, Saturn square Neptune, Jupitar squares Saturn....and her Mars squaring his Neptune is very telling to me, as she didn't have to much pateince for him. Dis I already mention the sun square Saturn?
These are just a few, but I feel the influence of Saturn squaring practically everything is a major reason for concern.
Some more items to paste on the bulletin board. Kyron and his dad shared a placement, Saturn at 28° of II. But Juno was atop both those 28° Saturns on June 4 and Juno is jealous, avenges any slight and Juno keeps score and, in fact, is constantly making adjustments to even the score. Juno was 28° II. You will remember that Kyron (& his dad) were also both squared by transit Saturn that day, as was Juno, of course.

Juno is integral to TMH's horoscope because it is 7° Pisces in her natal array. Is she therefore familiar with the above resentments and machinations? She is on intimate terms with them.

The other paste-up has to do with Ceres. Let's get basic. Ceres is the ability to nurture and on June 4 it had a backdrop of Capricorn, it was 0°38'. Uranus was 0°12' Aries. That is as much nurturing as a smack across the chops, as throwing hard ball at a seven year old backed against a wall, as shutting the door on his arm.
Tuba might we expect an arrest today? Thinking about that solar eclipse at around three something this afternoon IIRC.
Please re-read post #160 in the General Thread. New Moons and Full Moons cast their influence over a period in time or as I have called it, a pool of light. Eclipses stretch their influence much, much further and their impact is greater. Events very rarely happen at the time of a lunation, whether it be new, full or eclipsed. They happen when all the forces conspire. That means we need the cooperation of planets involved in the event to work with, for instance, an eclipse. Look at the original chart for his disappearance. Look at Mars, look at Saturn, look at Venus, look at Mercury and get back to me.
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