Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

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In response to inquiry about age of possible perp. We should look for planets peregrine for offender. If we exclude the modern planets, Saturn is peregrine in the 4th house (end of matters) in a very late degree. I would imagine this indicates an older person, quite a bit older, is involved in Morgans dissappearance.


Vaire, I respectfully disagree. SATURN is Lord 8, Death.

Lord 1 MERCURY is Morgan, Lord 7, JUPITER in Aquarius, is the perp. He is somewhat older than Morgan, but not an old man. He is a stranger, a loner. Please see my post #17 on page 1 in this thread for further commentary.

The Last Seen Chart does not reveal why she left the arena. What it does reveal was that she was in highly unstable frame of mind, unlikely to be able to make good decisions (her significator MERCURY close approaching critical degree -- 13 Cardinal -- and under the Sun Beams, Part of PERIL exact conjunct ASCENDANT and Part of DELUSION exact conjunct MOON).


hello Soulscape, (above bbm) for some reason this has been rolling around in my mind over and over: delusion, delusion, delusion ... what was she deluded about? in the sense that she was coming to realize that she had been of the belief of/about a "friend" that now is being revealed to her as a lie or some type of betrayal and she would be unable to make good decisions because she is in a rage, like flying off the handle? could you expound on this delusion that you speak of? i have such a sinking feeling about these friends that i have not been able to put my finger on ...:(
hello Soulscape, (above bbm) for some reason this has been rolling around in my mind over and over: delusion, delusion, delusion ... what was she deluded about? in the sense that she was coming to realize that she had been of the belief of/about a "friend" that now is being revealed to her as a lie or some type of betrayal and she would be unable to make good decisions because she is in a rage, like flying off the handle? could you expound on this delusion that you speak of? i have such a sinking feeling about these friends that i have not been able to put my finger on ...:(

Sappho, an asteroid associated with friends, is posited at 11 Libra, close conjunct Morgan's significator MERCURY, 12:26 Libra, which, as you recall, is 34 minutes from critical degree (13 Cardinal), placing her in a most unstable and vulnerable state of mind. This asteroid placement is perhaps another clue that the friends may be key to figuring out what happened to Morgan.

The chart's SUN & MOON in the Via Combusta with MOON smack on the Part of Delusion could possibly indicate, as you suggest, some sort of meltdown over lies or betrayal, real or imagined. The SUN/MOON midpoint at 23 Libra is partile trine NEPTUNE 23 Aquarius. NEPTUNE is the classic significator of illusion/delusion/lies and betrayal. It is also the planet associated with drugs and all things addictive.

Hope this is ok to post here. Dr. Phil's having an episode in which it seems to suggest Morgan and Somer's parents will talk about their experiences. I didn't post this to Somer's thread.

Below is the episode listing from his site


EpisodeTitle: Abducted by a Predator
Date: Thursday, Nov. 12
Time: Check for your local listing on his site

Episode Overview
It seems that every day we hear stories about women and children being abducted by strangers, and oftentimes never found live. Recent news stories include the disappearance of Morgan Harrington, a 20-year-old Virginia Tech student who went missing during a Metallica concert, and 7-year-old Somer Thompson who was kidnapped and murdered while walking home from school.

In exclusive interviews, the parents of the victims speak out about their emotional struggles.

Do you know the top methods predators use to lure women and children? And, are you posting information on social networking Web sites that could put you in danger?

Tune in to find out legal, forensic and defense experts' advice for spotting predators, avoiding abduction and fighting off attackers.

Link to show page

We can agree to disagree, makes it more interesting that way, and I always love to learn new ways of looking at the chart. I tend to cookbook my charts out of Lilly, and that is how I arrived at my conclusion. Lilly referred to himself as a student of astrology, even as he was writing Christian Astrology. I too will always consider myself a student. I can see on the chart that you are following the trail from the 7th house of
"other", and that is also where I would go if there was no planet peregrine. Just another way of looking at the chart.
Still watching, still learning, and still praying for Morgan and her family............
Sappho, an asteroid associated with friends, is posited at 11 Libra, close conjunct Morgan's significator MERCURY, 12:26 Libra, which, as you recall, is 4 minutes from critical degree (13 Cardinal), placing her in a most unstable and vulnerable state of mind. This asteroid placement is perhaps another clue that the friends may be key to figuring out what happened to Morgan.

The chart's SUN & MOON in the Via Combusta with MOON smack on the Part of Delusion could possibly indicate, as you suggest, some sort of meltdown over lies or betrayal, real or imagined. The SUN/MOON midpoint at 23 Libra is partile trine NEPTUNE 23 Aquarius. NEPTUNE is the classic significator of illusion/delusion/lies and betrayal. It is also the planet associated with drugs and all things addictive.


hello again Soulscape, thank you for replying so quickly ... my BIGGEST question then, the one that keeps tripping me up is WHY/HOW would the parents seem to support these friends if indeed they are lying about what happened? is there anything in the charts that sheds any light on the dynamics between the parents and the friends? TIA! nellie
That is a very good question that is troubling a lot of the concerned public but it is directed to Soulscape and she will answer it.

I thought I would complicate matters just that little bit more. Those who follow Christian Astrology by Wm. Lilly vs. contemporary astrologers like Barbara Watters and Ivy Goldstein Jacobson do not take the same view of peregrine. If a planet is in the same element of its rulership but not in fall, detriment or exaltation, it is considered very comfortable, at home and in its element. Therefore, Saturn which comes out of Capricorn would be in its element (Earth) in Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo and not peregrine. The Moon, if she were in Libra, would be peregrine because her element is Water. The Sun that night would not be peregrine because he was in his Fall. Mars that night would not be peregrine because he is in his element (Fire).
That is a very good question that is troubling a lot of the concerned public but it is directed to Soulscape and she will answer it.

I thought I would complicate matters just that little bit more. Those who follow Christian Astrology by Wm. Lilly vs. contemporary astrologers like Barbara Watters and Ivy Goldstein Jacobson do not take the same view of peregrine. If a planet is in the same element of its rulership but not in fall, detriment or exaltation, it is considered very comfortable, at home and in its element. Therefore, Saturn which comes out of Capricorn would be in its element (Earth) in Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo and not peregrine. The Moon, if she were in Libra, would be peregrine because her element is Water. The Sun that night would not be peregrine because he was in his Fall. Mars that night would not be peregrine because he is in his element (Fire).

hello Tuba - i would love to hear your opinion as well! and you too Fifth ...

I don't think your post complicates matters, it sheds incredible light upon the matter! This is why I love this forum. I have much to learn about the modern ways, and you have helped to point the best direction for me to proceed. Watters and Jacobsen it is, now I am off to find some books by these ladies on Amazon. Thank you so much.

Had to look up the meaning ...

Peregrine; Foreign, alien. Said of a planet posited in a sign where it possesses no essential dignity; where it is neither dignified nor debilitated and appears to operate almost independently of other planets.

Thank goodness you did this. I had thought they were talking
about a symbol for the peregrine falcon.

Maybe because it is nearly 3am.
Local Valpak Helping Search Efforts for Missing Student
A local business owner says it's time to "amp up" the search for Morgan Harrington.
Posted: 8:56 PM Nov 10, 2009
Tim Walker, the owner of Shenandoah Valley's Valpak, decided to create his own search campaign for Harrington.

He is putting a flier in each of his blue advertising envelopes that are dispersed monthly through the mail. That flier will reach 120,000 homes in Charlottesville and the Shenandoah Valley.

Valpak recipients should begin to see the fliers about Harrington in their mail beginning November 18.

Video: Valpak Fliers 00:47

Morgan Harrington's Parents to Appear on Dr. Phil
While the search for Morgan Harrington continues, her parents are scheduled to talk about the case on the Dr. Phil show Thursday.
Posted: 5:50 PM Nov 11, 2009
Dan and Gil Harrington want to keep their daughter's disappearance in the media in the hope that someone will remember seeing her.

Last weekend, more then 1,600 people helped search for clues to her disappearance in and around the area where she was last seen.

There have been hundreds of leads, but no substantial information has been received.

Video: Harrington/Dr Phil 00:29

Dr. Phil Talks to Parents of Missing Woman, Morgan Harrington, and Mother of Murdered Somer Thompson
&#8220;We&#8217;re becoming a family of skeletons. Morgan, are you becoming a skeleton too?&#8221; &#8211; Dr. Phil reading from the journal of Gil Harrington, mother of a young woman missing after Metallica Concert
Nov 11, 2009
They keep a heartbreaking, detailed diary of what they are feeling so that they can keep their daughter alive in their hearts, but Gil and Dan Harrington admit to Dr. Phil, in their first talk show appearance, that they are "preparing ourselves that our daughter may not have been abducted, but also murdered.&#8221; This special episode of DR. PHIL will be broadcast Thursday, November 12 (check local listings).

Dr. Phil's Blog:

Dr. Phil's Facebook:

Parents embrace Web in Harrington search
Social networking sites are helping maintain interest in the search.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The message from Gil Harrington, the normally soft-spoken mother of missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington, was precise, prickly, even a bit menacing: "I am starting to get angry. I am slow to anger, but once it takes hold I am relentless. I will tear apart this world to find Morgan and get this guy."

Geller, of the state police, said the use of social networking tools is good for investigators overall because "you can never have too much information." However, she noted, statements posted on message boards and on Facebook are often repeated as facts, and misinformation has a way of proliferating rapidly on the Internet. She said reporters who monitor the sites call her in an effort to verify bits of information, "and I spend my time chasing down rumors."

Web site for Morgan (The Web site also features links to a Facebook page devoted to finding Morgan Harrington, a Flickr page where myriad photos of the 20-year-old are available, RSS and Twitter feeds, and YouTube videos related to the missing woman. is now the number one Internet source for information on Harrington, according to Grabowski; meanwhile, the Facebook page has more than 26,500 friends and is signing up 1,000 new friends daily, and the Twitter feed has doubled since Levick's arrival. The agency has also dealt directly with Google and enlisted the aid of bloggers to publicize the hunt for Harrington.)

Harrington parents appearing on &#8216;Dr. Phil&#8217;
Published: November 12, 2009
Updated: November 12, 2009
Talk show advice expert Dr. Phil interviewed the parents of missing student Morgan D. Harrington in an episode set to air at 3 p.m. today on NBC.

Search for Morgan won&#8217;t take &#8216;anything for granted&#8217;
Published: November 9, 2009
Updated: November 10, 2009
Ms. Harrington&#8217;s disappearance has made her famous. She&#8217;s the subject of Internet conjecture where folks speculate that she is involved in a romantic liaison, suffering amnesia or the victim of an 18- to 35-year-old male sexual predator.

She&#8217;s the topic of psychic dreams involving letters and dates, license plates and car descriptions, and visions of the young woman alive but embarrassed by the media circus and afraid to come out of hiding. Others have predicted her demise through alcohol poisoning.

Her story is every parent&#8217;s nightmare. It&#8217;s the haunting source of worry for Norma Parson, a Daily Progress newspaper carrier who believes she saw Ms. Harrington on the Lawn at the University of Virginia the morning after she walked out of the concert.

&#8220;I was doing my papers at 3:45 in the morning [Oct. 18] and I was making a decision as to how I wanted to put the papers out,&#8221; Mrs. Parson recalled. &#8220;I noticed all of this noise going on to the right of me and I see this young lady, all in black with long blonde hair, and she was leaning against the wall with this tall boy with curly hair and two shorter boys nearby.&#8221;

It wasn&#8217;t the first time Mrs. Parson has seen a bunch of kids somewhat intoxicated and hanging out at too-dang-early on the Lawn. In fact, it&#8217;s a common occurrence, so she thought little about it.

&#8220;I turned to go up the steps to Pavilion V and I noticed as I put the papers in the mailbox that they were coming toward me,&#8221; Mrs. Parson recalled. &#8220;She was near me, not on the other side or in the middle, but she was next to me. I saw her face and I&#8217;m a painter and I draw faces when I can&#8217;t even see them, so I remember faces. It was hers.&#8221;

Still, she thought nothing of it. Remember, kids out too late &#8212; or early &#8212; aren&#8217;t rare on the Lawn and neither are Gothic vestments. But when she saw a picture of Morgan Harrington in the paper a few days later, she thought about it, a lot.

Mrs. Parson has told her story to police and local media and Ms. Harrington&#8217;s parents, but said she has heard nothing back from detectives. She said she has not been asked to pick out the boys she saw in a lineup, although she said she remembers their faces well.

Detectives said they checked out her story and are continuing to do so, but have not contacted her for further follow-up. That, they said, is standard procedure.

Internet Biggest Tool in Search for Missing Metallica Fan Morgan Harrington
Posted on Nov 12th 2009 10:00AM
According to police, the Web has led to leads and angles the police may not have thought of. People, sitting at their computers, discussing the case, and what may have happened. The Virginia State Police have two agents assigned to perusing various sites in search of useful information. One woman, police said, wrote on Facebook that she had seen Harrington at a gas station in Orange County, and police checked into it but found nothing to corroborate the tip. Experts say the Harringtons are re-writing the playbook in missing children.


The friends must have questioned their own judgment after the mystery of Morgan's whereabouts rolled out. Remember, the event chart for Dr. Harrington's report to police tells us personal protection, self-defense against probes for responsibility was the paramount priority for them. That is not as it should be when your friend is missing. The friends were her guests at this concert, just to add further obligation to see to her well being and safety. These days the admonition we hear everywhere is "Come from the heart!" But where were these supposed pals coming from, the fear in the solar plexus? It wasn't the seat of reason and they weren't even flying by the seat of their pants. I'm all right, Jack. Never mind about you!

When the Moon is conjunct the Sun for a New Moon and the significator of the subject (Morgan) is below the horizon, those designated, i.e. Moon, Sun, Mercury, are all considered in the dark. The situation is occluded, obscured, and there are particulars of the situation that need to be cleared up before an interpretation can be reliably delivered.

We know that the activity of the Moon in Libra is on the defensive, seeking to manage a peaceful solution. Something offended Morgan and the way her exchanges with the friends are being packaged, that distress and tribulation is omitted. Saturn was not with the friends; he is in a different Sign. He was, however, at the venue and he is a problem (always, in an event). He may simply be the doorkeeper who refused readmittance but he could also represent a music critic because he is in Virgo and comes from House 9 of publications and strangers, travelers.

Now, as to why the parents are supporting and praising the friends, it may be that they represent the only present link to Morgan and therefore must not be alienated. What can be readily seen in the Sunday chart (report to police) is that the friends hold hidden knowledge. That is the very significance of Pluto, who has place in their First House. The First House also holds intercepts: concealment and deception, as with House 7 from which House the Moon in her fall issues. When we have the UCS factor plus the acceptance of the parents, what we do not have is light on the subject.
Tuba -

Just read your latest update very quickly so forgive me if I misunderstood you.....but are you saying that a music critic could be tied to her disappearance? I ask because on one of the sites I was reading the other night I came a across an online profile for someone that appeared to write for some type of magazine or online content type thing about various bands etc. Could this be relevant? If so, I will go back through my Internet history and find the links and forward them.

I apologize in advance if I misunderstood.

You didn't misunderstand but his contribution to the situation may have been an inappropriate remark or a slam on her that led to a "scene" with the friends. We do know that the gatekeeper, however much he simply adhered to policy and the rules, was indeed a source of causation for what eventuated. I wonder if a music critic--and surely some attended--could add any information to what we know.
There is a post on the regular thread that a crime blog is reporting that Morgan was seeing with UVA basketball players in the area where her things were found. (I won't name the blog because WS does not link to it.)

In addition, one UVA player, a star, has taken an "indefinite leave of absence" from the team. Of course, there may be no connection between that "leave" and Morgan's case, or the link might be that the LE interviews turned up some other activities, unrelated to Morgan, that suggested a leave was in order. But I recall Tuba writing some posts back about the university culture of silence around this case. Maybe it isn't just VT.

Maybe you can blend the news you read with this sighting by a newspaper distributor

Yes, it is the college and university culture as a whole, UCS: university and college suppression. Yale was another example I cited. But it goes on all over the country.
We know from the sighting chart that Norma Parsons knew what she saw and reported it accurately. We have no proof that she was correct, only that she was strictly truthful. The Moon // Neptune and the mutual reception between Uranus and Neptune and the perfect inconjunct between Mars and Pluto make it very possible to mistake one person for another.
Well, has anyone considered doing a chart for the 3:45 am timeframe when the paper carrier spots her at UV? If the police are not all over it, and it does not seem like they are, perhaps they have already ruled this sighting out, but what got my attention is that this lady is an artist, who is trained to look at faces, and she seems to feel strongly that this was Morgan. I tend not to do charts about events more than once, unless the time is proven to be wrong, but I have come here to learn, so I guess my question is:
Should we (is it valid, radical) to run another chart for this sighting?

Well, has anyone considered doing a chart for the 3:45 am timeframe when the paper carrier spots her at UV? If the police are not all over it, and it does not seem like they are, perhaps they have already ruled this sighting out, but what got my attention is that this lady is an artist, who is trained to look at faces, and she seems to feel strongly that this was Morgan. I tend not to do charts about events more than once, unless the time is proven to be wrong, but I have come here to learn, so I guess my question is:
Should we (is it valid, radical) to run another chart for this sighting?

Hi there Vaire. Nice to meet you...
I, of course, will defer to the much wiser and more knowledgeable Soulscape and Tuba and several others here who have been here from the beginning, but I think it's a smashing good idea!
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