Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

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Well, the legal processing of Kristian Horman definitely WAS going on when the late May Full Moon in Kyron's House of the uncle squared his Fourth House Mars (exact). This led to his re-arrest at conviction as Kristian Horman had been free on bail. And this sordid affair dented Kyron's subconscious.

Other suspicious figures in Kyron's life? If the Hormans resorted to babysitters, certainly they would fit the placement. Also, if Kyron had a habit of roaming away from home, Moon in Sagittarius square Mars on the doorstep in the House of habits, that would fit the bill but we know he decidedly did not do that if we are to believe the testimony of all overseers in his life. If there was a suspicious chaperone at the science fair, or more than one (Sag is a dual Sign), that would also correspond to this very particular square.

Apart from alternate suspects, in answer to your question, could there have been behavior or attitudes or threats and statements that led off on the back of that Full Moon at the end of May? Yes, there could well have been anger, frustration and impatience in the caretaking function on the part of anyone ! who provided discipline, guidance, minding & supervision--no longer a "boys will be boys" indulgence but harsh condemnation toward Kyron's conduct. This, if it occurred at all, would have been building from the time of that May Full Moon up to and including the quarter Moon which excited the gestalt of back and forth emotional interplay.

You probably know, and it has been discussed in the General Thread, that the Full Moon has an afterclap of two weeks, until the following New Moon and that quarter Moons are agitants.
Tuba I am in awe. You are so amazing. I can tell that you have great knowledge with forensic astrology, but you have another gift and that is how you so beautifully word what is happening. Thank you so much. I love your posts. The other astrologers on this site you also have me in awe. I am so glad to have found this site. I wish that I knew astrology the way that all the astrologers do on this site. Thank you so much.
Tuba I am in awe. You are so amazing. I can tell that you have great knowledge with forensic astrology, but you have another gift and that is how you so beautifully word what is happening. Thank you so much. I love your posts. The other astrologers on this site you also have me in awe. I am so glad to have found this site. I wish that I knew astrology the way that all the astrologers do on this site. Thank you so much.

I share your awe. I come to read all the Astrologers posts, and I am so impressed with not only the chart analysis but how concise and powerful the messages can be here. Please add me to the list of people that want to say, "Thank You so much, dear Astrologers."

Puglover, after over a year of reading the astrologer's posts you start to understand astrology more and might get a hankering to see your own chart. The Astrology Library thread is wonderful if you want to start learning. It's not that easy to learn Astrology though...more awe for our astrologers.

Astrologers, while I'm here, may I ask if there is any degree that spells trouble more than other degrees? Some say 29 degrees, but I ran across this site discussing the 22nd degree, and wonder if you would agree with it. Here's the site:

The Secret of the 22nd Degree of Each Zodiac Sign
Yes, there is that school of thought and I believe Leomoon80 adheres to it. The critical degrees on the other hand, i.e., when matters climax and come to crisis are given in the General Thread. If you want to find them, shift over to that thread & in its own search engine, put "critcal degrees". That should bring them up & I hope it does.
Yes, there is that school of thought and I believe Leomoon80 adheres to it. The critical degrees on the other hand, i.e., when matters climax and come to crisis are given in the General Thread. If you want to find them, shift over to that thread & in its own search engine, put "critcal degrees". That should bring them up & I hope it does.

Sorry to get in the way, but I did save this as a word document some time ago about critical degrees. And thanks to Tuba and Leomoon80 for sharing knowledge here, sorry I cannot advance or converse, but thank you. Here it is, feel free to add:

Mentioned in the past but repeating for good measure: please help us everybody, if we miss any critical degrees in the charts we post. They are so important. 0, 13, 26 of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. 4 and 17 of II, Virgo, Sag & Pisces. 9 and 21 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. It is easy to neglect these in discussion but they add great emphasis and often explain why a signal event occurred.
Does the star of David in Kyrons chart indicate this criome has to do with an occult?
May I please ask can someone please show me a map link of where this guy Edward Dames's is talking about?

As I said a few posts above your inquiry:

Our astrological presentations are not founded on 'visions,' dreams or anything psychic.

Your inquiry should be directed to the 'Parking Lot' thread entitled Visions & Dreams in Kyron's Missing Persons forum.
Does the star of David in Kyrons chart indicate this criome has to do with an occult?


The Star of David is a unique astrological formation which has no such implications as occult anything.
Just an array of aspects creates this in his natal chart.

Just as having a mark such as he does, a Birthmark on his forehead not not connect him to the occult in any way, nor would point to his parents as connected to the occult or mysticism ; the same with this astrological formation. However it may be suggesting he must have been a very special soul.

Here are a few ideas to consider, although I think they got it wrong and in this case, one size does not fit all!

Star of David
A configuration of aspects formed when two Grand Trines are present in a horoscope, connected with each other by sextiles. In the ideal case they form a hexagon. As this configuration is very seldom formed, a number of astrologists consider that a Star of David occurs even with two unconnected Grand Trines.

P.Globa states that the Star of David shows a native protected in all he does, but one who does not avoid internal reorganizations; he or she will change in form to adapt, but the inner essence remains constant: "as he was in the cradle, such will be and in the grave". If Lilith does not enter the Hexagon, and Selena enters it, the given configuration will be all-mighty.

M.March and J. McEvers remark that the Hexagon configuration offers natives exclusive opportunities, and a brilliant ability to communicate with other people. The danger of a Star of David consists in expenditure of energy, because of the increased many-sided, various interests and the numerous opportunities. Intense (hard) aspects can help with this difficulty.

This explanation may be more in line with the reality however: (the article)

Though it is true that there is essentially only one geometric formation called the Star of David, what goes into the star or forms the star, whether planets, Arabian Parts, asteroids, or any other astrological or astronomical points has a great effect on the interpretations for that Star of David, the impact it will have, and who or what will be impacted. There are many different combinations and there are no simple answers since the appearance of the Stars and their interpretations are fairly recent.

You can read more here:

See Kyron's Star of David Here (BOTH Nodes, the North and the South Nodes the Black Moon Lilith
with Jupiter Neptune and Mercury form this star.
Thanks to my husband for his photoshop skills to create the aspects lines:
Note: Some Astrologers may question the idea of using the Black Moon Lilith,however I do not.
Zet is my program of choice from the UK and the program Astrologer uses it as noted.
Just as Mary Shea uses Chiron and points out that these are still fairly recent combinations as to the aspects possible meanings when combined and for sure, there is not really that much published on the Black Moon Lilith yet to truly understand the larger implications as pertains to Kyron, but I think it's there.

Hi, I'm new here (w/posting). I hope it's ok to jump in a little here regarding the Star of David.

"There are many ideas about the symbolic meaning of the Star of David. Some Kabbalists thought that the six points represented God's absolute rule over the universe in all six directions: north, south, east, west, up and down. They also believed that the triangles represented humanity’s dual nature – good and evil – and that the star could be used as protection against evil spirits."

The Star of David, on Israel's flag is a symbol of hope and protection for Jewish people and for anyone who seeks for it.

I know many are praying for Kyron's protection from evil.

As for the Freemason's symbol ( The Masonic symbol of the compass and the T-square represents movement toward perfection and a balance between the spiritual and physical which resembles Egyptian and oriental mysticism. Some see the Freemason's as the brotherhood of darkness. Kaine and R. Neil Horman are Freemasons.

Some believe the Freemasons are satanic whereas others view them the same as the moose lodge. Although free will allows us to unbind ourselves from the sins of our fathers, as children, our parents' decisions can bring evil and danger into our lives.

I will speak more on my pt of view in the dreams thread about the Star of David meaning to me, from a dream I had last year.
Hi and welcome Snowden.

Your post is quite interesting and as Fifth Essence suggested, we need to then go to the Dream Forum board to understand the implications , if the Star of David within the context of occult underpinnings as to one's belief system whether religious or otherwise

Points on a natal chart, can be connected in an Infinite number of ways to form a variety of geometric shapes. A Kite for instance, does not mean someone is playful or child like. For convenience, they then are named as "Kite, Cradle, Star, etc."
and doesn't necessarily have a connotation to the shape itself or at least from my personal point of view.

But yet, it is a formation or geometric shape, the outline or shape of a Kite. And by the same token, the Star of David is simply two triangles when you connect certain points , yet the same points may be connected in other ways as well which would not yield a Star of David or any star for that matter.

Of course having a Star or any other formation in our natal (such as a Cradle for my daughter, a T Square for another, or various other formations ) indeed suggest a variance of how the energies are expended, A "T" Square doesn't mean one would be a draftsperson for instance and a square would not mean automatically one might be a mason, even though as pointed out, one of the Symbols for a Mason is a square.

I do agree that Free Will is also a staple of the soul's sojourn through this plane. But of course even saying that is a philosophical statement because the Vedic Astrologers believe more is cut and dried when we come into this realm, i.e. this is why their Astology is more "event" driven as they have honed their skills over thousands of years.

Then of course, we all know the Ancients in their eternal wisdom, connected the dots in the heavens to give us formations that appear to be "The Fishes" "The Archer" and on and on...which we've come find now, endearing and symbolic of much in astrology. But they are still the invention of man to do so.

We all know of people who have willingly lent themselves over to evil actions, and that is very sad.

Looking forward to reading your posts on the Dream thread and future interaction.
Does the star of David in Kyrons chart indicate this criome has to do with an occult?

Hi Zaha:
What I should have said to be clearer in my post is "No" it does not have the power (in and of itself) to do any type of harm anymore then a birthmark would .

However, as the link posted by Snowden clearly shows there are of course occult symbols all over the place...

My grandmother once sent a cotton quilt (home made) to the Cleaners during World War 2 to have cleaned as she often sent out her larger items.
It came back from the cleaners marked "Return - cannot clean, it's a swastika! " And yes even with a quotation mark after the sentence.

She laughed because of course it was not a swastika, but rather
an ancient Indian symbol (turned backwards) by the Nazis at the time,
but my grandfather born late 1880s, and grandmother 1900,
always used these symbols on their quilts and other items for "Good luck"
It was a common enough symbol for them and their relatives in the Abnaki-Huron tribes.

My grandfather is a full blood American Indian but of course the country was full of fear and hatred at that time for the brutality of the Nazis and got confused or rather they thought there was some power or message when clearly there was not, had they known better.

I should have been clearer in my response, to just say, "No" not in the way one might think. There is no hidden message in Kyron's chart, imo, anymore then in my grandmother's quilt, although certainly there are symbols galore in life.

Sorry I wasn't more clear in my post.

And of course as usual, just in my opinion.

I posted his chart however, so others might get the benefit of seeing how the various planets and points line up if we want to make them line up in this way.
They can also line up in alternate ways too perhaps in other patterns we can then create patterns, just like the ancients once did for "familiar" things in the sky , which make patterns for us to relate to what we know and can relate to.
Thank you for the detailed explanations. I'm wondering if the Star of David could help explain how Kyron's disappearance gained so much attention and is of interest and concern to so many people everywhere.
As I said a few posts above your inquiry:

Our astrological presentations are not founded on 'visions,' dreams or anything psychic.

Your inquiry should be directed to the 'Parking Lot' thread entitled Visions & Dreams in Kyron's Missing Persons forum.

Hi, newbie here. Sorry to ask but I cannot locate the "Parking Lot" thread entitled Visions & Dreams in Kyron's Missing Persons forum. I haven't seen a search engine here either. Can someone please direct how to find that thread? Thank you so much.

A big thank you to Tuba and LeoMoon (and others) for the insightful interpretations of Kyron's chart! Astrology is a huge love of mine so I will settle in and watch the pros unlock the keys to these horrible crimes.
Thank you for the detailed explanations. I'm wondering if the Star of David could help explain how Kyron's disappearance gained so much attention and is of interest and concern to so many people everywhere.

It's interesting to contemplate and wonder about, but i don't believe in Astrology that everything, every point, detail etc. is noteworthy or symbolic of a larger picture.
The human brain seeks to find patterns and associations in randomness.
Creating order out of chaos, even on a simplistic level which I believe may describe this particular discussion as well.

Some things simply are coincidence, whereas others we try to emphasize are of neglible impact if any. Then there are some seemingly random patterns which indeed may provide the human brain with intuitive feedback.

Nikola Tesla for example insisted on everything be divisible by the number 3 even down to the number of napkins at the dinner table.
For him it symbolized something internally, but for the rest of us, it was simply quirky behavior.

I suppose when I think of Kyron I think that his T-Square gives us indication of some serious transformative challenges he will certainly bear in this lifetime as Pluto is involved (so dangerous ones were also a potential here)
as well the uniqueness of the child himself, may have some bearing on being seen with this particular configuration.

Here is an example of the only other saved chart I had in my saved charts I found interest with, for a Hexagon or Star of David.

As for the owner of this chart,
She departed this life on 19 Jan. 2009 as a result of the final stages of a debilitating and incurable muscular disease that was causing asphyxiation.

So you see, it may be a random pattern just as any are, which is peculiar and unique to that particular soul's choice to be born to bear, just as other configurations are to each of us who bear them.

We each have something we bear. We each show this in random patterns I presume which may or may not reflect that which we take on, to the others who observe our charts. Planets are simply vibrations, reflecting that which we are, a vibration. The randomness of the picture or the chart may indeed at times show something unique to each, but not always.
That is why I see Astrology, not as a hard science but as an Art.

Here is the list again, of what we might see in the Aspect formations
of Kyron's natal chart, (remembering that the Sun is the archtype for father the Moon for mother and then there is Venus -
Uranus the spoiler - often suggesting a missing person, an abrupt and totally unexpected event

Pluto the Transformer agent, Mercury the mind and the Black Moon Lilith, that which is there always into this plane of awareness from the other (perhaps unresolved emotions like a shadow following us) which does not require a catalyst such as most emotions connected to the Moon might to be a reactionary force.

The North Node symbolic in astrology of the group and the soul's purposeful movement in this life ideally speaking.

So to sum up we see:

Mystic Rectangle with the Black Moon Lilith, Mercury, Pluto & the North Node

T Square
- North Node the Sun and Pluto

Grand Trine: Saturn (woe and karma) Venus (?) and Uranus (the missing child)

To see the chart formations more clearly, it is on a post a few threads back:

(I just carried this graph forward for you to review again and suggest what Venus may be indicating as a "relative" symbol in his chart in the 5th House and part of the Grand Trine as I'm stumped on it for some reason or other.
My guess is it's TH as the 5th of the conception transits indicate another woman here for the mother of Kyron.

Hi, newbie here. Sorry to ask but I cannot locate the "Parking Lot" thread entitled Visions & Dreams in Kyron's Missing Persons forum. I haven't seen a search engine here either. Can someone please direct how to find that thread? Thank you so much.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame] :)
Hi, newbie here. Sorry to ask but I cannot locate the "Parking Lot" thread entitled Visions & Dreams in Kyron's Missing Persons forum. I haven't seen a search engine here either. Can someone please direct how to find that thread? Thank you so much.

A big thank you to Tuba and LeoMoon (and others) for the insightful interpretations of Kyron's chart! Astrology is a huge love of mine so I will settle in and watch the pros unlock the keys to these horrible crimes.

Directions to the Parking Lot from here:
Scroll down this page to the bottom where you'll see a Forum Jump Box. There's an arrow allowing you to choose other places to go. It shows all the WS forum places. You'll see the Parking Lot, choose that, then go there. You'll find the Kyron - Dreams and Visions thread listed there.

BTW, thank you everyone for your feedback on my "degrees question". I find the subject of the Star of David fascinating. I am not sure my brain can hold all this information, but thankfully my computer can.
Those born in the late summer of 2002 share an unfortunate conjunction and this includes Kyron. The South Node of the Moon at that time was conjunct Pluto. This is a conjunction of violence & separation. Kyron was from the first, separated from his mother, Desiree. Other babies born at this time may confront destruction, upheavals and mass destiny such as we see in tsunami, floods, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, war, volcanic eruption. The prophecies of Edgar Cayce outline these global events and the period in which they occur.

We need to keep in mind the lay of the nodes in Kyron's chart as well. They are not only in the hidden Twelfth House and the House of daily routine and habit but they are intercepted. Care and custodial activity given to one (whether adult or child) come under House Six also. What goes on is concealed, disguised and misrepresented through lies. Kyron also had a deep sense of isolation coming from this node axis and from the interception.

What we do know is that SWNBN's Sun and Moon afflicted Kyron's nodes by squaring and conjoining the dragon's tail, respectively. This not only created tension between her and Kyron but also aggravated all the problems of Pluto on the South Node of the Moon. This has been touched on before in looking at the synastry between her Moon in Gemini square Kyron's Sun and her Pisces Sun & node opposing his own Sun. Because it is such a potent set of positions, it bore further examination.
I hope soon we here about the SWNBN's name!
and where this all ties in together!!!!
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