Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

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It WAS her car which was taken to the either you have been misinformed by someone? or???:waitasec:

And THAT'S the problem with the accounts of the night in question. No one seems to have the same "facts": the friends, the dad. All conflicting. And with a young lady's life at stake. I just don't get it. :snooty:
We can't forget the U.C.S. factor: university & college suppression. "Annie Le was a Workplace Violence incident, not a Yale crime", um hum. Virginia Tech freshman, on a paved walking path was run over by the big Ford Excursion driven by another student, Aaron Pierce who fled the scene and who received 30 days in jail, whereas Brian McCloskey 18 died of his injuries five days later. Aaron had, of course, left him on the path to die. When he was discovered, authorities initially didn't know whether he had been beaten to a pulp or run over.

The schools and their trustees do not want the adverse publicity and are loathe to come clean. The massacre at VA Tech was beyond their powers to subdue and squelch and an expose that required no research and no writing. The U.C.S. factor is in my mental background always as I read and hear the contradictions and weightless "facts" provided media and the public.
No one pressed for the answer posed by our See Saw Pattern, so I'll take the initiative. In the two opposing areas, one finds the realistic planets, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Moon in her fall, and Sun. Arrayed against them are the outer planets which allow us to dream and transcend, along with optimistic Jupiter.

The Sun ruling House 8 of investigations and death is at the same degree as the south node of the Moon over in the hemisphere of realism. Sun is also square the nodes. Remember the Moon Wobble. When a planet shares the identical degree with the nodes, a fatality occurs. Who would that victim be? The subject of the report to authorities in House 10. The victim also happens to be a Leo and her natal Sun is on the cusp of House 8. Conspicuously, transit Mars is there too. Mars is inconjunct Pluto, finality.

The phone call to police is coming from House 3 of this report chart. Pisces on that cusp is misinformed and mistaken. The account provided is inaccurate. The truth of the matter is at the Aquarian sector and there we find the rulers of House 1 and 12: what happened at a distance, Sagittarius, is cause for self-protection, House 2, saying what will best defend ones position. This self-shielding attitude is wrong and that is clear from the fact that the Ascendant and the 12th House of self-undoing and regrettable acts share the same Sign.

The Part of Death for this report is 25:50 Virgo (same degree, once again, as the nodes) and the Part of Fatality is 29:18 Scorpio.
No one pressed for the answer posed by our See Saw Pattern, so I'll take the initiative. In the two opposing areas, one finds the realistic planets, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Moon in her fall, and Sun. Arrayed against them are the outer planets which allow us to dream and transcend, along with optimistic Jupiter.

The Sun ruling House 8 of investigations and death is at the same degree as the south node of the Moon over in the hemisphere of realism. Sun is also square the nodes. Remember the Moon Wobble. When a planet shares the identical degree with the nodes, a fatality occurs. Who would that victim be? The subject of the report to authorities in House 10. The victim also happens to be a Leo and her natal Sun is on the cusp of House 8. Conspicuously, transit Mars is there too. Mars is inconjunct Pluto, finality.

The phone call to police is coming from House 3 of this report chart. Pisces on that cusp is misinformed and mistaken. The account provided is inaccurate. The truth of the matter is at the Aquarian sector and there we find the rulers of House 1 and 12: what happened at a distance, Sagittarius, is cause for self-protection, House 2, saying what will best defend ones position. This self-shielding attitude is wrong and that is clear from the fact that the Ascendant and the 12th House of self-undoing and regrettable acts share the same Sign.

The Part of Death for this report is 25:50 Virgo (same degree, once again, as the nodes) and the Part of Fatality is 29:18 Scorpio.

Tuba, Could you interpret this for us. I have no idea what it means.

Thank you.
Good morning everyone. I would like to chime in just a bit about the chart for 10/17
9:30 pm. I must comment that I feel one consideration we must make is that the Moon is in the Via Combusta, or the Burning Way. I am rather old school and I realize that this is an event chart, rather than a true Horary, but could this be part of the reason that there is so much confusion about events for that evening? The ancients would not have considered the chart fit to judge. When this happens, how do you proceed ? Also, I could not but help notice the malefic fixed star Caput Aglol in smack dab in the middle of the 12th house and the natal placement is RIGHT AT THE CUSP of the 11th.
What does the board think of this?


Hello Vaire, I can't answer your questions b/c I do not know enough about astrology, but someone will. I am always happy to more talented astrologers helping with these cases, jump right in!
Good morning everyone. I would like to chime in just a bit about the chart for 10/17
9:30 pm. I must comment that I feel one consideration we must make is that the Moon is in the Via Combusta, or the Burning Way. I am rather old school and I realize that this is an event chart, rather than a true Horary, but could this be part of the reason that there is so much confusion about events for that evening? The ancients would not have considered the chart fit to judge. When this happens, how do you proceed ? Also, I could not but help notice the malefic fixed star Caput Aglol in smack dab in the middle of the 12th house and the natal placement is RIGHT AT THE CUSP of the 11th.
What does the board think of this?


Hello Vaire, and welcome to our Forensic Astrology Forum.

The bulk of the charts we examine in this Forum are event charts, not horary charts, and while examined in a similar way to horary charts, there are important differences. All event charts can be read, regardless of 'considerations before judgment.' (FWIW, I also believe all horary charts can be read, as well, although we must take the 'considerations' under advisement...)

ALGOL in the 9:30 pm Chart posited in 12th House is also inconjunct the SUN and sesquiquadrate MERCURY, Lord 1 (Morgan). ALGOL in the Reported Missing Chart is posited in the 5th House, 26:18 Taurus, partile inconjunct ASCENDANT** and close inconjunct SUN (Yod Formation with ALGOL as focal point). These are surely additional testimonies of the dire circumstances surrounding Morgan's mysterious disappearance.

The fact that ALGOL conjoins the 11th House Cusp in Morgan's sunrise natal chart gives symbolic testimony that misfortune may come from circumstances beyond her control and/or through friends (both 11th house matters). This is because the sunrise chart by its nature is symbolic, not being the 'true' birth chart.

[**I used Charlottesville VA coordinates 78:28 W 38:01 N which gives slightly different cusps than Tuba's chart.]

Thank you for your participation, Vaire, and we hope you will continue to jump in with your observations and contribute to our understanding of this and other cases on our Forum.

Reading from top to bottom, and taking the questions in the order in which they were asked: Money Girl, you may not have looked at the See Saw chart which is a post above the writing you question. In that chart analysis, Tuba wrote, "...the See Saw pattern featuring opposing possibilities. Is Morgan the victim of foul play or is she simply mysteriously elsewhere than where she is meant to be?" In other words, missing and incommunicado.

Tuba can be very abstruse and I will make the effort to interpret for her. The chart is weighted on two opposing sides. It sometimes happens but it is not usual for this see saw to be the case. One collection of planets is from House 8 through House 10 and Tuba called them the harsh realistic group because of their nature, aspects, Signs and Houses. The opposing collection of planets is over in Houses 1 through 3. Let's call them wishful thinking.

The harsh realistic planets, Moon square Mars, Venus square Pluto and Venus with Saturn and Mercury midpoint of Saturn and (Moon Wobble) Sun, make clear that Morgan was the victim of foul play and is not merely missing and out of touch.
Vaire, event charts must be read differently from horaries. When a customer or client comes to you with a question and you see strictures against judgment such as an Ascendant that is too early or too late, or her significator or the quesited is in the Via Combusta, you have the right to sound the buzzer and say, "This chart is not radical. Come back another time or think of another question."

Event charts depict something that did take place however much we may wish and pray that it did not. We have to accept this and work with the markers of that time and place. In any case, in the 9:30 and the 8:20 charts, the Moon is not void of course. She is shortly to conjoin the Sun which is square the nodes and in a Moon Wobble because of that. She and the Sun are in Via Combusta and that is the fiery star path of grave misfortune, as you say. But we are stuck with it because it depicts something that actually happened, not a query.
The Part of Fortune could not be more unfortunate and that is why we called it and dealt with it as the Part of Misfortune but we are stuck with it.

The birth time for Morgan is unavailable so there is no accurate personal chart but I did a separate chart for the event of her separation from the group and inserted her natal planets, so the interaction has been on view between the wheel of the night and what Morgan was.
This was not my own innovation. Evangeline Adams always did that. She cast the "accidental" horoscope of all the cusps of the moment and then placed the client's natal planets within the wheel.

Maybe some subjects have been clarified, maybe not. Trying to read Tuba's work is like attempting a Chinese puzzle. I did the best I could.
Vaire, if you are thinking what I think you are thinking, I agree with you. The Friends, House 11 and Caput Algol. Yes, something dreadfully wrong there.
Really impressive astrological work going on here...I am new to this forum, but familiar with astrology...and this work is extraordinary!
I understand that event charts do not need the classical considerations before reading, but what I meant to convey was that I am really troubled by that Moon in the Via Combusta. This is a very powerful, and I feel malefic placement. I was trying to see what the forum members feel this Moon could be saying to us. My personal opinion is that this Moon (in the 5th, party house!) is indicating that all information relating to the 5th house activity cannot be trusted for truth or accuracy. Mercury in the same house and sign as the Moon (Libra, 5th) backs this up. There is also a stellium in that 5th house, another reason that 5th house holds the key to it all, but such confusion in that house! Jones taught that once you place the matter in the right house, the answer often lies in the house opposite from it. Well if we all agree that Morgan is ruled by Mercury, and Mercury is in the 5th, we are right back to the 11th (friends) for the answer. This is very troubling, I doubt there will be a good outcome for this young woman.

Vaire, I've been looking at the 11th house and the friends since the beginning. I'm disturbed how their stories are contradictory and blase'. No one seems to want to find her or to care that she's not being found: "We were in her car", "She said she would get a ride", "We weren't in her car", "We waited for her", "We didn't wait for her because she said she would get a ride", "We were in her car", "We were not in her car".......

Something is just not right. Too many secrets, too many trying to cover their backsides, too many vague details. It doesn't even seem like they were close friends the way these "friends" haven't cared enough to come clean with the REAL truth. I'm not the only one who believes this and the charts say so, too. Whom are they covering for? Themselves? The guy she was with/meeting? Why would this girl who was so determined to see this concert just walk away without begging her friends to come to plead her case? Why leave in the first place? Most importantly, why can't these friends get their story straight?

Stepping off my soapbox now.

Thanks for the charts and explanations, Tuba and Soulscape. As always, fascinating and brilliant work. I agree with the assessment of the see-saw chart, someone is in self-preservation mode and it's not helping Morgan one bit. For shame.
i just threw out my 2 cents on the missing morgan thread about the possibility she was involved with an older man (maybe even married). this would account for secrecy and friends' possible anger at morgan about it. is there any way to analyze the last seen chart to see if it was an older person that approached her with bad intentions?
In the stack weighing against the friends, we also have to bear in mind that Neptune overhead that night opposed Morgan's own Mars (see post #6) and that is the marker for betrayal and treachery. Betrayal does not apply to unknowns, strangers, lurkers. Betrayal applies to those we should be able to trust and do trust.
Weekend Harrington search parties found items, but no leads
November 9, 2009
State Police say the more than 500 volunteers who showed up to search in the Charlottesville area over the weekend found parts of clothes as well as other objects, but no leads in the search for missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington.

Search for missing VT student Morgan Harrington reveals nothing new
Monday, November 09, 2009
Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said the search produced a couple of articles of clothing, none of which appeared relevant. She said police didn't find any significant clues or build on any possible leads.

Bob Smither of the Texas-based Laura Recovery Center for Missing Children said that more than 600 volunteers participated in Sunday's search. He said teams started in the morning and searched for two to four hours until there was no more daylight. Smither said much of the search was done on "challenging" rural terrain.

"This is certainly not the end of the search for Morgan," Smither said.

A map documenting the timeline of sightings of Harrington in the hour before she was last seen:

Search party finds no new clues to disappearance
Nearly 1,600 volunteers gather to search Charlottesville area for Harrington
November 9, 2009
The effort was headed by the Texas-based Laura Recovery Center, which worked with local rescue teams to search in and near Charlottesville. LRC co-founder Bob Smither said he believes the weekend search for Harrington was more extensive than most community searches.

&#8220;Law enforcement and search teams have done wonderful jobs,&#8221; Smither said. &#8220;But to get thousands of people out there, you&#8217;re going to find more stuff than a few [would].&#8221;

&#8220;The best scenario is obviously if we found Morgan safe and sound, and the worst scenario is that we don&#8217;t find her,&#8221; Mr. Harrington said. &#8220;There&#8217;s almost nothing worse than not having closure.&#8221;

Items found during Harrington search, but no leads
November 8, 2009
Updated: Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 10:33 a.m.
Volunteers in Charlottesville sacrificed their weekend to search for a missing Virginia Tech student. About 1,400 volunteers helped with the search.

State police say the search parties did recover various articles of discarded clothing and objects. But according to a news release, "None of those items has proven relevant to the case. Investigators are still continuing their efforts to pursue new leads as they come in from the tip line and through email."

Video: Volunteers wrap up three day search for Morgan Harrington (11/8) 1:53

Video: Hundreds Search Charlottesville Area For Morgan Harrington 1:52

Harrington&#8217;s scheduled to appear on Dr. Phil
Published: November 9, 2009
Updated: November 9, 2009
The Dr. Phil show was at the Harrington&#8217;s Roanoke County home Monday, taping a show scheduled to air Thursday at 4pm.

&#8220;I think it&#8217;s critical that we keep the story out there,&#8220; Morgan&#8217;s father Dan Harrington said.

Video: Harrington&#8217;s scheduled to appear on Dr. Phil 2:07


In response to inquiry about age of possible perp. We should look for planets peregrine for offender. If we exclude the modern planets, Saturn is peregrine in the 4th house (end of matters) in a very late degree. I would imagine this indicates an older person, quite a bit older, is involved in Morgans dissappearance.

thank you vaire for your answer. that supports my thoughts about an older familiar man. also, the chart indicating that she was "betrayed" by someone that she knows can refer to this person in addition to the friends, i guess. just a possible scenario straight out of my head with no rumors, facts, or anything else to base it on. oh, i hope she is alive
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