Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

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Missing Virginia Tech student disappeared one month ago today
November 17, 2009
While the Harrington's struggle with their pain, they hold onto each other and hold onto hope.

"How do you mourn?" asks Dan, "How do you not only mourn, but hold out hope?"

"You feel like you're quitting on Morgan if you start that mourning, grief process, that you've given up by now. I'm not ready to concede that Morgan is not alive in the world somewhere, I just can't," says Gil

Raw Video: Extended Interview With Morgan Harrington's Parents 4:32

Video: Missing Virginia Tech student disappeared one month ago today (11/17)1:56

One Month Mark Since Morgan Harrington Disappeared
Updated: 10:26 PM Nov 17, 2009
On the one-month anniversary of her daughter's disappearance, Morgan Harrington's mother released a new statement about her search and state police are trying to refute rumors about a woman's body that was found in Roanoke.

On the one-month anniversary of her daughter's disappearance, Morgan Harrington's mother released a new statement about her search and state police are trying to refute rumors about a woman's body that was found in Roanoke.

Virginia State Police say, based on a description and other evidence, the body that was found is that of another woman.

Video: Morgan Harrington Latest 0:49

Who Is Morgan Harrington?
CBS 6's Catie Beck travels to Roanoke to learn more about the girl behind the headlines.
November 17, 2009
CBS 6 travelled to Roanoke late last week. A parade of yellow ribbons surrounded the Harrington home and the car windows of nearby neighbors have become homegrown rolling billboards.

But when Dan Harrington gets home, he says his heart sinks a little. Not because of ribbons or windows inscriptions, "I see her car outside and just for a minute there's just this thought - oh Morgan is... and then you realize that she's not (home)."

"The prospect that you may never see your daughter again is probably one of the most painful things that a parent could have."

The day Morgan went missing the Harrington's packed a bag of her fresh clothes to take with them to the police station. They remain in the car.

"If you take them out, you're quitting on her, and we can't quit on her - you know?" Gill continues, "We're not going to quit on her."

Video: Who Is Morgan Harrington? 11/18/09 4:12 Is Morgan Harrington?

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 1: 2:44

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 2: 11/18/09 3:09

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 3: 1:57

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 4: 2:23

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 5: 1:54

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 6: 2:06

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 7: 2:01

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 8: 2:20

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 9: 2:49

Raw Video: Harrington Interview Part 10: 1:32

Video: Parents of Missing Virginia Tech Student Announce New Search Plans 1:52

Video: Mark On The Missing National Attention 2:42 On The Missing National Attention

Harrington's Mother Blogs About Her Experience
Posted: Nov 17, 2009 11:37 PM EST
Updated: Nov 18, 2009 12:10 PM EST
Spokesperson Corinne Geller says the search and investigation into the 20-year-old's October 17th disappearance continue. Nearly 500 leads have come in on the case.

Morgan&#8217;s mom Gil blogged about managing the emotions of her missing daughter, who has been missing for one month now.

She says if you let the loss ruin your life you let the guys who snatched Morgan win, you let evil win, and that she cannot let that happen.

Mrs. Harrington goes on to say that her planned circumscribed picture of a life has been fractured, but the shards can be rearranged into a mosaic. Different, but still beautiful and precious.

Video: Gil Harrington Blogs About Her Experience 0:42

ValPak Franchise Owner Helping in Search for Morgan Harrington
Posted: Nov 18, 2009 4:49 PM EST
Updated: Nov 18, 2009 5:04 PM EST
A man the Harrington&#8217;s have never met is doing what he can to keep hope alive, that's because 23-years ago, he found himself facing the same kind of pain. Tim Walker's older brother harry, vanished, in Maryland.

Tim Walker said, &#8220;And looking at their eyes when they speak, and what they're going through is the same look my mother has to this day. About 23 and a half years ago, my brother became missing,&#8221;

Investigators tried to find his brother, but all leads came up empty. &#8220;The police eventually did find his car, they did find his clothes, they did find his wallet which makes the story of my brother being vanished that much stranger because he just like poof into mid-air,&#8221; he said.

The memory of that time launched Tim and his colleague Adam Swan into action. The two own Valpak franchises. Tim in the Shenandoah Valley, and Adam in Charlottesville.

Tim Walker said, &#8220;They did call us to interview us and ask us questions about my brother and thoughts of where we might think he would be, but it just wasn't a big news story.&#8221;

In the end, it's the "not knowing" that breaks his mother's heart. Tim Walker said, &#8220;Even to this day, she still mails him a birthday card, even knowing he's not where he is.&#8221;

Now Tim and Adam are mailing a reminder to keep hope alive for Morgan and her parents. The Valpak coupons are going out all across central Virginia this week. If you haven't received yours yet, look for it in the next few days.

Video: Harrington Flyer In ValPaks 1:13 Flyer In ValPaks&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

Harrington Search Day 32
Posted: Nov 18, 2009 4:39 PM EST
Updated: Nov 18, 2009 4:41 PM EST
The Harrington&#8217;s brought flowers and new weather-proof signs to the memorial on the bridge. Morgan's parents also hung Tibetan prayer flags, which Gil Harrington says Morgan hung in her apartment in bedroom. They say they just feel the need to be where she was last seen and in the community where she was abducted from.

Gil Harrington says she's staying optimistic about finding her daughter, but it's getting harder. &#8220;Until this point I have been saying that we're getting ragged. But I would say as of last night, we're kind of unraveling a bit because it has been a month and that's a big block of time. And you know a holiday for families is right around the corner and our family is fractured. It's difficult.&#8221;

The Harrington&#8217;s stressed that the memorial on the bridge is in no way a sign that they've given up hope.

Video: Missing Students Parents Revisit Charlottesville 3:24 Students Parents Revisit Charlottesville&flvUri=&partnerclipid=

Harringtons Return to Charlottesville
Updated: 8:06 AM Nov 19, 2009
While police have gotten about 500 tips in the time since her disappearance, they say none of them has led to finding Morgan.

Police say they have no suspects and no description of a car Morgan may have gotten into while walking on the Copeley Street Bridge.

Gil says, if there is another community search effort, it would likely move from Charlottesville towards Harrisonburg because Morgan would most likely have been trying to get to the Valley city.

Video: Morgan Harrington Latest 0:36

Metallica's Robert Trujillo Comments on Missing Fan Morgan Harrington
Nov 19th 2009 9:30AM
She's been missing for over a month, despite a $150,000 reward for information regarding her disappearance, but the parents of Metallica fan and 20-year-old Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington are not giving up. They won't stop searching until Morgan is found, and according to Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo, the band is praying for her safe return.

"I was crushed," Trujillo says in a recent interview, about learning of Harrington's disappearance; he added that the case has been ever-present on the band members' minds. "Stuff like this just really, really bums me out, especially when you are a parent and you have children. I mean, it's the worst thing that you could ever imagine. And of course, you know, we're all hoping for the best and just praying that she's alive. It really hit a sour chord with us and bummed us out."

Trujillo is the second member of the band to comment on the case. Last month, guitarist Kirk Hammett told reporters that the band was "staying positive that she will be found soon," and added that "we are all hoping for the best and praying for her and her family. We all have children and as parents ourselves, it's our worst nightmare for a child to go out and not come back home. We empathize with that greatly, so we are doing what we can to help find her. We are staying positive."

Parents of missing Morgan Harrington give dental records to state police
November 19th 02:32pm
The parents of missing VT student Morgan Harrington were in town yesterday to deliver their daughter&#8217;s dental records to the state police.

The Newsplex reports that Dan and Gil Harrington put posters of their daughter and painted the family symbol on the Copeley Road bridge, near the John Paul Jones Arena where Harrington was attending a Metallica concert on Saturday, October 17.


These poor parents. Dan Harrington especially looks like he has lost so much weight. I can't imagine what they are going through. They are certainly a special, classy couple. I am praying for some closure for them. Doesn't seem like there will be a positive ending for them. :(

do any of morgan's charts tell you the closeness of her friendship with those that attended the concert with her? i saw a post that theorized morgan's parents may have purchased the concert tickets so she could reconnect with old friends. it seems she would be closest to her roommate, but i don't know about the others. i am also trying to find reference to how many tickets were purchased because if there were friends who declined, that could be significant.
Virginia Tech worker plans worldwide vigil for Morgan Harrington
Published: November 20, 2009
Updated: November 20, 2009
Jarels says as the holidays get closer, he knew it would get tougher and tougher for them, so he and another supporter organized a candlelight vigil called &#8220;Lighting the World with Candles for Morgan&#8221; Saturday night.

People on have responded from Canada, England, France, China, Japan, New Zealand, and 25 other states saying they would participate in the vigil.

He&#8217;s encouraging everyone talks to on the website to go outside at nine pm, light a candle, and pray for Morgan and her family.

Jarels says he wants the Harringtons to come outside there home and see dozens of candles all around to show that everyone is supporting them. He says he hopes the vigil will reach someone, somewhere in the world that will help bring Morgan home.

Video: Virginia Tech worker plans worldwide vigil for Morgan Harrington 2:21


This just brings tears to my eyes…I have been having so much thought of Morgan’s family and the thoughts that Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and this most likely (I hope I am wrong) will be a first w/o Morgan. I am not even her Mother and it is devastating for me to comprehend… let alone what Mrs. Harrington is going through.

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with this family. Keeping hope alive for truth, hope, and to be strong doing this horrible time in their lives. Praying for answers and a safe return home for Morgan.
hi astros,
a couple questions: the first last seen event chart was for 8:40 pm. was that for the last phone call between morgan and friends?
the current last seen chart is last sighting of 9:30 pm, right?
ok, well what if the witnesses are just plain wrong? it seems maybe the 8:40 cellphone call is good bc morgan's voice was heard and the police have a record of it, i think. was a texting conversation and that could mean it was not necessarily morgan receiving and replying.

i'm trying to think of different things. morgan's dad spoke to her on the cellphone about 2 pm from what i have read. that seems reliable enough. my main question then would be is there any advantage to doing a last scene chart for the 2 pm phone call to dad?

i'm not trying to muddy the waters, i was just wondering if that could provide any pertinent info. even if morgan was supposedly seen on video, i would not believe it unless the parents verified it and we've not heard of that
The first chart on the thread was for 8:40 p.m. when Morgan made a cell call to the arena inside. The friends also noted what they initiated at 8:48, a text message I believe and that was not charted. The incoming from her was verified on their cell by police. She actually left them inside at 8:20, an approximation, and that was charted. The sighting by multiple witnesses on Copeley Bridge was charted and posted and that was for 9:30 p.m. There is no rock solid proof any of this was Morgan, no. Dr. Harrington's report to police was logged at the station, fortunately because his memory of when he placed it was in error. The 2:00 p.m. call is therefore unreliable. If you doubt any of these timed charts, use the time police logged his call. The Norma Parsons sighting was also charted by the way.

There is information about the attitude of the friends under the police logged Sunday chart. Three friends went with Morgan to the concert as far as we know, plus the male friend of one. Dr. Harrington bought nine tickets, though, krazykidz, to answer your question posted above.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA[/ame] This is the time police logged in the doctor's report and the chart for it. What warns us that all is not right with the "friendship", if we still needed poking is that the same Sign is on the House of friends and the House of enemies, 11 and 12. That is bad bongos but if you object that this indicates more their attitude toward the doctor, the friends of his daughter in this chart look far worse. They are Mars squared by the Moon and inconjunct Pluto.
oh, thankyou tuba! that is enlightening. it supports the possibility that morgan's parents perceived more of a friendship between morgan and the other 8 friends than may have existed. ah, it is just too too sad. i think if i have read previous posts correctly, morgan's roommate and the policeman's daughter are the only girls besides morgan from the original "9". i guess the roommates sister and the boyfriend of a friend could have been last minute if 4 girls declined.

and i don't question your interpretations or charts at all. you are brilliant. these event charts are very intriguing
wait, i can't add. that would be 6 friends from the group of 9 that declined. right? my poor brain is fried. brain cells slough off daily with all of my kids. ack
Yes, the Harringtons must have read into those relationships, perhaps with nostalgia from the girls' high school days. Either that or they were overly optimistic as to what this excursion would do for the ties among them.

Note to vaire: Morgan is way more sensitive than the average bear with a sore head because she was born with the Moon in Aries. The cranium is susceptible to pain and injury and vulnerable. vaire believes the fall did some damage.
I can attest to head injuries. Having Moon in Aries sharing the same house as my Pisces midheaven, I tend to suffer head and foot injuries frequently and many times at the same time. A nasty trip can cause devilish head injuries and I have the scars to prove it.

When I read that Morgan was said to have fallen and had a bloody nose (was that right?) or at least some sort of facial injury, I thought, oh, no, that can't be good especially the way the planets were aligned along with the moon wobble. One wonders how such close friends could not be at all worried about her after that fall and she told them they weren't allowing her back into the arena. This young lady must have been dazed and not thinking straight. I don't know, there are just too many questions......

Thanks, Tuba for the info. Brilliant as always.
Tuba, I could not agree more with the natal placement of the Moon (sensitive) in Aries, (ruler of the head) being a celestial marker for trouble with the noggin. I will state again that the 12th house placement of Caput Algol in the event chart made my heart sink. I realize that this malefic star is way out of orb to be considered by the ancients, but I always like to take a look at it as it usually can speak volumes about what may have happened. Do you use orb's when considering the effects of the fixed stars?

**Note** I work for a group of radiologists in the Baylor Plano area in Texas. I have heard stories, many of them, of how a person who is having a slow bleed in the brain can act completely out of character. One story that comes to mind came from one of the CT techs, who jaw was broken by a 86 year old woman who weighed about 120 lbs. Sometimes when a person has a CVA, (cerebreal vascular accident), they can become very combative and agressive. And very, very confused. I wonder if this is how she ended up outside?
Sometimes when a person has a CVA, (cerebreal vascular accident), they can become very combative and agressive. And very, very confused. I wonder if this is how she ended up outside?

Wasn't CVA what killed actress Natasha Richardson? She had a fall on the ski slopes, thought she was fine, then began to feel unwell and a few hours later was unconscious.

We make jokes about people hitting their heads (good thing it was his hard head and not something more prone to injury) but head injuries can be extremely serious.

A confused, stunned young lady standing alone outside an arena and a locked car would certainly make her a prime target. Moreso if she wandered down a lonely road.

Could her friends have told her to find her own way home instead of her volunteering to do so?

I really do have sympathy for her parents. Not only is their daughter missing, they don't have accurate information about what happened that night.
You know, thinking more about the head injury aspect of things, this could make sense of the purse situation as well. Sometimes I think people get an amnesia-like experience following concussions, where the people, places & things that should look familiar to them do not, at least temporarily. There could be many other reasons the purse was found where it was, but it never occured to me that maybe Morgan could've been so debilitated from her fall that she looked down, saw her purse and thought, "Whose stuff is this?," and left it there herself. A head injury could also potentially explain other odd aspects of her behavior that don't seem to add up otherwise, as others have mentioned.

P.S. Sorry to just barge in out of (seemingly) nowhere! I have been watching various threads on this forum with great interest for several weeks, and guess my first post here would've probably been better if "astro-related" so I'm not mistaken as having found my way into the wrong thread! :) I find what you do here fascinating.
Vaire, the orbs used for Fixed Stars have always been very small, tight, 1° - 2° but when you directed us to House 12, my sense was that you were referring to the illumination or influence of Caput Algol in that hidden, behind the scenes area. And such illumination had no competition as the whole House was empty. To reveal that this constellation was active, we have only to look at the Part of Misfortune in the horoscope for her exit from seating inside the arena at 8:20 p.m. The Part of Misfortune was 29°33' Taurus at the Weeping Sisters. This House always tells us what has gone before, what has preceded the rising degree, and it was something to weep about. Two things were going on. Whatever incident made her get up and leave plus the toss she took. Others may want to deny it but the incident and the fall were the efficient cause of her disappearance.

The Sun has just gone into Sagittarius, so it is helping us explore what happened to Morgan on the night that both Mars and Pluto were also at 0°; further, the Moon has moved from Capricorn into Aquarius where Jupiter & Neptune were sending their messages that night.
People asked to light candles for Morgan Harrington
November 21, 2009
As the Season of Lights is about to begin, friends and family of Morgan Harrington prove they will not extinguish hope that she will come home safely.

On the website, people were asked to light a candle at 9 p.m. Saturday to pray for Morgan and her family. In Roanoke County, supporters lined the street outside of the 20-year-old's home.

"These lights are in no way any indication that we're mourning the life of Morgan Dana Harrington. These lights are to represent a way back home," says Kenny Jarels, who helped organize the effort.

As the Season of Lights is about to begin, friends and family of Morgan Harrington prove they will not extinguish hope that she will come home safely.

In Roanoke County, supporters lined the street outside of the 20-year-old's home.



Valley Residents Light Candles In Honor Of Morgan Harrington
Valley residents light candles in the hope of finding Morgan Harrington.
Updated: 5:37 AM Nov 22, 2009
While Morgan Harrington may still be missing, she has not been forgotten.

Tammy Strickler from Broadway, has never met Morgan, or her family, but on this Saturday evening, she's lighting candles and sending them with a prayer to bring Morgan home.

"I'm lighting these candles for Morgan's Mom and Dad, and for Morgan, just to show my support for them and to show them that we are thinking about them, and that we are praying for them," says Strickler.

Strickler believes these small acts of hope can carry a big message.


Video: Valley Residents Light Candles In Honor Of Morgan Harrington 2:00


Tuba, yes that is what I have been asking the board to consider. That star in the hidden 12th house, saying to me a hidden injury in the head. Thanks so much for your help with the orbs, this is such a wonderful place to learn and exchange ideas.
There's a blog post online (from a blog that WS does not link to) discussing a man who fancies himself a rock band critic and is involved in scouting HS athletes in basketball and football. The site provides a link to his "criticism." He is a UVA season ticket holder. He has gotten himself booted from the HelpFindMorgan website and also had an unusual FB page regarding Morgan. When I read the blog post, I thought of our short discussion about older men and music critics, as well as the fact that Morgan was seen talking to UVA basketball players. Could this guy have been in that group, on the fringes, or just watching?
Basketball Team Members Interviewed as Witnesses in Disappearance
Posted: Nov 24, 2009 12:44 PM EST
Updated: Nov 24, 2009 1:02 PM EST
The University of Virginia released new information about the Morgan Harrington investigation Tuesday. In a statement, the university says some members of the men's basketball team have been interviewed as witnesses.

After practice on the night of October 17, some team members were approached by a woman that fit Harrington's description. She disappeared later that night.

The players co-operated fully with police, and the university says they provided information that has helped establish a timeline leading up to Morgan's disappearance.

The school did not name the players who were interviewed.

UVA Players Questioned In Missing Student Case
Nov 24, 2009
According to a statement released by the University of Virginia, the unnamed players were approached by a woman resembling Harrington October 17, following a team practice. The team's practice facility is located close to the John Paul Jones Arena, where Harrington attended a Metallica concert that weekend.

The statement reads:

"As police worked to establish a time line of October 17 in hopes of locating Ms. Harrington, they interviewed a number of witnesses, including some members of the men¹s basketball team.

"After a practice, team members had been approached by a female consistent with Ms. Harrington's description.

"They cooperated fully with law enforcement investigators and, like other witnesses interviewed by the police, they provided information that is important to police efforts to establish Ms. Harrington¹s movements."


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